Typical male hysteria. How a smart woman should behave

This level of development of the visual vector allows a person to notice the slightest changes in the mood and psychological state of other people. Sincerely empathizing, the viewer tries to put himself in the place of another, to feel his state, to feel, and therefore share his suffering. A simple heart-to-heart conversation with a developed viewer can even have a slight psychotherapeutic effect. Medicine, volunteering, public organizations, charitable foundations, etc. - people with a visual vector find their fulfillment here.

Rich imagination, the ability to bring everything around to life and the special ability of the visual analyzer to distinguish more than 400 shades of each color make a visual person a very creative person. Artists, photographers, designers, couturiers, jewelers - all these are also options for realizing visual properties.

To subtly feel the emotions of a stage character, to fully get used to the character and convey this embodiment to the viewer is true acting skill, which is simply impossible to realize without a visual vector.

The origins of the development of hysteria

Boys should not cry, complain, or show any emotions, but if a person closes himself off, then at some point his psyche fails. The overflowing cup is “poured out” and a violent emotional outburst occurs. The male form of “hysterical syndrome” tends to recur frequently and not everyone wants to realize that they have a problem.

With women everything is simple - there is an established stereotype that they are all hysterical, bitches, etc. With men the situation is more complicated. Nervous breakdowns occur more often in people who are used to hiding everything to themselves. If you pay attention to the trend towards suicide, suicidal people do not talk about their problems, they always look smiling, get along well with people, but do not open their souls.

Every trait of the human psyche needs to be fulfilled, and every dream needs to be realized. When we get what we want, we feel satisfaction; otherwise, we feel pain, annoyance, and disappointment. The ways to achieve goals are different for everyone; they correspond to the level of psychological properties that a person has achieved from 2-3 years to adolescence. In childhood, tantrums are a normal behavioral reaction of a child of any gender.

In infancy, the baby cannot otherwise express the desire to eat, drink, sleep, or talk about pain, boredom or discomfort. As a person grows up, he acquires communication skills and copies the behavior of those around him, who are his authority. At 2-3 years of age, a personality crisis occurs, when the child does not yet understand how to express his protest, show independence, and get what he wants. Here the task of parents is to find a balance between harsh upbringing and indulgence in whims. It is important for them to become a role model and show them how to achieve their goals, teach them to understand “why it’s not possible.”

Provoking factors

Hysteria in men can be triggered by several factors.

  1. Accumulation of stress.
  2. Interpersonal conflict.
  3. Gender role.
  4. Guilt.
  5. Mental predisposition.
  6. Frequent drinking of alcohol.

Frequent drinking of alcohol is a provoking factor for the appearance of hysterics in men

The accumulation of stress does not go unnoticed. If a person is not accustomed to sharing problems, then sooner or later a nervous breakdown will occur, provoked by physical and nervous exhaustion.

Intrapersonal conflict often becomes the cause of hysterical behavior in men.

When he cannot fulfill what society demands of him, the inner “I” begins to actively resist. An individual experiences pangs of conscience in front of his wife, mother, and neighbors for not being able to provide for himself or others properly, but “he should.” Inside, a person realizes that it is not his fault, but sometimes he loses his positive attitude and motivation. Torment causes a violent outburst of emotions. In reality, hysterical behavior begins to appear after a certain push: meeting a more successful person of the same age, disappointment in work, etc.

A man tries on a gender role already in childhood. This is usually the result of improper upbringing. The child sees how mom manipulates dad through hysterics or achieves everything himself in this way. As he grows up, he is not taught that these behaviors are not normal. Usually in such families, the father takes little part in raising his son.

A heightened sense of guilt causes psychological pain. Makes a man tormented and experience moral discomfort. This can also be the merit of the parents. This often happens in single-parent families. The child feels deprived and has a strong opinion that the parent left the family because of him. As an adult, through hysterics he will pour out his grievances to his other half. Hysterics against a background of jealousy are attributed to the same factor. Often a man, having cheated himself, begins to suspect the woman of this sin.

Mental predisposition is determined by temperament. Nervous outbursts are observed in choleric and melancholic people. In the first, hysterics pass violently, they become aggressive towards others, in the second - hidden, aimed at self-flagellation, and can lead to suicide.

Drinking alcohol can trigger hysterics. Men, in an attempt to drown out their mental torment, often turn to the bottle. Under the influence of alcohol, all hidden aspects of character become apparent.

Signs of a hysterical attack

It is very easy to notice such a situation. At the time of an unpleasant incident, the most unpleasant symptoms are felt:

  • lack of oxygen;
  • painful tingling in the heart area;
  • simultaneous laughter and crying;
  • lump in the throat;
  • in some cases - falling to the ground, arching the body with support on the back of the head and heels;
  • convulsive states, manifested by chaotic movements of the arms and legs.

At the same time, a person can behave very demonstratively - scratching his skin, tearing his clothes, breaking, throwing objects that come to hand. An important feature is that it does not cause serious harm to your health.

Also, during an exacerbation of hysteria in men, the following may be observed:

  • temporary deafness in one ear;
  • a radical change in the perception of colors;
  • flashing “flies” before the eyes;
  • imaginary blindness (the organs of vision function quite normally, but the patient seems to see nothing).

Often such seizures are confused with epileptic ones due to the similarity of symptoms. But they are still easy to differentiate, because, unlike epilepsy, with male hysteria:

  • the patient is not injured and understands perfectly what is happening to him;
  • there is no urinary or fecal incontinence;
  • pupils react well to light;
  • the patient does not bite his tongue, the color of the skin practically does not change.

In addition, such incidents always happen only when there are witnesses.

Signs of male hysteria

Symptoms of hysteria in men:

  • complete rejection of criticism - the individual takes everything with hostility, does not know how to use irony towards his person;
  • irresponsibility - he delays making a decision until the last minute, every time he finds a reason to shift his responsibilities onto his wife’s shoulders;
  • refusal to admit mistakes;
  • the ability to create a problem out of the blue;
  • nervousness;
  • superficial perception of the situation;
  • egocentrism - a person concentrates only on his problems, he needs everything to revolve only around him.

The hysterical guy loves to complain. He will make a problem out of any little thing: his wife did not cook what he wanted, the computer takes too long to boot, etc. Complaints usually do not contain constructive information.

A hysterical man loves to complain to a woman

Hysteria manifests itself in heart-rending screams, sometimes tears, reproaches, and resentment. Sometimes a representative of the stronger sex is able to raise his hand against the “spectator” of his performance. Depending on your temperament, there may be a desire to harm yourself.

The main symptoms of hysteria in men

If at the initial stage of the disorder patients simply behave inappropriately and often throw tantrums with breaking dishes, scandals and strong resentment, then in the later stages this form of neurosis acquires more serious signs .
What is important is that the presence of certain symptoms cannot be explained by any organic pathologies. A person can contact specialists of various profiles to no avail, but doctors cannot find the reasons for poor health, and relief never comes.

A number of symptoms will help determine that we are talking about male hysteria, the main one of which can be called a hysterical attack.

Methods for solving the problem

If your husband behaves like a hysteric, you need to win him over with cunning and feminine charm. Not every woman can please her husband. Today, in the age of emancipation, no one wants to listen to reproaches from a man after a long day of work.

Today it is time to write off the stereotype that a man works more and is subject to stress. In many families, the woman works all day, does household chores, goes to school, takes care of the child, while the man just attends his work, and eats and sleeps at home, doing nothing.

A woman needs to learn to value herself, but responding to a reproach with a reproach will cause an intensification of the emotional breakdown at the moment of hysteria.

Lie in ambush

Bite your tongue and retreat from the “battlefield.” Let your husband shout and speak out. It is important to understand that at this moment he will not hear you anyway.

If it comes to assault, you should contact the relevant authorities and file for divorce. A man's hysteria is not a reason to beat a woman. Today he will hit you, and tomorrow he will beat you half to death - respect yourself.

If a man raises his hand, you should get a divorce

Be adamant in your decisions

Don't allow yourself to be manipulated. Talk to your husband calmly, make it clear that no one will make serious decisions in this state.

Be adamant in your decisions. Imagine that there is a small child in front of you, this is partly true. A man with a manner of manipulating people through hysterics has a psychological development at the level of a child.

Change your point of attention

The hysterical husband needs to be distracted. Psychological attacks are often used. It is enough to say any banal phrase in the midst of his hysteria and his attention will immediately switch from his own person: say “my mother will arrive in an hour.” Then we can say that mom changed her mind about going.

The second way to switch attention is physiological. This could be a slap in the face or a stream of cold water in the face, but this method is not used with an aggressive person, otherwise you may get a response.

Use safe words

If a man makes contact and wants to correct the situation, come up with safe words that you will pronounce in the midst of a scandal. This will be a sign for both of you to shut up for a minute.

Your husband is also allowed to use safe words in relation to you when the quarrel was your initiative.

Work ahead

If you notice a problem with a man, talk to him in a calm environment. Convince you to go to the doctor for a consultation. It is especially important to do this if the cause of breakdowns is overwork.

Prevent a scandal in advance every time. During their life together, every woman knows what can make her man flare up. If these are work topics, purposefully avoid them. If your husband is touchy or jealous, try not to provoke him. Everything is relative. There are boundaries that a man must also respect and be aware of his actions. It also happens that a scandal in the evening ends with the words: “don’t touch me, I’m tired,” in the morning, “don’t make me angry, I’m off to work,” but it’s necessary to talk and solve the problem.

How to spot a hysterical man

Perhaps the only thing worse than a hysterical woman is a hysterical man. And if you haven’t met one like this, consider yourself a rare lucky woman. As practice shows, extremely impressionable men are now much more common than women. There is only one way to protect yourself - to recognize the hysterical gentleman in time and... run! How do you find out that your new prince candidate is actually not ideal at all, and even a little crazy? PEOPLETALK has revealed the main signs of a hysterical man.

It seems that he is very smart

At least, so it may seem while he tells you about things that he is a pro at and you are not. Being extremely insecure, he will try to test the waters of your interests in advance: “Do you know about this? No? I’ll tell you now!” However, if you start talking about something in which he has nothing to show off, he will become irritable and begin to argue with you, contrary to all logic.

He lives by the principle of denial

To hide gaps in his knowledge, it is easier for a hysterical man to start denying everything that is told to him, so as not to be branded a fool. Therefore, at every opportunity, he will begin to argue not only with you, but also, for example, with colleagues and friends. Think about it, if he has already argued several times, foaming at the mouth, that the notorious dress should be exclusively blue, no matter what others say.

Most likely, he is a person of a creative profession

You always need to be on your guard with writers, actors, directors, and free artists in general. Creative men cannot carry all the beauty and imperfection of this world on their trembling shoulders; they perceive Mikhalkov’s , the anniversary of the death of Viktor Tsoi and Van Gogh’s . Therefore, they will pour out all their experiences on you. But they don’t care much about your base everyday needs like a new dress.

He constantly needs a lot of attention

Like a small child. He will whine for no reason, call you at two in the morning, knowing that you are tired and you have to get up at seven in the morning, and will tell you 300 times how much he misses you. And if you don't react the way he expected, the apocalypse will begin. He will accuse you of somehow looking at him wrong, kissing him too coldly, answering a message without an emoticon, and generally not understanding him and not supporting him.

He complains all the time

And for everything: for life, old trousers, weather, work, for your (and, of course, your) friends, for the lack of purpose in life and money. At the same time, he will not try to do anything to make everything change. Typically, such men are always unrecognized geniuses; they need to be admired and praised 24 hours a day.

He is extremely jealous

He is jealous of your friend, girlfriend, mother, all your relatives, work, movies, walks alone, trips, dinner (because you have to call him first and then eat), sleep, shopping and everything else even more absurd things. It’s strange that it’s not to himself. Although there is no limit to perfection!

You can't reprimand him

Otherwise, he will immediately go on the offensive and give you a lot of reasons in favor of the fact that you are wrong. Often you even feel uneasy, because you will never guess in what “sauce” it is better to present him with information, because he only hears what he wants.

Most often he is dressed unkemptly

Hysterics take up too much effort and time. Most likely, he went to bed in the morning because he was thinking about how to live further and that the world was unfair to him. So I overslept on my way to work, slipped into the first pair of trousers I found, and didn’t even have time to wash my face or wash my face.

He is always late or, conversely, arrives too early

He believes that since you want to meet him so much, then there is no need to rush. He doesn't know how to calculate time, so you constantly have to wait for him. There is, however, another side of the coin. He may be too punctual and come to a meeting almost half an hour in advance, while he will call you and be angry that you are not rushing to him on the wings of love, abandoning everything.

He really likes to drink

Very! Moreover, as a rule, he does not know how to do this. He can get pretty drunk, and the next morning go crazy with a hangover, and even blame you for not stopping him in time (although you tried and got your rightful “leave me alone”).

He's always jealous of everyone

As a rule, he loves to discuss and make fun of everyone. Usually the only person around him is better than everyone else. He is very jealous of the successes of his friends, and even more so of yours, and constantly tries to compete with you.

He takes himself very seriously

A hysterical man has absolutely no sense of self-irony. He does not accept criticism, even if it is constructive, and is very sensitive to the most harmless jokes addressed to him.

If we have now accurately described your new acquaintance, it is better to quickly run away from him wherever you look and do not hope that you will be able to change him. You'll lose time and nerves, which are undoubtedly more valuable than just another impressionable gentleman.

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Advice from psychiatrists

What to do if your husband is hysterical, a psychotherapist will advise:

  • be calm yourself, the man will calm down faster, realizing that his performance is not working;
  • take him to a secluded place;
  • pour water;
  • try to distance yourself.

After the attack ends, urgently take your husband to the doctor. Hysterics need to be treated with psychocorrection. Without doing this, you risk falling under the hot hand and raising mentally unhealthy children.

Develop your own tactics for symptom relief. Do breathing practices together. Monitor your man's immunity. Periodically carry out a preventive course of treatment with valerian (you can use any suitable herbal-based products) and vitamins. Ideally, it is better to consult a doctor. If no method helps, your husband shows no desire to change, you are not on the right path.

1He is touchy and suspicious

It often seems to him that he is underestimated and therefore he constantly complains about the injustice of the world towards him. At first it’s even funny, because we really want to take care of the man we love, right? But over time, a person begins to demand attention constantly! Ignoring your feelings. For example, my friend spent the weekend with a fan. Do you know what the first thing he asked her when she returned home (they live in different countries)? Why didn't she ask if he had found the lost bicycle keys? This is all.

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