The role of tactile contacts in the life of a man and a woman: hug to become stronger

During communication, we express our attitude towards the interlocutor in different ways. Words and eloquent glances help us understand how our partner feels. Sometimes touches speak more than hundreds of words. What is tactile contact, what is its role in building relationships with others: family members, friends and partners.

What is the function of touch, what are they, what processes are involved in tactile contact, how is tactile communication between a man and a woman expressed, can touch revive passion or promote flirting, and when should you keep your distance - read our material.

What is tactile contact and why is it so important?

Tactile contact, or touch, plays a big role in human communication. In the work environment, tactile contact is often limited to handshakes. Family, friendly or loving hugs and touches are another matter. By touching or hugging a person, we show that we care about him.

There are several types of touches:

  • polite;
  • workers;
  • friendly;
  • love;
  • sexy.

Tactile contact is, first of all, a way to show a person that you trust him and treat him warmly. If a person allows himself to be touched, it means he trusts you.

Contact between partners

Nonverbal communication is a powerful tool with which true intentions and relationships are understood without words. Managers need to be careful because subordinates may misinterpret their gestures. For example, one person will regard a manager’s hand on his shoulder as support and care, while another will consider it sexual harassment. In business relationships, the number of tactile contacts is limited. Partners keep their distance. Shaking hands and patting on the shoulder during a friendly greeting is allowed.

Chemical processes during tactile contact

Humans' love for hugs originates from our distant relatives - monkeys. All primates practice grooming, or grooming: they clean each other's fur. In addition to the hygienic function, tactile sensations form attachment between members of the pack. Indirectly, this tradition was passed on to us.

During tactile contact with a pleasant person, not only the psychological component is involved, but also complex chemical processes are activated. When you touch another person's skin, the hormone oxytocin is released. It makes us feel joy, tenderness and security

The more you hug and kiss your partner, the closer you will become to each other.

How can a kinesthetic learner achieve his goal?

kinesthetic learners to complete tasks. This can help him:

Write down your realistic goals on a piece of paper.For example, “By September 1, 2022, I will buy myself a new Samsung phone worth 20,000 rubles.”
Establish in writing the means that could help achieve the goal.Further, “For this, I set aside 3,000 rubles every month, if it’s not enough, I take an extra shift. I will specially create an online savings piggy bank in the bank account.”
Kinesthetics should be allocated specific, fixed time to work.For example, from 12 to 16 hours.
Work towards your goal regularly, preferably daily. This is the only way it will be achieved. To do this, write a plan for the week, and include in it what actions are needed to achieve the goal. For example, “Study models, choose the best”, “submit an order”, etc.
Follow the plan strictly.This way you will not only achieve your goal, but also complete it faster.

The role of touch in different cultures

Historically, different countries have developed different attitudes towards tactile contacts. Thus, Asians, residents of Northern Europe and North America do not accept tactile contacts with unfamiliar people. Even in everyday life, they minimize touching family members. The only exception, perhaps, is the intimate sphere.

Some peoples traditionally hug and kiss. Southern Europeans and Latin Americans perceive tactile contact well. Hot southern blood encourages them to rush into the arms of even unfamiliar people.

Kinesthetics in psychology

In psychology, the study of kinesthetics is given a serious place. This is due to the fact that absolutely all people are born kinesthetic.

Until a certain age, a child does not know how to speak and perceive what is written, so he learns about the world around him through tactile sensations. There is even a special branch of the science of kinesthetics - kinesthesia.

The sensory sphere is responsible for knowing your own body, facial expressions, and physical contacts with other people. Psychologists have found that women are more likely to be kinesthetic learners.

Tactile contact gives a feeling of security

All children seek protection in their parents' arms.

When we hug someone strong, we feel protected, and this feeling stays with us for the rest of our lives.

Women especially need a big hug. In the age of emancipation, strong and independent women so want to come home and take refuge in the strong arms of their own man. This is why women often fall asleep on a man’s chest and love to be wrapped in arms.

It has been scientifically proven that married people live longer than single people. Spouses who sleep together into old age prolong their lives. Sleeping in a hug promotes relaxation and sound sleep.

Tactility - sexual sensitivity

People with increased sensitivity live in a world of sensations, colorful touches and vibrant sex.

I like to “tactile”: to feel the contact of my skin with the surface of soft and pleasant to the touch materials, to touch and rub against the velvety skin of my girlfriend, to handle small objects and twirl them in my hands, to stroke animals and hug, to listen to the sensations of every point of my body. There are people with increased sensitivity, the tactility of their skin is maximum, they live in a world of sensations, heightened touch, colorful touches and, as a result, vibrant sex.

Tactile sensations (Latin tactilis tangible) are one of the types of touch that respond to touch and pressure.

Little is said about them, forgetting that tactility dominates other types of pleasant sensations, especially in stimulating a person’s sexual arousal.

Tactile sensitivity is not very well developed from birth, but closer to 8–10 years of age it begins to increase sharply. Often, in order to better feel an object, a child pulls it into his mouth, where there are a large number of tactile receptors on the tongue. Then sensitivity increases slowly, reaching its apogee by the age of 16–20, coinciding with the growth of the body’s sexual appetite, stimulating and exacerbating it.

Pros and cons of tactile sensitivity

Almost everyone has tactile sensitivity, and the degree of reaction to touch and pressure is different for everyone. Some have increased sensitivity, which has many pros and cons.

Extra tactile people often feel discomfort in everyday conditions, characterizing the sensations as unpleasant. The rigidity of clothes and shoes forces you to carefully choose your wardrobe accordingly and take care of it to maintain softness. Women with great tactile sensitivity often wear light gloves in the warm season. Guided only by considerations of unpleasant sensations when coming into contact with handrails in transport, door handles, money and other objects. There are practically no men who protect their hands in this way.

Extra tactile people benefit greatly from their increased sensitivity. They are better able to distinguish things by touch and appreciate their texture. Although the main advantage of increased sensitivity is getting pleasure from it. Starting from touching and stroking, touching and rubbing various objects and objects to sexual caresses and sex itself.

Biology of tactile receptors and the G-spot

On average per 1 sq. There are about 25 tactile receptors per cm of skin, while there are about 100-200 pain receptors, 12-15 cold receptors and 1-2 thermal ones.

95% of human skin is covered with sensitive hairs, and at their base there are some tactile receptors that respond to changes in the position of the hair by only 5%. So don't forget to pat your children and sexual partners on the head.

There are several types of tactile receptors:

Pacinian corpuscles - briefly transmit information about touch to the brain, after which they turn off.

How is tactile communication between a man and a woman expressed?

Mutual touching is the main non-verbal way of communication between partners. If people begin to touch each other frequently, this serves as a signal of the beginning of affection between them, they are ready to move on to a closer relationship.

Tactile communication can manifest itself in different ways:

  • Touch as support. Spouses may shake hands, hug each other's shoulders, or cuddle together to show support and participation.
  • Touching as a sign of approval.
  • Sexual touching designed to show that the partner is committed to physical intimacy.
  • Touching as a sign of affection. This is how a person shows his partner how important he is to him.

The desire to frequently have tactile contact with a partner serves as a signal that it will be good for people to be in the same territory.

Differences in reactions to touch between men and women

There are more nerve endings concentrated on the body of women than on the body of men. Therefore, women perceive touch more positively.

American psychologists conducted studies that confirmed this fact. At one library, employees were asked to touch patrons while returning books. The girls felt sympathy for the workers who touched their hands, but the men, on the contrary, were more wary of the librarians.

To some extent, this explains the fact that a man allows himself to be touched only by a girl for whom he feels sincere sympathy. Tactile contact with an unpleasant person will only cause him to be rejected.

In what profession can kinesthetics show themselves?

A person’s kinesthetic orientation will help him realize himself in those areas of life that require activity, developed applied skills and the ability to feel subtly. Kinesthetic learners can often be found in the following professions:

  1. Cook, chef, bartender.
  2. Seamstress, fashion designer, designer.
  3. Sommelier, taster.
  4. Builder, designer.
  5. Sculptor, decorator, artist.
  6. Athlete, coach.
  7. Dancer, choreographer.
  8. Massage therapist, beauty specialist.

The main thing in finding a job for kinesthetics is to avoid monotonous, sedentary professions that require routine, monotonous work. It is better for him to get a job as a courier than as an accountant, even despite the level of salary.

What profession do you think is more suitable for kinesthetics and why? Let's think about this together in the comments.

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The language of touch

Regardless of gender, different people respond to touch with varying degrees of sensitivity. If your partner speaks the “language of touch,” don’t skimp on tactile contact. Put your head on your shoulder while watching a movie, touch it with your hand when passing by, hold hands on the street.

An interesting fact is that at the beginning of a relationship, most couples walk on the street holding hands. When a man and woman have been in a relationship for a long time, they stop touching each other in public. This is one of the alarm bells. The lack of need for touching indicates that partners are moving away from each other.

What to do? To begin, hold hands again. The mutual touch of spouses calms the nervous system and normalizes blood pressure. Hugs, pats and light touches are not only pleasant, but also useful.

Tactile contact as a way to revive passion

It happens that over time, spouses grow cold towards each other. Touching can raise a new wave of passion between partners.

In order to awaken your partner's sensuality, offer him a game. Touch different points on his/her body with your fingertips and ask them to say which touches bring more pleasure. Such entertainment will almost certainly end in a stormy night.

A great way to spice up your relationship is to learn massage techniques. To do this, it is not at all necessary to attend special courses. You can find many training videos on the Internet. There are so many sensitive points on the human body that studying them will be a very exciting activity and will definitely please your partner.

Touching while flirting

When a man tries to charm a girl, he almost always tries to touch her. A light touch on the shoulder when he puts a coat on a girl, almost a hug when he helps her climb high steps, a touch on the cheek to shake off a crumb - all these are attempts to achieve closer contact with the girl he likes. The next level of tactile contact is hugs and kisses.

Even if a man does not touch you, you can also understand from his gestures that he really likes you or wants you. Thus, excited men often cross their legs, hide their hands in their trouser pockets, or hold on to their belt.

Wanting to attract the attention of the man she likes, the girl seems to invite him to tactile contact. First of all, body demonstration is used for this. We are talking about an open neck, a short skirt and, of course, a neckline.

According to surveys, men often name women's hair, neck and hands as objects of desire. They want to touch these body parts. It is not surprising that when flirting, girls most often touch their hair, twirl an earring in their ear or a ring on their finger. So she invites the man to touch her.

How to identify kinesthetics

To recognize kinesthetics, it is important to pay attention to the following:

  1. A kinesthetic learner, especially a man, often wears worn and altered clothes.
  2. At home, such a person clearly has an animal with which he can make tactile contact (cat, dog, rat or guinea pig).
  3. When talking, it is important to pay attention to his hands. If they fiddle with something, then it’s definitely a kinesthetic learner.
  4. Often kinesthetics use special figures of speech relating to the sensory sphere: “It’s heavy in this apartment,” “His words became like spring sunshine for me.”
  5. Conesthetics are prone to nostalgia, memories, and reflections.
  6. Kinesthetic learners love everything that gives them pleasant bodily sensations.
  7. They love to participate in outdoor games, competitions and similar events.
  8. They remember their own and others’ words, actions, and deeds well. Because of this, others may consider kinesthetics to be vindictive.

Internet and tactile hunger

In the age of modern technology, more and more people suffer from such a mental disorder as tactile hunger. It manifests itself in a persistent feeling of loneliness and emptiness. Previously, tactile hunger was experienced mainly by single pensioners, but now this problem occurs even among married people and very young people.

With the advent of gadgets, we spend less and less time together in the full sense of the word. No one is surprised by the situation when a couple in the same apartment never touches each other during the entire evening, because everyone has their own life in a smartphone.

Satisfying the need for tenderness and affection is the same necessity as satisfying thirst and hunger. In Australia, this problem became so acute that the American psychologist Harry Harlow founded the Free Hugs movement, which spread to several other countries. Volunteers offer people hugs to reduce stress and anxiety.

How to tell if you're touch-starved

Tactile hunger is easy to confuse with depression - often people don’t even realize that they are experiencing it. There is no definitive way to determine a lack of touch. In the most general terms, it is indicated by Sharkey L. What Does It Mean to Be Touch Starved? Healthline feeling extremely lonely or unattached.

Symptoms of tactile hunger can be combined with the following manifestations:

  • feeling depressed;
  • stress and anxiety;
  • dissatisfaction in relationships;
  • sleep problems;
  • a tendency to act rashly.

Often people who are touch starved try Sharkey L. What Does It Mean to Be Touch Starved? Healthline imitate them: lie in a hot bath for a long time, wrap yourself in blankets and hug a pillow, and show excessive affection to animals.


French psychologists G. Brand and J.L. Millo believes that women are more sensitive to odors. That is why the choice of perfume is so important for them, and in addition, they pay attention to how others smell and the space around them in general.

According to scientists, this is explained by the fact that the female brain is programmed to analyze the state of the male immune system, and the smell serves as an identifier. So, by smell, a woman can determine after a few seconds of communication whether a man is healthy or not. On a subconscious level, a man with a healthy odor is perceived by her as a more attractive, and therefore a higher quality male who can become the father of her children.

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