The Madonna-Whore Complex Owns the Strong Half of Humanity

  • Description of the concept
    • Historical perception
  • Syndrome in men
  • Causes
  • Symptoms
  • Help
  • Conclusion

The Whore-Madonna complex is one of the types of sexual fears inherent in a man. The basis is the duality of moral education and perception of the surrounding world.

The Whore-Madonna complex is a male sexual disorder.

Description of the concept

The Whore and Madonna complex refers to fears of an erotic nature, which are characterized by a person’s negative fantasies about sexual intercourse with his other half. The complex affects all aspects of an individual's life. Such people cannot be satisfied in bed, and this causes problems spiritually and physically. The behavior of a person suffering from the Whore and Madonna complex changes for the worse and can sometimes become antisocial.

The essence of the complex is the representation and role of a woman in a man’s life. The moral perception of the stronger sex sometimes plays a decisive role, so a certain duality of roles in a woman may occur.

  1. Madonna is pure and immaculate.
  2. The harlot is accessible and frivolous.

Having married a girl, a man immediately loses interest in her due to the fact that for him she is an example of holiness and purity. This happens because many men have a clear division into girls - spouses and girls-lovers. They are meticulous in choosing the first category of women; they need the ideal housewife and mother of children. A mistress is needed to satisfy lust, passion, and distract from everyday problems. According to men suffering from the Madonna complex, they cannot sleep with the woman they love because they associate her with her mother or sister.

Historical perception

The complex was noticed a long time ago and was no longer a complex, but a compulsion. In the old days, a man could marry a cousin or a girl many years younger than him.

Therefore, due to moral perception, it was not easy for the stronger sex to overcome themselves and commit incestuous, in his opinion, actions towards his wife.

Life example

A lot of lively discussed articles have been written about the couple Michael and Majori, who are almost 60 years older than the young man.
A man old enough to be a woman’s grandchild speaks of his lifelong friend in superlatives, admiring every wrinkle. They rarely leave the house, preferring to enjoy each other in bed. At the same time, Michael periodically cheats on Majorie with several of her peers, without hiding it. However, the woman has already come to terms with this state of affairs and turns a blind eye to it.

Michael is a 100% gerontophile, who is satisfied with everything, he is quite happy and does not want to change anything. But, unfortunately, this does not happen to all lovers of mature people.

Syndrome in men

Madonna syndrome is a psychological disorder that appears in men due to the fear of committing an incestuous act towards a lady. This kind of syndrome forces a man, mentally and in reality, to separate spiritual intimacy from sexual intimacy. If a person suffering from a psychological disorder such as Madonna syndrome communicates for a long time, shares secrets, loves a woman and idolizes her, then after the wedding he completely loses desire for her. She is an inviolable and divine object; to touch her means to commit violence.

Subsequently, sex occurs only with a person who is not at all interested in and has no spiritual intimacy with a man, more often these are girls of easy virtue who do not respect themselves and offer intimate services. There must be a new girl every time.

This behavior is pathological and requires the help of a specialist. If a person cannot have intimacy with his life partner, then the problem may lie deep in the subconscious and be a consequence of a deeper mental problem. We are talking about obsessive states that require supervision by experienced specialists.

The patient often turns to women of easy virtue

Paths associated with Madonna[edit]

Madonna is the embodiment of virtue: benevolent, chaste and often passive. She may be the object of desire of a more negative male character, while the positive ones protect her purity and innocence. In the happy ending, Madonna sometimes chooses a chaste life over sex. In the social sense, she is an unmarried virgin, a vow-observant nun, a wife faithful to a living husband, or a widow faithful to a dead one.

  • White is the color of femininity
  • Betty in a duet Betty and Veronica
  • Fighter for morality
  • Damsel in distress
  • Virginity is the most precious thing
  • Virginity is power
  • girl
  • Feminine purple
  • Woman in the refrigerator
  • Women are not interested in sex
  • Shy blue-haired girl
  • Shy and quiet
  • Golden hair, golden heart
  • Idyllic pregnancy
  • Ingenue
  • Team Mom
  • Miko
  • Cutie
  • Moral pet
  • Nun
  • This is not a woman's business
  • Unwavering Purity
  • The final girl
  • Princess, you are so innocent...
  • Pink haired sweetie
  • The light half in the duet is light femininity and dark femininity
  • Cute girls are clumsy
  • Blue is the color of femininity
  • Blue stocking
  • Shy
  • Snow Queen - Snow is almost always associated with purity.
  • Straw Widow
  • Neighbor (typical of American culture)
  • Turgenev girl
  • Templar - for example, Adepta Sorosita
  • I'll be waiting for you
  • Yamato nadeshiko


The reasons for this behavior and the development of the Harlot complex may be:

  • overly demanding upbringing: the guy is imposed an excessive sense of guilt and morality in relation to the opposite sex;
  • as a boy, a man can fall in love with his mother and desperately fight this love, but having turned into a self-sufficient man and having met his love, which will certainly be similar to his mother, he will not be able to overcome his feelings of guilt and make love with his parent;
  • a man may refuse sex with his wife due to the birth of a child, being offended due to lack of attention to himself;
  • a man's test of sexual boredom: this happens in young couples, where the girl too quickly takes on the role of a caring and omnipresent mother or older sister, which causes disgust in her partner.

Having a baby can turn a man off from sex

Sexual myths

Sexual myths are similar to complexes

, which are an idealized expression of certain expectations and attitudes regarding sexual relations or the image of a partner.

The myth of the “femme fatale”

Main article: Femme fatale

Characteristic of cultures in which men play the dominant role in sex. There are many variants of it, in which a man becomes involved in a passionate relationship with a woman, which turns out to be disastrous for him in every sense.

The myth of the “erotic paradise”

Represents a hedonistic dream of an afterlife or earthly paradise as a place where unlimited sexual pleasure is available. The idea of ​​an erotic paradise plays an important role, for example, in the culture of the Adamite religious society.


Symptoms of this type of disorder can be different and manifest themselves in physical and spiritual terms. A man may experience:

  • a feeling of guilt, which develops into self-flagellation and leads to an even greater aggravation of the situation;
  • hopelessness: a person simply cannot overcome her condition and relieve painful feelings of responsibility for betrayal;
  • a feeling of fear of harming your spouse sexually;
  • a man, in an attempt to combat his condition, can perform daily rituals, which, in his opinion, help drown out the feeling of guilt before his wife and himself.

Sexual function suffers physically; constant abstinence from sex has a very bad effect on the penis and ability to bear children. If the situation is such that a man randomly changes partners, he may become infected with a sexually transmitted infection.

General symptoms:

  • tachycardia and shortness of breath may develop due to fear of telling the truth about betrayal;
  • also, holding back emotions can have a bad effect on the circulatory system and give powerful surges in pressure;
  • worries about your sexual failure with your partner can have a bad effect on your overall well-being and provoke an exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • Panic attacks are rare, but in particularly advanced cases, with the presence of an overwhelming feeling of guilt, they can occur regularly.

The patient may feel guilty towards his wife

Our doctors

Drozdov Sergey Alexandrovich

Cardiovascular surgeon, phlebologist, Doctor of Medical Sciences

47 years of experience

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Malakhov Yuri Stanislavovich

Doctor - cardiovascular surgeon, phlebologist, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Medical Sciences, doctor of the highest category

Experience 36 years

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Treatment for a mental disorder that is associated with a man’s sexual fear of harming his beloved woman and the impossibility of an erotic relationship with her is called the Whore and Madonna complex. To help a person with such a problem, you should contact a psychotherapist, who, at his discretion, will prescribe a course of medication and psychotherapy sessions.

This problem can also be solved with the help of a hypnosis session. The person will be put into a deep trance and in a hypnotic state they will find out what caused the problem and ways to solve it.

A man should try to heal on his own, by looking at the woman he loves differently. In your memory, you should compare the image of your beloved before the wedding and on the day you met. Imagine what erotic role you would like to see your wife in. Invite her to change her attitude towards the man, not to be a mother to him. To calm down, you can try herbal baths and relaxing massages. Tea with mint and chamomile will invigorate and tone you up.


  • 1 Male sexual complexes 1.1 Don Quixote complex
  • 1.2 Griselda complex
  • 1.3 Don Juanism
  • 1.4 Leontes complex
  • 1.5 Quasimodo complex
  • 1.6 Small penis complex
  • 1.7 Macho complex
  • 1.8 Orestes complex
  • 1.9 Madonna and Whore complex
  • 1.10 Othello complex
  • 1.11 Oedipus complex
  • 2 Women's sexual complexes
      2.1 Complex of Pallas Athena
  • 2.2 Alice in Wonderland complex
  • 2.3 Amazon complex
  • 2.4 Diana complex
  • 2.5 Jocasta complex
  • 2.6 Cinderella complex
  • 2.7 Clytemnestra complex
  • 2.8 Kopyushka complex
  • 2.9 Xanthippe complex
  • 2.10 Medea complex
  • 2.11 Messalina complex
  • 2.12 Loneliness complex
  • 2.13 Complex of the Knight and the Libertine
  • 2.14 Titania Complex
  • 2.15 Electra Complex
  • 3 Common sexual complexes
      3.1 Childhood complex
  • 3.2 Victim complex
  • 3.3 "Complex" of Western culture
  • 3.4 Cain complex
  • 3.5 Inferiority complex
  • 3.6 Oral complex
  • 3.7 Onanistic complex
  • 3.8 Closing door panic complex
  • 3.9 Complex of provoked betrayal
  • 3.10 Romeo and Juliet complex
  • 3.11 Tristan and Isolde (“forbidden fruit”) complex
  • 3.12 Castration complex
  • 4 Exotic sexual complexes
      4.1 Amok
  • 4.2 Koro complex
  • 4.3 Dhat
  • 4.4 Latakh
  • 5 Sexual myths
      5.1 The myth of the “femme fatale”
  • 5.2 The myth of the “erotic paradise”
  • 6 See also
  • 7 Links
  • 8 Literature
  • 9 Notes
  • When general swelling indicates danger to life

    Sometimes swelling of the lower extremities is a symptom of a general imbalance in the body's hydrobalance. In the case of heart failure, the body's main muscle cannot cope with pumping blood. The fluid in the body is distributed unevenly, and too much accumulates at the bottom. If the patient stands or sits in one position for a long time, his feet and legs swell.

    Kidney failure can also lead to swelling. It appears not only on the legs, but also on the arms, face (mainly under the eyes), and abdominal wall.

    If cardiac edema develops gradually (over weeks), then renal edema develops very quickly. With cardiac diseases, the skin becomes colder, with kidney diseases it maintains a normal temperature.

    Fluid retention can also be caused by lymphedema, which is damage to the lymphatic vessels. The swelling in this case is dense; after pressing on the skin, there is no indentation.

    Why do both legs swell?

    If by the end of the day both lower limbs are swollen, it means that excess fluid is present throughout the body. Most often this condition is caused by:

    • heat;
    • excessive fluid intake;
    • obesity;
    • uncomfortable shoes (tight, high heels, completely flat soles);
    • flat feet;
    • unhealthy diet (lots of salty and spicy foods in the diet);
    • standing on your feet for a long time or in an uncomfortable position.

    Fluid stagnation in these cases is caused by improper load distribution. None of the above indicates a threat to life, and the swelling goes away in a day or two. For some, it is enough to take off their shoes and relax, while others resort to folk remedies to relieve discomfort. But symmetrically swollen legs can also indicate more serious diseases that require urgent treatment.

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