Male psychology in relation to women: useful tips

Not everything is so simple in the world of men. They live with us, love us, but they play by their own rules. And we girls need to know these rules in order to understand what game to play and how to win. The more competently you show yourself in your relationship with your lover, the more points you will earn in the eyes of your chosen one as his girlfriend, wife and mother of future children.

Features of the male psyche

By nature, people are given certain mental characteristics. Males are psychologically stronger than women. However, under prolonged pressure, they quickly lose ground and become exhausted.

Physically, guys are stronger and more resilient than women. Representatives of the stronger sex are better able to navigate unfamiliar places, adapt faster to changing environments, and do not panic when difficult situations arise. Guys are suitable for work involving physical labor.

In addition to heavy workloads, the brains of the stronger sex are adapted to working with numbers. Many men hold positions in science. Representatives of the stronger sex perceive the world around them differently, analyze emerging situations, and draw conclusions. They ignore details that are interesting to women, which causes misunderstandings and problems in relationships and communication.

"The Dying Swan", or the Seventh Rule

There is no more defenseless and attention-hungry creature than a sick man. After all, even in conscious infancy (the age of three or more years), your boy was taught that if he is sick, he is the center of the Universe. Now you don’t have to do much, everyone walks on tiptoe and speaks in a whisper. It’s so nice when someone takes care of you, and your illness gives you complete carte blanche for this.

So at this moment you have the opportunity to show your best side. With your own hands, prepare chicken broth, which is so useful in his “near-death” state, spoon-feed him, straighten the blanket and play his favorite movies on DVD. And if you want to breathe life into your “dying swan” to the maximum, then you can do all this in a nurse’s robe from a sex shop.

Men and women have different psychology, and this can cause disagreement in relationships. But everything is in your hands: write the script of your life yourself, become the director and main character of the story of your own happiness.

Male psychology of love and relationships

Men's psychology of relationships with women differs significantly from the understanding of love and living together among representatives of the fairer sex. Girls are faced with controversial opinions regarding the feelings shown by their lover. Women lack attention, they doubt the feelings of their lover, since there is no open expression of feelings.

A large group of girls think that the stronger sex is driven by feelings of lust. However, they show love and care, but in a veiled way. Girls do not notice their lover’s signs of attention, which causes a number of disputes and gossip regarding male behavior.

Males believe that women need money. However, the girls are looking for a father for their future children.

The main demands put forward by women are reliability, prosperity, and financial independence. It is important that the object of interest is strong, reliable, has solid ground under its feet, and has significant capital.

An opinion that indicates a cold attitude of men toward others, circumstances, and the world is considered erroneous. Scientists have conducted studies that have confirmed the presence of male sentimentality. They get emotional about romantic films. They need affectionate, gentle touches. However, men carefully hide their feelings.

If you ask a guy about the qualities that interest him in girls, 80% of the answers will turn out to be false. A representative of the stronger sex will name the inner world, character, and worldview of a woman. However, initially the stronger sex pays attention to the girl’s appearance. If the appearance suits him, he studies the inner world.

Rivalry, patriarchy, matriarchy

Family structures can have completely different power hierarchies. Of course, all men cannot be put under the same brush: some like to be a leader and master of the situation, while others prefer to sit on the sidelines.

Of course, most men have a natural instinct for leadership, so it’s not always good to compete with it. It is better for a woman to recognize that the man is the head of the family and not try to surpass him. A competitive spirit in the family will not lead to anything good: a man will be able to find a strong rival in you and stop seeing a weak woman who needs protection.

Male and female: main differences

Regarding the differences between masculine and feminine principles, psychologists identify a number of features. They determine the following perception of the surrounding world:

  1. Regarding orientation in space, girls cope with the task worse than guys. It is more difficult for ladies to adapt to the situation.
  2. Women have a developed sense of smell. They capture more odors and determine contrast.
  3. Regarding vision, men see better. Representatives of the fairer sex distinguish more shades. They see with peripheral vision.
  4. Pain sensations are more acute in girls due to the greater number of receptors responsible for pain. However, the pain goes away faster.
  5. Women's perception is subject to stress, panic, and anxiety. Regarding emergency situations, the girl will be confused, the man will remain sober. Representatives of the fairer sex are afraid of sudden changes.
  6. Sexual perception is also different. For example, 4-5 minutes of sex is enough for a man to get pleasure. A woman needs at least 20 minutes to achieve orgasm. After orgasm, the hemisphere of the brain responsible for creativity is activated.


Listen to my following rules:

  • Listen carefully to your companion, share his interests.
  • Smile more often, laugh at his jokes.
  • Don't forget to give compliments.
  • Don't be intrusive, control your emotions and try to be grateful.
  • Love yourself, take care of your appearance and be diverse.
  • Keep quarrels to a minimum, support your partner and do not focus on mistakes.

How to understand your loved one?

Men try to assert themselves. They set tasks, solving which they gain pleasure, determination, and experience. When a representative of the stronger sex develops a business, he invests all his strength, transferring family relationships to the background. Such situations set a bad tone for the wife if she reacts negatively to the man’s undertakings. Psychologists advise to fully support the representative of the stronger sex regarding his endeavors. There are a number of recommendations to help maintain relationships:

  1. Stop trying to seem smarter than your spouse. He will take criticism extremely negatively, rudely, and aggressively.
  2. Don’t try to help, meddle in your spouse’s affairs, try to make changes. Self-indulgence will cause the situation to worsen. Provide support in difficult situations. Do not impose, do not withdraw from communication,
  3. interests of the spouse.

When your loved one is busy developing a business, you need to refrain from criticizing your spouse’s project.

What is psychological comfort?

A person is essentially an egoist and first of all takes care of himself. Subconsciously, everyone is afraid of being used, so they pull the blanket over themselves. And only after understanding and realizing that love is, first of all, giving, a person begins to experience comfort and satisfaction from communicating with his soulmate.

Age characteristics

The man is going through several crises. Stressful situations pass without a trace or force representatives of the stronger sex to change. During a crisis, a man’s condition, habits, and behavior change. The companion should remain calm and support the guy regarding difficult moments.

Regarding the ratio of ages and attitudes towards women, the following groups of men can be distinguished:

  1. Boys 20 years old. They don't understand girls well. The testosterone hormone that overwhelms the body forces guys to consider only the appearance of the fairer sex.
  2. Representatives of the stronger sex are 20–30 years old. They are going through a period of career growth and development. The guy chooses a companion who provides support in difficult situations.
  3. Thirty-year-old men begin to think about having children. They pay attention to the health of their companion.

Choosing a life partner

Every man subconsciously sees a woman as a life partner, and therefore approaches the choice of his partner very seriously.

The most popular signs by which a man understands that a woman is right for him are:

  • woman's sexual attractiveness;
  • her health and radiant appearance;
  • not scandalous;
  • the ability to surround a man with care.

All these characteristics are very feminine, so a girl who possesses them will definitely enjoy the attention of most of the men around her.

Showing feelings

Since men clearly do not show feelings, the fairer sex does not know how to determine a man's attitude. Most ladies are interested in what feelings men have for girls. Psychologists recommend using 3 methods:

  1. A representative of the stronger sex in love will show feelings regarding everyday situations. If he gives gifts, helps, makes joint purchases, then there are feelings.
  2. In case of conflict, the guy will avoid quarrels. He doesn’t want to be rude to his companion or argue. If disputes arise, a loving man will deal with the situation immediately so as not to harm future relationships.
  3. Friendships, relatives. For men, friendship is a strong feeling. They won't introduce every girl to their friends. Especially if the conversation is about close relatives.

You can't force a man to constantly express his feelings.

Wise advice

Women's wisdom in relationships with men is based on certain postulates. Any girl will understand, having learned them, what is the secret of healthy love between representatives of the weaker and stronger sex. What tips can help a woman become the most desirable for her man?

  1. Let's take control of our emotions. The play of hormones and excessive emotionality often cause girls to overreact to everyday problems. The wisdom of any woman in a relationship with a man is manifested in the ability to squeeze herself in a vice and not throw tantrums out of nowhere. Before you raise your voice and make complaints, think about the situation several times. Maybe she's not worth a damn?
  2. Away with inflated demands. You can’t jump above your head, and every man has his own limit of capabilities. Do not demand from your partner something that he is clearly not able to fulfill at the moment. Motivate him gently and carefully, then he will achieve more.
  3. Spend time together more often. Don’t think that constant separation and rare meetings will make your partner bored. Yes, if this happens infrequently, it does bring strong emotions when the couple reunites. But deliberately avoiding communication in the hope that your partner will get bored is stupid. Rather, the man will go looking for a replacement with a more accommodating lady.
  4. Joy and a smile on your face are the key to happiness. Even in a store it’s nice when the seller smiles at us. What to say about relationships? Show your sincere feelings more often, and your partner will always beam with happiness when he meets you.
  5. The first step is not humiliation. If you had a fight with a man and cannot wait for his cherished apology, there is no shame in starting the conversation first. Perhaps you also said too much in the heat of the moment. After all, in a conflict, both participants are almost always to blame. Show nobility and invite your partner to negotiate. It is sometimes so difficult for men to meet halfway, even if they feel guilty.

An ideal woman should apply these tips in everyday life. Men value a comfortable state next to a girl much more than legs from the ears and breasts of the third size.


Psychologists say that a man’s behavior is based on restraining emotions. The guy is trying to show himself as a hero who does not bend under the pressure of the surrounding world. From childhood, boys are taught to control their feelings.

Since a modern man constantly restrains his feelings, when problems arise at work, he becomes gloomy, angry, and taciturn. Communication with household members changes. Gradually, the spouse begins to suspect something is wrong, however, when asked about what happened, she receives negative answers, angry looks, and silence. This behavior leads to suspicion and jealousy.

Association by company

The herd instinct is determined at a subconscious level. Basic principles of group distribution:

  • Age interests. They have a lot to talk about, given the temporal and cultural connections.
  • General hobby. This includes fishing, cars, hunting and sports.
  • Uniting against the enemy. Here there is intolerance towards a certain course of life with an increased sense of justice.

The girl may not be happy with the fact that her lover is away for a long time. You can come to terms with this by doing business in his absence. Or try to infiltrate the team.


When it comes to the interests of the stronger sex, a woman needs to understand how important this topic is. For some guys, developing a project and doing what they love is considered the most important thing.

If you do not allow your loved one to engage in hobbies, criticize his actions, or try to interfere with them, you can destroy the relationship.

Criticism will be perceived extremely negatively. The beloved girl should help the guy regarding his endeavors and provide psychological support. At the life stage of the emergence of new interests, it is necessary to emotionally prepare for a decrease in attention. Your companion needs to understand that interest in a new hobby will gradually wane.

Factors that destroy relationships

Speaking about the psychology of relationships, we need to take into account the negative factors that destroy the family unit and contribute to the formation of spiritual emptiness. Sometimes people don't pay attention to them, but this is unacceptable. Let's look at them in more detail:

  • Deception. Usually we are talking about treason. Marital infidelity turns all ideas about the world upside down. It seems like it will never get better. When a wife has a lover, the husband cannot accept this news calmly. He feels that he is not respected or appreciated. Men's pride is wounded - this is a kind of mental trauma. Sometimes it is impossible to do without the help of a psychologist. We have to understand the origins of the difficulty that has arisen.
  • Betrayal. Not everyone is able to forgive if their spouse has done something terrible. It's not always about betrayal as such. These may be obvious changes in relationships, lack of warmth and intentional insults.
  • Self-destruction. This refers to envy, alcohol and drug abuse. By accepting dependent behavior, a person cannot remain a good family man and take responsibility. The relationship begins to deteriorate and gradually fades away.

Hunter syndrome

It is important for a woman to understand that a man is a hunter who needs to achieve his goal in order to get a well-deserved trophy. Maintaining relationships requires creating intrigue and keeping secrets. A girl should be mysterious, not open like a book. The more time, effort, and effort a guy spends on achieving his goal, the more he will appreciate the result obtained. The trophy requires a long mining process. An easily accessible woman is interesting to a man for a short period of time.

The psychology of the stronger sex is significantly different from that of women. This is due to certain features of worldview and manifestation of feelings. By understanding a guy, a girl will be able to strengthen family relationships, avoid conflict situations and disputes.

Not a step back, or Rule One

All people make mistakes, but men never do. Statistics from the “School of Hunting” (sample of five thousand men) happily informs us that the likelihood of a man admitting his mistake tends to zero. This is especially true if the woman turns out to be right. A man, of course, can apologize, but with what pleasure he will blame everything on circumstances. He will say that he was forced: “I didn’t want to, but it happened that way.” The most surprising thing is that, most likely, he is telling the truth, and the most difficult thing is to look at this truth through a man’s eyes. I warn you right away that the culprits in his story will be his colleagues, his superiors, the situation, but not himself.

The only intention he has at this moment is a desperate desire to remain a good guy for you. After all, it is when a man does not live up to your expectations that he is most afraid of being bad. He himself understands perfectly well that he is to blame. When a woman constantly points out to a man his mistakes and recalls old sins, sooner or later he will begin to live up to your worst expectations.

As soon as a man is wrong and you are right, you inevitably face a choice: to be right and continue to defend your point of view, or to be happy and look at the situation through the eyes of a man. And you will choose the second if you value your relationship. As long as you accept his truth, while you look at him with faith and admiration in your eyes, he will strive to match his reflection in the eyes of the woman he loves.

Your actions

Often it is men who clearly understand what they need from a relationship. Whereas young ladies cannot determine their desires, simultaneously building suspicions about the intrigues and betrayals of their chosen one. Signing up for my consultation will help you get rid of obsessive thoughts. Together we will identify the root of your problem and find the right solution.

A few more recommendations for girls:

  • get out of the habit of being sarcastic and touchy;
  • look for common ground;
  • know how to listen and understand your partner;
  • don't try to dominate;
  • make him feel like a hero.

The advice is aimed at preserving the guy’s important feelings: self-esteem and respect from others. This is what helps them be strong and successful.

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