What to do if a guy cheated with his ex-girlfriend (or wife)

Some girls are faced with such a problem as the betrayal of a loved one with his previous passion. What explains this behavior, and should we expect a happy future from the relationship? Today we’ll talk about why a man sleeps with his ex, why he needs it, and how you can stop such trips from your loved one. But first, every girl who finds herself in such an unpleasant situation should think about whether she is ready to forgive her boyfriend.

Typical case

Here are the words of one of the wives who found themselves in such an unpleasant situation:

“As far as I understand, they were already on the verge of breaking up when we met. I know she tried really hard to get him back, but it didn't work. As soon as we met, he was head over heels in love with me.

I always felt a little awkward when they met to talk about their children. But I didn't want my husband to be offended by my jealousy when he was trying to be a good parent, so I tolerated it and didn't worry too much about my ex.

I am younger and prettier, and my husband seemed very happily married. And now I find out that he cheated on me with his ex-wife. I don't understand. She's not that attractive, and if their marriage was so good, why did he get a divorce? Why would he cheat with his ex?”

Unfinished relationship

This is more common than you might think. There are a number of reasons why people cheat with their exes. One of the most common is that they have unresolved issues with this person.

Many people get divorced before they even understand what is going wrong and whether it can be fixed. At the first sign of trouble, they break up without truly determining whether the marriage has a chance. This may be especially true if the reason for the breakup was an affair.

Later, there is a temptation to continue the relationship in the first marriage, because from the very beginning there was no confidence that everything was done correctly.

An open relationship can leave a person vulnerable and tempted to return and see where it leads. Yielding to temptation, the guy cheats with his ex.

First love

The third reason why a partner may cheat with his ex is that he still has an affair with his first wife, which is difficult to forget, especially if it was a long-term marriage.

People sometimes have trouble letting go of their first love.

They have a lot in common and your ex probably knows your husband or boyfriend very well. This is why it can be so tempting to continue an old relationship again. It's like putting on a comfortable robe or drinking a warm cup of tea. It's nice because it feels so familiar.

What to do

The answer to this question, what to do after cheating on your ex at the beginning of the relationship will depend on what you want and how much your husband wants to be forgiven. Cheaters can sometimes change, but it requires a lot of work on their part. They must be incredibly motivated to admit their shortcomings and change. And you have to be willing to believe that he can do it and give him a chance.

You'll likely doubt your partner and struggle with fear and uncertainty every time he sees his ex, at least until the rebuilding of trust is complete.

If there are children, he will have to see her and communicate with her. This will be a challenging task for everyone.

Walker left

Betrayal and treason characterize a person as an unfaithful person, unworthy of love and devotion. When a woman finds out that her boyfriend was partying in a previous relationship, she will think deeply about whether it is worth getting involved with such a player. The fact of how she found out about the adventures of her darling is quite important.

Perhaps there are similar rumors about him, and there are a dozen of the same brown-eyed handsome kids walking around the city - kids like their careless father. Or maybe his neighbor Nastya, who is a local “walking information post,” told about his adventures in detail. You shouldn’t blindly believe other people’s rumors, but you shouldn’t ignore them either.

The girl has two options: to sniff out as much evidence and evidence as possible to confirm this information, or to completely renounce the past of her beloved man, preferring to start a relationship with him from scratch. From the pure perception of the partner.

“My revenge will be terrible”3

Men know how to be offended, they store resentment deep in their souls. Most often, plans for revenge are born from such grievances, which work 100%. And it seems that they broke up without a scandal, the relationship was not spoiled, the feelings of guilt passed. It seems to the girl that everything is fine, she doesn’t owe anyone anything. Meanwhile, the offended partner waits for the offender who left him to improve his personal life.

And then, showering her with compliments and offering a friendly meeting, he puts his plan of revenge into action. Moreover, he can humiliate, insult and cause pain, trying to explain how he felt during the breakup. Of course, the reason for such betrayal is one’s own carelessness. Either the breakup contained an understatement, or the previous partner was not entirely adequate.

In women, such plans of revenge arise in their heads less often. On the contrary, they are trying to prove that everything will be better and cooler than with the previous partner. But it also happens that a plan for revenge arises in a cunning head and is executed according to the same scenario. And in the morning even men’s complexes can bring humiliation. Men do not tolerate being compared, and not in the best light.

Male opinion

In some cases, when a guy himself admits to past infidelities, the girl should pay attention to how and under what circumstances he took such a step. His attitude towards the infidelity committed in the last novel is also important.

Stories about walking “to the left” will show the real essence of a young man.

  • “All men cheat!” In front of a woman is a typical womanizer. He looks at the lady with some surprise and mockery, as if not understanding how one can be so naive as to believe otherwise. This subject, in all likelihood, will begin to cheat on her, since he so easily and openly declares such actions.
  • "What's wrong with that?" The woman faces a frivolous person, indifferent to the feelings of other people. Perhaps he was quite indifferent to his former passions, or was brought up by the morals of Emanuel Arsan, not considering it a crime to change partners and free sexual relations while in a couple.

  • “It happened by accident...” A guy was walking along a crowded bus and, pressed by a crowd, accidentally had “sexual intercourse” with a girl standing next to him. Who does not happen to? Life is full of unexpected turns and unpredictable situations.
  • "I've never loved anyone." The reason is clear: he didn’t love anyone, so he cheated on his passions in search of positive emotions. You can understand the poor thing... just like his girls, who may have loved and suffered from the young man’s behavior.
  • “I was accused of cheating so many times that I ended up doing it.” As they say, call a man a pig a hundred times, and the hundredth time he will grunt loudly.

Whatever the reason for the guy’s infidelity, the girl should think about it and decide for herself whether she is ready to take a risk and tie herself to his love ties.

Reasons for male infidelity

Some complexes encourage a guy to assert himself through a huge number of sexual partners. If in adolescence he considered himself an insolvent guy, and when he became a man he noticed how the weaker sex flocked to him like bees for honey - it would be a sin not to take advantage of this situation.

When a man experiences complexes associated with short stature or a small genital organ, he darts from woman to woman, making sure once again that he is desired and in demand. In some cases, sensitive guys who once had their loving heart broken and trampled on become cheaters. Such men become insensitive womanizers who have no feelings, but have sex. Lots of sex and lots of women.

Stable sex with ex2

If a man sleeps with his ex all the time, well, or from time to time, but it happens, then you need to think carefully about the reasons, of which there can be a huge number. Let's consider the most likely of them:

  • Friends with Benefits. For example, he has already found his new love, but his ex-girlfriend is still alone. Warm, friendly relations have been preserved between the former couple, and this is precisely what can become a reason for making love.
  • The guy tells how well everything is going for him, and the girl complains that everything is bad for her, and especially lacks sex. So why not do it, since it was stable before? Whether this is normal or not, situations like this happen all the time.
  • Habit. If a couple was together for a long time, broke up due to the impossibility of being together (no love, different interests and characters), but they were satisfied with sex with each other, then you don’t have to refuse it!
  • They know each other's needs, how to please their partner, and everything is quite satisfactory. In this case, it is worth understanding that this circle cannot be broken. If they are united by sex, perhaps they will soon decide to reunite, or they will continue to meet in secret.
  • Another reason that a man sleeps with someone else may be the lack of sex with his new girlfriend, or the lack of quality. Every guy needs stable sexual intercourse, that’s how nature wants it. Many men, not receiving satisfaction from intercourse with a new girl, or she is not at all ready to move on to this stage, go to their exes for help.
  • The likelihood of this is especially high if a warm relationship has been maintained with the previous wife or girlfriend, they have common friends and interests. Only you can keep your loved one from going “to the left” again. Give the man what he wants, open up in bed, show that you are better!

  • The guy is simply satisfied with his double life. Of all the above, this is the most likely reason. He broke up with his girlfriend or wife and started a relationship with a new girl. But from time to time he visits his ex-passion, and they have violent sex. It’s simple to explain: the girl wants to keep him, so she sleeps with him. And the guy, in turn, simply takes advantage of the opportunity to be with both loved ones at once.
  • Sex with your ex has become better because the forbidden fruit is sweet. This is how many guys explain their behavior. They say that the girl was not like that before, but after the breakup the sex is really better. Both understand that they are not together, which is why the act becomes more passionate, you want more and more.

If a man sleeps with his ex, he shouldn't be the only one to blame. Women are cunning creatures and can lure anyone they want into bed, especially the one who once loved them. Perhaps the ex-wife wants to return her husband in this way. Or maybe she doesn’t need this at all, she just enjoys what’s happening.

Reasons for my husband's cheating

Good afternoon. My name is Safo, I am a psychologist with extensive experience. I have been invited to clarify the issue of treason, and I will try to make it as clear and correct as possible.

Often, upon learning about betrayal, girls look for the reason within themselves. However, they usually suggest the following options:

  1. I “nag” him too much, “blow out” his brains for no reason.
  2. I constantly complain to him about his life; these conversations take up most of our conversations.
  3. I keep him at home and forbid him to communicate with friends.
  4. I haven’t developed for a long time, I’ve become an uninteresting person.
  5. I haven’t given him romantic and erotic surprises for a long time, we haven’t had hot sex for a long time.

Dear readers, now it is important to understand one not-so-simple thing. The reasons listed above rarely leave consequences. If everything is so bad, the husband can leave the family and there is no need to condemn him because of this: it is unlikely that a person who “nags” for nothing, does not develop at all and is jealous of all living things for no reason is a good wife.

However! You can understand if your husband leaves. Treason is another issue, more subtle and interesting. If a husband is not satisfied with something in his wife, and he simply walks to the left, but does not leave the family, it means that he is taking advantage of the fact that the other woman still has something that he needs. There are three options here.


In this case, the wife is really so bad that it is worth leaving her. But the husband does not leave. Such a person is a parasite. He stays with his wife because she provides for him financially, or he lives in her apartment, or he simply clings to stability. In this case, the problem is both the wife and the husband.


The wife is a good person, and nothing is her fault. And my husband, as they say, “wanted variety.” He liked some pretty girl or suddenly realized that it was scary to try only one woman in his entire life. In this case, the husband does not want and will not leave; he feels good with his wife.

Such men often make excuses: “I had sex with her, but I only love you.” It is worth understanding that love will never allow you to hurt your partner. We are no longer talking about the simple truth that in a good relationship there must be fidelity.

Unless you are in an open relationship, your husband needs to know that cheating on you will hurt you. At the same time, betrayal never remains a secret, even if years pass, one day it will come to light.

Essentially, your partner was simply not afraid to cause you great pain.

“For the sake of the children”

This option can be either the first or the second. Usually such men admit that they cheated and don’t love them anymore, but say that they want to save the relationship for the sake of the children.

You can do this if the child is about to enter a fully conscious age and can understand everything. But it’s not worth living with an unloved person for years.

In such a situation, it is better to simply separate peacefully, find another person and let your husband go, but at the same time do not forbid him to see the children as much as he wants if they remain with you. The main thing is that everything should be painless for children.

Why does my ex-husband sleep with his ex-wife?

Is the husband sleeping with his ex-wife ? - I am regularly approached with this pressing question by both those ex-wives whose ex-husbands try to get into bed, and the current official and common-law wives of those men who were once married, divorced, but for some reason they write passionate messages to their ex-wives, exchange erotic photos with them, and often find themselves caught having intimate relations with them. I will now try to clarify that phenomenon of life, which in the practice of my work I call “retro betrayal.” And which is typical primarily for the category of so-called “decent decent men”, that is, men who are more or less successful in life.

So, let's take a real situation. A certain man divorced his wife and began to live with another woman in a civil marriage, or even married her officially. But let’s figure it out: what does it mean – “the man got divorced”?

A normal man (not a problem alcoholic, drug addict, gambling addict, criminal, mentally ill, etc.) usually gets divorced in four cases:

  1. The wife cannot or does not want to have children together, or has a bad attitude towards the man’s children from a previous marriage. In case of divorce for this reason, intimate relationships with the ex-wife, as a rule, are not preserved. As they say, this is not our case.
  2. The wife turned out to be a brawler and hysterical: instead of delicately and imperceptibly guiding her husband, correcting him and manipulating him with peaceful methods, she tears and rushes, rushes and tears. It is impossible to live with her even simply for technical reasons - it is detrimental to health. In the event of a divorce, a living husband will be more useful to his child born in this marriage than he will die from a stroke or heart attack in a legal marriage. Or he'll get drunk. In this case, a scandalous woman who has broken free from the chain of reasonable, adequate behavior has very little chance of quickly creating a new relationship with some other poor fellow. Understanding this, a woman in the rank of ex-wife can make truly titanic efforts to secure through sex the care of herself and the child on the part of her ex-husband. And it’s hard to blame her for this: she survives as best she can.
  3. The wife cheated on her husband once or repeatedly. As a rule, the wife in this case is either very pretty or very relaxed in bed, which retains her sexual attractiveness to her husband even after a divorce.
  4. The man himself cheated on his wife: having created a long-term “left” relationship with another woman, got confused in them, convinced himself that he had a very bad time in his last marriage, that he was treated poorly there, frivolously took on a heavy burden of obligations in order not to be a talker and a deceiver, with a heavy sigh he went to the chopping block of divorce and a new marriage. In this case, if the wife shows feminine wisdom and does not push away her leaving husband with some dirt, the man will soon develop a feeling of guilt towards his ex-wife, which will create warmth in their communication (even if only for now in communication on the topic of children) . Which can create positivity and intimacy in the future. Especially if the ex-wife herself was guilty of not being able to give her ex-husband intimate attention in the proper amount, after the divorce she realized her main mistake and now seeks to make her image and behavior more sexually attractive. It’s then that the ex-husband falls for this erotic bait and, while having sex with his ex-wife, thinks to himself: “Well, what stopped her from being so active in bed when we were married?! And I wouldn’t have the motivation to cheat, and I wouldn’t be married to someone else now, our children wouldn’t be sad...” Here, as you understand, it’s not far from starting to move in the opposite direction, to the model that I call the “shuttle husband,” when a man rushes between two women at once, each of whom he sincerely considers his wife and is not ready to part with either with one of them...

This was a psychologist’s explanation for you, so to speak, general theoretical. Now I give the floor to such men themselves. They come to see me with this kind of behavior quite regularly to understand themselves. By the way, their explanation of their own behavior will be especially interesting and useful for those wives whose current husbands once complained to them either about the infidelity of their ex-wives, or about how badly they treated them. That is, they belong to divorce categories No. 3 and No. 4.

So, what do the men themselves tell me who, after divorcing their wives and creating a new marriage, continue to sleep with their ex-wife? I will quote them: “I understand that I am hurting my current wife, but I have several reasons for this behavior:

Firstly , (husband sleeps with ex-wife) if my ex-wife cheated on me in marriage, humiliated my manhood, then now, when she gives herself to me after the divorce, it turns out that she is now cheating on the partner (those men) with whom she once cheated on me! That is, it’s like my revenge on those who cuckolded me. Now they walk with horns!

Secondly, (husband sleeps with ex-wife) if before, while married, my wife constantly criticized me and could afford to refuse me sex, now, when she tries in every possible way to get me into bed and praises me as a sexual partner, She thereby heals my pride, rehabilitates me, increases my self-esteem. She does things to me that she didn’t do before in marriage. And believe me: it’s worth it! The feeling of my own toughness and leadership is worth the risks if my ex-wife found out about it.

Thirdly, (husband sleeps with ex-wife) out of selfishness and the same wounded pride, I would not want my wife to be better off in life than I am after our divorce! It is very important for me that I be the first to have a better and faster personal life, a successful marriage, and a new child. After all, if she quickly marries a very successful and authoritative man, I may be hurt and offended, this will hurt me painfully. Therefore, while I sleep with my ex-wife, and this supports and preserves her illusions that she can get me back, she is less motivated to create something serious with another man. And I can arrange my new personal life faster and better than her.

Fourthly, (husband sleeps with ex-wife) by leading an intimate life with my wife, I essentially protect my child from communicating with another man, stepfather. After all, if my wife and I completely break off contact, she will quickly bring another man into her house. What if he is a moral monster and will ruin my child’s psyche?

Fifthly , calm and adequate, and not break into scandals and hysterics. With this model of relationship, she allows me to meet with my child often, does not call or write to my new wife, does not rush to fight with her, does not disgrace my good name, etc. By and large, even my current wife benefits from this regime of silence.”

Based on what you have read, you can see for yourself how many justifications men invent to create that fig leaf with which they try to cover up what really is - all because of sex and jealousy, a sense of ownership towards their ex-wife and simply because their love for her is still alive.

For men there is no such thing as too much sex.

The more sexually active wives, the better.

You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to understand that ex-wives themselves are often interested in maintaining intimate relationships with their ex-husband . This is an opportunity to maintain influence over a person, an opportunity to receive help from him and more money for himself and his children, an opportunity to hurt his new wife very much if she ever finds out about it. Moreover, as the practice of my work shows, ex-wives almost always find the opportunity (directly or through fake contacts on social networks or “left” phones) to inform the new wife about the very fact that her ex-husband is visiting her not only for the sake of communicating with the children . With whom, just in case of violent sex with his ex-wife, he does not always meet. For good reason: it makes it difficult to have an intimate relationship with their mother.

It is interesting that in the practice of my work I have often encountered situations where ex-wives maintained or even restored once interrupted intimate relationships with their ex-husband not at all in order to get him back, but rather in order to hurt the new wife and provoke her to expel in disgrace the unfaithful hubby caught in retro treason! Moreover, without any desire to get it back! This is a kind of sophisticated revenge, super manipulation to punish that man who not only once got lost the first time, but also stubbornly continues to wander through life to this day. As a result, such a would-be macho man loses two women at once, two wives - his former and his current one. I even had stories where the ex-wife had sex with her ex-husband just one time, only to secretly record him on video or take corresponding erotic photos and send all this disgrace to the current wife. Or my husband’s work colleagues. Or everything at once, up to posting the video on social networks. And a man, proud of his intimate adventures, coming to his current wife, suddenly found himself shocked by the handing over of a suitcase or the fact that he was simply not allowed home.

I also had stories where new wives, after starting their life together, suddenly realized that their man torn from his previous family was not at all as good as he seemed, they decided to return him to the family of their ex-wife. And therefore they specially created such conditions when their husband began to visit his ex-wife more often. Sometimes even stay with her under the pretext of communicating with the children. And so, voila, intimacy is restored, the husband is again attracted to his ex-wife, and the current wife, after revealing the warm erotic correspondence between her husband and his ex-wife, throws him out of the apartment. Having completely shifted all the blame for what happened onto him alone...

However, let's stop there. I hope that I answered your main question, does a husband sleep with his ex- wife: all because of sex, male pride and, sometimes, simply preserved true love for that woman who, in the situation of revealing her husband’s infidelity, turned out to be too radical and with a harsh hand broke off the family story when it could have been continued,

Now I want you to clearly understand the main thing:

Men don't know how to stop intimate contacts

with the woman who allows them to do this.

This is not given to them genetically, biologically. Males that would easily part with a sexually active female became extinct millions of years ago. That is precisely why they became extinct, because they separated. Nowadays there are almost no such people.

From here, you need to understand the following:

Only a woman can end an intimate relationship

This is simply not given to ordinary men in their prime.

This is given only to very old and very smart men, or experienced selfish gigolos, or those who have another, much more attractive option for a woman. An ordinary man maneuvers between two or more women, trying to keep them all close to him, completely not understanding why he needs this and what the risks are. All this can only be stopped by the woman herself - a former wife, a current one, or a future one who suddenly appeared on the horizon.

Based on what has been said, I will make several practical recommendations.

If you are an ex-wife and do not seek to bring your departed husband back , do not waste your time and intimate warmth on him: it is better to build a relationship with someone with whom there is a more serious and long-term prospect.

If you are an ex-wife and consciously strive to bring your departed husband back, then continue to maintain and strengthen your intimate relationship with him. But keep in mind: sparkling sex alone will not be enough to return the departed husband to the family! Some other methods and secrets are also required here. You can read about this in my special book: “If your husband cheated or left, and you want to return him back to the family.”

If you are the current wife, and suddenly found out for sure or even just suspected that your beloved one, acquired with such difficulty, is in fact not such a faithful one - definitely do not rush to show the man your knowledge of his adventures, arrange for This is a scandal and kick him out of the apartment for educational purposes! Don't rashly give a gift to another woman! Don't play along with her. Be smarter. Do it in other ways. Both by increasing your own sexuality - as described in my book “Quarrels over Sex”, and as described in my book “How to Strengthen a Family”.

If you are a husband who, after leaving the family and divorce, continues to have intimate contacts with his ex-wife, think about what you are doing! If you really love your ex-wife and are confident that you left your family in vain, find the courage to express your position out loud and return to your wife and children. If you know for sure that you divorced and created a new marriage absolutely correctly, do not put yourself in a stupid and dangerous position, do not risk your future for the sake of the past, do not disgrace your reputation in front of both women at once.

Actually, that's all. In this article, as usual, I acted as a psychologist-translator, from female to male and vice versa. Which constitutes a significant part of the work of a family psychologist. I hope my summary is clear to you and you have received a comprehensive answer to your questions.

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What are the conclusions?

In the first case, you need to work on yourself. If you have stopped developing, you need to start developing as soon as possible. Read classics, go to exhibitions, get an education, learn languages. In Latin there is an expression “Non progredi est regredi” - “The absence of forward movement is backward movement.” If you have killed your husband, you should treat everything more wisely and evaluate your claims sensibly.

As for your husband, you should leave him in any case. The person who deceived you is the person who does not love you. We need to move on, become better, but this relationship will have to end.

Psychologist's answer:

To resolve this situation, you need to have a serious conversation with him, perhaps give him an ultimatum. But you say “I love you and don’t want to lose you,” which means you’re unlikely to decide on an ultimatum. Know that your feeling is more of an attachment than true love. You depend on him, but self-confidence and self-sufficiency are not enough. In fact, you should not be afraid of an ultimatum, because if there is still a serious feeling between you, then he will not want to lose you and will change his behavior. And if he doesn’t care, why do you need a man who lies and doesn’t love you?

Unfortunately, many women around the world have to ask themselves the question: “Why do men cheat?” We invited an expert psychologist to look into this issue.

Some tips

Finally, I want to summarize the information and give some advice, explain the nuances:

  1. If your husband cheated, you definitely need to leave him.
  2. You should never stop taking care of yourself , developing, working on your character. You need to do this first of all for yourself.
  3. Friendship hugs and warm conversations should not be considered cheating.
  4. If your husband communicates with his ex-girlfriend, there is nothing wrong with that at all..
  5. Children should not suffer , but neither should parents.
  6. The person who deceived you does not love you. A person for whom lack of desire on your part became the reason for betrayal does not love you. A person who did not talk to you about existing problems, but simply left one day, is strange and does not love you. A man who fell for another girl is weak and definitely does not love you.
  7. And most importantly. You need to learn to understand people, read more, become smarter. You need to rely more on your mind than on your feelings. Remember that a surge of hormones can lead you into a relationship in which a guy will give gifts, carry them in his arms, and propose, but this will not make him a reliable, good person. You must know your husband so much that complete trust reigns in your family, and betrayal is simply impossible. Having found such a person, be a good wife for him, a loyal friend and an intelligent interlocutor, and then an idyll will reign in the family.

So, I hope I have covered this issue in sufficient detail. No matter what you read in different magazines about the reasons for cheating, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s female or male, don’t believe it - the reason is always the same. You just once chose the wrong person. They made a mistake, fell for feelings and empty words, and became blind. He just doesn't love you and never really loved you.

The main thing is to move on, look for another relationship or remain alone. I would advise you to spend some time alone, enjoy it, develop and analyze your personality and your reality. This is the wisest thing you can do if you have been cheated on. I wish you good luck in self-discovery and building new relationships, as well as the ability to enjoy being alone.

What CAN and SHOULD be done

If your husband is communicating with his ex-girlfriend (even though she is married), then in such a situation you can do the following:

  1. Take care of yourself and your appearance
    . Self-improvement and spiritual growth are very important! Love yourself and make others admire you. If your husband begins to be interested in other women, it means that he no longer sees you as a worthy interlocutor and a desirable woman.
  2. Give your spouse complete freedom of action. Say that you value trust and will not humiliate yourself with constant surveillance and surveillance.
  3. Find yourself in a new specialty. Do something you love, a hobby. Meet new people, communicate. Enjoy life to the fullest.
  4. If you have children, never turn them against their father. Even if the family is destined to break up, children should know that dad still loves them.
  5. Don't carry the entire burden of your family on your shoulders. You and your spouse have equal responsibilities. Trust your children with your husband. Make time for yourself. When a father spends a lot of time with his children, he no longer has the strength to date other women.
  6. Always speak honestly and openly with your spouse.
  7. Look around and think. Is there really a person next to you who is worthy of you? If this is not your partner, perhaps it is not worth tormenting both of them. Remember that you deserve the best.

Fact of betrayal or guesswork?

When the average girl finds out that a guy is cheating with his ex-girlfriend , the first thing she experiences is a shock, an emotional outburst, because of which she may say or do something, after which she will regret it, for this reason we asked to calm down, because in most cases, knowledge about treason is unreliable. In what cases should you not cut from the shoulder? Examples:

  • Correspondence on a social network, where there is no hint of spending time in bed (at this age, most separated couples maintain friendly relations, and since they were previously close, the dialogues take on a softer, more gentle form);
  • A friend or boyfriend's friend reported (everyone has spiteful critics, close friends, acquaintances and friends, even the best are no exception, your best friend might like your boyfriend or she decided to take revenge on you for something you don't even know about, a cheater's friend might fall in love in you - you can’t count the stories on your fingers, so you shouldn’t trust people’s words, it’s more advisable to ask the question “For what purpose did he/she report the betrayal of a loved one?”);
  • Hugging when meeting, communicating in the same company (such gestures do not always determine intimacy in a relationship, so do not create a scandal - you will only harm the union).

To determine who the problem is: in you due to obsessive thoughts about your chosen one’s left turns or in him, we have prepared a list of auxiliary materials:

  1. How to understand that a guy is cheating? (the most complete collection of information on identifying a love crime);
  2. How to check a guy for cheating? (the material will help you find out whether your lover is capable of betrayal or not, whether he is greedy for other girls or not);
  3. I suspect the guy of cheating. What to do? (the article helps you understand yourself and find out the reasons why manic jealousy of the object of love arises without apparent reason).

After you manage to identify the truth, start analyzing the last time you spent together (if there was cheating) in order to understand the reason why the guy cheated with his ex , but did not break up with you. If his adventures turned out to be fiction, we think psychological and emotional comfort was obtained.

Why does a guy cheat with his ex-girlfriend?

At a young age, almost 80% of girls tend to give themselves to love completely, putting it first; young people who want to remain in a social environment (in a certain social circle) do not experience strong attachment to the object of desire, since the dominant understanding is that life is long, There will still be time to really feel it. It depends on the guy’s temperament and the everyday form of upbringing.

If his parents give him love, warmth, care and honor his independence, most likely he will grow up to be an egoist and will not feel a strong desire to be loved by someone, much less to love. This is due to the fact that his nature already attracts people and makes them admire him.

If a child grows up in a dysfunctional family or does not receive parental support, or periodically observes an unhealthy relationship between father and mother, then he will experience a passionate desire to love and be loved. However, due to complexes and phobias, it is difficult to find a common language with him, come to an agreement and make contact, because he has not developed the skills necessary for good interaction with girls. Which of them is capable of treason? Both.

A guy with any type of character can change, but their ultimate goals are different. If for an egoist this is a one-time need that has no obligations and can occur without experiencing feelings, then for a “phobia-bearer” the goal is different. Such a guy will start looking for a new darling only if he does not receive full or partial warmth from the girl he is dating. It is more advisable to discuss these points with the guy before a joint proof of love in bed.

If we are talking about an ex-girlfriend, then the egoist will not elevate this act as something divine and majestic, but will treat it as a friendly act. The carrier phobia will change at the moment when things are close to separation. You can learn about other reasons and nuances from this material: Why do guys cheat? Causes.

Reasons for spiritual and physical betrayal

The reasons for betrayal lie deep in people's subconscious and sometimes visible reasons are only a trigger.

General motives for breaking up family relationships

  • Lack of attention;
  • Low financial situation;
  • Lack of work for the wife due to the presence of small children;
  • Different interests, beliefs. Lack of common ground;
  • Lack of sexual passion;
  • Monotony, monotony.

Psychological reasons

  • Lack of family values. The impossibility of accepting true paternity and motherhood. Many people consider themselves real martyrs and do not experience the joy of life due to having a family. It burdens them and makes them suffer;
  • Selfishness and exaltation on a pedestal;
  • Lack of initial feelings when starting a family;
  • Sacrificial attitude towards your loved ones;
  • Lack of mental growth, psychological stupor. Downplaying your capabilities.

The guy cheats with his ex. What to do?

If you have analyzed recent events and figured out why a guy is cheating with his ex, evaluate the coefficient of your emotional and psychological discomfort, the power of beauty and the quality of interaction with the guys around you. If this spit in the back caused a serious resonance in your mood, it is better to separate, since you will not be able to restrain your emotions in his presence, much less kiss, hug and sleep.

For a woman, the main tool for attracting male attention is age and appearance. If you endure bullying of yourself year after year, your self-esteem will decrease, depression and apathy will become your only state, as you become mentally exhausted. Taken together, the above factors, if you break up with a traitor between the ages of 25 and 30, will be difficult to correct, which will reduce your chances of finding new love.

Conclusion: you need to get over yourself when breaking up with a guy, get rid of donated things and contacts with him in order to prevent unauthorized communication with him (everyone knows that a girl, in a fit of emotion, can even restore a relationship, and then regret it).

What NOT to do

Some women make their choice and are ready to save the family with all their might. However, moving towards their cherished goal, they make serious mistakes. If the husband corresponds with his ex-girlfriend, then in this case the wife does NOT need to do the following:

  • Cry, scream, make scandals, call for pity. All of the above emotions do not increase the significance of a person, but decrease them. By doing this, you show your defenselessness in front of your spouse and the situation as a whole. In any case, men respect and love only self-sufficient women;
  • Follow the man. Read personal correspondence on the Internet or phone, control every step. Mistrust breeds even greater secrecy. The forbidden fruit is becoming more and more tempting. Remember! Your husband is an independent person. He is not your material property and can be completely independently responsible for his actions. Your goal is not to monitor and carefully control the behavior of your loved one. You must make your husband ready to give up other women and flirting on his own;
  • Challenging a rival to a duel is, to say the least, useless. In addition to the unpleasant communication for you, after the meeting, you can feel like a complete insignificance, a humiliated and insulted person.


Among the large list of signs of infidelity, several groups of characteristic signs of infidelity can be distinguished. It is these indicators that you need to pay attention to at the first suspicion of deception on the part of a loved one:

  1. Psychological
  2. Physiological
  3. Behavioral

It is easier for a woman to assess her emotional and physical state if you see each other every day, spend the night and live together. But even when a relationship is just beginning, it won’t hurt to take note of a few tips and use them when the opportunity arises.


Infidelity will definitely leave its mark on a woman’s character. Keep an eye on her for a few days. The liar will be nervous, irritable, secretive. Notice every little detail and the truth will come out.

You can suspect that a friend has a lover based on the following psychological signs:

  • The beloved agrees to dates less often. Meetings are postponed for a variety of reasons: illness, fatigue, lack of mood.
  • The girl deliberately provokes quarrels. The conflict breaks out out of nowhere, the woman refuses to communicate with her partner, and does not forgive the offense for a long time.
  • Your loved one talks about breaking up more often. This phrase ends any minor disagreement.
  • The woman's gaze became disdainful. A man feels coldness from his beloved, detachment.
  • The girl began to agree to long business trips for work. In this case, look for a lover among your partner’s colleagues.
  • My beloved returns late from school or work. Refers to heavy workload: session, emergency. Try to ask her about her affairs in more detail. Surely, she will not answer anything intelligible.
  • The girl meets with her friends a lot, goes to corporate events without you. She doesn’t agree to take her husband and boyfriend with her, because “all girlfriends are without men.” Check if this is true.
  • Avoids intimacy with a regular partner. This is the most important sign of betrayal. A woman’s coldness in bed is explained by the man’s emotional rejection. The desire for intimacy is directed towards another.
  • He no longer admits that he misses, loves, adores you. Nowadays there is only one ideal man for a woman - her lover. Feelings for your ex are gradually cooling down.

Important! If you are convinced that girls are cheating on you, try to bring the deceiver to a frank conversation. But don’t use force or intimidation, you won’t achieve anything. If she is dear to you, then you need to understand why your beloved took this step, try to change the situation, or simply break up forever.

By correspondence

It is difficult to understand that a girl is cheating if you are at a great distance from each other. The partner cannot see the eyes of his beloved or evaluate changes in behavior. It remains to analyze the correspondence.

The main signs of treason in this case will be:

  • My friend writes and calls much less often than before.
  • Replies to messages are short, monosyllabic.
  • If a guy calls without warning, the girl gets irritated and tries to end the conversation faster.
  • The woman stopped using affectionate nicknames when addressing her lover.
  • Rarely appears online.
  • Constantly talks about employment, invitations to guests or business meetings at work. This explains the lack of time to communicate with your loved one.
  • Hints at a desire to break up or openly writes a letter that she has fallen out of love.
  • I removed the photo of you together from my profile.

Important! SMS on social networks and conversations on the phone are not an accurate method of exposing infidelity. If suspicions still creep in, find time for a personal meeting and talk with your beloved, looking into her eyes.


It’s easy to find out for sure whether a girl is cheating by certain physiological signs, but only if you have an intimate relationship. To check, you need to see the body of your beloved, inhale its smell and have sex. A girl will not pass the test if:

  • She smells like men's perfume.
  • The vagina feels wider and deeper.
  • There are scratches, bruises, and redness on the body that were not there at the time of the last intimacy with you.
  • She does not experience pleasure from sex, cannot cum, does not relax.
  • The genitals smell tart, not as pleasant as before.

Important! Remember that as women get closer to their period, the smell and size of the vagina also change, so don’t focus on these points during PMS.

Girl's behavior after cheating

Immediately after cheating, girls change their behavior and habits, if infidelity, of course, is not commonplace for them. The following facts may be a sign of “on the side”:

  • Immediately after arriving home, the girl runs to the shower. She will try to wash away the smell of another man and put her appearance in order.
  • In the evenings and mornings, she receives strange messages from “Katya, Sveta,” a stranger to you. These can be wishes for good night, good day with emoticons, kisses. The woman quickly deletes them, and when she reads them, she smiles mysteriously.
  • Talking on the phone with the door closed. When receiving calls from a number you don’t recognize, he goes into another room, bath or toilet, and turns on the water so that no one can hear the conversation.
  • Manifestations of tenderness and love are abruptly replaced by irritability and rejection. This is how guilt manifests itself. According to many unfaithful wives, they become very ashamed of cheating, they have a desire to hug their husband, caress him, but at the same time there is a feeling of disgust for his body.
  • The woman diligently avoids eye contact with her partner. If a girl has not yet learned to lie to a guy, she is afraid that her eyes will give away her secret.
  • I began to notice shortcomings in my loved one, to make complaints about appearance and social status. The criticism reaches the point of absurdity, and you feel that you are greatly irritating your partner. This behavior is explained by the fact that the woman compares her chosen ones and will soon make the final choice.

Important! According to family psychologists, only 10-15 out of a hundred couples manage to improve their lives after infidelity. Therefore, for the sake of children and social status, some spouses turn a blind eye to infidelity and wait for their partner to have some fun and “go crazy.” This is especially true for the crisis age from 35 to 45 years.

How to find out with 100% accuracy

False and unjustified accusations against a woman of treason will lead to quarrels and separation. Not every girl will be able to tolerate the “Moor” next to her and make excuses for what she didn’t do. But there are several reliable signs of infidelity. Using them, treason can be proven with 100% accuracy. These changes in behavior are more often associated with a woman’s appearance and the expansion of her social circle. For example:

  • The wife dramatically changes her image. Makeup and wardrobe become brighter and catchier.
  • I began to take better care of myself and was actively losing weight. The girl constantly talks about how she wants to be better, more beautiful, and has signed up for fitness and a massage therapist, although she didn’t even want to think about going to the gym before.
  • It takes longer to get ready for work or college. He spins around in front of the mirror, notices any flaw in clothing or hairstyle and gets very upset if he doesn’t look perfect.
  • Your loved one often receives calls from unfamiliar numbers.
  • The partner has set a password on her smartphone. He carries his phone with him, hides numbers and messages from the guy. The girl became very suspicious and cautious. This is a signal that she has a secret.
  • He comes home from school or work in the same car with a colleague or classmate. Of course, they may always have their own path, but it wouldn’t hurt to ask your beloved about this.
  • Plans to go to a resort by the sea alone or with a friend. This is a signal that the girl needs more time free from her relationship with you. This behavior indicates the presence of a boyfriend or lack of love in the couple, or an approaching separation.

You cannot notice these signs of infidelity in one go; watch your loved one. Be sure to ask questions about what is happening to her. Maybe she is trying to change for you and is preparing a surprise for your birthday, so she communicates on the phone secretly.

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