How to get rid of gambling addiction on your own

Did you know that there are currently more than 250 large schools in Russia that teach hypnosis, including neurolinguistic programming techniques? And it’s impossible to count how many small and medium-sized courses there are online. Where and to whom will knowledge and skills be directed? It’s good if, under the influence of a trained manager, you buy three phones instead of one, but there are many cases when, under the influence of a trained manager, under the influence of criminal hypnosis people lost all their savings, and businessmen went bankrupt by signing contracts on unfavorable terms.

It is impossible to stop the new direction of communication between people. Hypnosis is gradually becoming a part of life, just as the Internet once became part of our everyday life. This means that you need to “make friends” with him, learn to recognize him and not give yourself the opportunity to manipulate yourself, unless we are talking about a therapeutic hypnotherapy session.

What is hypnosis?

The term “hypnosis” refers to the mental and physical state of relaxation of a person at a level where the subconscious area is able to communicate with consciousness. At this moment, you can access a person's inner potential. This is the value of hypnotic influence, which is successfully used by modern medicine for the drug-free treatment of patients with moderate and severe forms of psychosomatic diseases, getting rid of phobias and bad habits. With the help of hypnosis, you can solve a lot of problems... or aggravate them if you fall under the influence of a hypnotist "from the highway."

In the 40-70s in the USSR, hypnosis was popular in the form of public speaking. The boom of mass sessions occurred in the 90s. Some perceived them at the level of magic or quackery, for others it was a method of getting rid of illnesses, relaxation.

Now mass hypnosis sessions are prohibited in our country. And only certified doctors have the right to conduct therapeutic hypnotherapy, and only with the consent of the patient.

The danger from hypnosis lies only when it is used for criminal purposes and hidden, so in what follows we will focus specifically on the hidden form.

Eliminate other types of dependencies

To effectively counteract alcohol addiction, you should minimize the influence of other addictions that can have a destructive effect on thinking, emotional state and psyche. The following can have a negative effect on the body:

  • smoking;
  • gambling addiction;
  • binge eating;
  • masturbation;
  • compulsive actions.

The presence of one or more addictions significantly complicates the process of combating alcoholism. To increase the chances of success and reduce the likelihood of a breakdown, it is better to take a comprehensive approach to the issue of freeing the body from all addictions.

Why do you need to know how hypnosis works?

If you are driving along the highway at high speed and do not pay attention to the fact that your wheel bearing is humming, there is a chance that it will soon jam and you will find yourself in a ditch. A person who does not know how the main units and components of a car function will not be able to recognize dangerous hidden breakdowns in time.

To learn to recognize a directed hypnotic influence, you need to understand at least in general terms what types of covert hypnosis exist, and what psychological tools (techniques) hypnotists use.

It is especially important to have knowledge in the field of mind manipulation for people whose professions involve constant communication, money, and sales. These are businessmen, bank employees, journalists, taxi drivers, sellers, artists. They are at risk.

Go through the withdrawal phase

Most people with alcohol addiction find it difficult to cope with the disease due to the fact that they cannot effectively go through the withdrawal period. It is the most difficult and painful period of time. Symptoms of withdrawal make themselves felt especially clearly, which convinces the addict of the futility of his attempts, and the internal desire to drink grows and intensifies. In this regard, a breakdown occurs, which returns to the beginning of the path. All efforts and attempts to return to a sober lifestyle go to waste.

In order to courageously overcome all difficulties and really reach the end, it is important to be patient and overcome this stage.

What types of covert hypnosis exist?

Types of hypnotic control of a person can be divided into 5 large groups: manipulation, neurolinguistic programming (NLP), criminal hypnosis (a polycorrect name for gypsy) and zombification.

Manipulation through hypnosis

A person who is familiar with the basic aspects of the patterned organization of the human psyche will be able to manipulate people and achieve the required actions from them. The process of suggestion occurs unnoticed by the controlled.

The influence is more effective if the NVP manipulator knows the mental characteristics and stereotypes of the victim. He tries to drive the victim into a corner, uses weaknesses, puts pressure on pity, on “honor and dignity.” In every way he tries to cause a feeling of mental discomfort in a person, most often guilt. In order not to be guilty, the victim must agree to the conditions set by the manipulator.

Neurolinguistic programming using hypnosis

This type is popular in business trainings, where a person’s communication skills are developed. Psychologists, psychotherapists and linguists are professionally familiar with this technique. This is an area of ​​applied science that allows you to raise any professional activity related to communication to a new level.

Top managers and leading specialists in the field of personnel management often attend NLP trainings. The benefits of NLP are obvious, but there is an opinion that the use of such technology in everyday practice is unethical.

No one is prohibited from developing their communication skills. People who are familiar with this technique do not fall under the influence of “NLP manipulators”.

Criminal hypnosis

Used deliberately for fraudulent purposes. A striking example is the deception of money from passers-by by people with a gypsy appearance. The victim is confused in various ways, causing a state of “brain fog,” fear, or vice versa, relaxation and fascination, causing interest in continuing the dialogue and following the instructions of the manipulator. Clear control over the mind is lost, the victim follows the scammer’s lead.

Usually the dialogue begins with a request to “give me some bread”, “to pour a liter of gasoline into an empty tank, otherwise we are driving from afar”, with an offer to tell fortunes or play a game of chance. Street manipulators know how to influence the subconscious, relying on a person’s weaknesses, inducing fear, awakening greed, and developing passion.

Many people do not even learn the criminal type of hypnosis, but are endowed with the ability to “chatter” from birth.

Zombification using hypnosis

The main form of suggestion used by cult recruiters. Zombification requires a certain period of time and includes the stages of soft and hard zombification:

  • Everything starts out rosy and wonderful. The victim finds himself immersed in an environment of universal care, love, and understanding.
  • Weaknesses are identified. Usually the victims are those who suffer from oppressive loneliness and are ready to accept any new areas of knowledge.
  • Step by step, the victim's consciousness is filled with new ideas.
  • As soon as a person has accepted new attitudes, there is a sharp transition to a hard form of zombification.
  • Living conditions change to unbearably difficult, exhausting work schedule, endless prayers, meager diet and targeted personality coding.

When the victim is almost completely exhausted, small “worldly joys” are returned to her, since “she deserved it by her obedience.”

The human consciousness is completely exhausted; the giver of benefits is perceived as a benefactor. From this moment on, the victim becomes psychologically completely dependent on the source of suggestion.

The media provides statistics that 4% of all crimes related to fraudulent activities are committed using hypnotic influence. Somehow it seems that this figure is underestimated.

Popular methods of treating alcoholism

Many popular alcoholism treatments are used in hopes of solving the problem. But, unfortunately, with their help it is not possible to achieve sustainable results. This is due to the lack of consistency, understanding of the mechanisms and causes of addiction.

1. Folk remedies

Treatment with folk remedies is mostly ineffective and in some cases poses a health hazard. Conspiracies, amulets and other shamanic paraphernalia are meaningless. Herbal decoctions are not able to suppress addiction, but can cause a significant blow to weakened organs and systems. The consequences of such “treatment” can include poisoning, allergies, nervous disorders, kidney and liver disease.

2. Help from a psychotherapist

The help of a psychologist is a working method of therapy, but without an integrated approach to the problem, it is also meaningless. In the absence of adaptation to society, the inability to resist temptations, and the lack of knowledge about resisting breakdowns lead a person back to alcohol.

3. Coding for alcoholism

Coding is a well-known treatment method. It allows you to cope with the physiological craving for alcohol, but it is not suitable for everyone. Hypnosis and psychotherapeutic effects can only be felt by sensitive and receptive people, and sewing in a capsule often has a number of contraindications and provokes unwanted side effects (aggression, increased anxiety, depression). In addition, coding does not eliminate the emotional and psychological causes of addiction, which most often provoke breakdowns and a return to alcoholism.

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What techniques are used for hypnotic influence?

The essence of a hypnotic session is to completely concentrate a person’s attention on something, putting him into a trance, and at this moment make the necessary suggestion. It is not necessary to put a person to sleep or wave a pendulum in his face. There are many effective techniques for quickly inducing trance. More often than others, these are catalepsy, amnesia, induction of positive and negative hallucinations, distortion of time perception, post-hypnotic suggestion.


The technique is actively used to instill attitudes that are unfavorable for the victim. From the outside, the process looks like this:

  • A person is asked to pass a notebook or pen to another.
  • At the moment when he extended his hand for the object, he was puzzled by an unexpected question.
  • At this moment, the person enters into a stupor, his hand freezes for that period of time while he thinks about the answer. The hand is in a cataleptic state.
  • At this second, the human subconscious is open to suggestion.

Hypnotherapists also use catalepsy for good purposes, to help a person get rid of life-destroying negative psychological attitudes. Naturally, with the consent of the patient. Recently, this technique has been used less and less.


This is not magic or magic . After coming out of a trance, a person remembers almost nothing of what happened to him. Sometimes he remembers, but after a short period of time he forgets. It was as if a puzzle had been taken out of a painting.

The technique is used by high-class scammers who gain trust, force people to do unprofitable things under a trance state, and make a suggestion to remove this moment from memory.

The state of amnesia is not always associated with a hypnotic session. This happens when a person experiences a severe shock and then does not remember what happened next or what preceded the state of shock. The psyche itself turned on defense mechanisms, protecting a person from unpleasant shocking memories. This is a favorite plot line in soap operas.

Blocking of areas of consciousness may not occur due to shocking events, but at that moment this event was absolutely not important to the person.

Positive and negative hallucinations

Another common technique involves suggestion, which makes the victim convinced of the presence of some non-existent phenomenon or object (positive hallucinations). Alternatively, on the contrary, the suggested person does not see what is actually happening (negative hallucinations). A complex technique that is specially trained.

Distortion of time perception

To achieve the desired, the hypnotist can change a person’s subjective perception of time. After leaving the trance state, the object of suggestion cannot correctly determine how much time has passed. He could have been in a trance for several hours, but it would seem that several minutes had flown by. The condition is close to amnesia.

Post-hypnotic suggestion

An effective and at the same time dangerous method of influence is called the phenomenon of post-hypnosis. The hypnotist introduces into the subconscious of a person put into a trance a certain algorithm of actions as a reaction to some event, word, phenomenon. As a result of post-hypnotic suggestion, the victim performs certain actions at a certain time, and this appears to be his own desire.

In hypnotherapy, this technique is used for the benefit of the patient, helping to give up bad habits, overeating, etc. In a criminal case, a person subjected to a hypnotic attack may find himself in an extremely dangerous situation.

A person cannot be forced, even by suggestion, to do something that contradicts his principles. The hypnotist only uses the potential inherent in a person, his inclinations and removes restrictions.

If a person is essentially not a murderer or a maniac, and in a trance state you give him the command to take a knife and kill someone, he will immediately wake up, because this is contrary to his essence.

Who is not suggestible?

The degree of susceptibility to hypnotic influence is different for everyone. The least suggestible people are those who believe that hypnotists are magicians and nothing more.

During the session the following will be suggestible:

  • people who do not want to be hypnotized think about abstract events;
  • possessing great willpower, energetically stronger than a hypnologist; patients who have mental retardation;
  • reasonable, with rational thinking, not prone to sentimentality, with a stable psyche, able to control themselves;
  • having non-standard thinking properties, including those with mental illnesses, under the influence of psychotropic drugs, alcohol;
  • the peculiarities of the brain development of autistic children mean the child’s psychological self-isolation, and they are not subject to hypnotic influence;
  • elderly people suffering from senile dementia.

Hypnotizability is a concept that includes a combination of many factors. If at least one of them is violated, a person cannot be hypnotized. People who have problems with memory and concentration are not suggestible.

According to Milton Erickson, everyone is susceptible to suggestion except infants and people with severe mental disorders.

Who is most susceptible to hypnosis?

The most hypnotizable people are those who have a high ability to concentrate. They have no difficulty concentrating on what the hypnotist is saying. Patients with increased hypnotizability include:

  • capable of deeply empathizing, sympathizing;
  • imaginative, creative, dreamers;
  • having a stable psyche and a clear mind.

Studies have shown that if the patient initially has reduced hypnotizability, but has a great desire to interact with the hypnotist, the effect improves with each session.

According to statistics, about 15% of people are absolutely insensitive, more than half are mildly and moderately suggestible, and about 20% are super-hypnotizable.

Risks of Hypnotherapy

The main risk is running into scammers, sectarians or criminal hypnotists. No one is immune from this, but vigilance and common sense will help avoid problems.

There is no need to be afraid of complications during a hypnotherapy session. They may arise, but a competent specialist knows what to do in unforeseen situations. They are mainly associated with the loss of rapport - the connection between the hypnotist and the patient. As a result of this, hypnotic sleep, for example, can turn into natural sleep.

In severe cases, a patient with certain hysterical characteristics may experience spontaneous somnambulism. In this state, a person walks in his sleep, communicates with imaginary people, does not recognize the therapist, mistaking him for someone else. Sometimes during a session of regressive hypnosis or hypnocatharsis, the patient may become ill due to negative experiences.

Therapists are taught to respond correctly to such difficulties and mitigate their own risks. The doctor may be slandered: for example, accused of rape under hypnosis. Sometimes this happens because patients (often with sexual disorders) fall in love with the specialist and begin to experience erotic feelings towards him.

How do you know if you are under hypnotic influence?

When a person is in a deep trance, there is almost no chance of resisting the hypnotist on his own. Only people with special training can do this. At the initial stage this is still possible. Therefore, you need to recognize directed suggestion as early in order to remove it. It’s not as difficult as it seems if you know the signs by which it can be determined.

Extra information

If during a conversation an endless stream of information hits and the brain is not able to “digest” everything, the “stress” mode turns on. The subconscious is unprotected.

Fraudsters begin to say a lot of incomprehensible phrases, trying to “load” more, make certain touches, something happens behind your back. Street hypnotists attack all organs of touch. If you encounter this, know that this is a hypnotic effect.


Often hypnotists who need to achieve something (for example, sign some important document) begin to repeat your movements, manner of speaking, and take the same position. They even adapt to your breathing rhythm. In hypnotic parlance this is called “tuning.”

The hypnotist will pronounce phrases as you exhale, in unison with your inner monologue. This kind of communication is very pleasant, be careful!

Pressure for pity

Criminal hypnotists try to evoke pity and blame non-existent things, but they argue very skillfully. From the outside it looks like you are to blame for all the troubles of your interlocutor. If you do not agree to its terms, you will be held responsible for some fatal things for the rest of your life (someone will die of hunger, will not receive the necessary medications, etc.).

Avoiding the goal

If your opponents are trying to put another goal into your head, be wary. It is possible that these people use suggestion for gain. The new goals suggested by the hypnotist are superficially attractive , but underneath there is a catch. They try to drag the victim into activities that contradict his beliefs and views.

Too many questions

To overload the brain, hypnotists and NVP manipulators begin to ask the victim a lot of questions. Partly to the point, but mostly some kind of nonsense to force the brain to work with effort. Often the questions are formulated very difficult , it is impossible to immediately figure out what they really want to hear from the victim.

Violation of personal space

There is such a thing as the boundaries of personal space. When it is violated, discomfort occurs. This is what people achieve when they try to hypnotically influence the victim. Experiencing discomfort makes a person vulnerable . If a stranger is too intrusive and comes too close, this is an unkind sign, suggestion is taking place.

Strange voice

The main instrument used by hypnotists is the voice. Intonation and timbre should be built in such a way as to force the victim to listen. There may be several options here. Slurred muttering, monotonous speech , speech that is too fast, or the sweet, enchanting voice of a stranger are used

Feeling of unreality

If, in the process of communicating with a stranger, you begin to experience a strange feeling, as if you are in a world unfamiliar to you, then you have come under hypnotic influence.

A similar feeling of the unreality of what is happening can occur in a state of extreme fatigue, when a person is forced to not sleep for several days.

Sudden drowsiness

The first stage of many types of hypnosis is characterized by sudden drowsiness. While it is perceived as an obsession, consciousness still controls this process, we must sound the alarm.

You cannot allow yourself to be drawn into the next stage, when it will be almost impossible to get rid of the hypnotic influence.

The situation is complicated by the fact that the state of drowsiness is pleasant, and there is no desire to get out of it.

Disorientation in time

A person who is under the influence of a hypnotist may suddenly lose track of time. If during a conversation with a stranger you feel that the dialogue has dragged on, you cannot understand whether it is evening or morning, in 90% of cases you are under hypnotic influence.

Sudden trust in a stranger

A person has a developed instinct of self-preservation, so strangers, even those with a very pleasant appearance, are considered from the point of view of safe communication. If you have known a person for a few minutes, but you have already gained unlimited trust and begin to tell things that you would never trust to strangers, stop. You are under hypnotic suggestion.

Unusual behavior

People who try to influence others using hypnosis or NLP are often characterized by fussy, unnatural behavior. If a stranger seems too extravagant, says incomprehensible things, behaves unconventionally, persistently wants to start a friendly conversation, you need to be wary, a hypnotic suggestion is taking place.

Can't insert word

A person who wants to make a hole in the victim’s consciousness and get to the bottom of the unconscious during the conversation does not allow anyone to object, insert a word, and constantly interrupts. This person has some goals. He does this on purpose.

Excessive gesticulation

People who use different methods of psychological influence on the victim may look different. More often they are distinguished by shifting eyes and excessive gesticulation with their hands, especially the left one. Be observant when talking to strangers!

Call for immediate decision

If you are forced to make a decision immediately, given a lot of arguments why you should do it, stop. They are putting you under psychological pressure. Sometimes it can look like a harmless lack of time. Analyze, don't rush.

What does it look like from the outside?

The objects of hypnotic suggestion may not be you, but someone from your environment. If you witness such a session, you will see the following picture:

  • the victim's face is relaxed;
  • pupils dilated;
  • the gaze is motionless and foggy;
  • the skin begins to turn pink;
  • The person’s posture is unnatural, as if frozen.

The suggestible greedily absorbs everything that is told to him, does not notice anyone around except the hypnotist. The victim is in a state of pleasant fatigue, drowsiness, enjoys the voice of the hypnotist, thoughts float, everything around him fades into the background, only the voice of the hypnotist is clearly heard. From the outside, these changes in a person are usually clearly visible.

Prevention: how to avoid hypnosis?

Hypnosis and NLP open up a lot of opportunities for scammers to control people for their own benefit. To avoid being another puppet, you need to develop a number of useful habits and skills:

  • You must always control and be aware of whether you are being manipulated by hypnotists at the moment or whether you yourself make a decision, agree to do a service, or disclose information.
  • You must be able to refuse people, learn to say a clear “no” when you don’t like something or don’t want to do it. If a person is embarrassed to refuse, he instantly becomes prey to NLP manipulators.
  • Make sure that there is a distance between you and strangers - physical and psychological, do not bring people you do not know closer to you;
  • Change the rules of the game. Don't be so predictable that everyone can predict your actions in advance. React differently. Naturally, this applies to relationships with strangers.
  • Do not boast about connections, money, property. Boasting and flaunting attracts the attention of dishonest people.

To manipulate a person, to force him to do something against his will, NLP manipulators often use his weaknesses. Don't show them in public. Weaknesses include not only greed and a thirst for new sensations, but also the desire to know one’s future, indecision and curiosity.

Know the first signs of relapse

A breakdown threatens to reduce all physical and mental efforts associated with giving up alcohol to zero. That is why it is important to pay attention to the body’s signals and know the first signs of a breakdown in order to take timely measures and prevent a return to alcoholism. The first warning signs that a breakdown is approaching include:

  • mood swings, with a negative mood becoming dominant;
  • general deterioration of health;
  • feeling of loss of control over life;
  • depression and depression;
  • obsessive thoughts that encourage drinking.

The appearance of even a few symptoms may indicate that the situation may soon get out of control. This cannot be ignored, so it is better to seek help in a timely manner. Specialists are always ready to provide psychological support that can prevent a return to alcohol.

How do hypnotherapists remove hypnosis?

Hypnotherapists bring you out of a hypnotic trance carefully and safely. They warn the person that they begin to wake him up, counting from ten to one. The person comes out of the hypnotic trance gradually. The hypnologist instructs that after leaving the trance, the patient will feel great. A person wakes up at the command of the hypnotist.

If the counting is over, and the person has not come out of the trance, he is left in this state, he begins to come out of it on his own, a little later. If the patient feels unwell upon emerging from hypnotic sleep, the hypnologist again puts him into a trance and repeatedly suggests that he will feel good.

How to remove hypnosis from a person when the suggestion was made by someone else?

If you realize that your loved one is under hypnotic influence, you need to contact a professional hypnologist so that he can determine which hypnosis technique was used. This can be found out by putting the person into repeated hypnosis. After this, work is carried out to eliminate the suggestions laid down by the fraudulent hypnotist.


Hypnosis in itself is not harmful or dangerous if it is not used for unseemly purposes. There are many things in the world that people use in different ways: ordinary water can be a source of strength and pleasure or a killer. Therefore, you should not be afraid of hypnosis, but simply use its power for the benefit of a person.

Daily life consists of constant interaction. To some extent, every day we are under the hypnotic influence of: sellers, advertising, teachers, loved ones. It is important to be able to control the situation and make informed decisions, relying only on yourself and common sense.

It is necessary to be wary of any incomprehensible situations and develop critical thinking. If you cultivate your will and character, you can easily resist manipulators and hypnotists.

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