Anonymous Around the clock Attention! The material contains information about substances, the use of which can cause serious harm.
A bore is a person who dwells long and persistently on one topic in a conversation,
Psychologists and doctors call the teenage crisis a period in a person’s life when active changes occur.
Do you often feel embarrassed when you notice the gaze of a stranger on you? Unpleasant sensations
The problem of children's fears is familiar to many parents. Small children are afraid of Baba Yaga, schoolchildren are afraid of
1.What is Devic's syndrome (opticomyelitis) Devic's syndrome is a special form of multiple sclerosis, characterized by rapid
Again we undertake to consider the human principles that were already mentioned in the previous note. Actually this
“I fall asleep and I dream about Pushkin. He walks with a cane along Tverskoy Boulevard. I am running
Introjection is an unconscious psychological defense mechanism. From the Latin “intro” - inside and “jacio”
It is generally accepted that there are rules or patterns in how to properly behave with