Why did the husband stop loving his wife and is it possible to fix everything?

Has the husband stopped loving his wife? How can a woman understand this and what should her wife do if this is actually the case? Recommendations and advice from psychologists are most effective in this situation. First, let's look at the signs of a spouse's indifference to his other half and prevention so that these problems avoid your family. The wife must fully understand the man’s motives and study his psychological state. Only after this is it worth setting a goal for yourself: to return the feelings of your chosen one, to warm them up with your active actions, or to let the man go on all four sides.

We will also consider factors that indirectly and directly influence the process of relationships in married couples and the adoption of important decisions that determine their future status.

My husband has fallen out of love: how to understand and what should a woman do?

A man and a woman are lying on the bed and looking at the ceiling.
The woman’s thoughts: “Silent. Doesn't want to talk. Surely he has already stopped loving me, he has someone else. The relationship is over." The man’s thoughts: “Fly. There’s a fly on the ceiling... How is it holding on?” author unknown

  • 1. Husband doesn’t love his wife: signs
  • 2.What should the wife do?
  • 3. Advice from a psychologist
  • 4. Warm up love or say goodbye
  • 100% signs that your husband is cheating on you
  • Wife Annoys Her Husband: What She Should NOT Do
  • How do you know if your wife is cheating?
  • What kind of wife should she be in order to be able to win her husband away from her mistress?
  • How to stop your husband from talking to his ex once and for all

The essence of the problem

Almost every family goes through difficult periods, disagreements and misunderstandings. Sometimes family life improves over time, sometimes you have to leave forever. In any case, each spouse should try to survive such a moment with dignity and without unnecessary hassle.

The wife often has no idea what to do if a husband stops loving his wife, exacerbating an already difficult situation with her attempts to restore the family. First of all, it is necessary to understand the reasons for this behavior of a man - whether this is a real problem or a fictitious one. Then you can decide whether it is worth fighting to save the family.

Most often, women, due to their emotionality, perceive even just their husband’s fatigue or lack of mood for some reason as a loss of her husband’s feelings for her. Then causeless insults and even quarrels can really lead to what the woman fears so much.

It is necessary to analyze the current situation, how often and how long periods of a man’s indifference last. If such cases are repeated regularly, then there is cause for concern.

Do not do this under any circumstances! Mistakes of wives

It is difficult to contain your emotions and think through further actions when your husband says that he has fallen out of love. Most women make typical mistakes that negatively affect the situation. What you should not do under any circumstances:

  1. Start a relationship with another man. Wanting to make her husband jealous, a wife may end up in the bed of another man. But this will only speed up the separation, because he has a good reason for leaving.
  2. To evoke pity. There is no need to invent non-existent illnesses, quit your job, or talk about your failure. This will only cause aggression and irritation in your loved one.
  3. Manipulate children. Many men love their children, but by trying to play on paternal feelings, a representative of the fairer sex will not achieve what she wants. On the contrary, the husband may want to take the child for himself.

Getting over a breakup is difficult, but maintaining a friendly relationship with your spouse is even more difficult. Whatever you decide - to let go of your loved one or fight for your family, it won’t hurt to seek help from a psychologist. Invite your spouse to make an appointment together with a family analyst. It is likely that working together in a specialist’s office will revive former love.

Signs of fading feelings

Psychologists identify the main signs that make it possible to determine that a husband’s past feelings have really passed:

  1. A man stops showing his feelings: he doesn’t hug, doesn’t kiss, doesn’t show signs of attention. When his wife tries to kiss him, he tries to avoid touching him.
  2. He does not share his problems with his wife, as before, does not talk about events happening at work, does not discuss important events, does not consult before an important choice, that is, he protects his personal space in every possible way and tries to spend all his free time outside the home.
  3. Constantly criticizes the actions of his wife, finds fault with little things - he doesn’t like the food he prepares, the shirt is ironed incorrectly, etc., not paying attention to the efforts made and the actual successes of the wife.
  4. Lack of respect for the other half: constant insults and humiliation of the spouse during quarrels, unpleasant statements about her appearance or clothing.
  5. During the day he never calls to inquire about his wife, the affairs of the house, or the children.
  6. Sexual life is reduced to a minimum; the man perceives it as a heavy duty, without showing any interest or initiative.
  7. Stops talking about himself and his spouse as family.
  8. He is reluctant to accept various family dinners and avoids heart-to-heart conversations.
  9. Lack of reasons to share laughter and joy. Psychologists believe that if spouses no longer laugh together at something, if there is no humor in the relationship, then this is a bad sign.

  10. A man stops worrying and feeling sorry for his wife, stops helping her in difficult times, especially during her illness and other difficulties.
  11. A woman ceases to feel a sense of security and reliability next to her husband, and the husband does not consider his family to be his backyard.
  12. If a man cheats on his wife not just physically, but also mentally, that is, he develops feelings for another woman, then, as a rule, the family falls apart.

Of course, in every family such signs are purely individual; sometimes it is very difficult to understand that a man has stopped loving his wife if there was no trusting and close relationship from the beginning. But if a woman has really not lost interest in her husband and is trying to save the family, then it is necessary, first of all, to understand the reasons for this man’s behavior.

He LOVED YOUR EX and not me - Fact

While communicating with girls who met on a dating site and quickly entered into a relationship with an unfamiliar man, I noticed a recurring nuance.

After some time, it often turns out that the guy’s relationship just recently ended. And he still has feelings for his previous girlfriend. And I came to the site precisely in order to “heal the wound from parting.” At the same time, the new woman can be sure that the man is with her with all his heart.

But, no, he’s just licking his wounds, distracted, so to speak.

The situation is extremely unpleasant and is fraught with the possibility that if the ex suddenly decides to rehabilitate the relationship. Then he, without hesitation, leaves the new girl for the old one.

Ah, you have already fallen in love. We have already set up plans. And, in their thoughts, they created a family and had children with this man.

He returns to his ex, and you are left with a broken heart and bitter thoughts: “He never loved me. He loved his ex, not me." It’s true, he never loved you.

That is why I always urge women and girls - look at him for at least six months! Take your time to make plans and dream about your wedding! It is likely that the man’s head and heart are still with his ex. Therefore, you can meet, communicate, and slowly find out from him what’s on his mind.

Take your time with plans and conclusions

Our wonderful psychologist M. Litvak has the concept of “production stage of relationships.” According to this concept, the strongest relationships are possible when you have gone through the production stage together.

In other words, we worked together and studied together. It is in this case that you observe a person for a long time, what kind of character he has. Was he in a relationship? And, if so, what happened to his relationship with his ex?

In modern conditions, when the vast majority of people meet not necessarily through the production stage, but through dating sites, it is very important NOT TO HURRY TO CONCLUSIONS! So that there would be no bitter disappointments later “He just didn’t love me. He loves someone else, not me.”

If he never loved you and still loves someone else, and not you, we can only accept this reality and experience it as a loss.

Yes, it's a loss. This is the destruction of illusion, and it hurts. But the faster you realize the truth for yourself - that he loves his ex, and not you, the faster your healing will occur.

Why? Because while we are in illusion and hope, we remain the head in these relationships. Even if you physically left them.

But, as soon as we have accepted the bitter, painful truth for ourselves, from that moment we are able to psychologically get out of these relationships that we don’t need. And we can let the person go. We can forget this man forever.

Reasons for my husband's coldness

Sometimes a man in a marriage actually loses interest in his wife for a while. This may be due to stressful situations, problems at work, financial problems, the appearance of children, ill health, etc. Such problems are often temporary in nature, and with joint efforts they can be overcome and return to previous feelings. It is much more serious if the reason for the cooling of feelings is the appearance of sympathy for another woman. What pushes a man to have an affair? Both the wife and the husband can be to blame for this, and sometimes both.

The wife is to blame

The main mistake of many women is that after marriage they turn into a kind of “house hens” - constantly busy with household chores, devoting all their time to home and the child, and stop taking care of themselves, never getting out of their dressing gowns and slippers on their feet.

In the eyes of a man, such a woman ceases to be intriguing and desirable, romance and acuity of feelings disappear. She stops giving her husband the love and attention that she had in the beginning. He does not see in her the woman who previously looked so attractive and well-groomed.

In such a situation, it is quite easy to regain your man's interest. The main thing is to remember that you need to be not only a mother and a housewife, but also a beautiful and seductive woman. You should always look decent - neat hair, beautiful clothes. You also need to develop intellectually, do what you love (for example, study foreign languages, the history of the ancient world, draw, write novels, etc.). The main thing is that the husband always sees an interesting, mysterious woman with self-esteem next to him.

The reason is in the man himself

There has always been an opinion that it is very difficult to understand a woman. However, modern psychologists argue that it is much more difficult to understand male psychology and the reasons for quarrels in the family.

As a rule, the most common reasons for such behavior in men are as follows:

  1. Stress from responsibility in family life, especially during the birth of a child.
  2. Personal complexes of a man who cannot cope with the role of husband, father, head of the family.
  3. Banal avoidance from responsibility and family problems, spoiledness, selfishness due to the upbringing received.
  4. Financial insolvency or, conversely, a feeling of permissiveness due to a large amount of money (I buy myself all the pleasures).
  5. I liked another woman.

In this case, the efforts of one wife will not help save the relationship; the desire of the man himself is necessary.

Psychologist's advice

Experienced psychologists recommend starting with yourself in any matter.
If a husband is indifferent to his wife, then the problem is with her. A woman needs to love herself, understand her inner world, and tune in to love. When a girl is open to love, the one she has chosen as her companion has no choice but to be by her side. Don’t overdo it in your search for self-love, because a man, in a fit of jealousy, is capable of ill-considered actions when defending his property; first, explain to him that at the moment he is free from responsibility for your relationship together.

Love and respect go side by side; they cannot “live” in married couples separately from each other. Psychologists advise letting go of the situation, and in the most critical moments, the man, and if he doesn’t leave, show respect to your loved one and leave yourself. True feelings are tested at a distance; a change in relationship status will make a man think and look differently at his spouse and his behavior.

Strong-willed women do not worry about their husband’s feelings; they think about their independence and love for their common home. This could be children, a joint business, material assets, or even a summer house.

When a woman has something to find an outlet for her emotions, she has no time to think about the love states of her husband, she takes him in her arms and gives free rein to her joint emotions. During this period of activity, a surge of hormones returns bright colors to relationships even in the most advanced age of a married couple. A man behaves as loyally as possible after such events.

In the following table, we will analyze the main actions of the wife to strengthen the relationship and the man’s reaction to them:

Wife's actionsHusband's reaction
Dedicates all her free time to her husbandAt first he's happy, then he gets bored
Interested in his affairs and hobbiesIn response, interest in his wife’s affairs appears
Organizes a trip or tripIf he is happy, then all the bonuses will be for his wife
Changes the image and style of clothingIs surprised, seduced, or indignant
Emits only positive emotionsGets charged, responds in kind, or gets irritated if there is little sincerity
Captivates with fresh stories and storiesGets involved, gets closer, relaxes
Flirts, makes advances, seducesAnswers or closes

Depending on the husband’s reaction to active actions, the spouse can understand in detail how critical their relationship is.
He simply does not notice his wife in order to temporarily relax or he has a completely different life on his mind. For a targeted check on the husband’s psyche using the active technique of specialists, try to identify all the requests and needs of the spouse. All problems can go away on their own in cases where it is possible to find the root or germ of misunderstanding. What to do if your husband has fallen out of love, treats you badly, begins to let loose and be rude:

  • get a divorce and find a better option for yourself;
  • change radically and regain feelings;
  • force your husband to apologize and change his principles and attitude towards marriage;
  • stopped loving - unworthy of such a wonderful woman, put pressure on self-esteem;
  • together go to a psychologist for recommendations and do an internship.

In fact, most women are fixated on the theory of relationships, knowing how to do the right thing, but they are embarrassed by something at the last moment, and obediently submit to the actions of the man.
Train courage, boldness and bravery, know that the words and emotional background of your speeches can turn a man on and make him a toy in the hands of a powerful woman. He will have no choice but to understand that he is losing his only love and the relationship will sparkle with a fresh overflow of feelings.

How can you try to save your family?

Whether to save the family or not should be decided by the woman herself, based on her feelings, analysis of the situation and her husband’s behavior. No one can know a better man than her. She must decide for herself whether she can make efforts to renew the relationship, whether she agrees to wait until her husband’s crisis passes and he loves her again.

What is recommended for a woman to do to renew her feelings:

  1. If at least some relationship has been preserved, and the spouses continue to live together, then you can organize an interesting trip to romantic places where you can be alone.
  2. Persuade your husband and seek a solution to the problem from a psychologist.
  3. More often praise a man for his merits, existing and imaginary, and show gratitude for his actions. A man should feel significant and exceptional.
  4. Be sincerely interested in your husband’s affairs at work.
  5. Drastically change your appearance - get a new stylish hairstyle, makeup, buy a couple of seductive things; try to show your strengths.
  6. Try to talk with your husband about topics that interest him, to develop common interests that will help you get closer.
  7. Always be in a good mood, radiating positivity, prepare his favorite dishes for your husband’s arrival, and organize small surprises.
  8. Love and respect yourself. As people say, “if you don’t love yourself, no one will.”
  9. Give yourself and your actions some mystery, make your husband interested in you. Sometimes it is even useful to make him a little jealous, so that he understands that in front of him is a very interesting woman who will never be left without male attention. To do this, you can arrange a meeting with your friend in advance so that she will call you in front of her husband, and awkwardly apologize and fly out of the house, having previously dressed up. Let a man have a reason to sit wondering where his wife went.

Hold on at all costs

Some representatives of the fair sex refuse to believe that there is no more love and begin to fight for their spouse. When choosing such a line of behavior, you need to decide why you need to maintain such a marriage. If it seems to a wife that she will not be able to continue living without a life partner, that another man will not want to connect his life with her, and her appearance, age or the presence of children will not allow her to arrange her personal life, it is better to seek help from a specialist. Such behavior is not love, but more like emotional dependence on a partner.

What is it better not for a woman to do if her husband stops loving her?

Often a woman who has decided that her husband no longer loves her begins to rush around, committing stupid and rash acts, thereby alienating her man even more.

So, here is a list of what a woman should not do:

  1. Arrange a showdown with scandals and hysterics. Nothing can be achieved in this way, and it is quite likely to provoke a complete break.
  2. You should not impose yourself on a man, call and stalk him, trying to return his feelings, press for pity and show how bad and lonely a woman is without him. Pity will never replace love.
  3. If you suspect the presence of another woman, do not behave like an investigator - constantly check your husband’s phone and computer, call your husband’s friends and colleagues, spy on him, make scandals for your mistress, and even engage in assault. Such measures, as life has shown, will also not help save the family and return the love of the spouse.
  4. Blackmail your husband with children, money, an apartment, or by making his adventures public to others.
  5. Listen less to the advice of your friends.
  6. You cannot remain completely indifferent, consoling yourself with the illusion that everything will work out on its own and your husband will throw himself at your feet again; do not feel sorry for yourself and do not constantly blame yourself or your husband, endlessly delving into this problem.

Thus, if a man still has some feelings, then you can always try to resolve the issue together, without involving relatives, girlfriends or friends. We must remember mutual trust and respect. If the connection between the spouses still remains, then love can be returned. And if there are no feelings, then no measures will help.

As psychologists say, in such a situation there are only 2 options:

  1. It is possible to rehabilitate relationships, restore old feelings between spouses if the man is ready and willing to change, and make efforts to preserve the family.
  2. If a man has fallen in love with another, if it is impossible to save the family, then it is best to part with dignity, without unnecessary scandals and mutual insults, and try to maintain friendly relations for the sake of the children.

What's next

If your husband loves you, and his coldness is a result of fatigue, then he should hear you and understand how much you miss him. Another question is if the relationship has stopped at the same level and there is no progress. Here the idea arises: is it worth fighting for a person who doesn’t care? He continues to keep his distance and does not notice your attempts to improve the relationship.

Many in such situations either disperse or continue to live in alienation, tolerating such an attitude towards themselves and taking it for granted.

If you are in doubt, then, nevertheless, I think it is worth fighting for love, because you once had reciprocity, you spent time together and experienced the most tender feelings for each other. Every family has crises, but this is not a reason to get divorced and lose all ties. It’s better to try, but if it doesn’t work out, then you won’t be blamed for not even trying to save love.

Proper separation

Of course, it happens that no actions on the part of the wife help, and the husband made the final decision - to leave. Then you need to make sure that everything has been done to save the family, and, placing responsibility on him, let him go. If your husband stops loving you, what should you do? You can’t hold him against his will, but you can give him the opportunity to figure it out, to be alone with himself, even to try a new family life. In most cases, men repent.

If repentance never overtook him, then why love someone to whom you mean nothing? Happiness is the work of man, and life is very short. Live and breathe deeply, it means yours is yet to come!

If it is impossible to save the family, especially if there are children in it, you should not have a negative attitude towards the children and thus take revenge on your husband. On the contrary, remain friendly, wish your husband happiness, and explain to your child that this is life and, unfortunately, not everything in it happens according to our ideas. If your husband stops loving you, what should you do? In this case, remember this truth: what is good for one case is not suitable for another! Therefore, in no case should you “show off the heat” - everything needs to be weighed and, with a cautious approach, try to restore the relationship.

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