How to support a girl in difficult times, when she feels bad and needs support

Hello! My name is Igor Lapin, I am a professional pickup trainer. Today we’ll talk about how to support a girl when she’s feeling bad. Various unpredictable situations happen in our lives that can throw even the most positive people off balance.

Surely things have happened to you personally when you really needed the support of friends or a loved one. Relationships always mean responsibility and willingness to support each other in difficult times. Girls, as you know, are more subtle and sensitive creatures, so it is important to have an idea of ​​what to do in a given situation.

No need to be sad, let's laugh

You can support your loved one in difficult times with SMS and playful, humorous content to cheer her up:

  1. Look at your salary - isn’t it fun?
  2. The boss who can ruin this evening by candlelight has not yet been born.
  3. Life is a struggle, today we will meet in the ring.
  4. To mope is to amuse your enemies; you have to do something.
  5. Don't be sad, you don't need extra wrinkles, do you?
  6. The whole world is a mess, but we are not like that.
  7. Call your friend, she knows exactly whose face to soap.
  8. The main thing is that you know that you are zykansky, and they are trashy.
  9. All the dark thoughts are only in your head, you need to somehow turn it off tonight - I bought your favorite whiskey.
  10. “There’s noise around, so be it, don’t make a fuss, everything’s fine.”
  11. Let's start looking for the meaning of life today - I suggest starting with the bar.
  12. In the evening I will pour witchcraft into your crystal darkness glass...
  13. Forget everything, but don't hit anyone.
  14. Let's live and rejoice together.
  15. Today you should look for problems in your 5th point - go to a restaurant with your friends. Then you will definitely understand that there are no problems.
  16. It's time to go on a spree, I'm with you.
  17. You are beautiful, smart, brave... What are these problems?
  18. Whose face should I clean today?
  19. Live in harmony with yourself, and I will live in harmony with you.
  20. Your brain is giving negative signals, let's reset it tonight.
  21. I want to wake up with you from your breath, and not from shouts: “I’ll quit! Today!".
  22. Yes, let these muddy people continue to flounder in their muddy waters.
  23. If you want life to become more interesting and exciting, be rude to your boss and unburden yourself.
  24. Also tell them that you are leaving for the Maldives tomorrow, and the man gave you a yacht.
  25. May they never see you with a sad face, no matter how hard they try to ruin your mood.
  26. Don't you give a damn? They really don't give a damn about you.
  27. All problems are caused by a lack of alcohol in the blood; today we are filling this niche.
  28. “So that the raven does not croak for us” - this evening - in a glass.
  29. Let me give you a punching bag for your birthday - it calms you down and drives out the stupidity.
  30. We ourselves are the creators of life, since we have done this, we will clean it up together.
  31. Get rid of everything unnecessary from your head, just us and our future holiday in the Seychelles.
  32. Don’t bend to the changing world, take care of yourself.
  33. Sadness is a meaningless thing; you urgently need to quickly find something that will cheer you up.
  34. Have pity on the flawed, because they didn’t get even a hundredth part of your merits.
  35. This evening we will arrange a debriefing, you are the flight attendant, I, as always, am the first pilot.

Various situations

There are different situations in which a woman needs consolation. In each of them, you should follow a number of actions that help quickly cheer up your loved one.

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Comfort from a distance

It can be especially difficult for a girl when she is upset and a loved one is not around. If it is not possible for a man to come to console his beloved, then this can be done by telephone.

Comforting an upset woman over text can be difficult. It is difficult to convey soothing words in SMS messages. It’s much better to call a girl, because nothing compares to the voice of your loved one.

It is important to speak as calmly and gently as possible. You should show sensitivity and concern in the conversation. A girl may react aggressively, but do not be afraid of this, since this is only a defensive reaction to a difficult situation.

You need to try to tell your beloved as many words of reassurance and affectionate phrases as possible, since at this moment there is no opportunity to hug her. You can call your loved one cute nicknames or just a name in a diminutive form.

Sometimes a good solution is to move the conversation to another topic. Men should try to make their loved one laugh or remind her of happy moments. This will help her get distracted and forget about her problems for a while.

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It is very important not to hang up the phone, interrupting the conversation while the girl continues to cry. It is also advisable to remind yourself during the day: call and write. You can even make a pleasant surprise for your loved one, for example, send a bouquet.

Sincere tears or a method of manipulation

When a girl throws a tantrum and starts crying a lot, it is important to decide whether there are really good reasons for this or whether this is an attempt to manipulate a man.

  1. If the tears are sincere, then the girl will not stop crying after she hears that you are ready to give her something as a consolation. But during manipulation, the young lady can say out loud what she needs in order to be comforted.
  2. If a young lady calls the reason for her tears that you don’t love her enough, and says that you can prove the opposite if you refuse to go fishing with your friends, then this is one hundred percent manipulation.
  3. If tears appear immediately after some controversial issue, most likely the girl is behaving feignedly, trying to make you feel guilty by such an act.

If you notice that a young lady is manipulating, you must explain to her in a decisive but gentle manner that such behavior is unacceptable, that no one will run at her beck and call. If you don’t calm down, you will be forced to take a break from the relationship or break it off altogether. You need to talk to her seriously only after she has calmed down and is able to soberly assess the current situation.

How to cheer up a girl if you're nearby

It’s good when you can be with a person during a difficult period of his life - that’s already half the battle. And the arsenal of methods in this case is much wider, let's look at it.

  • Please the girl with a sincere compliment

At the same time, she should not get the impression that you are saying beautiful words out of pity. Remember her strengths and positive character traits, praise her for her past achievements, and tell her that you admire her. In moments of despondency, a person may seem pitiful and worthless; your compliments will help restore at least a little faith in yourself.

  • Surround with care

Everyone loves to be shown warmth and attention - you can feel like a little child again for a while. Cook the girl something tasty, help with the cleaning, solve her problems that you are able to solve. This way she can relax and take her mind off her sad thoughts.

Some tips

There are several tips to help you understand and support a girl:

  1. Don't leave a girl alone unless she asks for it. If she has no desire to communicate, just wait.
  2. When she begins to calm down, make tea, take out chocolate or candy. She will be pleased with such care.
  3. It happens that you are not able to understand her or help her in any way. It is quite possible that in such a situation it would be useful to communicate with her friend. Offer your help - take her to a friend's place and find out when to stop by to take her back.

Claim possible help

Specific actions are not required at every moment and do not help in all cases. But by offering technical or material support, you demonstrate your interest in the problems of a friend or relative.

Sometimes you can support a person with simple household chores that don’t need any words: cleaning, caring for children, washing dishes. In difficult times, especially when it comes to the death of parents, husband or wife, it is impossible to run a normal household. Here we need someone who will take care of ourselves.

Tricky Ladies 5

If a man upset a girl, and she threw a scandal and simply plunged into depression. It is worth considering how reasonable and appropriate the actions that led to this are. Maybe from a male point of view they are quite appropriate, but the girl just wants to make a scandal and receive a material reward. It is unclear, however.

In any case, in such a situation you need to evaluate your actions objectively. And, in case of not admitting guilt, do not apologize to the girl and do not try to calm her down. Grievances must be justified and not arise out of nowhere.

When should a girl be calmed down?

Talk to her, find out what happened. Sometimes just sharing her problem will make things easier. Depending on the situation, proceed further: first, hug her. This helps a lot, because hugs make a girl feel protected and calm. Then, after you understand what the situation is, express your opinion on this matter.

How to calm a girl down with words

Try to look at her problem from an optimistic point of view and tell her that not everything is as bad as she thinks. Offer a possible solution to the situation and let her understand that you will support her in every possible way and will do everything possible to ensure that the situation returns to normal. Even if you don’t know what solution to offer in her question, nevertheless try to make it clear that the situation can be resolved one way or another.

Use the following lines in your conversation:

“You are not alone, you have me”

"You can always count on my help"

How to calm a girl down from a distance

If the girl is not around, keep in constant contact with her via phone, messenger, social network. Try to make her have the impression that, despite the distance, you are close to her. Tell her that if she feels uneasy again, she’ll call you right away and you’ll support her.

How to calm a crying girl down

You just need to hug a crying girl tightly and stay with her in this position for up to several minutes. While she's crying, it's even better not to say much. In your arms she will calm down quite quickly, and then you can talk to her.

Your actions

In order not to get confused when you see an upset girl, I advise you to remember certain actions that will definitely help calm her down.

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Try to find out the reason

It is quite possible that the girl herself does not fully understand why she felt sad. Or he simply doesn’t want to talk about the real reason and explains everything by feeling unwell. However, try to be persistent, but act gently and delicately.

The problems are very different. The more you learn about the situation, the faster you will understand how to respond correctly. If a girl is experiencing severe grief, for example, due to the loss of a close relative, then you should not joke, trying to make her laugh. If the reason is a quarrel with a friend, it is quite possible to try to distract her. Just don't ask for details. There are topics that are not discussed with men.

Let her speak

Sometimes a girl needs to share her experiences, talk about what is happening in her soul, what she feels. It is quite possible that her monologue will be very emotional and will even be accompanied by a stream of tears. And if she gets angry, things can end with breaking dishes and destroying furniture.

On the contrary, a girl may look calm and say that she wants to be alone. Your task is to understand whether she really wants this or is just saying so, secretly hoping that you will not leave her alone. I understand that this is not an easy task. It all depends on how well you know your friend.

You should not immediately offer her many solutions to the problem. When your advice is needed, the girl will definitely ask for it. First, just let the person speak.

Listen to her carefully

Put your phone aside, close your laptop, don't run your eyes around the room. Focus on your friend and what she is saying. She should not have the feeling that you are in a hurry or that you are deeply indifferent to her experiences.

You should not interrupt her monologue with your comments or advice. However, try to listen actively. Look her straight in the eye, nod your head (just don’t overdo it), and maybe add a little comment like, “I can imagine how difficult this is for you.” This will let her know that you really care about her. And don't rush her. Let him speak out to the end.

Ask how you can help her

When the girl speaks out completely, ask how you can help. Perhaps the reason for her worries lies in a specific problem that can be solved together. For example, if she is nervous about an exam, help her prepare. And if she is pregnant and is afraid to go to the hospital, offer to go there together, this will give your friend moral support. Most likely, she feels lonely and lost, and your interest and offer of help will give her confidence and calm.

Just be close to her

There are situations when nothing can be done or corrected. If your friend is in serious trouble, you just have to be there. Don't leave her alone with strong feelings. Try to cancel your plans if possible. Your presence and support will help her get through a difficult stage in her life.

When she feels bad, just say, “I’m so sorry you have to go through this.” This is how you express your sympathy. Perhaps your girlfriend will feel a little better, despite the fact that you are unable to help her.

Even if she feels bad during PMS or during menstruation, your care and support will help her cope with this unpleasant condition and survive it painlessly.

How can you cheer up a girl?

A young man has the opportunity to restore the good mood of his beloved in the following ways:

  1. Prepare a delicious dish . Down with the stereotypes that it’s mostly men who like to eat delicious food. Good food is a universal way to improve your mood. Even a person far from cooking can learn how to cook one simple dish in a couple of days. The main thing is not to overdo it with calories if a girl is concerned about her figure;
  2. Make a compliment . In difficult life moments, a girl will be pleased to hear warm words. You can brighten them up with a harmless joke or a funny story from your life;
  3. Take him on an unusual date . For example, if a girl is not shy, then she will be impressed by a helicopter flight with her loved one. Some companies even organize romantic flights for two. Horseback riding is also a good option. This is not as dangerous as many people think. The girl will be offered the most peaceful animal and will be helped to sit in the saddle. Such a pastime, coupled with being in the fresh air, will definitely improve your mood;
  4. Get a massage . You can learn a simple relaxing massage technique using videos on Youtube;
  5. Give a cute little thing . It can be anything, from a teddy bear to an unusual decorative night light.

After a breakup (yours with her)

This is a very difficult situation, because in fact, you yourself will be to blame for the girl’s tears.

Reference! It is unlikely that she will be able to cope with the surging emotions after the unpleasant news that you are breaking up.

However, you can try to help here:

  1. Don't blame her even in response to insults. Many people may start voicing their complaints after a breakup, but remember that the girl is now talking through emotions, not logic. Rise above it, wait for her to calm down. Then you can talk calmly.
  2. Brew her some hot sweet tea and offer her some chocolate. Chocolate improves your mood, and a sweet hot drink helps you calm down.
  3. Tell her you're willing to help her until she finds a new guy - don't let her feel completely alone.
  4. Try to explain why you decided to leave her. A little self-irony won’t hurt; paint the girl a picture in which she will be beautiful, and you will be unworthy of her.
  5. Say that you are very sorry that everything turned out this way and that you had to break up. Show your emotions and be prepared to face a barrage of responses.

SMS for your beloved

Send funny SMS to a girl to cheer her up! If your relationship is just at the nascent stage, she will understand that she cares about you.

  1. I'm afraid to look at you. Because you are so damn beautiful.
  2. I want to send you a photo of my love, but it’s not attached, it’s too big...
  3. You are so hot that sometimes I am afraid of getting burned when kissing...
  4. I love you like ice cream! Ready to eat both in winter and summer.
  5. You won't have anyone like me anymore! In principle, you can only be happy about this.
  6. Darling, meeting you blew my mind!
  7. “By opening this message, you have released the happiness virus!”
  8. Hey! Stop dating! It's time for you to get married!
  9. Darling, please answer, are you sleeping?
  10. Get out of my thoughts urgently, otherwise my work is idle!
  11. If in 15 seconds you don’t write that you love me, you have 100 kisses!
  12. Darling, you reign in my heart! I ask one thing - stop messing with the throne...
  13. You said you love pizza, and now I want to be like her!
  14. Who took the key to my heart?!
  15. Honey, how soon should I arrive so that you are ready in 15 minutes?
  16. She should have gotten lost just when I was so cold! I'm talking about pajamas...
  17. This message was sent to the most beautiful girl in the world.
  18. The bad news is that my heart was stolen. The main suspect is you...
  19. I move the tomatoes in your direction.
  20. If one of your friends is afraid of gaining weight, let them drink before eating. This neutralizes fear.

Everyday ways to take care of a girl

1. Remember the standard human (and female) needs: sleep, eat, rest, be protected, comfort? So, close them off from your girlfriend or act proactively. Frost - cold, wind - chilly. Cover it, lay it down, take pity on it, put a pillow under your butt.

Ask if she is cold, if she is hungry, if she is comfortable. The simplest and most powerful concern for a girl is in the little things .

“Are you tired, my little one?”

2. Talk about your feelings , about how dear she is to you. I wrote about this in great detail in the article “how to prove to a girl that you love her.”

3. Give her your time , despite your busy schedule. Any woman wants attention and quality time with her man.

To be honest, even if you provide for her well and pay for any whims, but are not interested in her emotional side, she will be unhappy.

A girl will never look at other men if you spend your time with her. Watching a TV series together, a common hobby or sport, conversations - all this will work in your favor.

4. Listen to her. Even if what she says is not interesting to you, pay your attention - because it is interesting to her.

"How was your day?" - and LISTEN! Nod and sometimes be surprised by the story. You can ask again, voicing her last word. Participate in the conversation, but don't interrupt.

- Marinka was completely stunned today! Came to work in a red miniskirt! - A miniskirt? - Yes! And then..<…>

This “listening” is an investment in her life and building trust.

5. Show interest in things and activities that she likes.

You don't have to love shopping, makeup, or outfits, just appreciate her efforts to look good for you.

Be understanding about her hobbies and other things that bring her joy. Support her in what she enjoys doing.

6. Kiss her on the forehead . Most girls treat this kind of kiss more sentimentally than a kiss on the lips or cheek. He really captivates and makes a girl fall in love with you. Such a guardian daddy.

7. Tell her that she is irresistible . In general, the power of complimenting a girl is limitless. Girls melt from them like chocolate in fondue. I have a list of these. Enjoy!

8. Do not show your concern in public , this is intimate (except for those points below).

9. Observe etiquette :

1) Do not smoke in the presence of a girl without her permission.8) 2) When entering and leaving the room, open the door and let the girl go first. 3) When going down the stairs, you need to walk one or two steps ahead of the girl, and when going up, you need to walk one or two steps behind (so that if you catch something, support her). 4) Don’t forget to open the car door for the girl, helping her get in or out of the car (by giving her your hand). If you are both passengers in a taxi, you should ride together in the back seat, the girl gets in first. 5) When entering the room, you must help the girl take off her outerwear, and on the way out, hand her clothes to help her get dressed. Z – care. 6) In society, including on public transport, it is not customary to sit down if a girl is standing. 7) When their bus gets off, get off first and offer your hand. Any girl, regardless of age, needs help carrying large/heavy bags. It is PROHIBITED to take women's handbags (of any size) from a girl! 9) During a conversation, you should not cross your arms over your chest, keep them in your pockets, or twirl any objects in your hands.

10. Take her hand in public places, on walks, alone.

11. Trust her . Don't call or write every 20 minutes if she's gone out with friends. Try to control your jealousy. In general, jealousy is a separate topic for discussion. But I'll give you an important idea:

Allow yourself to be jealous, but don't let this feeling get the better of you.

Hug a woman

Hugs should be used in any case. However, their character directly depends on the type of your relationship. Yes, if you are in a relationship, hugs should be as warm as possible. If the girl with sad eyes is your friend or classmate, a friendly hug on the shoulders will be enough.

While hugging, tell her that you are worried:

  • “I’m really sorry that this test upset you. But, believe me, one mark does not decide your fate. You are the smartest person in our group, learn everything and shine in the exam. And I will keep my fingers crossed."
  • “Sunny, don’t be upset that Alena came in the same dress. The product is really beautiful. But it looks much more attractive on you. And don’t be offended by your friend: it means you both have excellent taste. You are my best."

Read on topic:
How kisses are distinguished: types and characteristics

What not to do when supporting a girl so as not to ruin the relationship

It is important to know how to support a girl in difficult times with words and actions. Sometimes guys are not ready for women's tears or violent manifestations of emotions. A woman considers a man weak, insensitive, and all because he makes these mistakes:

  1. Don't ignore her problems. No “I’ll call you later”, “we’ll talk later” and “I’m busy”. If you leave her in difficult times and refuse to support her, then you shouldn’t expect any favors or a good attitude towards yourself.
  2. Don't try to calm her down with just emoticons and sad pictures. Without words, it will be unclear: are you laughing at her, being ironic, or just don’t care, so you don’t want to understand the problem and conduct a dialogue.
  3. Don't overdo it with advice when trying to be supportive. Don’t offer ready-made solutions: help her see the situation and figure out the problem herself. If she follows your words, and they lead to even bigger problems, then you will remain guilty.
  4. You should not advise talking with friends about a topic that worries her or turning to a psychologist. If she wanted this, she would have already done it, but she expects support from you, even if you don’t understand the topic at all.
  5. Be careful with humor. A joke can help a girl take her mind off her problems, or it can make them worse. It’s definitely better to save cynicism and sarcasm for another occasion, and not for situations where you decide to support.

Timely and correct support will strengthen your relationship. She will be grateful for your understanding and help. It is important to distinguish far-fetched problems from serious ones, but at the same time understand that nothing happens for nothing. If a girl makes a mountain out of a mountain, it means something is wrong. Understanding female psychology is not so easy. I wasn't always an expert either. You need practice, knowledge of psychology and a desire to develop. I will help you with the first and second, but the third depends only on you. My name is Alexander Galevich. Since 2006, I have conducted over 2,000 trainings and helped over 41,000 students. Their gratitude and strong, happy relationships are one of my most important rewards. Knowing women, you will be able to manage not only them, but also your life, career and quickly reach new heights.

Cheer a girl by SMS and phone

So, topics for SMS and short calls that can cheer up a girl are given below.

Wish her a great day

Charge her with a great mood for the day with an appropriate wish. What words to choose? Example: “Today will be a wonderful day: I wish it for you! Most importantly, smile more often and charge everyone around you with incredible energy!” Support the words with a picture, choosing it according to your interlocutor’s taste: a playing cat, flower fields, a sunlit city, and so on. Are we talking about a lover? Send a collage of your photos together.

Short and funny SMS

If you are going through a funny situation, don’t miss the chance to make the girl laugh! Tell her about it via SMS. Is there anything fun going on around you? Please her with funny memes, of which there are many on the Internet. Important advice: short jokes are preferable so that the interlocutor does not have to spend a lot of time reading. The recommendation is relevant if you are not sure that it is completely unoccupied.

Funny video

As already mentioned, a video can amuse a girl if you choose it in accordance with her taste preferences. Important tip: make sure your message is easy to view, otherwise the meaning will be lost. Don’t send just anything – vulgar, stupid, too long videos. A topic that is appropriate for a male company is not always liked by women - take this into account.


A win-win option that lifts your spirits for a long time. Example: you saw each other recently. Write: “I forgot to say that you were wearing a very beautiful dress. I remember it very much.” What other compliments will impress: “I just can’t forget your amazing eye color,” “I’ve never seen such beautiful hair,” “You look especially chic today.” In order for messages not to sound like irony, they must be close to the truth. When communicating in person, try not to put off pleasant words for later - give compliments right away.

How not to behave

There are certain things you should never do when trying to calm a girl down. Using such methods, not only will you not be able to console your friend, but you can also push her away from you forever.

Nervous and fidgety

It is extremely difficult to remain calm next to a crying girl who is also very dear to you. After all, negative emotions are contagious. To calm another person down, you must first maintain iron calm yourself.

So before you start consoling, take a deep breath, exhale and count to 10. You can bring a glass of water for her and for yourself.

Find out details

I have already written that you should carefully try to find out the reason why a girl is sad or crying. But you should not ask for details and details of what happened. For example, if she quarreled with a friend, there is no need to ask what words she called her. The girl will delve deeper into her experiences again, and you may also end up in hot hands. This is not far from a scandal.

Trying to solve all problems instantly

Practical help should be provided only when the girl calms down and asks for it herself. It is undesirable to impose your services for the following reasons.

  1. A crying person is incapable of active action. It is all the more difficult to make reasonable decisions in such an unstable emotional state.
  2. The girl may have her own view on how to get out of the situation. Therefore, the help you offer may simply not suit her.

If you impose ready-made solutions to problems on a person, then he will subsequently not be able to make decisions himself in difficult circumstances. This is called learned helplessness. When all your problems are always solved for you by other people.

It is best to discuss the situation that has arisen with the calmed girl and come up with a joint solution.

Downplay the experience

The worst thing a worried girl can hear is something like: “Come on, it’s not the end of the world!” or “But in Africa all the children are starving, it’s not so bad for you!” Even to your friend, if his girlfriend left him, you shouldn’t say that.

If you think the reason for her tears is insignificant and trivial, you should not tell her about it. Your job is to support. And this means that you just need to listen to the girl and be there.

Making impossible promises

You shouldn't tell a crying girl that you are ready to do anything to make her stop crying. Also, do not try to pay off your beloved and promise her mountains of gold as a consolation. Otherwise she will learn to manipulate you. He will conclude that the best cure for tears is expensive gifts. And to get what you want, you just need to cry.

After all, the most precious thing that one person can give to another is care, attention and love. And they are more valuable than any of the most expensive things.

What not to do?

Even humor will not save you in a specific situation, so when testing the waters, you should carefully monitor whether the jokes are going well

  • Don't ask a girl to smile. How will she do this if her soul is in complete darkness? All reactions must be caused naturally.
  • Don’t ignore a woman, even if you don’t know what to suggest or think the problem is funny. This will greatly offend her, because she is waiting for support and care.
  • Don't bother me. Yes, sex can really lift your mood and push negativity into the background. But, it is better to let such an initiative come from her side, because most girls will consider intimacy unnecessary at a moment of extreme sadness.

Types of support

In general, there are two main ways to support a girl:

  1. Moral support. It's not just about positive words expressing understanding and caring. Moral support also includes physical contact: hugs, kisses and, in some cases, sex.
  2. Action support. Women value men not for their words, but for their deeds. There is a lot of truth in this. This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t encourage your loved one with words, but try to clearly show your care. Besides, not every guy is able to choose the right expressions, and in this case, you can even make things worse.

Of course, it is better to combine both options and show more involvement in the problem. The main thing is not to impose your opinion and not to overdo it with excessive attention.

Remember that every person needs a moment of solitude.

Taking into account the female character

The desire to please a girl when she is sad is completely natural. However, when choosing a way to improve your mood, you need to take into account the characteristics of a woman’s character, her preferences and temperament.

If your beloved prefers romantic get-togethers and private time, try the following methods:

  • a trip to nature, a picnic, cooking barbecue on an open fire;
  • weekend in a country house;
  • attending a concert of your favorite performer or orchestra;
  • going to the cinema and watching a romantic comedy;
  • water treatments in a water park or city pool.

If your beloved loves active recreation and prefers noisy gatherings to solitude, there are also countless ways to lift her spirits. For example, you might suggest:

  • go out into nature with a large group, where fishing, catamaran riding, various competitions and other events await;
  • organize a party to which she will invite her best friends, select music and menu, and come up with competitions;
  • book a table at some night establishment where you can go with a large group;
  • go to an entertainment center or park where swings and ice cream will take you back to childhood;
  • engage in extreme recreation - skydiving, diving.

When thinking about how to cheer up a girl, it is important to understand that every representative of the fair sex needs male attention, warm attitude and support.
Therefore, it does not make much difference which of the above methods you use.

The main thing is to show that she is not alone, you will always come to her aid. In this case, the negative attitude will quickly be replaced by a positive outlook on the world around you.

If she cries

Women's tears confuse many guys.

But it’s easy to provide support in this situation:

  1. Focus on the crying girl. At this moment, you definitely shouldn’t be distracted by anything else, so put down your phone or laptop and approach her.
  2. Find out if she wants to be alone. Some people prefer to cry alone, and this desire should be respected. However, it is worth distinguishing between a real desire to be alone and a situation in which the girl is simply offended or does not want to bother you with her problems. If you know her well, you will understand it yourself.
  3. Hug her. Most girls love tactile sensations, so in the ring of the hands of a loving man they will calm down much faster. Gently stroke her hair and say something affectionate - this will create a feeling of security and peace in her.
  4. Let her cry and talk it out. Even if, in your opinion, she cries too much and for a long time, and repeats the same thing several times. It’s better to throw out all your emotions at once than to accumulate them inside yourself, so be patient.
  5. Avoid saying the following phrases: “smile; calm down; quiet; stop doing that; calm down; stop crying; do not exaggerate; Well, what happened to you there again; so what; Didn't understand; come faster and so on.” Instead, you can say: “I am here, nearby; I'm listening to; tell me this is important to me; I understand that this is difficult for you; maybe you want coffee or tea, let me make it.”

While the girl is crying, refrain from pestering, almost no one in such a situation will like it.

Your touches should be devoid of sexual connotations. First, calm the girl down, and only then, in a great mood, she will be able to please you with a gorgeous night.

After the girl has stopped crying, do everything to cheer her up.

For example, you can watch a funny movie together or go to a cafe or for a walk.

Important! It's better not to try to console a girl with alcohol, but various tasty things may well work. Also, you should not choose noisy places and active events for a walk, this can provoke a new stage of crying. It's better to go somewhere in nature.

The video describes the best ways to calm a girl down:

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