Know your body type - asthenic, normosthenic, hypersthenic

Hypersthenic is a type of physique and skeletal structure, suggesting a tendency to be overweight, rapid weight gain, as well as a number of psychological and characterological characteristics. These individuals are rather slow both in their movements and in making decisions; they express calmness, while being distinguished by a certain sense of purpose.

Hypersthenics can be identified by the characteristics of their figure, which is prone to obesity with any diet and physical activity. In general, they create a feeling of rounded shapes - short fingers, practically absent neck, disproportionate limbs. This combination causes a feeling of excessive roundness of a person, some disproportion and unattractiveness from the point of view of physical parameters, however, psychologically such people turn out to be the most attractive to others. These are successful, lucky people who are able to infect everyone around them with their enthusiasm and positivity, due to which they enjoy the favor of society and always have a large support group.

Glycemic index

Continuing the story about carbohydrates, we need to mention one more thing that needs to be taken into account when developing the principles of a healthy diet - this is the glycemic index of the product (GI). The fact is that foods may contain approximately the same amount of carbohydrates, but these carbohydrates will behave differently when they enter our body. GI is one way to describe this difference, in this case based on the food's effect on blood glucose levels. The higher this influence, the faster the product is absorbed, the more insulin is produced, and the more energy is stored as fat.

In order to bring your weight back to normal and reduce the risks of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes, it is advisable to eat as few foods with high GI as possible.

GI is set on a scale from 1 to 100, where 100 corresponds to the body's response to pure glucose, accompanied by maximum insulin release, and 1 - minimal effect on blood sugar levels. Low GI foods are slower (and therefore long-term) sources of energy that do not cause insulin spikes and the transfer of energy into fat storage.

To determine the GI of a particular product, you can use tables that can be easily found on the Internet. I, for example, like the service on this site (although I am not a supporter of the Montignac method), and these signs on SportsWiki, but perhaps you will find something better.

Please note that low GI has nothing to do with portion sizes. For example, if the GI of watermelon is 75 and the GI of dark chocolate is 20, this does not mean that chocolate is healthier for weight loss than watermelon

The fact is that the GI values ​​of a particular product are calculated based on the effect of 50g of net carbohydrates. In order to gain these 50g, you need to eat 125g of chocolate or as much as 700g of watermelon!

Principles for determining the structure of the body

It is not correct to assume that male body types are limited to only three types. There are also intermediate, mixed options. In their pure form, endomorphs, ectomorphs and mesomorphs are extremely rare; more often you can find people with characteristic features of the two groups. In order to understand how to determine your body type, you need to know a few rules.

  • Measure the circumference of the wrist of your working hand.
  • Estimate the approximate width of your waist, shoulders and hips.
  • Remember how quickly you gained and lost weight at the young age of 16-20 years old. With a good metabolism, no matter how much you eat, there is practically no excess fat, but with a slow metabolism, excess weight is already present at such a young age.

Based on the obtained indicators, determine membership in the group based on the structural features of the body.

Undoubtedly, from a genetic point of view, the ideal option for strength training is the normosthenic option. But for other men this is not a death sentence, and you shouldn’t give up. An asthenic body type requires increased nutrition and strength training to achieve the most attractive figure, while strong endomorphs need to monitor their diet and increase the emphasis on fat-burning exercises. 3 types of body structure - the initial basis for further work on yourself.

Nutrition rules:

The most important thing is to speed up your metabolism. That is, all efforts need to be put into creating the habit of eating right. The amount of light carbohydrates and fats in the diet is kept to a minimum. The emphasis is on “protein” products. Keep your blood sugar and insulin levels under control (this is also important!). On a non-workout day, have a light and slow breakfast immediately after waking up. We don’t eat before training, nor do we eat immediately after it. Protein in endomorphs is absorbed only by 30%, so it should be taken from sports nutrition. Nutrition plan: 60% complex carbohydrates + 30% proteins + 20% fats. Calorie limit for the day: A (weight in kg) x 30 = normal kcal. We eat 7 times a day and little by little. The best food “friends” are legumes, dairy products, chicken fillet and eggs with fish. The norm of complex carbohydrates should be consumed in the 1st half of the day.

Asthenic version of the male body

An ectomorph is usually a skinny guy. Guys of this type have narrow wrists and ankles, minimal muscle tissue and virtually no fat. The main problem for such guys is gaining large muscle mass. In the body of an ectomorph, the calories eaten are burned instantly due to accelerated metabolism, and the absorption of proteins occurs very slowly. In order to gain even a little weight, such athletes have to eat heavily, sometimes in excessive amounts.

It is in this case that it will not be superfluous to use sports supplements: omega 3,6,9 acids, creatine, protein shakes. Be sure to also eat at night to avoid muscle destruction. It is better to set your training time within an hour (including warm-up). Eliminate cardio so as not to waste precious calories that will be needed to restore the body after weight training.

  • There are no problems with excess weight.
  • The wrist circumference of this type of people is 15-17.5 cm.
  • Long arms and legs, sometimes it looks like lankyness.
  • The body has a low percentage of fat and little muscle.
  • Drying muscles is much easier.
  • There are narrow zones throughout the figure: hips, shoulders and waist.
  • Food is not good for future use (no matter how much an asthenic person eats, his weight still does not grow).
  • Due to the elongated chest, the heart and lungs are also elongated.

Your favorite side dish may be brown or white rice. No need to overindulge in sweets. Protein is recommended per day (2-3 grams per 1 kilogram of weight).

Examples of ectomorphs among bodybuilding stars: Dexter Jackson, Frank Zane, etc.

Delicious recipe! How to determine men's shirt size

Simple (refined) carbohydrates

They “work” very quickly (it’s not for nothing that they are called fast carbohydrates) and have low nutritional value. Eating foods containing simple carbohydrates immediately increases blood sugar levels. To reduce it, the body (or more precisely, the pancreas) produces the hormone insulin, which reduces sugar levels and turns it into fat. The process happens so abruptly that very quickly a feeling of hunger arises and you want something “sweet” again. This is why excessive love for sweets leads to obesity and type 2 diabetes - the pancreas simply stops coping with the load.

Complex carbohydrates do not have this effect. They are absorbed slowly and do not cause a spike in insulin, and give a greater feeling of fullness. Therefore, they are considered healthy, and fast carbohydrates are, of course, harmful.

There is one exception to the number of “harmful” fast carbohydrates - these are fruits, which, as is known, do not cause either obesity or diabetes. The fast carbohydrates they contain are fructose, which does not cause such a sharp insulin surge as glucose. This is both a plus and a minus - you can also gain weight on fruits, as well as on any sugar, and when losing weight it is usually advised to exclude heavy fruits from the diet, such as bananas, as well as fruit juices in large quantities. In addition, fruits contain many vitamins and antioxidants, which bring invaluable health benefits. So it's a moot point.

I advise you to watch another interesting video, which clearly shows how much sugar in the form of carbohydrates an average child eats per day. The products featured in this video are American, but if you have ever been to a supermarket, you can easily find Russian analogues for them.

Well, if you want to have a deeper understanding of the processes occurring in the body, then I advise you to read Douglas Graham’s book “The 80/10/10 Diet” (this is a direct link in PDF format, site

So, if you want to start losing extra pounds with a healthy diet (otherwise you won’t be able to), start by minimizing your intake of fast carbohydrates, mainly found in artificial store-bought foods.

However, there is one useful use of harmful fast carbohydrates: you can eat them before and after training. You can be sure that in this case they will all go “into the furnace” and give the body the necessary energy.

In general, many experts advise keeping carbohydrate intake to a minimum. Various diets are based on this principle, for example, such as the “Kremlin” diet or the Pierre Dukan diet. But, as mentioned above, such a serious change as the disappearance of the main source of energy will be taken with hostility by a losing body - and you will be defeated if you do not have an iron will.

Therefore, I consider this option, firstly, to upset the balance in the body, and secondly, applicable only to those who have relatively strong motivation or strong-willed qualities. For example, for bodybuilders, low-carbohydrate diet (or “cutting”) is one of the mandatory stages of preparation for competitions.

Remember those four questions we asked ourselves in the section on mental preparation? If you need to quickly lose weight for a vacation or holiday, then you can use a “no-carb” diet, but most likely the kilograms will return. If you need a stable result, then give up harmful carbohydrates, gradually replacing them with healthy ones, and take your time. Sooner or later you will get rid of harmful carbohydrates in your diet, and your weight will begin to return to normal.

Normosthenic physique

Other names: mesomorph, Pitta dosha.

The athletic sports constitution of the body gives proportionality and harmonious build.

A mesomorph woman has:

  • sculpted, athletic, proportional body with hourglass contours;
  • developed muscles with a small layer of fat;
  • proportional body and limbs;
  • shoulders slightly wider than hips;
  • medium size breasts;
  • pronounced waist;
  • normal metabolism;
  • skeleton of medium width;
  • elastic belly;
  • well developed shoulders;
  • deft, quick and sharp movements, excellent coordination;
  • dense elastic skin;
  • coarse hair.

Such women can easily gain weight and get rid of extra pounds, but in general they cannot be classified as either thin or plump, since this build is considered the classic standard of a female figure.

By the nature of a mesomorphic woman:

  • active;
  • ambitious;
  • prone to leadership and adventurism;
  • self-confident;
  • They love sports and active walks.

Normosthenics have few health-related disadvantages, but in general they are prone to:

  • hypertension;
  • rheumatism;
  • diseases of the respiratory and digestive system.

Nutrition for normosthenic women should consist of 40% proteins, 40% carbohydrates and 20% fats.

In sports, it is better to give preference to tennis, basketball, volleyball and other types of games.

Stress management

Stress is an underrated topic when it comes to weight loss. If you've recently had a lot of stress, you'll lose weight more slowly as you lose weight.

Let's continue our line of advice

Tip 10: Avoid chronic stress.

Stress produces the anti-stress hormone cortisol.

If cortisol levels are high, it leads to belly fat. Additionally, blood sugar levels rise, making weight loss very difficult.

If you are on a crash diet, you may be exposed to high levels of stress. This will also lead to an increase in cortisol.

By the way! Cortisol is not your enemy. This is a hormone designed to reduce the harmful effects of stress. Cortisol itself isn't bad; it tells you how stressed you are. In this respect it is similar to cholesterol.

Here are some ways to significantly reduce your stress levels:

  1. Meditate;
  2. Move more at home or at work;
  3. Listen to your favorite music;
  4. Do not follow a radical diet;
  5. Be in nature more often.

Tip 11

: Get enough sleep.

Sleep has a big impact on the weight loss process. Here are some facts:

  • Lack of sleep increases the likelihood of obesity by up to 50%;
  • Lack of sleep leads to fluctuations in the hormones leptin and ghrelin, as a result of which appetite is poorly regulated;
  • People who miss 15 hours of their normal amount of sleep per week experience a 50-80% increase in cortisol levels.

A person needs at least 6-7 hours of sleep. For some - more, but not more than 9 hours. Here are some tips to help you sleep better:

  • Do not use gadgets after 20:00. And don't watch TV. It’s better, of course, not to watch at all, but at least after 20:00;
  • Avoid drinking caffeinated drinks in the evening, such as coffee, cola, tea;
  • Go to bed at the same time;
  • Don't look at the clock while lying in bed.

Hypersthenic body type (endomorph)

Main characteristics:

  • Soft body with rounded shapes
  • Easily gains fat and muscle mass
  • Short stature
  • Having a hard time losing weight
  • Poorly defined muscles

Endomorphs are more likely than other types to be overweight, even while consuming fewer calories.

Women of this constitution have heavy and wide bones, voluminous shoulders, a wide and short chest, and slightly shortened limbs (as a rule). Height is often below average.

By nature, such ladies have strength and endurance, but are deprived of flexibility and grace. Therefore, the recommended sports disciplines are the following: yoga, callanetics, martial arts, etc.

In addition, the disadvantages of a hypersthenic body type include a low metabolic rate, which

implies an increased tendency to be overweight.

The circumference of the wrist with a large-boned physique is more than 17 cm.

Endomorph character

Hypersthenics are sociable, emotional, impressionable, and their behavior is driven by feelings, not reason. People of this type love company, know how to make fun of themselves and others, and easily make acquaintances and adapt to new surroundings.

Hypersthenics easily switch from one task to another, but they are more likely to develop fatigue and lose interest in work. It is easier for them to switch to other things than to continue what they started. Therefore, for effective work, it is advisable for a hypersthenic person to start the day by solving more complex problems, and at the end of the day to do easier work.

Hypersthenics have good short-term memory, so they effectively solve current, operational problems.

As a rule, there are mixed body types, with one of the varieties being dominant. A mesomorph is characterized by a large chest, broad shoulders, and a long torso; when engaging in strength sports, he quickly and easily builds muscle mass. The endomorph has wide bones and a sufficient amount of subcutaneous fat, and a relatively slow metabolism; He has difficulty getting rid of extra pounds.

The third type is an ectomorph, the owner of a thin figure. It is characterized by thin bone, minimal fat layer and weakly expressed elongated muscles. He almost never has problems with excess weight due to his accelerated metabolism, but it is very difficult for him to gain weight or gain muscle mass.

In an ectomorph, the difference between the circumference of the hips, chest and waist is often insignificant. The wrists and ankles are thin, the arms and legs are thin and often elongated, the shoulders are narrow, and the chest is also narrow and flat. As a rule, the height of such slender people is above average.

The advantages of the constitution include the fact that they do not gain weight, even when overeating on sweets at night, and they often look younger than their age due to their slender figure. On the other hand, some ectomorphs struggle to gain weight or build muscle and often take longer to recover than other people. During periods of stress, high stress or forced dietary restrictions, they often lose the minimum amount of fat they have and become even thinner, acquiring a sickly appearance.

Ectomorphs are characterized by bursts of energy, which is why they can be hyperactive, fussy and restless, and suffer from insomnia. But after some time, this leads to exhaustion of strength and decline sets in, and then a person needs to provide himself with quality relaxation and rest, and relatively long sleep. Ectomorphs should strengthen their nervous system; they will benefit from balancing practices such as meditation and yoga.

The system of physical activity for ectomorphs has its own characteristics.

An ectomorph needs nutritious and high-calorie meals several times a day, preferably on a schedule, with a sufficient content of carbohydrates and fats. Of course, these carbohydrates and fats should be healthy, since by consuming sweets and fried foods, an ectomorph can ruin their digestion and lose even more weight. Healthy carbohydrates are found in fruits, cereals and honey, and fats are found in flaxseed and peanut oil, seeds and nuts.

Who is it

Hypersthenics are open and kind people who are able to quickly forgive insults. They do not have a feeling of revenge, even despite bright outbursts of discontent, and even jealousy manifests itself quite often, but always against the backdrop of deep patience. Before expressing dissatisfaction or taking radical measures, a person will digest the situation within himself for a long time, give others a second chance and silently wait for changes in a favorable direction.

Showing such tolerance and the ability to stoically endure any troubles in life is achieved through fortitude combined with a high level of emotional sensitivity. We can say that these people represent the sages of humanity, even at a very young age.

After all, it is attention to others, the ability to understand everyone’s motivation, combined with enormous inner patience, that helps them survive in any situation.

In social relationships, hypersthenics are characterized by quick and deep attachment, they tend to establish emotionally charged connections. Therefore, there is a tendency to quickly forgive the misdeeds of loved ones. For hypersthenics themselves, this trait often turns out to be negative, because experiences of inattention from significant people or quarrels with them can significantly affect peace of mind.

These people have a bright temperament, love to talk and often become the unspoken leaders or the heart of the company, while they rarely take on the function of formally leading a group of people. Natural charm and the ability to find an approach to every person makes hypersthenics attractive to society. Their spontaneity and openness in communication captivate anyone and make them feel like they are close to an old good friend from the first minutes of communication.

The breadth of soul and the ability to enjoy the current moment form in a hypersthenic a special attitude not only towards people, but also towards money and life in general. A bankruptcy situation is practically impossible for them, because these people know how to spend money for their own pleasure, easily and naturally. At the same time, they manage to create situations in which money is just as easily drawn to them.

An important feature for a successful financial situation is the same patience and some composure, thanks to which unjustified risks and hasty decisions are eliminated, but it is possible to maintain clarity of mind in stressful situations.

They are hospitable and able to create comfort in any environment, so a hypersthenic woman will make her home such that any guest, crossing the threshold, will feel protected and in a good position. Men are famous for their caring nature and constant striving forward, so if you need support and inspiration, then no one can organize it better than a hypersthenic person. And just like the ability and desire to create comfortable conditions for others, the hypersthenic’s own emotional dependence on the level of comfort is clearly expressed.

They are tolerant, always open to communication, guided by the opinions of others, easy to express and beautifully design their own feelings. These are the people who honor traditions, maintain family ties and are always ready to help.

The best diets

There are many different diets: low-fat, mono, protein and no-carbohydrate. You can choose the one that you like best and which will be comfortable to follow. After all, if the diet contains an unloved product and it cannot be replaced, then such nutrition is unlikely to bring the desired effect.

Kefir diet

The most popular diet for weight loss is kefir. It exists in several versions:

  1. Mono-diet, in which you can only eat kefir. 1.5 liters of the product should be drunk 5-6 times. You can follow this regime for no more than 3 days in a row.
  2. You should drink 1.5 liters of kefir during the day, and also eat about 1 kg of vegetables or fruits. The duration of such a diet is no more than 6 days.

No carbohydrate diet

A low-carbohydrate diet gives good and quick results. The basic rule: reduce the amount of sugar and starch that enters the body with food. Carbohydrates can be consumed, but not more than 250 kcal per day.

On a low-carbohydrate diet you can eat:

  • poultry, fish, meat;
  • cheese and cottage cheese;
  • vegetables;
  • citrus;
  • berries.

In addition to a limited diet, you must also follow several rules:

  • after eating, you should not drink for half an hour;
  • You can fry only in olive oil;
  • You should eat in small portions: 5-6 times a day in small portions;
  • After 20:00 no food should be taken.

The accumulation of excess body weight occurs due to bad habits such as a sedentary lifestyle and poor diet. Without turning to specialists for help, you can quickly lose weight at home by mustering your will and following the principles of dietary nutrition.

If you give up junk food and start playing sports, at least walking more, the excess weight will disappear unnoticed. For chronic diseases, it is not recommended to use strict diets for weight loss.

How to determine your type?

One of the main criteria of body constitution is bone thickness, which does not change significantly with an increase or decrease in muscle or fat mass of the body. The fastest (but not accurate) way to find out your type is to measure your wrist near the bone.

TypeWrist circumference, cm
Ectomorph 17
Mesomorph 17-20
Endomorph more than 20

As a rule, the length of the wrist circumference is proportional to the length of the ankle circumference and is approximately 5 cm greater from it. But there are cases when a man’s lower body is more massive than the upper and the ankle may be 9 centimeters longer in circumference from the wrist. -10. There are also men whose wrist and ankle circumferences are the same.

Therefore, in addition to measuring bone thickness, you should pay attention to your height, length of limbs, tendency to be overweight or lack thereof

The main body structure options for guys

Each person is individual by nature. Any person from birth has one variant of body structure as the dominant one. For accessibility of study, all types of male physique, as well as female variations of the figure, are divided into the following three types according to the circumference of the wrist of the working hand:

  • ectomorphic (asthenic) - less than 18 cm;
  • mesomorphic (normosthenic) - 18-20 cm;
  • endomorphic (hypersthenic) - over 20 cm.

To figure out which option to classify yourself in, let’s look at the main features of each type.

How to start losing weight? Losing weight by body type

In total, there are three body types in nature - asthenic, normosthenic and hypersthenic. If you determine what type of figure you are, you can create an ideal life program that will allow you to always stay in shape. It includes a nutrition menu, which is a guarantee of successful weight loss, and sports activities that keep the body in good shape. As soon as your weight returns to normal, you can afford to eat your favorite foods, of course, in moderation. The main thing is not to upset the balance: tasty and high-calorie food is an effective workout.

Find out your secret to being slim! Do a test: clasp the wrist of your left hand with the fingers of your right hand. If your fingers overlap, you can safely be classified as asthenic. If your fingers close together, barely reaching each other, you are a normosthenic. Well, if they can’t reach and there is a significant distance between them, your body type is hypersthenic.

Asthenics have an intense metabolism, therefore, while leading an active lifestyle, they maintain a thin waist until old age. But for hypersthenics the situation is the opposite, the metabolism in their body is slowed down, so they sometimes gain weight very quickly. But everything can be fixed!

Expert commentary

Losing weight is a complex and time-consuming process that depends on many factors.

The most important factors are, of course, proper nutrition and exercise. To really see results, you need to completely change your diet, because 70% of success depends on nutrition. But the main thing here is not to overdo it, you need to ensure that the body does not starve. When the body suddenly stops receiving food, stress occurs. The body receives a signal that an extreme time has begun and begins to store all food in reserve.

With sudden weight loss, the skin may sag; in order for the silhouette to tighten correctly, it is important not to forget about massage. Now there are many different hardware techniques, for example LPG, which help get rid of cellulite, increase skin elasticity and reduce the fat layer

All this happens due to improved microcirculation, and fat deposits are healed due to the crushing of fat cells.

For a better result, an integrated approach is important, so in order to cleanse the subcutaneous fatty tissue of excess fluid and toxins, and crushed fat cells, you can do a lymphatic drainage massage. Any massage improves blood circulation, due to which oxygen better penetrates skin cells, accelerating regeneration, and that is why stretch marks and scars become less noticeable.

In the process of losing weight, it is important that you like your body, that you love it. Don’t forget about an integrated approach, proper nutrition, and sports and cosmetology will help you achieve results.

Normosthenic variant of the structure

The mesomorph has a fairly large skeleton and a natural athletic build. It is the normosthenic body type that is most suitable for bodybuilding; it is much easier for guys to gain muscle mass than ectomorphs, and fat burning occurs many times faster than for large endomorphs.

The muscles of this type of guy immediately respond to physical activity with accelerated growth, especially for beginners. As soon as such a man gives up and stops watching his diet, he begins to gain fat everywhere. You can easily get rid of it only by using cardio training and organizing a proper diet.

  • Approximate wrist circumference 17.5-20 cm.
  • Proportion of body parts and convex chest.
  • The waist, hips and shoulders are of medium width (not very wide, but not narrow either).
  • Excellent metabolism.

Nutrition for this group of men is easier than for everyone else, since with an initially normal physique, a special diet is not required, you just need to consume healthy, natural food.

A huge number of bodybuilders are mesomorphs: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Ronnie Coleman, Phil Heath.

If you are a hypersthenic: bad habits and useful tips

It is in hypersthenics that the tendency to gain weight is most noticeable due to an increase in the volume of adipose tissue.

The absorption capacity of the gastrointestinal tract is high, and an increased concentration of cholesterol in the blood is often observed. Even a small amount of calories coming from simple carbohydrates often leads to weight gain. Therefore, nutritionists recommend that such people constantly adhere to the principles of reasonable nutrition - short-term diets do not allow them to cope with the problem, since its presence is largely due to the peculiarities of the constitution.

In particular, hypersthenics should:

Sharply limit the amount of carbohydrates consumed, especially in the form of baked goods, confectionery, honey and sweet fruits, snacks; Constantly provide the muscles with a certain load - the higher the percentage of muscle tissue, the more calories it burns even at rest, preventing them from being stored as fatty tissue; Eat as many high-fiber foods as possible - whole grain breads, raw and stewed vegetables, salad greens, not too sweet fruits; Be careful with starch - the more often you eat pasta and potato-based dishes, the more difficult it is for your body to cope with processing food; If possible, remove fatty animal products from the diet (red meat, cream, butter, balyk, sausages, etc.); When playing sports, do exercises with a large number of repetitions with a relatively low mass of equipment used - this way you will quickly lose extra pounds and prevent their appearance in the future; Having seen that the body is “blurring” and losing its relief, increase protein consumption - such food gives a feeling of fullness for a long time and at the same time does not contribute to the accumulation of fat; Refuse once and for all from heavy dinners and snacks before bed, since during sleep the metabolism, which is already not too fast in hypersthenics, slows down even more; Fall in love with cardio exercises and force yourself to do jogging, jumping rope, cycling and other useful exercises at least a couple of times a week; Eat according to a schedule, without skipping meals and without taking too long gaps between them. Hypersthenics are also recommended to give up bad habits - smoking and drinking alcohol

Smoking is poorly compatible with an active lifestyle, which is indicated for people of this type, and alcohol contributes to weight gain

Hypersthenics are also recommended to give up bad habits - smoking and drinking alcohol. Smoking is poorly compatible with an active lifestyle, which is indicated for people of this type, and alcohol contributes to weight gain.

Features of a mesomorph

Mesomorphs are people who initially have a “dream figure”. In medicine they are called normosthenics precisely because their physique is an indicator of the norm accepted in modern society. We can say that these are happy people, since the nutrition of a mesomorph involved in sports is not as strictly limited as that of athletes with other, more “problematic” body types. These lucky people can even indulge themselves from time to time with some junk food or fast food.

Body and muscle structure

Mesomorphs, or normosthenics, naturally have the following characteristics:

  • developed muscles;
  • fairly low percentage of body fat;
  • the muscle composition contains approximately equal amounts of glycolytic and oxidative muscle fibers;
  • the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems work in balance;
  • the pelvis is relatively narrow and the shoulders are relatively wide;
  • The length of the limbs and torso is balanced.

Simply put, the peculiarity of this type of physique is the absence of pronounced features, no matter how strange it may sound. The work of a mesomorph’s body is closest to that of the “average person” described in medical textbooks. The substernal angle for normosthenics is 90 degrees. The training program for a mesomorph will mostly be focused on the average healthy person.

Sports implementation

In general, it is this body type that is closest to what is commonly called a “healthy person,” which means that he is most likely to achieve success in almost any sport. Thanks to initially developed muscles and a low percentage of subcutaneous fat, mesomorphs can achieve the greatest success in sports such as fitness, men's physics, bodybuilding, and bikini. Simply put, wherever for maximum results it is enough to demonstrate a beautiful, aesthetic physique.

It would seem that the owner of a normosthenic body type can consider himself lucky - he looks good, all systems work in a balanced manner, any sport is suitable - isn’t it a dream? But it's not that simple. Look again at the advantages of ectomorphs and endomorphs. So, thanks to their advantages, representatives of these body types will have advantages over normosthenics. And this applies not only and not so much to sports - it concerns the factor of survival.

How to remove fat deposits from the waist and abdomen

To effectively remove your sides and belly, you need to eat right and maintain a balance of beneficial elements:

  • 50% of the diet should be carbohydrates, 15 - proteins and 35 - fats.
  • From proteins, it is worth choosing products of animal origin for gynoid obesity, and vegetable products for android obesity.
  • Carbohydrates in any case should have a high glycemic index. This indicator indicates the effect of foods on blood sugar levels: the higher it is, the worse it is. Glucose levels rise quickly and also quickly fall, causing another feeling of hunger within 15-20 minutes.
  • You need to eat 400-500 g of fiber daily with vegetables and fruits. But you should avoid foods that cause flatulence or gas formation - this will increase the volume of the abdomen.
  • replenish your body with vitamins, as well as support it with dietary supplements during difficult or stressful periods of life.
  • Among fats, it is better to choose vegetable ones - they contain polyunsaturated fatty acids, which help normalize metabolism and strengthen the vascular wall.
  • You need to include drinking water in your diet: you need to drink at least one and a half liters per day. This will help reduce swelling. Paradoxically, the body will not store water only if a person does not have heart failure or kidney problems. In this case, the fluid is limited.
  • Include foods that boost immunity in your diet.

More information about nutritional rules can be obtained from the video, where Malysheva recommends three products for belly fat:

In addition to foods, hormones, especially sex hormones, have a huge influence on the increase in waist and abdomen; we must always remember this. Women and men react differently to their imbalance in their appearance, which is why the types of obesity got their names: female, or gynoid, and male, or android.

Simply by controlling the norms of BZHU, you can restore the level of estrogen, alleviate the course of diseases of the female genital area and, of course, lose weight. I wrote about how to improve hormonal levels through nutrition in an article. If the main elements of PN - proteins, fats and carbohydrates - enter the body in the correct proportion, other beneficial substances are also well absorbed, metabolism is leveled, and endocrine disorders are corrected.

To effectively lose weight, you need to eat a balanced and nutritious diet, and not torment yourself with hunger strikes. See you again! Next time we will look at a new topical issue for maintaining beauty and health! Follow the blog updates and share new products with your friends!

How to calculate the optimal body proportions?

For this, the McCallum formula is used.

According to this technique, the circumference of the chest should be 6.5 times the circumference of the wrist. Hip circumference – 85% of chest circumference. Waist circumference – 70% of chest circumference, neck circumference – 37%, shin circumference – 34%, forearm circumference – 29%.

In women under 160 cm in height, body weight should be 10-15% below normal for her body type, or 3-5 kg ​​less than the weight calculated according to the Quetelet index.

Also, normal weight is determined by the fat fold on the abdomen 3 cm above the navel from the center line. The thickness of the fold should not exceed 2 - 3.5 cm. In a sitting position, folds should not appear on the stomach.

It is important to remember that “pure” body types in women are less common than mixed ones , thanks to diet and lifestyle, which make adjustments to their appearance. There are no bad or good body types, everyone deserves love, and, of course, improving your figure in the gym means taking care not only of beauty, but also of your health.

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