Compatibility of temperaments: description. Who is better for a choleric person, a sanguine person, a melancholic person, or a phlegmatic person to be with in love, work, friendship?

Author of the material:

Svetlana Smyshlyak

philologist, writer, lyric poet

Why is the advice of even the most popular and recognized authors or bloggers not always helpful when it comes to the art of seduction? Probably because they are too generalized and aimed only at average guys. But what happens if you select methods of seduction for a specific type of temperament, for the personality of your particular lover? How to conquer a man if he is an active choleric person, a calm phlegmatic person, a perky sanguine person or a melancholic esthete?

Compatibility of temperaments in work, friendship, love

Back in the 18th century, the famous Professor Zabelin identified four different types of temperament. Each type of temperament has its own positive qualities, and you should not try to somehow correct the negative ones. It's better to work on how to get used to them and get along with them.

As stated above, there are four types of temperament. Let's look at each temperament in more detail and how they combine with other temperaments in work, friendship and love.


  • Choleric is usually called those people who react to the environment around them hot-tempered and energetically, while often doing rash actions. Such processes occur because in such a person excitement takes precedence over emotions.
  • Choleric is very hot-tempered, unrestrained, impatient and harsh.
  • Choleric people are often active, domineering, and self-confident.
  • He tries to protect his rights, find justice, while dictating his own opinion. A person with such a temperament can quickly, and most importantly, without problems, raise his voice, break down and even insult.
  • Cholerics are determined and radiate energy.
  • They constantly act decisively, although in some actions their actions are quite reckless.
  • Cholerics constantly need communication to express themselves.
  • Very often they insist on their opinion and do not always sensibly assess the current situation.
  • Often choleric men are excellent lovers. But women with such a temperament attract men with their own activity. In the family they are explosive, aggressive and passionate.

Cholerics are very hot-tempered

  • Among the team, choleric people are restless and inattentive. They are unable to do monotonous work.
  • With the right approach to organizing a particular task, when management gives choleric people freedom, they can show perseverance in achieving the goal they have set for themselves.


  • Sanguine people are very active and cheerful people with a balanced nervous system.
  • Such people have a quick reaction, but their actions are often thoughtless.
  • A sanguine person is a natural “live” and a very sociable person, with optimism, cheerfulness and a constant good mood.

Cheerful sanguine person

  • People with this type of temperament adore society, all kinds of entertainment and quite easily find a common language with new acquaintances, which allows him to quickly fit into a new team.
  • Since sanguine people are born leaders, they reach enormous heights without any problems.
  • They have many friends and acquaintances, and all because sanguine people love to constantly be in the center of everyone's attention.
  • In love, everything works out very easily for a sanguine person, because in conflicts he does not get angry for a long time and tries every time to resolve the situation as quickly as possible.

Phlegmatic person:

  • Phlegmatic people are fairly calm individuals with balanced nerves.
  • It is difficult to evoke any emotions in a person who has such a temperament, for example, to make him angry or cheer him up.
  • Phlegmatic people are very productive people. They can easily endure irritable and difficult situations, and in rare situations they become angry from defeats and failures.
  • These people do all their work slowly and do not always respond to unexpected difficulties and situations in a timely manner.

Phlegmatic person

  • A phlegmatic person loves to change his own life at certain stages: habits, acquaintances and friends, place of work, but it is very difficult and takes a long time to get used to new and unusual conditions.
  • A phlegmatic person never gets involved in scandals and conflicts, but if this does happen, he takes it calmly.
  • In love relationships and in marriage, phlegmatic people love peace and stability. In general, a phlegmatic husband or wife is a good match.
  • Their slowness is sometimes annoying, but this is not the worst character trait, and therefore you can get used to it over time.


  • Melancholic people are indecisive, constantly wavering and sensitive individuals. And this increased sensitivity very often leads to fatigue.
  • Melancholic people may suddenly change their mood, but they try to hide this and do not show their own feelings to people around them.
  • Melancholic people are easily vulnerable, restless and always unsure of themselves. Often people with such temperaments feel inferior and therefore withdraw into themselves.


  • In marriage and friendships, melancholic partners require great patience, self-control and delicacy. In order for a person to speak about his own feelings, he must first stir up thoroughly.
  • Professions that are associated with creativity are ideal for a melancholic person, for example: writer, artist, film critic, programmer, accountant. In general, many famous and talented people are melancholic.
  • Melancholic people need to avoid work that is closely related to stressful situations and changes. They should not communicate with strangers, as this can reduce their performance.

How to conquer a choleric man?

Typical signs of choleric.

This is a male leader. He is energetic, emotional, but with a strong character. He likes to feel superior; for a choleric person his status is important. He is ready to be generous, noble, magnanimous, especially if others notice it.

From the outside, it seems as if his passion and energy are enough for dozens of different things at the same time. Moreover, he is also sure of this, but more often than other types he does not calculate his strength, earning himself everything from gastritis to nervous exhaustion. Although he copes with his failures very quickly. As soon as a new task, interesting for him, looms on the horizon, he will immediately rush off to save the world, because he loves being a hero.

The Altar, for the sake of those who are dear to him, will do everything possible. However, his absent-mindedness and flammable temper can spoil relationships with loved ones. He himself, half an hour after another quarrel, will forget about her and will be sincerely surprised when for some reason they refuse to cook borscht for him.

How to charm a choleric person?

Praise, praise and praise again. Teenagers don't need drama as much as this guy needs praise and recognition. But you will have to express admiration in a special way. It is important to emphasize its positive qualities without underestimating its importance. He wants to be the best and see the best next to him too. You will have to prove your belonging to the elite category. Less “I can’t live without you”, more “I fall in love only with the most worthy, that’s why I chose you.”

He will be glad if his girlfriend shares his active hobbies with him. But even if not, he will already like simple verbal support and faith in him. He is passionate, so he loves flirting, all these “getting closer and disappearing” games. It is also advisable to periodically allow him to perform feats - opening cans, carrying heavy bags, nailing shelves, even if the woman herself could do it perfectly well. Even if I could have done it 10 times better. And then praise again, praise and praise again.

What won't he like?

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  • Boredom and routine . He can forgive even hysterics, because this is a kind of intense passion for him. However, stagnation and monotony can destroy everything.
  • Attempts to take over leadership . The fragile choleric ego will not forgive such meanness.
  • Complete submission . Most likely, he will quickly lose interest in such a girl, since she will not excite him. And in general, he is a hunter, he needs a running away teasing victim, and not all this.
  • Doubts about him . He is the best and is reluctant to accept criticism with a challenging and skeptical view on this matter.
  • Control . All revisions and restrictions infringe upon his soul, gushing with freedom. And he doesn’t like to feel constrained.

Take a temperament test

Compatibility of a sanguine person with a melancholic person: description

If a guy and a girl respect each other, and at the same time show tact and patience, only then the relationship will last a very long time. The melancholic person is often inferior to the leading sanguine person.

If a sanguine person does not put pressure, then the relationship will be ideal

However, if he does not want this, then he has to prove that he is not inferior to his own partner. This can encourage him to do all sorts of ideas and actions that a melancholic partner would never do in a relationship with a sanguine person.

The sanguine person himself can please his partner, but only when he does not put pressure on him and ask him to make concessions. Otherwise, opposite temperaments will not be able to complement each other.

How to win over a phlegmatic guy?

Typical signs of a phlegmatic person.

Calm, measured and thoughtful. One can only envy his resistance to stress, although he cannot be called insensitive. Rather, he is simply stingy with the external expression of emotions. Prefers to think for a long time even about a seemingly easy choice before acting. From the outside it may seem as if the phlegmatic person is simply “stuck” in his nirvana, having lost contact with reality. But no, he thinks so, and if you don’t interfere with him, he “comes to life” and gives out a clear, detailed idea that is generally impossible to find fault with.

Slow, usually not very talkative, but knows how to listen. He can easily withstand a several-hour tirade from his interlocutor, if she is dear to him. He is unlikely to waste time on others, since he values ​​his energy and is in no hurry to waste it. Does not like conflicts, changes and haste for the same reason.

How to charm a phlegmatic person?

Be independent, be able to entertain yourself. A phlegmatic man is clearly not the type who will send love SMS hourly, be around 24/7 and vigorously show his love. And when he once again withdraws into himself, the lady will have to independently find what to do in his “absence.”

He will not sing serenades under the windows, write love poems or often compliment the girl. Instead, he prefers to act, so he will be there when you need him most, helping physically and financially. And he will be pleased if his actions are appreciated.

He likes it when everything is clear, logical, direct; he understands hints less than other types of temperament. No, not like that - he doesn’t understand them at all. To the phrase “I haven’t been to the cinema for so long!” will answer “I see.” Therefore, it is better to communicate with him using explicit sentences: “Let's go to the cinema. I really want to watch this film with you.”

What won't he like?

  • Bringing chaos . He spent years building his routine, schedules, plans. A lady who tries to destroy at least one element is perceived as a furious pest.
  • Attempts to distract . If he is busy with something, even just thinking, it is advisable not to bother him, especially over trifles. At best, this guy simply won't respond. At worst, he will leave quietly and in English.
  • Long heart-to-heart conversations . He is a partisan who will not talk about his feelings. He will remain cold to all hysterics, biased reproaches, and requests to open up. Although direct, unveiled indications of errors will be taken into account and will try to correct.

Compatibility of a sanguine person with a phlegmatic person: description

Sanguine people are considered to be quite practical, pleasant, rational and active individuals. They are able to support a phlegmatic person for a long time, pull him out, and spend constant free time with him.

Quite a successful union

A phlegmatic person is able to calm a sanguine person, while giving him leadership in the relationship. There will be scandals, but not strong ones. This means that they will be solvable. In general, such a union is considered quite successful.

How to conquer a melancholic guy?

Typical signs of a melancholic person.

A melancholic man is the ultimate romantic. He is sensitive, attentive, emotional. Sometimes even a little too much, especially when it comes to vulnerability and difficult criticism. Failures and failures are not easy for him, but he can perfectly understand the difficult and generally unfair fate of a woman. Therefore, she will admire almost everything that she can do - from beautifully painted eyes to the ability to lift weights/troops/popular unrest.

Despite his sensitivity, he still tries to hide negative emotions. Although he is still a pessimist by nature, he tries not to take risks and always chooses old proven methods. More likely a conservative looking for peace of mind, because he sees Armageddon everywhere. Sometimes capricious, but at the same time creative, well-read, interesting, with a keen eye for detail.

How to charm a melancholic person?

He vitally needs support and approval of his actions. Usually he chooses women stronger than himself as his mate. However, he can pay attention to a girl with a sensitive, equally impressionable, but not childish or spoiled nature. He loves constancy and stability, so sudden changes in a young lady’s mood can scare him away.

They don’t mind when they feel sorry for him, they agree with how difficult and unfair his fate is. At the same time, he himself tries to support and understand his loved ones, and he succeeds no worse than psychologists. Needs compliments, will be glad if his eyes are opened to his positive sides. It is not a fact that outwardly he will agree with the presence of talents or stop doubting himself, but inside he will be pleased that he was noticed and praised.

Compatibility of a choleric person with a sanguine person

Mutual support and assistance will definitely be present in this union. The choleric person will give ideas, and the sanguine person will implement them.

The choleric person constantly spins, like a squirrel in a wheel, deciding his own affairs on his own. His other half also works tirelessly.

There is rivalry in an alliance

However, some problems may arise when making serious decisions, since both the first and second are quite stubborn, decisive and never give up a leading position. There is constant rivalry between the couple.

This is, of course, an ideal engine, but, if you look at it from the other side, sometimes it’s just tiring. A sanguine person can refuse such a relationship and start an affair with a person who has a different temperament, for example, with a phlegmatic person, in a relationship with whom he will become a leader.

Compatibility of a choleric person with a melancholic person

A very quiet and calm melancholic person will not be able to withstand the pressure of his choleric partner. Most likely, at first the melancholic person will be happy with the active actions of the choleric person, but very soon he will begin to be offended and not understand his partner.

A choleric person never cares about the feelings of a melancholic person. He can even bring him to a state of stress and tears. A melancholic person is not able to perceive such rudeness, although for his partner such words are not considered offensive.

The choleric person does not care about the feelings of the melancholic person

Perhaps if he says the same thing to the choleric, the two of them will just laugh. A choleric person is not able to help a weak melancholic person, so their relationship will soon fail.

Pros and cons of character

A phlegmatic person has many undoubted advantages.

  1. The ability to get along with absolutely everyone, regardless of temperament type. A diplomat by nature - a phlegmatic person - will always find a way out of a conflict situation and choose the right words to come to an agreement with his opponent.
  2. A strong nervous system that allows you to remain calm and reasonable in stressful situations.
  3. Reliability and selflessness. A phlegmatic person is the most faithful and reliable friend to whom you can entrust any secrets. He will never betray, will not weave intrigues and will always keep his word.
  4. Persistence, determination, hard work. If a phlegmatic person has made a decision, it means that he will definitely complete the work he has started.
  5. Analytical mind, good memory, thoughtfulness and intelligence.
  6. Constancy in attachments.

Along with an impressive list of advantages, a phlegmatic person also has disadvantages.

  1. It takes a very long time and is difficult to adapt to changing external conditions. That is why he is afraid to take responsibility.
  2. It is difficult for him to make new acquaintances and communicate with unfamiliar people.
  3. His inertia, slowness and self-doubt interfere with self-realization.
  4. He is prone to apathy.
  5. He is absolutely unable to express emotions and therefore seems indifferent. And this has a bad effect on personal relationships.
  6. It can “explode” from accumulated negative emotions so much that it doesn’t seem like much.

Compatibility of a choleric person with a phlegmatic person

The choleric person loves to “swim and bask” in the equanimity of his own partner, while the phlegmatic person is pleased that problems and difficult situations have passed into the hands of his stronger half. Much is considered incomprehensible in the character of a phlegmatic person, but this does not bother a person with a choleric temperament at all.

He will diligently cope with all difficulties and problems, and will stir up even the most passive person. But over time, the choleric person will get tired of this and begin to look for “little souls” like him.

The union is not strong

That is why this union has no future. If it turns out to be successful, then it will not last long.

Emotional background

A choleric person does not show his experiences openly, like a sanguine person.
However, he does not know how to hide his emotions at all, so they can easily be read on his face. When communicating, an impulsive choleric person can suddenly “flare up like a match” and offend his interlocutor, being rude or even insulting him, just because he did not agree with his point of view.

Another distinctive aspect of this type is excellent self-control. When faced with troubles, choleric people do not panic

, and immediately look for a way out of the current situation.

Despite their high sense of purpose, choleric people often cannot correctly assess their strength. This leads to the fact that some things remain unfinished. True, some of the suspended goals may be implemented later.

Compatibility of a melancholic person with a phlegmatic person

A motionless, strongly passive and very ambiguous couple. In general, these people are irritated by almost everything about each other.

A melancholic person is infuriated by the coldness and indifference of a phlegmatic person, because he is not able to express his own feelings. A phlegmatic person does not like the anxiety and regular nervousness of a melancholic person.

There will often be scandals in a couple

These two people are not rivals, so such an alliance may well be favorable. But if minor scandals do not become a “lump in the throat” and do not cause an avalanche that destroys the home.

Two melancholic people - compatibility: description

For a couple of melancholic people, everything always goes smoothly. But such peace is only temporary and, perhaps, external, since both partners cannot fully support each other and complement their relationship. They are constantly irritable, vulnerable and restless.

Minimal discomfort immediately causes a sea of ​​explosive emotions. Therefore, there is no need to expect mutual support from a melancholic person.

Melancholic people have quarrels over trifles

Regular quarrels that arise from the slightest trifle will result in only one thing - it will be difficult for the couple to continue to coexist. Although in some respects there are exceptions.

Two phlegmatic people - compatibility: description

In such a union there will be constant peace and mutual understanding between the partners. But in the future, partners will get tired of such passivity and carelessness.

In addition, it will be very difficult to hear a confession of feelings from your soulmate, because people with such a temperament are immersed in themselves, in their own world and do not often leave it. Phlegmatic people are very patient and independent, so they do not require special support.

Peace and mutual understanding reign in the relationship between two phlegmatic people

Stable relationships and a quiet family life, plus constant peace - these are all the main priorities of the union that develops between two phlegmatic people.

Compatibility of two identical types

It is not always easy for two identical types of temperament to establish a stable relationship due to the similarity of characters.

Types of human temperament and their brief characteristics

Better than others, a sanguine person and a sanguine person establish psychological relationships together - the compatibility is excellent: a tolerant temperament makes it possible for close cooperation in the professional field or on the basis of a common hobby. In family life, the frivolity of this character gives many reasons for jealousy and quarrels on this matter. Despite this, marriage can be easy and harmonious.

The union of two phlegmatic people can be called ideal, since they perfectly understand and complement each other. Caution and the desire for ideality, which are well suited for cooperation in the profession, do not always have a favorable effect on family life (phlegmatic conservatism and reluctance to change often destroy marriages).

Choleric and choleric compatibility is very difficult. If such a union is formed, then its existence will resemble an Italian TV series with intense passions, breaking dishes, stormy reconciliations and regular “nuclear explosions” in relationships. When a choleric and choleric couple marries on the basis of the same interests, they can move mountains on the way to their goal. Otherwise, the constant struggle for power will lead to the destruction of the union.

In the union of two melancholic people, any disagreements and conflicts are excluded. Since these people are very sensitive, they will be very sensitive to each other's feelings. In such a couple there is no leader who will push the marriage forward. Many of their dreams never become plans or come true only thanks to a lucky chance.

Important! There are no good and bad temperaments, there is a personal inability to get along with them.

Same temperaments

Two sanguine people - compatibility: description

A sanguine person understands his sanguine partner from just one word. Very often, such people can be united by common interests and almost similar views on certain problems.

Sanguine people have common interests

Both sanguine people are quite active, smart, able to adapt to the mood of their other half and quickly find something they like. The two of them solve problems and there is nothing in this, and no one can interfere. Such an alliance is very strong and strong, since both partners are more than interesting to each other.

Two choleric people - compatibility: description

A very stormy and passionate union. A sea of ​​positive emotions, quarrels, scandals, broken dishes, tears - everything happens here, just like in Italian movies.

Mutual assistance will be scanty, since choleric people prefer to do all the things themselves and not ask others for help. Regular attempts to take a leadership position can lead to strong conflicts.

Passionate union of choleric people

If such a union suits both a man and a woman, then they will not suit the people around them. But relationships can become strong if there is a joint business or common interests that bind.

Choleric: strengths

  • Emotional sphere

    Choleric people are born leaders, dynamic and active, constantly in need of change. They always consider it necessary to correct other people's mistakes; they have a strong will and determination. They are independent and self-sufficient, unflappable, it is difficult to deprive them of self-confidence, and they spread this confidence to others. Capable of taking on any task.

  • As a parent

    Confidently takes a leadership role in the home, defines goals and motivates family members to take action to achieve them, always finds a way out of any situation, and organizes the household.

  • At work

    Focused on results, thinks big and is not distracted by details, copes well with organizational work, looks for the most practical solutions to assigned tasks, quickly moves from theory to action, knows how to correctly distribute responsibilities, is focused on productivity, sets goals for the entire team, stimulates activity, needs competition.

  • On friendly terms

    Does not depend much on friends, takes upon himself the organization of any group activity, plays the role of a leader, is often right in any matter, and has excellent self-control in emergency situations.

Who is better for a sanguine person to be with?

The best pair for a sanguine person is the second sanguine person. They are like two fluttering butterflies - they take problems lightly, they can both rejoice, laugh, dance and have fun for a long period of time.

A sanguine person can get along with both a choleric person and a phlegmatic person, but if we compare such unions with the previous union, they are a little worse, since the sanguine person loves freedom, while the phlegmatic person and the choleric person are considered authoritative and demand that they be obeyed.

Famous people are choleric

Among the world famous people, choleric people are and were (from left to right):

Do you know these people - choleric people?

  • Oprah Winfrey,
  • Phil McGraw
  • Donald Trump
  • Bill Gates,
  • Peter I Alekseevich,
  • Alexander Vasilievich Suvorov,
  • Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin,
  • Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev.

Mozhaeva Taisiya · Jan 29, 2020

Who is better for a phlegmatic person to be with?

The ideal union and relationship of a phlegmatic person is obtained with a second phlegmatic person. Such relationships will result in a good family, where the husband and wife will have many common goals and views. A wonderful couple will also turn out if a phlegmatic person gets along with a melancholic person.

Ideal relationships by temperament type

A phlegmatic person with a strong character will help a sensual melancholic person. Especially if it is the man who is phlegmatic.

Conclusion: different temperaments are not a death sentence

Opposites attract. Timid people admire leaders, pragmatists are drawn to romantics. If you like a person with a different view of the world, that’s great. Don't be afraid to build a relationship with him, but be prepared to work on yourself.

For example, interesting studies are given in the online course “Secrets of Women’s Happiness.” Here you will understand how to communicate and seduce guys with any type of temperament, find out what stages each couple goes through, learn how to influence men and get the key to finding happiness.

In the meantime, share in the comments: do you think different temperaments with your husband (or wife) can become a problem? Maybe you have such experience?

Who is better for a melancholic person to be with?

The best partner for a melancholic person is a phlegmatic person. In such an alliance, the leading role will immediately be designated, which will go to the phlegmatic person, and the role of the follower will be given to the melancholic person. What’s most interesting is that both the first and the second will find such a relationship comfortable and calm. They will understand each other wonderfully.

It is not necessary to follow the principles of choosing a partner based on temperament. You can adapt to any character and any person’s preferences, but only if the couple has mutual respect and sincere love.

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