The girl doesn't want a relationship? The reason is always in you!

The girl said she doesn't want a relationship? This is complete nonsense! From childhood, the female sex is accustomed to the family hearth: dolls, daughters and mothers, plastic dishes and much more. For the most part, their main goal is to build successful relationships: some only care about money, while others care about love and mutual understanding.

Therefore the problem is with you! As Pushkin said: “ The less we love a woman, the more she likes us!” "You're just not 'asshole' enough for her:

Yes, there are girls who are looking for a good guy, but not everything is easy with them either. Let's look at the reasons!

How to understand that a girl does not want a relationship

Many men believe that women are difficult, if not impossible, to understand. But we'll try. Surely many guys have encountered a similar problem. You meet a girl, you like her, she seems to care about you too, and you begin to actively communicate. And that’s it, all relationships are slowed down. Your chosen one does not refuse to communicate with you, just talk, perhaps go somewhere, do something together. But the relationship does not go beyond friendly meetings on the initiative of the female half. Moreover, the girl does not say a decisive “no”, but she does not take any steps towards rapprochement. Such incomprehensible behavior can baffle any representative of the stronger sex. What to do in such cases? You can, of course, ask her directly about this. Women are not as evasive, fickle and unpredictable as many men believe. To a direct question you can get a completely direct answer. But not always. There may be several reasons.

  • Doesn’t want to offend you with a refusal;
  • Not ready for a direct answer;
  • She doesn't understand the reasons.

If your lady is an honest and direct person, then you can ask her directly. Once you receive the answer, you will get rid of the riddle. If the woman is shy, withdrawn or unsure of her own feelings, then you will not receive a direct answer. And you can even scare her away. But the point is that not all men are ready to ask such questions. Because getting an honest but negative answer is scary. In this case, it is better to do things differently. It is absolutely not necessary to ask, just carefully watch your chosen one for a while. If she stubbornly avoids the topic of relationships in conversations, ignores your advances, refuses dates, and doesn’t want to date at all, then these are clear signs that she does not want a serious relationship. Perhaps only with you, perhaps only at the moment, and then it will “thaw.” But this is a slightly different topic. If a lady happily communicates with you for a long time, accepts help, gifts and trips, but stubbornly avoids closer relationships, then you should seriously think about whether she is taking advantage of you? Perhaps you are just a convenient and profitable sponsor for her. Analyze the reasons why she constantly refuses close communication, perhaps you will understand that these are just excuses. And decide for yourself whether you yourself need such a “relationship”?

How to deal with rejection

Treat rejection as a new experience. Move on with your life

  1. It is important to realize that the existing relationship was not really something serious for you. You will still meet your fate.
  2. Treat what happened as a life experience.
  3. Start devoting time to physical exercise. You can run, go to the gym, go swimming. Sport allows you to get rid of negativity and feel the hormones of happiness.
  4. Don’t try to give up on yourself or criticize yourself for the refusal you received. It's time to love yourself, start respecting your personality.
  5. You should not pursue your chosen one, belittling your dignity, begging for reciprocity.
  6. Having received a refusal, there is no need to withdraw into yourself, to remain alone with yourself. It is better at such a time to communicate more with people, meet friends and make new acquaintances.
  7. In a situation where a woman refuses, you can try to become her friend, not claiming anything more. In this case, you have two options for the development of events: either you will forever end up in the friend zone, or over time the girl will change her attitude towards you and realize that she wants more than just friendship.
  8. Sometimes you have to accept that you are not dreaming about the person you really want. Perhaps you idealize your chosen one or these are fleeting feelings that will soon fade away. Try to let go of the situation. Realize that there are many other women out there who might be worth your attention.

What to do if a girl says no

Often women speak out quite straightforwardly and clearly tell the admirer “no”. What does it mean? Some men believe, and this opinion is widespread and quite ingrained, that a woman's “no” actually means “yes.” That the girl is just flirting and pushing her own worth. But only smug and not particularly smart men can think this way. According to the principle “I am so good that a woman simply cannot ignore me.” Maybe, dear representatives of the stronger sex, maybe. And very often, saying “no” really means refusal. Therefore, it is not worth besieging it as a fortified fortress; intrusive attention can only aggravate the problem and completely ruin the opinion of you. Try to better understand why you were rejected. You can simply analyze your and her behavior and understand what exactly you are doing wrong. Carefully talk to her friends or acquaintances, they might have noticed something.

There can be many reasons, but here are the most basic:

  • She simply doesn't like you, and it's hard to do anything about it.
  • She has another, maybe just in mind
  • She is not ready to build a new relationship, for example, because of the recent heart drama

If the girl said a firm “no”, respect her choice, it’s better to leave her alone, don’t insist, don’t bother her. This way you can maintain at least good, friendly relations. In the future, everything may change, don’t force things. Or find someone else who will appreciate you.


if she writes to you in a day, two, a week, a month, don’t immediately put on rose-colored glasses, don’t make big pink clouds full of your dreams and imaginations.

Be very careful and vigilant.
Always think about the fact that a person allowed himself to behave like this once, which means he can allow himself a second time.
Yes, you will be glad if you haven’t cooled down yet with her message or call, but behaving coldly, do not show your warmth.
Wait and think. If you give a second chance to a person, then you will give it to yourself - to step on the rake again.

What to do if a girl loves you but doesn't want a relationship

Perhaps the most confusing and unpleasant situation occurs when a man is sure that he is loved, but his beloved avoids getting closer with all his might. And he is completely bewildered: you love me, but you constantly push me away, why, what did I do wrong? Naturally, this state of affairs will offend and anger almost anyone. But do not rush to be offended by your chosen one, try to understand her, every behavior has its own reasons. Take into account the character of your lady, your relationship, her past hobbies, if you know about them. You can ask her friends. The most common reasons:

  • The girl has negative experiences from past relationships
  • Has no experience at all
  • Not sure about your chosen one

If a girl is inexperienced and shy, it is difficult for her not only to take the first step, but also to respond to her feelings. She's simply still afraid of them. Don't rush things, give her time to get used to you, to understand that you have real feelings. The development of a novel too quickly can scare off many. This often shows that the partner does not view the relationship as something serious. Exactly the same can be said if the lady had a traumatic situation in the past. She needs to be given time to come to her senses and believe in the possibility of new happiness. Some people will need more time for this, others less, but don’t force the situation. When a woman is ready for a relationship, you will understand it yourself. Try to behave in such a way that the woman feels your support, understands that she can rely on you, that your feelings are real. And that you are much better than her unsuccessful fans from the past. Look after her, surround her with attention. And everything will work out, the main thing is not to rush it.

Understand how to no longer receive refusals from the girl you like!

STEP-BY-STEP INSTRUCTIONS from Alexander Galevich, a trainer who has trained more than 20,000 men over 15 years, will help you

Which you will receive during the FREE ONLINE INTENSIVE and you will learn:

  • 1. How to spend less resources (money and time) to seduce girls
  • 2. How to easily meet and lead communication with a beautiful girl to sex
  • 3. How to find your unique effective model of seducing girls


Men's mistake

When a man finds himself in the friend zone, he tries to find a million ways to get out of it. He will continue to seek the girl’s attention, give her gifts, call her often and ask for meetings. This behavior cannot cause positive emotions. You shouldn’t cling to a girl and force your communication on her when she doesn’t need it.

In order to get the attention of the opposite sex, you need to turn on the indifferent mode. It's time to stop messaging her on social networks asking for meetings. The girl will definitely notice this and begin to think what happened and why he doesn’t write anymore. There is a high probability that the girl will call herself and make an appointment.

In any case, you shouldn’t despair, because there is only one life and there are so many other, no less interesting people in it with whom you can spend time.

The girl wants to communicate, but not date

If you actively correspond with her, go for a walk, to the cinema or somewhere else, and you feel good and comfortable together, but you are just friends, you need to analyze the possible reasons. How to understand the reason if a girl loves you. but doesn't want a relationship:

  • You know each other too little, and the girl is not ready for a hasty romance
  • Considers your feelings frivolous
  • She doesn't like any of your shortcomings
  • She likes someone else

All these reasons are not the final verdict, even if she has someone else in mind. Life goes on, and a girl can change her mind. If you don't want to remain just a friend, it's better to try to win her heart.

  • Confess your feelings
  • Start caring for her
  • Show that you mean business

Even try to get rid of some bad habits or bad character traits, if that's the case. You can go to the gym and build up muscles, women value strong people. Educate yourself, smart men are also valued. The list could take a long time. Think about the list yourself. Determine what her values ​​are, what she likes and dislikes, try to understand how you can attract her. It's not that difficult, it's enough to just have a heart-to-heart talk.

If you listen carefully to your interlocutor, you can learn a lot about him simply from conversations. Try changing tactics. For example, if you used to call her every day, try taking a break. This will definitely make her wary, perhaps even offended by the lack of previous attention. But if you found out that she breathed a sigh of relief after getting rid of your calls... then you are in bad shape. Do something unexpected (but pleasant, of course), prepare a gift, a surprise, give something that she has long wanted. Use your imagination. But don't overdo it with surprises. Just don’t make her jealous by flirting with other women, this is one of the worst pieces of advice they can give you in such a situation. Yes, they really can make you jealous, but this will most likely lead not to sympathy, but to negativity. By this behavior you will prove that you are not interested in either her opinion or her company. Take better care of her, try to become more than a friend to her, your efforts will be appreciated. And under no circumstances put pressure, a woman should have freedom of choice. Of course, no one will give you a 100% guarantee, but it’s worth a try.

What to do if a girl doesn't want to communicate

This is perhaps the most difficult situation. If a girl doesn’t even want to communicate, you should seriously think about whether you need to insist. If they didn’t want to communicate with you from the very beginning, it means that something about you doesn’t suit her, you didn’t “get her hooked.” You can still try to woo her, try to make her pleasant and necessary. Perhaps the girl simply doesn’t know you well yet and is not ready to “open her arms” to an almost stranger. There is a danger here of becoming a regular friend, but it's up to you. After all, good friendships aren't bad either. If your courtship is not successful, do not despair, this is probably just not your person.

Childhood trauma

The roots of most psychological problems should be sought in childhood. Why does a person become unsociable? A person who does not like to be in society may experience many complexes imposed by his parents. Even in adult life, a person cannot always cope with suggestions that have taken root in the mind. If your mother told you as a child that you were a naughty child and no one would love you, you could remember this phrase and take it literally. Your mother may have instilled in you an inferiority complex, for example due to incoherent speech. Parents who have missed the correct production of sounds in their child can make their child inferior and, moreover, complex. Remember all the complexes that your parents imposed on you. And then try to create new, positive psychological attitudes. Psychological work can help eliminate your communication problems and make you a happier, more fulfilled person.

What to do if a girl says she doesn't want a relationship

The problem of gender relations has always been and remains very acute. There is no single recipe and there is unlikely to be one, but some general principles for successfully building relationships can be given. To summarize, here are some tips:

  • Try to understand your partner
  • Be attentive but not intrusive
  • Don't rush things
  • Don't put pressure on a girl and don't force her to love you

It is advisable to determine the approximate period within which you must “win” your lady. After all, spending years on a woman who doesn’t need you, you see, is stupid. At this time, your happiness may be right under your nose. If a girl says she doesn't want a relationship, it may not be true, or not the complete truth, or just a momentary feeling. So don’t despair ahead of time, things can still change. Provided you put in the necessary effort.

Narrow range of interests

“I don’t want to meet anyone” is the favorite “excuse” of people who do not want to leave their home and, instead of communicating with others, prefer watching TV series or computer games. If you understand that your circle of acquaintances is incredibly narrow, then change this situation. Go out to social events more often, join a club that suits your interests, or meet people on the street. Don't be afraid to try something new. You need to come out of your cocoon and not be afraid of real life. This is the only way you will understand what a wonderful world you live in.

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