I would like to write to my ex-partner after a breakup: why, is it worth it?

Many girls, having barely met a representative of the opposite sex, those who have just entered into or are in a long-term relationship, ask the question: “Should I tell a man that I miss you?” Many people don’t want to seem intrusive or boring; for others, such confessions are like “hanging on the neck” of a gentleman. They talk about this on forums, mothers and more experienced friends give advice under no circumstances to admit your melancholy. But is this all really true?

Psychologists answer this question like this: It all depends on who the man is to the woman and what the relationship is between them. If a couple has been together for a long time, then you need to be open with each other. Accordingly, there is nothing wrong with telling your loved one that you miss you if you are sure that he will respond in kind.

What does the male “I miss you” mean?

The chosen one rarely tells a woman that he is bored, because many prefer to hide emotions and feelings. The warming phrase “I miss you” can mean that:

  • A man feels sympathy and love, which is why he misses the presence of a loved one (he may be looking for a way to meet).
  • He liked the woman and wants more communication in hopes of more.
  • The woman is a pleasant conversationalist and a person for conversations on various topics.
  • A man experiences stress and depression; he can talk it out to a close and trusted person.

The phrase has different meanings, depending on the woman’s relationship with the opposite sex. If young people are friends without sympathy, perhaps the man wants more communication and conversations, thereby saying that he misses you. If there is sympathy between the partners, then the man’s word that he is bored will be confirmed by his indifference to the woman.

How long have you not spoken?

Depending on how much time has passed since your communication, what actions should be taken will depend:

  1. Days. It hasn't been that long, so take a break and focus on yourself for at least 48-72 hours. A few days can give you time to forget everything that caused the quarrel and rethink what was happening.
  2. Weeks. If a few weeks have passed and he hasn't called or texted, now is the time to try again.
  3. Months. Try texting your ex and asking how things are going. Below we'll give you some tips on how to start a conversation.
  4. Years. Several years after your breakup, you want to text your ex, most likely to reconnect. Again, just like with the breakup a few months ago, use the tips below.

If you are still in the first 30 days after a breakup, you should adhere to the “no contact” rule.

What to answer a man to the phrase “I miss you” in VKontakte or SMS correspondence

The girl has 2 options: reciprocate, or ignore the confession. How the relationship will develop further will depend on this; the guy will be frank, understanding that his beloved is experiencing indifference. You can reciprocate messages like this:

  • Write a response with the content: “I miss you, I miss you, I’m lonely without you.”
  • Hint at a meeting with the phrases: “maybe we’ll meet, it’s time to call, I want to see each other, we need a meeting.”
  • Send emoticons in a message with a smile and a kiss; on social networks this is perceived as a sign of attention.

When sending a message, it is important to consider whether the girl wants to continue communication and build a future together. If you don’t want to, you can ignore or quietly change the topic without hurting feelings.

Advice from psychologists

The psychology of men is not as strong as that of women. This nuance answers the question of why they increasingly express or hide their feelings. If you hear from a guy that he is bored and wants to meet as quickly as possible, avoid being rude when communicating. There are tips from psychologists that should be followed:

  • Respond only when feelings are truly present;
  • If the boredom is not mutual, choose words that will not offend the man. You can simply send an emoticon with a smile if the communication takes place on a social network;
  • Recognize when a man is telling the truth and when he just wants to manipulate you;
  • Do not give in to your own feelings if you are unsure that the man is telling the truth.

The psychology of guys allows them to hide their emotions and mislead women for their specific purposes. If you have reason not to trust your boyfriend, to doubt that he has sincere feelings for you, ignore his messages or words.

What to do if your ex-boyfriend writes that he misses you

Sometimes after two loving people break up, a man wants to get the relationship back. 1-2 months after the breakup, the girl may receive a message from her ex saying that he missed her. What to do in such situations? How to respond to a message?

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There are different situations, so the actions may differ. In such a situation, you can do the following:

  • Ignore the message if you no longer want the old relationship;
  • Reciprocate if this is actually the case;
  • Blame your lover for the breakup if everything happened through his fault;
  • Say that you have another loved one, and your ex missed the moment to be happy.

Former relationships don’t just disappear; sooner or later one of the partners will definitely start to get bored, trying to get everything back. If you are expecting such an SMS from your ex-lover and have mutual feelings for him, forget about all the grievances, give him the opportunity to correct his mistakes and improve relationships. Missing a person is one of the main signs that he values ​​you.

What to answer if he asks if I miss you

Men also need to feel reciprocity, to be sure that the girl is also looking forward to meeting him and sharing positive moments with him. As a result, women may wonder how to respond to “I miss you” in order to show their feelings without being too intrusive.

The following are sample responses:

  • And me too …
  • I am pleased that you think about me;
  • I'm also looking forward to our next meeting;
  • Don’t be bored, we can meet, go to the movies;
  • Thank you for your attention!

The answer options depend solely on what feelings you have for the guy. If you want to show that he is also dear to you, that he misses you for a reason, say so directly. No person understands hints, especially those in love. Only sincere truth and frankness will show your intentions and give you confidence in the future.

What does it mean if a man during a live conversation says that he misses you?

In person, if a man says that he misses you, it means that the guy has the courage to express his feelings and show the girl that he cares. Not everyone decides to say it to their face, because psychologists have found that it is more difficult for guys to explain their feelings, unlike girls who express thoughts without embarrassment.

An acquaintance, friend, lover can say the phrase, which means that the opposite sex lacks communication and the presence of a person nearby. It is necessary to take into account and take into account that if the guy said it to his face, it means that his friend occupies a significant place in his heart and life.

What to write to a stranger to make him smile?

When messaging a stranger, it is important to appear unobtrusive and establish easy communication.

It is important to appear unobtrusive when messaging a stranger

You should not use diminutive expressions so as not to scare off the guy you like.

  • You can send a neutral emoticon and see the reaction. If the guy sends a smile back, you should continue the conversation.
  • Give a compliment: “I wonder if nice guys make interesting conversationalists?”
  • “I think our t-shirts match perfectly in our profile photos! What do you think?".
  • "Hello! My friend said that she has a cute boyfriend who wouldn't mind chatting. Can you guess who she meant?
  • You can send him a beautiful photo with your face, but without bare parts of the body. Then use the standard “Oh, sorry, wrong number” and look at the reaction.
  • You can write honestly and openly: “Hello! I really don’t want to distract you, but I’m missing new people and interesting acquaintances in my life right now. Let's try to chat a little?"

How to understand that he is truly bored, what are the signs?

The following signs indicate longing for a woman and a desire to communicate:

  • He often writes on social networks and SMS, learning news about what’s new and interesting has happened to a woman lately (the partner’s behavior is changing).
  • The guy offers to call him and invites him on a date, which confirms his caring and desire to communicate on various topics (the guy invites him to the cinema, cafes and cultural institutions).
  • Being far from each other, he can ask to be photographed and send the photo on social networks, this says that he wants to see each other.
  • He constantly visits his beloved’s page on social networks, thereby checking photos, news and online in order to communicate again.
  • He often talks with close friends about his beloved and shares his feelings about how she is missing from his side; it is important for him to talk to her or see her during the day.
  • He tries to maintain and add to the mood, thereby showing that he is not indifferent to the emotional and spiritual state of the girl.

Starting to get bored, he wants more communication and meetings, this is the main sign of falling in love. It is important for him to find out how the woman’s day went; he has a desire to listen and support in difficult times.

Main disadvantages

  • You may not wait for an answer . If after this the young man does not show himself, then you should not count on a further serious relationship.
  • The gentleman will lose interest . It’s worth asking yourself the question: “Do you need someone with whom you need to pretend and play indifference?”
  • The man will turn out to be a player, and he does not need extra obligations . This point is quite simple. Sincerity will help identify a frivolous gentleman, but will upset a girl who is counting on a serious relationship.
  • Men can interpret “I miss you” in their own way, which will lead to a quarrel . A girl with this phrase often means a simple desire to see her lover, hug him, hear his voice, while he himself may mean physiological longing. And he may misunderstand the girl’s desire.
  • He will think that they are being imposed on him . You can unobtrusively communicate your desire to see him using SMS with an offer to accompany him to the cinema, go ice skating or go to a football match. Instead of frank confessions, you can remind yourself with a postcard.
  • He will think that she is boring and will not find something to do . Especially when people barely know each other, it is frivolous to write about your melancholy on the second day. After such words, the gentleman will think that she is boring in herself, since she cannot find something to do in the 21st century among so many opportunities. Moreover, working ladies never get bored.

If a man misses a woman, does it mean it's love?

This phrase does not mean that it is sympathy or love. Friends who know how to have a good time together can feel sad after a long separation.

There is no need to set a goal for love and think that the guy experiences reciprocity, the fact is that this may turn out to be a sign of friendship or that the girl is not a bad conversationalist. To know how to react, you need to think about whether there were other signs indicating that there was more between people than friendship or communication.

I don’t know why, but I want to write

Often when people want to write to their ex-boyfriend or girlfriend, they don’t know exactly why. You may feel embarrassed about missing the past if you know you don't want your past relationship back.

If you feel this way, then there is a chance that your ex is not necessarily “the one” who cannot be missed. Perhaps you are nostalgic not for the person, but for one or two qualities of his character that you especially like.

To understand this moment, remember what emotions and actions of your ex-other half you like.

This will help you discover the “values” that really matter to you in a relationship. For example, if you always did fun things together or laughed a lot, but that is now missing from your life, then "feelings of pleasure" may be a value that your ex brought to the table.

Feelings can also be important in a relationship:

  • security;
  • adventures;
  • learning and personal growth;
  • meaningful communication.

When you understand what is important to you, then you will begin to see that these emotions can be experienced with someone else.

Therefore, the desire to constantly write to your ex may not be longing for a person, but rather a desire to revive some experiences that this person in the past may have brought you. Knowing this will help you make wiser choices in the future.

Is it possible to tell a man that you miss him?

This phrase is nice to hear, but you shouldn’t say it, immediately “revealing your soul.” Many guys are able to play on this, as a result of which they begin to think that the woman is loving and dependent, this gives strength. This can lead to the destruction of connections and friendships, so how to say this phrase is worth thinking about and making sure your partner is reliable.

If love has occurred between partners, you can talk about feelings without hesitation often, this will bring the couple closer and strengthen ties. Pleasant words are good, but it is better to express them with attention and care, thereby showing concern.

Many girls are pleased to hear such words, but it is worth remembering that a real man must confirm them with actions. Relatively, he can take care of a sick girl, help with solving a difficult issue regarding society, work.

Those who are truly bored will never leave a loved one without attention; a man can express feelings in words and confirm them with actions, care and communication.
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Are you looking for pleasure?

Often people tend to text their ex when they want to have sex, that is, to have a little fun. It looks tempting, but can end in disaster. If sex is the main reason for getting back in touch with your ex, then think about the consequences first.

Consider who will suffer the most if things don't go according to plan:

  1. You are the initiator of the breakup. How badly did the other person suffer? Getting laid again when there is no intention of continuing the relationship would be a truly terrible thing to do.
  2. The initiator of the separation was the partner. Ask yourself how you really feel right now? Have you overcome the emotional pain that usually comes with the experience of a breakup? Will you be able to cope with this if you start to have feelings for your ex again, if he doesn’t want to come back for a long time?

If you feel in control and don't get emotionally attached to each other, then sex with your ex can be exciting and enjoyable for both of you.


The goal that the girl set for herself when she was going to write to the guy is important. It is also necessary to understand the character of a person and his needs. Phrases may differ from each other in content and writing style. If a girl wants to make a guy laugh, cheer him up, she can write something humorous or ironically recall some situation in which she found herself. A young man will appreciate light humor and the ability to laugh at himself.

These words must come from the heart

The guy's smile will be caused by warm, tender words sent to him by his beloved. Such a message must be sincere; it is important to convey your true feelings. Among loving couples, the use of romantic nicknames and addresses is allowed: kitten, bunny, sunshine. The message can highlight the guy’s merits and strengths. A girl can emphasize that her chosen one is the best in the world.

Great option to write something original

You can write an original message to a young man and surprise him with some ingenuity. Using an SMS message, a girl can unobtrusively invite her lover on a date or ask him for help: fixing the computer, troubleshooting the operating system. The man will feel that his girlfriend appreciates his competence and professionalism, so she will gladly come to the rescue.

Every young man has his own weaknesses. If a girl is able to detect them, saying in time what the chosen one wants to hear, she is guaranteed success. The most attractive phrases for the stronger sex:

  • "You are my hero".
  • “For me, you are the best, smartest, bravest man.”

These phrases may look banal, but they have the most powerful effect on the recipient. During a long separation, you can write the following to your boyfriend:

  • "I miss you so much."
  • "I love you so much."
  • “It’s so lonely and empty here without you.”
  • “I can’t wait to see you again.”
  • “Without you my life is empty.”

It is impossible to find a universal phrase that can please every single man. Here it is necessary to take into account both the character of your loved one and his lifestyle. A brutal man leading a sporty lifestyle will not be delighted with an endless stream of tender messages. A girl can carefully and unobtrusively emphasize his strong qualities - courage, courage, and show that she admires the physical strength of her lover. It is best for a researcher to say pleasant words regarding his high mental abilities.

There is no need to be afraid of experiments, using new, unusual and pleasant words in practice. To prevent beautiful phrases from becoming boring, you should regularly expand your vocabulary of “tenderness”. In this case, it is necessary to monitor the reaction of the young man, understanding what effect this or that spoken phrase had. Sometimes a girl can write something vulgar to a guy with whom she has a close relationship, but such a phrase should not be too provocative. When flirting with a guy, a girl can use the following unusual and original phrases:

  • “I so want to be on a desert island, alone with you, so that there is no one else there except us - only the azure ocean coast, palm trees and beautiful jungle around. How do you like this idea?
  • “When we met your eyes, I was lost in the maze of your charming gaze. Can you help me find a way out?

Why does a guy ignore: let's look at the reasons

It's just great if you know the reason for ignoring. One less problem: you won’t torment yourself with doubts and will easily move in the right direction. But the reason for silence is not always clear in full view. Let's look at the main reasons why a man doesn't respond to messages:

  1. He's really busy. Perhaps he did not have time to warn you about the future emergency, and now there is no time. Hard workdays do not leave a minute for idle pastime. If you know that this is possible and there have been no recent conflicts, calm down and wait a little longer.
  2. He is afraid of a serious relationship. Seeing that your romance is going too far, a fearful guy may retreat in an attempt to avoid legal marriage. If this is confirmed, just forget about it. Why do you need some infantile subject, presumably male, who cannot even say his opinion to his face?
  3. He met someone else. Cowardice does not allow a man to admit what he has done. He hopes that you will understand everything and leave him alone. Ask your mutual friends, maybe they know something?
  4. He abandoned you like that. The relationship reached a dead end, and thus the guy cut off all the threads that connected you. It’s unpleasant when they don’t even bother to communicate their decision. Therefore, if the ignore continues, just spit on such an ill-mannered man.
  5. He was very offended. If you had a hand in the current state of affairs and feel that you are largely to blame, try to understand the guy. Let it cool down, and in the meantime, look for ways to atone for your sins.
  6. He forgot his account password or there is no money on his phone. And such technical reasons take place when the ignore does not last long. Wait a little, a decent guy will definitely show up and explain the reason for the sudden disappearance.

A real man will not leave a girl in the dark and leave messages unanswered, even if he wanted to break up with her. The only exceptions can be those cases in which the girl really does not understand differently. Let situations in your life occur as rarely as possible where a young man will ignore your messages.


In family life, sometimes it is necessary to be distracted from everyday affairs and worries. A husband will always be pleased by the manifestation of care and attention from his wife. You can send a message to your loved one while he is at work or on a business trip. Having received a gentle SMS message, the husband will return home in a good mood.

Psychologists advise to openly show your feelings, remain friendly and sweet, and not hide your concern for your loved one. Phrases you can write to your husband:

  • “Since you appeared in my life, peace has appeared in my soul, and happiness has appeared in my heart.”
  • “You are the best husband, being your wife is a great happiness.”

How to unobtrusively remind a man about yourself

Social networks have become very popular these days. With their help, you can not only communicate at any time of the day or night, but also make new acquaintances. Don't miss the opportunity to use this method. Read below how to do it correctly.

  • Write a comment on his photo.
  • Like his post.
  • Write a comment on his post.
  • Ask a neutral question, for example - How are you feeling?
  • Go to his page and remain silent (he will see who was visiting him).
  • Share the news.
  • You can also ask him for help in what he is competent in, for example, setting up a smartphone or laptop.

Olfactory perception

The ideal way to remind yourself from a distance is to use the same perfume. Choose “yours”, be sure to have a pleasant scent for him. Use this perfume for romantic meetings and walks together. Don’t quarrel with your loved one or make a scandal, when you are “dressed” in this scent, it should be associated with warmth and tenderness.

If you are facing a temporary separation, cuddle up to the man, leaving your scent on him. When preparing your husband for a business trip, spray some perfume on his underwear or other frequently used items. Thus, the beloved will yearn for his wife, haunted by a familiar scent.


A distinctive feature of an SMS message is its brevity. Writing a small SMS beautifully and meaningfully is an art. You can surprise your loved one with an original and funny joke that can cheer up the recipient. He will remember a good joke and tell it to his family and friends. The man will understand that he is communicating with a lively, witty girl and will appreciate her even more.

Poems of your own composition sent via SMS will prove that the girl has talent and creativity. Anyone will love beautiful poems addressed to him personally. Such messages lift your mood and self-esteem.

At the beginning of dating, preference should be given to more neutral messages. At this time, you should not write too frank phrases or declarations of love to the young man. In the early stages, a man needs to take the initiative; this will bring great benefits for the further development of the relationship.

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