How to confess your love to a boy and not ruin everything?

During school or college years, falling in love for the first time is discouraging for both girls and boys. Timid and ardent feelings ask to come out, and the girls do not waste time.

The hours when the languid girl sighed sadly at the window, waiting for her beloved, have sunk into the past. In the modern world, young representatives of the fairer sex, without thinking twice, do not hide their feelings and take the first step towards their other half. There are several interesting ways to present a declaration of love to a guy.

Important Tips for a Shy 9-Year-Old Girl

There are many shy people like you. And therefore, they also have their own recipes for happiness. Here is one of them:

  • Make it a rule to smile at yourself in front of the mirror, remember how you smiled, and then smile at school. No, no, not to the one you like (you and I both understand that this is not easy), but to completely different five boys. 5 such smiles a day are enough for you, but you need to do this all week;
  • Have you learned to smile and can you easily cope with it? Now you need to ask each of them 1 question. You will have to prepare your questions in advance. Let them be the simplest: “You learned what we were asked” and “How are you?” You do this all week;
  • It's time to repeat it all for Him: the smile and the question. Stock up on questions for the whole week, and ask Him different questions every day;
  • Now you can tell Him what you have long wanted. You will: Smile. Question. And only now: “I have long wanted to tell you that I think you are wonderful!”

Chapter for parents: what to do if your child falls in love at 10–12 years old?

Dear parents, if you are reading this article now, then we can congratulate you! Your baby has become quite an adult and has learned what love is. There are several golden rules for parents whose child aged 10–12 years has fallen in love. It will be useful to remember them and apply them in practice:

  1. Take children's love seriously and do not devalue it. Don’t take your child’s feelings with a grin, and especially don’t make fun of your child out loud. Firstly, there is nothing funny or vicious about childhood falling in love. And secondly, the child may lose trust in you if you do not take his first feelings seriously. It is possible that this sympathy is really frivolous and unpromising, but your son or daughter is just starting his life.
  2. Don't make your child feel ashamed. If your offspring fell in love at the age of 10–12, then this feeling also has the right to life, and there is nothing shameful in it. Do not create complexes in your child. After all, by condemning his attraction, you can completely discourage him from falling in love. Children at a subconscious level very easily record negative attitudes given by their parents. Think through every word while talking with your child in love. After all, right now the child’s psyche is more vulnerable than ever.
  3. Don't stop your children from dating. If your child falls in love with someone, and this feeling is mutual, you should not interfere with communication between lovers. Strict prohibitions are unthinkable in the case of young romantics. It is clear that you are worried about your son or daughter and do not want your child to do something stupid. However, drastic measures will not help prevent trouble, but will only strengthen the wall between you. It’s better to talk confidentially with your child and explain the dangers of early relationships.
  4. Take an interest in your child's personal life. After you find out that your child has fallen in love, do not forget to ask him how things are going. This way, you will always be up to date and will not miss anything important. Remember that a genuine interest in your child’s affairs will help you and your child become true friends. This means that your child will come to you to share not only his successes at school, but also his joys and troubles in his personal life.
  5. Support him no matter what. No matter how the relationship develops between your child and his chosen one, do not judge him and provide support. We all made mistakes in our youth, so there is no point in reproaching a child. Give him the opportunity to learn from his own experience, have a heart-to-heart talk, and advise him on something useful. The child will be grateful and in the next difficult situation will come to you for help, and not to friends from the street.

Talk to your teenager more, discuss pressing problems, teach him to show his feelings correctly and not be ashamed of them. Show how to behave in relationships by your own example. Love your child, respect his feelings and do not keep him locked up for fear of the consequences of his falling in love. Even at 10–12 years old, children have their own head on their shoulders if their parents showed wisdom in their upbringing.

A few little tips for a 10 year old girl

If you like your deskmate (did we guess it right?), then you can consider yourself lucky because you have a wonderful opportunity to get to know him better.

  • Does he have a sweet tooth? Then treat him to something tasty. Now we can admit: “I like to share with you.”
  • Is he an excellent student? Why not tell him: “I’m with you, I’m interested!”
  • He is a sportsman? Then the words of recognition could be: “You are so strong and dexterous, how great it is that we are sitting together! It’s like you’re protecting me!”

If there is no reciprocity

If there is no response from a man for a long time, there is silence in the messages, there are probably two outcomes. Either the guy is shocked by what he heard, or the feelings are not mutual. To test the first theory, you should wait a few days for an answer. There is no need to bombard him with messages, questions, or call him every hour at this time. Let your loved one think it over calmly. Perhaps he will gather his thoughts and arrive with an armful of roses. Otherwise, do not lose heart and become depressed.

So what should you do if you confessed your love, opened up to a guy, but he doesn’t feel the same and rejected you? There are several taboos in this case:

  • do not give in to emotions, do not write angry messages or insult him;
  • no need to impose, beg to be together, don’t bombard your loved one with hundreds of messages, don’t call.

You need to respect your chosen one and accept his answer with dignity. You opened up and stopped being tormented by unnecessary doubts. Perhaps in the future he will change his mind and become ready for a serious relationship, but for now you can let go. Now you know for sure that you can take the first step, that you are a confident and strong person. Let this loss be a great lesson and help you look at other guys differently. Probably, while you were busy, there was that one person nearby who was trying in every possible way to show his affection.

How to do this at 11 years old

If you understand that he is a good and kind guy, and you are not afraid that he will laugh at your frankness, there are several ways to confess your love to a boy at the age of 11:

  • Simply tell him: “Let’s be friends with you”;
  • Ask him: “I want to be your friend. And you are mine”;
  • Ask for a little help: “Can you teach me? I want you to teach me.”

Wait until you go on some kind of trip, for example, to visit grandma or on vacation, it doesn’t matter. When you return and meet him, you can confess to him: “I remembered about you there.”

How to confess your love to a boy and not ruin everything?


Love is a wonderful feeling that does not need to be hidden at all. There is nothing shameful or indecent about it. Often, girls, for many reasons, are afraid to confess their love to a boy and do not know how to do it. After all, since ancient times it has been generally accepted that it is the young man who must take the first step towards starting a relationship. Of course, this may be correct. However, many modern girls are much more confident in themselves than guys.

By the way, I believe that now it is girls who deserve the title “stronger sex”. They boldly participate in male sports, take on male responsibilities at home (hammering a nail is no problem!), later occupy leadership positions at work and protect children from hooligans on the street. So why not be the first to say about your feeling, especially about such a wonderful one?

  • If you’re not at all ready to confess your love to a boy like this, right off the bat, then try writing a note to the object of your affection. Tell it about how you feel and ask how HE looks at it? It’s possible, of course, that the boy has no idea about your feelings, but what if it’s the other way around...?

The best way is to pass the note secretly. You can, through a trusted person or with the help of a second note, inform about where the treasured message will be located. For example, at school you can leave the classroom during a lesson and put a letter on the windowsill next to the office where your lover is studying. Just calculate the time correctly so as not to run into him nose to nose at the “crime scene.” After this adventure, you will be able to understand from the boy’s behavior whether he guessed who the note was from and WHAT he thinks about it.

I remember one story that happened before my eyes. My classmate fell in love, but could not confess her love to a boy from a parallel class. She was a very good girl and she had many friends. All the girls tried to help her with advice and support. We decided to write the guy a note. They wrote collectively, with all the female members of the class. It turned out to be a tender and romantic essay; probably, each of us put in the words that we would like to say to our beloved guy.

During recess, a “spy” was sent into his class, she scouted out the situation and placed a note under the textbooks. And they also warned a girl from his class to watch him more closely. We were looking forward to the end of the lesson, everyone wanted to know the boy’s reaction.

According to the stories of his classmate, when he saw the note and read it, he first began to look at the girls who were sitting at the desks next door. But seeing that none of them was paying attention - everyone was writing the teacher’s next assignment - he re-read the note several more times. It was clear that he was intrigued, to say the least.

Then there was a day off, that is, the guy had to guess for another day. And on Monday, my classmate made an appointment with him after school.

We all waited with bated breath to see how this date would end. When she returned, she said that the guy was not only surprised, but also delighted that the note was from her. After all, he liked her too, but the boy himself was very shy to take the first step. Eh, there is still happiness in life and the ability to feel a person from a distance!

Try the same maneuver. Perhaps you will receive a reply note soon...

  • If you are ready to say EVERYTHING directly, then you can invite him for a walk after class. Think up and create some romantic atmosphere , choose a suitable place and go for it! Maybe this particular place will become YOURS in the future. Start a conversation on an abstract topic, then gradually bring it to the desired one . If the boy is not a fool, he will understand what you are driving at, and, like a true gentleman, will take upon himself the first recognition.

This is, of course, if he likes you too . You will understand this by talking to him alone. If there are no prerequisites for thinking about his sympathy, then there is no point in starting the planned conversation. Everything will be clear to you. And the fact that you invited him for a walk, hmm, argue that you need some kind of help or male advice.

  • using SMS . Write to him about your feelings. If he is interested in you, he will reciprocate. But this option is also possible: the boy will just come up and laugh in your face. Do not panic! There is a way out of this situation. You can easily say that you have the wrong number and the confession was intended for someone else entirely.

You can simply send a cute picture with a hint. If your feeling is mutual, then he will send you an answer . If not, then you can also easily write that you have the wrong number and apologize. Nothing wrong with that. It happens to everyone.

There is a good and easiest way to check his feelings. For example , in a conversation, “accidentally” drop the phrase: “I love you” or “I like you,” and look at his reaction. If you realize that the boy is indifferent to you, then turn everything into a joke. Say that you want to confess your love to one person in the near future, but you don’t know how best to do it, so you decided to rehearse. Believe me, guys are not far-sighted, and he will not guess about the deception. The only condition is that your appearance should not say otherwise. If you suddenly blush or look at him at this moment with loving eyes, you will give yourself away. In this case, this trick will not work. He will figure you out and you will find yourself in an awkward position.

So calculate all possible scenarios in advance so as not to end up in the fool.

The most beautiful declaration of love from a guy

How to confess your love to a boy if you are shy?

Embarrassment is not a reason to refuse possible happiness. Imagine, what if you both like each other, but don’t dare admit it? That would be a shame. Think about how much time you could miss instead of being together. So doubts away! All in your hands.

  • If it’s difficult for you to confess your love to a boy and say exactly these three words “I love you,” then you can, in a conversation, as if by the way, read a poem to the boy and say that you wrote it . Look at his reaction. If he just laughs and says that this is all nonsense, then he is a complete ass and doesn’t even know about your sympathy. Perhaps he is simply indifferent to you, and therefore will not understand the hint.

But if your feelings are mutual, he will definitely praise the poems. Here you can give him a hint, like, what if these poems were intended for him? This way, you can simply tactfully push him to make the long-awaited confession, without knowing it, himself.

  • If you have a faithful friend, then you should use her help . For example, convey your feelings through her and wait for an answer. Perhaps he himself has been in love with you for a long time, but he also does not know how to take the first step. If you hear from a friend that a boy doesn’t like you, then act out a scene with her as if you had a fight. Let these rumors reach him. If he asks you anything, then roll up your innocent eyes and make the excuse that your “ex-girlfriend” simply impudently slandered you.

This way you will not only find out the truth about the boy’s feelings, but also get out of a possible sticky situation with dignity.

  • Think, maybe he also has a good friend who sincerely wishes him happiness. Make his friend and your girlfriend become friends . Soon you will definitely find out all the secrets of your lover. Men are much more talkative than women. And if he likes you... After that, agree with your friend so that she and his friend, in turn, agree on how to set you up.

Turn the situation around in such a way that it’s them, the “assholes,” who conspired behind your back. This is a great reason to talk to the boy you like and “scold” your enterprising friends with him. I think everything will end in your favor.

How to confess your love to a boy if you are not sure that he loves you?

Even if all the signs, as they say, are present, you cannot be 100% sure of the feelings of the other person. After all, someone else's soul is dark. You can show one thing, but feel something completely different. After all, often, I’m sure, you pretended to be indifferent and proudly walked past the object of your sympathy, while in your heart you furiously wanted to rush into his arms.

Therefore, without admitting your feelings, you will never know the truth about his emotions.

  • In order to confess your love to a boy, there are now many ways. You can do this with a phone call or SMS , write an anonymous note or message on the Internet.
  • If you are not sure of his sympathy, then it would be best to start a correspondence on the Internet . ICQ or Skype will do. The main thing is that he does not know who is writing to him. Gradually, in a conversation, you can find out his attitude towards you by casually asking if he likes someone. You can also just make a boy fall in love with you simply by correspondence.
  • Make your communication interesting , but don't give yourself away. When you realize that he is ready for a meeting (perhaps he will offer it to you), then feign surprise, saying that you had no idea that you study at the same school. In fact, it is very easy to deceive a guy, since they have no intuition at all, and, unlike girls, they believe what they are told. Therefore, “noodles on the ears” is precisely the lot of the stronger sex, and not ours, the female one, as men naively assume.
  • Believe me, no matter how scary it is, it’s worth overcoming yourself and confessing your feelings to the object of your sympathy. After all, uncertainty is the worst thing. Even if it turns out that he is indifferent to you, then there will be no reason to hope for anything. Imagine, what if this is so? Then why fantasize in vain and poison your soul with unrealistic dreams.

    Otherwise, if the boy also likes you, it will be a shame to lose so much precious time that you could already give to each other.

    Video: How to confess your love on Valentine's Day?

    Love is priceless and nothing in the world can be better than it. So drive away all unnecessary fears and move forward confidently towards your dream!


Simple truths for a 12-year-old girl in love

Even if you are brave, you still shouldn’t rush into revelations. You have already decided on your feeling, but He may not yet. Take your time to rehearse the words “I like you.” It’s better not to say, but to show Him your sympathy. Pay attention to his interests. Talk to him about his hobbies and share your opinion about the game he plays or the football team he supports.

You can find out information from adults or from the Internet. He will be pleasantly surprised. Ask him a few questions, let him show you his knowledge. And at the end of your conversation you can admit: “Actually, I don’t understand this at all. I just like talking to you .”

How can I tell a boy that I like him?

Shooting with your eyes is often ineffective. Boys sometimes rudely ignore signs of attention due to the fact that they have not yet matured


Don't be offended, act:

  • If you are shy, ask a friend to help you talk, pass a note from you;
  • Try to spend more time with him, pay attention to whether he shows signs of attention. If you feel it, talk;
  • You can send an SMS with text or poetry. But there's a chance he won't take her seriously;
  • Offer to help with homework, it will bring you closer together. Over time, as you communicate, you will become bolder and be able to confess.

Try to look serious when talking in private, and don't laugh. Speak softly, this will win over your interlocutor.

The most important thing, oddly enough, is not to scare him with the phrase: “We need to talk!” This scares the male sex the most.

Hidden love confessions at the age of 13

You are already quite mature and independent, but it is all the more difficult to say about your feelings by choosing the right moment for this. Better yet, it's Valentine's Day.

There are many words and phrases that will tell or hint to him that you like him. In general, hints are a wonderful thing! Choose what you like about him and talk about it. Just let these not be words about his beautiful hairstyle or fashionable jeans, but your assessment of his actions:

  • I like how quickly you work on the computer;
  • I love watching you play basketball;
  • It’s impossible to tear myself away from your stories about the sea.

Where to begin

The main thing is that you don’t need to resort to template texts, fake poems, or come up with something that doesn’t fit into your normal life at all. Guys love with their eyes, it's true, but they also value honesty. Therefore, you cannot radically alter your image just to please a man; you should not confess your love as if trying to seem like a different person. This still cannot last forever, and the one who does not appreciate or perceive the real you is completely superfluous in fate.

It is also worth listening to a number of recommendations regarding everyday behavior. This will prepare the ground before confession, as well as check or even make sure that the feelings are mutual:

  • try to support your chosen one in matters that are significant to him;
  • activate nonverbal urges (smile more often, try to casually touch your hand in a conversation);
  • notice his actions, try to praise and compliment him more.

Watch the reaction carefully. If a guy is in awe of attention, gets lost, or is active in response, then there is every chance of success. If he is cold, ignores any signs of concern, and even worse reacts aggressively, it is better to take care of your emotions. Apparently there is no reciprocity, so is it worth the risk if rudeness or ridicule may follow in response to a declaration of love? Sometimes, in pursuit of popularity, a guy becomes extremely cruel and is able to expose your confession to everyone, followed by bullying.

If you are already 14 years old

If you really decide to confess, first understand what you would like to happen to you next. If you want to be friends with him, then you need to find some words. And if you just want to have fun with him at the disco, then choose others. You see him as your pen pal - look for the next option for explanation.

You have a close friend, and he has a good friend. Agree with a friend and invite them to go somewhere the four of you: to the cinema, to a school disco or for a walk. Ask your friend in advance to start a conversation with his friend, and you could be alone.

First ask him: “Do you want me to confess something to you?” You will understand whether you need to continue or whether it is better to move your conversation to another topic. If you see that he is ready to listen to you, now you can tell him: “I asked that we go together. I wanted to be with you.”

You see that he is listening, then you can continue: “I think about you often.” Or, after inhaling more air, admit: “I’ve liked you for a long time.”

Should you confess your love to a guy?

If you are still not sure whether to confess, it means that you are not confident in yourself or your loved one. Try to figure it out, ask a friend to analyze and help. From the outside you can see...

In case of self-doubt, you can resort to anonymous confession in notes, SMS, social networks from fake pages, through friends.

Being insecure about a guy is another matter. This means that you don't trust him or don't consider him worthy of you. Don’t immediately say that this is not so - everything is possible in the subconscious. In this case, there is no need to talk about feelings. Either wait for the first step on his part, or start dating someone else to distract yourself and cause jealousy.

We're trying to help him make a confession.

You won't try to extract anything from him. You will create such an environment that it will be easy for him to become frank with you. Follow 2 important rules: Be fun. Be kind.

You can be crafty and tell him something like:

  • It's great that you and I are together!
  • Come on, smile, I'm close!
  • Do you want me to not let anyone hurt you?
  • How can I understand what you are thinking about now?
  • If they told me “choose”, I would choose you!

I want to say the cherished words: “I like you” and hear in response: “I like you too.” But you can make sure that words are superfluous and unnecessary, because everything is already clear to both of you without words. It's about dance. When dancing with him, don’t be afraid to look into his eyes and smile at him warmly, so that he understands that you are smiling only at him. What to do if a boy confesses his love? Tell him what's on your heart.

“There are a million of these boys on Earth, but I still dreamed about him,” your grandmother sang many years ago. Ask her about what she did and said at your age when she liked a boy. Believe me, she can tell you the right words, help you choose an interesting gift for him, and discuss with you your plan on how to win His heart.

How to confess without embarrassment via SMS?

The easiest way to confess is via SMS. You send a message to a number without seeing the face of the interlocutor, which is why there is no embarrassment. Otherwise, recognition via SMS and social networks is the same. The difference is probably only in the emoticons. VKontakte stickers provide more opportunities for creativity.

By writing something like “I need you,” “Would you like to be more than friends?” or “I really like you,” don’t panic and wait for the answer. Often a boy may ask: “Are you kidding?”, then answer “No” and give him time to think. He doesn't reciprocate? Then you can always turn the dialogue into a joke.

At what age can teenagers experience their first love?

The feeling of falling in love first overtakes teenagers at the age of 12-16. Relationships between boys and girls change due to increased hormonal levels, and a feeling of adulthood appears. Girls experience the first feelings of affection earlier than boys. This is due to the fact that representatives of the stronger sex mature physically and psychologically later. For this reason, the objects of girlish love are often not peers, but high school students.

Teenage love - hormonal changes

First love at the age of 14 often occurs due to the fault of biological processes in the body. During this period, teenagers tend to look closely at the opposite sex. Therefore, it is not surprising that it is at this age that the first love occurs.

Most schoolchildren are excited by the anticipation of this feeling. They don’t yet know when and where it awaits them, but they are really looking forward to it. Therefore, first love is very desirable and necessary for every person. Feeling teaches teenagers to worry, to experience passion.

Parents need to understand that if your child has not fallen in love or suffered from unrequited love, and also does not worry about the absence of this feeling, then this is not always good. After all, it is better to feel your first love at this age.

The benefits of teenage love

Some couples may last only a few weeks or months. But despite this, such relationships are already beneficial for both parties. In conditions of confidential contact, it is easier for people to recognize each other. They can share their fears, dreams and plans for life. In addition, there is a comparison with the experience of another person. And it is important to understand that without feelings such equivalent communication is simply impossible.

While in a relationship, a teenager learns:

  1. Talk not only about your hobbies and interests, but also listen to your interlocutor. And also give a huge amount of time to your partner so that he can speak out.
  2. They try not to overload each other with their problems and life troubles.
  3. Create a conversation in such a way that it becomes more confidential. To do this, questions are asked about possible problems and personal experiences.
  4. Learns to talk about feelings, and not just about current situations and events.
  5. And also smoothly move from conversation to hugs and kisses.

That is, a person in such a relationship tends to acquire many important skills that he will need throughout his life.

Regarding boys

At the age of 14, girls already understand love as a feeling. And the boys, it would seem, behave absolutely illogically, and sometimes even very strangely. Initially, they tend to express their feelings rather rudely. The thing is that they do not yet know how to cope with these emotions and what happens to them. This is how love manifests itself at 13–14 years old.

Fear and inability to express their feelings can make them look quite stupid. They tend to pinch or push the girl they like or ask her a lot of stupid questions. Moreover, in front of his beloved, he can behave very defiantly, trying to attract attention or look like a real hero in her eyes. It’s also common for male teenagers to stare at the girl they like for a long time. Then approach her and “accidentally” touch her.


Taking the first step is always scary. But modern technologies have simplified life in many ways, since they have made it possible to confess your love to a guy in a test form, by correspondence, in real time and immediately receive an answer. Previously, this required months, which were spent waiting for an answer. Despite the fact that by expressing your feelings you may not hear reciprocity, the decision made to try will greatly transform your life. Refusal strengthens character and makes you stronger, even if you don’t believe it at first. Life is full of love, you just have to look around.

Were you able to confess your love first? Or are you still waiting for the guy's initiative? Write what is more correct: to wait or to decide your own destiny? In any case, let the love be mutual. Good luck!

Parents' reaction

As you know, the feeling of falling in love affects almost all teenagers. And a rather difficult period begins for parents, because it is undesirable to interfere in this process. But despite this, it is necessary to remember that feelings can lead to sad consequences.

Trying to help, parents begin to actively ask the teenager about his personal life. The student, in turn, perceives this as an attack on his personal boundaries of freedom. Many conflicts arise on this basis, which are easier to prevent than to resolve later. Unable to withstand long resistance, parents begin to take extreme measures and forbid the child to communicate with the object of adoration. And in this situation, few people pay attention to the damaged relationship with their own child, believing that soon everything will get better on its own.

This is a rather difficult period for both the child and the parents. However, it is important to understand that parents must support their child. You can talk about your first love, share your opinion about the object of your child’s adoration, and it is also very important to let the teenager have his own experience. But all this should happen within reason, since the safety of your own child should be above all else.

Using the Internet

The Internet is a time-tested assistant for modest, shy people. With the advent of programs for correspondence on the Internet, there have been fewer problems with lack of communication and friends, many have found soul mates. ICQ, Quipp, Skype and other programs make it possible to communicate under a fictitious nickname, covering communication with a curtain of mystery and creating intrigue. Find out what program your lover uses, download, register an account and start your online communication. Online you can make friends, you will know more about his interests, you will ask if he likes someone. Then, if everything is fine, you pluck up courage and make a confession, maybe even a video confession on Skype.

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