Practical NLP methods: lessons on influencing a man

In love, as in war, all means are good, this is what women in love think, trying with all their might to attract their chosen one. Meanwhile, psychologists know NLP techniques in communicating with men that help achieve their affection.

Wanting to attract a man, a woman is ready for all sorts of tricks

What is NLP technique

In general terms, neurolinguistic programming is an influence on the human subconscious. Although this direction is not recognized by official science, nevertheless, linguistic techniques are used by practicing psychologists in the field of relationships. They do not harm the body; on the contrary, they help achieve a certain goal, including making people fall in love with you.

For your information. In NLP, how to make a man fall in love with you, the manipulation technique is based on the linguistic model of changing the thoughts, emotions and behavior of a partner in the way that a girl needs.

Ways to avoid manipulation

Specialists in this field take advantage of a person’s temporary weaknesses (chronic fatigue, lack of attention, lack of motivation, subconscious fears, tension, neuropsychic exhaustion, complexes).

Fraudsters can easily find out information about your moral and physical condition from social networks. This is the best way to virtually study a person’s subconscious and begin to manipulate it. To protect yourself, it is not at all necessary to learn a lot of techniques and techniques.

It is enough to comprehend your inner world, strengths and weaknesses, feel your personal “I”, and only then will you program your own thoughts, set the tone for events and create a life scenario.

How to use it in a relationship

How to make a girl fall in love with you - psychological techniques and advice
Practical psychologists claim that NLP is a synthesis of the techniques of hypnotherapy, gestalt therapy and family psychology. Therefore, they can be successfully used in a situation when you fall in love. For example, the use of visualization (detailed representation of thoughts and emotions) helps lovers build relationships. Or manipulation, when the principle of three “yes” is used when influencing another. If you know NLP techniques in love, you can interest the man you like.

The use of NLP technologies helps to properly build relationships with others

Important! NLP is not a universal tool, but a direction indicator of where to go. How love events will proceed further depends on the person himself. That is, the work of building relationships should not stop even after attracting a guy.


A similar phenomenon of content collapse is observed during nominalization. As is known, constructions like Refusal of an agreement led to the failure of negotiations hide in the deep structure propositional forms like “someone refused the agreement.” Nominalizations – in NLP terminology – impoverish the client’s experience, since they not only translate some important aspects of the situation into an implicit form, but also represent some controlled processes in the form of uncontrollable events that have already occurred. So, when a client says “My abilities do not find any recognition,” he is in captivity of the “magic of the word,” because he understands the word recognition as an accomplished event. In this case, the client’s attention should be drawn to the procedural nature of the situation, its controllability, as well as the existence of valences in the verb to recognize or the expression to find recognition using questions like Who do you not find recognition from? or Can you imagine a situation where you found recognition [from colleagues or someone. more]?

How to make someone fall in love with you

How to make a man fall in love with you - the psychology of relationships, is it possible to win a guy?
When you have a goal to make the person you want fall in love with you, it is worth mastering proven techniques. According to experts, the more effective NLP methods for happy love are as follows:

  • Anchoring is to attract emotions, feelings that the partner once happily experienced, for example, childhood memories or love situations. In recreating such experiences, close partnerships are built.
  • Tuning is a popular NLP technique that establishes intimate contacts with a partner. The behavior of a loved one is copied, his gestures, facial expressions, breathing rhythm are repeated, that is, “external” adjustment. Having established external contact, they move on to further “conduct,” for example, through smiles and affirmative gestures. Adjusting to values ​​is effective: to find a common language with a partner of the opposite sex, you should look at the world through his eyes.

An effective NLP “tuning” technique makes it possible to establish close contact with a partner

  • Joining and mirroring help to join in masculine behavior. You need to understand how a guy perceives the world around him: through sounds, images or feelings. For visual learners, the priority is eye-to-eye communication to capture eye contact. Auditory learners want to talk, discuss important issues, and it is important for them to find the main words. Kinesthetic people prefer communication through emotions. They need physical contact.

Important! To attract the object of your love, you need to understand what type he is, so that during contact you can “mirror” his favorite words, emotions, and gestures.

Impact on a man using NLP methods

How to make your husband fall in love with you again - is it possible to interest him again?
For those girls who dream of a strong relationship, psychologists have prepared special “female” NLP methods in relationships with a man.

The most effective are considered:

  • The “ideal first date” technique, when during the period of falling in love the first meeting with a man is important. Almost everyone gets nervous on a first date. Internal tension affects the situation, everything may not go according to plan, and the date will turn out to be crumpled. Visualization will help you avoid problems. Before meeting your loved one, you need to imagine your ideal date: appearance, first words and glances, even awkward moments. You can take advice from the audiobook by Ya. Baker “NLP for Women, or How to Drive Anyone Crazy.”
  • The “three yeses” technique is necessary when you need to move a relationship to a new stage. There is an axiom in psychology: if you answer “yes” three times in a row, then the intuitive answer will be the same the fourth time. The main thing is to pronounce all the key phrases loudly and confidently so that the man responds positively.
  • The technique of making a man fall in love with you is a disarming technique. It helps to anticipate the partner's possible behavior, for example, if he wants to end the relationship. It is important to disarm your partner by recognizing that the relationship needs to be renewed. Key words – another chance is needed to improve the situation, taking into account the errors.

Modal operators.

A typical linguistic manifestation of impoverishment of one’s experience and, as a consequence, narrowing of the space of choice is the use of constructions with modal words such as Must P, Should P, I must P, I need to do P. The meta-model of language in NLP attributes to these constructions the deep structure 'Modal operator' P, otherwise Q'. The therapist must push the client to move beyond his limited experience by focusing on the alternative Q: What will happen if you don't do P?; What would happen if you gave up P? For example, to a client’s remark: You can’t love two women at the same time, the psychotherapist can answer What’s stopping you from doing this? or What happens if you love two women at the same time?; Why is it impossible to love two women at the same time? Understanding alternative Q will expand the client's conscious experience and contribute to solving the problem.

How to influence a woman using NLP

NLP techniques will also help a man if he wants to make a woman fall in love with him

It is much more difficult to make a woman fall in love with you if she believes that she does not need a guy. However, there are NLP techniques for all types of girl images. All of them are based on playing with the feelings of the weaker sex: responsiveness, duty, desire to love and be loved. It is only important to use these pressure levers correctly using technology:

  • The plus-minus technique for pumping up a girl’s emotions means enhancing the positive in a relationship with a little negativity. For example, giving a compliment to another woman, that is, “minus”. Then immediately address the compliment to your beloved as a “plus”.
  • One consent - the technique is similar to the female “three yeses”. The idea is simple: say an important phrase, then ask about something abstract. A woman, having subconsciously answered the obvious “yes”, will agree with the first statement.
  • A choice without a choice presupposes agreement to an uncompromising scenario.
    For example, when arranging a date, ask: “When will we meet, in the evening or tomorrow?” This formulation does not suggest discussing, but only clarifying the meeting. Is it possible to influence at a distance through NLP? For NLP adherents, influencing at a distance is not discussed. Almost everyone has at least once encountered a situation where, when they think about calling a loved one, they call themselves within a couple of minutes. Such situations are not uncommon and serve as evidence of suggestion at a distance.

For your information. A similar connection, like telepathic correspondence, arises between close people who are emotionally attached to each other. Therefore, a man and a woman connected by an intimate relationship feel each other at a distance.

It is believed that thoughts are material and have great power contained in the energy of brain impulses. There are technologies based on verbal and visual transmission of information. If you have certain skills, it is possible to use NLP methods to influence a man at a distance, even if the suggestible person is quite far away.

On a note. It is impossible to make a man fall in love from a distance. With the help of technology, you can only create a desire to think about a woman, instill positive emotions, and make her interested in you.

Attracting with emotions and feelings, that is, “anchoring” a man, is possible only with direct contact

Rule of one "yes"

In sales, there is a rule of three “yes”, the essence of which is that the seller must get 3 positive answers from a potential buyer at once.

It’s quite difficult to do this with girls without preparation.

However, the rule of one “yes” works no less effectively (tested by practice!), when you only need to hear one agreement to one of the questions.

Example: “Let's meet with you in our free time and drink coffee! Do you love Lathe? Those. We first propose and, without waiting for an answer, ask if she likes a type of coffee like Late (acting as if she has already agreed). Very often the girl answers either yes or no.

But the point is not that she loves him or not, but that by answering the second question, she automatically agrees to the meeting.

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