How to recognize a pick-up artist and his pick-up? [Instructions]

Who is a pickup artist? A pick-up artist is a man who loves to “hunt” girls, and sometimes women. The pick-up artist not only meets and communicates with them, but also tries in various ways to persuade them to have sex without obligation. Moreover, most often the girl does not even suspect that in front of her is a pick-up artist. And such an acquaintance for a girl often ends in disappointment and tears.

To prevent this from happening, you need to know exactly who a pick-up artist is and how to identify him. And if you are not interested in one-time sex with strangers, then you will have to learn to identify a pick-up artist and communicate with him correctly so that he leaves you behind once and for all.

How to recognize a pick-up artist and his pick-up? [Instructions]

A man, no matter what he is, a medieval knight or a modern pick-up artist, always dreams of becoming a woman’s first love.
Oleg Roy. Man and woman. Secrets of family happiness

  • 1. Common myths about pickup artists
  • 2. Main characteristics of a pickup artist
  • 3. How to recognize a pick-up artist and not fall for his bait? 3.1.Where can you encounter a pickup artist?
  • 3.2.How to protect yourself from a pick-up artist?
  • 4.How to communicate correctly with a pickup artist?
  • 5.Video: Pick-up artist through the eyes of a girl
  • 6.Conclusion
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    Common myths about pickup artists

    After watching videos on YouTube and the Russian film “Pickup.
    Picking up without rules,” as well as reading about such men online, women have the erroneous opinion of what a pickup truck is. This is also facilitated by the myths that have developed over the past few years, when this technique of quickly picking up girls has become increasingly popular.

    Among them, the most common beliefs are those that answer the question, who is a pickup artist?


    • This is a student suffering from a lack of sex and money, so he is looking for a quick and easy victim, whose gullibility he takes advantage of without a twinge of conscience. In fact, this is only partially true.
      A 40-year-old man who leads such a lifestyle can also be a pick-up artist. Sometimes the reason for the desire to spend as little money as possible is not financial problems, but the so-called “sports interest”.

      Signs of a pick-up artist: well-read

    • The pick-up artist only needs sex.
      After receiving it, the girl becomes no longer interesting to him and he leaves her. This is not entirely true. Usually the process of conquering the victim itself plays a huge role, when the pick-up artist hones his skills and applies new tricks, for example, giving an unusual bouquet, making bright compliments, using unique and unique ways of attracting attention.
    • This is a man preoccupied with sex, and the thirst for conquering a new woman every time is a mental problem.
      Actually this is not true. Very often, pick-up is done by ordinary men who do not want to start a serious relationship yet. For them it's just a way to have a good time.
    • This is a loser with whom no one wants to start a relationship, which is why he is angry at the whole world, and especially at women.
      Therefore, he is forced to win their attention in the most extraordinary ways in order to prove to himself and the world his superiority. It is not always so. Very often, pickup trucks are carried out by handsome men who are successful in sports, business or other areas of life, and who have a good education and upbringing.

    Unusual acquaintance


    Often, pick-up artists come up to meet people right on the street: they try to meet the girl’s gaze and pick her out from the crowd. However, pick-up artists avoid standard phrases that you expect to hear from a man: “I really liked you, can I get to know you?” The goal of the pick-up artist is to stun and pull the rug out from under your feet with a strange or unexpected question. For example, ask where you work, or ask a completely inappropriate question - why are you without an umbrella, although it is hot outside. Another marker is an immediate transition to “you”: since the pick-up artist’s goal is to quickly get close to the girl, he will not address her as you.

    The main signs of a pickup artist

    If a “one-time” relationship is not suitable for you and you want more, then it is better to know who the pick-up artist is and figure him out right away in order to stop communicating and not regret what you did in the future.
    Sometimes this is quite simple to do if you pay attention to some points.

    The pickup artist meets girls mainly on the street

    The following signs of such men will help you understand who a pick-up artist is and that it is he in front of you:

    1. Most often, male pickup artists are very attentive to women
      , they try to talk as little as possible about themselves and provoke their lady more into revelations and details.

      In a normal conversation, both a man and a woman on a first date share information about life equally, trying to present themselves in the best light.

    2. When communicating with a pick-up artist, you get the impression that this man literally reads your thoughts and desires, and then expresses them out loud.
      This often captivates interlocutors and deprives them of their usual caution. In fact, the pickup artist only says what you want to hear, and not his own opinion.
    3. A pickup artist always tries to psychologically influence a woman.
      His posture during a conversation is open, his eyes carefully look at you, sometimes even with delight and admiration. He tries to be as close to you as possible, touching you while talking.
    4. The beginning of a conversation with such a person is always unusual and intriguing.
      An example would be the now almost classic phrase “Does your mother need a son-in-law?” or “What will you do this evening after dinner with me at the restaurant?” This manner of acquaintance should already alert you.
    5. A pick-up artist is always well-groomed, handsome, and on parade.
      Even if these are ordinary jeans, they emphasize his advantages and sit well on his hips.

      Smell plays an important role. To smite you on the spot when you first approach, such men use good perfume.

    6. No embarrassment or uncertainty.
      The pickup artist sees his goal and is ready to achieve it by any means. To do this, he comes up with original scenarios or uses those that he learned on pickup forums, in communication with like-minded people or on the Internet.
    7. The pick-up artist most often chooses the place for the second date if there was no sex on the first one.
      If you decide to change him, then most likely he will refuse to do this, while an ordinary guy will not care where to meet the girl he likes.

      Typically, such men avoid public institutions, for example, cafes, restaurants, cinemas and theaters, as they try to spend as little money as possible on seducing a girl.

    8. Pick-up artists are touchy.
      If he himself throws caustic jokes towards a girl in order to provoke her and arouse interest, then he may be seriously offended by the response or even leave you alone.

    Remember: The correct word is “pickup artists”, not “peckers”, as many people pronounce.

    Besides all this, the pickup artist will always be gentle and polite with you. Even your hair that hasn’t been washed for several days and your hastily put together ponytail will receive his compliment, and more than one.

    It is worth noting that if a person has been involved in pickup trucks for a long time, then he already has a wealth of experience. In this case, even if you know who the pick-up artist is, you may not be able to spot him right away.

    If you do make a mistake and meet with a professional, don’t regret it. The invaluable experience of such communication will allow you to never again be hooked by an experienced tempting fisherman.

    Common sense versus pickup

    However, you can still avoid giving in to the temptations of womanizers if you recognize the behavior of a frivolous man. Too good is also not good, but suspicious. Therefore, it is necessary to resist methods of manipulation.

    • Too many complementary phrases or attempts to touch should be suggestive. Keep such a companion at a distance. Pull away intentionally to show your sexual unavailability. Do not show your joy from communicating with him and try to catch him in a lie.
    • If a man enthusiastically reads you poems about love and assures you that he is an ardent fan of poetry, recite another author or ask him to do so. A fan of poetry will not refuse your request, but if the same verse is intended for dozens of women, then the request will lead the ladies' man into a dead end, and he will try to change the topic of conversation.
    • If a person does not plan a long relationship, he is unlikely to talk about himself. Ask him leading questions, take an interest in his life. Of course, a reluctance to delve into childhood memories or reveal details of family relationships will not always define a pick-up artist. But still, this trait should alert a woman.
    • Don't just agree to the next date, sometimes miss calls. Hunters for easy prey will not wait persistently, because there are more accessible victims. But for the man who is really bored, in love and wants to continue the relationship, one unanswered call will not be a hindrance.

    One way or another, intimacy should not be too easy for a man. After all, easy accessibility, in principle, contradicts the nature of a man - he is a conqueror and a breadwinner, it is in his essence, in his blood, in his head.

    How to recognize a pick-up artist and not fall for his bait?

    The pickup artist is just very annoying. Girls, be careful with him!

    The Internet has firmly entered our lives, and now you can find all the information you need online. You can find a lot of advice on how to build relationships, but they can help or they can harm.

    For example, the pickup truck was originally invented so that those who began to suffer from acne in adolescence would get rid of, if not from it, then at least from the shyness that acne brings with it. This way you could find new friends, make acquaintances and even build romantic relationships. But lately, pickup has become more of a method of bullying than a way to help build a serious relationship.

    Now pickup artists have a new goal. And if earlier, pimply boys who turned into handsome men tried not only to seduce a girl, now the main thing to do is to make her fall in love with you, and then break up so that it hurts her. The more painful it is, the better. In addition, you need to attract a girl in such a way that there is a minimum of financial investments.

    The philosophy of the pick-up artist is very simple - all that drives such men is cynicism. They seduce, tempt and simply abandon without explanation. At the same time, the woman experiences not entirely pleasant sensations, some may even experience mental breakdowns.

    Remember Casanova or Don Juan. Modern men act the same way. And, unfortunately, women very often fall into the traps of such scoundrels.

    But let's figure it out: are such men really good in bed? If we remember the life story of Don Juan, we can safely conclude that he was not a good lover. Sex, as giving pleasure to a woman, simply does not exist for such individuals.

    Read the forums, and you will find many similar reviews: “I met a pick-up artist, fell madly in love, and he didn’t even have sex with me.” And this happens most often. I liked it, fell in love with myself and just quit.

    Where can you encounter a pick-up artist?

    You can meet him anywhere.
    Most often, they “hang out” on different dating platforms. They are on social networks. Moreover, if there are a lot of them on the Internet, then, unfortunately, there are even more of them on the street. Danger can await a young woman everywhere. At first the girl will become interested in the man, then she will fall in love with him, and he will simply break her heart. And many women take a long time to recover from such a shock, and faith in male love simply disappears.

    In order to protect yourself from such misfortune, first of all you need to know how pick-up artists operate, what underlies their “methodology”.

    So, the behavior of a pickup artist is based, first of all, not on love for a woman, but on hatred of her. These are mainly those men who previously failed to build happy relationships.

    The main task they face is to destroy the boundaries that the woman has set. After meeting, they try to quickly reduce the time of the “bouquet and candy period”.

    The persistence of such behavior should alert you, since such individuals want to get you into bed as quickly as possible. All their actions are aimed at touching the girl - their voice changes, it becomes more seductive. They tell her that she is the best and shower her with compliments. And if they feel that a woman is captivated by this, they immediately see her as a victim who can easily be used.

    How to protect yourself from a pick-up artist?

    If you suspect something is wrong, first of all, you should avoid such a man.
    If you don't do this, you can easily fall for the hook he has in store. With every attempt to get closer to a woman, that line breaks that should not be broken. If a lady does fall for this “bait,” she will soon be constantly sitting in front of the phone and selflessly waiting for a call from him, or, even worse, frantically writing SMS messages to him and hoping to receive an answer.

    The pickup artist behaves as follows: he starts talking about sex, and all this is mixed with a bunch of compliments. He admires the woman. She, in turn, listens to him, and perceives only what she wants to hear.

    At first glance, he may seem overly caring, and the woman will not even admit the idea that he just wants to take advantage of her right on the first date.

    Such a man immediately begins to promise mountains of gold, without even caring how real his fairy tales look.

    As soon as a woman believes his words and compliments, we can assume that this is the end, and she is on a hook, from which it will not be so easy to break free.

    If you are not in the mood to suffer and want a serious and long-term relationship, then you should simply avoid such men. Of course, we are not talking about the fact that at the first compliment you need to run away from the man wherever you look. But, if you feel that he is too assertive, then it is better to immediately refuse to continue communication, so as not to be abandoned later.

    Deceivers will be deceived

    But there is another scenario when the girl wants not only to protect herself from the seducer. When she wants to win a cold heart and end the chaotic stream of sexual victories in his life. And the pick-up artist’s very weapon will help the woman.

    • Therefore, first of all, you need to study all possible information about seduction techniques. You can even attend pickup courses and participate in forums. Ultimately, try to confuse your date. After all, male thinking is very straightforward. And if the seducer chooses the necessary tactics of behavior towards you, he will probably become interested.
    • Women have one indisputable quality: they can be sad and cheerful, trusting and dismissive, mysterious and insightful even without intentionally. Therefore, a girl can easily confuse and unbalance a self-confident Casanova.
    • After interest in your person is aroused, you need to make the man doubt. And doubt yourself. To do this, you need to not only avoid intimacy with the pick-up artist, you need to arrange everything in such a way that the man himself is to blame for the current circumstances.
    • Shattered self-confidence will force the seducer to take decisive steps. He will start calling, meeting, writing and giving gifts. Don’t relax and don’t run, stumbling, to the phone, let the knot in your networks tighten more tightly.
    • And when you already feel an interest in your person, and not just in your body, start letting go of the leash! Become irreplaceable, unique, kind and always understanding.

    But do not forget that a loving nature is sometimes incorrigible. So think again - do you need regular experiences and feelings of jealousy? If you need it, then don’t put the “net with knots” in the far corner - pick-up tricks will have to be used regularly!

    How to communicate with a pickup artist?

    If you have no desire to have any relationship with a pick-up artist, then there are several ways to make such a man retreat on his own and not pester you anymore.
    Here are some of them:

    We give the pick-up artist a “turn away”

    1. Ignoring compliments, not expressing any emotions.
      Just pretend that this man is not around, and after a while he will go looking for another victim. Only 3-4% of pick-up artists will make a few more attempts.
    2. Give him some unexpected, but truthful and caustic comment
      like “I would iron my shirt before meeting girls.” This maneuver will also push him away.
    3. Talk less about yourself, ask him more questions.
    4. Ask to go with you to a movie or cafe.
      Pick-up artists don’t like to spend money, so usually after this offer they immediately disappear.
    5. After the first meeting, do not answer his phone calls.
      You can also constantly reschedule dates due to some urgent matters. This will also scare off the pick-up artist.
    6. Stop all attempts to touch or move closer to you.
      Pick-up artists love contact, touching during communication, and your actions and coldness will scare them away.

    Incredible emotions

    A date somewhere on a rooftop or something that a woman has never had in her life or is unlikely to have had. The pickup artist will spend a little money, but everything will look “crazy” and very impressive. Emotions are like in the most romantic film.

    I am against spending time, resources, attention on learning manipulation and the ability to pretend to be someone. It will be much more beneficial if you develop yourself as an individual, study the psychology of relationships, which should be built on sincerity and trust.

    Yaroslav Samoilov

    One gate play


    The relationship between the pick-up artist and the victim is often characterized as a one-sided game. At the same time, the victim is ready to emotionally invest in the relationship, provide support, listen and give advice. In turn, the pickup artist disappears from your field of vision when you need help. He may ignore requests for help and not even pick up the phone when you need him. Subsequently, of course, he will apologize and say that he was very busy. But think about it, do you need a relationship with a character you can’t rely on in difficult times?

    Lack of personal boundaries

    The goal of the pick-up artist is to take the relationship to bed as quickly as possible. Therefore, from the very beginning of your acquaintance, he will try to violate your personal space. Touches made as if by chance, body tilt when talking, because of which your faces are too close to each other. This behavior may be disconcerting if you're just on a first date, but that's the goal of a ladies' man - to pull the rug out from under you.

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    Dismissive manner of communication

    The harsh truth is that neither abusers and tyrants, nor manipulators and pick-up artists will ever be able to gain power over a harmonious, self-confident person. Therefore, one of the techniques of pick-up artists is to belittle a girl, make a caustic remark about her appearance, ridicule her interests and thereby lower her self-esteem. Evoke thoughts like “Who needs me?” Such a person is much easier to manipulate.

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