How to change profession after 30 years: instructions and basic recommendations

  • September 12, 2018
  • Psychology of communication
  • Natalya Tikhomirova

Many people think about changing their profession after 30 years. At this time, many realize that the choice of their specialty was not entirely correct, and they are pulled in a completely different direction. You shouldn't be afraid of change either at 30 or 50 years old. But before changing your specialty, it is better to weigh everything well and think carefully - perhaps your desire is associated with professional difficulties and failures. You can read more about how to change jobs and get a new profession in this article.

Why do people want to change their specialty?

The first third of a person's life is eventful. Before the age of 30, many women and men acquire a specialty, start a family, and raise children. Often there is no time left to think and reflect on whether the right professional path was chosen during student years. Meanwhile, many go to get an education not out of their sincere desire, but on the advice of their parents, the example of friends, or simply because circumstances have developed this way. It is not surprising that at the age of 30, when a person has already formed as a person, he has thoughts like this: “I want to change my profession.”

If you're thinking about changing your major after 30, don't worry, you're not alone. Social surveys show that many at this age begin to look for work with a radically new profile. Many people turn to the services of career guidance tests, which help identify abilities in certain areas. By about age 30, people have a clear picture of their lives: they are aware of their personal qualities, the effectiveness of their work, the feeling of recognition and pleasure from it. If the desired sensations do not coincide with the real ones, a person may decide to leave his specialty. It often happens that a person is satisfied with everything about his job except the salary. No matter how beloved a profession is, if it does not bring the proper response in the form of money, then a person can quickly experience burnout and disappointment in his work. Less often, the reason for changing professions is the “glass ceiling”. It does not allow a person to grow as a professional, and no one wants to spend their whole life in the same position. Often a person has a hobby that he has been doing for many years and wants to monetize his income.

Stories of those who took risks

Are you used to being inspired by successful examples of people who have done what you are only dreaming of? Then catch the bright stories of two amazing women.

Susan Boyle

Neither the circumstances of her birth nor her difficult childhood foreshadowed the stunning result that this woman achieved. The girl was the youngest of 10 children (only 6 of them survived). The family was poor, and was unable to provide a proper education or develop existing talents. The difficult birth also affected Susan's ability to learn.

At school she was given the nickname Silly Susie. The girl has been drawn to music since childhood. When she managed to save money, she spent it on going to the theater to listen to professional singing. Finding a job was not easy; in her work history there was only one position, as a trainee cook, where she lasted 6 months.

The turning point came in 2009 when she decided to compete in the talent competition Britain's Got Talent. Her vocal abilities were excellent, and she even sang in the church choir, but self-doubt did not give her a chance. At the competition, she not only charmed everyone with her simplicity and naivety, but also captivated the audience with her magical voice.

In 2010, her first album “The Gift” was released. This was followed by well-deserved recognition at the Grammy Awards. Interest in her person has not subsided to this day. She is invited to television and her songs are listened to in many countries around the world.

Katherine Joosten

Little is known about her childhood. As a teenager, she worked as a nurse in a psychiatric hospital. But I decided to change everything. After quitting, she went to acting classes, combining them with work as a painter.

The first role, like many subsequent ones, did not bring her recognition or fame. Working in the theater did not bring in any income. So she got a job as a bartender at the same time. Success came only in 1999 (she was 40 years old) after the release of the television project “The West Wing,” which tells about the behind-the-scenes games and inner life of the American presidential administration.

In it she played the role of his secretary. Many attractive offers followed. One of the significant ones was an invitation to film in the television series “Desperate Housewives”.

These examples prove that it is not necessary to have great connections, money, or make your way through dubious means. Having talent, hard work and perseverance in achieving a goal are a good help for realizing a dream.

Signs that it's time to change jobs

Many people are afraid to change their profession, because the unknown lies ahead, and people do not understand whether they will be able to realize themselves in a new field. The financial factor also stops it - after all, you will need to live without a regular salary for some time. There are several criteria that will help you decide whether to change your profession.

  • If your current job is your first job after university, there is a high probability that you got there not of your own free will, but on the recommendation of friends or because it was the only place they hired employees without experience.
  • You feel the need for further development, but there is nowhere to grow in your profession: neither in this company nor in another.
  • Your specialty means a lot of work, which prevents you from seeing your family and children.
  • The scope of your profession is gradually shrinking, and making money is becoming increasingly difficult.
  • You literally force yourself to go to work every day and have difficulty sitting through the allotted time.
  • There are age limits in your profession, and you are approaching their threshold.
  • You have a hobby that brings you income.

Choosing the right courses

Often, teachers are practicing specialists who are able to share a lot of useful information in a short period of time. By attending classes you can meet people with useful connections and find friends with similar interests.

To make the right choice of training program, it is best to first consult with knowledgeable people in this field, ask for the opinions of competent experts and pay attention to factors such as:

  • reviews;
  • cost and terms of payment;
  • teaching staff;
  • location of classes;
  • design of the official website.

Instructions for changing profession

The attractiveness of a profession for a person depends on several factors: material rewards, pleasure from work and the benefits that a person brings through his work. If at least one of these factors is missing, a person may decide to change jobs. How to change profession? Experts advise following the following instructions:

  1. Weigh the pros and cons. Changing a profession is a very important step, so you need to make sure that your desire does not come from personal circumstances or a life crisis. If you have the opportunity to visit a psychologist, it is better to go to him for a consultation.
  2. Before you quit, get yourself a notebook in which you will write down the pros and cons of your job. Include in it your impressions about the company culture, relations with your boss, the most interesting and tedious stages of your work.
  3. Start saving for the “unemployed” period. In order for you to have time to calmly choose your favorite profession, you will need money. Experts recommend saving an amount that will last you for a year without additional sources of income.
  4. Assess your skills and interests and start making a list of careers you could pursue. This list can include everything you did in your life, perhaps even a few years ago. Think about what your superiors praised you for, what things you were able to do best.
  5. Start studying at the same time. Once you have decided on your desired field of employment, you can begin to get an education. In each field, the duration of training will be different - from several months to several years.
  6. Start an internship. At first, most likely, you will have to work for a small fee. If you have saved up a sufficient amount, then this stage will be painless for you.
  7. Prepare for the interview. Many employers do not trust people who change careers at 30 or later. Your task is to convince them that you are a good specialist who will quickly get used to a new place. When changing professions, a cover letter highlighting your achievements at your previous job will be very helpful. Additionally, it is worth attaching recommendations.

Where self-study is possible

How to change jobs if it is difficult to do so for objective reasons. By the latter we mean insufficient qualifications, financial instability and complete dependence on the current source of income, lack of prospects.

In this case, you don’t have to rush to submit your application. First, look at the list of professions that you can learn on your own. Do this in parallel with your main job. You will not lose a source of income and will have the opportunity to acquire a new specialty.

After mastering the basics, try your hand at this area. But you shouldn’t count on a high level of payment at first. You came into this business. It already has its own “sharks” and high-level professionals.

You are not their competitor, since their level of payment is much higher. You should take a closer look at places where they have low requirements. First, you need to gain experience and understand whether this is right for you. A big plus is the ability to combine new and old work.

List of professions allowing self-study

  1. Mobile and web developer. With the development of the Internet, including mobile, more and more companies need such specialists. With intensive training, you will master it in a few months. This is a dynamic and constantly changing field. You will have to constantly monitor new trends and opportunities.
  2. Android/java/PHP/Python/Ruby programmer. Suitable for people who have completed their education or are actively interested in programming. Obtaining a higher education in the field of programming does not guarantee that you will receive all the necessary knowledge in this area. Especially if you graduated 10 years ago. If you are passionate about programming and are ready to develop in this direction, then finding a job will not be difficult. These can be either one-time projects or permanent employment in a large company.
  3. SEO specialist. Many companies have already seen a decline in advertising on television. Instead, the demand for contextual and targeted information on the Internet is actively growing. It gives a greater response, and it is possible to differentiate the target audience. Here you will also have to constantly adapt to the hyperactive, changing web environment. You can study either independently using freely available materials or take online courses.
  4. Photographer. An old profession that has found a second life. Everyone has mobile phones with cameras or even expensive devices. But this is not enough to create professional photos. The proliferation of gloss, attractive photographs of celebrities on social networks, the emergence of editing programs (Photoshop, etc.) have caused great demand for photo shoots. The disadvantage of the profession is the need to purchase expensive equipment. You will have to master the basics of retouching and processing. The possibility of salary growth is practically unlimited. Whether you open your own photo studio, work for hire or become a free artist is up to you.
  5. Realtor. The profession is suitable for active and purposeful people. The expression “legs feed the wolf” is about her. In different regions, the specialty has its own characteristics. Somewhere the main efforts are aimed at finding a seller (each agency has its own list of apartments for sale), somewhere on attracting buyers (city agencies have a common database of apartments with paid access to it), and in resorts the emphasis is shifted to rental housing. Your immediate employer can give you the necessary knowledge by introducing you to the legal framework and the specifics of the transaction. Most of your time will have to be devoted to finding clients and promoting yourself. As your buyer and seller base grows, so will your earnings.
  6. Tester. Applications, services, games for smartphones and other devices have become an integral part of our lives. At the same time, new products appear every day. The last step before launch is testing. This requires a lot of time. And it is beneficial for companies to attract such specialists from outside (if these are one-time developments). You, as a tester, will need to carefully study the proposed product, identify shortcomings and errors. There may be many or only a few, but they will definitely be there. Plus - it is possible to work remotely, the demand is high. But wages are still low.
  7. Cleaner recruiter. A fresh specialty that has emerged as a result of increased demand for cleaning services and cleaning of residential premises. Simple arithmetic shows the profitability of hiring such workers. Calculate how much your labor hour costs, and now compare it with the amount you will pay for professional cleaning. It is beneficial to invite specialists and free up time for yourself, your loved ones or your favorite activity. But how to find such specialists and be confident in their integrity? The cleaning recruiter deals with these issues. Using bulletin boards and job search services, they look for people willing to work as residential cleaners (cleaners) and conduct a preliminary interview. Cleaning companies pay for each candidate found. It will be possible to develop activities both in your own city and beyond. Virtually no training is required. Some companies are ready to hire a specialist without knowledge.
  8. Babysitter. Do you love children? Have you ever had to babysit a younger brother, sister or nephew? Then why not make money on similar work. A huge advantage will be the presence of psychological and pedagogical education. But even without this you can break into the profession. It’s better to start in specialized agencies, while simultaneously developing and increasing your own client base. Salaries are paid hourly. If systematic work is necessary, an amount for a month or ten days can be agreed upon.

In almost all of the above professions, a quick rise is possible. Everything will depend on your persistence. Constantly improve your level, look for lucrative offers on the labor market and don’t be afraid to offer your candidacy.

Pros and cons of changing jobs

Many people who are starting their career path again are tormented by fears. Is this reasonable? Will you be able to succeed in your new profession? Many fear financial ruin and unfulfilled hopes. To make the choice easier, you can write down the pros and cons of a new profession for yourself. The advantages include:

  • new opportunities;
  • more prestigious place of work;
  • pleasure from your activity;
  • a rich and interesting life.

There are also many disadvantages:

  • the severity of the transition period, during which you will be tormented by doubts and fears associated with the decision made;
  • falling standard of living;
  • a radical change in social circle;
  • the need to spend a lot of time and effort on mastering a new profession, as a result of which your relationships with family or friends may suffer.

Yes, changing a profession after 30 years is fraught with many risks. Most likely, many of your friends and relatives will discourage you from taking this step. But you can also get a lot if you make the right choice. You will live with confidence that only you control your life, and not random circumstances, and you are able to make it interesting and rich.

The limiting factor is time, which an adult does not have.

Most often, people who decide to change their specialty are burdened with family, everyday problems, the need to earn money and a whole bunch of different obligations, so there is simply no time for full-time studies at a university and unpaid internships.

Statistics, life experience and expert opinion confirm that obtaining a second higher education and master’s degree is one of the expensive, difficult and not always effective ways to get a new profession. Most often, over-aged students drop out of school due to various life situations and when they lack the strength to gain knowledge.

A more productive option is online or offline courses that help save time, money, effort and nerves. In a short period of time, a person acquires theoretical, practical and other knowledge and skills necessary for work.

Expert advice

How to change profession after 30 years? Experts advise listening to your desires and under no circumstances acting recklessly.

  • Don't blame yourself for working in a profession that you didn't like. This is not a mistake, but a life experience that is an integral part of you. When leaving, it is advisable to maintain friendly relations with colleagues, because work connections can bring a lot of benefits in a new field.
  • Carefully thinking through each step will protect you from unforgivable mistakes. But psychologists do not advise delaying it for too long. If you have been thinking about changing your profession for several years now, then most likely you are happy with everything at your current place of work.
  • Be optimistic. Even if no one supports you, remember that only you can make decisions related to your life. A person spends most of his life at work, so it is very important how he spends it - with pleasure or not. Remember that if you fail, you can always return to your profession.
  • Think back to your positive life experiences. Surely you have already started something from scratch. You were scared at the time too, but you got through it.
  • Examples of famous people who changed their profession in adulthood and achieved success can help you find inspiration. For example, the biography of Jack London, who began to write his stories only in adulthood, and before that he managed to be a sailor and a gold miner.

How to decide on a new profession

Many people ask when thinking about changing their profession: “What to choose at 30?” For some, answering this question is not difficult - they have already known what they want for a long time. But for others, this stage becomes an insurmountable obstacle. In this case, career guidance from an experienced psychologist can provide significant assistance. Often, only 60% of people are aware of their desires, and the rest do not even imagine the area in which they would like to work. A psychologist will not only identify the profession that is right for you, but will also help you find out your strengths and weaknesses as a specialist.

Before visiting a specialist, it is better to do some “homework”, which in some cases can replace the consultation itself. To “inventory” your skills, write them down on a separate sheet and rate each on a 10-point scale. This way you will clearly see which aspects of your work worked best for you. For example, some are better at handling technology or numbers, while others are better at negotiating with employees. Very often, people simply do not notice the opportunities that are next to them, but rush headlong into the pool, choosing a radically different direction, wasting a lot of resources and time. Therefore, in the search for a new profession, as in any other matter, the most important stage is the preparatory stage.

Starting a career from scratch: books to help

If you do not have the opportunity to visit a specialist, then books can help, which, in essence, are a short course on changing your specialty.

  1. “Profession – Illustrator” is suitable not only for artists, but also for all creative individuals. It contains numerous techniques that allow you to learn to think creatively and see the unusual in the most standard things.
  2. The book "Road Map" helps you understand what you want, and not the people around you. Finding out your true interests and values ​​means improving your quality of life. The book is written in the form of a novel and is read in one sitting.
  3. “Get Out of Your Comfort Zone” by Brian Tracy is a life-affirming book that outlines 21 methods for increasing personal effectiveness.
  4. "To hell with all of it! Take it and do it” may not give you the secrets of changing your profession, but it will charge you with the motivation and determination necessary for change.

What age can be considered the limit?

You can start doing something new at any age - this is what psychologists say. But still, as we age, it becomes more difficult for us to learn, and the cognitive abilities of the brain decrease. What age is considered critical for self-determination? At the moment, experts consider the period from 40 to 50 years to be the middle of life and argue that this is the most favorable age for big changes. The reason for this is several factors. After 40, most people already have some balance in their lives: children become independent, and incomes are at a fairly high level. At the same time, there is still a lot of strength and energy to realize any plans. The “midlife” crisis that many experience at this time pushes people to look for something new in their lives. Changing profession after 40 years is normal. This is a favorable time for the realization of those needs and desires that you have not previously paid due attention to. Proof of this is the example of many people. Of course, changing your profession at 40 is more difficult than at 20, but you will approach your choice more consciously. You already have the necessary knowledge and experience that will help you quickly get used to any field. Moreover, scientists say that studying after 40 helps to avoid degenerative brain diseases and delay aging.

If I’m 30+ and I’ve decided (decided) to change my field, isn’t it too late?

– There are 4 aspects to the concept of age:

  • Chronological (passport) is the amount of time from birth to the present moment.
  • Biological – the degree of growth and maturation of the body, determined by the state of the nervous system.
  • Social – the level of social roles and functions that a person performs.
  • Psychological – level of development of mental functions (level of mature decision-making, responsibility, awareness).

When people ask me questions, at what age can you change your field of activity - at 30, 35, and is it too late at 40? - I answer that this can be done at any age, when you realize that your work does not make you happy, that you are not living the life you wanted for yourself.

But if you don't do anything to change your life, you'll be stuck in the position of a child waiting for someone else to come along and change it. Thus, you shift responsibility for your life to others.

Communication with family

Changing your profession at 50 can plunge your family and friends into the deepest amazement. After all, not everyone at this age decides to make significant changes. People are used to judging everyone by themselves, so don’t be surprised that everyone will react with hostility to the news about a change of specialty. In this situation, it is important to gently but persistently explain your position and try to minimize all conflicts on this matter. It is important not to be led by other people’s opinions, but at the same time to conduct a dialogue, bringing convincing arguments and arguments. Most often, it is enough to simply explain to your loved ones that your previous job does not bring you joy, and you remain unhappy while continuing to work at it.

All doubts and negative statements from your friends will disappear immediately after you get the first results. But thorough preparation for change will help you make others more loyal to you. If your husband or wife is resistant to change, take the first part-time job and allow the situation to stabilize.

Good reasons

It is not always justified to resort to extreme measures. You will always have time to quit. Experts and psychologists identify 7 main reasons why changing jobs will be beneficial.

  1. Uncomfortable climate in the team. For everyone, these circumstances are purely individual. If standards of behavior, methods of communication and performance of professional duties are unacceptable to you, then you should not compromise with your own beliefs. In the future, this will negatively affect both self-esteem and the psyche.
  2. Delay of salary. Explanations are unnecessary. Each party to the employment contract is obliged to properly fulfill all its clauses. No excuses or explanations are appropriate.
  3. Emotional burnout. We have already described it in detail above. If you cannot cope with it, it is better to eliminate the main factor in its appearance - work.
  4. Lack of change and prospects. You have been in one position for a long time and persistently, but you are not appreciated and are not offered promotions or new interesting tasks. Lack of professional growth opportunities is a valid reason. You need to develop, this will bring both moral satisfaction and increased pay.
  5. Lack of motivation. In most cases, this is an oversight of management. Don't treat people like robots. A motivating factor can be bonuses, letters of gratitude (of various levels), the possibility of free travel, payment for sanatorium treatment, etc. And sometimes it’s just nice to work in a certain team, even if the work is complex and time-consuming. The cold and indifferent attitude of superiors, the deliberate disregard of successes and work zeal will have negative consequences. No one will value such a place much. Why torture yourself and waste mental and physical strength.
  6. The company is in trouble. There's no point in talking about rats running away from the ship. The longer you wait, the less time you will have to find a worthy alternative.
  7. Assignment of additional responsibilities. It's not always negative. If it is difficult to find a specialist of your level. And only you will be able to cope with the assigned tasks, while a decent monetary reward is guaranteed, this will give you new strength and confidence. But often the opposite happens. They “pump” new responsibilities on you and are in no hurry to say thank you. Congratulations! You have become a reliable workhorse. Talk to your boss, if you don’t find a compromise, feel free to quit.
  8. Moving to another region. You will physically not be able to be in your old place.
  9. Change of schedule. Family circumstances (the need to drop off and pick up children from educational institutions, etc.) impose restrictions on the choice of schedule. If the boss is not going to compromise, then the only option is dismissal.
  10. Job reduction. Although this circumstance cannot be influenced, it has one big advantage - the employer is obliged to pay compensation. This money may be enough for the first time if you have not yet found a new place.


People change professions for various reasons. Some people want to solve problems in life in this way, while others dream of fulfilling their long-standing desires. 30 years is considered a certain milestone, after which it is necessary to settle down and do “serious things”. Therefore, many have a negative attitude towards the idea of ​​changing professions and finding oneself at this age. But the experience of many people suggests that often only at this time you can start doing what you really like. What to choose to change profession at 30? Determine the area in which you want to develop and take action - get an education, get an internship and gain experience. Changing your profession is not a cure for all problems, but it can significantly improve the quality of your life if approached correctly.

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