How to satisfy a woman in bed and bring her to orgasm

In order to fully satisfy girls, you need to not only be a giant in sex, but also do many other things for them. But today we will talk specifically about how to satisfy a woman in bed, and if you followed this link, it means you are going in the right direction towards quality sexual intercourse. Most men are used to thinking only about themselves, about their pleasure, without thinking about the feelings of their partner.

If you do everything quickly and just turn away to sleep, thinking that the young lady also had a great time, she will simply refuse to make love with you in the future, or agree, but rarely. To make your skills in bed legendary, be sure to read further information and use our tips!

A little about foreplay

A man believes that if he wants sex, then his girlfriend does too, and just as immediately. Of course, guys dream of starting things off with a quality blowjob, but women don’t need it at all, and they get little pleasure from it. Ladies are like cars parked in frosty weather; in order for them to start “working,” they need to be warmed up thoroughly and only then used. If this is not done, then your beloved will not turn on, and during the most interesting things she will be lethargic.

Therefore, only the stronger sex is to blame for the fact that a woman is a log in bed, and girls should not be blamed at all: with one she is inactive, while the other will remain delighted with sex. And if you want to have only high-quality sexual intercourse, then you need to start by pleasing your partner, this is exactly how it works.

Most guys don't consider foreplay important. And it seems that it is enough to climb under your beloved’s skirt, feel her breasts, and she is already ready. No, only you will be ready for these actions, and the lady needs a lot more caresses. There is a lot to do before sex itself, and the time spent on foreplay will pay off. Believe me, you will be satisfied! How exactly should you act to satisfy a woman in bed?

What kind of men excite women?

Many women are aroused not only by words, but also by a beautiful and well-groomed male body.
And if it is also sporty-looking, then few ladies can resist. If a man has set a goal to win the heart of such a woman, then he must definitely buy a gym membership.

Also, some women may be aroused by a man’s personal qualities and some of his actions. From time immemorial, determination, courage and actions, not words, have been valued in every man.

IMPORTANT: A man should surprise, make you worry and admire. You can excite a woman with a delicious dinner, hand-written poems addressed to her (and you don’t have to actually write them yourself). You can also hook a woman by playing a musical instrument, passionate dance, etc.

In order to excite a woman, you need to have a neat appearance. You can use eau de toilette with a pleasant smell for the meeting. But here you need to be sure that the girl is not allergic to perfume. Otherwise, the date is unlikely to succeed. When meeting for the first time, it is important to create a good impression. After all, at all subsequent meetings, the woman will compare exactly with the image that she initially remembered.

The chance to make a first impression is given only once - at a meeting, it remains in memory for a long time. You need to be careful in your expressions, joke appropriately, show interest in the girl and most importantly, interest her. When meeting again, a woman will always rely on her opinion formed at the first meeting.

Working with erogenous zones2

Erogenous zones are not a fiction, and knowing how to influence them, you will heat up the girl so much that she will want sex even more than you! Working with these points can be reminiscent of playing with a kitten, where you tease him with a bow, let him touch him, make him want to grab him, but you take him away. Girls need to be touched in such a way that she wants to feel touched more and more, tease her, kiss and caress her in those places to which she reacts more.

Details about how to caress a woman so that she could ask for more only from us.

Women's erogenous zones are in the same places as men's. Think about it: what part of the body is pleasant to touch, what excites you? Your partner should also like it. If you focused only on the genital organ, then you are mistaken, so consider the following list of the most important points:

  1. Neck and face. It is not enough to kiss a girl only on the lips before sex. To get her excited, touch her face with your hands, run your fingers along her neck. Kiss the area around the cheekbones, earlobes, and neck. But kisses should not just be smacking, but with biting, and use your tongue.
  2. Chest and belly. Women's breasts don't just need to be kneaded, this only turns on men. She needs to be treated tenderly and kindly. Massage your nipples with your fingers until they become swollen. Run your tongue around the areola, take the nipple into your mouth, and you can bite it lightly. Run your hands along the girl’s waist, along her back and stomach, do not hesitate to kiss these places, such actions are very exciting for women. Detailed instructions on how to properly touch and caress a woman’s breasts are here.
  3. Hands. It is important to remember that there are many nerve endings on the hands, and with the right influence on them, you can greatly excite a person. Stroke the woman's wrists, running your fingertips from the hand to the shoulder along the inside of the arm. If the girl likes it, you will notice the goosebumps running across her skin. You are on the right track!
  4. Scalp. And here, too, there are a lot of erogenous points. Run your hands through the woman's hair, pass it between your fingers. During a passionate kiss, be sure to touch your partner’s scalp and lightly pull the hair.
  5. Hips. Well, what kind of man would refuse to touch a woman’s butt! But many people mistakenly believe that a girl will only get aroused if you pinch her soft spot, spank her or knead her. It doesn't work like that! Gently stroke the outer and inner thighs up and down, then move your hand to the lower back, do not rub for a long time in one place!
  6. Genital organs. You should caress the girl “there” as a last resort. First, work well on all other points, and only then go lower. This is the game, you will irritate your partner so much that she will beg you to quickly move on to the hottest part. But take your time, enjoy the moments to the fullest, because you like it too. Don’t rush to move on to sex, caress the woman below with your hands, you can do cunnilingus.

Foreplay is not a waste of time. Delay the pleasure, even if it’s completely unbearable, and the main organ has long been ready to go into battle. Remember that a horny woman does incredible things in bed, don’t you want to try them? After quality foreplay, the girl will want sex so much that all you have to do is lie back and enjoy!

Preparations: drops and tablets that excite women

Drugs that have a stimulating effect on women work only at the physiological level

  • Therefore, before using such tools, you need to understand whether they are worth using at all. Perhaps a woman has no time for sex at the moment
  • Most of these remedies stimulate blood flow to the genitals. And most often they are used to enhance orgasm, and not as a stimulant. Although on their packaging it will be written exactly this
  • As simple remedies that are available in every pharmacy, tincture of Aralia (the well-known stimulant “Saparal” is made on the basis of Aralia), ginseng and eleutheracoca have a stimulating effect. The “stimulating” effect of taking such drugs is their side effect. Such remedies have a general strengthening effect and normalize the functioning of the nervous system.
  • Also, tea with the addition of lemongrass is a remedy that enhances female desire. It can also be purchased at a pharmacy

As for the products that were specially developed as stimulants for the female body, among them it is worth noting:

Cialis is a drug based on tadalafil and a phosphodiesterase inhibitor to restore sexual function in women. It activates blood flow to the genitals and increases the chances of orgasm. Also of the advantages of this tool it is worth noting:

  • increases sensitivity to genital stimulation
  • promotes emancipation and relaxation
  • eliminates frustration from sex life in women

Unfortunately, this drug also has side effects: indigestion, possible back pain, allergic runny nose, redness of the skin and muscle pain.

Side effects reflect successful PDE5 suppression and usually resolve within a few hours.

“Female Viagra” is a drug based on sildenafil. Available in the form of diamond-shaped pink tablets. This product is designed with the female body in mind and is effective during menopause and when there is insufficient lubrication in the genital area. You need to take this remedy 40 minutes before sexual intercourse.

“Laveron” is a drug made from natural ingredients that activates the nervous, cardiovascular and endocrine systems. It has a positive effect on sexual activity in women and is used in the treatment of anorgasmia.

Safety comes first_8212

Sexual intercourse should be safe. If a girl does not take hormonal contraceptives and has no plans to become a mother, unprotected sex will definitely not bring her pleasure. She simply will not be able to relax, she will mentally pray not to get knocked up. As a result, both will not receive any pleasure. How to satisfy a woman in bed?

Make her feel safe, relax, show her that you can be trusted and that you care about her too. Prepare condoms in advance, do not wait for the lady to remind you of the need to use them. Tear the packaging in advance so as not to fiddle with it at the most crucial moment, because the time spent can cool the ardor.

After the elastic has been used, do not leave it in sight; women have no desire to admire it, much less put it away. Remember that you are a gentleman and clean up after yourself. Pack the condom in a bag or piece of paper and put it in a trash bag so that it is not visible there. It is important to do all this without reminders from your partner!

What smells excite women?

The female sense of smell is one of those senses that every man can “subjugate” to himself.
Below are listed several smells that excite a woman the most:

Patchouli. This sexual stimulant has long been known to all passionate lovers. In addition, patchouli oil has a simply wonderful scent that can also be used in aromatherapy.

Vanilla. Everyone knows the smell of vanilla. And many are crazy about him. Including women. This spice has a completely unobtrusive aroma. Let this smell be rarely used in men's perfumery. Buy vanilla-scented candles and arrange a romantic dinner for your significant other.

Mint. Another scent to use in your sexual aromatherapy. Just a few drops of peppermint essential oil guarantee excellent results.

Musk. The smell of musk is in many ways similar to the smell of male pheromones. That is why he is able to “turn on” any woman. Even the one that is considered inaccessible.

Ylang-ylang. But this smell is a frequent guest in men's perfume. The essential oil of this plant can excite and ignite passion. But, it has one drawback. This smell does not affect all women in this way.

Jasmine. Many people consider the smell of jasmine to be purely feminine. That is why you rarely see it in men's perfume. But who forbids you to buy scented candles or drop a few drops into an aroma lamp and organize a romantic evening with your lady.

Also aphrodisiac odors include:

  • tuberose
  • cedar
  • sandalwood
  • bergamot
  • orange
  • neroli
  • cinnamon
  • ginger
  • rose
  • vetiver
  • geranium
  • violet


If you are thinking about how to satisfy a woman’s needs in bed, you can ask her about it. But not right out of the gate, saying what you want, but in a fit of passion. A good moment would be foreplay. While you are warming up your partner, she becomes very excited, and in this state she can reveal all her deepest desires. Take advantage of this, do what the girl wants, and you will leave bed as her master!

It is also important to have a dialogue during the sexual act itself. But not about what you want to eat, or how dirty her cat is. And about your feelings. Ask if the woman likes what you do to her, tell her how good it feels for you, and what else you would like. You can whisper compliments and vulgarities into your beloved’s ear, this is also a terrible turn-on and leads to a high-quality orgasm. A variety of options for what to say to a girl during and before sex can be found in the article.

But remember that you can’t speak out loud in bed, it will distract you from the sensations. Speak quietly, slowly, with passion, this will create a mysterious and intimate atmosphere.

Videos that excite women

Women, just like men, are aroused by scenes of an erotic nature

  • Some people love light erotica, and frank ones can put them in a stupor, while others, on the contrary, can be liberated by the abundance of explicit scenes. Therefore, before you put a movie disc in your DVD player, you need to ask your beloved about her preferences in this regard.
  • As for “strawberry”, it also has its own genres and trends. But, if you choose from films of ordinary cinema, then without any doubt, the best erotic film of all time is “9 1/2 Weeks” with Kim Basinger and Mickey Rourke
  • But it is not the above-mentioned movie that is considered a “cinematic aphrodisiac”, but the film “Out of Sight” released in 1998. This film masterpiece made George Clooney a Hollywood star overnight. And for his partner in this film, Jennifer Lopez, the role of prosecutor Karen Sisco is the best in her film career

Scenes from porn4

What man doesn't want to experience what he recently saw on the Internet? But women don't like it. Forget everything you watched in a porn movie and realize that in front of you lies a living girl from our reality!

You can’t wake up your beloved by patting your erect penis on the cheeks, you can’t offer quick anal while the potatoes are frying. Moreover, forget about tearing your girlfriend’s new shirt, allegedly tearing it off her body in a fit of passion. She definitely won’t be satisfied with this outcome, but your chances of getting hit on the forehead by a lady will increase.

If you really want to feel at least a little bit like the hero of a pornographic production, talk about your desires during passionate sexual intercourse, and only if the lady is well warmed up. If a woman is horny, she will be ready to do a lot, and she will really enjoy it!

How to satisfy your wife? Variety is important

Think about how predictable you are? If your intimacy almost always follows a certain scenario, you should think about the need for experiments. For example, you can change your environment. Make love, at least not on the usual bed, but on an armchair. The kitchen, bathroom, and hallway can be perfect for these purposes.

Extreme options are also worth considering. For example, in an elevator, a cafe toilet, outdoors, in a car. A little adrenaline is a great stimulant. If you have long or even never had such experience, then now is the time to get it.

Observing the reaction5

With women everything is much simpler than with rocket launchers; here, one glance is enough to understand whether everything is in order. You can find out what she likes and what she doesn’t just by observing the reaction to certain body movements. The main thing is not to be like the guys “here and there”, you need to constantly experiment, try something new. Change positions, stop being content with missionary, it’s not for nothing that the Indians wrote the Kama Sutra for us. If a lady purrs and moans from your movements, then she definitely likes it, but if she winces or has been snoring for a long time - no comments.

And eye-to-eye sex is also very exciting. You seem to be spying on each other while doing something shameful. Don't be embarrassed, look at your partner and you and she will really enjoy it.

What turns a woman on the most?

Women love with their ears. Probably everyone has heard this expression. And it is not without meaning. Many women consider a man's sexiest organ to be his brain. Thanks to him, a man can give a lady a beautiful compliment, a funny joke and an interesting story. Which can warm up even the coldest heart.

IMPORTANT: It is difficult to find two identical women. Therefore, before you make jokes, give compliments or tell stories that happened to a man in his life, you need to prepare. Understand what can be said to a particular representative of the fair sex and what cannot be said.

Is the female orgasm important?6

It's sad but true that many men consider sex to be successfully completed once it's finished. But if you are reading an article about how to satisfy a woman in bed, then you are definitely not one of them!

The partner must have an orgasm, this is her satisfaction. And to think that this is not important for her, and that the girl is satisfied with the absence of it, is complete nonsense. Orgasm is what you started everything for, so you need to be able to bring your beloved to it. As we have already written, foreplay is an important step towards satisfying your partner; it is difficult to “win” a woman who is not excited.

Focus on how she feels, do what she likes. Now it is important for you to bring your beloved to the finish line, and only then think about yourself (perhaps while you puff over your satisfaction, the lady will feel the peak of pleasure more than once!).

If it so happens that you started together, and you came to the finish line first, don’t make the mistake of getting out of bed. Your task has not yet been completed, so please, follow through with what you have planned. How to do this is up to you. You can use the help of a vibrator, your own hand, or bring the girl to orgasm with the help of your nimble tongue.

It may also happen that a woman will fake an orgasm. And this happens in the following cases:

  1. The girl wants you to be satisfied with yourself.
  2. The woman is simply tired of what is happening, something does not suit her, and she wants to complete sex as soon as possible.

If with the first case everything is clear and the matter is easy to fix, then with the second it is more complicated. Be honest that you learned to fake an orgasm, and ask what you did wrong. In most cases, the girl will answer, and in the future you will know how to act correctly.

Men also get a thrill from the fact that they were actually able to bring their partner to the peak of bliss, and they will also like the sensations on the physical level. The woman will begin to bend, the vaginal muscles will contract, which further stimulates the penis. Many ladies, in a fit of passion, scratch and bite, and this turns guys on very much. It is at such moments that he can cum, and the couple will have a simultaneous orgasm.

SMS that excites women

There are situations when a woman needs to be aroused even before her appearance. This can be done by phone by saying the above phrases or by sending SMS. The second method of seduction is very good.

Firstly, many people find it easier to write something smart than to stutter out of excitement and say it to a woman.

Secondly, the lady will be able to read SMS even at a meeting or some other event where phone calls will seem bad manners.

What to write depends on the woman’s temperament, her character and other conditions. Not every representative of the fair sex will appreciate this SMS: “Stop smiling - it’s time to undress.” Others, on the contrary, will be delighted with her and meet the man in an already appropriate form.

"I'm bored. I wish I could do something interesting” - a seemingly neutral SMS, but with a clear hint of a continuation. Which can also have an exciting effect.

“What would we do if you were around?” - another SMS with which you can melt the fire of desires.

"It's cold outside. Let me in under a warm blanket” - great, all that’s left is to wait for an answer.

“I will steal you this night, I will give you my tenderness and passion, I really want, dear, to surrender to these feelings” - you can do it in poetry. There are lovers of this kind of presentation of thoughts.

Tips to help make a woman feel good in bed

To understand how to properly please your woman during intimacy, you don’t need to have any special intelligence. It is enough to know the main points of “bed etiquette”:

  1. You can, of course, have fun on a lawn in the forest, but you can really relax as much as possible in a comfortable environment. Therefore, make sure that the bed linen is fresh, there is no garbage on it and the environment is calm.
  2. The presence of a desired partner already turns on the fair sex. You only need to make sure that you are pleasant to your chosen one. To do this, knowing about the upcoming sex, go to the shower, put on fresh underwear and clothes. The light aroma of a pleasant perfume will give you charm.
  3. During foreplay, the look, touch, and timbre of the voice are important, which should be exciting, sincere and full of desire.
  4. Don’t forget that in sex it’s extremely rare to satisfy your partner with just one penis. Therefore, hands, lips, and tongue must be involved.
  5. Alternating tactile sensations with oral caresses will provide excellent subsequent vaginal and, possibly, anal contact.
  6. The variety of positions and skillful regulation of the tempo of friction will please even the most experienced lady in sex.
  7. It is important to feel the tension and nervousness of your chosen one in time in order to change tactics to a more comfortable one. Listen to the girl's breathing and moans. She should scream from pleasure, not from pain and discomfort.

Preparing for sex

A girl is a gentle, sensual and impressionable creature. A man should instill in her a feeling of confidence, strength, protection and reliability. Then she will trust him and be ready to give herself up. It is important to create an environment that will help the girl completely relax and enjoy the moment.

What you should definitely do when preparing for sex:

  1. Create a romantic atmosphere. Candles, twilight, pleasant music, wine, a light and tasty dinner and other pleasant little things will help with this. And, of course, the man himself must be clean, smell good and dress nicely.
  2. Help the girl relax as much as possible. Being in a state of stress, neither a man nor a woman will be able to tune in to sex. If a girl is nervous or worried for some reason, she needs to be helped to get rid of stress. Light alcohol, such as a glass of wine, helps with this best. A relaxing massage and a warm bath also do a good job of this.
  3. Study female anatomy. A man needs to know where the clitoris is located and what parts it consists of. This will help him understand the mechanics of the process and make his partner as satisfied as possible during sex.

Now that everything is ready, it's time to get down to business.

Male mistakes during sex

Men often make the following mistakes during sex:

  1. A man does not spend enough time on foreplay and foreplay. Let me remind you that the more excited a girl is before direct sexual intercourse, the higher the likelihood of her orgasm.
  2. A man does not study his partner’s body, does not listen to her feelings.
  3. A man does not admire his partner's sexuality. This also matters for women who love with their ears.
  4. Some men delay sexual intercourse. When this goes on for too long, and the long-awaited release does not come, the girl begins to cool down. You must definitely monitor your partner’s reaction. And if she still doesn’t have an orgasm, it’s worth changing tactics and trying other methods of satisfaction.

Food is the elixir of love

With the help of these aphrodisiacs, you can easily achieve arousal in a woman. It is worth paying attention to olive oil. It is also used as a food dressing and is used for body massage. Products such as coconut, raisins, and chocolate have a strong exciting effect. Seafood and some types of mushrooms are noted for their stimulating properties.

Drinks that are rich in stimulants include natural wines, teas made from aromatic herbs with a small amount of spices, and hot chocolate. A natural stimulant that brings the body into a state of excitement has been known for a long time. This is high quality coffee with the addition of cognac or cinnamon. These additives are used in very limited quantities; if it’s cognac, then literally a couple of drops, and if it’s cinnamon, then on the tip of a knife.

Let's summarize the above

A woman's arousal depends entirely on a man.

What should the stronger sex focus on?

  1. Behavior worthy of a strong, self-confident man.
  2. The partner is responsible for creating an atmosphere appropriate for intimacy.
  3. Compliments that caress a woman's ear should not only be bright, but, most importantly, sincere.
  4. The ability to have an open conversation with the woman you love is the key to success.
  5. The manifestation of fantasy, “random” touching a woman is an indicator of your attitude towards your chosen one.
  6. Have a sufficient range of caresses.

Video. Erotic massage for women

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