What is a cynical girl? Cougars and Housewives

Who are the cynics?

If you don’t delve into the philosophical tradition and don’t remember Diogenes, but take something closer, it turns out that a cynic is a person who is able to reduce (that is, reduce) all high impulses to base aspirations. For example, love for a woman and romanticism leads to lust. The desire to help in the worldview of a cynic turns into a search for selfish gain, etc. Thus, a cynical girl is one who sees both her relationship with a man and, in principle, the whole world in an unattractive light.


People who ridicule social norms are perceived as aggressors . But from a psychological point of view, cynicism is not always a way of demonstrating dominant behavior.

Often this is a kind of defensive reaction of a person who tries to hide his own experiences behind a mask of indifference.

In such cases, the cynic turns out to be a soft and vulnerable individual who similarly builds a wall between himself and other people.

This allows him to protect his inner world from gross interference from the outside and to protect himself from possible suffering.

Thus, a man who has experienced betrayal may subsequently demonstrate disdain for all representatives of the fair sex for fear of being betrayed again.

If there is no internal psychological trauma behind such a life attitude, then we can talk about a conscious choice of this style of behavior.

Individuals with a rebellious character choose it to express a negative attitude towards the existing order of things in society.

Housewives vs cynic girls

What do potential housewives want? They want to give birth and raise children, keep order, meet their husbands from work and cook lunch, dinner and breakfast for him. At the same time, housewives do not want to work in social space. They rightly believe that they have enough work in the family.

A cynical girl is one who sees in the role of a housewife only the desire for an idle existence (although how idle it is is a moot point), an escape from responsibility and a desire to live at the expense of another person (even her husband, it doesn’t matter).

She herself is an emancipated person in the best sense of the word: she earns well or is getting there, uses guys for her sexual needs and does not yet want to get married.

Are the cynical girls right?

There is no clear answer here. Of course, among these girls there are also those who, hiding behind children, use a man as a UPS (uninterruptible power supply), but from the fact of the existence of such “mothers” one cannot conclude that all housewives are the same.

Let's ask ourselves: what is a cynical woman like? Why does she have a consumeristic attitude towards men? Why doesn't she strive for love? After all, her desire to be independent and self-sufficient can also be reduced to complexes and intrapersonal conflicts or, for example, a phobia.

In other words, if there is something bad in the world, this does not mean that the whole world is evil incarnate.

Good or bad?

Each person decides for himself whether it is worth being a cynic himself and how he treats such people.

This behavior has its advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages of a cynical attitude towards life:

  • realistic perception of reality,
  • absence of “rose-colored glasses”, which are the source of illusions,
  • no risk of being disappointed in people (due to low expectations).

Disadvantages of cynicism:

  • problems with psychological, physical health,
  • problems getting into relationships,
  • communication problems,
  • inability to cooperate with other people,
  • emotional detachment from others,
  • ignoring real experiences,
  • pessimistic outlook on life.

Are young wives of millionaires cynical?

Undoubtedly. And even if such a person says that she loves “her baby” with great and pure love, do not believe her. She's lying and she knows it. The thing is that the wives of elderly or completely infirm millionaires rely on their bodies to ensure a comfortable existence not only for the near future, but for the rest of their lives. And sometimes (though often in Hollywood TV series) young wives want to quickly become young widows. They hope to seize all financial flows into their own hands, but the old men are not born to be fools either. In a word, such unions are filled with intense invisible struggle between spouses. And sometimes, unfortunately, the old guys lose. How many such cases did Lieutenant Colombo investigate? The tragedy of reality is that there is no such honest policeman in it. However, let's move on to the millionaires themselves.


  1. Such a person does not think about shame; he is sure that he can buy everything, that there are no things that need to be treasured.
  2. A cynical person communicates with other people only when it is beneficial to him.
  3. Such a person will reject everything sublime; he does not believe in love.
  4. May resort to sympathy only to indicate his superiority.
  5. Such an individual can laugh at what is important or dear to another person.
  6. He can talk rudely to people.
  7. For such an individual, there are no authorities; he can aggressively perceive the opinions of other people, and consider his own to be correct in any situation.

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The typical state of such a person is characterized by:

  • anxious thoughts,
  • inner emptiness,
  • complete confusion
  • awareness that there is injustice in the world, but there is not enough courage to show leadership abilities and demonstrate your best sides.

The rich cry too

And laughter and sin. Sometimes, when wealthy people want love, sincere feelings, they hide their money. True, physiologically they can no longer wear cheap things, so even in order to pretend to be poor, millionaires choose jeans for $2,000. This is their obvious weakness. “Hunters,” specializing in rich men, unmistakably recognize the victim and thrust their charms right into her heart. And rich, but at the same time poor people live their whole lives with the one who was able to lasso them.

What are housewives like?

  • What are housewives like?
  • How to find a job as a housewife
  • Which responsibilities are women's and which are only men's?

Housewives can choose home over career voluntarily or involuntarily, becoming a victim of circumstances. Women belonging to the first type, as a rule, are quite satisfied with their lives and happily devote their time to caring for the family and household chores, allowing their husbands to earn money. Another option is less successful: a woman is forced to give up her career due to her husband’s demands or due to the lack of suitable work. For business ladies, this turn of events often turns out to be very unpleasant.

Housewives, unfortunately, are sometimes unkempt, focused only on their family, lazy, uninterested in anything and do not take care of themselves. This image has even become stereotypical. However, there are many housewives of a completely different type - beautiful, fit, smart, who do not sacrifice themselves to household chores, but combine them with self-improvement and care for themselves. They find time for fitness classes, swimming, etc., shopping and going to the beauty salon, while still managing to cook, clean the apartment, and take care of their children and husband. For them, taking care of themselves comes first, and household chores come second.

A separate category should include elite housewives, who sometimes become the wives of very rich men who occupy a high position in society. Such women, as a rule, try to take care of their appearance, read a lot, and take an interest in the affairs of their husband in order to become a worthy companion for him at parties and social events. They sometimes do not have enough time for household chores, so such ladies can hire servants for cooking, cleaning, caring for children, etc.

There are also professional housewives who are sincerely passionate about their concerns and understand that caring for a husband and children, as well as doing household chores, is difficult work that requires special knowledge and skills. Such a woman is constantly improving, trying to learn as much as possible about housekeeping. She can study the features of interior design and renovation, read specialized books by experienced psychologists on raising children, regularly use new recipes, etc. These are real homemakers who can make the life of their family comfortable.

Examples from life

A striking example of modern cynicism is indifference and indifference to the problems of other people .

So, a healthy and strong man walks past a woman with heavy bags and does not offer help, and a young guy does not give up his seat on the bus to an elderly man with a cane.

These people do not consider themselves obligated to help a weaker person, having every opportunity to do so. They are convinced that everyone solves their own problems. No one owes anything to anyone , a popular motto of modern cynics.

Another direction of cynicism, expressed maximalism , contrasting true values ​​with platitudes, often imposed by stereotypes. For example, denial of Valentine's Day, ridicule of lovers kissing on the street, contempt for any romantic public actions.

A contemptuous attitude towards such trends in the sphere of love relationships can be considered as the cynicism of a dry, emotionless person.

At the same time, his behavior may indicate the presence of his own understanding of relationships, which runs counter to generally accepted ideas.

A cynic does not believe in the selflessness of people's actions. For example, a friend’s sincere desire to help understand a difficult life situation will be viewed with suspicion by a cynic.

He will be confident that behind his friend’s goodwill there is not a simple desire to help, but a search for benefit.

Strong, brave, like a white swan...

What should a strong woman be like? Each person will answer this question differently. The most frequently mentioned character traits are determination, endurance, efficiency, the ability to quickly navigate a situation and be responsible for one’s actions. It turns out that femininity and tenderness are no longer valuable?

You can argue with this endlessly, but it’s still worth trying to paint the image of a modern successful woman. She is beautiful and well-groomed, loves her job, or at least tolerates it, and sets goals to achieve new career heights. She has a large wardrobe, as she often goes out and cannot afford to show off things from last season. In addition, a modern lady always has her own opinion on any matter, and therefore in many moments she can bypass a man.

But the personal life of such a lady remains in question. If she is so successful, then next to her there should be a man equal or superior to her. And if you can’t find one, then a strong woman risks being left alone.

Cynical man

Usually, disregard for social foundations is characteristic of people who strive to prove their superiority , achieve their goals by any means, and resist the injustice and hypocrisy of society.

That is, the reasons that prompt a person to behave in such a non-standard way may be different. The result is always the same: misunderstanding, irritation, rejection from other people.

Cynical behavior almost always becomes a source of conflict situations, since the life position of its bearer does not correspond to the beliefs of the majority .

A person deliberately reduces the importance of things that are significant to other people and questions generally accepted authorities.

This cannot but cause irritation. Often irony and mockery slip into his behavior, which only aggravates the situation.

Typically, individuals who neglect moral ideals are characterized by a tough, secretive character. They are demanding, straightforward, insightful.

A cynic is sure that everything in this world can be bought. He discards any ideas about shame, morality, principles, ethics. Everything, in his opinion, has a logical basis and material value .

The surrounding people are viewed from the standpoint of usefulness. If someone no longer meets the requirements placed on him, he can always be replaced.

Let's understand the terminology

What is emancipation? This term of Latin origin denotes the liberation of a son from his father's authority. In sociology, it is used to explain liberation from dependence and prejudice. In civil law there is such a concept as “emancipation of minors”. It refers to the recognition of a minor as legally competent due to his occupation. In fact, this term is used in tandem with any social group, but women’s struggle for emancipation is due to discrimination against the fair sex and their zeal for equality.

You can't argue with the fact that there is a problem. Remember how many stereotypes exist regarding female logic, intelligence and whims. And how the ladies have to be cunning so that, God forbid, they do not affect men’s self-esteem. For example, a woman should not earn more than a man, should not be able to screw in a light bulb, but should always serve a three-course meal when her lover arrives and please with the cleanliness of the apartment. But why do men get tired of such women? If a lady looks her half in the mouth and fulfills all the whims, will he see a desirable woman in her? Hardly! From this point of view, an emancipated woman is a free person who has the right to her own life. Are there any disadvantages to this situation?

From a layman's point of view

So, is an emancipated woman good or bad? It would be reckless to give a definite answer, but in any case one should not go to extremes. If a woman uses profanity, smokes cigars like a locomotive, and wears baggy sweatpants on dates, then she can hardly expect that men will see her as a gentle fairy. But even a vanilla beauty in a mini and crazy heels will not cause anyone to take her seriously. Finding a middle ground is difficult, but quite possible. How can we determine the line where emancipation ends?

General information and classification

The word cynic comes from “cynicus”, which means “cynic” in Latin. It is not surprising that the word cynic is considered as a synonym for cynic. This also includes a shameless person, a disgrace, an insolent person. There was a direction in philosophy that was represented by cynics - people who wanted to get rid of conventions and distance themselves from family, society, and the state. Illiteracy and bad behavior were seen as a good thing.

Cynicism is a deliberate disregard for ethics and moral values. It expresses inner rebellion. Cynicism can arise when a person feels impunity, he has nothing more to lose.

A cynic is a person who opposes the moral norms accepted in society. It is often associated with irony, tactlessness, a sense of permissiveness and rude behavior. Looking at a cynical person, one gets the impression that such concepts as kindness, sympathy, pity and modesty are unusual for him. But it is worth considering the fact that some individuals hide their hypersensitivity under cynicism, because they consider it their weak side.

If cynicism is moderate, then it is considered as a manifestation of intelligence. One may get the impression that a cynic is confident in himself and will never allow himself to be deceived. Cynical men are of interest to girls because they know how to joke ironically, such individuals are interesting interlocutors. But with prolonged communication, it becomes clear that the young man devalues ​​those things that are significant to others, that he is not capable of deep feelings. Love and normal communication with a cynic is possible for a person who has a cynical character. But it’s better for vulnerable people not to start a relationship with a cynical person. Unless cynicism is a mask that allows you to hide your sensitivity.

Cynicism may manifest itself differently in different people. These types are distinguished.

  1. Healthy cynic. Such a person will not participate in the lottery and will be indifferent to letters of an obviously fraudulent nature. From one point of view, these are good traits, such a person is reasonable, but from the other, an indifferent attitude.
  2. A malicious pest. Any cynic who does not have the opportunity to stop in time will definitely fall into a similar state. He will be indifferent to the failure of others and will ignore losers. These cynics are absolutely miserable people.
  3. Anti lyricist. Such a person hates kisses when meeting, giving flowers, valentines. But this does not mean that he is completely devoid of feelings; in fact, this individual believes that such actions are not a manifestation of true romance. Such a person is a maximalist, he hates deception and often goes to extremes. The cynicism of a given person is a way of resisting obsessive opinions and banality. There is a risk that the anti-lyricist will begin to withdraw into himself or begin to commit evil towards other people. When you want a lot, but you get little, you become angry at people.
  4. Black comedian. Despite the fact that this type is the most harmless, it can greatly offend a sensitive person. Despite the “dark” jokes, such a cynic has a sense of compassion. They see black humor as just jokes. He can separate reality and the fantasy world. The negative aspects of this type are that people may perceive such a person as evil. An individual must feel the boundaries of what is permitted, and not be annoying, imposing his jokes on other people. If dark humor is not appreciated in a certain circle, there is no need to continue making such jokes or get upset that people do not understand such jokes.
  5. Materialist without imagination. Such a cynic has a strong mind that crowds out his feelings. At times this works to his advantage. This individual will not suffer from unrequited love. If he realizes that someone does not like him, he will simply switch his attention to other people. If any problem arises, he will not suffer, he will simply change the situation. In fact, such a person is deprived of many things in life. For example, while at a movie theater, a person will not evaluate the picture in general; he will observe how well the actors play. Such individuals do not believe in selflessness; they are incapable of empathy. There is a risk that life will remain exclusively business relationships.

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There is also another type of classification.

  1. Legal. Cynicism is aimed at laws, legal norms, and the unwillingness to live in accordance with them.
  2. Public. This cynicism is observed among a group of people who want to have a happy society, from individuals who are comfortable coexisting. At the same time, the moral norms that are characteristic of a given society are not taken into account.
  3. Social cynicism. It appears in the middle of a single community of people.
  4. Economic. Characterized by dissatisfaction with the economic system existing in the country, the functioning of economic laws at the time of development of society.

Is there equality?

Nowadays there are no forbidden paths for women. They work and earn the same as men. A woman can buy herself an apartment and an SUV. A woman can master the skill of parking her car, take martial arts courses, and even make repairs herself. Why does she need a man in this case? Exclusively for love? It turns out that the world balance has swayed, and the woman has ceased to be dependent. She is too busy to plan a long-term relationship, and therefore quietly seeks adventures for one night.

Do we need independence?

This is a valid question! Is independence so important to us? Why should women work as pavers, hammer nails into walls themselves, and abandon who they are? An emancipated woman is a reaction to the immaturity of men, their reluctance to make serious decisions and their high self-esteem. The process of emancipation also affected the stronger half of humanity. Men master typically female professions, cook well, and even go on maternity leave so that their spouse can realize herself in the profession. In such families, an independent woman is in the lead, and there is a follower spouse. Harmony is preserved, but dependence remains, but the “polarity” changes slightly.

How does it manifest?

Men and women have different psychological characteristics, so the manifestation of cynicism has its own nuances.

In men

For men, success, career, money are always in the foreground . It is important for a man to be fulfilled in life. Accordingly, cynicism is often characteristic of those representatives of the stronger sex who have not been able to achieve great heights.

Behind the mask of contempt for society lies a feeling of dissatisfaction with oneself and unfulfillment in the professional sphere.

Classification by type

We can distinguish the main types of emancipated women. They are conditional and adjustable, but the main features of the type are very clearly manifested.

The first type is woman-man. This is an extremely independent woman. Careerist. She prefers a business style, moderately restrained, but with a touch of sexuality. She drives a car herself and actively uses all kinds of gadgets. She is not particularly demanding in love, but it will take a long time to achieve it, since she loves freedom very much.

The second type is the catwoman. Despite the flirtatious name, this type also does not hold on to a man. "Cat" is independent and self-confident. She is clearly aware of her own sexuality, but improves herself solely for her own pleasure. The cat loves herself, she is too busy to listen to other people's opinions.

I don’t want to work, but I want a dress!

Perhaps the emancipated woman is an artificially created phenomenon. It’s just that ladies strive to remind themselves, to stir up the hunter’s instinct in men, but they themselves want to feel inner freedom. But a truly modern lady experiences too much social pressure. She owes everyone and always. Must study well to be an example for younger brothers. She must build a career so as not to become a “clown” without the beginnings of self-realization. At the golden age - 25-30 years - a woman must get married and give birth to a child, otherwise other people will call her an old maid. A woman spends her entire life on personal care, grueling sports and cosmetic procedures. It turns out that there is no time for rest. And here “emancipation” comes to the rescue, adhering to which, you can give up obligations and at least devote time to yourself.

The beauty of being independent

So, maybe an independent woman will not survive in the modern world? After all, everyone around her is opposed to her and unanimously repeats that without a husband, children and eternal borscht on the stove, life is empty and meaningless. But emancipation does not imply a complete rejection of male attention, a clear protest against everything, or other radical moments. An independent woman is only respectful not only of others, but of herself. She remembers her desires and can neglect work for the sake of relaxation. She values ​​her family, but does not bend in front of her. This is the golden mean and the very line beyond which emancipation goes to extremes.

Definition of healthy cynicism

Healthy cynicism is the ability to show the necessary amount of selfishness to protect one’s interests. This life position is especially popular nowadays.

Without healthy cynicism, a person will become an easy target for strangers, who often do not act in his interests.

ignoring beggars begging for alms, based on confidence in their hypocrisy, can be called healthy cynicism

The same person who did not give alms can help the grandmother carry her bag to the entrance or pick up a kitten on the street.

It is important to recognize the difference between healthy cynicism and indifference, selfishness and indifference.

From a man's point of view

Men have firmly internalized the fact that women crave equality. But for some reason this did not inspire them to heroic deeds, but, on the contrary, calmed them down. Men's logic is simple: an emancipated woman and a family are incompatible, so picking up the keys to this fortress is pointless. As a result, men forgot about what courtship is and stopped carrying their chosen ones in their arms. Even intimacy ceased to be something special. On average, it is expected already on the third date. Is this the reality that a woman dreams of? In the case when a man acquires feminine traits, his half, willy-nilly, becomes emancipated.

How to communicate with a cynic?

The cynic is constantly engaged in devaluing what matters to the people around him.

And they do it in a rude manner. Rude, insensitive remarks can greatly hurt people interacting with such a person.

As a result, the interlocutors develop a feeling of emptiness and depression . Values ​​and ideals that cannot be doubted begin to seem pitiful and meaningless.

Communication with cynics is contraindicated for romantic, soft, insecure individuals. Such people will become victims of a cynic who can easily break their value system and force them to reconsider their existing views.

The best way to find a common language is two cynics who understand each other perfectly. A self-confident person with a strong position in life and a sense of humor can also cope with a difficult partner.

Such a person can simply ignore and not take them seriously. He remains true to his ideals and does not give up his positions.

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