7 common reasons why girls refuse dates

  • What to do if a girl refuses to give her phone number?
  • What to do if a girl refuses to go on a date?
  • What to do if a girl refuses to date?
  • What to do if a girl refuses sex?
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The guy is faced with various refusals from girls so many times that it feels like he doesn’t need to offer them anything at all. However, refusals from girls are not always clear answers to the questions posed. Sometimes a guy makes the wrong proposal. Sometimes you need to present a proposal differently. What to do if a girl refuses, the men's website masculino.ru will tell you.

Does "no" always mean "no"? After all, sometimes guys are told that a woman’s “no” quite often means “yes” or “I’ll think about it.” In reality, there are no clear right answers. One girl will refuse for real, and the other will do it so that people will run after her. When should you continue to make efforts and when should you not?

  1. If a girl refuses with a serious expression on her face, as if she is even threatening or asking to leave her alone, then she is saying “no”.
  2. If a girl smiles, laughs cheerfully, winks and does other cute actions, then she is simply playing with refusal.

It should be understood that girls are forced to refuse so that the guys will run after them, conquer them, and show how much they need them. If a girl refuses, meaning “yes,” it means that she simply wants to be courted and shown affection. Girls are not supposed to be available, so they refuse. Although sometimes they just want guys to try harder and earn consent.

Relationships are a long journey and not a one-day journey. At every stage, a guy can face refusals. Here he achieved his goal, and at the next step he again faced refusal. They are girls like that, everything is wrong for them, give them something more. But if a guy is really interested in a girl, then he usually doesn’t give up and continues to persist.

What to do if a girl refuses to give her phone number?

Perhaps every guy has had situations when a girl refused to give him her phone number. What to do in such a situation? The most important thing is not to suffer or worry. Well, she didn’t, and God bless her.

In order to continue communicating with a girl and see each other again, you need to get her phone number to call her, arrange a meeting, etc. However, already here you can encounter a refusal. If the situation does not unfold at the moment when you accidentally meet a girl on the street and she is in a hurry somewhere, then you can quite easily achieve your goal.

You offered to take a phone number, but the girl refused. Continue to communicate with her as if nothing happened. She didn’t, so what? Go back to the topic you were talking about before you offered to take the number. Act as if nothing happened. Continue to communicate cheerfully, with interest, with enthusiasm.

The girl refused and saw that you were not at a loss. The most common mistake many guys make in this situation is that they start asking questions:

  • “Why don’t you want to give out your number?”
  • “Are you not interested in communicating with me, that you don’t want to give out your number?”
  • “Don’t you like me?” etc.

There is no need to escalate the situation further. If a girl refuses, don't pay attention to it.

If a girl refused to give her number, but up until that point she had been communicating with you normally and cheerfully, it means that she simply wasn’t too interested in you. She is ready to communicate with you further, she just hasn’t realized how much she needs it. Therefore, continue to communicate after she refuses to interest her, to show that you need to give her phone number.

If a girl didn’t want to see you, she would have stopped your conversation a long time ago. And if communication continues between you, then everything is fine. Chat with the girl for some more time, then again offer to give you her number, making it clear that this is the last time you do this. If she doesn't give it, then say goodbye without offense. “No” does not always mean “yes”.

Calling each other before the date

Nothing like this! A new day for a woman is a new life. All yesterday's contracts remain yesterday. For a girl in this matter, this is always the case. But the woman will remember well everything that happened in the past. And if your feelings for her have cooled down or are simply not so acute, she will definitely remind you with the words: “But before you ...” However, this before and yesterday never refers to first and second dates.

We must respect our time. You should never go to a meeting with a girl without calling first that day. Or, in extreme cases, without receiving an affirmative SMS. It’s better to call before the date and find out that everything is valid.

However, it doesn’t work out very well with texting, because it shows your insecurity. It’s as if you’re not sure if she’s ready to go with you today and that’s why you ask in such an indirect way. This is not an obvious way for a girl! She will look at the SMS, remember that yes, someone called yesterday, think that she is too lazy to answer her and forget. I’m so lazy to go somewhere with some strange guy...

Another thing is a phone call. It would seem absurd, the question is the same, but psychology is a subtle thing. They may not answer the SMS, but if you pick up the phone and confirm your presence, the chance that she will come greatly increases.

What to do if a girl refuses to go on a date?

Here, guys often face refusals when it’s time to ask them out on a date. The possible refusal itself is frightening, which is why the guys cannot take a decisive step. Psychologists give advice: you don’t have to ask a girl out on a date at all. Invite her to see you next time so that you can show her what you talked about or take her somewhere, for example, “to an interesting place.”

“If you want to go there, I invite you to join me,” say casually. It will be interesting for the girl to agree and much more difficult to refuse, since you do not directly say the word “date”.

A girl can refuse a date for three reasons:

  1. Serious, for example, she will go to visit relatives. Then invite the girl to see you another time.
  2. Frivolous, for example, you need to learn lessons. If a girl doesn't care too much about her studies, then most likely she is just looking for a reason not to see you.
  3. Fictional - when a girl tells all sorts of nonsense.

In any case, if a girl refuses to see you, then you don’t need to ask her questions like “Why?”, just tell her what she is losing in this regard, and continue to communicate. Cheer up the girl's mood and say goodbye to her when she is in a good mood. No need to invite her to a meeting anymore!

Many men are faced with a situation where they see beautiful women, try to get to know them and almost immediately ask them out on a date. Women for the most part refuse the offer. Maybe the gentleman didn’t like his appearance? Often, a man himself chooses a tactic of behavior in which a woman is forced to refuse, no matter how attractive he may be.

How to ask a woman out on a date and not get rejected by her? With a woman, as in business: remember what you need to do so that your business partners agree to cooperate with you? They need to be interested and show the benefits of your joint cooperation. What do you do with women? “Hi, I like you, let’s go for a walk / I’m inviting you on a date” - if you please, but what interest does a woman have in going out with you and wasting her time? She doesn't know you and won't be able to know you unless you first show her the good prospects she can get from meeting you.

Drinking coffee or going to the cinema is something a woman can do without you. What good can you give that she cannot please herself with? And it's not always about money. Here you can attract exciting communication, receiving new bright emotions, visiting beautiful places where a woman has never been, etc.

Make her interested in you and show the benefits of meeting you - and then the woman will not refuse you.

A case from one's life

If you ask a girl why she didn’t come on a date, she often doesn’t know. That's how strange they are. I had a case after the first date. A couple of days passed and I made an appointment with her for a second date. An hour before the meeting, she wrote to me that she was tired at work and would not be able to meet with me. And I have already arrived at the place! Surprisingly, the situation repeated itself a few days later. This time, there were about 20 minutes left when I received an SMS from her that she would not be able to see each other today; in excuse, she wrote that she had just met a relative by chance.

I didn't answer. I just gave up because of this attitude. I looked at the SMS with a lost mood and deleted the number.

A week later, the girl showed up and, as if nothing had happened, offered to meet. To say that I was surprised is to say nothing. I was surprised not even by her appearance, but by the offer to meet, which came without any hint of an apology. When she calls herself and pretends that everything is fine.

Of course, I spoke to her very harshly about this. She promised that she would definitely come. And what’s strange is that later, when I had already slept with her and we sometimes met, I asked her what the hell happened then. She answered: I don’t know myself.

Another lesson that was learned from this story is that when a girl wants, no extraneous matters will distract her. She will sleep for a couple of hours, but will come many kilometers away to the guy. Actually, that’s what happened with this girl later.

The above-described real-life situation is largely an exception. Often, if a girl is dynamite, then hoping and expecting that next time there will be a date is a waste of your energy. It will be great. In the meantime, let’s put it out of our heads completely. If a girl doesn’t show up for a date, having warned her about this in advance, of course, we call her a second time no earlier than a week later. Because in an amicable way, she should propose a meeting herself.

If the girl did not come on a date and did not report a change in her plans. Or she confronted you with the fact that she wouldn’t come when you were already there. In this case, we erase the girl’s number. She as a person is not worthy of you wasting your time on her. Damn it! I've already planned everything out! How can you not?

And so that situations do not arise when you come, but the girl is not there.
You should always call before a meeting. If a girl doesn’t pick up the phone and you can’t reach her on the day of the date, then we put off today’s meeting in our thoughts. Such a simple principle, which the girls themselves follow, will save you a lot of nerves and add confidence, calmness and self-esteem. I’ve been training guys with Roman for many years, I attended a live training, and I think that the “Date: from meeting to sex” training is the only most informative information product in RuNet on this topic. Roman is an experienced trainer and has been involved in the topic of seduction for many years; he himself has learned a lot from him. I came to Novosibirsk to see Roman for personal coaching.
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There are situations in every guy’s life when he invites a girl to a party, she agrees, but doesn’t come. Then it turns out that the girl didn’t show up at all or was simply late for the date. In the first case, the guy can be very upset, because the fact that you are sitting there like a fool and don’t know whether to wait for the girl or not is unpleasant. In the second case, the situation is mitigated by the fact that the girl was simply late. The men's site understands how unpleasant both situations become, so it will tell you what a guy should do in such cases.

The girl was late - not as sad as when the girl doesn’t come at all. What is the reason? Why couldn’t it be possible to immediately refuse the meeting? Why can’t a girl start getting ready in time to arrive at the appointed time? Guys may be outraged by girls' behavior. However, experienced men who have gone through similar situations suggest not to worry about these reasons. You can’t understand girls, and you’ll only break your head trying to find a rational grain in why the opposite sex behaves this way.

So, you spent a lot of time trying to get the girl interested in you, talked on the phone, set a time to meet and... there is no girl. She either won't come at all or is late. What to do and how to get out of the situation in this or that case?

What to do if a girl refuses to date?

The most important point for a guy who is interested in a girl and even in love with her will be to get an answer to the question “Will the girl date him permanently?” Here the girl can refuse, laugh at the guy’s feelings, say that he wants too much. In reality, situations turn out differently, so a guy may want to know what to do if a girl refuses to date.

It's very simple: don't ask her such questions! Just invite the girl on the first date, then on the second, then on the third, etc. If the girl doesn’t refuse, and always goes on a date every time, if suddenly she didn’t manage to see you on some day, then you already, one might say, they began a serious relationship. If a girl sees you and does not reject your touches, kisses and other pleasant moments of courtship, it means that you are already in a serious relationship.

Don't ask a girl to date you. If she agrees to see and communicate with you, then everything is going in the right direction. And if the girl wants you to officially declare that you are boyfriend and girlfriend, then take this step. Invite a girl to date because you are sure that she will definitely agree.

What to do if a girl refuses sex?

If a guy has a question about what to do if a girl refuses sex, then the answer here is: do not offer her sex, but simply seduce her and silently lay her on the bed. If a girl is ready to sleep with you, then she will not resist. If the girl resists, then stop seducing her (if she clearly does not want sex) or continue caresses (if the girl is just playing with refusal).

No need to offer to have sex. It even sounds a little strange. Just start kissing the girl, hugging her, taking her to bed, undressing her. If you see that she needs more caressing, then give it to the girl. If the girl doesn’t resist, it means she’s ready to sleep with you.

What to do if a girl resists? Stop leading her to sex. Perhaps the girl is not ready for sex yet. Perhaps you didn't seduce her too much. Maybe it hasn't been long since you started dating.

It should be understood that sometimes girls give signals that they are ready to have sex, for example, they come to the guys’ house or agree to go to the seaside with them. There are girls who want to meet for a couple of weeks before moving on to bed. However, you should not delay intimacy. There are girls who don’t say anything to guys, but wait until they are simply thrown into bed. If this does not happen within 1-2 months of the entire relationship, then the girls begin to think that they are not wanted, not loved, etc.

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