How to interest a guy

Good day! Now I will probably reveal one of the most important secrets. How to interest a man? Let's start with what we generally like in men?

The first thing every person pays attention to is appearance, but it is not only external beauty that attracts people. In second place (and this point is even more important) is spiritual beauty. In this case, we look at the person’s behavior, what aura is he surrounded by, what energy comes from him and what is he like? Everyone will tell you this!

Everyone likes kind, positive people who can see beauty, cheerful and romantic. To attract such a man, a girl must take care of herself and her appearance, and be well-groomed.

How this can manifest itself: clean clothes, styled hair, light makeup and a neat manicure. Confusion and timidity can be found in everyone. Many people believe that a guy chooses a woman himself. However, this judgment is incorrect. Even the bravest ones do not understand how to take the first step. A girl doesn't have to wonder how to interest a guy. Often, it is the guy who needs to understand in advance whether he will be refused acquaintance or not.

First impression

  1. Your task is to be remembered as much as possible, so that the guy finds in you something that is not in other girls.
  2. If he looks at you, smile at him and fix your gaze, so he will understand that he can act! After 10–15 minutes, you can look at the object of your sympathy again. It is important that the look shows warmth and goodwill. After all, few people will like a cold and contemptuous expression on their face. The smile should be as sincere as possible. The main secret of positivity is to do everything for your own pleasure, without doing what you don’t like. Here is such a simple recipe.
  3. You can also drop a scarf or any unbreakable accessory on the floor. The man will help you lift it. After thanking him, be sure to note how attentive he is.
  4. Another option: ask for help. If it's something simple, he'll even be interested. If he doesn’t react at all and doesn’t start to act, then most likely he’s busy or trying to resolve an important issue.

We share interests4

If a woman has already managed to interest a man and get a little attached to her, she should under no circumstances fold her arms and stop there. Sooner or later, talking about the weather and news will become tiresome, just like sweet and slightly flirtatious compliments addressed to him.

Here we need to talk about things that are more serious for the chosen one. So, even at the beginning of dating, a woman needs to carefully “probe” topics that are interesting to him. Hobbies, dreams, ambitious plans. Here you should not only sincerely believe in your companion’s dream, but also stock up on the necessary knowledge in order to be able to support a conversation on a highly specialized topic.

Moreover, here we are not talking about a somewhat stupid “oh, oh, how interesting this is to me, you’re so great,” but about a global understanding of the issue (even if it’s even about how spaceships plow the oceans).

If a companion believes that a woman is not only interested in his plans, but also sincerely believes in their implementation, and, accordingly, in his capabilities, he will absolutely appreciate it. This is especially important in cases where a hobby becomes a real passion for a man. If a lady shares her with him, she will become an ideal companion in his eyes.

How to interest a man on the Internet (by correspondence)?

It's always interesting to correspond with a man. The Internet has destroyed many barriers between people in this matter. To understand what kind of person he really is, you can simply view the information from his page:

  1. Friends;
  2. Hobbies;
  3. Bad habits;
  4. Place of work or study;
  5. Audio and video recordings;
  6. Sports preferences;
  7. Statuses and groups.

Distance and workload are no longer an obstacle to communication. Even embarrassment recedes into the background. We'll look at the best methods for creating strong emotions:

  1. Communication style. Try to listen to the man more at the beginning of communication. There is no need to burden him with excessive expression of your emotions and feelings. Express your thoughts briefly and clearly. Notice that your chosen one has a sense of humor - take advantage of this, feel free to joke. A good and appropriate joke will help in communication. Seek advice on a topic in which he is knowledgeable.

Be natural and try not to use cliched phrases. And don’t respond to messages right away; it’s better to wait at least five minutes.

  1. Literacy. Misspelled words are very off-putting. Guys themselves make a lot of mistakes, but they have a negative attitude towards female illiteracy.
  2. Emoticons. At the initial stage, you should not use a bunch of emoticons. It can also be off-putting. In general, it’s difficult to call men big fans of emoticons. But when your relationship becomes closer and more trusting, you don’t have to limit yourself.
  3. Time. Remember the rules of etiquette. Don't write too early in the day or too late in the day.

Important! In the process of communication, do not forget. You need to sense the limits of what is permitted in time.

In personal communication (on a date)

Most often, a man determines the program of personal meetings. There are many nuances of correct behavior:

  1. Don't be late. Although it is believed that a girl should do this, it is better to arrive on time. Your new acquaintance is the same person and he was also preparing for the meeting.
  2. It is worth preparing for the conversation. It is necessary to fully reveal the potential of the interlocutor. To do this, you should ask questions, the answer to which will allow the guy to demonstrate all his qualities.
  3. Avoid talking about your ex. The first date should be fun. Mentioning all your exes, bad relationship experiences will be the worst topic of conversation.
  4. The conversation should be conducted in a quiet, calm voice. Do not argue in a raised voice.
  5. It is imperative to exclude slang and rude expressions from your vocabulary and try to speak competently.
  6. Don't be too shy and withdrawn. It's hard to be open. But excessive constraint is sometimes repulsive.


No matter how important this particular man is to a woman, she should not always agree with him in everything and follow all his desires. This is especially true in those cases when it is unpleasant for her. Of course, harmony and peace in a relationship are very important, but this does not mean that you need to completely dissolve in it.

By the way, a lady’s refusal of one or another offer will make her partner respect him even more. It is very important for him to communicate with a woman who can worthily defend her opinion. A harmonious combination of a cheerful bird chirping on a branch and a thoughtful, mysterious personality will attract the attention of a man and firmly tie him to his companion.

Nonverbal Behavior (Body Language)

Each of us uses verbal and nonverbal behavior. Nonverbal behavior is non-verbal means of communication. Facial expression, gestures, body position, touch. They can tell a lot about a person, what he thinks and how he wants to act. Body language should not be underestimated, especially in a face-to-face meeting. The way you carry yourself throughout the date will help improve your impression of yourself. Let's take a look at some time-tested nonverbal cues that can help you have the perfect date.

  1. Showing your neck, adding a gaze, will be regarded on a subconscious level as a call.
  2. Wiggle your leg a little or play with your shoe. Cross one leg over the other.
  3. Repeating the other person's gestures will reinforce the feeling that you are on the same page. In psychology, there is the concept of “mirroring”, when we unconsciously (or deliberately) repeat the actions of our partner.
  4. Never cross your arms. This is a closed pose!
  5. Play with hair. This is a proven method of attracting attention. Throw a curl behind your ear, straighten your hair, or simply let your hair down.
  6. And the most obvious sign of sympathy is to lean forward or sit closer.

Useful tips

There is a concept called NLP (neurolinguistic programming). Psychology and knowledge of the methodology greatly help to establish personal contacts. It includes:

  1. The principle of the mirror - similarity evokes sympathy on a subconscious level. Just repeat facial expressions and gestures.
  2. Do not strive to show your best side, but show sincere interest in the personality of your interlocutor.
  3. Pleasant associations. Remember happy moments or funny incidents from life. So in memory the girl will be associated with a smile.
  4. Don't be intrusive or vulgar.
  5. Do not violate personal boundaries.
  6. Respect as a person.
  7. Don't talk too much.

First of all, you should not be afraid to show interest. This does not mean that you need to throw yourself on your chosen one’s neck with the words “I am all yours.” Just a warm look, a smile, an interesting conversation. And then it’s up to him.

Topics for conversation

Favorite food

Perhaps your meeting will take place in a cafe or restaurant. It would be appropriate to ask about a man’s favorite dish before ordering food. In this way, you will show yourself to be an attentive and caring person, which the male sex always notices.

Hobbies, interests

Each of us has our favorite activities, and they may be the same, although we humans are different.

You can imagine how interesting and happy it will be to do them together in the future. Openly show your interest in a man’s hobbies, share vivid stories from your own life, so you can find common topics that will be interesting to both of you. With the help of your favorite hobby, you can have a good time, relax and step away from everyday work. Also, having a hobby significantly broadens your horizons.

Let's list some of them, the most common hobbies include:

  • Active recreation - gym, gymnastics, hiking, etc.
  • Quiet relaxation - reading books or studying culinary recipes.
  • Unusual hobbies - clay modeling, embroidering toys, constructing match houses, etc.
  • Extreme recreation - skydiving, scuba diving, fast driving, etc.
  • Creativity : visiting a theater group, writing poems, learning to play a musical instrument, video or photography.

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Your hobby does not have to be related to your main job. A builder can love poetry, a banker can jump with a parachute. Having information about what hobby a person has, you can determine in advance topics for an interesting conversation.

Collectors are punctual, always keep promises, do complex intellectual work well, and sometimes have a hidden appetite for risk.

People who play sports in their free time are goal-oriented people.

Sports enthusiasts are also considered stress-resistant and psychologically strong individuals.

Creative people who paint, compose music, or write are very ambitious at heart. Those who see the world differently always have a penchant for such a hobby. These people are often unstable in terms of communication and may take breaks.


If you ask a man where he sees himself in five years, you will have an idea of ​​him as a person. You will understand what his plans for the future are, who he sees himself in the future. You will know if you can rely on him. Such information will never hinder you when building a serious relationship with a man.

Important Rules

A few simple but important rules will help any woman make her crush show interest. Things to remember:

  1. Be diversified.
  2. Take care of yourself.
  3. Be sweet and feminine.
  4. Be sincerely interested in everything he says.
  5. Radiate positivity.
  6. Don't get hung up on yourself.
  7. Come up with interesting dates.

Find common interests

Maybe he visits the same gym or cafe as the girl. Or goes to concerts of the same musical groups. At a minimum, there may be mutual acquaintances and friends. To have a pleasant time together, it is important to find something that will bring people together. Board games, going to the theater - everything that both like.

READ How to build a relationship with a man: secrets and little feminine tricks

Avoid intrusiveness

There is no need to make grandiose plans immediately after meeting and not leave him for a second. Excessive expression of interest can not only discourage the desire to communicate, but also simply scare him.

No constant calls and text messages, no attempts to see him as often as possible. The girl should show interest, but remain mysterious and arouse the desire to seek her favor.

Write and speak competently

Although many themselves make a lot of mistakes in SMS messages, and some even want to give a Dahl dictionary as a gift, guys are sensitive to the illiterate speech of girls. It is important to carefully monitor what and how is written and said. You cannot use profanity and jargon - this is unpleasant for any person. The girl’s speech should be polite and competent, and emails and telephone letters should not contain a large number of errors.

What questions can and should be asked, and what not?

The young man must understand that the girl is sincerely interested in communication. To do this, it is important to ask him additional questions during the conversation. This will let him know that he is being listened to and heard, and these are two completely different things. What questions to ask depends on the general topic of the conversation:

  1. Work is relationships with the team.
  2. Profession - why he chose it, what are his plans for the future.
  3. Family – brothers and sisters, how old they are, what their hobbies are.
  4. Memories – interesting stories from childhood.
  5. Studying - does he miss school and classmates, what kind of teachers were he like?
  6. Movies or books – which authors and directors do they prefer and why?
  7. Free time - how often are weekends, what does he do on these days.
  8. Relationships - what attracts girls.
  9. Bad habits – if any, what are they?

But it is important to remember that not everything can be asked. It is better not to touch on some topics:

  1. Life's failures - there is no need to remind him of them again.
  2. Past relationships and ex-girlfriends are already a thing of the past, and you definitely don’t need to know about it.
  3. Weaknesses - it is better to concentrate your attention on his skills.
  4. Competitiveness - under no circumstances should you compare a man with any of your acquaintances or ex-boyfriends.
  5. The girl's shortcomings are that you shouldn't openly ask for compliments. If she deserves them, then they will tell her everything she needs.

Who shouldn't waste time on?

Sometimes a relationship may not have a reason to continue.
In order not to encounter a similar problem, it is important, before getting a guy interested, to consider factors that may affect the further development of the situation:

  1. There is no way to communicate. Frequent travel or living in another city will not allow you to see each other regularly. It is difficult to attract the attention of a man with whom meetings occur rarely and irregularly. Of course, distance can fuel a couple’s interest in each other, but more often it becomes a catalyst for quarrels and scandals.
  2. Big trouble. When a man is immersed in solving pressing problems, he pays little attention to what is happening around him. And for women too. Too much attention will only make him angry. In this case, you should either try to help him or find another object of interest.

Verbal perception

Men love with their eyes, everyone knows that. But some women misinterpret this statement and do not understand how to properly attract a guy's attention. Yes, he will pay attention to a beautiful girl with makeup and hairstyle. However, it is a scientifically proven fact that guys do not perceive the image in detail. The whole thing is important to them. And not only clothes and makeup, but also how well-groomed and neat the girl is, what her taste is.

They pay attention not to the dress and tights, but to the slenderness of the legs. An intricate hairstyle that they worked on at the hairdresser for several hours, but how suitable it is for a particular girl. But this is not a reason to stop paying attention to your appearance.

Enchanting laughter and enchanting aroma

Men react quite sharply to strong odors and excessively loud laughter. A lady who has a tendency to raise her voice excessively when talking or laughing has little chance of attracting attention to herself. Just like girls who neglect deodorants.

A person with a pleasant, soft, gentle voice, a charming smile, a cheerful facial expression and an infectious but quiet laugh will evoke sympathy. And the right perfume can captivate you from the first minutes of acquaintance. Some people like the natural scent of a clean body. In this case, it would be best to choose soap or shower gel with a light, unobtrusive scent. Then it will be pleasant to be next to the girl.

How to interest a man at work?

There are main advantages for developing relationships at work - similarity of interests and the opportunity to constantly see each other and be together. Be sure to make sure that romantic plans will not affect your reputation among colleagues and whether problems will arise in your career growth.

  1. If a company organizes a corporate event, then getting a young man interested is easy. The ease lies in the fact that informal events usually allow a free choice of clothing and alcoholic drinks are available, which help to set the mood for more pleasant communication. You just need to put on a beautiful dress, high-heeled shoes, and you will definitely not be left without the attention of your colleague.
  2. Try to find the simplest topics for conversation. I understand that you are colleagues and you are united by work, but still, change the perspective of communication, otherwise all the fun will get bogged down in a boring routine.
  3. Don't forget about your appearance. It's good when you look great in photos on social networks. What about in life? At work? He sees you alive, natural and without filters.
  4. Ask for help. Men want to be needed and irreplaceable, they want to be strong. Ask for help with something. This will make him want to be close to you. What to ask for? Yes about anything! Pick up a stack of papers, punch a hole punch into a large stack of documents, repair a broken chair leg.
  5. Find commonalities. Analyzing the interests of your interlocutor will allow him to relax as much as possible and take a break from work.
  6. Of course, all this needs to be done during breaks, since work, I remind you, is not a place for intrigue.

Difficulty 8

Not the easiest task for a woman in love. However, it is mandatory. Strange as it may seem, a person is designed in such a way that he values ​​only what is given to him with difficulty. Accordingly, the more accessible a woman is, the less a man will be attracted to her.

So what should lovely ladies do? It’s all very simple; if you get a man interested in you, you shouldn’t rush and rush headlong into a date at his first call. We are not talking about rudely pushing away a partner, but about a delicate refusal, the reason for which may be unexpected matters.

It is worth constantly being in the whirlpool of your own interests - hobbies and interests, work, communication with friends. Even the most beloved man should know that a lady also has her own interests, completely unrelated to him. This way she can always remain a little mysterious and, accordingly, interesting to him.

And if he starts to get bored, it’s almost a complete victory.

Basic Rules

  1. Show confidence, identify your strong character traits, and learn to enjoy every day. Avoid obsessive behavior towards your boyfriend.
  2. Give him the opportunity to prove himself. Men prefer to make their own decisions and conquer women. If they feel forced, they will react negatively to it.
  3. Be feminine. The essence is to have a neat appearance and well-groomed appearance. Every self-respecting and self-loving woman takes care of her figure, clothing style, manicure, skin, and so on. When going to work, wear an alluring perfume, smile more often and be positive.
  4. Avoid even trying to change the guy. Take my advice: it will be best if you learn to accept your companion with all his pros and cons. Otherwise, you will quickly become disappointed in your relationship.
  5. Be sincere. The young man must understand that the girl is sincerely interested in communication and is not adapting to the dialogue.

How to behave with a man in order to interest him in serious intentions in your opinion?

Returning your loved one's interest

Passionate and interesting communication sometimes ends in indifference, lack of desire to continue it. If this happens at the request of the guy, the girl should know how to correct the situation. Men love variety, and routine life simply unsettles them.

Women are always more flexible, they can control the situation, take it into their own hands, and change something in it. To regain the interest of your loved one when communicating, you need to make an effort, do everything so that your partner understands that he is pleased with you.

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In marriage, feelings fade away very quickly, leaving only habit, which is unable to ensure interesting communication between spouses. To improve relationships, women must rethink them and work on mistakes. Psychologists give recommendations that will allow you to resume normal relationships:

  1. Every morning you need to spend in the kitchen together, exchanging plans for the day, talking about your experiences.
  2. During your lunch break, call each other and talk about your mood and how your work day is going.
  3. In the evening, have a romantic dinner, prepare a dish that your chosen one likes.
  4. Discuss your work day, share your emotions.
  5. Spend more time with each other on weekends, even if you have small children. It is important to find time for your loved ones in any situation.
  6. Praise your spouse for showing attention to you, in which case he will do it much more often.

You must know how to learn to communicate with different guys in order to always be an interesting conversationalist and listener. Remember what interests your loved one, go to the cinema, restaurant or walk along the embankment. Such moments of attention will have a positive impact on the relationship.

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