Fell in love with a married man: 10 wise tips from a former lover

You know, in the past, for me, relationships with married men were strictly prohibited. After all, from childhood we are taught that we should not touch someone else’s things. But unfortunately, life sometimes dictates its own scenarios, and even the most persistent rules crumble under the weight of circumstances.

This happened to me too. Dizzying falling in love, a moment of relaxation and that’s it: the mark of a mistress came from where they didn’t expect it. How to behave in such a situation? Should we hope for a successful outcome? Today I will reveal some tips obtained through trial and error.

His personal life is not your jurisdiction

“My motto is not to worry, but to excite!” (Marilyn Monroe)

We girls are very curious and meticulous creatures. Therefore, we do not hesitate to bombard our beloved with questions about his wife, children, mother-in-law, grandmother and other family members. We are interested in knowing everything - from intimacy to evening gatherings in front of the TV. Remember, you can’t do this!

First, most likely, you will not hear the truth. They will tell you a heartbreaking story about an evil toad who does not appreciate an ideal man, and in the end they will also demand pity and consolation.

And, secondly, there is a risk of hearing unpleasant information that will pass through the heart like a sickle and leave unhealed wounds. Curiosity is not a vice, but in this case it is not worth showing it.

Tactics of a woman’s behavior depending on the situation

There are many situations when a woman falls in love with a man who is married. Depending on his position, status, financial resources, behavior will be different. Let's look at common situations.


A selection of ways to leave a lover: options from revenge to friendship

If it's a colleague

Situations when a woman becomes interested in a work colleague are more common than others. Four reasons for this:

  1. Daily meetings. The couple sees each other every working day, and there are also corporate events and delays due to work obligations.
  2. At work, among his colleagues, a married man looks more respectable. He is well dressed, calm thanks to the awareness of the rear in the form of his wife at home.
  3. A woman at home and at work is also very different. In the office she looks well-groomed, behaves more relaxed, and flirts.
  4. If an employee is higher in status, this proves his intelligence and ability to show his worth. If a woman holds a higher position or colleagues are at the same level, she notices winning qualities in business and other aspects.

When feelings come consciously, it is better to abandon the idea of ​​an office romance. Relationships with colleagues are short-lived and spoil your reputation. After this, difficulties arise with promotion, since incontinence of feelings does not characterize the employee from the best side. Therefore, try to distract yourself by flirting with other men.


It’s not scary to fall for an ordinary co-worker. However, the case when a man is the boss is more serious. A young worker will certainly be seduced by experience, tranquility and status. Because of an outburst of feelings, a girl can indulge in flirting, which a young man will notice. After that, if he decides to respond to advances, he won’t be able to refuse - it will ruin his career. When the boss is reputed to be an exemplary family man, then being in the office can also be called into question.

You need to behave with restraint and not respond to non-verbal signs, even if the initiator is not a girl. If you agree to an affair with your boss, be equally prepared for both promotion and dismissal.


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A true family man

The destruction of a family, as well as a short-term relationship, is not included in the plans of such a man. This is a good worker who understands the topic. Girls often become interested in such young men, but there is no chance of continuing the relationship. Such guys know what they want to get from life, and will not exchange these goals for the unknown in the arms of a young woman.

Ex-husband who started a new family

A relationship with an ex-husband is a priori impossible, because the marriage has broken up. However, many spouses who have received a divorce often have feelings for each other. If this happens, clarify the motives:

  1. New sensations. This is at the same time a studied person, with whom I had to be in many unpleasant situations. However, now he is married to another woman, so the thought of a possible connection is exciting. Allow one-time intimacy, but do not flatter yourself - this is a man with the same shortcomings that caused the family to break up.
  2. Regret for past times. When meeting after a divorce, spouses see each other and feel sad, remembering the years they spent together. This happens especially often after two or three years after the divorce, when the worst moments are forgotten. Do not succumb to the provocation of memory, concentrate on the shortcomings that a person has.
  3. A conscious desire to return. The new companion disappointed, the understanding came that the ex-wife was the best thing that happened in the life of a divorced man. Then let him demonstrate that he is ready to change, because lost trust must be earned.

Wealthy married man

A rich and promising young man in marriage is a tasty morsel for careerists and women who are hungry for money. However, find out where the income comes from. If this is a fortune passed on by inheritance or, which is not uncommon, received through marriage, then it is foolish to count on part of the wealth. Behind the man are powerful people who can deprive him of everything. If this is a person who has achieved everything himself with hard work and intelligence, then you can try your luck.


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Both have family

This is a morally complex issue. If a married woman falls in love with a married man, the union has no chance. For one, the issue of divorce can be resolved, but the second in such a union, as a rule, hopes for pleasure. And it is not always a man who plays the role of the latter. However, more often there are situations when both understand the short-term nature of the relationship, which leads to mutual pleasure and quick separation without complaints or resentment. Everyone understands the situation and is not ready to change it.

Friend's or sister's husband

A man who is married to a woman close to him is considered forbidden, so any consideration of him from such a point of view is impossible. However, such a connection does exist. But when agreeing to double betrayal, first weigh whether the game is worth the candle. After all, to get sex, a man can lie, and then go to his wife and confess.

Judgment from a friend or sister who turns the family against her is a big problem.

Don't forget that your wife always comes first

No matter how wonderful, exciting and loving a girl you are, for a married man, your spouse will always come first. Yes, perhaps now they have some differences in their relationship. Probably, intimate life in the family is the same as before. But they are united by years of family life, during which they got to know each other down to the smallest detail.

They are connected by a common life, children, friends and familiar conditions. Statistically, in most cases, a man is not ready to sacrifice his comfort for the sake of a fleeting adventure. And, having enjoyed your company, he will gladly return under the wing of his wife.

Why do feelings arise?

Girls who are in love with someone else's husband usually hide behind great love, which, as we know, is evil. But few people think that having a relationship with a married person is convenient.

This is why some ladies are greedy for “married men”:

  1. It is safer to love married people . If a person started a family and children, it means that he is an accomplished person, whom another woman was not afraid to marry. It is unlikely that an exemplary family man will turn out to be a maniac, pervert or moral monster.
  2. It's easier to love married people . A mistress does not need to pay as much attention to a man as a wife, who must feed her husband, wash his things, iron his shirts, and also manage to please him in bed. The mistress does not have to clean up the house before the arrival of her beloved and prepare dinner, because the gentleman drops by to see her for a completely different reason.
  3. It is not expensive to love married people . A woman has no moral or financial obligations to her lover. When breaking up, the couple will not have to share anything, unless a particularly greedy specimen asks the girl to return all his gifts.
  4. Married people are more competitive . There is such a strange pattern: if someone already likes a person, then he immediately becomes attractive to other people. The principle of the market works, that is, if someone found good traits in this person, it means that he may also be of interest to me. Subconsciously, this is how a mistress perceives a married man.
  5. With a busy man, you don't have to be afraid of responsibility . Unlike a wife, a mistress will not have to help her chosen one solve certain problems, share the proverbial “hut” with him and overcome life’s difficulties. At the same time, the mistress gets all the best - intimacy, attention, adoration, gifts with or without reason. Many women are satisfied with this position; they are not ready to waste their nerves and energy on a man, but they are happy to take all the benefits from him.

There is a special category of women who, out of principle, do not get involved with bachelors. They value grooming, family character, and efficiency in men, but at the same time, girls are not ready to part with their free life. After all, a free man will sooner or later decide to start a family and children, and will propose to his beloved to become his wife, but this can be avoided if you put into circulation an already married man, since such proposals will certainly not come from him.

Don't let your loved one into your personal life

“Women talk about love and are silent about lovers, men - on the contrary: they talk about mistresses, but are silent about love.” (Marina Tsvetaeva)

Yes, you sometimes sleep together. But this does not mean at all that you are now his property and should do only what he wants. In such a relationship, you have open carte blanche for freedom of action. You have every right to communicate with other men. Let the gentleman know that this union will last as long as you want it. Exactly you. Not him.

What to do if feelings are unrequited

In a situation where love is not reciprocated, there are two circumstances:

  • there was already a relationship between you, but you broke up or the man stopped loving you;
  • the person doesn’t even know about your feelings.

If your case is the first option, then the worst thing you can do is try to win back your married lover and resume your relationship with him. Inspire yourself that you won’t force yourself to be nice, and that means you shouldn’t impose yourself and humiliate yourself in front of a man.

Think of your love as an event from the past that cannot be returned.

In the second case, do not entertain yourself with empty hopes and, if you see a harmonious relationship between a man and his wife, do not interfere and do not destroy the idyll. After all, in the future you may greatly regret your action. Even hate yourself for your action and regret it for the rest of your life.

To rid yourself of an obsessive deep feeling for a married man, think about this:

  1. The person you are in love with does not owe you anything; he does not have anything serious and significant connected with you, unlike his relationship with his wife.
  2. Imagine that fate nevertheless brings you together, but after years of living together, the man turns your life into hell: he starts drinking, raising his hand against you, cheating, kicking you out of the house, and so on. Are you ready to endure all this for the opportunity to be with this person? If yes, then you have big problems with self-esteem, you urgently need to get rid of this either yourself or with the help of a specialist.
  3. Think about the time when you did not yet know about the existence of this man. Convince yourself that the person is not in your life and never has been. Perhaps this will make it easier for you to get rid of thoughts about him.

No matter how strong your feelings in a man are, you should love yourself more, so for the sake of your own bright future, exclude the man from your life and take care of yourself.

Show him that he is not the center of your universe

You are an interesting, attractive woman. There is always something to talk about with you. And you are constantly busy with some kind of business. Today - fitness room, tomorrow - Spanish language courses, on Thursday - a theater performance, and on Sunday a meeting with close friends.

Thanks to a busy schedule, your life will not only become active and interesting, but will also make a man think that he is not such a central player in this field. Let him adapt to the fast pace of your life and look for options for dates.

What to do if you fall in love with a married man

A woman who has fallen in love with a married man, but does not know what to do next, can choose one of three options for the development of events:

Stop communication

Ask yourself - are you ready to be someone's lover? It is unlikely that your romance will develop into anything more than just an affair. Most likely, you are destined for only rare meetings in secret, and lonely holidays and weekends.

This is especially worth doing if the man is not going to divorce his wife and he is satisfied with this kind of life on two fronts. Think about it, do you want to spend several months or even years waiting empty and wasting your time on a person who is not worth such sacrifices?

Achieve what you want in any way

Start small - talk to your sweetheart, why he decided to cheat on his wife (only without reproaches and moralism), find out when their marriage cracked, what was the reason for this.

Maybe the person never loved his wife, but only knew love after meeting you? Or was he just tired of his always dissatisfied and grumpy wife?

Become a solution to his problems for a man, show him that with you he can have a different life, that you can give him love, affection and support. But be prepared for the fact that the lover will not immediately decide to divorce, and if this happens, he will continue to communicate with his ex-wife, especially if there are children or joint affairs.

More detailed tips on seduction in the article: “How to attract the attention and win over a married man.”

Remain a mistress and enjoy this position

You are probably comfortable with such a relationship, especially if you are married yourself. In this case, you and your lover are like a secret or a breath of fresh air to each other, you keep your relationship in the strictest confidence and get great pleasure from it.

However, it’s worth thinking at your leisure, where will such a relationship lead you and your beau? Is it worth risking your family for dubious passionate encounters?

There will always be a wall between you...

It is impossible to give universal advice on what to do and what to do if you love a married man. After all, in the life of each person there are different circumstances, and even the slightest nuances can become predetermining factors of this or that behavior.

Imagine different scenarios for the further development of events, and try to understand which of them resonates more in your soul.

Be wiser

A smart girl has hundreds of ways to attract a man in her arsenal. And a truly wise woman will carry out the adventure in such a way that her lover will 100% believe that it was his initiative. Don't forget that he is the one who is trying to achieve you, and not the other way around.

Albina Dzhanabaeva was in a secret relationship with Valery Miladze for many years. The singer tried in every possible way to surround the man with affection and care. She took care of her appearance, did not forget about sports, and cooked regularly and deliciously. She was attentive and sensitive towards her loved one. As a result, she became the wife of the famous singer.

Are lovers always in the background?

The situation when a woman falls for a young man in a couple or an unfree man is not uncommon. Everyday life and lack of attention lead to the idea that this will be the way out. However, when it comes to a long-term relationship, the girl tries to assess what the chances are of getting a leading position. If a woman strives to become the first in this relationship, then the chances of success are low. Due to a man’s indecisiveness, a mistress can remain in a similar status for many years until both partners get tired of it.

Official wives remain calm, putting up with their husband’s affair and not taking any action. As a result, the third party leaves the relationship without receiving leadership or official status.

This happens because of the habit of a man to whom the thought of divorce is alien. Many years have been lived in an official marriage, children have been born, property has been acquired. When a couple breaks up, partners are forced to share it all, to resolve issues that might not have existed. Such an inconvenience clearly does not interest the lover. In such a situation, the mutual behavior of the wife and mistress plays a decisive role. If both are patient with a partner who leads a double life, the situation will last a long time.


How to find a lover for a married woman and why it is needed

When a mistress shows impatience, the relationship is destroyed, since the man does not intend to tolerate constant discontent, scandals and hysterics from a virtual stranger. If such behavior is demonstrated by the wife, then the chances of getting the championship are 50 to 50. Perhaps the husband, ashamed and frightened by the divorce, will abandon his new passion to save the family. But the opposite situation may also arise, when the wife’s hysteria is unbearable, and the man is tired of scandals.

Sometimes a mistress smoothly transitions into the official status of a wife. These are cases where divorce from the spouse was inevitable and without a vicious relationship. In this case, the mistress becomes a catalyst that speeds up the decision-making process. The marriage, which could not be saved without this, breaks up, and the mistress receives the title of bride.

However, in this case, you need to understand for what reason the divorce occurred in order to prevent this from happening in a new relationship, otherwise there is a possibility that a man, taught by experience, will quickly decide to divorce again, but with his former mistress, or will abandon the intention to create again. family.

Don't be an individual psychologist

No matter how cool boys are, they also have emotions, and they need to pour them out somewhere. Of course, we don’t really want this. It wasn’t enough to be sad that he was married, but also to listen to how hard and bad it was for him and this very wife, and how worried he was about it.

But! His personal dramas are not a reason to traumatize the female psyche. After all, relationships are primarily built on friendship. And friendship with one goal is some kind of perversion. A true friend will never hurt a loved one by telling him something that is unpleasant to him. Don’t become a vest for a man, he won’t appreciate it anyway.

Why you shouldn't get involved with a married man

A relationship with a married man is always a lottery. It is unknown what the outcome of your relationship will be and how long it will last. Even if you are young and beautiful now, and you see only advantages in relationships without obligations, think about whether you will have the same opinion in 5-10-15 years?

No matter how hackneyed the phrase “the clock is ticking” may sound, sooner or later you will realize that you wasted your time on a person who had a pleasant time in your company, and now plays the role of an exemplary husband and father in his home.

You will be left broke, without your former youth, without a family, without a loved one.

Unfortunately, many women wait almost their entire lives for their lover to divorce his wife, but the fate of the mistress in the vast majority of cases is sad:

  • he leaves her when she loses her attractiveness, and it is difficult to find a new man at an older age;
  • he suddenly disappears from the horizon if his wife suspects something or his conscience awakens;
  • throughout the relationship, lonely evenings, weekends, holidays, and lack of support.

By and large, the girl is on her own, lonely and unhappy, living according to someone else’s schedule.

No matter how beautiful words about love a man sings into your ears, no matter how much he rants that there are no feelings between him and his wife and he doesn’t love her, believe me - if everything were really like that, he would have been with you a long time ago. If a man does not love a woman, he will not force himself and live with her.

Most likely, your boyfriend has found interesting leisure time for himself in the form of spending time with you in bed. But, after spending a couple of hours with you, he hurries home to his wife and children. How long will you be strong enough to endure such humiliation? And what should you do if, having played with you enough, a person simply throws you away like a boring doll? Loving a married man and hoping that he will completely belong to you is stupid and arrogant.

If you have firmly decided that you no longer want to waste precious time on a relationship that is unlikely to develop, then the next section will help you find a way out of this situation.

Watch your appearance

When people have been married for several years, they gradually relax and stop paying due attention to their appearance. Perhaps this also affected his wife, and every day he sees her in worn clothes, with a bun on her head and overgrown hair on her legs. This is a chance for you to shift his interest in your direction.

Visit beauty salons, don’t forget about shopping, keep an eye on updated manicures and pedicures. You have to be flawless so that just by looking at you he starts salivating.

How to end it

No one can promise you that by following all the tips listed below, you will rid yourself of hopeless relationships. But you will bring yourself 100% closer to starting your life from scratch without a married lover.

Admit it to yourself

First of all, you are committing a bad act by pleasing someone else’s husband. You can hardly be proud of this.

If appeals to conscience are useless, then put yourself in the place of your wife and imagine that the person you sincerely love is looking for affection and intimacy in the arms of another woman. No matter how hard it may be for you to realize this, admit it - you are destroying someone else’s family, unceremoniously getting into it, and your actions affect the lives of other people.

Imagine that the adventures of your lover will become known to his wife. The person will lose the relationship that he has built for so long, and the children may never forgive the traitorous father and will never communicate with him again.

Even if the moral side of the issue does not bother you, admit to yourself that this relationship is leading nowhere. Now it seems to you that there is nothing wrong with being content with rare meetings and crumbs of attention. But look five to ten years ahead - what do you want in life?

  1. You won’t have a husband, and if you manage to take him away, there will be a great risk of betrayal - after all, one day he could not restrain himself.
  2. A married lover will not want to have a child with you, which means you will be deprived of the happiness of motherhood.
  3. An accidental pregnancy and refusal to have an abortion can give you a child, but it will be fatherless.
  4. The feeling of loneliness will increase - with age, people increasingly need loved ones around, but he will constantly go to his wife.
  5. No one will help you, support you, or back you up during difficult moments in life.

Answer yourself honestly: are you happy with this future? Is this man worth your further suffering? You can always meet another person, free, who will completely suit you.

Be disappointed in the man

It’s easy to be fascinated by a person when you don’t share everyday life with him, don’t wash his dirty socks, and don’t beg him to nail down the ill-fated shelf within a month. While you are connected only by physical intimacy, you are constantly in the “candy-bouquet” period, and the person seems ideal.

We'll have to take a closer look at his actions to identify certain shortcomings. Which ones exactly depend on the man and your “fads”. For example, he does not listen to you, constantly compares you with his wife, forbids something, or never gives anything.

After each meeting, write down all the points that hurt you and caused irritation. By focusing on the little things, you will soon begin to notice the big mistakes.

Tell your feelings on paper

The method, although predictable, is effective; it is not for nothing that many psychologists recommend it. Take a piece of paper and divide it into two columns:

  • in the first, write the reasons for staying with this man;
  • in the second - “against” relations with him.

In the first column, write all the positive emotions that you experience next to your lover, remember all the good things that you experienced with him. We advise you to start filling out the second column with the phrase “My beloved man is married,” because, you must agree, this is his biggest drawback.

If you want to cry, cry - it will help.

Scroll through your memory all the unpleasant moments when you felt offended by a man:

  • when he canceled a meeting with you because his wife asked to take her to the mall;
  • when he didn’t remember your birthday or limited himself to a dry SMS;
  • when he didn’t help you in a difficult situation or was rude.

Also describe your feelings that this relationship awakens in your soul - happiness, love, inspiration; pain, loneliness, cold. After this written confession, see which column contains the most entries.

Don't make excuses

A common cover for mistresses is “his marriage was doomed anyway,” “if not me, then someone else,” “the children will grow up and he will immediately leave for me.”

Thinking this way, you are deceived, because men actually love themselves very much and value their time; they will not waste years of their lives on unloved women, much less marry them.

Find out why a man does not divorce his wife.

If a person lives in two houses, this means only one thing - he has settled down well and gets everything he needs from such a life: his wife is waiting for him at home with a hot dinner and clean things, and with you he receives physical and moral satisfaction.

Don’t be fooled by promises and vows to divorce your wife, the man is simply leading you by the nose and blatantly using you.

Find support

It doesn’t matter who it will be - friends, mother, sisters, etc.

The main thing is that you completely trust these people and be sure that they will understand and support you.

Open your heart, admit that you are involved with a married man, but you want to end this vicious relationship. Close people will not let you lose heart and help you get distracted.

Don't give him a chance

Surely you have already tried to break up with your boyfriend, but after a few days of silence, he called or appeared on the doorstep with a bouquet of flowers, and your heart melted. What should you do if he doesn’t let you go and so convincingly begs you to stay with him?

Don't contact him.

There is only one answer - end the relationship at any cost, even if your heart is torn to pieces with love and pity for your lover. After a while, you will realize that you made the right decision and all the sacrifices were not in vain.

Don't discuss your relationship with him

All the same, all conversations will lead to one result - promises that very soon everything will change, he is already preparing for a divorce and will definitely marry you. But days, weeks and months pass, and the promises remain just words. And the man finds more and more excuses: either his wife is sick and he can’t upset her, or his child has problems at school, or his business is going under, so there is no time for a divorce.

Think about how long you are willing to endure this deception? If you are determined to break up, then do it confidently. You can even send your lover a message or call him on the phone if you are afraid that when you meet in person, he will fall at your feet and again persuade you not to leave him.

Cut the person out of your life

When you go on a diet, you throw out all the unhealthy and tasty foods that can lead to a breakdown. The situation with a man is identical. As soon as you announced the breakup, cross him out of your life:

  • tear up and throw away photos of you together,
  • delete the phone number,
  • block on all social networks,
  • get rid of gifts or give them to someone else.

Do not go to places where you may encounter them. You can go and live with a friend or parents for a while so that he doesn’t come to visit.

The main thing is that you do not have a single reminder of this man. If you want to start a new life, you will have to go through suffering, denial, the desire to rush into the arms of your loved one again. Get over it for the sake of your happy future.


These can be small changes, for example, in clothing style or hairstyle, or global ones: a change of job, type of activity or place of residence.

Find yourself a new hobby that will distract you from thinking about the past, meet new people. It is possible that in a new company you will meet that one and only free man who in the future will make you the happiest wife in the world.

Do not give up

Destroying an attachment to a married man is much more difficult in practice than in words. If after a breakup you feel that life seems meaningless to you, and depression is about to seize you with its tenacious paws, do not wait and consult a psychologist.

See a psychologist if depression occurs.

With the help of a specialist, you can look at the situation differently, free yourself from the shackles of the past and find the strength to live on.

Get into his circle

Men love to gossip with each other about women. And if a new specimen appears in the field of view, all curious glances are directed at it. And here it will depend only on you what characteristics you will be given after the meeting. Be cheerful, cheerful and sociable. If you can please your lover's friends, they will be additional allies helping him to come over to your side.

Love for a friend who has a wife

It’s even more difficult for the girl who fell in love with a married friend. It’s quite difficult to fulfill the role of a good friend, comrade, assistant while you experience deeper and more sincere feelings for a man. The very fact of destroying his family for the sake of his own satisfaction and getting what he wants already smacks of self-centeredness and meanness. But even if we take into account the “innocent” attempts to hint to a friend about his feelings, they in themselves become a threat: either the young man will not understand such hints and such an attitude from an old girlfriend, or he will commit adultery, but then you can forget about friendship forever. In any case, this relationship will end in someone's suffering - the tears of an unhappy wife or the bitterness of losing the friendship of a friend-lover who interfered in the relationship. This relationship will certainly harm one of the parties, and a decent woman who has not lost her moral principles and has not completely lost her head from her exciting feelings must stop in time her zeal to take her loved one away from the family.

How to stop loving a friend if this love is doomed from the very beginning? You need to pause, temporarily stop communicating, give yourself time to think about the harmfulness of this situation and give yourself the opportunity to understand your own thoughts and feelings. It may turn out that these feelings were overly far-fetched, and in fact, such love was only a temporary clouding. Otherwise, you should look for a way out of the situation by becoming infatuated with a new object of affection - it’s not for nothing that they say that wedges are knocked out with wedges.

Advice from psychologists

Psychology allows you to understand your inner world and find answers to troubling questions. There are recommendations from experts that help you cope with falling in love with a married guy:

  • Before you decide to start or continue a relationship with a family man, you need to think about his family. Perhaps his wife is a good person and there is no need for her to suffer because another girl allows herself to interfere with someone else's happiness. The situation can get worse if children are involved. They will definitely suffer if the man decides to leave them. It’s worth looking at the situation from the moral and ethical perspective, answering the question: “Will I be able to live in peace, knowing that I destroyed someone else’s family?”
  • Women shouldn't settle for less. Why should a beautiful and smart girl depend on a man who will not be faithful to her? You need to believe in yourself and your ability to attract decent and honest men with whom you can have a healthy relationship without restrictions.
  • Don't be upset about something that doesn't really exist. We need to answer the question: “Do you have a future?” There is a high probability that the answer will be negative. Then why waste time on sorrows? Of course, love is one of the most difficult emotions that cannot be controlled. However, you need to gather all your inner strength, break the painful connection and engage in mental healing. It will take some time, but the ability to feel free and not be afraid of exposure is the best price to pay for leaving such a relationship.

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  • Don't mess with busy guys. If a woman has been in such an unhealthy relationship or is about to get involved in one, she needs to come to her senses and put an end to all types of contact with such men. It is important to understand the rule: “Married people are taboo!” This will help protect yourself from possible disappointments and wasted time.

The likelihood of successful development of a relationship with someone who is bound by marriage is incredibly low. Expecting that you will be able to take the main place in his life means deliberately dooming yourself to suffering, so you should listen to the advice of psychologists and begin to build a new personal life, not burdened with secrets and constant expectations of meetings. After this, every girl will have a chance to find a person who will give her happiness without restrictions and burdens.

Why can a man look to the side?

A man may seek a woman solely for intimacy

It may seem to you that you fell in love with an unfree man because he began to show signs of attention to you. Unfortunately, women are designed in such a way that they often feel in love only because they are interested in them.

A man can convince that he no longer lives with his wife, that his relationship is on the brink, all that remains is to sign the divorce papers. In fact, he starts an affair on the side for one of these reasons.

  1. Tired of the problems of family life, he wants to unwind.
  2. Dissatisfaction in sexual life and the desire to find an ideal partner on the side. He only needs you for sex.
  3. Inability to resist an attractive woman. Believe me, you are not the first with such a person; most likely, he changes girls like gloves.
  4. The desire to find a secret refuge where you can take a break from the constant scandals at home.
  5. A way to diversify your usual intimate life, to try something new that you are afraid to tell your wife about.
  6. Retaliatory revenge for the fact that the wife had an affair.

Can love like this be real?

First, you need to understand what love is. This word refers to a feeling of strong attachment to another person. Speaking about falling in love, it is worth noting that this is an attraction based on sexual desire and a friendly attitude towards a partner.

Could these feelings be real? Of course! At the same time, both women and men are capable of expressing them, so in such relationships feelings can be sincere on both sides.

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However, if a woman falls in love with a married guy, over time the feeling of love will develop into addiction. If this happens, then such a romance becomes toxic for her. He poisons her and makes her suffer. If the relationship has gone far, it becomes increasingly difficult for a girl to break it off due to dependence and attachment to the guy. This is what causes an unhappy life.

How to behave

What to do if you fall in love with a married man? How to calm down the flow of your passion and unbridled feelings? There are three ways that can resolve the current situation with different options for its outcome. The first is to confess your feelings to him: he will probably take advantage of the attitude of a woman in love with him, but only once as carnal pleasures. The second is to use tactics of seducing a man and tying him to oneself: this smacks, at a minimum, of meanness and deceit, since such behavior, although not criminally punishable, is morally criminal. And finally, the third is to try to fight your feelings, since ninety-nine percent out of a hundred they will not lead to good things.

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