How to become feminine and attractive to men: psychology of femininity

Over time, some women's secrets of seduction and attractiveness are lost. They are simply not in demand in the world of technology and emancipation. Those who want to constantly have male attention will be helped by knowing how to become more feminine in appearance and attractive to men, whose psychology is unchanged and aimed at finding a worthy woman as a life partner.

What does femininity mean?

Many concepts are heard all the time, but deciphering them is difficult. This is a whole complex of properties described in one gentle word. It includes sensitivity, tenderness, fragility, sincerity and loyalty. It is interesting that these qualities have almost nothing to do with appearance and physique, but rather characterize spiritual aspects. Here there is a gradation at the level of instinct, where there can be no halftones, only yes or no.

The qualities that make a girl feminine can gradually develop, if they are not given by nature, the effect will be just as strong if you make an effort and take the right guidelines as a basis.


In dealing with the problem of expressing feelings, you will inevitably encounter internal blocks that will make any attempts at affection awkward. If you yourself received little of it in childhood, your parents did not consider it necessary to show care and love towards each other, you will copy their behavior, whether you want it or not. To get rid of the burden of the past, consult a psychoanalyst. Using psychodiagnostic methods, he will establish specific facts from your biography and help you learn self-hypnosis.

What is femininity?

It can be external and internal. To create an appropriate image, you will need to consider the main directions.

  1. Figure. Standards of beauty have changed over the centuries, sometimes beyond recognition. From the Paleolithic Venus, who did not have a face, but had the widest beards, a massive chest and a complete absence of a waist, fashion reached boyish forms and a state of semi-exhaustion. The ideal male half considers an hourglass shape with pronounced breasts, a thin waist and seductive hips. But it is worth remembering that each person subconsciously has his own ideal, so there are definitely connoisseurs of curvy hips, graceful hands or a snub nose. But it is important that the figure is fit in any case, which will be helped by the feminine figure glorified by poets and impeccable posture.
  2. Hair. Surprisingly, one of the mandatory elements for men is long, well-groomed curls. It is best if they are natural color or a shade close to it.
  3. Makeup. The best option is when it is practically invisible and only favorably emphasizes the natural attractiveness. Deliberately drawn arrows, eyelashes touching the tip of the nose or lips with a blood-red hue of arterial blood are more like the ritual mask of an Indian on the warpath. Yes, it’s original, but I don’t want to get closer.
  4. Fashion style. It serves as an excellent tool when it is necessary to become softer and more feminine in appearance, and a woman has a huge arsenal available to her: from lace and ruffles to skirts and seductive blouses. The softness and seductive lines are emphasized by floral patterns, delicate pastel shades, and a reasonable amount of decorative elements that create accents in the right places.
  5. Behavior, gestures and facial expressions reveal hidden thoughts and desires, so you need to constantly monitor them. Evil grimaces, obvious disgust or arrogance can nullify all efforts to create a feminine image.
  6. Emotionality, openness and the ability to empathize are considered the main spiritual signs of femininity.

What kind of women are considered attractive?

Looking at the list of advantages compiled on the basis of male opinion, you can find that, regardless of social class and age, representatives of the stronger sex want to see neatness, cleanliness, and high intelligence in a girl. They value self-esteem, the ability to maintain a conversation, emotional sensitivity and a piquant twist that adds uniqueness and mystery.

Here it is worth adding smoothness of movements, grace and the ability to present yourself favorably, without belittling your merits and without crossing the fine line beyond which vulgarity begins.

How to learn to be an attractive and feminine girl for guys

In fact, no supernatural efforts are needed. It is based on self-care, enrichment and revelation of the inner world. First of all, this is done for oneself, and the close admiring attention of representatives of the stronger sex becomes a pleasant bonus.

I recommend that you always remember that a woman who seeks to purposefully catch prey becomes a predator, this is felt from a distance and there is no talk of femininity. The strength of beautiful ladies lies in their apparent weakness; this is the only way to awaken the eternal male instinct to protect and protect the beloved, to tirelessly admire her and commit romantic follies in her honor.

Psychologist Daria Milai

Make an appointment

To understand how to make yourself attractive, just listen to your desires. Tenderness and elegance are achieved by following basic rules.

Take care of yourself

The system for maintaining a flourishing appearance and an even, friendly attitude towards others is clear and simple to implement. It means:

  • restful deep sleep at least 8 hours a day;
  • dosed physical activity;
  • walks in the open air;
  • carrying out cosmetic procedures;
  • careful daily hygiene;
  • balanced diet;
  • compliance with the drinking regime of at least 2 liters of liquid, the main part of which is clean water.

Health support and a sufficient amount of vitamins will help you look great at any age, and it’s not about the presence or absence of wrinkles, but about the harmony of your visible appearance and soul, illuminated by self-love.

Dress more feminine

The mask, if worn constantly, grows to the face. Likewise, my interlocutors sometimes ask about how to learn to be feminine and soft, coming to me in masculine clothes and with chewing gum in their mouth. Naturally, such a unisex style does not benefit the formation of a female image.

I am sure that external changes entail internal transformations. It is unlikely that having put on a flirty skirt and changed from comfortable but completely shapeless sneakers to elegant pumps, they will also rest their elbows on their knees or sit imposingly on a chair. Beautiful, stylish clothes awaken the desire to straighten your back, poise, and raise your head proudly. Often even the timbre of the voice changes, becoming velvety and attractive.

There is no need to go to the point of absurdity and consider the options created by fashion designers for the catwalks, but a sense of style and proportion will allow you to use the achievements of everyday fashion to your advantage. The golden rule is to see a little less than you want. It doesn’t matter what it is, the length of the dress or a transparent insert in the neckline, the main thing is that there is room for imagination. Don’t forget about comfortable shoes with heels, which gives grandeur to your posture and lightness to your gait.

Create an atmosphere of femininity

This concept includes a thousand little things:

  • timbre of voice and manner of speaking;
  • decent vocabulary and clear diction;
  • the subtle aroma of a good perfume mixed with the smell of freshness and cleanliness;
  • proper organization of the surrounding space;
  • harmonious combination of hairstyle and clothing style;
  • light makeup;
  • a relaxed atmosphere that helps create emotional comfort in the communication process.

Next to a true woman it is always comfortable and easy.

Act like a woman

Slang words, a cigarette and cheeky behavior on the verge of a foul are not an option for a lady who wants to look feminine. First of all, you need to feel a sense of self-worth, without driving yourself into the framework of public opinion. An excellent example was Anna Akhmatova. She took up a cigarette when it was condemned by society and immediately put the mouthpiece aside when the fashion for women's cigarettes began. And then she simply did not pay attention to the opinions of her gossips, remaining among them a true lady until the last years of her life. Bad habits are not good for you, so you can do without them, replacing them with sweet weaknesses.

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Femininity is achieved by such qualities as softness, friendliness and smiling. An eternally grumbling bitch who makes bilious remarks towards others can hardly be called sophisticated and feminine. A true lady has iron self-control, is fluent in facial expressions and body language, but at the same time sweet and spontaneous.

You should not deprive the stronger sex of wide steps and chopping movements, this is their prerogative. For a girl, a light gait and soft caressing gestures are enough, emphasizing her fragility and vulnerability.

How to become charming and attractive to your loved one

A few secrets will help you feel one and only, gain confidence in your abilities, which gives you inner light and femininity.

  1. You need to accept and love yourself, realizing that every woman is unique and this is her advantage. What to be is up to the lady herself to decide, without looking at fashion and public opinion.
  2. Maintain your style, do not allow criticism to eat a hole in your calm composure and dignity.
  3. It is important to appreciate and develop what nature has given, not to succumb to manipulation by others, to have your own opinion and firmly defend it, without going beyond the bounds of decency.
  4. Take care of yourself and do it with pleasure.
  5. Cultivate good manners.
  6. Learn to behave at ease in any society.
  7. Review your wardrobe and don’t be afraid to experiment to create a new look.
  8. Pay attention to self-development and self-education.
  9. Be an interesting conversationalist and attentive listener.
  10. Develop communication skills.

The most important thing in attractiveness is naturalness. A wide smile with a cold, snake-like gaze will not attract people, instinctively scaring them away with such pretense. A sincere, charming lady, passionate about her work, ready to listen and be inspired by ideas, will inevitably become the center of attraction for representatives of the stronger half of humanity in any company. Having mastered the art of light flirting to perfection will help create a relaxed, slightly playful atmosphere where it is pleasant to be and where you want to stay longer.

A little understatement is much more valuable than excess information; you shouldn’t engage in self-promotion, but hiding in a corner is harmful to your image. It’s better to unobtrusively demonstrate your erudition in a conversation without overwhelming your interlocutors with encyclopedic information. Gone are the days when good looks and an empty head were valued. Even the most spectacular fool will certainly lose to an educated and interesting interlocutor of any age.

Friendliness and sociability are your best friends

Many people by “simplicity” mean kindness, sociability and openness. This situation is radically different from the previous one. In this case, the matter concerns people who are withdrawn and closed to themselves, and not proud and self-confident. It is not always possible to immediately understand how to be a simple person to whom everyone is drawn. Try to make new acquaintances and communicate more with others. Indecision and lack of self-confidence very often push people away. Perhaps by becoming more sociable and open, you will achieve that very desired level of “simplicity”.

Psychologist's advice

Questions about how to learn femininity and how to become very feminine concern many girls and women who are deprived of male attention. Some people want to radically change their style, but they are stopped by not knowing where to start and what should happen in the end. I always warn against the main mistake, saying that you don’t need to choose an idol for yourself and blindly focus on it. It is much more useful to take a closer look at many famous ladies who are standards or to create the desired image for yourself, bringing together the qualities that you want to possess. And then it’s a matter of technique, perseverance and self-love.

It's worth trying:

  • eradicate the habit of crying and complaining about fate;
  • enjoy every day and find only good things in it;
  • develop self-control and self-control;
  • show respect to others;
  • do not lead the matter to an argument or quarrel;
  • communicate with pleasure;
  • take care of your appearance;
  • control behavior in society;
  • do not overwhelm your interlocutor with your intellect, maintaining a casual conversation;
  • eliminate defeatist and sad thoughts;
  • be satisfied with yourself and your life.

A small amount of coquetry, sincere interest in communication without intrusiveness and a slight flair of charm will not go unnoticed. And then she has the right to decide for herself whether she is interested in continuing the conversation or whether she should unobtrusively end it.

Ask a question

Communication skills

Did you know that courtesans and geishas charmed many men not with their beauty, but with their ability to communicate? Femininity also implies the ability to communicate, talk and carry on a conversation. Agree that a man is often looking for a good interlocutor with whom he can talk about life, problems, and beauty.

To learn how to express your thoughts correctly and beautifully and become feminine, you need to develop intellectually. Namely: read fiction, visit exhibitions, go to the theater, be interested in news in the field of politics, economics, and the lives of famous people. Only a well-read and competent girl can truly interest a man. People around you will be able to admire your knowledge, and you will become an interesting interlocutor, capable of supporting any conversation.

Do not forget that it is not appropriate for a feminine representative of the fair sex to use abusive and slang language in her speech. This will alienate your interlocutor and leave him with bad memories of you. Try not to raise your tone, speak smoothly and clearly so that those around you can understand you. By the way, some feminine ladies are able to captivate a man thanks to their gentle voice. Therefore, you have something to strive for.

To seduce the opposite sex, knowing how to correctly call a guy with affectionate words helps. Any person will like such gentle treatment and will have a positive attitude towards you.

What to do when interest wanes

They say that over time, communication becomes boring and turns from an enchanting holiday into a boring routine. A wise woman has the power to prevent this from happening, especially when it comes to family relationships. Never forget how to be feminine with a man. Half the success in a long-term relationship depends on this. Even after living together for several decades, a spouse should remain an unexplored book, where a new chapter invariably lies behind the well-known pages.

It is not necessary to use shock therapy methods; it is enough to constantly develop yourself and share impressions with your loved one, involve him in joint activities and be sure to be interested in the events that happened during the day.

A real lady is always a little mysterious and multifaceted. She easily changes, appearing before a man in different guises. They are all natural to her, forming parts of a single whole. Main appearances:

  • a sexy beauty who seduces and responds passionately to affection;
  • sweet and fluffy, emotional and empathetic, paying enough attention to her beloved, but not forgetting about her own desires;
  • a comrade-in-arms who is able to listen, find a joint solution or thoughtfully discuss emerging opportunities, and who knows how to provide moral support;
  • desirable, but inaccessible, arousing the admiration of others, making her husband feel like the keeper of a priceless treasure;
  • a person who does not get lost in the whirlpool of everyday affairs and worries, strives for self-development and has his own scale of spiritual values.

She will always be able to retain male interest and rekindle the spark of admiration, which smoothly develops into the even warmth of adoration.

Femininity is given to some from birth, while others will have to make an effort to acquire irresistibility and harmonize the inner and outer world. But the efforts are worth it, because the result is the most charming, attractive and unique woman who wins the hearts of men and lives in harmony with herself. If you don’t know where to start, but are striving for something new, sign up for a consultation with me and I will help:

  • understand how to become an attractive, charming and attractive woman for men;
  • create your own unique feminine image;
  • outline ways of self-improvement;
  • acquire the ability to control oneself in any situation.


Many girls and boys have already tried to adhere to the tips and recommendations described above. They all leave positive reviews about this technique. Most of them claim that as soon as they began to change, the attitude of all the people around them immediately changed, and it became easier to make new acquaintances. You just have to start with yourself, and the whole world will meet you halfway.

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