How do I know if I have depression? Or maybe I'm just tired?

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In a normal state, Marina can work productively for the entire working day, after which she can happily fool around for a couple of hours, go to dinner at a restaurant with friends or a boyfriend, and if that doesn’t work out, drink a glass of wine for taste at dinner.

If a car splashes her, Marina will respond to the driver in proportion to her temperament and the degree of pollution, write an angry post on Facebook, and then gradually forget.

Tired of life. Why do people get tired of life?

Last year, our neighbor, who holds a rather important position, quit her job, rented out her beautiful three-room apartment to a successful young family and went to live in the country. Forever. She still had 15-20 years left before retirement. The people around were perplexed and twirled their fingers at their temples. Quit this job? Such an apartment? Trade everything for a wooden hut with lilacs under the window and a view of the swamp? It is not normal. Everyone dreams of achieving such success! And she is absolutely happy.

And he plans to spend the rest of his life on a small wooden terrace, reading books, planting parsley in the square meter allocated for the garden and preparing borscht for the children.
Of course, I'm exaggerating a little. She is writing something somewhere. He's giving some lectures somewhere. He does something and earns something. But this is so insignificant and tiresome compared to her previous life that it is not even worth mentioning. Every year there are more and more such people. Of course, not everyone gives up everything and goes into the wilderness. But they change lives significantly. For example, doctors are leaving to become freelance photographers, and accountants are becoming journalists. Please note: why are there more and more freelancers every year? Yes, in the age of the Internet and high technology, there is no need to be tied to a specific workplace and a rigid schedule from nine to six. But there is something else. There are people tired of life. They are trying to force success on us too persistently. Success. Can you give a clear definition of this word? Since kindergarten, a person is loaded to capacity. Endless commitment. Early rises. Semolina. Quiet hour. Sit quietly. Mugs. Saturday. Early rises. English and drawing. School. Early rises. Lessons. Hometasks. Exams. Exams again. Institute. Early rises. Lectures. Exams. Job. Early rises. Meeting. Reports. Planning meetings. Emergency situations. You'll get a good night's sleep in retirement. First achieve it. Hit your head against the wall. Be successful. "Highly Effective People" Have you heard? Don’t be lazy, don’t get sick, you’ve worked – die. An excellent worker. Every leader's dream. He doesn’t catch a cold, doesn’t get tired, doesn’t go on vacation or to children’s parties, works overtime and on weekends. He wants to be highly effective and successful. Necessary. Do you really need it? Throughout all the years of study, they desperately scare and threaten. Study, otherwise nothing will come of you. Study, otherwise they won’t hire you anywhere except as a janitor. Study, or else... Standard set. Two higher educations. A successful marriage. Prestigious job. Apartment, car and dacha. The sea a couple of times a year. Paris for a wedding anniversary. Children in the gymnasium. Twenty boots, thirty bags. For the season. Everything is like people. Do you really need it? Someone once decided that this is what success is all about. Are you sure that this is exactly what it is measured in? And is it needed at all? Success. In fact, this is one of the biggest scams of our lives. None of this matters. This simple truth is understood, as a rule, by people who are deeply tired of life, for whom peace of mind comes first. The opportunity to not run anywhere. Don't prove anything to anyone. Live, not survive. There are people who ran and ran, then fell and realized that they couldn’t do it anymore. Moreover, when we are talking about the new generation of young people who, from the age of twenty, have already held serious leadership positions that carry with them an exorbitant burden of worries and responsibility. They have already seen everything, can do everything and want nothing more than peace. A kind of early old age. Then they suddenly begin to see life in a different light. More often this happens against the background of serious overwork and severe stress. Lying in the hospital, you can understand a lot. Tired people gradually change everything and change themselves. They learn to live anew, completely adjusting circumstances to suit themselves, their needs, desires and biological clocks. Having complete control over your life, not trusting her moods and the decisions of her employers. They paint with watercolors and read a lot. They cook borscht and bake pies. They walk in the park and play ball with the children. They just breathe air. They understand that one bag, it turns out, is quite enough. They learn to live today and now, feeling every minute. That is why such concepts as downshifting and societies to combat excessive consumption have appeared quite a long time ago, and freelancing and wintering in Indian huts have become so popular. Street cleaner. I've been scared since childhood. And now it seems good to wave a broom in the fresh air. In any case, this job seems more attractive to me than an editorial position in a monthly magazine of more than a hundred pages. When you don't have time to eat or drink a cup of coffee. When at ten in the evening you suddenly remember that you wanted to go to the toilet at lunchtime. When an advertiser calls at eleven in the evening and asks to urgently redo the layout. And at nine in the morning the magazine should already be at the printing house... and then you go down the dark stairs, because the elevators in the building have not been working for a long time. And you don’t call a taxi, but walk a couple of stops to recover a little. And you think that you have to finish the article by morning and be at the editorial office at eight. And at home there is a hungry child and his unfinished essay. And at half past midnight the author suddenly calls and asks to make changes to the text. And in the morning this whirlwind again. And half an hour before delivery to the printing house, the boss will come and tell him to redo everything to hell. How? He doesn't care. Go out on the weekends. There are people who really enjoy all this. Without getting tired of the crazy rhythm until the end of my life. And they can feel life in all its manifestations. So that's great. Everyone can't be super successful. Not everyone can occupy prestigious positions and run super-successful companies. Someone must take revenge on the fallen leaves. People tired of life and people chasing success will never understand each other. Clearly, to each his own. But if you feel like you can't take it anymore, don't be afraid to change things up. Don't take life too seriously. She's too short for that. Author unknown.

Adopt animals from shelters

People get pets, then move, discover a fur allergy or other problem, and as a result the pet ends up on the street. Moreover, the average life expectancy of an animal in the city is 2–3 years. Those who end up in a shelter or with volunteers are luckier.

Outbred animals are no worse than those that can boast of a cool pedigree. Cats and dogs from the shelter bring no less joy than exhibition winners. And sometimes even more - animals that have lived on the street for some time really value home and human attention.

By the way, Hollywood stars actively adopt pets from shelters. And Russian celebrities are not far behind.

Tired of life poetry. I'm so tired of this Life

I'm so tired of this mortal life, Everything here disgusts my Soul! I want to find peace in the Universe, And Death does not think of rushing after me! There are people who have sinned in the world, whose souls scream in despair! They, like everyone else, at the end of the Path will have to answer for everything, But not before God, but before themselves! But the Lord does not need our repentance - He does not judge us, He is only capable of loving us, His children, like a father! But the inner judge will judge us - Conscience will be, You can’t hide from its torment, you can’t run away! Unfortunately, we don’t give each other everything that is good in ourselves! We do not spare each other and do not regret, And we do not say kind words! There is only one Law that rules throughout the entire Universe: the seeds you sow, the fruits you grow! No matter how bitter the fruits are, they are yours. Only you are responsible for everything that has grown! Oh, how many evil things we have done to each other in Life! And we continue to sin tirelessly... And it will take a lot of Lives to atone for our sins! Friends, isn’t it better to take it and stop sinning?! And if we begin to forgive each other for everything that happened, then our Conscience, our incorruptible judge, will speak 100 times stronger. Then the pains of the Soul and Heart will no longer bother you. After all, only the Judge can decide “to be or not to be?” Well, my Soul in me barely smolders, does not burn. And, My Heart doesn’t warm my blood, Doesn’t ask for warmth, doesn’t give it - Death doesn’t feel sorry for me, and that’s why it’s not in a hurry for me! I'm so tired of this mortal life, Everything here disgusts my Soul! I want to find peace in the Universe, And Death does not think of rushing after me!

Showing feelings is prohibited.

There is nothing wrong with openly rejoicing in victories, being sad in failures, or shedding a tear while watching a touching moment in a film. This is fine. The same applies to requests for support. If you hit a bad patch in your life, you can turn to your loved ones for help and advice, or share the problem with your partner.

Going to a psychotherapist is a serious step, but it is also a solution to many difficulties. The opinion has taken root in society that only women can go to such doctors, since they are more emotional. However, men also deeply experience all events, the only difference is that they show it much less often. If you pluck up the courage to visit such a doctor’s office, he will help:

  • cope with depression, stress, moral fatigue;
  • believe in yourself;
  • find meaning, purpose in life, determine true desires;
  • find ways of self-realization;
  • choose the right path towards your dream;
  • understand others better and build healthy relationships with them;
  • learn to love yourself, not to play other people's roles.

Take a self-confidence test

What to do if you are tired of life. When and how does the situation “tired of life” arise?

As a rule, the situation “tired of life” occurs when the concentration of problems seems to be off scale.
For example, you quarreled with your spouse, and then your child got sick, plus the faucet in the bathroom suddenly leaked, you had to call repairmen, they dirty half the apartment, turned off the water, you and your sick child sat for a day without water, and then washed dishes in the kitchen for a couple more days and bathed from the kettle, because in the bathroom we eventually had to change the tap…. Irritation grows, the quarrel with your partner increases in size, the child becomes even more capricious, and after that you get a lot of overtime at work, and even with a scandal. And here it is - fatigue from life: you want to lie down and disconnect from this world at least for some time.

Indeed, it happens that problems follow one after another, and this may not last for days, but sometimes for months. “When trouble comes, open the gate,” they say, or “trouble never comes alone.”

How does this happen? Let's think about it. Problems in life are inevitable, and there are no people without problems. But for some there are definitely fewer of them, and fatigue from life is a condition that is not entirely unfamiliar to them, but rarely visits them. Why?

First of all, because of the difference in the perception of problems. We really cannot cancel problems: the world around us is changing, the people we consider close are changing, time is passing, which we cannot stop.

Most often, for many people, any change is perceived as a problem. Although the need for change cannot and should not necessarily become a problem.

Quarrel with your spouse? – yes, it’s unpleasant, and no one canceled the feelings, but is it really definitely bad? Any crisis is a call for change. And if it happens to you, then it’s time to change your relationship for the better, and quarrels only signal this.

Is the faucet leaking? It's time to change it too - repair it or install a new one. Why is this bad? In fact, nothing but waste and time. Not enough money? Perhaps this problem is the only thing that can push you to change jobs (despite all the “buts”).

Create a basic wardrobe

A full closet, but nothing to wear - a familiar situation? We often turn shopping into a hobby and a pleasant pastime, and then things with tags then gather dust on shelves and hangers for years. And no one will return the money for them. New clothing collections are released several times a season. “Cheap fashion” feeds the constant thirst for consumption, but inexpensive, low-quality items quickly lose their presentable appearance. And next season everything repeats itself.

In fact, truly rich people have not been chasing fashion trends for a long time. They would rather spend money on a competent stylist who will put together a “capsule” - a wardrobe where all things can be easily combined with each other. Of course, the “capsule” will not stay with you forever - you change, and so do your clothes. But a couple of trendy items per season are much better than a bunch of unnecessary purchases from the mass market.

By the way, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has an even simpler approach: two dozen identical gray T-shirts hang in his closet. He wears them at home, goes jogging, and speaks at conferences. And most importantly, she doesn’t waste time and energy making unnecessary decisions about choosing clothes.

I'm tired of life. Tired of life.

Have you heard the expression - tired of life?

Maybe yes. Now there are more and more such people. These are not people who are ready to take a step towards suicide, no, these are those who are tired of running, fussing, striving. The most surprising thing is that among young people there are more and more of them, but usually these are already mature people - they no longer want to build a career, raise children, become more beautiful (physically) and richer. Often, such people give up their career or “good job” and go to live in the countryside, or simply garden. Why is this happening? - they are tired? broken? burned out? Yes and no! Our life, now (and even before), follows an imposed scenario: starting from kindergarten (or even from birth), we are constantly under pressure from the words “must” and “must”. Must eat porridge, do homework, study well, go to college, work, build a career, start a family, provide for old age, etc. But in retirement, you will finally have a rest (not exactly about our country) - you will get enough sleep, calm down, take up a hobby, surrender to your feelings - in general, you will feel peace, harmony, bliss. But before that, be kind - suffer and strive, and be out of breath like a horse - that’s how it’s supposed to be. But in all of these there is no hint of your individuality, personality, or your desires. And man, although a “herd” creature, is, first of all, a person who wants his own peace, his own harmony. It’s just that with the constant bustle, and the word “Must be!” in the first place, it’s all forgotten, put off and not done. But in vain! After all, the internal feeling of harmony is, first of all, your normal (healthy) psychological state - and if it is lame, then everything begins to limp - both health, and performance, and your adequacy (reactions to external stimuli). That's why people get tired of life. Usually, this awareness occurs when a person receives severe trauma - psychological, work, physical. And having received time with the injury (while he is healing, digesting, coming to terms), he begins to realize the stupidity of this fuss, the importance of inner harmony. And often, he realizes that he doesn’t need all this at all, and as a result, he throws everything to such and such a mother and begins to do what he wants.

Tired of life are not broken people, they are people who have rethought the values ​​of life and have chosen a different path. Perhaps too radically, sharply, strangely, but this is their choice, their new life in which they become truly happy. By the way, many of them continue to work (although they receive less) - as freelancers, consultants, so that “they spend less effort on work, but have enough to live on.” Don't want to get tired of life? Then think about how you live, what you really want, how you want to live, what to do? And perhaps you will do without extremes, calmly adjust your life to your real desires, neither in retirement, nor in old age, but here and now. And at the same time, you will become much happier, and the “fatigue” of life will never overtake you. I wish you happiness, Evgeniy Beskostin.

Upgrade your smartphone instead of buying a new one

The smartphone has become our window to the world, a replacement for a passport, wallet and cinema. Every year these gadgets get a lot of new features. So, if a couple of years ago, contactless payment for purchases with a smartphone at a supermarket checkout seemed fantastic, now you can simply point a camera at a stranger’s cool sneakers on the subway and get a list of stores where they are sold.

If you want to enjoy all the latest features, you need a modern smartphone. The latest model features advanced solutions, high performance, a good battery and a cool camera. A purchase that brings benefit and joy. It is these things that form the basis of reasonable consumption.

True, there is one thing: purchasing a new flagship every year is not cheap. And interest rates on loan offers, as a rule, are not encouraging.

The Samsung Upgrade program will solve this problem: you will use a smartphone for half the price, pay this amount monthly, and after a year exchange it for a new model. You can choose the latest flagship or another new model! By the way, as part of the program, insurance of the screen and back panel of the device is already included in the price - you won’t have to overpay for repairs if the display breaks.

Becoming a participant in the program is easy: submit an online application in the application, and you will receive a response within a minute. The company delivers smartphones throughout Russia for free. And most importantly - no commissions or intermediaries!

Meet Samsung Upgrade

What to do if you're tired of everything. Social change

Now humanity is in a state of permanent stress due to fundamental changes.

  • Too much stimulation. We are bombarded by a flood of information: from television, the Internet, our mobile phones, magazines and newspapers. We constantly make choices and decisions, which drains our willpower. We live with artificial lighting, heating and cooling, and this allows us to work longer.
  • Insufficient security. Life is completely unpredictable. Work, home, family, intimate relationships, patriotism, freedom - these concepts have changed radically over the past decades. And even the American dream no longer comes true. It used to be common to live surrounded by family and friends, but now it has become the norm to move thousands of kilometers in search of work.
  • Crisis of the meaning of life. Previously, we knew where to derive the meaning of life. We believed that if a person lives a righteous life, then God will reward him and send him to heaven. Now we don’t really know why we should live a righteous life if we can’t even understand what it means.

Modern life generally does not suit us, but we are so hypnotized by advertising, acquisition and mass information that we cease to see this most important fact. Now that we are faced with the threat of real economic collapse and have seen how merciless and indomitable capitalism can be, many have had to give up their illusions.

Use car sharing

Owning a car in a big city brings more stress than pleasure. You need to park it somewhere, regularly service it, buy insurance and consumables - gasoline, washer, filters. At the same time, the machine is used barely more than a couple of hours a day - the rest of the time it just sits there, takes up space and wastes your money.

Car sharing is more profitable: you pay only for those moments when you really need a car. You don’t buy insurance, you don’t solve parking issues. Finally, you don’t have to worry about your car being stolen or accidentally scratched in the parking lot.

In numbers, the statistics look like this: owning a new business-class sedan will cost approximately 650 thousand rubles per year with a mileage of 10 thousand kilometers; a car sharing car of the same category - about 400 thousand rubles. Models of a lower class are even cheaper. Healthy nerves are generally priceless.

And if you don’t have a license, but you need to go, bicycle and electric scooter rental services will help out. Cheap, modern and without any traffic jams.

Main symptoms of the problem

Memory problems, absent-mindedness and forgetfulness - what to do

Each person has his own threshold of patience and reaction to stimuli; two people can react differently to the same difficulties in life. What is normal for one person is infuriating for another. Main symptoms of fatigue:

  • Nervousness and irritability are the first signs of exhaustion. It’s easy to make a person angry, he gets offended for any reason, he walks around all day and is in no mood;
  • Decreased productivity. It takes more time to do your usual work than before;
  • An inexplicable feeling of fear. It seems to a person that he might go crazy, he is afraid of being left without work, housing, money, when there is no reason to worry;
  • Mood swings. Within an hour, the mood can change from euphoria to despair, in the evenings there is a desire to cry;
  • After waking up, a person does not feel rested; even an 8-hour sleep does not help restore strength;
  • It has become difficult to fall asleep, you have to take a sedative or sleeping pills;
  • Lost interest in previously favorite activities: reading, walking, drawing. I want to be alone and not communicate with anyone;
  • The desire to “eat” stress with sweets to replenish the lack of energy;
  • Every evening there is a desire to drink a little alcohol to calm down and relieve stress;
  • General weakening of the body: frequent respiratory diseases, decreased hemoglobin and immunity;
  • Pressure surges, migraines, excessive sweating.

Note! The presence of 3 or more symptoms indicates a problem and the need to take care of your health.

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Boys play football, girls play dolls. Guys repair motorcycles, girls cook. And thousands more absurd gender stereotypes.

There is only one piece of advice: do what you like, what inspires and pleases, what makes you open your eyes in the morning. If a young man doesn’t want to work in construction, but dreams of becoming a dancer, that’s normal. If he likes to cook and not dig through a pile of iron, this is also the norm. He wants to devote his life to his family, and not to huge earnings - great. It’s much worse to live up to false standards for years, break yourself, and then hate life.

No fuss with appearance.

There is no shame in taking care of yourself and being stylish. This speaks of neatness, good manners, and good self-esteem. The female sex is weak in relation to men who wear ironed clothes, take care of their hair and beard, and smell deliciously of new perfume. If a person cares so much about his image and appearance, he knows what reputation and responsibility are.

For example: a client needed legal assistance. He learns about two specialists and decides to be sure to meet with both. He enters the first one’s office and sees an ordinary man in a slightly rumpled business suit, with slightly tousled hair and stubble. In the second office, a lawyer is waiting for him, who knows who a barber is and often uses his services. He is wearing an inexpensive but neat suit. Do I need to say whose help the client will choose?

Take the self-esteem test

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