How to arouse your beloved quickly in bed and bring her to euphoria of bliss

What does it really cost to be a great lover? Of course, there are tips to help turn up the heat in the bedroom, but if you want to be a true Sex God, you'll have to pay attention to each of the points below. Luckily, we've not only revealed some secrets and tricks, but also shared tips on how to know if these tricks work for you. You might be interested in the article 10 common mistakes in bed.

There's nothing sexier for a partner than feeling like you're putting an incredible amount of effort into a relationship, and we guarantee that if you put all your energy into nurturing your connection, she'll know you're a dedicated and passionate lover. Sex can feel like hard work at times, but if you're with the right partner, it should feel like it's worth all the effort.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to everyone's sexual desires. But in truth, most of this advice can broadly be applied to any couple. Don't be selfish. Be respectful. If you have a few tricks up your sleeve, for God's sake make sure you understand how to use them effectively, because there are too many terrible lovers out there. Pay attention to the article 10 skills that will make a girl want you.

Your ladies, like you, should be grateful, because if you can implement the 10 points, the girl will think that you are the best lover in the world.

Pull your hair correctly

When it comes to bed, some girls like to have their hair pulled. It can definitely add sexiness, but you know what's not sexy? Her screams and her face, which a second ago had expressed pleasure, but now was grimacing in pain. So how should you pull your hair?

You gently grab the hair at the base of the neck until you have a secure grip. If you just start tugging, you will cause more pain than pleasure. Instead, you can take a deep breath and relax, you will find that focusing will greatly increase your pleasure.

Extend the time of intercourse

Most women take more than five minutes to orgasm, although this time is sufficient for men. This is a completely normal practice, but guys may well find a couple of ways to extend the time of lovemaking. Don't worry if you get very aroused and have an orgasm before your spouse. The following techniques will help to extend the pleasure:

  1. Prepare a decoction of oak, currant or raspberry bark and drink half a glass of it for a week, and also add cilantro, parsley and pumpkin seeds to your diet. These products reduce the sensitivity of the nerve receptors of the penis, which helps prolong intimate intercourse.
  2. Spend as much time as possible on foreplay. Achieve complete female arousal and only then use your main “weapon”. The lubricant released by the wife during sensual foreplay will reduce friction and thereby prolong the time before ejaculation.
  3. During sexual intercourse, do not forget to stimulate your spouse's erogenous zones. This way you will slightly reduce your concentration on your pleasure and bring your wife’s orgasm as close as possible.
  4. A small dose of alcohol reduces sensitivity. Have a romantic dinner before you plan to have sex with your wife. A glass of wine drunk before sexual intercourse can slightly prolong the time of lovemaking and liberate both participants.
  5. Use a condom. This surefire remedy for unwanted pregnancy will also help prolong pleasure. The rubber layer, despite its minimal thickness, allows you to experience less intense sensations during sex, but longer.
  6. Take a short break when you feel the end approaching. Such breaks will help reduce strong arousal and prolong sexual intercourse for some time.

All these rules will help you in the fight for long, passionate sex with an enchanting orgasm – both for you and your wife. Don't panic if it doesn't work out the first time. You can easily please your woman a second time or bring her to the peak of pleasure in other equally pleasant ways.

Take your time

I don't know if you know, but sex isn't about the end result. The main thing is what is the path to it. If you want to become a Sex God, you need to make sure that your partner is thoroughly warmed up before the main act. The biggest tip is to try to relax and take your time. Too often guys rush things, making everything a stiff and unpleasant experience. Most importantly, listen to her. And remember, there is more than one pose, and changing them gives a huge advantage.

How to properly excite a woman

At first, light touching of the lips with the lips is most often used, but they are too gentle and may not allow the development of further actions. Consequently, when the partner is already “ripe” enough, there is a reason to move on to more passionate movements, involving penetration of the tongue into the mouth and touching the palate and the internal cavity. But sometimes your chosen one may refuse caresses in this way.

There are reasons for this:

  • Negative attitude towards such manifestations of feelings,
  • Poor personal hygiene,
  • Bad breath.

The women's body is designed in such a way that it can react ambiguously to various touches. They also constantly evaluate their partner.

And even in intimate moments, your lady analyzes you from the point of view of attractiveness. If she refuses passionate kisses, it means that you do not suit her according to certain criteria, she has no desire to continue the relationship with you and have children from you.

Scientists have come to this conclusion, but it should not be taken literally. Perhaps the problem is simpler - the girl has not developed sensitivity to this kind of caresses. Now all that’s left to do is help her achieve this.

Voice your wishes

Nothing will make you more desirable than having sex that leaves a feeling behind. It's like you've risen to the top of the world. How will you achieve this? You don't have to be afraid to look at your partner and tell her about your erotic fantasies.

Everyone has their own idea of ​​what makes them feel good, and if you get into the habit of telling your partner what you want, she will be able to remember and hopefully fulfill them in the near future. You might be interested in 12 Sexual Fantasies She Had You Never Knew She Had.

What turns a woman on

When wondering how to arouse your beloved quickly in bed, do not forget about the erogenous zones. At the same time, they are individual for everyone.

Basic Rules:

  • Some people like caresses on the scalp, others on the back or belly, and still others on the neck or chest.
  • Pay attention to the reaction. It will allow you to understand which places are most preferable.
  • In moments of pleasure, a girl can close her eyes, direct her partner’s hand to the desired area, or involuntarily touch it herself.
  • There are areas where stroking which you can achieve the opposite result caused by unpleasant sensations.

Most often, it is a kiss that becomes the necessary push, after which the long-awaited intimacy of two loving people begins. Without it, too persistent attempts may be rejected. He is that romantic moment, which there is no desire to interrupt.


I regret to inform you that real sex gods do not repeat the same manipulations over and over again. To be skillful in bed means to be able to open your own sensual world in order to let in some quirks and types of pleasure that your half may like.

This doesn't mean you have to sacrifice your own comfort to please your partner, but if you have the opportunity to experiment and it doesn't entail inconvenience, then why not? You'll never know what you like until you try, and you have to trust that your partner will stop if you suddenly feel out of place.

On the first date

Perhaps the hardest thing to surprise a girl on the first date is when nothing is known about her yet. But there is still one way.

Arrive early at the place where you are supposed to have a date and make a “treasure”: stick a note to the bottom of a bench in a shopping center, hide a chocolate bar in a flower pot - whatever your imagination tells you.

After meeting the girl, be sure to “accidentally” find the treasure. This will definitely surprise her.

Kiss her for real

If you're a terrible kisser, there's no way you'll be any better in bed. Some people think that foreplay should include nudity, but even regular kissing on the couch can serve as a great key in the car's ignition. When you kiss a girl, make sure your mouth is not full of saliva. You're kissing, not sharing a drink. Ideally, fresh breath will do a great job of making your partner more willing to kiss.

Advanced Tip : Don't be afraid to kiss or gently whisper in her ear about what you want to do to her!

A little dressing up

Perhaps the wife has several dresses from a sex shop. Moreover, this option is not at all surprising. But if a man comes up with some kind of suit for himself, it will look bold and unusual. The chosen one will definitely appreciate such a gesture. After all, a creatively minded man can truly awaken desire.

Here you need to focus on the tastes of your partner. Perhaps if her chosen one wears Santa Claus's fur coat or a loincloth, she will like it. But there is a risk that she will not want to have anything to do with, for example, a bunny. Therefore, a man does not have to purchase a special suit if he is thinking about how to surprise his wife. This option also exists, but not every woman will like her husband dressed in a suit from a sex shop.

Tell and then show her that you know what she likes

There's nothing sexier than being an attentive listener. If you're going to be a legendary lover, you'll have to constantly turn her head and make her feel like you're doing exactly what she wants before she even knows she wants it. How can you do this? Either you will have to learn to read minds, or learn to listen to what she likes and remember it for the future. This will make your significant other feel your dedication and attention during communication.

Advanced tip : If you can, try placing a pillow under your lower back to improve the angle of penetration. Even though this doesn't work for everyone, it might work for your lady.

How can you surprise your wife?

There are a huge number of ways to surprise your wife and please her. It could be morning coffee in bed. Despite the banality of such a manifestation of attention, this method is always appropriate. You can also set her favorite song or a romantic composition, which is a declaration of love, as an alarm call. The other half will wake up in the morning to the sounds of it and will be in high spirits for a long time.

You can also go together to some picturesque place. This could be the bank of a river or lake. It’s also a good idea to admire the view of the city at night from a high roof. And if you don’t want to go anywhere, you can always just pay attention. The wife will be surprised and highly appreciate if the chosen one unexpectedly brings something tasty that she has long wanted. For example, peaches, strawberries or chocolate.

Find many ways to make her feel wanted.

Along with other factors that will ensure repeat success in the bedroom, don't forget one more thing: your partner should always feel desired. This can be achieved in several ways, but the main way is to physically show her how attractive she is.

You need to show not only by your actions, but also by saying how much you value intimacy with her, and you will notice how she will become even more receptive to everything you do. Not to mention, she'll work even harder to please you if she knows you'll do the same for her.

Beautiful lingerie

Every woman wants to feel beautiful and desired. And what could highlight her charms more favorably than high-quality lingerie? It is noteworthy that men and women can choose completely different sets. When buying underwear, a girl looks at its practicality. And a man is more interested in elegance and sex appeal.

If a partner offers to change his chosen one’s clothes in the evening, putting a new item in front of her, then she will be very interested in this. Most likely, it won’t come to a complete change of clothes. But the idea of ​​how to surprise your wife in sex will be more than achieved. If a man has chosen this option, then he needs to first examine the tags from his wife’s underwear. You should write down the names of sizes and companies. Only after this can you buy suitable underwear.

There are often cases when men buy small bras, and, on the contrary, panties that are larger than necessary. In this case, the girl may simply be upset that her chosen one does not treat her carefully. If the set fits perfectly, then she will be amazed not only by her appearance, but also by the attention.

You have the power to prolong the pleasure

Let's be honest, while this is a touchy subject for many guys, the key to success as a good lover lies in making sure the lovemaking lasts long enough to please his partner. You can have all the moves in the world, but if they end in 15 seconds, it will only look like a movie preview. If you feel like you're getting close to climaxing, don't be afraid to slow down a little and focus on other parts of her body so you can regain your composure.

If you really can't hold it in anymore and are unable to stop, use this opportunity to tell your girlfriend how sexy she is that you can't even stop yourself. Of course, it won't make her feel amazing, but I bet she will feel extremely wanted.

How to surprise a girl in bed

20 April

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In our desire to please our partner, we often wonder how to appear more beautiful, smarter, more interesting to him or her - in a word, better than everyone who was “before”. An intimate issue is one of the main ones between partners. In our last article, we talked about the most popular ways for girls to add something new to sex with their beloved man. Today we will shift our focus to women, since we sincerely believe that both partners should feel good in a relationship. Women themselves are more emotional and more often show this in social interaction. It’s not for nothing that they say that for women, orgasm begins with thoughts. Therefore, the first thing you need to think about in the problem of “how to surprise a woman in bed” is your emotional connection. Not many girls can really turn off all unnecessary thoughts during sex and think only about sensations. Your head may be filled with questions about why you have become colder towards her, whether she likes you, thoughts about the latest quarrels, and much more. Show your companion that all your attention is focused on her alone.

Gaze and touch are powerful weapons in this matter. At that “same” moment, approach her, look tenderly into her eyes and run your hand through her hair. Believe me, few people can resist this. After that, move on to foreplay. Alternate gentle touches with passionate ones, light kisses with biting your lips. If it is possible to create the right environment around you, be sure to do it. Dim lights, music, and a glass of good wine have become the unshakable foundations of a relaxing atmosphere. Next, you can proceed to choosing your script.

Erotic massage Buy a special massage candle, the drops of which do not burn, but turn into oil. While the candle is melting, slowly drip it onto the girl's stomach, chest and legs. Next, rub the warm oil into your body in a circular motion. Erogenous zones in women are the chest, neck, ears, lower back and everything below. During the first half of the massage, touch near the erogenous zones to excite the nerve endings and the girl herself would like you to touch those very places as soon as possible.

Using mirrors Seeing the reflection of the process in the mirror excites many girls. In addition, for many it is much easier to open up and relax in front of a man.

Role-playing Role-playing is a great way to add a fresh twist to your sex. Find out who your loved one wants to be and arrange it in bed! This will benefit you too. Wanted sex with a flight attendant or nurse? Please! Perhaps this way your girlfriend will open up from a completely new side for you.

Sex in an unusual place in your usual environment Where does your sex usually take place? Probably in the bedroom. Turn on your imagination and courage! While the girl is preparing dinner for you, go up and grab her around the waist, stroke her hair, start kissing her neck, turn her around to face you and boldly sit her on the table. Then you know what to do.

Fast and a little hard sex As a rule, the most vivid and memorable sex is fast and hard. Just remember films with elements of eroticism, how a man behaves in intimate scenes. No matter what they say about “50 Shades of Gray” or “365 Days,” girls like these films. These are secret fantasies that few people dare and are embarrassed to voice. So take away your skepticism and show the girl that you can be even brighter than in such films.

New positions Yes, this is exactly what is immediately associated with newness in sex. No matter how trivial it may sound, expanding your range of sexual positions will have a beneficial effect on your intimate life. You can find inspiration on the pages of the Kama Sutra and porn. You can also find many books and calendars that will offer you new poses for almost every day. By exploring each other's bodies, you become closer and more relaxed. By the way, new pose options can be found in games. Sex shops have special card games that tell you how to surprise each other.

Oral sex Cunnilingus is a great part of foreplay. According to statistics, 7 out of 10 women love cunnilingus. However, before this, we recommend that you take an interest in techniques that will help give the girl maximum pleasure. Gently spread the labia majora, place your fingers on top of the tubercle and gently caress the top of the clitoris. You can buy a sweet lubricant to make this even more enjoyable for you.

Ice The pleasure of using ice comes from the contrast of sensations. Gently run an ice cube over the girl's hot body. Start with the lines of your underwear, around the chest, and then move it along the neck so that it flows subtly down the stomach to the most erogenous zones. During oral sex, put an ice cube in your mouth for a few seconds, then ask the girl to hold it for a while. At the same time, go down the body yourself with kisses.

New underwear Surprise your girl by giving her a new set of underwear. We advise you to supplement your purchase with sword belts and stockings. Belts are leather or fabric belts around the body, similar to small belts. Looks very sexy. If you decide, you can give them edible underwear. It will be pleasant to pull it off the woman you love and will add fire to your foreplay.

Intimate haircut Yes, give yourself an intimate haircut. Firstly, with a haircut it is more aesthetically pleasing. Secondly, the girl will be pleased to think that you cared about making her like you.

Women are often embarrassed to talk about what they really want in sex. A woman needs to be felt, to feel her emotions. The main enthusiastic viewers of erotic films are girls. And while some men laugh with each other over a bottle of beer over such stories, others do not get out of bed with the woman they love. Don’t be afraid to talk, talk about your desires and fantasies, because this is how you can always maintain the freshness of your intimate life and never get bored together.

Spare no effort in preparing

Nobody wants to feel unprepared when it comes to lovemaking. Having a condom with you is basic, but an experienced person will also take care of lubricant or possible toys in advance, so that you don’t have to fumble around in search of what you need at the crucial moment.

Making sure you have safe and comfortable sex will let your partner know how much you appreciate her, and this can make a huge difference in how your relationship progresses. The main thing is to make sure that you are not that weird guy who has 20 different packs of lube on the first date.

Change of place and time

You can surprise your wife if you make some changes in lovemaking, which has become traditional over time. If sex usually took place in the bedroom, changing the place is a very good option. When thinking about how best to surprise your wife in bed, the latter as such is not always needed. It's a good idea to add spontaneity to intimacy on the kitchen table or hallway floor. But the first option threatens with cold emanating from the countertop, and the second – with a lack of hygiene. Therefore, if a man provides some kind of cover, then such an option will also amaze his wife.

If lovemaking took place before bedtime, then you can change the time to earlier. A great option is to spend the whole day in bed. Only for this you need to take care of food in advance. The wife should not cook on this day. And if it is fruit, sandwiches or food from a delivery service that a man takes care of, then it will be more than successful to surprise the lady of your heart.

Touch and stroke

Of course, it depends on your comfort zone, but one of the sexiest things is feeling your partner's hands all over your body. Not to mention, for women, stroking and squeezing certain parts of the body can lead to extraordinary pleasure. Also, if you do this while you tell her how attractive she is, you will make her feel incredibly desirable. A surefire way to get repeat trips to the bedroom.

Offer a massage

If a man is thinking about how to surprise his wife in the evening, then he can do an erotic massage. This is simply a wonderful option; every woman will be glad to relax from the touch of a loving person.

Also, don’t forget about all the romantic paraphernalia. Of course, the first thing that comes to mind is a room with candles. But if a man considers this option trivial, then it is quite possible to take care of soft electric lighting. The main thing is that beautiful music sounds and pleasant smells are present. To do this, it is best to take care of the availability of aphrodisiac massage oil. Therefore, if a loving husband decided to surprise his wife, then the named method is more than successful.

In particular, geranium oil sets the mood for gentle and romantic caresses. But vanilla awakens sensuality and instincts. Cloves increase the duration of orgasm. Jasmine liberates and gives confidence in personal attractiveness. That is, a man needs to choose an oil that awakens exactly those qualities that he wants to receive from his wife in the evening.

For a birthday

A birthday gift should be useful, necessary and definitely memorable.

Try to find out her hobbies, interests, tastes and preferences: what music she listens to, where she dresses, what she likes to eat, and most importantly, what she dreams about. If you are able to make her dream come true, go for it!

Reference! If suddenly a girl’s dream is a puppy or kitten, do not forget to discuss the issue of a gift with her parents in advance.

For a girl who is distinguished by her eccentricity, frequent mood swings and changing desires, it is better to give a purchase certificate so as not to make a mistake with the gift.

If you managed to choose a gift yourself, and it is something small (a box with decorations, perfume), order a special cake made in which to place the gift. The main thing is not to forget to wrap it with cling film several times so that the gift is not damaged when the girl cuts the cake.

What an unforgettable gift to give a girl on her birthday is described in the video:

Why is it important to surprise women?

Not all men want to surprise their partner.

Some people believe that it is enough to do something interesting only at the beginning of acquaintance to attract attention, and then it is not necessary. However, it is not.

Imagine you have been dating or even living together for a long time. Your life is organized, meetings, lunches are on schedule. Every day is similar to the next. You end up getting bored.

If a girl doesn’t see anything interesting and new in her current relationship, then sooner or later she will start looking for it elsewhere. Or even think about changing partners .

You need to surprise your partner in order to revive the relationship . But simply doing something nice to improve a girl’s or wife’s mood is also a valuable ability.

What is satisfaction

According to Freud's teachings, satisfaction is what is able to calm down the feelings of irritation and desire. Thus, the famous sociologist Abraham Maslow divided needs as they grew and visualized them in the form of a pyramid. In this gradation, the satisfaction of sexual needs lies at the core and is one of the basic ones.

In this regard, it is advisable to describe this emotional state in stages:

  1. First, there is a need to achieve something. This signal enters the neural networks of the brain and continues to spread through them as the person’s desires grow.
  2. Then the peak of satisfaction of the arisen need occurs, which provokes the release of adrenaline into the blood.
  3. After this, the person experiences slight euphoria and joy.

Did you know? In 1966, a woman named Samantha L. had the longest orgasm while self-pleasuring herself. It lasted for 43 seconds.

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