Herbs for insomnia: what herbs can be taken, how to properly prepare herbal teas, infusions, infusions

Inadequate sleep worsens the quality of life, accelerates aging, makes us irritable and even incapacitated. Doctors traditionally reduce the fight against insomnia to taking powerful drugs that cause drowsiness, addiction and other side effects.

An alternative to harmful chemicals are medicinal herbs that have been tested for centuries. Many herbal remedies help achieve a similar hypnotic effect.

Causes of insomnia

There are many reasons for sleep disturbances, from domestic to medical:

  • Change of residence;
  • Climate change;
  • Pain of various origins;
  • Metabolic disease;
  • Stomach problems;
  • The food intake system is disrupted;
  • Nervous disorders;
  • Depressive states.

In the last two cases, the judicious use of medicinal herbs can completely eliminate the sleep problem. Plants contain many useful components, some of which directly affect the functioning of the human nervous and cardiovascular systems.

  • Flavonoids , which are included in most plants for insomnia, have the effect of muscle relaxation. The spasm that blocks the nervous system is relieved and a sedative phase begins.
  • Cardenolides in medicinal herbs have antiarrhythmic and cardiotonic effects on the human body. In other words, in medicinal doses they help the heart function.

Types of medicinal herbs with a sleeping effect:

The medicinal properties of plants have long been used to treat nervous diseases, most often as sedatives or hypnotics. Many of these plants live next to us, we know them well and distinguish them among the summer herbs. Here are some of the representatives of the healing green pharmacy.


One of the safest means of calming the excited nervous system and relieving tension and fatigue. The calming effect of chamomile is average in strength. It will not help with serious disorders of the nervous system. It is mainly used as a sedative in the complex treatment of insomnia, temporary anxiety, stress and obsessive thoughts.


More than 500 units sold

Chamomile flowers 50 gr. Russian roots

Chamomile - beneficial properties and use in folk medicine Chamomile is a popular folk remedy. The flowers of the plant were used for therapy, prevention... read more

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Chamomile (in filter bags) 20*1.5 g

Chamomile: sleep soundly in any life circumstances Chamomile tea is one of the most popular natural herbal drinks. First of all, it is known for its calming… read more

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It has a pronounced hypnotic effect (essential oils and flavonoids qualitatively prepare the body for falling asleep). Oregano reduces excitability, calms the nervous system, helps to relax even after the hardest day, and improves appetite, which is often disrupted during prolonged stress.


More than 500 units sold

Oregano common herb 50 gr. Russian roots

Oregano - use in folk medicine Oregano is a well-known medicinal plant, which is popularly called motherwort. Its benefits have been tested by our ancestors throughout... read more

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More than 500 units sold

Oregano common herb, 50 gr. CCA

Oregano is an extraordinary healing herb Oregano is a medicinal herb that is very effective in treating various diseases, oregano herb is otherwise popularly called... read more

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Known for its calming and antispasmodic effect. Approved for use in children. Melissa is not only an effective plant, but also a plant with a strong, pleasant aroma. Because of its aroma, it is also called lemon balm.


More than 500 units sold

Melissa grass 50 gr. Russian roots

Melissa: a good way not to lose calm and balance Avicenna in his work “The Canon of Medical Science” cited lemon balm as an example of a valuable plant with medicinal properties… read more

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Improves sleep, having a mild hypnotic effect. Motherwort herb directly affects the quality of sleep, helps to relax, reduces anxiety, normalizes blood pressure, promotes quick sleep and even good dreams.


More than 500 units sold

Motherwort grass 50 gr. Russian roots

Motherwort - a folk herb for nerves and a healthy heart Motherwort has been actively used in alternative medicine for a long time. Its other popular name is soba nettle... read more

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More than 500 units sold

Motherwort grass 50 gr. CCA

Indications for the use of motherwort herb How is the medicinal herb motherwort useful, what it treats and how it is used in medicine: it helps to normalize functions in case of intestinal dysfunction... read more

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Has a calming, relaxing effect on the body. Of course, if insomnia has already become a serious problem, it will not be possible to solve it with the help of mint alone - complex therapy is necessary. But as an aid, mint preparations will come in handy.


More than 500 units sold

Peppermint (herb), 50 gr. CCA

Indications for the use of peppermint herb: Due to its sedative and analgesic properties, it is recommended to use peppermint in the following cases: to ease attacks... read more

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More than 500 units sold

Peppermint herb 50 gr. Russian roots

Peppermint herb: eliminates gastritis and more Peppermint is a valuable medicinal plant that has a wide range of effects. It not only improves digestion... read more

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Thyme (Thyme)

Helps you fall asleep due to its calming and mild hypnotic effect. Thyme is effective for insomnia caused by overwork (both mental and physical), helps with stress, neurasthenia and migraines.


More than 500 units sold

Thyme (creeping thyme, Bogorodskaya herb) herb, 50 gr. Russian roots

Thyme herb is an effective remedy for worms, insomnia, and colds. Thyme is a perennial shrub that has long been used in folk medicine. Thyme belongs to the thyme genus... read more

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More than 500 units sold

Thyme (creeping thyme, Bogorodskaya herb) herb, 50 gr. CCA

Indications for the use of the herb Thyme (creeping thyme, Bogorodskaya herb) Taken for: lung diseases (bronchitis, whooping cough, emphysema and actinomycosis of the lungs, chronic pneum... read more

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Valerian root

It has a beneficial effect on night's rest, improves the quality of sleep due to its calming effect. Easily excitable and nervous people can take valerian several times during the day to calm the nervous system. There are no side effects noted.


More than 500 units sold

Valerian root 50 gr. Russian roots

Valerian root is a natural sedative. Valerian is a very powerful natural sedative; this plant was used in ancient times in different countries... read more

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More than 500 units sold

Valerian (root) 50 gr. CCA

Indications for use of “Valerian” (root): increased nervous excitability; sleep disorders; headache; hysteria; critical and postoperative conditions; failures in the function... read more

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Sage helps fight irritability, nervous excitability and relieve stress. Thus, it helps to relax the body and gently fall asleep.


More than 500 units sold

Sage herb 50 gr. Russian roots

Sage in folk medicine A small shrub - sage - is a well-known plant in folk medicine. It has medicinal and decorative properties, so it is often grown in gardens... read more

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More than 500 units sold

Sage essential oil 5 ml. Kingdom of Fragrances

__________________________________________________________________________ Indications for use Sage (essential oil): Sage was used as a medicinal plant... read more

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Hop cones

Hop cones have a pronounced calming effect (effective after 5 minutes) and are used not only by traditional medicine, but also by pharmacists to prepare remedies used for nervous anxiety and sleep disorders. Hops also have analgesic and antispasmodic effects. Works well in combination with valerian roots.


More than 500 units sold

Hops cones 25 gr. Russian roots

Hop cones: a natural source of calm and balance Hops have been used in folk medicine for many centuries, but still remain one of the most underrated medicines... read more

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More than 500 units sold

Hops (dried cones), 50 gr. CCA

Indications for use of the herb “Hop” (cones) Hop cones are a reliable assistant in the fight against: cholecystitis; neuralgia; rheumatism; jaundice; hysteria; ulcers; anorexic... read more

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Lavender relieves nervous tension, allows you to relax, fall asleep faster and not wake up at all at night. Just the beautiful sight of this plant is calming. Lavender essential oils help relieve stress, relieve depression, anxiety, and improve sleep.


More than 500 units sold

Lavender grass and flowers 25 gr. Russian roots

Lavender - beneficial properties of the herb and flowers of the plant Lavender is a low evergreen plant with a pronounced pleasant aroma. Dry leaves and flowers are widely used in folk ... read more

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More than 500 units sold

Lavender herb and color 25 gr. CCA

Indications for the use of lavender (flowers and herbs) Lavender flowers are used for diseases: cardiovascular (palpitations, tachycardia); insomnia, migraine; neurast... read more

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Has a sedative effect on the central nervous system. An infusion (alcoholic) of the root of the evasive peony helps relieve tension and nervousness and helps you fall asleep more easily. Contraindicated for children.


More than 500 units sold

Peony evading root 50 gr. Russian roots

Peony (root) Recommendations for use: Peony roots are used for various stomach diseases and poor appetite, cough, rheumatism, gout, epilepsy and other... read more

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Relieves irritability, nervous tension, normalizes sleep. Due to its composition, which includes essential oils, wormwood is used for the treatment and prevention of many human diseases. It has an analgesic effect and sedative properties, relieves irritability and nervous tension, has a sedative effect and normalizes sleep.


More than 500 units sold

Wormwood bitter herb 25 gr. Russian roots

Wormwood (herb) - use in folk medicine The beneficial properties of wormwood have been known since ancient times. The plant was used for gastrointestinal diseases, to improve appetite... read more

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Hawthorn fruits have a sedative effect: thanks to this, they help overcome insomnia associated with a nervous disorder. To get rid of insomnia, hawthorn decoction should be consumed throughout the day. And since the drug causes drowsiness and can reduce concentration, it is better not to drink it for people driving. Hawthorn is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation, in case of vegetative-vascular dystonia, liver diseases; hypotensive patients should use it carefully.


More than 500 units sold

Hawthorn Flowers 50 gr. Russian roots

Hawthorn flowers are a natural remedy for improving sleep and normalizing the state of the cardiovascular system. Hawthorn flowers have long been considered a natural stimulant ... read more

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The second name of the magic herb is “psycho”. This herb is good for fatigue, overwork, and spring weakness. Normalizes the functioning of the psycho-emotional background. Decoctions and infusions prepared from shiksha are recommended to be taken to improve the quality of sleep.


More than 500 units sold

Shiksha (black crowberry) herb 50 gr. Russian roots

Shiksha (crowberry) Shiksha herb is very good as a sedative. If a person has chronic fatigue syndrome, nervous exhaustion, psychologically he… read more

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St. John's wort

St. John's wort is a very healing plant for the nervous system, because it has a calming and restorative effect. Recent research has discovered its anti-depressant properties, which occur without suppressing the functions of the central nervous system.


More than 500 units sold

St. John's wort grass 50 gr. CCA

Indications for use of the herb St. John's wort: Should be used to combat the following diseases: paraproctitis; poor flow of bile; colitis; halitosis; bedwetting…read more

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More than 500 units sold

Cedar oleoresin with St. John's wort on cedar oil 100 ml. Sashera-Med

___________________________________________________________________________ Indications for use Cedar oleoresin with St. John's wort: St. John's wort is a cure for 100 diseases, they said in ... read more

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The main effect of the plant is calming, it is due to the content of valeric acid in angelica. In addition, angelica has an antispasmodic effect due to other components.


More than 500 units sold

Angelica root crushed 50 gr. Russian roots

Indications for use of the root of the herb "Angelica officinalis" Preventive tea of ​​angelica roots has anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, diaphoretic, diuretic and calming... read more

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Sweet clover

Sweet clover tea is an effective remedy for depression, anxiety and insomnia. If you have problems sleeping, drink the drink at night.


More than 500 units sold

Sweet clover grass 50 gr. Russian roots

Sweet clover is a herb that can make life more comfortable. The most famous doctors of the past - Galen, Dioscris, Avicenna and Paracelsus - were united by the fact that they were all very respectful ... read more

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The calming or mild hypnotic effect of these plants helps to establish healthy sleep. Like all herbal remedies, they have a slow, mild and moderate effect, giving long-lasting therapeutic results. Such properties of phytotherapeutic agents are precisely the factor that helps with chronic diseases of the nervous system, leading to insomnia.


Hawthorn flowers are collected before they open, in dry weather after the dew has disappeared. The berries are collected at the end of the ripening season. The shelf life of flowers is 2 years, berries - 8 years.


The fruits of red hawthorn are strictly contraindicated for people with a history of diseases of the cardiovascular system and kidneys.

Tea recipe for insomnia

IngredientsFor 20 grams of dry hawthorn berries you will need 200 grams of water
How to cookPour boiling water over the berries in a thermos, close and wait 15 minutes
Treatment systemTake one hour before bedtime. Until the condition stabilizes.

Consequences of frequent lack of sleep.

The opinions of scientists differ, but they are unanimous on another point. People need to sleep at least 6 and no more than 8 hours a day. Deviation from the golden mean and especially lack of sleep promises us:

  • At best - bad mood, fatigue, weakness, drowsiness, decreased performance, memory impairment, slow reaction;
  • At worst - injury and risk of harm to others, depression, aggression, development of new and exacerbation of chronic diseases (hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases), excess weight gain and even an early grave.

Black elderberry

Elderberry flowers are dried naturally, and berry bunches are dried in dryers. The shelf life of flowers is 24 months, dry berries are stored for 6 months.


A large amount of fresh black elderberry berries is fraught with poisoning - diarrhea, vomiting. Young shoots are toxic. Roots and bark in overdose cause inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract and large intestine.

Fresh inflorescences contain amygdalin, which is converted into hydrocyanic acid.

Black elderberry can be used for treatment only in dried form.

Elderberries are contraindicated:

  • pregnant women;
  • nursing women;
  • people suffering from chronic intestinal diseases;
  • for ulcerative colitis;
  • diabetes (diabetes insipidus).

Recipe for elderberry root decoction for insomnia

Ingredients1.5 tbsp. l. dried black elderberry roots crushed in a coffee grinder and 250 ml water
How to cookBoil over low heat for a quarter of an hour. Leave covered for 30 minutes.
Treatment systemDrink immediately before going to bed. Use as needed. The herb has a strong sedative effect.

Aromatherapy and herbal baths

These are pleasant ways to treat sleep disorders. Aromatherapy is based on the beneficial effects of essential oils from certain plants, which have relaxing and calming effects. It can be used in several ways:

  • Inhalation indoors (on a cloth, pillow) or using an inhaler, where the oil is in warm water.
  • Massage with essential oils.
  • Aroma pillow of soothing herbs. You can take a ready-made one or make it yourself. In the latter case, take a mixture of valerian, motherwort, hop cones in equal proportions and add straw so that the pillow holds volume. It is better to take thick cotton fabric as a cover, and the pillowcase can be made of silk or calico. Make it for yourself or as a gift!
  • Aroma lamps and pendants.

Essential oils of jasmine, passionflower, lavender, valerian, chamomile, and bergamot relieve nervous tension. Don't use artificial oils! They have nothing in common with natural ones, except for the smell. These are synthetic flavors. You can distinguish them by the botanical name of the plant, which is written in Latin in the natural product.

A bath with herbs is one of the favorite remedies for insomnia for women, relaxation for the soul! Lie in it for 15-20 minutes before going to bed. Here are some medicinal bath mixtures:

  • Valerian with honey Make a large infusion of the herb (50g of dry raw material per 3 liters of boiling water) and let cool. Prepare the water, pour in the infusion and add a few tablespoons of honey (to get the aroma). Carry out a course of 10 procedures every other day.
  • Fir with lemon balm Make a decoction: 50 g of lemon balm leaves and 5 tablespoons of fir, pour 1.5 liters of water, boil for 20 minutes. When the mixture has cooled, you can add it to the bath.
  • Multi-component collection Knowledge about herbs and imagination to help you! You can create your favorite plant composition. Alternatively, take equal amounts of chamomile, valerian, mint and motherwort. Requires 200g per 2 liters of water, let it simmer for 20 minutes. There is no need to let it cool, pour it straight into the bath. You can bask for up to half an hour.


Valerian rhizomes are collected in September or March. They are dug out with a shovel, then cleared of soil, washed and dried naturally. Drying in electrical cabinets is allowed at a temperature not exceeding 35° C. Stored in paper packages for no more than 3 years.


In case of chronic enterocolitis, valerian cannot be used for treatment. High probability of relapse of the disease.

Long-term treatment with valerian-based drugs can provoke:

  • state of anxiety and restlessness;
  • headache;
  • constipation;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

Recipe for valerian infusion for neurotic insomnia

IngredientsValerian roots ground in a coffee maker in the amount of 2 tsp. and half a liter of drinking water.
How to cookPour boiling water over valerian. Leave covered for 10-15 minutes.
Treatment systemDrink like regular tea, course 21 days. Valerian has pronounced properties of a mild sedative.

Features of drug selection

Only after identifying the cause does the doctor prescribe the appropriate drug. Considering the age-related characteristics of the body, there are some nuances in taking sleeping pills for older people. It is possible to overcome external causes without medications or with the use of mild medications.

Potent tranquilizers and barbiturates are not recommended for elderly patients, as they not only increase the risk of sleep paralysis, but also have many side effects.


There are many types of sleep aids, which differ not only in the duration of exposure, but also in the mode of action, release form, composition, etc.

  • Tranquilizers are anti-anxiety components prescribed in cases of mental disorders and neuroses. Relieves emotional stress and fear. Prescribed only in the presence of neurotic disorders.
  • Barbiturates are potent drugs with a long-lasting effect that depress the central nervous system. Prescribed for severe somnological disorders. They have an analgesic, anticonvulsant effect, are addictive, disrupt sleep structure, and negatively affect the functioning of the respiratory and vascular centers.
  • Natural – a light product based on herbal ingredients. They are not addictive, have a sedative effect, do not disrupt sleep patterns and do not affect reactions (acceptable when driving or performing work). But such drugs only soothe, without solving more serious problems.
  • Synthetic – contain an analogue of the “sleep” hormone melatonin and histamine receptor blockers. The drugs support physiological sleep and are available without a prescription.
  • Homeopathic - a safe sleeping pill, recommended for old people even after a stroke. It is recommended to begin treatment of insomnia with these drugs, moving to stronger analogues if necessary.

Due to a slower metabolism, older people are prescribed reduced dosages of sleeping pills. But treatment with short-acting drugs does not always give results.

Antidepressants, tranquilizers and barbiturates are highly not recommended for normalizing sleep in the elderly. The most harmless remedy is based on herbs.


Prescription drugs are considered the most potent. These include Zaleplon, Zolpidem, Geminevril, Hypnogen. They have a powerful effect and quickly restore sleep duration. But they contribute to addiction, withdrawal effects, disruption of the duration of phases, and reduce activity during the day.

To protect yourself from these negative consequences, it is better for adults to pay attention to over-the-counter medications:

Treatment of insomnia with hypnosis

  • "Novo-Passit" is a combined drug based on plant extracts (lemon balm, St. John's wort, valerian, hawthorn) and synthetic additives. Drink in courses or periodically. Has a relaxing, calming effect;
  • Donormil is an effective remedy with a quick effect (minimum dosages and a short period of use are sufficient to normalize sleep). Reduces the time to fall asleep and increases the duration of sleep;
  • "Sonmil" - has a pronounced sedative effect, improves the quality of sleep without interfering with its phases. Side effects are rare, but usually include daytime drowsiness, dry mouth, constipation;
  • “Glycine” is a cheap sedative that stabilizes the functioning of the nervous system, relieves emotional stress, and improves mental activity. The basis of the drug is the amino acid of the same name, magnesium stearate, water-soluble methylcellulose. While remaining absolutely safe, the drug has strong nootropic properties and relieves insomnia;
  • “Persen night” is a sedative based on natural ingredients: valerian, lemon balm, magnesium oxide and stearate, lactose monohydrate, etc. By reducing the excitability of the central nervous system, it normalizes blood pressure and heart function. To achieve the best effect, it is recommended to use it for 1-1.5 months on a regular basis.

CAREFULLY! Long-term use of sleeping pills provokes addiction, and it will be very difficult to fall asleep without drugs in the future.

Drugs with and without addiction

Long-term or uncontrolled use of potent drugs to improve sleep leads to addiction. After this, the body no longer perceives the active substance, and difficulties falling asleep return. A similar phenomenon is typical for benzodiazepines and barbiturates (Phenazepam, Cyclobarbital, Quazepam).

Drug dependence develops gradually: when the central nervous system no longer responds to incoming substances, patients increase the dosage, and a one-time dose before bed is replaced by regular and systematic use of pills. Dependence can be recognized by disruption of rest-activity rhythms, causeless aggression and irritability, and apathy.

An addictive drug provokes the onset/exacerbation of diseases (cirrhosis, myocardial dystrophy, toxic hepatitis) and can lead to death

For safety reasons, you should follow the doctor's instructions and carefully read the instructions before starting treatment. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the list of non-addictive sleeping pills. These are mainly histamine blockers and herbal ingredients:

  • "Novo-Passit";
  • "Melaxen";
  • "Donormil";
  • "Calm down";
  • "Persen."

Valocardin and Corvalol, popular among the elderly population, are in demand due to their low cost. Moreover, they contain the narcotic substance phenobarbital, which is prescribed only in difficult situations. The drugs provoke a lot of negative consequences and are highly addictive.

Release form

Pharmacology is developing every day and cares not only about the effectiveness of sleeping pills, but also about the convenience of their use. Drugs to improve sleep today are available not only in tablets, but also in drops, capsules, powder, solutions for intravenous and intramuscular administration.

Most potent drugs are released in all pharmacological forms: Melatonin, Brotizolam, Methaqualone, Midazolam, Fulsed - they can be found both in tablets or drops, and in the form of solutions. Sleeping pills in ampoules are highly effective.

Despite the possibility of purchasing without a prescription, their use is strictly coordinated with the treating doctor. For short-term sleep disturbances, 1-2 injections are sufficient; long-term insomnia is treated with injections for no more than 1 month.

The best over-the-counter injections:

  • "Dormikum";
  • "Heminevrin";
  • "Flormidal";
  • "Elzepam".

They do not have a cumulative effect, the duration of action is 6-8 hours, and the effectiveness depends on the administered dose. Thus, small dosages eliminate anxiety and pain, large dosages relieve insomnia. If the patient experiences breathing problems during sleep, the use of sleeping pills is strictly prohibited.

Sweet clover

Harvesting of sweet clover occurs in the flowering phase. The top of the sweet clover is cut off. Dry in the shade in the fresh air. Before threshing, the leaves and flowers are separated from the stems. Dried raw materials are stored for 2 years.


Treatment with sweet clover-based products is permitted only under the supervision of a physician.

Sweet clover is a poisonous plant. Be sure to strictly follow the dosage prescribed by your doctor.

Overdose threatens:

  • headaches;
  • depressed state;
  • vomiting;
  • insomnia;
  • internal bleeding, especially in people prone to it.

Sweet clover is prohibited for pregnant women; it affects smooth muscles and can cause premature birth and miscarriage.

Recipe for infusion of sweet clover for insomnia

Ingredients2 tsp. sweet clover and 1/2 cup water.
How to cookPlace the herb in boiling water and leave for 4 hours. Then strain.
Treatment systemDrink three times a day half an hour before meals. Course 3 weeks.

Effect of sleeping pills

Hearing about sleeping pills, many do not fully understand what they are, how they work, and what effect they have. In addition to the fact that these drugs help you fall asleep, they have an indirect effect on organs and entire systems of the body.

Sleeping pills act on certain lobes of the brain responsible for the cycle of wakefulness and sleep. By slowing down the supply of impulses to the brain, sleeping pills thus lead to inhibition of the central nervous system. In this case, a similar effect to the effect of alcoholic beverages and drugs is observed.

ATTENTION! You should not take sleeping pills when traveling on an airplane. Being at an altitude of several thousand km, blood tends to thicken. The drugs reduce body movement during sleep to a minimum, which increases the risk of blood clots that clog arteries.

Depending on the duration of the effect, there is the following classification of the action of sleeping pills:

  • short duration (3-4 hours) – typical for drugs that reduce nervous excitability. Such substances do not interfere with the structure and phases of sleep, but only promote sleep. The next morning the person is again alert and active;
  • medium (5-8 hours) - suppresses nervous activity, but interferes with the structure of sleep, making it deeper and without frequent awakenings. The person shows signs of mental retardation;
  • long-term (8-12 hours) - this effect is exerted by potent drugs, exacerbating the inhibition processes. They often have a number of negative consequences, but at the same time remain the most effective.

St. John's wort

The leaves and flowers of St. John's wort are used for medicinal purposes. Collection is carried out during the flowering period. After drying, the thick stems are separated. The raw materials are filtered. Storage no more than 24 months.


In men, long-term use of medications based on St. John's wort can cause erectile dysfunction.

St. John's wort is contraindicated:

  • pregnant women;
  • people suffering from hypertension;
  • at elevated body temperature.

St. John's wort infusion recipe

Ingredients3 tsp. powder or the same amount of finely chopped fresh leaves and inflorescences of St. John's wort + 200 grams of water.
How to cookPlace plant material in boiling water. Let it brew for 20 minutes. Add a little honey to the already cooled infusion and stir.
Treatment systemDrink as needed before bed. St. John's wort is good for calming and relieving anxiety.

Let's follow the rules!

Sleepy herbs are also medicine and the attitude towards them should be appropriate. If it is naive to think that plants cannot cause harm, then you are mistaken. A few simple rules will help you avoid mistakes:

1. Individual approach

The initial state of the body, the presence of concomitant diseases, medications taken, age, gender - everything should be taken into account when choosing a remedy, its dose and duration of use. The best herbs for insomnia for children: chamomile, fireweed, mint (melissa), oregano and thyme. There are age restrictions up to 3 years. For men, hops, oregano, St. John's wort, and hawthorn have proven themselves well. Motherwort, valerian, and lemon balm are suitable for insomnia for the elderly.

2. Dosage regimen

It must be there, just like when taking any medicine. Different sedative herbs (collections) may have slightly different dosage regimens. For example, valerian infusion can be taken 3 times a day (insomnia combined with anxiety) or 2 times in the afternoon (long-term sleep disorder). Most infusions are taken half an hour before meals.

3. Course of treatment

Medicinal herbs for insomnia give a gradual effect, often noticeable after a week of use. Therefore, the minimum duration of the course is 10 days, the maximum can stretch up to several months. Taking it from time to time will not bring any effect. If you have sleep disorders, you should not drink the same plant or collection for too long; change it to other suitable options.

4. Quality of raw materials

Pharmacy products are tested and are rarely of poor quality; do not forget to check the expiration date. If you decide to prepare raw materials yourself, then take into account the timing and place of collection. It must be environmentally friendly (not near roads, enterprises, factories). When purchasing from private individuals, pay attention to the color and smell (mold gives a characteristic aroma). Rub the plant, if it crumbles almost into dust, it means it has been stored for a long time.

5. Control of the result

Do the sleep herbs you choose (or are prescribed) help? Always evaluate the effect during the treatment phase. This will help you understand if you are on the right track. There are many unfortunate examples where people, having a serious illness, deliberately refused medical help in favor of herbs. Or, on the contrary, an incorrectly selected mixture does not help well, which is projected onto all sedative herbs.

Fireweed angustifolia (Ivan-tea)

The medicinal raw materials of fireweed are leaves and flowers, which are dried in the fresh air. The roots are first dried in the shade, then in the oven. Fireweed flowers and leaves should be kept in glass or wooden containers for no more than 24 months.

The roots retain medicinal properties for no longer than 12 months.


The herb has virtually no strict contraindications. In case of severe overdose, it causes slight stomach upset.

Pregnant women and children under 3 years of age should drink it under the supervision of a doctor.

Recipe for a decoction of fireweed for sleepless nights

IngredientsDry fireweed grass, crushed with a knife or in a mortar, 3 tbsp. l. and a cup of boiling water.
How to cookBoil for 20-30 minutes. Strain and add boiled liquid to a volume of 200 ml.
Treatment systemThe treatment course is 10-15 days. Three times a day with food, 2 tablespoons. For prevention, drink 1 tsp every day before bed. fireweed With a break of a week. The result is a gradual reduction in stress levels, which directly affects healthy sleep.

The benefits of herbal medicine

Herbs for sleep and calm have been helping people for centuries. This treatment has stood the test of time and has reached the scientific level from traditional medicine. Practicing medical specialists have an arsenal of medicinal herbs and herbs that they prescribe to their patients. This branch of medicine continues to actively develop because it has a number of advantages:

  • Herbs act comprehensively and help with several problems at the same time. Many types of plants used in the treatment of insomnia have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular, nervous system and gastrointestinal tract.
  • The development of the effect is mild and the risk of overdose is correspondingly lower.
  • Natural composition without preservatives and other chemical impurities.
  • Easily purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription at an affordable price.

Interesting fact! Our country does not have a formal herbal medicine training system approved by the Ministry of Health. In large cities, there are departments where doctors with a specialty as a herbalist and people without a medical education can take training courses. The latter are studying in the specialty “Russian herbalism”. In fact, anyone can gain knowledge of herbal medicine.


Nettle leaves and roots are taken to make medicine. The roots are dug up in late autumn, dried in electrical cabinets and retain their sedative properties for no more than a year.

The leaves are removed during the period of active flowering of the grass. Dry outdoors in the shade. Can be stored for 2 years.


  • Nettle is prohibited for people suffering from thrombophlebitis.
  • Pregnant women should not take nettles during the last trimester.

Nettle recipe - infusion for healthy sleep

IngredientsDosage per day: 2 tbsp. l. dry nettle and 200 grams of water.
How to cookSteam in a thermos for 10-15 minutes. Strain.
Treatment systemDrink several sips throughout the day. Until healthy sleep is restored.

Red clover

Red clover inflorescences and herbs are dried under shelters in the fresh air.

Shelf life:

  • flowers - two years;
  • grass – one year.


Red clover-based medications should not be taken by pregnant or nursing mothers.

Clover tea recipe to restore healthy sleep

IngredientsDry inflorescences and leaves - 1 teaspoon and 200 ml of boiling water.
How to cookMix the ingredients in a kettle.
Treatment systemDrink hot with honey, if you are not allergic to it, 30 minutes before bedtime. The course is two weeks, then a 7-day break.


The top of the flower and the nearest leaves of mint are cut off at the initial stage of flowering. After drying, they are separated from thick stems. The collected raw materials retain their beneficial properties for up to 2 years.


Peppermint reduces the tone of blood vessels, so it is contraindicated for people with varicose veins.

Doctors do not recommend mint for children under 3 years of age.

Peppermint may cause a long-lasting drowsiness effect. You should be careful when operating equipment and when driving a vehicle.

Milk-mint sleepy tea recipe

Ingredients1 tsp. peppermint and linden honey and 1/2 cup milk.
How to cookMix all ingredients.
Treatment systemDrink the entire serving immediately before bed. Until the situation stabilizes.

Methods of using herbal medicines:


It has long been proven that aromatherapy has a positive effect on a person’s state of mind and his health. Molecules floating in the air enter the respiratory tract and quickly penetrate the blood. Thanks to this, natural aromatic oils with a pleasant smell affect all body systems.

It is good because it allows you to quickly eliminate sleep disorders, without side effects.

It is carried out in different ways (including with aromatic oils of mint, lavender, sage, wormwood and other beneficial plants.). Improves night rest, calms, relieves tension.

Pillow with healing herbs

For a long time, the effect of odors as a healing therapy was not taken into account. Leaves of lemon balm, mint and St. John's wort, hop cones will have a calming effect thanks to essential oils. You can use herbs in various combinations for your sleepy pillow. Their aroma will not only be a pleasant reminder of summer, but will also have a calming and mild sleeping effect. The healing properties of herbs will promote good sleep and pleasant dreams. A pillow with herbs is placed at the head of the bed.

The following combinations are considered effective:

  • A small amount of chamomile and thyme and 1-2 drops of lavender oil.
  • Valerian (in small quantities), thyme and lemon balm.
  • Hops, lavender and verbena - mix in equal proportions to a powder and fill the pad.

Phyto-pillow for babies:

Young children often do not sleep due to pain and bloating or during teething.

A composition of chamomile, valerian and hops pads left at the head of the bed will help them fall asleep.

For children under one year old, a small bag of dried chamomile flowers placed on the stomach will relieve pain. Chamomile flower essential oil soothes the intestines, allowing the baby to sleep.


For medicinal purposes, tansy flower baskets and part of the corymbose inflorescence are taken. Harvesting continues all summer. When using a dryer, it is important to ensure that the temperature does not rise above 40°C.

Place the dry herbal preparation in a glass jar. Use no later than two years after collection.


  • Tansy herb tones the muscles, has an abortifacient effect - it is strictly prohibited for pregnant women.
  • Due to mild toxicity, children under three years of age should not drink it.
  • In addition, hypertension and gallstones are diseases in which tansy does more harm than good.

Recipe for three herbal teas to restore sleep

Ingredients200 grams of drinking water and 2 tbsp. l. mixtures of herbs - tansy, oregano and calendula.
How to cookPlace the herb in a thermos and pour boiling water over it. Strain.
Treatment systemUse at night, course 3 weeks.

Rules for influencing sleep with herbal preparations:

Based on years of practical experience in the use of herbal preparations, several rules for the use of herbs have been developed:

1. Treatment should begin with plants that are not very strong.

2. It is necessary to use those parts of the plant that contain all the components it contains (not synthetic analogues of active substances), otherwise it will not be herbal medicine.

3. Herbal medicines are used for a long time, at least 3 - 4 weeks.


In mid-summer, motherwort stems with flowers, no longer than 40 cm, are cut off. The crushed dry material is stored in paper or fabric bags for about two years.


Strong allergen - use with caution for people prone to allergic reactions.

It is strictly forbidden to:

  • with low blood pressure;
  • with bradycardia - slow heart rate.

Recipe for alcohol tincture of motherwort for insomnia

Ingredients2 tbsp. l. dried motherwort, 10 tablespoons of alcohol (70%)
How to cookInfuse the herb in alcohol for a week. Keep the jar in a cool and dark place.
Treatment systemMix 30-40 drops of alcohol tincture and 50 ml of any liquid. Taking time: 40 minutes before bedtime. Course 10-15 days.

When can you use herbal remedies to improve sleep?

In most cases, you can start taking medicinal products from natural raw materials for insomnia. But there are situations when there is no other choice.

This is a case when there is a doctor’s testimony, but the matter has not come (or cannot come due to contraindications) to the use of potent sleeping pills, antidepressants and other “heavy artillery” with a hypnotic effect. Or when the beneficial effect of prescribed sleeping pills has become harmful or has lost its meaning.

Light over-the-counter herbal remedies and their combinations are becoming the first line of treatment for sleep disorders or improvement. The effect of taking them appears gradually and tends to accumulate in the body.

Possible contraindications may be:

  • Individual intolerance to individual components (allergic reaction);
  • Pregnancy or breastfeeding (after taking a product with a bitter tint, the mother’s milk may begin to taste bitter);
  • The patient has certain diseases that require other methods of treatment;
  • Infections and other pathologies;
  • Professions that require concentration.


It is important not to tear the yarrow by the roots; a part of the stem no more than 15 cm long is cut off - the top of the flower and the leaves. In the shade with good ventilation, the grass dries in a week.

Store the plant for no more than 24 months.


Before treatment with yarrow, you should consult your doctor, as this herb has many contraindications:

  • gastritis with increased secretion of gastric juice;
  • peptic ulcer, due to increased acidity;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • tendency to blood clots;
  • high blood clotting rate;

With long-term use of drugs based on yarrow, there may be side effects:

  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • skin rash.

Recipe for infusion of yarrow herb for insomnia

IngredientsA heaping tablespoon of dry yarrow and 300 ml of water.
How to cookSteam for half an hour. Strain.
Treatment systemDrink 100 grams warm before meals, three times a day. The course is 21 days, then a week break.

Indications for use

Sleep disturbance in adults is characterized by insomnia (when, even being tired, a person cannot fall asleep), hypersomnia (constant drowsiness, depression, accompanied by decreased energy), frequent awakenings during sleep (5-6 times or more often). The consequences of all these deviations are loss of strength, irritability, memory problems, impaired thinking, and headaches.

Insomnia can be caused by a stuffy room, late meals, uncomfortable bed, stress, physical inactivity

All causes that arise in old age are divided into external and internal. Internal factors:

  • post-stroke condition;
  • stress;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • age-related dementia;
  • disrupted routine;
  • accompanying diseases;
  • rhinorrhea;
  • decreased blood sugar;
  • limb spasms;
  • uncontrolled use of medications.

Problematic sleep in an adult is accompanied by prolonged falling asleep, sensitivity (when any rustle can interrupt rest), and frequent awakenings. If one of the symptoms is present or the causes of insomnia are unclear, you should seek help from a doctor.


For treatment, the fruit of dill is taken - a grayish-brown two-seed, leaves and thin stems. The temperature in the cabinets should not exceed 40°C, but it is better to dry it naturally.

For long-term storage, use glass jars. Shelf life 2 years.


Garden dill in excess of a dose causes:

  • temporary visual impairment;
  • fainting;
  • decreased vitality.

You should not use dill to treat pregnant women and people with persistently low blood pressure - hypotension.

Dill tea recipe for insomnia and anxiety relief

IngredientsA tablespoon of finely chopped fresh dill, 200 grams of boiling water or 2 tsp. seeds ground in a mortar and 400 grams of boiling water.
How to cookInsist in both cases for 2 hours. Strain.
Treatment systemHalf a cup three times a day before meals. And a whole cup before bed.

Sleepy herbs - effective folk remedies

There are many species of wild and cultivated plants that have a hypnotic effect. They share a number of features:

  • Wide spectrum of action due to several points of application in the body. For example, motherwort, in addition to its sedative and hypnotic effect, reduces blood pressure and has hemostatic properties.
  • Melatonin (sleep hormone), which was previously considered a substance of exclusively animal origin, was found in plants. It came to be called phytomelatonin.
  • Sedative herbs, unlike pharmacological drugs, have fewer side effects and do not cause addiction symptoms. They can be taken for a certain period of time and can be easily canceled at any time without serious consequences.
  • Availability. Herbs for insomnia can be collected and prepared yourself or taken from any pharmacy. There are specialized herbal pharmacies.

Before starting treatment, you should consult a doctor; if this is not possible, then carefully study the information on the plants that you will use. There are many options for use: one herb or collection, tea for insomnia, herbal tablets, essential oils, herbal pillows, sleepy bags, aroma baths, inhalation of tinctures, etc. A good result will be with a combination of several methods (sedative collection + aroma pillow or tea for insomnia and massage with essential oils).

Interesting fact! Gemmotherapy is a new direction in herbal treatment. Another name is phytoembryotherapy, when tinctures are prepared on buds and shoots that appear in the spring. It is believed that the energy and all the powers of the plant are located there. Dried raw materials are inferior to them in the content of useful substances. For sleep disorders, tinctures are used on the buds and shoots of linden, hawthorn, jasmine, and acacia.

Thyme (Thyme)

To make medicines, only the leafy part of thyme is taken - a twig.

The collection is carried out in the middle of flowering. After drying and threshing, the raw materials must be sifted.


  • in a dry, cool room;
  • in closed containers;
  • no longer than 2 years.


  • Peptic ulcers of the intestines and stomach;
  • Pregnancy.

Recipe for thyme tincture with alcohol for insomnia and quick relief from stress

Ingredients50 grams of medical alcohol (70%), 10 grams of dry thyme.
How to cookMix in a glass jar with a tight-fitting lid. Leave for a week in a dark place. Then strain through four layers of gauze until completely transparent.
Treatment systemA couple of hours before bedtime, add 30 drops of thyme tincture to tea. Course 3 weeks. To achieve a quick relaxing effect, dilute 50 drops in liquid once.


Contraindications and side effects

Even an expensive good sleeping pill does not guarantee the absence of side effects. They can be triggered by violation of contraindications, overdose, or the body’s individual reaction to active substances. Therefore, even after visiting a doctor, it is important to study the instructions.

There can be a lot of contraindications, they depend on the active ingredients, but this does not prevent us from highlighting a few of the most common ones:

  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • children under 18 years of age;
  • disruption of the kidneys and urinary system;
  • apnea and other breathing pathologies;
  • alcoholism;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • glaucoma;
  • brain diseases.

Side effects include dizziness, nausea and vomiting, addiction, lethargy, impaired memory and concentration. Overdose of certain drugs is fatal.

REFERENCE! More than 9 million different medicinal sleeping pills are used annually around the world. They are most in demand among the population over 60 years of age, despite the fact that this is only 15% of the world's population.

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