How to find what you really want to do

How to find yourself in life?

Someone asks this question at the age of 16, and someone at 50. But one day, almost everyone who has not found their calling comes a moment when they think:

  • Why don't I get satisfaction from what I do?
  • what am I doing wrong?
  • how to find your purpose?

Take a look around. Many people sit in jobs they don’t like, doing things they don’t like at all.

The worst thing is that most of them think that this is normal, it cannot be any other way.

Remember what you dreamed of as a child.

Perhaps you wanted to perform on a big stage or treat animals; become a lawyer and defend the innocent or build houses.

Take and realize your childhood dream >>

I recommend reading this article to the end for those who have repeatedly asked themselves the following questions:

  • How to become happy and change your life even if you are over...?
  • How to find yourself and your calling?
  • What to do to make work bring joy?

And if you think that you are in the right place, but at the same time you hate Mondays, force yourself out of bed in the morning, and feel an emotional and physical decline after work, then think about whether you are lying to the main person in your life - yourself.

Many motivators, life coaches, trainers and other inspirers constantly talk loudly about how important it is to do what you like, in other words, to realize yourself.

They know how to find themselves and their calling in life. Everyone shares a technique on how to do this. There are hundreds of options for finding yourself. But in fact, all these techniques contain one simple and incredibly cool exercise, which I will share with you in this article.

Prepare a pen and sheets of paper. Find time without distractions. Be completely immersed in the process. Today we will answer the question: how to find yourself and your purpose?

Identify what's bothering you

You can make a healthy decision about what you want to do only when there is nothing holding you back. If you are upset or your head is full of things to do, then you will never be able to make a decision. Figure out what exactly is annoying you at the moment. “Working in an office makes me angry” is not the answer. What specific aspect of the job is causing you anxiety? Is your boss annoying? Schedule? Unhappy with your position?

Think about how to fix this. Perhaps there are no serious problems in the current situation and changing just a couple of aspects will make you a happy person.

Why is it so difficult to find your calling?

We live in a time when information flows in an endless stream from all directions. Television, radio, Internet with tons of videos, posts, articles.

Successful people share their ideal lifestyle, bloggers tell how much they earn from what they love. Endless advertisements for courses, schools, master classes.

On the one hand, it’s wonderful, there is such a wide choice. But on the other hand, you can easily get lost in this. And it’s even more difficult to understand what exactly you want. What exactly is your calling?

With such a huge amount of information, opinions and standards are “imposed.” Many people start doing what other people have been successful at. They try to adapt to someone else's life, copying it.

But they still don’t get pleasure. Why?

Because we are all different, and one person may simply not be suited to what another does well. It is important to remember that we are all individuals and you need to listen to your heart and not to external sources.

Your time is limited, don't waste it living someone else's life.

(c) Steve Jobs

But I am sure: absolutely each of you can understand what you want and fulfill your desire. The wish-fulfillment cheat sheet is hidden here >>

And right now, let's move on to a practice that will help you understand how to find your calling. After all, this is the very way to become happy and realize yourself 100%.

If you don’t have your own goal in life, then you have to work for someone who has it!

(c) Robert Anthony

Be positive

Life doesn't always go according to the script we write. But there is no need to fall into apathy if something doesn’t work out. Instead of grieving and doing nothing, continue what you started with a vengeance. Sooner or later success will come. Don't give up, but think about the good and do what you've dreamed of all your life.

Just don’t think that finding your purpose is easy. Many people search for it all their lives. The main thing is not to stop and keep looking. One day this will definitely happen. Until then, try different professions and activities. After all, without trying, you will never know whether it is for you or not.

How to find your calling? The answer is in front of you

Now you have a huge and incredibly valuable information about you on your sheet. Over time, we devalue our talents and forget what we do well.

Doing this exercise allows you to understand what makes you special and what we are good at. I hope you remembered and learned a lot about yourself.

What to do now with all this?

Even while answering all the questions, you began to form a picture of what you want to do, what you want to do.

Be sure to write down all your realizations and discoveries on paper.

It's okay if there are a lot of them. This is even great. Now you have something to work with.

After completing this exercise, you received answers from which, like a mosaic puzzle, a picture of who you want to be, what you want to do, in what area you want to work or create your own business.

Remember this picture, work with it. After all, this picture is your desire, your calling.

Come to an open master class by Elizaveta Volkova, where she will share secrets and tell you how to find yourself in life.

Register for a meeting >>

Using real examples, Elizaveta Volkova will tell you how she and her students realized their wildest desires. These are ordinary people, just like you! This means that you too can find yourself and become happy. You just need to really want it and allow yourself to do it.

Did the article help you find answers to the questions:

  • How to find yourself in life?
  • How to find your calling?
  • How to find and discover purpose?

Share your insights in the comments and ask questions.

What is human intuition, or how to learn to listen to yourself

The uniqueness of our brain lies not only in its limitless intellectual abilities, but also in the ability to send certain signals at the level of premonitions. This incredible ability of the subconscious, which every person possesses, is called intuition. It, like our other skills, can be improved with the help of special exercises and techniques.

The main feature of the manifestation of intuition is internal sensations that prompt the right decision. Due to the inability to listen to the inner voice, a person often misses the opportunity to make the right decision for him, which can radically change his life.

In order to learn to trust your own intuition and develop it sufficiently, it is worth practicing by doing some exercises.

  1. To begin to feel the inner voice, you need to reduce the influence of consciousness on it. For this purpose, sports are the best choice, as a result of which physical activity increases and mental activity decreases. The person becomes calmer and more balanced, which improves the conditions for the development of this brain ability.
  2. By giving your intuition freedom, you allow it to act without the control of your mind. This means it can be developed anywhere and at any time of the day. For example, predict who a message came from or an incoming call without looking at the gadget screen. Or listen carefully to yourself and guess what the friend you are going to meet is wearing.
  3. An equally interesting way to improve your abilities is to observe the signs that surround us everywhere. It is very important to put aside logical thinking and take advantage of the unconscious gift of our brain. For example, the answer to a correctly asked question can be found in a book open on any page. It is also worth paying attention to the various signs that fate gives us, thereby preventing us from a bad turn of events. This could be phrases heard unintentionally, information on signs, spilled coffee, and even dreams, which can both contribute to decision-making and warn against what is planned.

“Know yourself, and you will know the whole world,” said the great Socrates, and he was absolutely right. This means that all the necessary resources for a full existence and development of individual abilities are within us. Ephemeral happiness in the form of material wealth is unlikely to ever bring moral satisfaction. But studying one’s own “I” and developing innate talents will certainly bring harmony and understanding of one’s own purpose into everyone’s life.


How to determine what to do in life if there are no thoughts in your head at all? We must “absorb” literature.

Do I need to explain the benefits of reading? Unfortunately, nowadays, yes. Here's what reading books does:

  • Increased creativity.
  • Expanding your horizons.
  • Improving fantasy and imagination.
  • Erudition, and hence - self-confidence.
  • Increasing literacy, expanding vocabulary.
  • Improved attention.
  • Development of thinking and memory.
  • Improving communication and empathy skills.

A reading person has his own worldview, a deep view of the world, high values, principles and beliefs. Plus, some books are powerful motivators! Many people were inspired to self-realization by literature.

Useful materials for those who want to find themselves in this world and never lose

As promised, I recommend some of the coolest courses from Wikium.


Description . A very interesting course. It is interesting because it suits almost any person. The point is this: you register for training, indicate your profession in a special form (which you have now or plan to get in the future), and the system selects the most valuable qualities for you that are necessary for success and helps you develop them.

For example, for technical specialties it is very important to be able to think, work with formulas, and do mental math. For those who want to learn languages, a good memory and the ability to work with words and text are important. Designers need different types of imagination, managers need communication skills, and so on.

To develop each quality, you will study specific theoretical material and perform unique exercises. In addition, it will be possible to take classes on simulators, which are available on the project around the clock and completely free of charge.

Authors : developers of the Vikium project.

Cost : 2,290 rub.

Find out more and sign up for training

Goal setting

Description . Maybe you still haven’t found yourself because you don’t know how to set goals correctly and prioritize in your life? You either set an exorbitant goal and after a few days you realize that it is unattainable, or you set too small goals and quickly lose motivation for them.

A goal setting course will help you solve this problem. When you complete the training, you will consciously set goals and plan to achieve them for the short and long term.

Believe me, mastering something new, reaching new heights, realizing yourself in something is not at all as difficult as it seems. You just need to divide the long path into segments and start walking.

There are only six lessons here, you will learn them very quickly.

Authors : developers of the Vikium project.

Cost : 990 rub.

Find out more and sign up for training


Description . A mentalist is a comprehensively developed and intelligent person who can solve a variety of problems. If you can’t find yourself in life, try to start developing in general, create a solid foundation for your prosperity, and then decide which direction to focus on.

If you can’t count in your head, you can’t work with large amounts of information, the thought of higher education or advanced training courses gives you terrible fear - this program is for you. It will teach you to think, concentrate, easily acquire the most varied knowledge and retain it in memory for a long time.

Separate blocks of the course are devoted to emotional intelligence, the ability to communicate with people, predict their psychological reactions, and so on.

Authors : developers of the Vikium project.

Cost : 1,490 rub.

Find out more and sign up for training

Development of attention

Description . This program will teach you to easily concentrate even on the most difficult work. It doesn’t just help you decide on a choice of area of ​​activity, it lays a solid foundation that will make many areas of self-realization “accessible” to you. Attention is needed absolutely everywhere.

There are 15 lessons and daily practical exercises. You will hone your skills on 11 simulators.

Do you often try to choose a direction in life for yourself, start learning something new, and then abruptly give up because you think: “This is not for me,” “I don’t have enough knowledge,” “Too abstruse”? Maybe you just need to improve your general ability to work with information, concentrate and think?

Authors : developers of the Vikium project.

Cost : 1,490 rub.

Find out more and sign up for training

If you can recommend other courses or good books on self-development, please write about it in the comments to the article. If you know courses that you definitely shouldn’t take, write about that too. I would be grateful for your feedback.

Search for patterns

How to understand what to do in life? You have to be logical. Again, you will need some free time and a notepad. It is recommended to write down your 20 favorite activities there. Even if they seem banal (let's say eating delicious food).

The finished list should be carefully studied. Are there any patterns to it? Maybe several activities are interconnected? Sometimes people don’t even notice that their hobbies, which they have been pursuing for several years, belong, in fact, to the same field.

So you need to think and break the resulting list into groups. For what? This will help a person understand what kind of life he wants to live.

Maximum development!

Unfortunately, many people not only cannot understand what to do in life and how to find themselves, they even find it difficult to make the notorious lists. In this case, they have no other choice: they will have to develop.

Nothing leads to a dead end more than a closed space, lack of dynamics in life, the same social circle, and routine.

The best way to avoid this is to travel. As often as possible and over maximum distances. Not to the next city, but to the other side of the world. Each trip provides a guaranteed burst of energy. A person sees how and what people live, what they do, what hobbies they enjoy, etc.

What will this give? Food for thought, emotions and, most importantly, boundless inspiration. And it, as you know, is characterized by the highest productivity, unprecedented concentration of forces and enormous spiritual uplift. In such a state a person is capable of much.

Most people understand what is best to do in life when they are in such euphoria. And they begin to act. Inspiration frees you from unnecessary thoughts and pushes you to take concrete steps. There is no need to be afraid of traveling and look for excuses from doing it - perhaps your next trip will be a turning point in your life.

How to understand what to do in life. Test “Are you minding your own business in life?”

Answer three questions – Yes/No

1. If you became fabulously rich, would you be engaged in the activities that you are engaged in now? 2. If you had exactly one year left to live, would you do what you are doing now? 3. If you had to pay for the opportunity to do your activity, would you pay?

If you answered “NO” to at least one question, you are not doing what you were intended for, not what you love. It's not really important to you

Remember your achievements

Look at your life in perspective; there must have been moments in it that you are proud of. It doesn’t matter how significant the event that occurred thanks to your efforts was. Brightness and significance are measured in comparison with other people, and comparing yourself with someone is not a good service for your well-being.

To make it easier for you to navigate, here is a list of possible achievements:

  • You graduated from school with a medal;
  • Made a report at a conference;
  • I worked with the child, as a result, thanks to his knowledge, he was able to enter a prestigious gymnasium or pass exams well;
  • Your dog won the competition;
  • You created a group on a social network that has gained several thousand followers.

The list can be huge. The main thing is that any achievement can show what you are good at. You may be educated as a programmer or accountant, but if you are good at teaching children, you might want to look into the field of education.

Formulate your goals

Aimless pastime, chaotic activities destroy life, contribute to the loss of the inner core, desires, and sense of life. Therefore, the next task is to parse life into important parts (work, family, health) and formulate a goal for each of them.

Goals should not contradict each other. Rather, they should one day merge, complement each other, and contribute to the formation of a harmonious personality. It’s hard to imagine that you will be able to build a career as a manager of a large production, be a mother of 10 children and regularly lead a healthy lifestyle. In some of these areas the goal will be unattainable.

Another feature of the process of setting goals is regular checks of their implementation and adjustments.


  • What is a favorite thing
  • Is it worth changing your usual life?
  • How to understand that you are doing what you love
  • How to force yourself to take the first step towards a new life and leave a job you don’t like
  • How to find your favorite thing - 8 effective exercises
  • Exercise No. 1
  • Exercise No. 2
  • Exercise #3
  • Exercise #4
  • Exercise #5
  • Exercise #6
  • Exercise No. 7
  • Exercise #8
  • Tips for those who are looking for a favorite business
  • How to make your life's work successful
  • The obstacle that could stand in the way of your dream job
  • Pros and cons of starting your own business
  • Conclusion

Analysis of the situation

The first step in order to make a meaningful choice and find yourself is to know yourself. It is difficult to describe and ignore the state when a person does not know who he really is. But no matter how difficult this search may be, it is worth it. Knowing your own essence is an edifying experience that can help you become a self-sufficient person. A few questions to start the process of getting to know yourself:

  • What surrounds a person now?
  • Does he have self-pity and demands for pity from others?
  • Does he have dreams?
  • And are there fears that prevent you from moving forward? We are talking specifically about those fears that a person sincerely wants to get rid of, and not those that provide a comfortable life.
  • Is he an optimist or a pessimist?
  • Personal qualities that contribute to moving forward?
  • Properties that interfere with achieving goals and success?
  • What kind of people are in a person’s close circle and are there those among them who hinder personal growth?
  • Reasons for not realizing your dreams? Were they real?
  • How did a person come to the current state?

It is very important to talk to yourself openly and honestly. It is recommended to write down the answers in a gadget or on a piece of paper.

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