What to do when there is no desire to live or how to cope with depression?

Blows of fate, crushing failures and painful losses can accompany a person at any stage of life. Sometimes it happens that the world loses its colors, hope disappears, the meaning of existence disappears. It is in moments like these that the desire to fight and continue to exist disappears. And many begin to wonder what to do if they don’t want to live at all? These types of difficult moments must be overcome against all odds, even when you want to give up. It doesn’t matter what depressing and painful situations a person faces during a period of life. It is important not to succumb to their influence. After all, every day you live brings with it something new, previously unknown, and interesting. Today the sky is black and there is a thunderstorm, and tomorrow the sky will sparkle with a variety of colors reflected in the warm sunshine.

A similar thing happens in human existence. It’s as if there is no way out of the host of problems today, but tomorrow something happens that solves all the problems in one fell swoop. After all, everything can be improved or corrected, only death is irreversible. Therefore, as long as a person exists physically, hope must always glimmer within him.

What to do when there is no desire to live or how to cope with depression?

What is depression, its types and symptoms.

Depression is the most common psychological illness of the 21st century. It’s no wonder. Life in constant stress, eternal bustle and running around in search and for self-realization. Breakdowns, overwork, lack of basic physical education in life, disruption of rest and sleep patterns, poor nutrition...

Yes, all this and much more can affect the development of the disease. Of course, the reasons may be different. And it is not always possible to get rid of them just by changing, for example, your lifestyle.

Depression can arise for various reasons, this is a fact, and have different depths of immersion. In other words, the disease can progress, and therefore different stages or stages are distinguished.

Let's start with the types of depression.

Types of depression.

To talk about the types of depression, it is important to understand what triggered it.

If depression arose due to some external traumatic event in life, for example, the loss of a loved one, betrayal of a partner, loss of a job, social status, constant stress, and everything in the same spirit, then we are talking about reactive depression.

In autumn and winter, when gray, dull days are accompanied by bad weather and lack of bright sunlight, seasonal depression develops. This is a temporary phenomenon that can be treated with walks in the sun, as well as light therapy.

Depression can occur as a result of taking certain medications. This is the so-called pharmacogenic depression. As a rule, such depression goes away after you stop taking the medications that caused it.

There are a number of physical causes that can cause depression. These may be diseases of the endocrine system, such as diabetes, diseases of the thyroid gland, and adrenal glands.

Neuralgic diseases such as multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, epilepsy, traumatic brain injury and others can also trigger the development of the disease.

There are also pathological, functional, imaginary and other types of depressive disorders.

A common cause of depression is severe psychological experiences from childhood. They are written somewhere in the depths of the subconscious and can make themselves felt throughout life.

Now let's move on to the symptoms that indicate a developing disease.

Symptoms of depression.

  • Depressed mood for a long time.
  • Loss of interest in previously enjoyable activities.
  • Constant fatigue.
  • Low self-esteem
  • Pessimistic outlook on life
  • Unreasonable feelings of guilt
  • Constant feeling of fear or anxiety
  • Feelings of uselessness
  • Frequent thoughts about death
  • Low concentration ability
  • Motor retardation
  • Unstable appetite
  • Losing or gaining weight
  • Sleep disturbance

Yes, depression is a psychological disease, and it is associated with internal suffering and experiences. Yes, there are people who suffer from it. And there are those who believe that he is depressed.

According to the international classification of diseases, depression is diagnosed when a patient has 2 main and at least 3 additional symptoms of the disease within two weeks.

There is also a tool for assessing your psychological state called the Zang Self-Rating Depression Scale. This test allows you to independently assess the level and degree of depressive disorder.

But, if you understand that there is a problem and you or your loved one cannot cope with it, you should contact a specialist for help to avoid further development of the process. One way or another, any negative factor can become the decisive factor that sows the seed of illness into the mind.

Next, let's talk in more detail about the causes of depression from the point of view of Tibetan medicine.

Causes of depression.

The main cause of depression, from the point of view of Tibetan medicine, is an imbalance in the “Wind” system in the body, which is responsible for the nervous system. What might influence her and cause her resentment?

Many psychological factors. Indignation cannot happen on its own. It is caused by external stimuli in the form of frequent stress, nervous experiences, resentment, anger and any other destructive emotions that accumulate and one “fine” day pour out in the form of a depressive state.

Of course, this does not happen immediately. Negative emotions and psychological trauma accumulate from early childhood. Parents, kindergarten, schools, college, all this shapes and leaves an imprint on our lives.

Gradually, stress and attempts to cope with it with the help of alcohol or psychotropic drugs, eating emotions, etc., lead to exhaustion of the nervous system. The “Wind” is indignant. Various diseases begin to appear, including depression.

Depression develops, gradually depleting the human body, sucking energy and vitality out of it.

At the initial stage, a person is haunted by a bad, depressed mood and loss of strength. Sleep is disturbed, problems with concentration appear. This stage is called dysthymia.

A depressive episode follows. The situation gets worse, the person is in a bad mood all the time, loses interest in life. A feeling of deep hopelessness often forces him to “turn to alcohol for help,” only worsening the situation. This period can last up to several months.

The final result is depressive disorder. Repeats at regular intervals. Loss of strength, insomnia, destructive feelings, psychological self-criticism, lethargy, loss of interest in life, thoughts of death. A person plunges deeply into inner experiences. Self-destruction occurs gradually.

Yes, depression is a common culprit in suicide. Feelings of guilt, hopelessness, lack of vitality and desire to live... Thoughts destroy.

How to treat depression?

Vacuum therapy is carried out by a doctor at the Tibetan Doctor clinic, St. Petersburg.

Depression, like any other disease, is treatable. In Tibetan medicine we have achieved excellent results in this, and here's why.

What is meant by treatment in Tibetan medicine and how does it all happen?

A person comes for a free diagnosis, where he receives information about the state of his health, where he is doing well and what he should pay attention to. The causes of health problems are identified, a diagnosis is made and treatment is prescribed.

All this is individual. For each person, according to his constitution, taking into account his lifestyle, nutrition, medication intake, previous treatment. Those. no small details. Every little detail is what will allow you to choose the right treatment strategy.

The cause, removal of the cause, the result is health, harmonization of internal systems and quick relief from associated diseases.

Using depression as an example.

A diagnosis is made and the “roots” of the disease are determined. Treatment is prescribed, the purpose of which is to eliminate the symptoms of depression, improve the patient’s psycho-emotional background, improve the quality of sleep, eliminate the effects of stress, eliminate endocrine disorders, prevent or eliminate neurological and psychosomatic disorders.

For treatment, the procedures necessary for the person are selected, both external and internal. It is worth noting that all procedures are harmless and have no side effects.

Herbal medicine is used for internal effects. We already know that treatment occurs and is selected individually, as well as the prescription of herbal remedies.

The type of disease, its stage, the presence of certain symptoms, the patient’s age, his individual characteristics of the body, the presence of concomitant diseases and much more are taken into account. Thanks to this approach, it is possible to obtain excellent, lasting results.

Thanks to herbal medicine, mood improves, sleep normalizes, and the state of the nervous system improves. Mental activity comes into order.

The balance of the nervous and endocrine systems, improving the energy status of the body, relieving pain and congestion, is achieved through the effect on biologically active points of the body. The impact occurs through procedures such as acupuncture, Tibetan acupressure, and moxotherapy.

Aromatherapy, various types of massage, stone therapy help relieve internal tension, eliminate fatigue and the effects of stress, and harmonize the psycho-emotional state.

Thus, through a complex effect on the body, the disease goes away, the internal balance of the body is restored, psychological stability increases, and the immune system is strengthened.

Life begins to be filled with new bright colors, its quality improves, joy returns, the desire to live and enjoy life.

Health to you and your loved ones!


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How to live on if you have no strength and nothing works out

There are periods when you work so hard that you no longer have the strength, but there is no result, and you get the deceptive feeling that you need to try even harder. It is necessary to slow down and do everything calmly and slowly, reducing the priority of what is being done. Shift your attention to your own condition and, above all, take care of rest, emotional relief and breaks, and only in your free time do what you so zealously strived for earlier. The secret is quite simple - the more you care about yourself, the more resourceful state you are in and then new ideas can be born to optimize the process of introducing new ways of achieving, instead of punching a wall with your forehead when there is an open door a meter away from you.

In developing a strategy for how to live further if there is no strength and money, many begin to diligently save and force themselves to work more - the system is a failure, since it leads to a deterioration in physical condition, emotional well-being, and to the cessation of any progress in business. If you are tired, then you are going the wrong way - you are wasting a lot of energy, working in the wrong places where you can be useful, and not using optimization. If you notice that it’s not working out, then it makes sense to change the strategy for achieving it or the goal itself (well, you don’t teach a parrot to swim, or you teach a dog or a parrot to talk).

Exceeding expectations and impatience can lead to such conditions, so before setting deadlines and hoping for stunning results, monitor the situation regarding what you have in mind. Even a round-the-clock effort may not be enough due to the specifics of the activity being performed; perhaps it would be more important to relax and wait in inaction (remember that you cannot pull grass out of the ground). It is better to do something constantly and in small doses than to try to complete what you have planned in one moment, because both quality and your sense of self suffer from such an approach.

Another point that leads to the draining of internal resources and a destructive result is control. The more processes you try to control, the more nervous you become about the inconsistency of small details, and you lose energy. At the same time, control over everything does not allow you to navigate the situation and change the concept of action in time; it does not allow you to rely on the opinions of others, which takes up your time for constant checks; as a result, you do not respond to changes adequately.

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“I have no strength to live. How to cope with lack of strength?

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“I have no strength to live. How to cope with lack of strength?

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