How to keep a man interested? 7 ways to warm up a man's passion




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Let’s immediately agree that the question “How to maintain a man’s interest?” basically implies a manipulative approach.

This is something from the series “I will respond to the message strictly in 20 minutes” or “do not agree to a meeting right away.”

All these techniques will give the desired effect only with superficial communication, but any attempts at manipulation in the long run are doomed to failure.

Sooner or later you will be figured out and any actions just for the sake of maintaining interest will take on completely different colors. Remember - strong relationships are built only on the basis of sincerity. No falsehood.

Yes, before women had no other way to get settled in life other than to choose a husband.

And it was very important for them to behave correctly and please him, just so as not to lose their social status.

But now it's the 21st century. It's time to change your relationship strategy and leave any manipulation in the past.

What is the basis for a man's interest in you?

From time immemorial, any man has been attracted to girls who know how to be satisfied. I call this a special female condition. Alas, not all ladies are in this state all the time. Some people completely discourage men’s interest in them from the very first minutes of their acquaintance. For example, they immediately dictate their demands or sit with a “sour” face.

But most young ladies still know how to make a favorable impression. It's a pity that the effect is not long lasting. After all, after a few months of relationship, a solid Groundhog Day begins.

So that's the main conclusion. Always demonstrate a state of pleasure. It doesn't matter whether you are reading a book or traveling in public transport. In your every phrase, in every action you should read: “I live in abundance.” What other ways are there to whet your partner’s interest?

Be interesting to yourself

A woman who goes out of her way to “bewitch” her gentleman pushes him away. Of course, at first the guy likes his devoted girlfriend, who listens to his monologues for hours. But then such a girl begins to tire.

A lady who is not interested in herself and who does not know how to build personal boundaries is doomed to loneliness. How to keep a man interested in you? Develop yourself, learn something new, find a hobby. Cook exotic dishes, master a foreign language. Anything that makes you happy will do. Thus, you have a hypnotic effect on a man. .

What to do to interest men of different zodiac signs

If esotericism is close to you, then it won’t hurt to find out the man’s date of birth. Astrologers claim that each sign needs a special approach.


To interest an Aries man, demonstrate your gentle nature and pliability. Aries is extremely stubborn and does not tolerate competitors. He needs a life partner who will agree with him on all issues.


Your activity will help to interest a Taurus man. Taurus men are quite passive and always wait for the girl to make the first move. Invite him on a date yourself, otherwise you risk not waiting for the initiative.


Only well-read, smart girls who can carry on a conversation on any topic will be able to interest a Gemini man. Geminis value high intelligence and primarily look for a good conversationalist in a life partner.


Romance and caring will help to interest a Cancer man. Cancers themselves love to take care of loved ones and expect the same in return. It is important not to be afraid of the mood swings of the representatives of the sign: they are extremely emotional and can say something unnecessary in their hearts.

a lion

Only a real “queen” can interest a Leo man. You must look great and carry yourself with dignity. It is important for Leos that their life partner is the best in everyone. Your task is to show that you meet his needs.


To interest a Virgo man, you need to show composure, punctuality and the ability to stand firmly on the ground. Virgos are pragmatic and do not like those who indulge in empty dreams and fantasies.


It is not easy to interest a man born under the sign of Libra. Even if he is in love, he may not dare to take the first step. After all, Libra tends to weigh their decisions for a long time and hesitate. To “tip the cup” in your favor, take the first steps in a relationship!


If you want to interest a Sagittarius man, participate in all the adventures that he offers. Sagittarians cannot live without adventure. And they need a brave companion who is not afraid of either spending the night in a tent under the open sky or kayaking along the Krasnodar rivers.


Getting a Scorpio man interested is not easy. He will quickly see through manipulation and attempts to pretend to be someone you are not. Scorpios look for two qualities in a companion: developed intelligence and self-confidence. Sexuality is also important to them. Hint that you are not afraid of experiments and are relaxed in bed. Scorpio will definitely want to check this out.


To interest a Capricorn man, you need to be a little unapproachable. After all, it is important for representatives of the sign to constantly achieve some goals. If you intend to interest a Capricorn man for a serious relationship, be patient and do not be afraid to refuse him dates and intimacy. The more difficult it is to achieve a goal, the more valuable it is for representatives of the sign.


It is impossible to interest an Aquarius man without demonstrating your unusualness and originality. Aquarius is the most creative sign of the Zodiac. And he needs a woman who knows a lot about art and is not afraid to stand out from the crowd.


The ability to listen to your interlocutor and share his interests will help to interest a man born under the sign of Pisces. It is important for Pisces to have an understanding person next to them, a little like themselves. This makes it easier for them to reveal their deep, contradictory inner world.

Develop self-confidence

A woman with high self-esteem basks in male attention. A worthy man will never pay attention to a uptight young lady who does not love herself. If his goal is a long-term union, naturally. Alas, most insecure women increasingly find themselves drawn into toxic, dependent relationships.

Such girls do not think about how to warm up a man’s interest in themselves. They are more concerned about having him always around. It doesn’t matter what ways to achieve this: hysterics or manipulation.

How to communicate on the first date to attract even more interest

Getting a man interested on a first date is not an easy task. After all, they say that the first impression cannot be made a second time in order to correct the mistakes made.

Adhere to the principle: listen and ask more questions than talk. Give your interlocutor the opportunity to show his best qualities and talk about himself.

People always experience unconscious sympathy for those who are interested in their lives.

Call the guy by name more often. Dale Carnegie also wrote that there is no more pleasant sound for a person than his name.

Don't be shy to give compliments. Men love them just as much as women. Praise your interlocutor for career achievements, a university diploma, a well-chosen suit, or for choosing a great place for your meeting. His sympathy is guaranteed.

Be hard to get

You know that a man is a hunter. How to behave so as not to become an easy prey? Play one simple game: move closer and move away. For example, you devoted the entire weekend to your beloved. So for the next few days, “escape” from your chosen one, devote time to yourself.

But you shouldn’t go too far either. Ignoring is unacceptable. Your partner should feel your support and care. At the same time, you calmly go about your business. You don’t need to understand psychology to understand how to keep a man interested in you. Just give him the opportunity to continually get to know you over and over again.

Thank him

Men really value women's empathy. Representatives of the stronger sex are somewhat deprived of this quality. It just so happens that beautiful girls are empathetic by nature.

This means that they can always inspire their loved one with sweet speeches and compliments. How else to keep a man's interest? I always encourage wives to thank their husbands. Guys really love with their ears, remember that.

Add a lot of flirting

Don’t think that only young girls of marriageable age need the ability to flirt. Flirting is your lifeline at all times. Even if you are already babysitting your grandchildren. And I'm not joking at all.

The ability to flirt strengthens your marriage. I have mentioned more than once how to maintain a man’s interest in a long-term relationship. For example, I give detailed information in a large online course “Secrets of Women’s Happiness”, organized by Pavel Rakov’s Training Center. You will receive ready-made instructions on how to interact with the opposite sex and support from a supervisor during your training.

Useful tips

There is a concept called NLP (neurolinguistic programming). Psychology and knowledge of the methodology greatly help to establish personal contacts. It includes:

  1. The principle of the mirror - similarity evokes sympathy on a subconscious level. Just repeat facial expressions and gestures.
  2. Do not strive to show your best side, but show sincere interest in the personality of your interlocutor.
  3. Pleasant associations. Remember happy moments or funny incidents from life. So in memory the girl will be associated with a smile.
  4. Don't be intrusive or vulgar.
  5. Do not violate personal boundaries.
  6. Respect as a person.
  7. Don't talk too much.

First of all, you should not be afraid to show interest. This does not mean that you need to throw yourself on your chosen one’s neck with the words “I am all yours.” Just a warm look, a smile, an interesting conversation. And then it’s up to him.

Don't try to change it

Guys love girls who respect their personal space and accept flaws. Any attempts to “re-educate” a healthy man are perceived extremely negatively. How to maintain a man's interest in a feminine way?

Be on your spouse's side.
Let him know that you are always there for him. Even if he stumbled. Don't make a fuss at any opportunity. Express your dissatisfaction gently and confidently. You will find ready-made techniques in the “Happily Married” section. In the meantime, let's discuss in the comments. Do you have any effective ways to keep a man interested in you?

Evolutionary methodology i

A man, whether he is a top manager of a state corporation or a cleaner from a neighboring yard, by nature remains a hunter. Yes, yes, this is such a gender role, from which there is no escape. And you, be that as it may, always remain his prey. Therefore, the easiest way is to periodically “run away”.

That is, let’s say, create the illusion of some distance from him, season the whole thing with a small pinch of his jealousy, give him a chance to conquer himself again. The only thing is, don’t go too far, otherwise, instead of the hunter’s gaze burning with excitement, you will see a surprised look of bewilderment, which can easily go out and cool down.

If you are not very confident in your ability to play a subtle game of prey, then it is better not to take it. And avoid self-deception when you begin to evaluate your strengths - because a mistake will have a diametrically opposite result.

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