How to cheer up a guy by correspondence on VK, phone, SMS

There are times when we are not with a loved one at the time of his failure or severe upset. In such situations, the question arises of how you can cheer up a pen pal so that he feels our support. It's difficult to do this from a distance, but there are still some effective ways.

How to please the guy you like over a distance via correspondence

Cheering a guy by correspondence is a task that is most relevant for girls who have been at a distance with their lover for a long time. Psychologists often compare men to children. This is due to the fact that both some and others quickly get tired of the monotony in relationships or communication in general.

To stir up a guy’s interest, it is recommended to build your correspondence with him taking into account the recommendations of experts:

  • Girls are advised to tell their man about all the little things that happen in life. In the morning you can tell about your plans for the day, at lunchtime you can share your mood, and in the evening you can talk about how your day went. This recommendation will help partners stay informed about each other’s affairs, as well as maintain the pace of life of a loved one. You can talk while on the road or during a break during the working day. This will help create a feeling for the guy that he is needed, that he is loved and remembered every minute. In such conversations, you can describe both significant events and little things that make up the day, for example, beautiful places in the city or how the girl was received by the new team at work.

  • A girl should call and write messages to her boyfriend every day. Large breaks in communication contribute to the separation of partners from each other. In this matter, it is important to observe moderation. Too frequent text messages can start to irritate a guy, since during the day he is most likely also busy with work or some important matters.
  • Avoid excessive control. In conversations, it is important to talk about yourself, periodically asking general questions to your interlocutor. Excessive control can lead to the fact that a man begins to hide facts from his life from a girl, which will lead to a weakening of the emotional connection and the partners moving away from each other.
  • Send your photos periodically. Men love with their eyes, which means that even from a distance it is important to stir up his interest in your person.
  • Give unexpected gifts. It doesn't have to be something expensive. A man will be pleased to receive attention in any case.
  • It is necessary to organize unexpected meetings at least once a week. This could be an unexpected visit to a guy’s house, picking him up from work, or a spontaneous offer to go to a restaurant for dinner.

Ways to make him smile in person

The best way to lift your loved one’s bad mood is to quit what you’re doing and come to him to support him in person. If this is not possible, then you should definitely meet with your partner in the evening, especially if he is still depressed.

For a husband tired from work

If your husband is exhausted at work, comes home exhausted and simply collapses from fatigue, then provide him with silence. Take noisy little children and take them outside for an hour; ask older children to play in their room and not disturb dad. You can prepare a relaxing bubble bath, do a light massage, or play a quiet soothing melody. Under no circumstances should you sort things out at this moment, swear, or make complaints.

Delicious food and beautiful wife

Another standard option for creating a good mood is a deliciously cooked dinner and sex with the woman you love. Meet your loved one from work in erotic lingerie or a beautiful silk robe over your naked body. Join us to a beautifully set table, don’t forget about candles, light wine and calm music. You can dance a striptease - this will not only turn on a man, but also help him forget about the troubles that have arisen. End the evening with passionate sex and intimate conversations right in bed.

Unusual options

You can cheer a guy up in unusual ways. For example, place small notes with declarations of love or descriptions of the qualities for which you fell in love with a man in your jacket pockets, sections of your bag, and in your car. If the guy is active and sociable, throw him a surprise party by inviting close friends so he can rest and relax. You can suggest taking a walk in the park, swinging on a swing, throwing snowballs, making sand cakes. Thanks to this, you will return to childhood, albeit for a short time, and will be able to normalize your emotional state.

Cool SMS so you don't feel sad

To cheer up a guy, you can write him a cool SMS. It is best to compose the text for the message yourself. If a girl doesn’t currently have any ideas for composing an email message to her man, you can use ready-made options from the Internet.

Such templates can be adapted to a specific situation, as well as the characteristic personality traits of a young person. If there are several SMS options you like, you can save them in a text document on your computer so that after some time you can again please your man with a cheerful message.

For the convenience of sending messages, there are special services where you can do this using a computer and the Internet. It is important to read the terms and conditions carefully before sending a message. Otherwise, the recipient will have to spend 200-300 rubles on one SMS.

Some of the most popular SMS templates used by girls as the basis for their future message are:

SMS optiona brief description of
Hello. I am SMS, tasked with sending you a billion of the sweetest and most tender kisses! This message can be used if a girl and a guy are in a love relationship. If the young man who needs to be cheered up is a friend of the girl, the word “kisses” can be replaced with “hugs.”
Honey, get out of my thoughts. You're interfering with work. It is appropriate to send such a message in the middle of the working day, as a reminder to the young man that he is loved and is looking forward to meeting him.
Do you believe that you can lose your head when you fall in love at first sight? Or do I need to catch your eye again? With such an SMS, a girl can not only cheer up a young man, but also hint at sympathy on her part. When sending this message, it is important to think through all possible options for the guy’s responses. This will help prevent an awkward situation if the recipient of the message does not reciprocate the girl's feelings.
How is the first guy in the village doing?This SMS can be addressed to a young man, regardless of whether the relationship between him and the girl is friendly or romantic.

Personal presence

Unfortunately, sometimes troubles happen when neither a friend’s kind word, nor a funny anecdote, nor admonitions that everything will be fine will help to lift the mood. If you see that a misfortune has happened to a person and it is very difficult for him, the best thing you can do is to come, provide all possible assistance and support him with your presence.

You don't know what to write to a guy in an SMS message to cheer him up?

We'll give you a hint! Memorize or rewrite!

  1. What's going on with your phone? I dial your number, and they tell me: “The subscriber is unavailable because he is having sex. Please wait your turn!”
  2. See you later, my beloved prince! I stocked up on oats, so you (you and your horse) won’t be late tomorrow!
  3. Your shoulder is my favorite pillow! It’s convenient to whisper gentle words in your ear! You are the best person!
  4. Cute! Do you know that by pressing the buttons on your mobile phone, you kill thousands of different germs? Show mercy! Take your fingers off the buttons!
  5. You remind me so much of a cactus... Just as unshaven and always growing near the computer (laptop) screen!
  6. I don't like weekends so much! As soon as I start to get ready for “get-togethers” by the fireplace (in a rocking chair, with a cup of coffee)…. I'm starting to remember that I have neither one nor the other, nor the third!
  7. I'm happy that you received my message! And I became even happier when I imagined that you had read it completely. Along with this SMS, I am sending you a piece of my heart. It will definitely warm you even in the most terrible cold!
  8. Greetings! I am an SMS ordered to give you two billion of the most romantic kisses!
  9. My days were illuminated by the moonlight of your eyes... I dream of being with you always, and now (every hour).
  10. I'll send you a message. Let it tell you for me how madly I love you. Only time will prove my feelings.
  11. Hello, my dear! Awoke? Get the message quickly! Forgive all insults, don’t sulk! Get dressed, put on your shoes and call me...
  12. SMS is a bridge (between me and you). Short messages guard all love. Receive my news and keep it in your heart. Feelings are fragile twigs. Don't break them, dear!
  13. Hello! Now a Doctor named Lyubov is writing to you to prescribe a hot and fiery kiss.
  14. I look at the night sky, completely dotted with stars.... And I mentally whisper words about unearthly feelings for you. I want all my love to be heard in your heart. Let me kiss the tips of your white wings, my dear angel!
  15. Did you know that I am a psychic? I just know that tomorrow I will miss you much more than yesterday... My intuition agrees with me!
  16. You alone have always been my paradise! Life without you is like hell. I’m ready to shout to the whole world about how much I love you! Message me if you want to hear it….
  17. You and I have been friends like this for a long time... Become a husband soon! I will be the best wife, my dear angel!
  18. My dear little man! I wish you would turn into a teddy bear so I could take you to my bed every night!
  19. Don't worry! I won’t freeze even when everything around is covered with a thick crust of ice! Your true love warms me...
  20. She lived her whole life like a small animal - unhappy and downtrodden. With your feelings you turned me into a flower... Beautiful, bright and open.
  21. The restaurant is located in Sochi. A male visitor shouts indignantly at the waitress:

Are you crazy?! I didn't order anything... Except for a few kebabs! Why did such a score come up?

Man, the kebabs are cooked on the Olympic flame!

Cheer on VK

You can cheer up a guy by correspondence not only using SMS, but also during communication on VKontakte. The advantage of using this method is the opportunity to leave your message not only in a private message, but also to make a confession publicly (by writing text on the wall of the young man’s account).

You can cheer up a man on VKontakte in several ways:

  • Describe a real (or fictitious) funny story that happened to the girl herself or someone she knew the other day.
  • Send a gift with a funny message attached to it. Despite the fact that in the vast majority of cases VKontakte gifts are paid, they cost no more than 50 rubles.
  • Send a funny picture with a phrase that the young man will understand. If there is no suitable option in the public domain, you can make such a picture yourself on free sites.

    You can cheer up a pen pal by sending him a funny postcard.

  • Send a funny video or video that matches the interests of a particular young person. Videos can be selected from those previously downloaded on VKontakte or downloaded yourself from other resources.
  • Send a personal video message. The girl records the video herself. If the girl is too shy and uptight to record such an appeal, you can record a voice appeal, voicing a confession or telling a joke in this way.

It is recommended to choose the message structure in accordance with the algorithm:

  1. Understand whether the message should have a loving connotation, be a confession, or simply act as friendly support.
  2. Determine the purpose of the message (to support, cheer, confess feelings, etc.).
  3. Choose an appropriate time (for example, a young man’s lunch break).
  4. Find a template that can be used as the basis for a future message (if the girl plans to send text in a VKontakte message).

Options for text messages on a social network can be:

VK message optiona brief description of
For your sake, I will do everything, even with you I will watch 22 men running in shorts after one ball across the field. What time is football today, you say? If the topic of football is not of interest to a particular young person, the message can be rewritten, also veiling another sport or game on a console.
Hello! How are you feeling: nerves, heart, pulse, stomach, back? How are you, my dear man? Such a message can be sent to VK either to a friend, a boyfriend or husband. It will not only lift your spirits, but also provoke a detailed response, emphasizing the importance of a man in the eyes of his other half or girlfriend.

Let's cheer up

If you want to cheer up a young lady with whom you have been communicating for some time, a classmate, classmate or work colleague, you want to cheer up a girl on VK or on the phone, then you should listen to the following advice.

  1. Say good morning. Be sure to lift your mood for the whole day. In addition to the actual words, you can add a beautiful postcard, for example, with a cute cat basking in the sun, with a snowdrop breaking through the snow.
  2. If you notice that the young lady is in a bad mood, she is sad, then you should not question her to find out the reason for what happened. If a girl wants, she will tell you everything herself. Your task is to switch the young lady to something positive. For example, invite her to answer some strange question that is very important to you at the moment.
  3. Send a colorful postcard with an interesting poem, a funny video or a funny melody to your wall on a social network.
  4. Send a video in which you appear in an interesting image. Say something funny or optimistic. You can also send videos showing funny situations with pets or kids.
  5. Send the girl a beautiful song, comment on it, for example: “listening to this music, I think about you.” You can also send a poem, especially one written in your own hand.
  6. Delight them with a virtual gift that can be accompanied by a humorous comment.
  7. Write an interesting joke that will definitely bring a smile to her face. To do this, you need to take into account the girl’s characteristics and her sense of humor.
  8. Give the young lady new impressions. Invite her to a movie or to some event, maybe even to the circus.
  9. Remind me of some funny incident that happened in your joint past, if virtual communication was preceded by personal communication. Send a collage of photos that capture this moment, if available.
  10. If you communicate closely enough and for a long time, send the young lady two photos. The first will be your old photo, the second will be a photo that you take on purpose, making a funny grimace. If possible, you can wear some cool outfit or cap. You can make a collage from two pictures, and leave a comment under it: “Find five differences.”
  11. Wish the young lady a good day. Ask her to smile as often as possible. Follow this request with a cheerful emoji.

If you want to cheer up a girl, avoid writing very large messages; it is better to give preference to short SMS.

What to send on WhatsApp?

You can cheer up a guy by correspondence not only on social networks and SMS correspondence, but also by communicating using instant messengers. One of the most popular communication applications among modern smartphone users is What's App.

With its help, you can not only send text messages, but also cheer up your interlocutor with the help of pictures and videos of a personal nature. The advantage of communication in this format is the option to automatically save media content in the user’s gallery.

Despite the fact that all messages in the messenger are protected by encryption (according to the creators of the application), a situation has already arisen once when people’s correspondence was posted on the public Internet. Based on this, sending intimate photos to a young man is highly discouraged.

You need to compose text for WhatsApp messages taking into account the fundamental principles:

  • It is not recommended to write a message to a man and do household chores at the same time. This contributes to the dispersion of attention, due to which a girl may miss a significant detail from a conversation with her opponent.
  • You should not give messages in instant messengers hidden meanings. A young man can read a message in a hurry and not only fail to understand its meaning and offend the girl with his indifference, but even become angry with the sender.
  • There is no need to wait for a response from a guy after sending him a message. The young man may be busy at work or planning to call the girl later and invite her to dinner.

The most popular phrases that can be used as text or voice messages sent via instant messenger are:

Message optiona brief description of
Come home as early as possible, dear. There you will find delicious treats, hugs, and one of the cutest... (girl's name) - a nanny. This message will not only cheer up a man by making him smile, but will also give him warm feelings towards the girl. Thanks to positive emotions, a man will most likely want to do something nice for his other half, for example, after work he will stop by to buy flowers for his girlfriend.
It seems to me that our relationship has matured to move to the next stage and become more serious. Maybe we can get a little... kitten? You can split this message into several parts and send the last part when the chat shows a sign that the other person is typing a message. In this way, the man will experience a whole range of emotions, thanks to which he will shift the focus from a negative mood to a more positive one.

A couple more ways to entertain a VK girl

Cheering a girl via SMS or VK correspondence is not so difficult if there is a certain connection between you and you like to communicate.
The best way is to tell a funny story from your life, but not one where you looked stupid. Also remember a couple of jokes, help make the situation ironic. When a girl can look at the situation from the other side, more simply, her mood will rise and she will forget about what happened. How can you still cheer up a girl in contact? Tell jokes with hidden compliments, which everyone will appreciate and will become a new round in the development of your relationship. A good alternative is jokes with meaning, which broaden your horizons and allow you to take the conversation to another steppe, to distract you.

Regardless of how you decide to tease a girl, there are unacceptable situations:

  • Don't try to be a clown and insert phrases like this into every sentence;
  • There is no need to use a lot of slang and unclear words;
  • You should not bring up the topic of sex and sexual relations;
  • Talk about people with disabilities or past ridiculous situations, otherwise it will make the situation worse;
  • Talking about past relationships;
  • You shouldn't talk while drunk, nothing good will come of it.

If you don’t know how to tease a girl in correspondence, in a kind but funny way, go to her photographs or pictures. You can leave funny comments, chat and supplement the correspondence of others with pictures. It’s enough to use your imagination and be creative.

Another way is to talk about simple things, developing the topic to the point of absurdity, coming up with unrealistic development scenarios. It makes both of you happy and uplifting. You can even go to community groups where people share funny events from their lives, and send them to a friend. Try different methods and understand how to cheer up a girl by correspondence.

If you are at a loss for how to cheer up a girl in contact, go to special humorous public pages. A couple of funny pictures or videos will cheer you up without much effort. Especially creative people can personally shoot a video of themselves and send it to a friend. This will not leave anyone indifferent.

How to cheer up a VK girl? Individual approach!

You can figure out how to cheer up a girl in correspondence if she is sad, but not all methods will work. It all depends on the situation, your relationship, the character of your friend. If some people don’t like dark humor, others treat it ironically and may make similar jokes in response. It definitely works for all types of women - creativity, videos and pictures, funny stories from your life. The rest is an individual approach and the ability to “feel” a person.

Ideas for telephone dialogue

Cheering a guy over text is more difficult than in a telephone conversation.

In the second case, with closer contact, the girl will be able to feel the mood of her interlocutor, and promptly adjust the initially set tone of the dialogue (for example, if a man, being in a depressed state, begins to get angry because the girl jokes and laughs instead of empathizing and providing moral support). support).

When conducting a dialogue on the phone, a girl should pay special attention to the reaction of the young man. If his bad mood persists even after several attempts to cheer him up, you should not continue communication at this moment.

When a man is silent, answers in monosyllables, or gets angry and begins to be rude, it is best to end the conversation as quickly as possible, and then give him time to experience the emotions on his own. Guys, unlike girls, are less willing to share their experiences, preferring to keep them inside and deal with them alone.

Ideas for starting a telephone conversation with a young person might include:

Dialogue optiona brief description of
Darling, are you sad? I'm calling to cheer you up. Keep in mind, if you can’t do it this way, come, I’ll pick up everything that’s lying! This sexually suggestive message is recommended for use with your boyfriend or husband. Thoughts about a pleasant continuation of the evening will brighten up the young man’s condition and strengthen his desire to be home as soon as possible.
Darling, I have a favor to ask. Please pick me up after work/school/shop! It seems I forgot my flying broom at home today. Such a conversation will make a man smile and take his mind off sad thoughts for a while. The ability to laugh at oneself is very valuable for a girl. Knowing how touchy women can be, the young man most likely will not miss the opportunity to encourage his beloved for the self-irony demonstrated in the conversation.

How to cheer up your husband

A beloved wife should know how to lift her husband’s mood, distract him from sad thoughts and dull thoughts, and get him out of a state of depression.


How to find your love: searching for a companion and ways to get closer

If he's at work

Is your spouse at work, but you feel that he is upset, unhappy or angry? Try to lift his terrible mood with messages. Here are examples of correspondence:

  1. Remember that I am always near, even if far away.
  2. I thank God that the best man was sent to me! He is especially beautiful when he smiles...
  3. With this SMS, thousands of kisses are flying towards you.
  4. When you are sad, I am sad too! You want your girl to smile, right?

If he is tired after work

If your spouse comes home tired and gloomy after work, then you can make his evening calm and positive:

  1. Create a friendly atmosphere and let them sit quietly for at least an hour. If there are children in the house, then ask them to be quiet and not pester dad for a while, or go for a walk with them.
  2. Meet your husband with a smile on his face and in a good mood.
  3. Prepare a hot dinner and set the table.
  4. Start flirting, have sex - even a tired spouse will not refuse such a pastime.
  5. Plan a weekend with your man's favorite activity and tell him about it. Fishing with friends, tickets to a football match, a mini-trip to a neighboring town - choose what your spouse has long wanted.

Take care of your husband and his moral state, then peace, harmony and mutual understanding will reign in the family.

Universal options

If you see that your spouse is dissatisfied and angry, then it is very important to maintain your own calm, otherwise a scandal cannot be avoided. Don’t be offended by his rude words or silence, but try to somehow smooth out the situation with an interesting story, trying to involve your man in a dialogue.

You can turn on a comedy that your husband will appreciate, snuggle up to your lover and watch this good film in silence. Take a fragrant bubble bath and let your loved one relax and unwind.

Sudden mood swings in men are less common than in women, but they are not excluded. Only by feeling the support, tenderness and attention from the other half, representatives of the stronger sex can forget about their sorrows and failures.

Creative ideas

The fastest way to cheer a guy up is by putting creative ideas into practice. This can be done either by correspondence or in personal or telephone communication.

Ready-made options can be found on the Internet and adapted to the interests of a particular person and the characteristics of a particular relationship:

Creative ideasa brief description of
"The bunny missed you"This option involves a girl recording a video message addressed to her boyfriend.
To implement it you need:
  1. Think over the idea of ​​the message.
  2. Wear a bunny costume. If you don’t have a costume at hand, you can cut out only the ears (elongated ovals) from cardboard or colored paper, and then paint the animal’s face (whiskers, nose, etc.) with paints.
  3. Write the text of the message on paper or computer. The message should not be drawn out so that the man does not get bored of watching it.
  4. Record a video message, voicing the written text with different intonation, gestures and facial expressions.
  5. Send a video to a young man.

As an alternative to this option, you can use special masks that are automatically applied to the girl’s face when using the application.

Poem/song/fairy talesAn unexpected surprise for a man will be a poem or song written by a girl herself. In the absence of relevant skills, you can order a work in special campaigns, in which specialists implement full-fledged projects according to the conditions specified by the customer. The cost of such services varies from 3,000 to 7,000 rubles. If you don’t have the financial means and the inability to create poems, you can compose a short fairy tale, the main characters of which will be a girl and a guy who are in a relationship and have the same names as the participants in a particular couple.

It is recommended to choose a creative idea strictly in accordance with the interests and preferences of the guy whom the girl wants to cheer up.

For example, if a young man is a romantic, a video message with intimate overtones may not only not lift the mood, but also aggravate the situation by causing the man to focus on the idea of ​​an excessive difference in interests and thinking with his other half.

On a date

The following tips will help improve a girl’s mood by inviting her on dates:

  • An active lady will be well entertained by a bike ride, a trip out of town, or a walk in the park.
  • A young lady with an eccentric character should be invited to a club, to a fun party with friends.
  • Invite a girl with a delicate inner structure and a penchant for creativity to the cinema, the theater, or an exhibition.
  • Invite a young girl to spend the day outdoors, at an amusement park, go to the zoo, or an ice cream parlour.
  • If a lady loves animals, visit a cat show, a pet store, buy her a “live” gift.
  • When a beloved is not just sad, but angry, accumulating negative emotions, she needs to throw them out. Invite a girl to paintball, to a shooting range, or go karting.

The arsenal of male tricks for a fun date needs to be used skillfully. Before the meeting, get yourself into a cheerful mood and be in a good mood.

Take the following recommendations into account:

  1. Learn to easily tease your friend, joke. It’s not difficult to say a barb, but to pronounce a joke correctly so that the girl doesn’t get offended is a whole skill. Work on the quality of your humor constantly.
  2. Improvise. Cheerfully talk incessantly, even nonsense. Notice the little things that you see around, successfully find the words to answer the lady’s questions. If the dialogue starts in a cheerful tone, the girl will definitely not be bored.
  3. Remember a funny incident from your life. Tell your beloved, laugh together at the absurdity of the situation.
  4. Come up with a harmless prank. You can buy a helium balloon, inhale the gas and confess your love to a girl.
  5. Make a date with a lady in the park and come for a walk dressed as a dog or a clown.
  6. Organize a competition. For example, eating ice cream at speed. Of course, the lady should win.
  7. Turn into children for a while. Blow soap bubbles, ride on carousels, run races.
  8. If today is your beloved’s birthday or name day, arrange an unexpected celebration. You can connect her friends to the party online via Skype.

Now you know how to cheer up a girl on VK, via SMS, in correspondence and on a date. In addition to the tips listed, use your personal charm, connect your innate sense of humor, then your lady will never be sad.

Unusual options

Unusual options for what words you can use to please a guy by correspondence are:

Unusual text message optionsa brief description of
“- Hello, I was thinking that only 3 things can cheer me up. Can you guess which ones?
- ... (the young man’s answer).

“An SMS from the bank about the receipt of money in the account, sunny weather and a call or message from you.”

This type of dialogue will be appropriate both when communicating between a guy and a girl who are in a love relationship, and between those who are friends. This is an unobtrusive, easy format for people to communicate that can lift the mood and strengthen the emotional connection between opponents.
“You are so courageous, brutal and powerful. And I am small, weak and in need of a reliable shoulder nearby. Always be with me, please. With you, I have nothing to fear and nothing to worry about.” These words will make the young man smile and will also increase his self-confidence. Feeling attractive, a man will gain the strength necessary to cope with life's difficulties and problems that arise along the way.

Through correspondence, it can be difficult for girls to express their emotions, support or cheer up a guy.
This is due to the fact that, without seeing the facial expression of your opponent, it is not always possible to accurately interpret his mood and reaction to specific words. Despite the existing risk of aggravating the young man’s condition by untimely changing the direction of the conversation, in the vast majority of cases, words of support, regardless of their form, significantly improve a man’s mood and strengthen the emotional connection with his chosen one.

How not to communicate with a guy on the Internet or via SMS

You shouldn’t get too carried away with ignoring messages from a young man - otherwise he will quickly lose interest in you, not feeling a sense of reciprocity of communication. Don’t burden him with your problems and be able to feel the mood of your interlocutor - sometimes it happens that even if you are in a bad state, you need to support your young man, whose problems are more serious than yours.

Another important rule for correspondence with a guy you like is to not impose yourself on the young man excessively. If you constantly write SMS to a guy with offers to talk or meet, you keep asking where and with whom he is now, your relationship will most likely end soon

A man should feel that the girl is confident in him and trusts him, while respecting his personal time and space. These simple rules will help make your correspondence enjoyable and not spoil your relationship, but, on the contrary, develop and strengthen it.

Phrases from the category of black humor

If your betrothed has everything in order with imagination and humor, then you can use not the most banal phrases to lift the mood:

  • “A nail is a strange thing. From frequent changes of holes, it bends, and, remaining in the same one, it will immediately rust”;
  • “Do you want your day to go smoothly? Eat a raw toad in the morning. Trust me, this will be the worst thing that will happen to you today”;
  • “Even mice, when they are in pain, still continue to eat thorny plants”;
  • “Are you thinking or did the genius just awaken in you?”;
  • “Nothing is known about the real truth, but there are rumors that there is definitely none in the legs.”

There are still a lot of original phrases, but you should use them only if you are sure that your man is truly gifted with a sense of humor.

He is the best

Every man needs to feel the strongest, smartest, most beautiful and other pleasant adjectives. If a guy fails at something, be it failing an exam, getting fired from a job, or having a bad interview, he needs you more than ever. Write that this is only a temporary difficulty. That you have been around for a long time and are sure: he is smart and will definitely settle the situation. But don't confuse flattery with encouragement. Empty but loud words will not bring the desired result, but will only make things worse. Remember: in case of failure, a man must believe in himself again, and for this he needs you to believe in him.

Causes of bad mood

First you need to find out what led to the decline in mood. I will now list the main reasons; they are not always on the surface.

Problems at work/school

A person spends most of his time first in educational institutions and then in the workplace. It is not surprising that we take everything that happens there to heart. Problems with superiors, conflicts in the team, heavy workload can seriously spoil your mood.

Health problems

Health is a very fragile thing, if you neglect it, expect trouble. Naturally, physical illness cannot but affect psychological well-being. If a girl gets sick, your support will help her only in combination with seeing a doctor and eliminating the original cause.

Dissatisfaction with your appearance

For girls, appearance is a sore point. All you have to do is see yourself in the mirror in poor lighting and that’s it – your day is ruined. All these photoshopped bloggers are adding fuel to the fire. Compared to them, ordinary girls seem flawed.

Quarrels with loved ones

Conflicts can unsettle anyone, and it is quite natural to feel sad in such a situation. If the person is really close, most likely, reconciliation will come very soon, and the good mood will be restored by itself.


A common cause of low emotional levels. To enjoy life, you also need energy, and sometimes there is simply nowhere to get it.

We figured out the reasons for the girl’s bad mood, what to do to lift it? First, understand a few points so as not to get into trouble and not aggravate the situation.

  1. Do not pester the girl with detailed questions, moderate your curiosity. You need to speak and act delicately, without invading its boundaries.
  2. Don't discount your friend's experiences. There is no need to say that her problems are far-fetched and not worth a damn, that in Africa children are starving and in general we will all die - this is only so-so consolation.
  3. Don't try to “please” the girl with your problems. She will either get angry at your inattention to her, or begin to worry about them too.
  4. Don't look for reasons in female physiology. For some reason, many men like to blame all their troubles on PMS or lack of sex. Even if such a thought has crossed your bright mind, do not voice it. With your words you can hurt and worsen an already bad condition.

Short SMS to your beloved man. To set the mood

Attention! This article contains many different funny and cool SMS messages written in your own words, and there is also one poem.

All SMS are intended for males: guys and your beloved men, who can be not only at work, but also simply when you are not together.

Cool SMS to cheer up a guy

  • A hundred cute gophers can't match your charm!
  • Let everyone shy away from you! I mean bad weather, adversity, problems, illnesses!
  • I saw yesterday how you hugged her greedily and at the same time purred like a March cat! You will sleep without a pillow today)
  • You are so bright and brilliant, like a ray of sunshine on spring water!
  • Look at the sky! Now the sun will peek out from behind a cloud and wink at you, like this smiley Source:

SMS to your beloved man, short, to lift your spirits

During a long working day, close people miss each other very much. Therefore, from time to time it is simply necessary to send short SMS to your beloved man to lift his spirits. Then he will always remember his girlfriend.

I love it and talk about it more often

Of course, it’s better to communicate and say the most important words to each other over the phone. But people do not always have such an opportunity. Then you need to send your loved one a funny and touching message.

I am always with you!

  1. attention! A dangerous criminal is wanted. he stole my heart.
  2. Aren't you ashamed to bring a girl to real hysterics? I haven’t heard your wonderful voice for a whole hour and haven’t seen you for half a day.
  3. I have never loved anyone as much as you. I miss you, my happiness.
  4. Our telephone company makes a profit from us. It’s time for her to give us a discount as wholesale customers.
  5. His most tender admirer sends warm and fiery greetings to the best and most beloved man.
  6. my boss will give you a severe reprimand. In my head, instead of work, only you are in my head.
  7. What are you doing there, my love?! You haven’t written anything to me for 15 minutes already.
  8. Every new day that includes you is beautiful. and may our common life never end.
  9. How will you and I communicate in 10 years? Can you imagine how much money from our general family budget will be spent on SMS alone? let's start saving. Now we send messages to each other no more often than every 5 minutes.
  10. our entire women's office is dying of black envy at how much I rejoice when I receive your long-awaited message. they don't yet know how excited I am when we finally meet at the end of the day.
  11. I even agree to do what Cinderella did if you will be my prince.
  12. Don’t be offended, my beloved, that I write to you so often.
    I think about you even more often.
  13. I wish I could find myself a job sending SMS. I would send them to you every 3 seconds.
  14. if I miss you so much during the whole working day, then what will happen when we meet in the evening!
  15. If you don’t immediately send me your selfie with a smile, then I will come to your work and make you smile.
  16. I was just sitting and thinking intently about you. and the boss suddenly praised me. said that he was very pleased that at least someone in the office takes their tasks so seriously.
  17. I would like to merge with you into a single whole. then we would never have to separate even for 1 second.

work and love

  1. How about you go fishing with your friends on Sunday? Yes, I'm kidding, I'm kidding. I want to spend the whole day with you.
  2. honey, don't be sad! because right now there is another 1 minute less until our meeting.
  3. my SMS, like pebbles scattered on the road, will allow you to find your way to me in the evening.
  4. you are a scoundrel! how can you write to me: “I love you! write now: “I adore you!”
  5. my magnificent and wonderful knight! steal my heart forever and never give it back to me.
  6. Have you forgotten anything, honey? Today you and I are going to submit an application to the registry office.
  7. don't text me for the next 5 minutes, okay? I need to finish an important matter with a client. Otherwise I’ll soon start calling him by your name.
  8. rest assured that I have no one else. I wouldn’t have time to write to two men at once so often.
  9. the one to whom my message was sent is the most beloved, dear and adored to me.
  10. let's go to an ice cream parlor after work today? Let's celebrate our anniversary together.
  11. the sound of your incoming messages is like the ringing of bells. he announces happiness.
  12. do you want my tender and passionate kisses? then don't stay late at work in the evening.
  13. are you really hungry? I thought I had already fed you enough with my text messages.
  14. Darling, I'm so cold! Only your passionate embrace can warm me up.
  15. I received a message from the Ministry of Emergency Situations and was disappointed. I thought it was you writing to me.
  16. My heart just flew out of my chest.
    it flew to you in the form of a message.
  17. so what happened? why only 1 SMS in 5 minutes? Do you have another one?
  18. I'm completely drunk. I just received a message from you. it has a stronger effect on me than cognac.

love can't wait long

Young people are often unable to distract themselves from each other for even a minute. Therefore, short text messages to your beloved man to lift your spirits at work will help strengthen a warm relationship. Sweet messages will bring him some joy and revive his feelings for the girl.

  1. When you manage to find yours, you don’t even want to look at anything else.
  2. You and I still have everything ahead.
  3. A kind fox is looking for her affectionate fox.
  4. I miss you, and you? Let's miss each other together.
  5. Have the best day, my love! Don't forget about me for a minute.
  6. If the sun is shining now, then I am smiling at you. If it rains, I cry.
  7. Even sitting at work, I remember your strong and gentle hands.
  8. I'll be fired! I'm not so much doing business as writing you SMS.
  9. Are you asleep there? Why has there been nothing from you for 10 whole minutes?
  10. Let your feet carry you home in the evening as quickly as they can.
  11. I have never loved anyone as much as you.
  12. The dear ones scold - they just amuse themselves. So don't be angry with me.
  13. Let us not be near you now. But it won't always be like this.
  14. Don't forget about me even for 1 second.
  15. My whole life lies only in you.
  16. I am not able to live without your love.
  17. Your passion for me is a real miracle! You are a wizard!
  18. I'm just ready to sing with happiness when I receive an SMS from you.
  19. I look out the window at the trees and clouds, but I only see you.
  20. I'm so happy! And are you happy?
  21. Love me as much as I love you.

My heart flies to you

Every girl constantly thinks about her dear friend. Therefore, she sends short SMS to her beloved man to lift her spirits, expressing her feelings for him in her own words. They are not always beautiful, but they contain all the power of her passion.

  1. I love you so much that I myself cannot express it.
  2. When I think about you, a smile always appears on my face.
  3. You are my happiness. Who is yours?
  4. I feel so bad without you, honey.
  5. I want to meet old age only next to you.
  6. Are you sad about me? I really like you.
  7. If you don’t answer me right now, I… will love you even more.
  8. It is raining outside. This is how my tears try to reach your heart.
  9. Smile immediately! They love you so much.
  10. I am not with you right now, but my message brings greetings to you.
  11. Each SMS I send is equivalent to 10 kisses.
  12. Honey, don't buy candy on the way home. Something sweeter awaits you.
  13. The best day for love is today.
  14. Next to you, I am absolutely not afraid of anything.
  15. Can you imagine what would have happened if you and I had never met?
  16. I want to leave work right now and rush to you.
  17. I love you even more than my dog.
  18. Thank you, beloved, for being in this world.
  19. SMS firmly connects you and me across any distance.
  20. I miss you!!!!
  21. Every day I feel that I love you even more than yesterday.
  22. Or maybe we should get one job? There would be savings on messages.

Affectionate and humorous

You always want your loved one to smile. That’s why they send SMS to their beloved man, short ones to lift the mood, funny or even slightly mocking. They do not contain any too important information, but are intended simply to remind the guy about the girl’s feelings.

  1. My dog ​​is already used to you. Has your cat already fallen in love with me?
  2. You are my bright and bright sunbeam.
  3. I am your inevitability.
  4. Do you want to go to heaven? Then hurry up to me.
  5. I don't love you anymore. I adore you now.
  6. I haven’t even kissed my cat as hard as you.
  7. Open my message and 1,000 kisses will fly out of it.
  8. Haven't you been happy today yet? Then I'm coming to you.
  9. I'm not proud. I can even send 1,000 SMS.
  10. Help, I'm falling! Into your arms.
  11. The sun won't rise tomorrow. You will fulfill his duties.
  12. My head is with you, and my body is toiling at work.
  13. Your feelings are safely deposited in the bank of my soul.
  14. Our radiator broke down at work. So write to me more often.
  15. I like your messages. And you yourself are okay too.
  16. When you drink your coffee, make a wish. I'll perform it tonight.

Receiving an SMS from his beloved, the guy feels even more passionate about her. Warm messages help him wait for that happy moment when he hugs his only one. Therefore, you should not hide your feelings when sending them.

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"Your phrases"

In correspondence, it wouldn’t hurt to use a funny phrase that only you understand. Think about a funny incident that happened recently. The main thing is that this is not a situation in which the young man is not presented in the best light - this will only escalate the situation.

Sometimes a man needs to talk about his problems. It is difficult to keep all experiences in an inner box, firmly locked. Try to unobtrusively find out if he wants to discuss the situation. If the answer is categorical, do not continue to develop the topic. This is not a girlfriend who says “no”, but means “yes” and waits for you to start asking for information yourself. If it's clear from the messages that the guy is willing to discuss the topic, let him talk it out. Even if you can't help with advice or action, he will still feel better.

Remember that the main thing is his problem. Forget about your own worries and failures for the day. It is important for a man to understand that he is not only heard, but also listened to. Therefore, talk as little as possible about yourself.

If possible, use emoticons - they are designed to make correspondence more lively. Choose those emoticons that match your emotions at the moment. They will look cute and convey the right feelings.

You can send your guy a “heart” - it will definitely cheer him up.

If the guy doesn't want to talk - or has already done so - try changing the subject. Talking about other things will distract him from his problems for a while. You can start a topic about his hobbies and ask questions to which you don’t know the answers. Does your boyfriend know anything about cars? Write that you saw a beautiful car and want to know its make. Describe the car and, together with your boyfriend, go through all the possible options. A young man playing computer games? Report that you downloaded/purchased the game, but can’t figure it out. The man will meet you halfway, and at the same time take his mind off sad thoughts.

If you want your chosen one to be in a better mood from communicating with you, but you do not have the opportunity to call him or meet him, then you can send an SMS. Also, a text message would be appropriate if there is no particular reason to call, but you want to remind yourself.


Laughter is the cure for all problems. A dose of humor can dull the pain for a while and drive away bad thoughts. But you don’t need to go to the extreme and send your guy all the jokes about Vovochka that you find on the Internet. Funny words should be on topic. You can send him a link to the article. Even if a man doesn’t roll on the floor laughing, a smile will definitely creep onto his face.

In addition to messages, you can send your boyfriend funny videos. To do this, it is important to know the preferences of the young man and be sure that he will like the video.

Virtual gifts

How to cheer yourself up quickly when you feel bad - methods and tips

Any social network where communication takes place can offer a service such as a virtual gift. They can be free or cost a symbolic amount of money. The gift is a postcard, a picture with cute content: a wish, a funny phrase or a message to action.

Such a gift would be a good token of attention. It can be posted on the wall or sent as a private message. Girls remain partial to images of animals. For guys, developers create images of characters from their favorite games, movies or TV series. Such a gift can distract even the stronger half of humanity from sad thoughts.

How to get someone to talk

It happens that the gentleman is not in the mood for a conversation, then you won’t get an SMS from him. The reasons may be different, from a bad mood, poor health to meeting a new girl. There is no point in prolonging the silence; an excellent option would be a casual message that the girl sends first. Such an SMS should be neutral; news about a concert, the release of a movie, or other news that suits the man’s interests can be used as a reason. As a welcome message, there may also be an interesting question about some sensational research. The purpose of such a message is to interest the gentleman and get a reaction from him.

How to cheer up your beloved guy

What could be better than the confidence that your problems and your mood are not indifferent to your beloved? Young people may seem very independent, but what actually makes them happy is the fact that someone close to them helps them have a cheerful outlook on life. Therefore, a real girlfriend should know how to make her boyfriend feel good.

What can you do if a young person is gloomy and tense? Try one of the proven methods:

  • give a sincere smile;
  • listen carefully;
  • take him for a walk to a secluded place;
  • if you are driving, take it for a ride around the city;
  • feed with fried potatoes;
  • order a large pizza or sushi to your home;
  • watch an action movie together;
  • go to a nightclub and dance with him;
  • make love.

Men are used to solving problems with action, so don't let a guy's bad mood chain his body to the couch. He will only be grateful to you if you help him engage in some simple activity to distract himself.

How to cheer up a guy over the phone

If you are currently communicating on the phone, you should not put the problem on the back burner. Naturally, you can say “come to me, I’ll entertain you,” but this is not always possible. The best option is to listen to what the guy is upset about, and then move the conversation to another topic.

Try not to harp on the problem, but to downplay it, perhaps by frankly saying that there is nothing terrible in it in your opinion, and continue the conversation with questions on a topic that is always interesting to him. For example, who will be the next match of his favorite football team and what are its chances of reaching the final this year. Or ask if he is thinking about a new blockbuster starring his favorite actor. Your goal is to redirect attention and remind the young man that there are many reasons not to be sad.

SMS and MMS are also a great helper, because you can send a funny joke or a funny picture. To cheer up a guy via SMS, just insert a lot of animated emoticons that perform funny actions - hitting the wall, shaking their fists, rolling with laughter.

Choose a few sweet words, call the guy affectionate nicknames, remind him how much you miss him and how you would hug him at that moment if he were nearby.

To do this, of course, you need to know at least a few jokes that are guaranteed not to offend, will please him and will not look like dark humor. In your free time, be sure to select and remember what you would like to say to your boyfriend, and when he needs encouragement, just use it.

How to cheer up a guy on the Internet

The task becomes even more interesting when you communicate online. There are many ways to cheer up a guy over text, the main thing is to be tactful and attentive, then you will succeed!

In chat or email, you have the opportunity to express your emotions with emoticons, as we described above. Young people are always good at jokes and an ironic mood. Just try to make your boyfriend understand that you are not serious about his gloomy mood, and not about him at all. Make jokes about the blues, and not about the person who falls into this blues!

Send your guy a funny picture, of which there are so many on the Internet, a song from his favorite band, or a movie trailer for the movie he's waiting for.

A great idea is to send a photo of the two of you, but he doesn’t have one. Surprise plus positive emotions are what you need to lift your spirit. You can also take a selfie with your mobile camera and send him your photo in some funny way - anyone will like this method! These same options are suitable if you are thinking about how to cheer up your boyfriend on VK or on any other social network site.

Your beloved guy, like any living person, cannot always be in a good mood. He is susceptible to depression and stress. Of course, I don’t want to leave it in this state. Obviously, the question arises - how to cheer up a guy? There are several ways to please your loved one when you are near him or when you are away from him.

Improve your mood when meeting

It's easier to cheer up when meeting in person. But sometimes a man becomes so immersed in his problems that it is not easy to rid him of his melancholy. It’s worth trying with gentle hugs and light kisses, whispering affectionate phrases in your ear. If this approach is unsuccessful, then several options can be offered:

  • go to his favorite cafe or restaurant;
  • give tickets to your favorite sports team's game;
  • order delicious food home and start a romantic evening;
  • prepare your favorite dessert and brew aromatic tea;
  • dim the lights and watch his favorite movie, wrapped in a warm blanket.

All the methods seem simple, banal and insignificant, but they work. A man needs to exhale and distract himself from gloomy thoughts. Remind the guy of his strengths, praise him for his recent success. If a man likes to show off, then you can start a party when he arrives.

Important! Give a man a gift, pamper him with a massage - the care of a beloved woman is the best medicine.

You shouldn’t leave a guy alone, as this will cause him to screw himself up more. When under stress, men become apathetic and irritable; you should not bring him to this state. Give your chosen one comfort, peace and a little happiness.

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