What men like in women - A man's point of view

Male psychology in relation to women

Relationships between opposite sexes often do not occur without difficulties arising from misunderstandings of differences in psychology. So before you ask “why don’t men like me?” It is necessary to study in detail male psychological characteristics .

First of all, you should realize that men do not favor annoying young ladies who control every step of their gentleman, persistently call and look for meetings. Excessive persistence of ladies, as a rule, scares guys and rarely helps create harmonious relationships.

A man’s wealth attracts the attention of women to him, which makes them wonder what exactly attracted his passion: personal qualities or money.

Visiting expensive restaurants and luxurious gifts does not mean at all that a man has a true feeling and is ready for a serious relationship . So that a man has no doubts, it is better to stop increased spending on the part of the chosen one from the very first day of acquaintance.

You look like his parents

Resemblance to his mother is one of the most common reasons why a man falls in love with a woman. This applies to both external similarity and attitude towards it. If the mother was soft and compliant, literally blowing away specks of dust from him, he will look for this in his chosen one. If the mother was demanding and motivated him to achieve, then the man will look for a woman with a strong character who will take the reins of power in the family.

It is interesting that if the mother was cold and cruel and did not treat her son very well, he will look for just such a woman - one who treats him badly.

Of course, there are exceptions to this rule: if a man has worked through childhood trauma and started an independent life early, he may, on the contrary, look for a woman who will be the complete opposite of his mother.

What attracts men to women


If the thought “guys never liked me” often pops into your head, then it’s worth considering that the stronger sex is repulsed by bright makeup, but the ability to take care of yourself is appreciated. Every lady is obliged to do a manicure, get rid of excess hair on her body, take care of her skin and do a neat hairstyle. Then success among men will be guaranteed.

Own style

To always look stylish, you don’t have to follow fashion trends. But the ability to choose clothes and accessories attracts the attention of men. In addition, men do not really like to go shopping, so if your lover trusts your impeccable taste, then he will be very happy to entrust the replenishment of his wardrobe to you.


“No guy likes me”—this is probably what girls with an atypical figure think. However, men's standards of beauty differ significantly from women's. Many men like curvy ladies, but proper nutrition and fitness have never hurt anyone.


Numerous surveys confirm that men like long-haired ladies. Very often, guys are categorical about short hairstyles. In this case, hair color is not important. However, the most important thing about women's hair is not its length, but its health . Well-groomed and shiny hair, even with the most mediocre appearance, can charm a man.


Women's legs have always attracted men's gaze. They should be well-groomed and smooth , and all this can only be seen if the girl wears a skirt. Under trousers it is impossible to appreciate the beauty of even the most slender legs.


Even an ordinary smile can create a miracle. In psychology, smiling refers to a nonverbal way of communicating one's affection. A sincere smile indicates that she enjoys being in the company of a particular man. There is another significant factor in a smile - so that the teeth are not rotten or have caries.


You can attract the attention of the man you like thanks to your voice. But here it is important to master the ability to play with timbre , awakening the desire to master this particular woman.


As you know, the eyes are called the mirror of the soul. And interest in a partner depends on what the loved one sees in them. And you can accentuate the expressiveness and beauty of your eyes with discreet makeup .

Perform the Kim Basinger dance

Everyone knows the famous scene from the movie “Nine and a Half Weeks,” when the seductive Kim Basinger in the role of the prude Elizabeth McGraw dances a hot dance in front of her partner to a Joe Cocker track. Moving to the beat of the music, she takes off her clothes, and the burning gaze of Hollywood sex symbol Mickey Rourke catches her every move.

Try doing something similar for your man. Even if you have very little imagination, the scene can be repeated one after another.

The partner will not only be delighted, but will also remember this enchanting moment with pleasure. A dancing half-naked woman is the most natural fantasy of any man, which has reached our days from ancient times.

What feminine qualities do men like?


Trying to look as good as possible for their lover, young ladies completely forget about sincerity. Hiding their true feelings and thoughts, they often look boring and stupid, which only pushes away the gentleman they like. They prefer those ladies who can laugh at a joke, carry on a conversation and boldly express their point of view .

Positive attitude

Positive and happy girls always attract representatives of the opposite sex. After all, even an outwardly attractive, but always sad woman will be avoided by men on a subconscious level. Cheerful and cheerful young ladies emit a special energy that they want to be influenced by.


Every woman must have a mystery, because if she is an open book, she ceases to attract the chosen one. At the same time, it is very important not to overact, not to lie and not to torture your beloved with understatement. It is enough to be a complete person, smile mysteriously when necessary and sometimes seduce with outfits.


In relationships, sex plays one of the main roles. At the same time, the ability to give pleasure to the chosen one is valued on a par with receiving satisfaction from this. But it is necessary to take into account that partners quickly detect pretense and insincerity, which can negatively affect the relationship.

Sense of humor

If a girl thinks: “Why don’t any guys like me?”, then perhaps it’s a lack of a sense of humor. If a guy meets a girl with whom he has fun and is interested, he will definitely try to start a relationship with her. But again, pretending and wanting to please your lover can have the exact opposite result, since excessive laughter can look like a lack of intelligence.

The ability to be yourself

Adapting to her loved one, the young lady does not think that she might quickly get tired of it. And when the gentleman finds next to him not a nice girl, but a real bitch, it’s not difficult to guess how the romance will end.


Today, sensitivity and compassion are extremely rare, and therefore have a high price. Most often, women show sensitivity towards the people they love, and since men are protectors by nature, they will always take care of their partner. Relationships should be built on the ability to sympathize and feel for your loved one.

Feeling of gratitude

It is very important for men to be thanked. They solve various problems, including financial support for the family. But in long-term relationships, partners stop saying words of gratitude to their lovers, but they are very important for accomplishing new feats.

You're a little unavailable

Some girls think that from the first date you need to agree with the man on everything, go to his place for the night, call him 5 times a day and show in every possible way that you are terribly interested in him. Such agility and willingness to give yourself entirely only scares men away. In their opinion, girls who are too accessible are not suitable for serious relationships. So be open, but not too accessible: do not call after the first date, do not agree to go to him at the first meeting.

Also, do not show too much interest in the man, be slightly restrained.

The main thing here is not to overact and not start acting like a hard-to-get person - this can be annoying and will ultimately push the man away. Try to behave more naturally.

What else do men like?

Few people know, but sometimes men fall in love with flaws and imperfections. Guys highlight several points in the appearance and behavior of their chosen ones, which, contrary to the opinion of the young ladies, seem attractive to them.

  1. Wild hair

    Gentlemen like slightly carelessly styled hair, because if a passion has a ton of hairspray on his head or a hairstyle that is scary to touch, then this is repulsive on a psychological level.

  1. Lack of cosmetics

    Social surveys among men showed that they do not like it when their chosen one wears too much makeup. It’s better without it at all than with a thick layer of “plaster”. Men prefer naturalness, because then they can kiss and hug their beloved without fear of getting dirty with foundation or lipstick. But sometimes naturalness can cause a slight shock, and women themselves feel uncomfortable without makeup. In this case, light makeup that will not be noticeable is ideal.

  1. barefoot girl

    A young lady without shoes looks not only natural, but also very touching, even defenseless. In addition, the male sex loves to admire women’s neat legs. You need to take care of not only your hands, but also your feet - a pedicure will not be amiss here. For men, an elegant female leg looks sexy.

  2. Round tummy

    Excessively skinny girls seem unattractive to men. Nature dictates that a woman's body should be soft and somewhat rounded, so having a little belly can really look exciting. The main thing is not to overdo it.

  1. Casual underwear

    Here a lot depends on the man himself. Some of them like cute cotton panties, symbolizing the “domestication” of their lover. Others, on the contrary, prefer lace underwear. Some people like their partner to wear some kind of underwear during intimacy, for example, stockings. But cotton stockings are unlikely to create a stimulating effect.

  1. Morning stretches

    Men are attracted to the way a girl stretches after sleep. During this process, all female attractive body features can be observed. In addition, there is something touching and childish in sipping , although the young lady’s equipment plays an important role here. If she is overweight, then “stretching” is unlikely to look touching and exciting. Clothing also plays a big role: a sexy shirt, cute pajamas or a washed nightie.

  2. Healthy Appetite

    First of all, a good appetite is a sign of health. In addition, the stronger sex likes that the chosen one does not talk about diets and the harmfulness of certain dishes, but, on the contrary, eats his favorite food with him. Few people will like it if the young lady at the table is capricious and drinks only mineral water so as not to spoil her figure.

  3. Ability to communicate with children

    The chosen one’s ability to easily get along with children looks attractive in men’s eyes , since here certain natural canons manifest themselves, which are laid down at the level of reflexes. First of all, women are associated with motherhood, and it does not matter at all whether she has children or how old she is. When a gentleman sees that his beloved communicates with small children, shows affection and tenderness towards them, she looks even more sexy and feminine to him.

You look younger than your age

It’s only husbands who grumble that Botox and facelifts are a waste of money, it’s unnatural and ugly. In fact, men like it when a lady looks young and takes care of herself.

Why do men fall in love with young girls? Yes, because being around them makes them feel younger!

We do not urge you to rush to Botox, this is not a guarantee of love and family happiness. But do not forget to take care of yourself, wear light makeup, try to choose clothes that do not add age. And most importantly, behave accordingly, be a little easier to rise to, more trusting and simpler.

He wants a hot and beautiful woman5

No matter how trivial it may sound, but according to statistics, most men after 30 years old lack fire in relationships. Every time, looking back, he remembers hot kisses, sudden sex in the kitchen, right on the table, your bath together, with caresses turning into foreplay, new underwear on his girlfriend, and how nice it is to take off this underwear from her.

Yes, over time, everyday life takes you into its tenacious clutches and doesn’t let you go back. Work, constant problems, and then also children - all this does not contribute to the mood to be beautiful, much less hot. All you want to do during the day is sleep. However, at least on the weekend, try to please your man, if not with a new outfit that costs money, then at least with a beautiful dress that you haven’t worn for a long time.

If not mind-blowing sex with simultaneous orgasm, then a relaxing massage that turns into caresses of explicit areas. Come up with ways to brighten up your life. After all, from ancient times it was the woman who was the keeper of the hearth. And if you don’t ignite the fire in your man, then at one moment another one can do it.

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