How to develop a strong character: practical tips and tricks

Most of the planet's inhabitants are dissatisfied with their character. People are insecure, full of doubts and anxieties, and suffer from a lack of determination and determination. They do not solve problems and do not fight difficulties, leaving everything to chance. The result is a boring and joyless life. Is it possible to change the situation? How to develop a strong character?

Overcome difficulties

The best way to build character is through difficulties, users of The Question project are sure. “At a minimum, the most obligatory condition is to get out of your comfort zone,” says Dmitry Richter. “As a rule, strong people overcame such barriers and experienced such events that we never even dreamed of.”

“You can never truly taste success if it comes too easily,” confirms Elizabeth Lutes. Also, you should not blame others for your failures and failures, but accept them with your head held high.

What is a strong character

Strong character is a person’s ability to firmly adhere to his principles and beliefs, and to confidently move towards achieving his goals. It should not be confused with stubbornness and pride.

How strong a character is depends on three of its components:

  1. The power of principles and beliefs. We can say that this is a person’s attitude towards himself, his life and the future. A good example is the code of honor of an officer or samurai (Bushido).
  2. Strength of mind. Consists of three separate parts: faith, devotion and fearlessness. These qualities determine the triumph of the spiritual component of human essence over the material.
  3. Strength of will. Represents the ability to fight laziness and self-pity and steadily pursue your goals.

A weak-willed person, unlike a strong one, does not possess the listed qualities. He has no principles or beliefs of his own. Often he does not know what he wants from life, and follows the lead of those around him.

Read books

Users recommend reading books of completely different genres. Autobiographies - to glean the experience of great people, strong in spirit. Fiction - to develop imagination and play out difficult situations that may ever happen to you. And books on self-development - to get motivation and learn useful psychological techniques.

Dmitry Sergeev proposed a list of three main works, in his opinion: Robin Sharma “The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari”, Dale Carnegie “How to Stop Worrying and Start Living” and Stephen Covey “7 Habits of Highly Effective People”.

Have own opinion

Strong and mature individuals are not afraid to express their opinion, even if it is very different from the generally accepted one. In addition, they adhere to their own views, despite criticism. “In our century, people themselves become slaves to other people’s opinions, so it is very difficult to preserve individuality of thinking. Learn to let go of other people's opinions and form your own objective judgment,” says Elizabeth Lutes.

Dmitry Sergeev advises you to think about what you do in life because you really want it, and what you do under pressure from others or circumstances. “The ability to walk away from a film that you don’t like, and not finish watching it because money was paid for it. Don't eat a dish in a restaurant that you don't really like, and don't choke because you paid a considerable amount for it. During an unpleasant conversation, get up, turn around and leave, or just remain silent at the moment when you just want to “blurt out” something or do something, without thinking that someone will think something “wrong” about you.” , he gives examples.

Now let's look at examples

If earlier, when speaking about strength, we meant, first of all, physical data, but now this concept is much broader. In ancient times, to be considered such, a person only had to kill a mammoth, but now this quality is measured by mental, intellectual and other abilities that make many people not just strong, but unique and great personalities.

Let's get acquainted with examples of strong people who have already made history or are just starting their journey, motivating others to succeed.

Peter I

Peter I is an outstanding ruler who made a significant contribution to the development of the state. He was his father's fourteenth child and his mother's first-born. Peter I's father passed away when the future tsar was not even four years old.

As Tsar, Peter I set himself the goal of raising Russia to the level of successful countries. The ruler divided the country into ten provinces, subordinated the church to the state, founded an army and navy, and also reformed the sphere of education and culture: new educational institutions began to open, and the opportunity to study abroad became available. Thanks to the innovations of Peter I, Russia became an empire, and the ruler received the title of “Great Emperor”.

Some interesting facts: Peter I was a little over two meters tall, but at the same time he had small feet. To correct for this difference, he wore shoes several sizes larger. The emperor was against drunkenness and fought against it with the help of a cast iron medal: it was hung on those who abused alcohol so that it was impossible to remove it, and you had to wear it for seven days. Peter I was versed in various crafts; he mastered the skills of a mason, carpenter, etc.

The king had a stern character, the formation of which was probably influenced by a tragic situation in childhood: in front of the eyes of a little boy, rebels dealt with his relatives. The personality of Peter I still arouses interest, but the fact that he determined the course of Russia's development for many years to come made him one of the great personalities who gave strength to the state.

Yuri Gagarin

Could one day a boy from a simple family have thought that he would become the first person to conquer space? Probably not.

Yuri Gagarin lived in the village of Klushino. In 1941, little Yura was preparing to go to school, but instead of happy days at his desk, he was forced to fight for life, coming face to face with the war. The Germans kicked his family out of their house, where they later set up a workshop. He lived in a dugout with his family for a year and a half without the opportunity to stand up to his full height and move freely.

Despite all the troubles, Yuri Gagarin was able to succeed in his studies, graduated from college, an industrial technical school and entered a sports flying club, where he made his first flight. Once he was almost expelled from school due to the fact that he could not land the plane correctly. In the end, it turned out that his short stature was to blame. The problem was solved by placing a thick pad on the chair.

In 1961, he was included in a group of six candidates for space flight. Yuri Alekseevich successfully passed all the tests and training, leaving no doubt that he should be the chosen one.

Yuri Gagarin died in a plane crash, the cause of which is still controversial. In his note, which he wrote to his wife before flying into space, there was the following: “Once in childhood I read the words of Valery Chkalov: “If there is to be, then to be the first.” So I’m trying to be that and will be until the end.” The spouse received the note only after the pilot’s death [, 2020].

Elon Musk

This name is probably on everyone’s lips, but few people know that in childhood, today’s American entrepreneur, engineer and billionaire was a withdrawn child and was even subjected to violence from his peers, and once, after another beating, he had to repair a broken nose.

Elon's parents divorced, and the boy decided to live with his father, who had a difficult character. As a child, Elon Musk helped his father at work, which was related to construction. At the age of ten, Musk was given a computer, and at the age of twelve he sold his first program, a video game, for five hundred dollars. In 1995, he entered Stanford, which he left exactly two days later to start his first company.

Today, Elon Musk is the founder of several companies, such as and PayPal (personal money transfers), SpaceX (development of launch vehicles), Tesla (production of electric vehicles), etc. He was awarded the title of the best entrepreneur of the year and included in the list of the most influential people of the twenty-first century, and was also awarded the Heinlein Prize for achievements in the commercialization of space [, 2021].

Some more inspiring stories

Nick Vujicic has no arms since birth, and a small foot with two toes protrudes directly from his thigh. Despite his rare disease, Nick leads a full life that can be the envy of those who are completely healthy. He swims, surfs, plays football and golf. Moreover, he graduated from college and received a diploma in two specializations.

Nick Vujicic gives lectures where, by his example, he motivates people not to give up and believe in themselves. By the way, he is married and has four children who were born absolutely healthy. Isn't this happiness?

Jessica Cox is not just a female pilot, but a pilot without arms. She has a birth defect. The most interesting thing is that during pregnancy, all tests for Jessica’s mother indicated that the baby was developing without pathologies.

Despite her peculiarity, the girl drives a car and combs her own hair, she does all this with the help of her legs. She also trained as a psychologist, dances, and has a double black belt in taekwondo.

To train as a pilot, the girl took a three-year course in airplane driving, where she was taught by three instructors. This is what willpower and determination mean!

Andrea Bocelli is a singer from Italy who is known throughout the world. Andrea's talent for music manifested itself in childhood, but, unfortunately, he experienced vision problems due to glaucoma, and being hit on the head by a ball while playing football completely made the boy blind.

Despite this, he received a musical education and was able to attract attention: he was invited to various performances. Andrea Bocelli was one of the first who was able to combine opera music with pop style.

As you can see, personal strength, first of all, manifests itself in indomitability in the face of difficulties, perseverance of character, powerful self-motivation and fortitude. Such different stories, but they all prove that each of us is the creator of our own destiny.

Set goals and achieve them

A goal is needed to know where to go. Write a list of what you want to achieve in a certain period of time - a week, a month, a year. Then compare the results, draw conclusions and write new goals. “More specifics, which can be expressed in terms and numbers, less abstract reasons and phrases,” advises Dmitry Sergeev.

“A person with a weak character does not know what he wants. He is contradictory, disorganized and constantly fluctuates,” says Artem Ivanov. Start from the opposite.

Internal energy core

Strong character is a person’s internal energy, which allows him to overcome obstacles on the way to his goal. Character begins to form from the very birth of a small child. The formation of strength of character is influenced by a person’s environment, upbringing and traditions of the people. The formation of character (worldview) ends at the age of 18, and after that it becomes almost impossible to change a person.

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What is character formed from, this invisible foundation of any person? This is a complex mental formation, which consists of many shades, polar manifestations, traits and qualities. Character is manifested through a person's thoughts, words and actions. It is through actions that one can get an idea of ​​a person’s strong or weak character.

Characteristics of a strong character:

  • persistence;
  • The will to win;
  • determination;
  • subsequence;
  • independence;
  • independence;
  • perseverance.

The strength of his character is judged by how a person can overcome obstacles and move towards a goal. A spineless person goes with the flow and does not resist obstacles in his path. He is more a follower than a leader; he does not strive to take a leading position and conquer the heights of life.

Note! A person's character is revealed through his will.

Showing strength of character:

  • active energetic actions;
  • bringing the work started to completion;
  • overcoming obstacles on the way to the goal;
  • focus of efforts.

Important! The hallmarks of a strong character are innovation, initiative, and enthusiasm.

A person is not afraid of difficulties, his words do not diverge from his deeds, and his behavior is consistent and logical. A spineless person shows cowardice, is afraid of difficulties, does not keep his word and does not want to take responsibility for any assignment.

To determine the degree of character strength, you need to write down the strengths and weaknesses of your personality in a notebook. This will allow you to determine the direction of movement and methods of influence. You just need to honestly identify all your weaknesses and strengths in order to achieve real results. Don't embellish your qualities, but don't belittle them either.

Saying no

The inability to give direct and honest refusals reveals weakness of character in people, users of The Question are sure. It is important to learn to save your time and set personal boundaries. “The ability to decisively say “no” to unimportant things will give you the strength to say “yes” to something important,” says Dmitry Sergeev. “It is very important to focus on one thing, discarding all external factors. They just destroy you. Give them up in favor of truly important things,” advises Elizabeth Lutes.

How to develop a strong character

You can develop a strong character from early childhood. There are such examples in history. These are knights whose training began at the age of 7. Another option is development as you grow older and solve life problems, as well as overcome some obstacles.

Another way to become stronger is to work on yourself. Here you will have to deliberately create conditions conducive to character development.

How it is impossible to develop a strong character

The process of character development requires, first of all, the desire to act, time, and sometimes self-sacrifice. There are a number of requirements, ignoring which will reduce all efforts to nothing:

  • leave your comfort zone;
  • get rid of laziness, fears and slavery of habits;
  • develop not only in thoughts, but also in deeds;
  • exercise as regularly as possible;
  • respect yourself, remember your dignity (do not compare with pride and arrogance);
  • combat the effects of external factors;
  • not to force, but to discipline yourself.

It is impossible to develop a strong character even without a clearly defined goal. A person must have motivation. In its absence, sooner or later he will go astray from the intended path.

Take a closer look at your surroundings

Unfortunately, not everyone will like it if you suddenly start changing for the better. For some you will no longer be “convenient”, others will simply be jealous. If you want to be strong, change your unpleasant environment. “If there are people around you who don’t want to get better and “drag” you down with them without developing, then it’s better to reduce the limit of communication with them. Or cut them out of your life. Find those who are on the same path as you, those who will help you and, thanks to you, become better every day,” says Dmitry Sergeev. “If you don’t want to ruin your life, stay away from those who have already ruined theirs.”

Source: The Question

Physical exercise

To develop character strengths, you need to keep yourself in shape and exercise regularly. You just need to decide on the sport that you like. You need to attend classes regularly and hold them at the same time to develop discipline. You need to take as a rule: you should attend classes at any time, even if you are not in the mood or feel bad.

If you are not in the mood for heavy workloads, then you can go jogging or just walk around the garden. Even the rain shouldn't bother you. If you decide to become a sports person, then nothing should stop you.

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