How to behave and what to say? 18 important rules of etiquette when visiting

Modern etiquette: behavior in a restaurant

Banquets in restaurants do not happen very often, so there may be fears of doing something wrong and causing confusion among others. Etiquette will help you avoid awkwardness. These are the generally accepted rules that allow you to feel comfortable in society:

  1. The first person to enter the restaurant is the one who invited the guests.
  2. You should wait until all the invitees have arrived, but latecomers are usually expected to wait no more than 20 minutes.
  3. At the banquet table, it is customary for men to sit to the left of the ladies they will be courting during dinner.

Restaurant table etiquette: Pxhere
There are special etiquette rules for a romantic dinner in a restaurant:

  1. A man who invites a lady to a romantic dinner must arrive in advance, find out where the table is prepared, and then meet the woman.
  2. The rule of etiquette dictates that the man chooses the menu, but at the same time he can offer the lady to choose from several dishes.

In all cases, the sensitive issue of payment is resolved in advance. It is customary to leave a tip to the waiter in the amount of 10–15% of the amount.

Be a strategist

Discussion of innovations or latest events in the company is an integral part of any meeting. And the way an employee behaves during a planning meeting and reacts to emerging disputes is for management and the team a certain marker of his attitude towards the work as a whole. Therefore, it is very important to demonstrate your interest without earning a reputation as an “upstart” or “boring”. To do this, you will have to prepare for each meeting, spending at least 10–15 minutes on it. It is enough to view statistics related to the activities of the company or the field of activity in general, databases with updated information on legislation and the latest news on the Internet.

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✔︎ Come to meetings with a tablet, laptop or smartphone. This way, you can check online everything that management and colleagues say, giving weighty arguments for or against. For example, if you doubt the correctness of the information given, you can quickly find a source with other data and read it out loud.

✔︎ Before asking a question, try to write it down and edit it to make it as precise and concise as possible. Long and extensive questions irritate listeners and lead to formal and equally vague answers. Questions that are too short and without polite phrases like “could you please clarify the last point...” or “do I understand correctly...” look too harsh and have a tinge of criticism.

✔︎ Use quotations in the wording of the question, for example: “You mentioned that sales have decreased, and I have a question in connection with this...” Addressing the words of one of the meeting participants, firstly, will show that you are paying attention behind the discussion, and, secondly, it will protect you from possible accusations that the question is inappropriate or meaningless.

✔︎ Try to observe the behavior of other employees and assess the overall emotional background of the meeting. It is advisable that the questions you ask reflect the opinion of some part of the team. In case of conflict or controversial situations, you can count on the support of your colleagues.

✔︎ Your behavior strategy at various meetings should be approximately the same. Otherwise, negatively-minded colleagues or management will have reason to ask: “Can’t we hear you at all today?”

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Table etiquette rules

At a table in a restaurant or at a party, you must follow the established rules of behavior. The following habits can help you avoid awkwardness and show respect for others:

  1. Be attentive to the company at the table, do not be distracted by gadgets.
  2. Do not twist napkins in your hands, do not play with cutlery, do not roll bread balls.
  3. Do not place your elbows on the table, disturbing your neighbors. They rest their wrists on the table.
  4. You should not reach across the table for some dish; ask that it be passed to you.
  5. Almost all dishes are eaten with a fork (in the left hand) and a knife (in the right hand).
  6. Do not engage in conversation unless you have chewed your food. Talking with your mouth full is disrespectful.

Table manners are norms that will help maintain a friendly atmosphere during a shared meal.

Know how to present yourself

No less eloquent than verbal participation in a discussion, posture, facial expressions and gestures speak about your attitude to work. Agree that a person with a gloomy expression on his face, leaning tiredly against the door frame, does not give the impression of a motivated employee. Fake enthusiasm will also work against you: there will definitely be someone who will think that you can’t be in a good mood when the company’s business is not going well.

✔︎ Use the posture characteristic of an attentive listener: lean back a little, leaning on the armrest and resting your chin on your hand. Just don’t miss and don’t prop your cheek with your open palm! This pose, on the contrary, is perceived by others as bored.

✔︎ If you are using a tablet or laptop, place it on your lap or on the table directly in front of you. Finding a gadget on the side or under the table can be interpreted as indicating that you are engaged in some activity unrelated to the meeting.

✔︎ Try to make eye contact with the speaker from time to time. In those moments when you agree with him, show it with a slight nod of your head. Even when you disagree with something, keep a friendly expression on your face. Perhaps the next time you have to speak, the reaction to your words will largely depend on how you yourself usually relate to speakers.

✔︎ If you feel bored or tired, do not look out the window or at the interior items - this always catches the eye of others. ✔︎ Better look down at your notes or turn towards the presentation screen.

✔︎ If during a meeting you are distracted by one of your colleagues, continue to look at the speaker, only moving your body slightly towards the person who wants to talk to you. This position will demonstrate to others that your priority is the speaker’s speech, and that you are not participating in extraneous conversations of your own free will.

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Rules for Conversation

There are general rules for both official negotiations and communication with friends. In these cases, it is especially important to know what etiquette is and what rules of behavior in society should be followed. This will help you achieve the desired result in negotiations with partners, and establish trusting relationships with friends:

  1. Listen carefully to your interlocutor, do not be distracted by extraneous matters.
  2. Don't interrupt your interlocutor, show respect for what he says, let him speak.
  3. Speak clearly, formulate your thoughts clearly. Avoid filler words - this is evidence of low speech culture.
  4. Do not talk only about yourself and your affairs in a conversation, show interest in what the interlocutor says. If the topic doesn't interest you, don't get annoyed, carefully change it.
  5. It is important not to violate a person’s personal space during a conversation, so do not approach the interlocutor closer than 50–70 cm.

Etiquette rules for every day: Pixabay

How to understand that a guy is in love but hides his feelings

There are other signs by which you can determine whether a young man is in love with you.


Excitement. If a man experiences this feeling when he sees you, he may be in love. Of course, unless you are from the tax or bailiff service, and your meeting with him is not a work one. When the desired object is nearby, we all get a little lost. Of course, it all depends on the character and self-esteem of the young man, but sometimes the most confident ones also experience a little anxiety. For example, he is a talented speaker, but next to you he cannot utter a word. Or he plays the guitar masterfully, but when he sees you, he is not able to play a single melody.

Appearance. When we are in love, we want to look special

So that your beloved will pay attention and appreciate it. Not all, of course, but many men in love take clothes more seriously

Previously, he was ready to go to work in ordinary sweatpants, but today he is dressed like a real gentleman. Well, this is certainly an indicator that he cares about the woman. True, if you are not the only lady in the team, it is better to take a good look at the other competitors. What if he didn't dress up for you?

Behavior. Watch him. How does he behave with other female representatives? If he openly flirts with others, it means he doesn't have serious feelings for you. It’s another matter when he gives you sincere compliments - that is, not typical, but individual. For example, he notices that your hairstyle is different today, or that you are in a good mood. And with other women he shows politeness and tact, but does not try to interest them.

If you have only a friendly relationship for now, a man in love will want to introduce you to his close circle, that is, to his friends. Thus, he emphasizes that he considers you not a stranger.

The young man will talk about plans for the future: work, children and family. So he wants to show that his intentions are serious. And this is another way to find out what you want and whether your life priorities coincide.

Rules of conduct when visiting

When you come to the house of even well-known people, you find yourself in their personal space. Here you need to be especially sensitive and tactful. Most often, you should follow the general rules if you are invited to visit for a special occasion:

  1. It's not good to be more than 15 minutes late.
  2. It is appropriate to greet only the hosts; a general greeting is sufficient for other guests.
  3. Bring your own food or alcohol only after agreeing with the hosts.
  4. If you do not consume certain foods or alcohol, then do not announce this publicly and do not focus attention on it.
  5. In table conversation, it is not customary to raise topics that give rise to disputes and discussions; you should not discuss bad news. If you are going to tell an anecdote or joke, think about how appropriate it is and whether it will cause confusion and awkwardness among your interlocutors.
  6. Offer to help the owner if she is a close friend or relative. If she is against it, then don't insist.
  7. If you leave early, say goodbye to your hosts and leave unnoticed by others.

Don't let yourself be manipulated

Here are some techniques that are more common than others:

  1. Reciprocal exchange technique. If you want to ask a person for something, then the chance that he will do it is much higher if you have done something for him before.
  2. Two requests instead of one. Another technique that comes in handy if you want to ask for something. First you need to ask for more than you need.
  3. Anchor technique. When you are told, “Most people donated X amount of money,” or “Most people work Y hours a week,” you are tied to those numbers. You will subconsciously not want to stand out, and you will be easier to manipulate.
  4. Attractiveness. It is much more difficult to refuse a person who seems attractive to you. This can also be used.

Following the rules when shaking hands

This greeting ritual is accepted in modern etiquette for both men and women. But the question arises when is it appropriate and who reaches out to whom first:

  1. To shake hands, the right hand is always extended, including left-handed people.
  2. The hand should not be relaxed, but you should not put too much pressure on someone else’s palm.
  3. The person being introduced to someone extends their hand first. The same rule is accepted for those who are older or higher in position.
  4. A similar norm of etiquette stipulates how a lady should behave with a man when meeting: she herself decides whether to shake hands.
  5. If a male company meets, then usually everyone exchanges similar ritual greetings. If there is only one acquaintance in a group (small company), everyone still shakes hands.
  6. When several couples meet, first the women greet each other and the men, then the men greet everyone.

In Muslim society, handshakes between women and men are not allowed unless they are close relatives.

Etiquette rules for every day: Pixabay

The essence of men and women

Male and female essences are different. The man appears in the image of a high-speed train, rapidly moving along the path of life. Its functionality should include dreams, goals, plans, ideals and a suitable travel companion.

The woman appears as a driver, she chooses the direction and controls. Its tasks include choosing a route, preventing breakdowns, and making a timely stop necessary to continue the journey.

The role of a man is to follow the intended path and provide benefits for himself and his partner. A woman should create comfort and harmony while living together.

Usually women make mistakes in relationships with the opposite sex, listening to the subjective arguments of friends, neighbors, mothers, whose advice does not always turn out to be practical. The best assistant for her is knowledge of male psychology. With the right female tactics, a man can be attracted and retained.

How to behave at the door

At the entrance and exit of the premises, clashes and misunderstandings most often occur. There are practical modern rules that will help solve this everyday situation:

  1. Juniors should let their elders go ahead, subordinates should let their boss go ahead. If for other reasons someone gives in, one should not refuse.
  2. In most cases, a man should open the door for a woman and let her through. If the door is heavy, it is dark outside, or if a couple enters a restaurant, then the man walks in front.
  3. If someone is walking behind you, hold the door, don't close it in someone's face.

Test of Jealousy

In the modern world, girls often find it difficult to understand their feelings. Therefore, the vast majority of representatives of the fair sex rely on the “Am I in love test”.

Jealousy has always shown the true attitude towards a person. If in the presence of another lady with whom a man is having a casual conversation, you experience the most unpleasant feelings, then the test has been passed successfully.

A girl in love strives to intercept a man's attention in any way. Even stupid questions and funny behavior are used

If you experience burning jealousy, then with almost 100% probability we can say that you are in love.

Code of conduct: stairs, escalator, elevator

In such places, etiquette is not only rules of good manners, but also safety standards. To get to the right place without any problems, take into account the interests of all road users and a certain order.

When using the elevator, adhere to the following rules:

  1. When boarding an elevator, let those exiting first to avoid collisions.
  2. When taking a seat in the elevator, ask who gets off on which floor: those who get off earlier get closer to the door.
  3. If you find yourself in the back of the cabin, then ask in advance to give you a seat closer to the exit.

The stairs have their own rules:

  1. You can’t rush anyone, even if you’re in a hurry. Politely ask to be let through.
  2. Colleagues go up or down the steps in the order in which they approached the stairs.
  3. There are special rules for men and women: when going down, a man must walk 1-2 steps ahead of the lady and, if necessary, give her his hand. When going up, he lags behind a couple of steps to support the lady if she stumbles.

It is customary to stand on the right side of the escalator in the metro. You should not run or sit on the left side: it should be free for the passage of attendants or doctors in difficult situations.

If you want to appear attractive on a date, scare your partner

In 1974, psychologists Donald Dutton and Arthur Aron conducted a study. They led a group of men to two bridges. One was wooden and shaky, the second was concrete and strong. There were girls standing at the other end of the bridge. Psychologists asked the men to walk across one of the bridges. When the men got to the other side, the girls gave them their phone number and asked them to go on a date.

The men were told that this was the end of the experiment, but it was just beginning. The essence of the experiment was to find out how fear and the subsequent action in the form of a call are connected. It turned out that men who chose the shaky bridge called much more often. Subsequently, it turned out that this was due to the fear they experienced: the men’s pulse quickened, they sweated and the body produced adrenaline. But their subconscious believed that all these symptoms were caused by attraction to girls.

Therefore, it is better to arrange an unusual and possibly risky date. There is a good chance that this will make you seem more attractive.

How to behave on public transport

To avoid conflicts and injuries in transport, adhere to the following rules of etiquette:

  1. When entering public transport, remove your large bag from your shoulder so as not to disturb others.
  2. Remember that the seats are intended primarily for the elderly, women with children, and people with disabilities.
  3. Give way to people who are showing signs of fatigue, ill health or are carrying a heavy load.
  4. Listen to music in transport only with headphones.

Transport etiquette: Freepick

Stages of the emergence of feelings in men

  1. First of all, a man evaluates a woman’s external qualities (face, figure, behavioral characteristics). Determines how pleasant she is to him at first glance.
  2. Then he evaluates her intelligence, hobbies, and interests.
  3. Then spiritual rapprochement occurs. At this stage, special attention is paid to common interests and hobbies.

Having gone through all the stages, the man makes a decision about what future awaits him with this woman (friendship, short romance, strong love that will lead to marriage). It is necessary to go through all the stages of the emergence of feelings, otherwise disagreements may arise between a guy and a girl, and the relationship will end very quickly.

When a man begins to have sincere feelings, the relationship goes through 5 stages:

  1. Initially, the guy experiences physical attraction and sympathy. This distinguishes women from men. Girls usually evaluate intelligence first.
  2. Then the guy's feelings fade away. He ceases to understand whether he is doing everything right, he is tormented by doubts. A woman just needs to wait a little, this stage will end.
  3. Afterwards, the man realizes that he wants to be with this girl and become special to her.
  4. Souls are intertwined together. Now the guy completely trusts his beloved woman.
  5. All these stages are closed by the engagement stage. A loving man is ready to marry his beloved and live a long and happy life with her.

There's no need to rush. It is necessary to go through each point so that the representative of the stronger sex comes to the most important thing - a happy family life.

3 important steps

which every woman should go through

Anika Snagovskaya

Author and presenter of women's trainings on harmonizing feminine energy. Master of removing limiting beliefs and master of constellations.

I have prepared three lessons for you that will help you better understand yourself, remove the restrictions that prevent you from feeling loved and living happily.


Video lesson with meditation: 5 states of femininity

You will learn about 5 female states that exist in every woman, how they manifest themselves and which archetypes are most manifested in you and which are not developed.


Video lesson + meditation: How to let go of past relationships

I’ll tell you what you need to do to free your heart from old feelings and break the energy threads connecting you with your past partner.


Audio recording: Neuro-af

Thanks to this neuro-affirmation, you can regain self-love and feel sincere gratitude and happiness for every day.

Top 3 useful materials that will help you know yourself better

And start a new, happy life for yourself.

Video lesson with meditation: 5 states of femininity

Video lesson + meditation: How to let go of past relationships

Audio recording: Neuro-af

Take your gifts!

Most guys understand that for a successful relationship, you need to be responsible for both yourself and your beloved, help her in everything, treat her with understanding and attention, and restrain yourself in some moments. But, you need to take into account the fact that the weaker and stronger sex have different concepts of love. For women, the main thing is to build a family, have children, for men - to own and protect what he has.

Ethical standards: shopping

In the hustle and bustle of a store, rules of behavior will help avoid conflicts and misunderstandings:

  1. Do not enter retail premises with animals on roller skates. You cannot visit shopping malls if you eat on the go.
  2. When trying on clothes and shoes, try not to damage or stain the items.
  3. When queuing at the checkout, do not violate the personal space of other people; keep a distance of at least half a meter. During the pandemic, it is recommended to stand 1.5 m apart from each other.

Following simple rules will eliminate the feeling of awkwardness and help you gain confidence in any situation. At the same time, a pleasant impression will remain about the person’s upbringing and level of culture.

Original article:

If a man truly loves how he behaves - psychology

All men are unique in appearance and temperament. But men who are truly in love behave almost the same. First of all, a lover will always find time for you, even if he is very busy, he cares about where you are and how you feel. He always shows signs of attention, says compliments, gives flowers, gifts for absolutely no reason! If a man truly loves, he protects and takes care of his chosen one, is interested in her health and well-being. He senses any changes in your behavior: sadness, sadness, and always tries to cheer you up. The main thing for him is to make you happy!

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First minute

So, you have met the person who will conduct the interview. Perhaps this will happen in the corridor or you will have to look for an office yourself. Immediately prepare yourself for the fact that the employer or personnel employee is not obliged to be friendly with you. Quite the opposite often happens. Most likely, there were already candidates before you, and besides, for them this is a regular working day. The human factor comes into play: at the time of the appointment, they may be tired, nervous, annoyed, irritated.

At first glance, try to assess their mood and state in order to behave accordingly. If the HR manager smiles at you, smile back. If the employer frowns, there is no need to demonstrate deliberate gaiety; show yourself as a serious person.

Be sure to say hello politely and in a friendly tone.

Many male job seekers are unsure whether to shake the hand of the male interviewer. According to the rules of etiquette, this is done only if he offers his hand first. Otherwise, the initiative will be viewed as familiarity and excessive self-confidence.

Under no circumstances should you jabber or overwhelm the employer with questions about where to send your documents, whether they need your photograph for their personal file, etc. If this is your first interview, first establish contact. To do this, it is enough to limit yourself to a short but pleasant phrase. For example: “Your office is so conveniently located - it wasn’t difficult to find you,” or “What a bright room!”, or “You have an original interior.”

You can sit down only after you are asked to do so and indicated where.

The secret to good relationships

A good relationship should be good - and this is the main criterion. They should be easy, free and happy. They must be open and honest. And if you filter every word, constantly analyze your every action (from the perspective of how a woman should behave), this may strengthen the relationship, but in the end it will destroy you.

Yes, over time, relationships - resentment, dissatisfaction, irritation - will accumulate and accumulate and accumulate. And one day they will pour out of you (and then - poor man, he had no idea about anything). Well, or you can suppress, repress, become a sophisticate... And at the same time, be sad, get sick, become depressed, take pills or just drink, eat or get sick. For what? In a good, real, sincere relationship:

  • Problems are discussed and ways to solve them are sought
  • Partners are free - they can have their own feelings, thoughts, desires, personal space
  • Differences and dissimilarity are valued in a couple
  • Everyone can satisfy their needs without harming others
  • Mistakes are forgivable
  • There is flexibility in rules and laws. There is an opportunity to discuss them

How to leave

Never try to finish the interview yourself and leave before you are allowed to do so. Even if there is an awkward pause, it seems to you that all the questions have already been asked and it’s time to leave, do not become the initiators. Perhaps they need this interval to think about a decision or discuss some other nuances. So wait until you are told that the interview is over. In this case, the situation can play out in the following scenarios.


You may be immediately refused. You should not immediately jump out of the office, slamming the doors. Firstly, behaving this way is unethical. Secondly, you need to learn from failure, so politely ask what criteria you used to fail them. Take note of this to avoid making similar mistakes next time. Thirdly (we warn you right away that this happens extremely rarely, but it still happens), the employer in this way tests the employee’s resistance to stress. You restrained yourself, thanked them and politely left - they may return you halfway or call you back the next day to say that you have been hired.

They'll call you back

They may say that they will call you back when they make a final decision. Be sure to ask about specific deadlines for when exactly they will do this. For example, within a day, 3 days or a week? If longer is not an option: you will wait a month, waste time, and in the end you will be refused.

Invitation to an additional interview

Politely thank them for giving you a second chance. Be sure to specify the time and place of the second interview.

Approval of candidacy

If you are told that you have been hired, you should not throw yourself on the interviewer’s neck, kiss him on both cheeks, run out into the corridor and shout “Hallelujah.” You need to behave with dignity. Otherwise, your excessive emotionality may force the employer to change his mind and reconsider the decision. Even if this doesn’t happen, your new colleagues’ impression of you will be spoiled. Instead, it is better to discuss where to bring documents to draw up an employment agreement, when you can begin your duties and other organizational issues.

Whatever the decision, no matter how the interview ends, it is better to behave with dignity. Smile and thank for the interesting meeting. If you were unable to get a place, wish you luck in your future search.

Several accents

Before you go for an interview, focus on several points that may prevent you from acting naturally and at ease. Remember that every little detail plays a role in achieving success in this business:

  1. Be mentally prepared for success and feel confident.
  2. Prepare and take with you a package of documents that will be needed: passport, education diploma, resume, certificates, diplomas, work book.
  3. Think over the appearance: hairstyle, clothes, shoes, accessories, fragrance, and for girls - makeup.
  4. Get enough sleep the night before.
  5. Don't be late.
  6. Be positive, in a good mood.
  7. Provide yourself with fresh breath: brush your teeth, do not smoke in the morning, use mint chewing gum or menthol lozenges just before the interview.
  8. Turn off or put your mobile phone on silent mode.

Believe me: even if you are positive and confident, a vibrating phone in your pocket or a question about the circles under your eyes after a sleepless night can unsettle you and ruin everything.

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