How to join a new team: mistakes, tips and tricks

Every person can face the need to join a new team in their life. We change jobs in search of more interesting activities, high salaries, flexible bosses and friendly colleagues. However, our psyche is designed in such a way that it reacts to any changes with certain protective mechanisms, thereby trying to reduce the impact of potential stress on the individual.

As a result, the first day at work turns into absolute horror: we are nervous, afraid of doing something wrong, and the boss has already begun to look askance in our direction. The first impression of the individual as a promising and balanced worker is hopelessly spoiled. How to avoid such a scenario and join the team organically? This will be discussed in this article.

First day at work: what to do?


Before moving on to practical advice, let's understand the question of what adaptation is. This term in psychology is usually used to describe a person’s adaptation to any new circumstances of his existence. In our case – to the team. Typically, adaptation to changed working conditions takes about a month . It is during this period of time that you will get used to the position you occupy and your immediate responsibilities.

It should be understood that adaptation to a team, due to the fact that human relationships are a very confusing thing, lasts an order of magnitude longer and takes about three months. You should be prepared for the fact that during the first two weeks you will be looked at as a “black sheep.” You are a “stranger,” and you should be wary and wary of strangers. Therefore, immediately prepare to react to your colleagues’ mistrust calmly and kindly. If you “survive” this stage, then joining the new team will be much easier.

Now we will discuss the points that will be useful to you immediately before your first working day. Here they are:

  • find out the exact start time of work and try to arrive at the office 5-10 minutes before it, this measure will protect you from annoying delays;
  • find out if the organization has special requirements for how employees should dress;
  • try to find out what documents you will need to apply for a job;
  • determine in advance how it is most profitable and fastest for you to get to the office;
  • Be sure to check with your boss or HR department about who should meet you on your first day and introduce you to other employees.

Prepare for the organizational issues listed above if you don’t want to look stupid in front of your future colleagues. to go to bed early the night before going to work and be sure to set an alarm clock in the morning.

Useful video

I recommend watching an interesting video on the topic of relationships with colleagues:

Thus, relationships with colleagues must be built carefully and gradually. Don’t forget that you are communicating with them at work, so the main questions in conversations should be professional ones. Friendship is great, but close relationships with co-workers can become a problem in the future. Keep your distance, behave correctly and respectfully with everyone. And then your work will be enjoyable, and your relationship with the team will be stable.

Psychological secrets of adaptation in a new team

Before arriving at your new workplace, decide how you will introduce yourself to your colleagues. In some cases, it is even advisable to prepare a short speech in advance . Such a measure will save you from stupid silence and embarrassment at the moment when your boss asks you to tell a few words about yourself. Try to be friendly, but be prepared for a cold attitude from other employees. You are a new person to them, so no one will give you applause and delight right from the door.

Psychologists have found that you can speed up adaptation in a new team thanks to the following tips:

  1. Focus your attention on scrupulously performing the duties assigned to you. If your colleagues pester you with questions, then answer them with restraint, but do not forget to smile.
  2. You shouldn’t impress everyone with your outlook and professional qualities on the very first day. It’s better to look around and observe other members of the team. On the other hand, you shouldn’t isolate yourself either. Stay close to your colleagues and try to find out where the kitchen and toilet are located, as well as when they eat lunch.
  3. Experts are convinced that observation is the key to successful adaptation to a new team. Try to remember the names and positions of other employees, determine which of them you will cross paths with most often. If you have sufficiently developed observation skills, then you will quickly understand what relationships “rule the show” in a team, how friendly and responsive its members are, and whether there are “toxic” people among them who are best avoided.
  4. Don't let new colleagues get on your head from the very first day. Talk about yourself in a general way, without going into details. Also avoid gossips and intriguers. If you make acquaintance with them, more worthy workers will quickly begin to shun you.


Love can strike anywhere, including at work. I propose to analyze typical situations.

How to understand that a man likes you?

There are a number of signs that indicate that a colleague is interested in you:

  • he often approaches you on business or just because;
  • talks to you whenever possible;
  • calls constantly, including for all sorts of nonsense;
  • gives compliments;
  • touches, takes by the palm, by the shoulders, by the waist.

If you fell in love with a man at work

If you are married or he is married, then an office romance is not a good idea. But when both are free, there is something to think about. First, estimate his age.

If there is a big difference between you, then most likely the relationship is not worth your energy and nerves.

If the man is the same age or a little older, you have every chance. Show him your interest. Dress stylishly and beautifully, always be well-groomed. You should behave with dignity towards a male colleague: do not complain, do not shout, do not create scandals or hysterics.

If you (a man) fell in love with a co-worker

Start a relationship with a colleague only if you are both single. There is no point in getting involved in an affair when you are married or she is married. It's unlikely that you need extra gossip at work.

Show the girl that you are interested in her. Give compliments and accompany you home from work. Invite on a date. But don’t rush, give your colleague time to think and evaluate you as a man, and not as a co-worker.

Typical newbie mistakes

Research has shown that some individuals tend to make the same mistakes on their first day at work, which greatly complicates their subsequent adaptation to a new team. Such oversights include:

  • being late for work;
  • forgetting the name of your immediate supervisor;
  • rudeness towards other employees;
  • boasting about one's social status, intelligence, or material wealth;
  • attempts to “suck up” to the authorities;
  • comparison of the organization with the previous place of work;
  • preaching one's own beliefs;
  • attempts to criticize the actions of colleagues;
  • flirting with the person you like;
  • willingness to take on extra responsibilities.

Psychologists strongly recommend that you do not make the above mistakes if you plan to stay at this job for more than one month and win over other employees.

Fear and excitement of the new team

Another problem that can hinder comfortable adaptation to a new workplace can be fear and anxiety. After all, an anxious person is inclined to make ridiculous mistakes, talk nonsense and generally look stupid in the eyes of others. Why does this happen? Let's figure it out.

Low self-esteem

Before going to work, such individuals will certainly ask themselves a number of questions, for example: “ How suitable am I for this position ? What if I fail to cope with the responsibilities assigned to me? What if new colleagues consider me an incompetent employee? And so on, in the same spirit. In a word, the individual purposefully doubts his own usefulness and is afraid to leave his usual comfort zone.

Weak communication skills

Fear of other people can also arise from the inability to maintain a conversation . If a person is not able to adequately communicate with colleagues, then it will be difficult for him to adapt to the realities of a new job.

However, the fault does not always lie solely with us. Sometimes the team itself deliberately makes communication difficult. For example, if a woman gets a job in a company where only representatives of the fairer sex have been working successfully for a long time, then they may simply not allow her to adapt and will eventually “push” her away. Another negative factor could be the fact that you took the place of an employee who was highly valued and respected in the company. As a result, be prepared to be constantly compared to a person you have never met.

Focusing on the negative

This problem is typical of people who “love” to torment themselves with gloomy thoughts and anxious forebodings. A few hours of “mental masochism” and the person goes to work “charged” with negative energy, ready to be humiliated by colleagues from the first seconds. Oddly enough, such pessimists really attract problems to themselves where they could have been avoided.

Fear of new leadership

The origins of such fear come from the same low self-esteem. It is this that prevents the individual from presenting himself to his boss in a favorable light. As a result, he trembles if he is called into the boss's office , and such cowardice certainly will not go unnoticed by his colleagues. This is clearly not a reason why people will respect you.

So, we have found out the main points that influence how successfully a person will join a new team. Now we should move on to specific psychological advice that can facilitate such an important task for each individual.

Who are toxic employees?

The term toxicity, as it applies to communication and people, is a relatively new concept. In 2021, it was named word of the year in the Oxford Dictionaries. There is no clear interpretation of the term, but usually only a list of character traits and behavior of people whom others call toxic is offered.

Toxicity is a synonym for “poisonousness,” therefore toxic people are those who can “poison” the atmosphere in a team or the mood of an interlocutor, without any special reason or purpose, but through their habitual behavior.

Also, toxic behavior may hide a subconscious desire to assert oneself and subjugate other people.

Toxicity is just a new buzzword wrapped around good old authoritarian behavior.
Authoritarianism is a social attitude or personality trait, characterized by the belief that in society there should be strict and unconditional loyalty to the ruler, unquestioning submission of people to authorities and authorities. Oleg Dolgitsky


Joining a new team: 5 simple tips

The very first thing you should know when going to a new job is the meaning of the phrase “they don’t go to someone else’s monastery with their own rules.” That is, you should respect the rules and foundations of the place you plan to visit. And under no circumstances try to impose your point of view on strangers. If you understand this simple truth, then it will be easier for you to become “one of the people” in the new team.

Psychologists have identified 5 effective tips on how to easily win the affection of your work colleagues. Let's look at them in more detail:

  1. Maintain neutrality . Unfortunately, most often in a new workplace you find out that there are several factions operating within the company that are opposed to each other. There is no doubt that their members will immediately want to add another “fighter” to their ranks. You should absolutely not allow such manipulations. After all, otherwise you will absolutely in vain turn the other half of the team against yourself. Rise above office squabbles and people will quickly begin to respect you as a principled person.
  2. Use social networks . Nowadays, everyone uses the Internet and is on social networks. You are no exception. So use this opportunity wisely. Be sure to send friend requests to those colleagues who seem interesting or useful to you. Chat communication is sometimes easier than live communication. But it can develop into friendship outside of virtual reality.
  3. Follow the traditions of the organization . Be sure to attend all corporate events to which you are invited. It is there, in an atmosphere of ease, that people truly open up. This means you will have a chance to make useful contacts and strengthen connections with those you already know.
  4. Be yourself . People can smell fakeness, so don't try to fool them by making yourself look good. According to psychologists, it is much more productive to be a natural and open person who is not afraid to get entangled in the intricacies of his own lies. It is precisely such individuals that colleagues are drawn to.
  5. Don't be afraid to make mistakes . It is quite common practice for a new employee to make mistakes. But if you make a mistake, then never tell anyone that “I wasn’t warned.” With such comments, you will jeopardize the competence of the employee who trained and supervised you. And this is a direct threat of being hated by the entire team.

How to JOIN A NEW TEAM // How to behave in a new team

Finally, I would like to say that joining a new team is easy if you are an open, kind and smiling person. Otherwise, no psychological advice will help you, because you cannot deceive people.


It is important to think about choosing the right clothes in advance.

It is very important when communicating with a future employer to ask him a few questions.

  1. Find out who you can ask for advice.
  2. Find out what your work schedule is.
  3. Find out if there is a dress code.
  4. Write down a list of all the documents needed to get a new job.
  5. Additionally, you can find the organization’s website and inquire about the information on it.

If I go to work for the first time, I have to think through everything and prepare in the evening:

  • choose clothes and shoes needed at work;
  • prepare all documents according to the list;
  • think over your morning routine;
  • plan what the route from home to work will be like, taking into account the possibility of transport delays, and how much time should be allocated for it.
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