How to stop beating yourself up, get rid of negative and depressing thoughts and clear your mind, recommendations from a psychologist

One way or another, it is common for everyone to worry. Everyone has experiences inside them that they cannot do anything about. And that's okay. It is important to be able to cope with your emotions, practice “mental hygiene” and get rid of unnecessary things. Nadezhda Pozharova will tell you how to overcome and stop depressing thoughts.


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Where do negative thoughts come from?

When a person has a stream of depressing thoughts, this can happen for a variety of reasons. This often happens due to stress or emotional burnout. It is very important to pay attention to such experiences. The point is not so much to contain negative emotions, but to become aware of them and notice them. Once you do this, there will be much fewer of them.


And you can fight annoying thoughts in different ways. Let's tell you more about some of them.

Causes of bad thoughts

The fight against negative thoughts can only begin after a thorough analysis of the situation and identification of the cause of their occurrence. Some process always contributes to the appearance of dark thoughts.

Obsessive ideas contribute to the emergence of negative emotions, and a person’s life turns into a nightmare.

The most common causes of negative thoughts are:

  1. Character traits. For some people, negative thinking prevails from childhood, and it becomes their habit in adulthood. In this case, a person sees the world in a dark color and cannot do otherwise. Sensitive individuals take everything to heart because of their personality. They tirelessly replay the events that happened in their heads.
  2. Low self-esteem. Flaws in appearance, physical abnormalities or psychological reasons, in most cases, provoke the appearance of self-doubt. Many people tend to focus on their defects and feel that everyone around them notices their shortcomings. It is not possible to relax in such a situation. Low self-esteem can also occur in outwardly attractive people. Factors in its development include reproaches from others and condemnation that lingers in memory for a long time.
  3. Negative experience. A series of unpleasant situations could have a significant impact on the psyche and way of thinking. The person still has the fear that the negative event may happen again in the future. This often happens to victims of violence.
  4. Suspiciousness. This character trait is expressed in constant fear and alertness. The reason for this behavior can even be a book read or a story from the news. People prone to suspiciousness often experience persecution mania.
  5. Inability to make a decision. Some individuals cannot determine their own desires; they constantly doubt their choices, even if it concerns small things.
  6. Environment. Society often inspires people that everything is bad and there is nothing positive in life. Such individuals actively impose their opinions on others and try to criticize everyone around them, developing in others complexes and fear of the future.
  7. Loneliness. Some people are lonely and need attention, care and love. Most often women find themselves in this situation. In the absence of a strong shoulder nearby, fragile ladies take on male obligations; it seems to them that there is nowhere to wait for help and support.
  8. Difficult situation. The impetus for the predominance of negative thoughts can be some event: a major quarrel, divorce, an accident with someone close and much more. In such cases, it is important not to withdraw into yourself and become depressed.

Practical exercises

There are several exercises to help you concentrate and free yourself from negativity. Try taking a piece of paper, drawing a dot on it and looking at it for a minute. It may seem annoying at first, but if you focus, the exercise really helps.

You can also concentrate on points in the body. For example, placing your palm on your heart, you should try to keep your attention on its beating. Such meditation practices are very convenient because they can be performed anywhere if you feel that bad thoughts are not letting go.


In addition, various breathing exercises and meditation help. It all depends on desire. If you force yourself to do something just to free your mind from bad thoughts, then this, on the contrary, will give an exclusively negative result.

When negative thoughts take hold, it is important to switch gears and take action. You can take a walk or eat. Yes, yes, to eat, or more precisely, to chew. The body must understand that everything is fine.

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The psychologist also advises performing written practices, for example, writing out everything that is happening in your head, in order to unload your consciousness. Later, the pages can be torn or burned - literally throwing out unnecessary thoughts. At the same time, the expert strongly advises against putting additional strain on yourself. If you have a lot of worries in your head, you shouldn’t even read literature about it - you’ll only push yourself further.

11 recommendations on how to quickly clear your thoughts of bad and unnecessary things

A feature of our limited egoistic mind is the generation of a huge number of thoughts. Experts have calculated that between 60,000 and 100,000 different thoughts flash through our heads every day. And most of these thoughts in a modern person, as a rule, are somehow connected with the negative.

And this would not be so terrible if these negative thoughts did not affect our physical condition, did not affect our affairs, did not result in thoughtless words, and did not interfere with our productivity. But we have to pay for everything, including the negative thoughts in our heads.

And these thoughts are like a virus - they tend to multiply and multiply. And they do it pretty quickly. Before you even have time to blink an eye, the world, which was quite normal a minute ago, has turned into a dull and terrible place.

You need to clear your head of unnecessary, unnecessary and harmful thoughts to your health and well-being, but in no case should you fight them, because, according to classical Buddhist truth, everything that we resist, that we courageously fight with, only gets stronger from our vain attempts.

The more you blow on the fire, the hotter it flares up.

Let's look at how you can clear your thoughts of everything unhealthy, toxic and unnecessary.

Recommendation #1. Write down the flow of thoughts on paper - the method is simple, ancient and reliable, like a Siberian felt boot. This is a kind of independent psychoanalysis. All you need is a pen, a few sheets of paper and at least 30 minutes of alone time. During this time, write down whatever concerns you most at the moment. At the same time, your task is to write in one sitting, without interruption and without thinking about what you are writing, just a pure and uncomplicated “stream of consciousness”.

After you finish writing out all the exciting and disturbing thoughts, it is useful to analyze and rationalize them - you can learn a lot of new and interesting things about yourself and your life.

Recommendation #2. Perceive reality through sensations . In other words, make a mental leap from thinking to feeling. Feel what you think. This simple technique, when performed correctly, can work wonders. Our mind dominates thoughts, but feelings are no longer its province, this is already the level of the unconscious. And by moving to the level of feeling the situation (or problem), you take the path of resolving it at the deepest level.

Recommendation #3. Let go of the malignant thought . Imagine that you are sitting at a bus stop, see a bus passing by, and, suddenly jumping up, run after it, catch up and grab the bumper. The bus doesn't stop and continues to drag you along. You are dragging along the asphalt, you are in pain, you are screaming about your suffering, but for some reason you continue to cling to the bus. Maybe finally let go of the bumper? Believe me, this will make things much, much easier for you.

Recommendation #4. Break the habit of reading the news. In fact, there is no practical value in the news that is posted on the Internet or reported on TV. They are simply exploiting the ancient (“caveman”) human habit of keeping abreast of the news of their community - finding out the news, gossip and rumors in order to know what will help them survive. Current news, if it has anything to do with survival, is in an exclusively negative way - those who read and listen to it have less chance of surviving. Therefore, forget about the news.

Recommendation #5. Keep your focus on the Main Goal . This is the most powerful way of all. If you know how to always and in any situation think only about your most important Goal, then you will not be afraid of any troubles or troubles, not to mention various negative thoughts. Such a Goal, being tied to 2 deep and very strong instincts, is itself a source of energy and inspiration and, like a guiding star, will guide your ship of life through curtains and storms.

Recommendation #6. Complete only one task at a time . The habit of “chasing 2 birds with one stone” (or even 3-4), despite the well-known proverb, continues to live indestructibly in the heads of our people. In addition to a sharp decrease in productivity, this habit also gives rise to a stream of not the best thoughts that multiply, swarm, confuse and confuse the further and further. Try to train yourself to focus on one task at a time in your life. And deal with it faster. And awareness will grow.

Working with the elements

Fire, water, air and earth also help fight stress. Planting and watering flowers and plants, frying something over a fire (of course, not in urban conditions) or lighting aromatic candles, taking a bath - all these are effective methods of combating the blues.

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The physical world is a reflection of your inner one and vice versa!

All the junk that is around you is pulling you back . Whether you know it or not, whether you think about it or not! There is a huge amount of unnecessary things and information around us.

Any person, in essence, does not need everything that surrounds him. And the degree of your attachment to these things determines your conservatism, inertia of mind and, in general, your readiness for change and bringing fresh air into life!

The fact is that until you quit your old job, you won’t work in a new one. If you want to quickly buy new shoes, throw away your old ones. And so on.

And in this case, you need to take a BULLDOZER and take everything to hell! Necessarily! Mercilessly!

Once again, consider the idea that I want to convey:

Creative techniques

Another way to clear your mind is to draw with your eyes closed or with an unfamiliar hand. If you are right-handed, try drawing while holding a pencil in your left hand; if you are left-handed, do the opposite. You can also try creating a picture using your fingers or feet.


Singing, dancing, reading poems (you can choose to suit your mood and read out loud) - all this can help get rid of bad thoughts.

Part 2 Throwing away clothes and things.

You will immediately understand how bad things are for you.

Immediately after reading or watching the video, open your closet with clothes. And dump ALL your things on the floor. All!

And do it right away! Now! Otherwise why are you reading this? Why are you wasting your time? Do at least something good in your life!

And we leave all the things that you are not ashamed to wear to work/birthday or just on the street. If you have even the slightest doubt or think that it would be useful in the garden/as a doormat/pajamas/to be worn at home - throw it away! Throw it away mercilessly!

I’ll tell you in advance - you will experience enormous resistance from within.

If you resist very strongly and really don’t want to throw away junk, then in life you are also clinging to your old beliefs, thoughts, and the old. Moreover, you need to throw it all away!

Individual characteristics of meditating people

Sometimes meditation is carried out accompanied by appropriate music, with the reading of mantras, which leads to good results. After all, even science has proven the ability of music to influence a person’s mood. Moreover, you can remember your favorite song in moments of grief or despair. Certain smells also bring a sense of peace. It’s not for nothing that in Tibet they use fragrant sticks for burning with lotus or roses. However, one must carefully study a particular scent before using it in meditation. After all, all substances have their purpose.

Make pauses in conversation with an ill-wisher

You should also hesitate during a conversation with a person who annoys you in order to cool down a little and look at everything said differently. The less said, the less you will have to regret. After all, after some time, the anger will pass. Very often we do a lot of stupid things that we later regret. In this case, there is no need to rush. Finding someone to blame or blaming oneself in rare cases leads to constructive solutions. In such cases, you should resign yourself and look for a way out of this situation.

No matter what happened, you need to remember that anger is the biggest problem. In this case, you need to do some calming activity - meditation, walk, physical exercise.

Brain work and rest mode

Everyone knows the division of people into owls and larks. It has a good reason. Brain activity changes throughout the day:

  • 6-7 hours is the best time to learn something new;
  • 8-9 - logical thinking comes into play;
  • 11-12 - break for rest and lunch (food for the brain - pleasant music or books);
  • 13-18 - the brain is ready to solve complex problems that require high concentration;
  • 18-21 - energy, as well as brain activity, decreases;
  • 21-23 - it is better to leave the remaining work for the morning.

Each person is individual, so the time of onset of a particular period may shift. However, they come in that order.

Listen to yourself

You need to feel how tension and stress go away. It is important to simply sit in a quiet place for a few minutes and turn off any devices that may be distracting.

You need to listen to yourself to understand whether thoughts have begun to go away or continue to swirl in your head. Using this technique, you can understand whether you are ready to clear your thoughts or not. This will help take the first step towards detoxification.

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  • Throwing away clothes
  • Throwing things away
  • Remove unnecessary people
  • Clean your computer (mailings, programs, files, desktop)
  • Throw away the TV!
  • Turn off social networks and other time substitutes!

Feeling like after a bath

It’s unpleasant for you, it’s hard for you.

But when you go out into the air, you feel incredible lightness! So much crap has gone now! And motivation appears to do something, to change. Energy and strength appear!

It's a feeling in the body! Not in the brain!

The stream is on! When you throw away 1 thing , you realize that you can create 10 new things that are several times better than this one!

You will begin to be amazed and annoyed by the people around you who live in trash.

You will change everything you touch for the better. All! You will want to improve everything! Creation!

Lose things as joyfully as possible! Then they will come just as quickly and joyfully! The same goes for money, people, emotions!!!

Ps I apologize for the blunt writing and directive style.

Pps Start taking action now, and don’t sit there thinking “oh yeah, cool, I need to do something”

FUCKET. 100 questions and answers from people: (click!)

1. No energy, no strength, no motivation, laziness? How to quickly want something in life? 2. Problems in your relationship with your girlfriend? What to do? 3. I don’t allow myself to rest, self-flagellation, procrastination. 4. How to get rid of laziness in 2 hours? 5. How to quickly (on average 1-3 hours) get rid of fear, phobia, guilt, shame, pity? 6. Psychosomatics. Are illnesses treated with a psychologist and how effective is it? 7. Slavery, matriarchy, feminism. Why “Men are not the same anymore”, why are men not courageous, henpecked and how to get rid of it?

Part 3 Information cleansing

Take your phone and delete all unnecessary contacts!

In reality, the number of contacts you constantly call is ten times smaller ! Remove dead souls!

Can you call any person on the list and ask why you are keeping him there? Right now?

If not, then you don't need it. That's for sure.

Or transfer all supposedly necessary contacts to a notepad . Delete.

When you remove people, thank them for being in your life)

Life change

Sometimes it is very difficult to get rid of bad thoughts that come through all channels of information perception. They seem to become part of a person’s soul. In this case, there is only one thing left - to change the old way of life. It's difficult, but effective. Until a person gets rid of the old, he will not receive the new.

Changing your lifestyle and hobbies can turn your thoughts in a completely different direction. In addition, it energizes and fills the mind with positive emotions. There is less time for negative ones, and less desire too. After all, when a person is happy, he does not want to waste time on negativity.

It is also recommended to start reading books. Especially those that are dedicated to personal growth. After all, such literature always influences life, and on all its aspects without exception.

Naturally, you need to play sports. Exercise is what promotes the production of endorphins, better known as the feel-good hormones.

We work hard

Sometimes people work on themselves superficially, and then wonder why positive changes do not occur. Therefore, you should regularly analyze your actions at the end of your day. Controlling the flow of thoughts and external information will also help you move to a new level of personal development. You can try to remain silent for a long time. This method is effective in some cases. After all, all people are different, so the choice of a specific approach depends on the person’s character. Thus, people who reject everything supernatural and mysterious will prefer scientific methods. But for dreamy individuals, meditation and the creation of special affirmations are suitable. Although listening to soothing music will not hurt anyone. Then magical vibrations will be transmitted to the human body to tune his thoughts in a new way.

The power of faith is the salvation of the soul

Sincere faith can save a person from negative thoughts and depression. Anyone who sincerely prays to the Lord and heavenly intercessors gets rid of inner anger. The Savior sees everything and only those who often turn to him, ask for healing and forgiveness, receive what they want when it is especially bad and difficult for them. Therefore, whenever a believer feels the approach of despondency, he needs to pray or confess.

Bad thoughts usually have more power than good ones, because at the moment of understanding them within oneself, a person sincerely wishes harm to himself or others. At the moment of their visit, you should immediately ask God for protection from the evil one and sinful thoughts, since you cannot remain for long without his protection - anything can happen to a person.

Sincere faith can save a person from negative thoughts

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