Communicative game training for teenagers “Territory of useful skills”

Each child is unique and has his own personality. Some people like to play with other children, others are more active, and some children prefer quiet games alone. However, every child needs a little help to overcome the communication barrier, give them the opportunity to self-actualize and increase self-esteem. In such cases, psychological games and exercises come to the aid of teachers.

Below you will find a description of the most interesting and popular trainings that will be useful for your child or teenager.

Why do we need training for children?

Trainings are the best way to achieve results in practical psychology through psychotherapeutic techniques.

The importance of trainings cannot be overestimated, because they help the child develop important skills such as communication and interaction with other children and self-regulation.

Among other things, psychological exercises have a beneficial effect on professional self-orientation. To properly correct a child’s emotional state, psychologists conduct various types of training. Typically, these trainings help develop certain qualities, skills or abilities, and form certain attitudes.

You should not be afraid of these trainings, because these are rather exciting games and activities during which schoolchildren and preschoolers receive practical training. These classes are held individually, or you can gather a whole group of children. The form varies depending on who the participants are, how they behave and what the purpose of the session is. Group classes help children learn to interact and each participant reveals their individuality.

These trainings will be especially useful for those guys who are really interested in studying their behavioral traits and revealing their worldview.

By the way, these trainings can be conducted by ordinary teachers and teachers. Or a parent can use the tools and conduct some entertaining and useful psychological exercises at home.

Hide and seek in the dark

All people love games. And even when growing up, not every person loses the child in themselves. Therefore, psychological games for teenagers can be formed from well-known fun. For example, you can upgrade hide and seek and make it hide and seek in the dark. How to play such a game? All children are blindfolded and spun around. And now teenagers have to walk around the room, bump into each other and guess by touch who is standing in front of them. Moreover, the voice can only be used when the name is announced. The person who was guessed correctly is eliminated. Therefore, if a teenager has a very specific appearance, it will be easier for him to run away, and this is not prohibited by the rules. The game helps children relax, improve their imaginative thinking and become more open.

Trainings for preschoolers

Preschoolers love to play such games, but their attention is rather scattered. The teacher should conduct at least 3 training games in one lesson. But every game should have a specific goal.

Exercise “The Dragon Who Bit Its Tail”

To play this game, it is better to turn on funny music. The children stand in a line one after another and place their hands on the shoulders of the child standing in front. The baby who stands in front (Drakosha's head) tries to catch the one who stands behind (Drakosha's tail). This “tail” should try to dodge the “head”.

This exercise will help preschoolers get rid of their fears and relieve nervous tension.

Game "I am your friend"

This game teaches children to empathize, help each other and develop a sense of empathy.

The point of the game is for the teacher to introduce a new friend to the children. It could be some kind of animal or even a toy. You can take a teddy bear and make up a short story. For example, “this little bear went for a walk in the forest and got lost. Now he doesn’t know how to get home and he’s very sad...” Next, give the teddy bear to the child so that he can tell him something nice, take pity on him and support him. Then pass the toy to the next child and so on in a circle. Motivate the children to tell the bear that no one will hurt him, that he is among friends and that soon he will go home to mom and dad.

“What are you, Blob?”

Children love creativity very much. This is both the development of imagination and a surge of energy. And through creative tasks you can help your child get rid of aggression and fears.

Place a sheet of white paper, gouache paints and brushes in front of the child. Give your child the opportunity to choose the color he likes best. Many psychologists draw conclusions about the psychological state of the child. If the baby chooses dark shades, it means he is depressed and something is gnawing at him. Let your child dip the brush into the gouache and then spray it onto a clean sheet of paper. If your child wants to color this blot a little, let him. Then fold the piece of paper so that the design is printed on the other side. Now invite your child to fantasize and ask what or who he sees.

Exercise “Control your emotions”

It is extremely important to teach your child to cope with negative emotions. There are certain psychological trainings that do an excellent job of this task.

Remind your child often that when he is angry or wants to hit someone, he should stop, inhale and exhale, close his eyes, count to 10, smile and open his eyes. Calmness will drive away anger and any irritation.

Tell your children that they will become truly adults when they learn to manage their emotions.

Trainings for primary school students

Psychological training for primary school children is extremely important. Such games and exercises help the child cope with internal problems. Over time, the child gets used to it and can control them independently.

Children 7-9 years old are recommended to do:

  • acting technique
  • relax
  • diagnostic techniques
  • art therapy
  • role-playing games

Exercises of this kind simulate various situations that a child faces and help him consider different ways of behavior.

Exercise "Barometer"

Before starting the exercise, the teacher should introduce the children to a real barometer. Tell the kids why they use it and offer to measure their mood. If the baby clenches his palms tightly, it means he is in a bad mood today; and if the palms are wide open, then the child feels great.

Game "What do you like to do"

Children love this kind of games very much. They are very useful and quite interesting. Children learn something new about each other. The essence of the game is that the child shows other children what he likes to do in his free time. In this case, you cannot use words, but everything must be shown with gestures. As soon as one of the children guesses what the first child likes to do, the next one takes his place and tells with gestures about his hobbies.

Game "I like.."

All children sit in a circle. The one of the children who starts the game turns to the neighbor on the left and says the phrase: “I like...”, and then the child should give some kind of compliment. For example, you can say how beautiful your eyes, hair, hands are, praise your sense of humor, or say how friendly your friend is.

Game "Two Rivers"

Let the children line up in one column and now they are a big river. This river spills into two small rivers. The teacher should place two children at the beginning of the river on opposite sides. The rest of the kids should take turns, either behind the first kid or the next one. In this way, children learn to create subgroups.

Game “Make Princess Nesmeyana Laugh”

All the guys sit near the wall, and a chair is placed in front of them. One of the children sits on a chair. Now he is Princess Nesmeyana. The other children must make the Princess laugh by talking about her virtues. Each child takes turns saying something unusual, kind and funny to the Princess. As soon as the Princess smiles, the next child takes her place on the chair.

Exercise “Support me”

All the guys stand in a circle. One of the guys stands in the center of the circle. The teacher should explain to the children that the one who stands in the center keeps his back straight and his legs together. The guys around him stretch out their arms in front of them and prepare to catch the one standing in the center. It is important that there is a distance of 20-30 cm from the hands to the baby in the center. As soon as the baby in the center begins to fall in any direction, the guys must catch him and put him in his place. The point of the exercise is to teach the child to trust others, and the children in the circle must live up to the expectation and catch the falling one.

Game "Warmth of Good"

All the guys stand in a circle and take each other’s hands. The point is that each participant conveys warmth to another child standing next to him through a light handshake. When the game begins, the first child lightly shakes hands with the neighbor on the left, who shakes hands with the neighbor on the left, and so on down the chain. When the last participant shakes hands with the one who started the game, you can close everyone's eyes and start the game again.


One of the most popular psychological games for children is “Mafia”. Its rules are very simple. There are civilians, and there is the mafia. The task of the mafia is to kill civilians, the task of civilians is to identify the mafia. This game has various variations. It can include other roles if the number of players allows. For example, the commissioner and the doctor are the characters who create additional dynamics in the mafia. This psychological board game has long become an integral part of almost any party. And this is very good. Children learn to be observant, begin to get to know each other better, and watch their friends lie. This will help in life. The guys will be able to recognize a lie and quickly expose a person to clean water. And most importantly, they will learn to express their thoughts beautifully and clearly, and will also be able to better understand the people around them, even strangers.

Games and training for teenagers

Psychological games and trainings for teenagers have completely different goals. Weekly exercises for children. If games help kids grow up and develop in society, then these exercises help teenagers adapt to the changes that happen in life every day.

In addition, most teenagers are completely unprepared for this critical age. This is the very period when they stop believing in themselves and their abilities, doubt everything and provoke conflicts.

Fortunately, many centers conduct various exercises and games so that a teenager feels supported at home, at school, and among like-minded people. Today they talk about different types of exercises, but the most effective and popular are those trainings that help a teenager establish communication with others and trainings for personal growth.

Many parents neglect communication training and in vain. It is at this age that teenagers learn to communicate and establish contact with peers. But how and with whom your child communicates depends on his further growth and development. Therefore, it is extremely important to teach a teenager how to build relationships correctly. It also helps to teach one to assert oneself, attract the attention of the opposite sex without violating the norms of social behavior, and follow all moral and ethical values.

What are the main goals of psychological training for adolescents?

  • develop self-confidence;
  • not be afraid of public speaking;
  • develop a sense of purpose;
  • develop communication skills;
  • improve school performance;
  • identify leadership qualities

It is extremely important to choose the right tests and games so that teenagers feel cared for and at the same time, so that this is as effective as possible. Such tests can be carried out by an ordinary school teacher.


This is one of the most popular psychological dating games. Any person, finding himself in an unfamiliar environment, gets a little lost and begins to feel shy. This happens especially often in teenagers. To remove this psychological barrier and help people communicate normally, you can play a fun game called “Snowball”. What is its essence? People stand in a circle. The presenter announces his name. The person who stands to the right of the leader repeats the previously heard name and pronounces his own. The next person standing must already say three names. Such a game may not help you quickly remember the names of everyone present, but it will definitely help break the ice, and people will begin to feel more relaxed. And this is precisely what is required from such rapid therapy.

Games for teenagers

Exercise “Map of my life”

This exercise lasts about half an hour. The children are given sheets of paper on which they need to draw their entire life path. Teenagers need to remember all the important and key points and display them in the picture. They need to draw everything that comes to their mind, starting from the moment of birth. Later, the guys must present their drawing to the whole group and tell what they consider necessary. It takes about 15 minutes to make a card.

Mini-game "Lucky Scale"

This exercise only lasts a few minutes. The presenter invites the children to evaluate their lives. 10 points means that the teenager’s life is happy and carefree, he doesn’t want to change anything and is happy with everything. 1 is given by those guys who are not at all happy with their lives and want to make a lot of changes.

The assessment must be announced to the whole group of children and justified. Other guys may ask questions on the topic and you must give a detailed answer to them.

The game can be taken in a slightly different direction. The guys can announce their marks, and then take turns telling about happy and sad stories from their lives.

Game "Mom and Daughter"

This game is quite unique, because the guys will have to touch each other. Here it is extremely important that the teacher explains to the children the role of skin-to-skin contact and touching.

We divide the children into pairs and in each pair we determine the role of the child and the role of the parent. Then, for 2-3 minutes, each “parent” should show a variety of feelings towards their child through touch. You can also use words. Afterwards the guys change roles and start playing again. When the game is over, the guys can share their feelings and decide which role they liked to play.

Game "We are alike"

This exercise takes about half an hour. And this game has 2 options.

  1. The guys begin to walk around the room and every time they encounter someone, they must note how they are similar to each other.
  2. Or you can divide all participants into pairs. For the first 5 minutes in each pair, the guys discuss how they are similar, and then talk about their differences.

Finish the game with a summary. The teacher should help the children come to the conclusion that all people are alike, but at the same time we are all different.

Game "Joys of Life"

This game should encourage children to remember all the good things that happened to them in life. The exercise seems to focus the teenager’s attention only on the positive aspects. The children also learn to work in a team and cooperate.

The teacher divides the children into groups of 3 people. Each group of teenagers receives a picture depicting some area of ​​life. The guys come up with some kind of story based on this picture. And then they move on to the next image and continue the story. When all the pictures are described, the game can be completed. About 5 minutes are given to describe each image.

The guys can discuss the resulting stories. In total, the game will take about an hour and a half.

Exercise "What if..."

This exercise should encourage children to discuss their own emotions and feelings. Children also learn to build cause-and-effect relationships. In addition, schoolchildren learn how to behave correctly in a given situation.

  1. Place the cards with the beginning of the stories on the table. Players take out cards and come up with a continuation of the story. The guys say each story out loud and then discuss it.
  2. With the same cards, the guys dramatize what in the first case they would have told in words. That is, a group of guys takes out a card and shows with their actions the continuation of the story.
  3. Another interesting option is to invite each participant to draw a card with the beginning of a sentence, and they must give a short answer and complete the sentence. Examples of sentences could be the following:
  • if I fell in love/fell in love, then...
  • if I'm sad then...
  • if I want something, then...
  • If I'm scared, then...
  • if I see an alien, then...
  • if I quarrel with a friend/friend, then...
  • If I'm interested in something, then...
  • If I have nothing to do, then...
  • If I'm late for something, then...
  • if I'm cold, then...
  • If I don't want to sleep at night, then...
  • if my boyfriend/girlfriend leaves me, then...
  • if my loved one dies...

There can be an endless number of such questions. There is no need to be afraid to write negative conditions, because anything can happen in life, and every person should be prepared for troubles. Psychologists say that such trainings help teenagers avoid rash actions.

Game "Kingdom"

At the beginning of the game, the participants choose a king for themselves, and then he appoints a queen for himself. This pair chooses 1 assistant, and each assistant chooses another assistant. So the participants choose their roles until each of the guys is busy.

Next, the king and queen give orders to change something in their kingdom so that life here becomes better. Their order is passed from assistant to assistant in the order of the created hierarchy. Each of the assistants takes on some obligations to carry out the king’s orders. Throughout the game, the teenagers discuss how their lives will change when the order is carried out.

Then we change roles and repeat the game. Every teenager should experience each role and share their impressions.

What does this game give us? A teenager tries on different social roles and understands what responsibility he bears for a particular action or inaction. This game also helps identify leaders. Continue the game for no more than an hour so that the participants do not get bored.

Game "Determination"

This game lasts about 20-30 minutes. One of the teenagers leaves the class, and the other guys make a wish for one of the remaining ones. The teenager, who had previously left the class, comes back and asks 5 questions to figure out the mystery. The guys only say adjectives that describe the mystery. In the game, each participant must leave the classroom to guess who their comrades guessed.

Return questions

Psychological games are an opportunity to gain useful knowledge in a simple form. The technique of reverse questions helps a person gain time before his interlocutor begins to drive his opponent into a dead end. This technique will also help a person avoid questions that are unpleasant to him or jump to more familiar topics. How can such psychological training be transformed into a game? Just. Participants should be divided into two teams. The presenter calls one person. And now all the people on the opposite team start asking questions. They can be on a specific topic or arbitrary. A person’s task is to answer a question with a question. The facilitator records how many answers the participant can give in a minute. When the time is up, a person from the other team comes out, and accordingly, questions are asked to him. The results are summed up when all the people from the teams have spoken. This psychological game is just as suitable for adults as it is for teenagers. It's never too late to improve your speaking and communication skills.

Rules for psychological training

Each lesson is unique and interesting in its own way. For children, such sessions and games are educational and useful, because they discover new facts about themselves.

However, the facilitator should stipulate some rules, and the participants must follow and respect them. It would be good if you included rules such as:

  • confidentiality
  • personal opinion
  • listening skills

Of course, the teacher himself can decide what rules to discuss with the group.

As you can see, there are psychological games and exercises for any age; they last 5 minutes and more than an hour. It is very important to explain to the child that this is just an exercise that will help him find some hidden answers, look at his fears, overcome uncertainty and gain confidence.

What happens if…

Psychological games for teenagers come in different forms. Some of them help to meet peers, others help to establish communication, and others develop a person as a person. The game “What will happen if...” is exactly one of those philosophical ones. It forces teenagers to think about life issues that they have not yet thought about due to their age. But you still have to make a decision, and it’s better to do it thoughtfully than to resolve problems later in a hurry and on the fly. So what are the rules of the game? The guys are divided into two teams. The facilitator takes turns asking the teams difficult questions, and each participant takes turns giving answers. Accordingly, the winning team is the one that collects the most points. What questions can you ask here? Here are the samples:

  • What will you do if there is a flood?
  • What will happen if people stop working at jobs they don't like?
  • What will happen if a person always tells the truth?
  • What will you do if your parents get divorced?
  • What will happen if people learn to read minds?
  • What will happen if people can fly?
  • What will happen if animals learn to talk?


Everyone loves pantomimes. Yes, many people prefer to guess them than to show them. The socio-psychological game “Crocodile” helps teenagers relax and also have fun while away their free time. Due to the fact that you have to perform in front of a large crowd of unfamiliar people, the child will acquire skills in working with the public, as well as acting skills. After all, showing pantomime is quite difficult. Moreover, teenagers are no longer children, and they can tell their friends such complex words as nuclear power plant. It is simply impossible to show this concept without using imagination. Crocodile can be played in different ways. For example, everyone present can split into two teams and guess pantomimes against the clock. But you can play when each person is responsible for himself. In the second case, there is no need to count points. In the first option, it will be more interesting to play when the presenter counts the points. Be sure to read the rules before starting the game. When showing pantomimes, you cannot use your voice, and you cannot point your finger at objects in the room.

our group

Psychological training “Our Group” is carried out to collect information about the internal attitude of each teenager towards the members of the group in which they are located.

Goals and objectives

The purpose of the “Our Group” exercise is to establish an atmosphere of mutual understanding and friendship, learning to smooth out rough edges in conditions of mutual antipathy.

Necessary equipment

Conducting the “Our Group” lesson requires the following equipment:

  • Whatman paper for each group member;
  • sets of felt-tip pens of different colors;
  • a board on which the drawings will be attached;
  • buttons, tape or any other material for fixing va src=»» class=»aligncenter» width= "578″ height="369″[/img]

The group members sit on chairs that are placed near the desks. During this training, each teenager must sit separately.

Step by step description

The psychological exercise “Our group” is performed in compliance with the following algorithm of actions:

  1. The teacher asks the children to take markers and then draw on whatman paper the group they are currently in.
  2. Over the next 20 minutes. Each teenager draws his group as he currently sees it.
  3. After the specified period of time, all whatman paper is signed with the name of the child who created the drawing, and then attached to the board.
  4. The stage of discussion of each drawing begins.

While analyzing the group images printed on the surface of whatman paper, the teacher asks each teenager leading questions. For example, “Why did he depict this person with such facial expressions?”, “During the drawing, did the child try or take the task without showing a serious approach?”, “On whatman paper there are people for whom the teenager feels a feeling of antipathy or sympathy?” .

Danetok solution

Probably everyone would like to feel like a detective. But not everyone chooses this difficult profession. But anyone can occupy their leisure time by solving a fictitious murder. There are also such psychological problems. They test a person's mentality, logic and temperament. They are called Danetki. What is the essence of such riddles? A person tells you about a fictitious crime or, in general, about any situation. Now your task is to find the answer. But the questions should be structured in such a way that the presenter can answer them only “yes” or “no.” Such games are interesting to play both for two teenagers and for a large group. In the second case, the presenter’s task will be not only to answer questions, but also to pacify the noisy audience.

Here is an example of one of the riddles: a man was found in the desert with a broken match in his hands. What happened? What will the game look like? Approximately the following questions arise in your head: was a person killed? Is the match relevant? The deceased could not find a way out of the desert? Was only one body found in the desert? The answer to this riddle is this: people were flying in a hot air balloon, its dome burst, and those flying threw off all the ballast, but this was not enough. People drew lots on matches, and the one who pulled out the broken one jumped out of the ball.

Conflict situation

Thinking about doing a psychological role play? Pay attention to conflict issues. What is the benefit of these tasks? It is very rare that a person can quickly navigate an unusual situation. Thoughts become confused, people begin to panic and, as a result, commit rash actions. But if a person can play out strange and incomprehensible situations in his head, it will be easier for him to navigate life. This is precisely why transformational psychological games were invented. Don't be afraid to do them with teenagers. Let’s look at the example of “Conflict Situations”. This game is quite simple. Two volunteers come out. The presenter asks any situation, for example, how you will behave if your classmate hits you on the head with a backpack. One of the volunteers will become the victim, and the other the attacker. Now the players’ task is to get out of this situation without quarrels and insults. But such games can be played not only with teenagers. Adults are no less likely to face difficult life situations. By anticipating and deciding them in advance, a person will feel more confident.

Equilateral triangle

Interesting children's psychological games can be played to unite the team and teach children to work as a team. The fact is that most children are selfish. They are used to being the center of the universe. And it is very difficult for them to realize that this is not so. Therefore, the sooner you teach your child to share and cooperate with peers, the better. And the easiest way to do this is in the form of a game. A game called “Equilateral Triangle” is perfect for this purpose. How to play it? The children are blindfolded and allowed into the room. The room is empty except for the tape lying on the floor. The ribbon is quite long, and its ends are tied to each other. It turns out to be such a large closed ring. The children's task is to stretch the ribbon into a triangle. Each of the guys must walk around the room and find material lying on the floor. Once all the children have picked up the ribbon, they will need to cooperate and line up to form an equilateral triangle. How to do this? Guys should focus on their voice. Or you can appoint one person who must measure the distance from one corner of the triangle to the other in steps. But you can’t suggest this idea to children. They have to figure it out for themselves.


Psychological exercises for teenagers are carried out in a pre-formed group, in which mutual understanding and a friendly atmosphere should prevail between all team members. “Cheer” is an activity that brings together teenagers with a wide variety of skills and personalities.

Goals and objectives

The task of performing the group exercise “Greeting” is to create a gaming atmosphere that eliminates psychological barriers to communication and obtaining new information.

Necessary equipment

To conduct the “Greeting” lesson, you will need chairs on which all team members sit.

Step by step description

The psychological exercise “Greeting” is performed in compliance with the following algorithm of actions:

  1. At the command of the group leader, the children rise from their chairs and then line up.
  2. All team members are divided into 3 ethnic groups with approximately equal numbers of people. These are Europeans, Africans, and also Japanese.
  3. Teenagers from different subgroups should greet their peers in the style of the national traditions of the ethnic group they represent.
  4. Children from the African group rub their feet, the Japanese bow to each other, and the Europeans shake hands.

In the process of performing this exercise, a playful environment is created in the group, the children are in a good mood, and there is loud laughter. The teacher’s task is to observe what is happening, but not to limit the children’s expression of positive emotions.


Psychological exercises for teenagers are aimed at their personal development. The “Interview” lesson allows you to reveal the full range of intellectual abilities of each child, creating favorable conditions for acquiring new skills and learning useful information.

Goals and objectives

The objective of the “Interview” training is to perform a psychological analysis of the personality characteristics of each group member through interviewing, which is carried out by the teenagers themselves.

Necessary equipment

To complete the Interview exercise, each child must have a pen or pencil and a blank sheet of paper.

Step by step description

The psychological exercise “Interview” involves performing the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Group members are divided into pairs.
  2. The teacher allocates 10 minutes for teenagers. time during which each child must make a list of questions for his partner.
  3. After the specified period of time, each group member must interview his peer, asking him pre-prepared questions.
  4. The answers that come during the conversation are noted down on a piece of paper.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher thanks all the children for participating in this training, and also asks what they liked about this exercise, and how they would like to improve the conditions of the task.


Exercise “Sociometry” is a group training that is designed to develop the personal qualities of each group member. The lesson is conducted in a free atmosphere, but with tips from the teacher.

Goals and objectives

The purpose of performing the collective exercise “Sociometry” is to get to know the group members, as well as to create the most friendly and trusting atmosphere in the team. Based on the results of the lesson, each child should understand that the people in his immediate environment have much more in common with him than he previously thought.

Necessary equipment

To complete the “Sociometry” exercise, each training participant will need a notebook or notepad, as well as a pen to take notes.

Step by step description

The psychological exercise “Sociometry” is performed in compliance with the following algorithm of actions:

  1. At the command of the group leader, each teenager must not only get to know other children, but find in the team the maximum number of people who have common characteristics with him. For example, the exact same eye color, similar zodiac sign, nearby dates of birth.
  2. The teacher allocates 15-20 minutes to clarify personal data and express acquaintance.
  3. Active communication should take place in the team, during which adolescents receive new information about the people in their environment.
  4. In order to avoid confusion, each teenager writes down the name, as well as the characteristics of the other group members, in a notebook or notebook.

At the end of the training, the teacher asks each teenager questions about how he met his peers, what he has in common with other team members. Children take turns rising from their seats, talking about their impressions.

How much do we know about each other?

This psychological game of unity should be played with guys who already know something about each other. This is a great activity to do during class at school. Teenagers often break into small groups and communicate with 4-5 people. And to make these small groups cohesive, you can hold a quiz. The teacher, who will act as a facilitator, must prepare 5 questions for each student. And then you should divide the children into teams. The guys should be divided according to the principle: whoever does not communicate with whom ends up on the same team. Now we should take a quiz. The team comes up with an answer to each question together. This way, children will have a chance to bond and learn more about their classmates. Moreover, the information that will be learned in this way will be stored in memory much better than if each person simply made a brief overview about himself. This quiz can be held not only to get acquainted. Questions can be asked from various areas of knowledge. The main thing is to mix the guys in teams for each such quiz. Thanks to this, teenagers will have the opportunity to get to know their classmates better.

Rewriting fairy tales

This psychological training game can be played with teenagers to awaken their creativity, as well as to develop their imagination. We all know the classic fairy tales. But few people think that most folk tales and legends do not have a happy ending. But it’s always more pleasant to read a story that ends with a happy ending. Especially if it is non-trivial. Here you can play an interesting game of writing such stories. At the same time, it can be combined with self-determination training. For example, children should be given an assignment to write down the profession that a person chooses for himself in the future. Set a task for the children: write a story about Little Red Riding Hood, but at the same time make sure that the main character is a firefighter, doctor or engineer. Moreover, the profession should not be directly mentioned. After all, the written fairy tale will still need to be read in front of your peers, and they will have to guess about the profession of your dreams. You can make special branches, for example, if the child has not decided what he wants to become - a cook or a technologist. This will only make the fairy tale more colorful.

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