How men experience separation: what happens to them and how to get through a difficult period

Breaking up a relationship is a painful, unpleasant situation. Someone said that separation is a little death. When strong negative changes occur in a person’s love relationship, a painful, difficult period ensues. Women can’t even imagine how they feel about parting with their beloved man, and how difficult it is to make such a decision.

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Both men and women experience discomfort, painful experiences, and doubts. Representatives of the fairer sex fall into a depressed state, they splash out emotions and offended feelings in sobs and emotional conversations. At the same time, they believe that the “culprit of the situation” continues to live happily ever after, remaining cold and indifferent. This opinion is wrong.

Types and features of separations

Each romance has its own history, personal subtext and reasons for the termination of the relationship. At first glance, it seems that the relationship ends due to a lack of love for each other: no feelings, no relationship. But more often than not, the couple ceases to exist together, maintaining mutual feelings deep in their souls.

There may be several reasons for separation:

  • Exhaustion of feelings. The first reason for which a break occurs. This is the very case when love dies. It doesn't matter how long a man and woman have been together. If warm feelings towards your partner have disappeared, passion and desire to be together have disappeared - the relationship has outlived its usefulness. There is no point in continuing to exist together. People get tired of each other and dream of breaking the union.
  • New love. The appearance of a third party is a good enough reason to split a love relationship. It doesn’t matter from which side the change occurred, the woman fell in love with another guy or the man dreams of another couple, they cannot be together. There is a place in the heart for another person and the presence of the “unloved” half causes a feeling of annoyance, guilt and discomfort.
  • Treason. The betrayal of a loved one deals a painful blow to the partner’s feelings and self-esteem. Betrayal is difficult to survive and forgive, and when a couple finds itself in a similar situation, the offended party seeks to break the union.
  • A novel without continuation. A girl or guy can break off a relationship if they don't see any progress. When one partner dreams of family life and children, and the other prefers to continue the “romantic euphoria,” the romance sooner or later comes to a dead end. In most cases, a partner eager for marriage decides to break off the union and go looking for a worthy life partner, even if warm and tender feelings remain in his soul for this partner.
  • Disagreements and quarrels. Some couples consist of a stormy mixture of temperaments, strong and negative emotions, claims, jealousy and a constant atmosphere of struggle. Partners constantly sort things out, trying to establish personal leadership and prove their point of view. There are many reasons for a quarrel: lack of attention, jealousy, unsettled home life. Partners live in a state of “love-hate”. They quarrel violently, passionately make up, but sooner or later this pattern of behavior begins to oppress and leads to the idea of ​​​​changing the relationship or partner.
  • Third wheel. Secret relationships in which, in addition to the wife and husband, there is a mistress, sooner or later lead to a break: they leave the mistress or divorce the wife.
  • Manipulative attack. In this case, the breakup is provoked by the ulterior motives of the partner, who is trying to achieve his goal by ending the relationship. Most often, actions are supported by a long wait for some kind of decision on the part of the partner: the issue of marriage, children or any other situations. Feeling disappointed and irritated by the inaction of the other half, a man or woman rudely abandons his partner in order to teach him a lesson and encourage him to make an important decision.

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Path of Suffering

At first, guys going through a breakup refuse to believe that it's serious. It is especially difficult to understand reality if there have been no quarrels, scandals or obvious betrayals before. A man rarely notices the nuances in the behavior and mood of his chosen one, so the decision to end a relationship is always sudden, fatal news for him.

Having accepted and realized that the impending separation is not a dream, the partner begins to get angry. In a fit of anger, he accuses his partner of ingratitude and betrayal. At this stage, the ability to think logically and reason is lost. An intemperate rude word will make reconciliation impossible.

When passions subside, you can begin to analyze the situation. The opportunity arises to find a compromise solution and return the lost half.

If attempts to revive love are unsuccessful, and feelings still haunt you, depression sets in. A dangerous condition is akin to a disease. The patient can be successfully cured, develop a chronic disease, or end in death (for example, become addicted to alcohol and drugs).

The majority of those suffering pass the tests with honor and reach full recovery. Mental wounds heal, and the man begins to dream of a new serious relationship.

Types of gaps

Breakups are difficult or easy, depending on the situation and the people in the couple. Some relationships have a logical conclusion, others have a difficult ending, and sometimes cause life-long emotional trauma.

Women wonder if strong men get over breakups. It seems that behind the impenetrable male armor hides a stern, stony heart. Fortunately or unfortunately, this opinion is wrong. A man’s feelings and behavior often depend on the characteristics of the breakup.

There are several types of separation:

  • Peaceful break. When a couple experiences a fading of feelings and ceases to experience unity, the partners coexist together out of habit, coming to a mutual agreement that it is better for them to spend the next period in life separately. Most often, friendly relations remain between them. They part ways calmly, maintaining respect for each other in their souls and gratitude for all the good things that happened between them.
  • Time-out. A pause in the relationship or temporary separation is a reasonable decision for a couple who has mutual feelings but is experiencing some disagreements or difficulties in the relationship. After a forced pause, the partners come together again or finally put an end to the ending of the novel.
  • Tragic end. The most painful separation occurs when one of the couple categorically does not agree to end the love relationship.

A man's feelings during a breakup

Having ended a relationship with a loved one, women find no place in grief.
The world becomes gray, prickly, joyless. They become depressed and worry very much. For days on end, the girl sheds tears, reminiscing about the best moments she experienced with her boyfriend. Real grief comes into her life, which, it seems, cannot be consoled. At the same time, men look persistent and impenetrable. However, this does not mean at all that they are indifferent to the essence of what is happening. Women don't really know how men experience separation from their loved one.

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From childhood, the stronger sex is brought up differently from the weaker half of humanity. Boys are taught to hide their feelings, to be strong, not to express emotions. Sensual guys are called “whiners”, they are treated with contempt, and men gradually take root in the role of a “tough nut to crack”.

In appearance, he may look carefree and indifferent, while in his soul a storm develops, no less than female suffering. Friends and family also have no idea how some men experience a breakup with their beloved, but they try in every possible way to support him.

What does a man’s emotional state depend on?

Representatives of the stronger sex seem courageous and unshakable, even to some extent insensitive. But this opinion is wrong. Guys only look like that on the outside. In fact, they are also characterized by emotions, suffering, resentment, and vulnerability.

How much a man worries after a breakup depends on several factors.

  1. From the reason for the breakup

The emotional state after a breakup largely depends on what caused the conflict. There are many provoking factors. It happens that people simply understand that they are not suitable for each other and cannot get used to each other. But often the reason is much more serious, for example, a woman’s betrayal.

In the second case, the guy’s suffering will be the most severe and painful. In addition to realizing the loss of a loved one, he also has to endure betrayal, which hits his pride, causes disgust for his beloved, rage and many other negative feelings.

If a man breaks up with his wife because of his infidelity, then it all depends on how he treats her. If the affair on the side was short-term and did not mean anything to him, then separation from his wife will cause unpleasant feelings and a strong desire to prevent the breakdown of the marriage.

  1. From the initiator

The guy’s further emotional state also depends on who exactly decided to end the relationship. It is always more difficult for a person to cope with a breakup if he has been abandoned. The mere awareness of one's uselessness leads to despair and disappointment.

Men are much less likely to forgive women who abandoned them. At the same time, they can continue to love, worry, suffer, but remain unshakable and do not allow their beloved to approach them.

If the guy himself initiated the breakup, then the development of events may be different. In the absence of feelings, separation is experienced easily and quickly. If you had to separate due to the inability to live together due to different views, characters and other reasons, then some devastation is possible.

When a mutual decision is made to end the relationship, the breakup, as a rule, does not bring negative emotions. If this is truly a conscious decision of two people, it means that the continuation of the union has become meaningless, and the couple wants to start a new life, but separately.

  1. From the duration of the relationship

When people meet and live together for a long time, they develop attachment. Breaking up in this case can be extremely difficult. But if feelings have long cooled down, the spouses live like neighbors, then they can separate easily and without unnecessary worries.

If a guy and a girl have only recently started dating, the young man’s emotions are raging, and he falls in love. The breakup of a relationship at this stage is felt very strongly, as the need for the constant presence of the beloved is felt.

In addition to these factors, the degree of a man’s experience also depends on the state of his nervous system, the presence of attachment to his beloved, his own character, and the presence of support from family and friends.

If the breakup is a mutual decision

With mutual agreement, former partners do not suffer so much. They no longer experience feelings of love, have made a firm decision to arrange a personal life with other partners, and more often than not, remain in warm friendly relations. In this case, the man is relieved that the situation has calmed down. If the ex-passion looks happy with the new boyfriend, he is not bothered by feelings of guilt and remorse, and the guy gradually tramples the road to his own happiness.

If the past relationship lasted a long time, the usual way of life will be echoed in the memory by a kind of sad but soft nostalgia, and occasionally pleasant memories will be overcome. But in general, a man will not suffer and strive for a new partner or new victories in the professional field.

It’s another matter if the memory of a lost beloved lives in your heart. In this case, men have a hard time parting with their beloved.

Why is he acting strange

The more affection an abandoned man had, the more stupid and bad he can act towards his ex-partner. Of course, this principle cannot by any means apply to everyone, but many exhibit these behaviors as a means of coping with pain.

This is because guys need to appear immune to emotional pain, so to appear alpha male, they need to be in control of their emotions. All of this brings us to the 10 most common behaviors men use as part of a breakup.

How do guys feel?

Women are not aware of how men who just recently whispered declarations of love, but are now so far apart, experience a breakup.

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If a guy abandoned or provoked a break with his girlfriend, the most difficult experiences settle in his soul. Men fall into depression just like women, but they skillfully hide the authenticity of feelings with appearance, words and actions.

The following emotions are intertwined in their souls:

  • Discomfort. Men love convenience and coziness. When their usual way of life is disrupted, they experience severe discomfort. No matter how much your heart, memory and pride tell you to throw out of your head the image of “that same lady” and the objects in the house: a nearby pillow, a towel - everything will remind you of the woman who recently touched these objects.
  • Fear. It is primarily born from a feeling of discomfort and emptiness. A man faces difficult experiences, feels defenseless and weak, and these new emotions unsettle him.
  • Yearning. If the couple was connected by love feelings, longing for the woman will firmly settle in his heart. He will greatly miss her image, voice, and the smell of her body. He will feel severe pain and an irresistible desire to either see his ex-lover or get her out of his head by any means.
  • Jealousy. The bitter understanding that now the former lover may belong to another man does not leave the guy even if he himself broke off the union. Men are owners by nature. They are disgusted by the very idea that someone else will appear in her life, whom she will take care of and with whom she will share a bed.

Psychology of male feelings and experiences

When a relationship ends, no matter who leaves whom or what the reasons are, both partners suffer .
Hearts are broken because both the woman and the man are disappointed in the ending of their relationship, which suffered a crushing fiasco.

The main difference between men and women is how pain manifests itself and how a guy deals with it. There is also a difference in the phases of pain, which are different from a psychological point of view.

It is this difference that makes women think that men are completely indifferent to breaking up relationships. However, this is a misconception: just because pain is experienced differently does not mean it is worse or less valuable .

Men usually suffer silently, quietly, within themselves. They do not show their emotional state to the whole world, they try in every possible way to hide their feelings, even if their heart is broken into a thousand pieces.

Moreover, especially if young people, on their own initiative, decided to break up and leave, then the experience of a new way of life is very sensitive .

First of all, because without a soulmate, there is a fear of becoming lonely and unwanted again: there is no longer a delicious dinner after work, a massage at night or morning coffee in bed, and there is nothing to say about the sexual component of life.

Further, the experiences are quickly replaced by emotions with the realization that something very valuable and important has been lost.

Breaking up with a girl

Unfortunately, loving couples do not always understand that they need to work on their love relationships. In addition to mutual feelings, you need to value and respect your partner.

A guy who loves and appreciates his girlfriend will break up with very extreme measures.

  • betrayal on one side or another;
  • jealousy;
  • no perspective;
  • a series of quarrels and disagreements;
  • manipulation method.

When a man ends his relationship with his girlfriend for any reason, no matter how much he hides the real essence of things, he suffers. But he will express his experiences differently than a woman. It is unusual for representatives of the stronger sex to shed tears among friends.

Feelings of melancholy and anxiety will find a way out in other manifestations:

  • Alcohol. The guy endlessly disappears in company with alcoholic beverages. He will get drunk and have fun, just so as not to indulge in sad thoughts about his ex-girlfriend.
  • Women's company. Most guys immediately start a new relationship with the “first young lady they come across,” pursuing two goals: to lose themselves in the arms of another and to rub their ex-girlfriend’s nose. He may look happy and content, but excessive display of the new girl indicates exactly the opposite: he feels bad, he worries and misses his former relationship. Promiscuous sex, flirting and sexual affairs support a guy’s self-esteem and distract him from sad feelings for a while.
  • Adrenalin. Trying to drown out mental pain, a man rushes to sports, car racing or street fights. Aggressive and unexpected antics help to cope with those painful feelings that tear his heart apart.

Breaking up a relationship with a girlfriend is a long and painful process, during which a man may be overcome by doubts about the correctness of the decision.

What could be the consequences?

If the breakup occurred on the girl’s initiative, the guy suffers more. He tries to hide his emotions under the mask of indifferent indifference, withdraws, and becomes uncommunicative. Relieves pain in the following ways:

  1. Seeks salvation in alcohol. Gets drunk in the company of friends, visits clubs and restaurants, or drinks alone. The purpose of such behavior is to escape from the terrible reality.
  2. The wedge is knocked out by the wedge. He is in a hurry to start a new relationship with the fair sex. He often changes the object of his courtship, convincing others, himself and his ex that he has found a worthy replacement. In fact, he is looking for consolation and sympathy. Wants to increase self-esteem and evoke feelings of jealousy.
  3. A surge of adrenaline. To give vent to the emotions raging in his soul, he begins to intensively engage in dangerous sports, starts scandals and fights. Risking his life, he forces himself to forget suffering at least for a while.
  4. Job. The most intelligent and balanced people throw themselves into their work. By devoting all their free time to work, refusing weekends and time off, they switch their brains to professional issues.

It is difficult to predict which path a man will choose after his beloved has left. Much depends on the depth of feeling and individual characteristics.

Breakup with mistress

A man in a love triangle sooner or later has to make a difficult choice between two women. Home comfort and an established relationship with his wife, especially if there are children, push him to end the affair on the side. Since a married man experiences a breakup with his mistress quite hard, it is important for him not to show his inner discomfort at home. Otherwise, he risks being left without his former passion and losing his family because of his wife’s guesses.

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In any case, such a turn of events will not pass easily for a man. He will worry, idealize her image and often indulge in painful memories. But perhaps the woman is the first to break the secret bonds, wanting to start her own family. In rare cases, they may remain friends. In general, men have a hard time dealing with a breakup with their mistress.

Breakup with wife

It is difficult for a man to separate from a woman who has been in a legal relationship with him for a long time. It is not easy to leave a family in which children are raised; special traditions and values ​​have arisen. Even if a man’s unearthly passions are burning with his mistress, he will mentally return to his home environment, to his “native” wife and beloved children. After some time, feelings of guilt and spiritual emptiness push a man to revive his old relationship. A married man experiences a breakup with his mistress in order to maintain a relationship with his wife, to whom he is attached.

Differences for short and long relationships

The transition from one stage to another can occur smoothly or abruptly , merging with one another (negative emotions with bargaining, acceptance with a return to life). A range of similar emotions can haunt a person at different stages, for example, resentment, annoyance, misunderstanding are found in the first four stages.

The duration of the relationship makes its own adjustments. A fleeting romance will be forgotten faster, even if people were connected by strong passion. Long-term attachment will not allow you to get out of the situation with the least emotional and mental losses. It is difficult to change habits, adapt to a new way of life, drown out emotions - everything reminds a person of the years spent together.

The table shows the average duration of each stage, determined by the “experience” of the relationship.

StageShort term relationshipsLong term relationship
Shock and denial2-3 weeksFrom 2 months to 1.5 years
Negative emotionsFrom 3 days to 4 weeksUp to several months
Dialogue and bargaining1-2 weeksUp to several months
Depression, alienationA few daysMonths, years
Recognition, acceptance2-4 weeksIndividually
Return to life2-4 weeksIndividually

The given data is conditional. The exact numbers vary from case to case . A person can get “stuck” at each stage, and in some cases the help of a specialist may be required.

After betrayal

If it was the woman who initiated the separation, the man receives a colossal blow not only to his feelings, but also to his ambition.
His self-esteem is subjected to severe castigation and self-criticism. Only God knows how a man feels after a breakup! A man who respects himself and the choice of his former lover will go through a difficult time with pride and honor.

But often there is a different behavior from a guy who tries in every possible way to get the girl back. He can call a hundred times a day, keep watch on the street. Threaten every new suitor who hangs around her. The guy will descend to spreading dirty gossip about his ex, start talking nasty things about her and weaving intrigues. This behavior is typical of a man who does not want to accept the fact that they are no longer together. Behind aggression and base actions hides a great desire to return a former lover.


At stage 4 of accepting the breakup, the guy begins to bargain with himself and with his ex that if he gets another chance, he will do whatever she wants.

On the other hand, the ex may start bargaining with her to get her back, and then abandon her and leave, leaving her rejected and upset. That is, to recoup for all the storm of emotions that he experienced.

Psychological types and characteristics of their behavior during a breakup

In general, representatives of the stronger sex have a hard time breaking up a love relationship. However, each man has an individual variation in behavior when breaking up with a woman, depending on the psychological type to which he belongs:

  1. Leader. The type of man who has high self-esteem and a number of inflated demands. In most cases, he becomes the initiator of breakups. Such a man is very proud and unforgiving, and is characterized by increased cruelty. No matter how much he suffers, a sense of pride will not allow him to admit that he is wrong or agree to a truce.
  2. Sensual. Parting with his beloved brings him great torment and anxiety. The guy has been in a depressed state for a long time, from which friends and family help him get out.
  3. Infantile. A man in this category cannot hide his suffering. He needs love and care. He will disturb ex-girlfriends, call, come home, even if he himself broke off the relationship.
  4. Serious. Such a guy will go through all stages of depression and anxiety with dignity. As a result, he will succumb to a deep analysis of whether the right decision was made. Most often, such men may attempt to get their ex-girlfriend back.

Understanding whether men regret the breakup, we can conclude that everything depends on the initial depth of feelings. The psychological type of a man will only affect his behavior.

Does a man miss a woman after a breakup?

A very common question when you think about how a man copes with a breakup with a woman, is he bored? In fact, a man can deny that he was bored, because a real man should not indulge in suffering. In such a situation, certain signs will help determine how true his words are.

After exactly how long he starts to get bored depends on the person and his feelings. As soon as he writes to you, you can be sure that he misses you. Or he will remind you of himself in another way.

If he wrote to you that he misses you, then this is true, but you can check this fact. Perhaps he doesn’t say anything, but just starts liking, writing beautiful comments and sending postcards. This is how he makes himself known, but he may be afraid to take the first step and will wait for it from you.

By the way, men do not always behave carefully. Some get confused and begin to behave annoyingly. Jealousy awakens in them. They begin to actively show attention and even seem to impose themselves.

How does a man feel if he himself abandoned a woman?

Depression, binge drinking, sports and promiscuity are the result of how some men cope with breakups.
When the relationship breaks down and the girl finds a replacement, the ex-lover suffers and persistently tries to forget her. Similar experiences occur among those guys who leave their girlfriends. First of all, they are tormented by remorse and guilt. If a woman inexorably asks for a return to the relationship with tears in her eyes, the man, among other feelings, experiences irritation and annoyance. He may start screaming, behave rudely and tactlessly with her, and accuse the poor thing of all sins. Such aggression occurs in two cases:

  • Firstly, when he feels guilty. By blaming the woman, the man tries to shift the responsibility for the breakup onto her shoulders and calm down his remorse.
  • Secondly, this line of behavior is typical of men who have to leave the woman they love. Most often, this is what manipulators do, demanding some actions and important decisions from the girl.

Why do men rarely decide to break up, even if they want to?

If a man decides to break up, he hurts the woman. And he is well aware of this. He sees feelings, tears, reproaches. Such female behavior causes a feeling of guilt, a man is tormented by remorse.

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In order not to experience such a range of emotions, it is better and easier for a man to let a woman make the decision to break up. In this situation, the responsibility lies with the woman. It is easier for a man to be bad than to live with guilt.

Often a man who wants to break up begins to behave in such a way that the woman herself decides to end the relationship.

When a close relationship fails, both partners suffer. And it is impossible to say who is more and who is less. Both men and women experience pain, disappointment, melancholy, sad memories, the desire to return everything back, difficult thoughts about themselves.

Women can throw out their pain, talk about it, sob and scream everything in their hearts. Men cannot do this, they keep everything deep inside themselves. When you have the opportunity to experience emotions, it becomes easier, the pain subsides faster. And from this point of view, we can say that women go through a breakup faster and easier, while men suffer longer.

What stages does a person go through when breaking up?

The breakup of a long-term romantic relationship is an unpleasant, difficult process, and in order to survive it, a person has to go through several stages of the “illness.” In fact, men have a harder time with separation than the fairer sex. They skillfully hide strong experiences under the steel “armor” of indifference.

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First stage: denial

Women cannot understand how a man feels when breaking up. At first he doesn't want to believe what's happening. It seems to him that separation from the girl is a bad dream that should end soon. Tormented by thoughts about her, every day he expects some changes for the better, which do not happen.

Second stage: anger

When a man realizes that a breakup is inevitable, anger replaces despair. He can’t believe that they chose another guy over him, and they didn’t fight for a relationship with him. He gets angry, realizing that it is impossible to return and change anything. He tries not to think about his ex-girlfriend and gets angry at any mention of her name.

Third stage: bidding

At this stage, the man accepts the breakup and begins to analyze the situation. He tries to talk about whether he should return his ex-girlfriend or whether it’s time to look for a new girlfriend. His mood is changeable and alternately resembles the second and third stages.

Stage four: depression

When a man realizes that his former relationship cannot be returned, and that it is impossible to build a new relationship, sadness awaits him. A terrible depression that fetters his activity and fills his being with apathy. He begins to drink, grieve, and remember the best moments of his past romance. He does not want to communicate with anyone, remaining alone in the grip of sad experiences.

Fifth and final stage: new life

When the remaining stages pass with dignity, the guy gradually comes to understand that life goes on. Instead of aching melancholy, long-awaited relief comes. A man stops acutely perceiving facts that remind him of his ex-girlfriend and is ready to meet new love.

Why is it impossible to forget a woman after a breakup?

Why is it difficult to forget a woman?
When girls are interested in how a man copes with breaking up with a woman, they think about when he will forget everything that happened. Breaking up is always difficult, and if he was not the initiator, then it will be doubly difficult for him. And it often really happens that a man cannot forget a woman.

This happens in the following situations:

  • Fear of loneliness . This is the main reason why you don’t want to let go of the past. After all, before you did everything together, but now you have to do everything alone. And from this a person gets lost.
  • Faith in the only love. It's romantic, sure, but face the harsh reality. There may be several partners in life who can give happiness. You can’t cling to the idea that your only chance has been missed.
  • Follows her ex on social networks . Perhaps after breaking up you will remain friends with each other. This is not the best solution. You can sometimes, of course, find out how your partner is doing, but this can become an obsession.
  • The past is idealized. Some time after parting, all the bad things are forgotten and only the good things remain. But be realistic. If everything was fine, then you obviously would not have broken up. So we must accept this fact.
  • Regret about what was done or not done . In some places it was possible to remain silent, but in others it was the other way around. Maybe everything would be different. If thoughts about this constantly arise, then you blame yourself. Maybe this is true, but you need to learn from mistakes and not think about them constantly.
  • You are in shock . People are not always ready for separation and therefore they may be in shock. You lose trust in people and doubt your actions. Believe me, it's not worth it. There is no need to look for reasons, live in the present and think about the future.
  • I want to become the person I was in the relationship. Sometimes men don't even miss a woman, but the time with her. Many people idealize first love. If you imagine that the relationship will return, then everything will be different and you yourself understand it.
  • You continue communication . If after separation communication continues and the man’s feelings are alive, then this will be torment for both. Instead of moving on, you will always remember the past. So if you have already broken up, then define boundaries and keep contact to a minimum.
  • Dissatisfaction with the current partner . Yes, the reason is banal - I just don’t like the new relationship. If you are trying to idealize a new person, then it is better to break up with him. The current girl will not change, and when she returns back she will have to face the shortcomings that caused the breakup. So you better take a break.

How different zodiac signs cope with a breakup

Every man is subject to personal emotions and feelings during a breakup. Basically, his line of behavior depends on the zodiac sign to which he belongs:

  • Aries are emotional and hot-tempered people. They have a hard time with the breakup, even if they initiated it. They descend to insults and stormy showdowns. Showcasing “new girlfriends.” In some cases, they beg women to return or forgive them on their knees.
  • Taurus take their choice of a partner very seriously and try to maintain the relationship. In the event of a breakup, they suffer greatly, they try to return and return all valuable gifts and retire in splendid isolation.
  • Geminis are flighty and frivolous guys. After the breakup, they will try to forget themselves in the arms of new girlfriends, without trying to win back their ex-girlfriend.
  • Cancers suffer for a long time, not wanting to admit the fact of separation. They will avoid new relationships, but when they meet new love, they completely forget past wounds.
  • Leos try to return the girl if she was very dear to them. If attempts are fruitless, they cross her out of their lives once and for all and withdraw into themselves for a while.
  • Virgos get very used to people, so they try to keep the relationship afloat. In the event of a breakup, they are tormented by questions about what mistakes they made. They may try to restore the relationship.
  • Libra cannot forget their former passion for a long time. If it doesn’t work out to return love, the Libra man will try to start a new relationship, because he is afraid of being left alone.
  • Scorpios are very vindictive partners. Even if a representative of this sign has abandoned a lady, he will still not leave her alone for a long time and will try to take revenge for emotional grievances.
  • Sagittarians will not sort things out, they will leave with dignity and will not renew old relationships.
  • Capricorns will experience enormous pain and hide it in every possible way. They will try to limit contacts with their ex-girlfriend, busy themselves with work and other things, just to save themselves from mental anguish.
  • Aquarians can leave the lady themselves if they realize that their feelings have cooled down, and after that seek reconciliation with her. In case of refusal, Aquarius will remain good friends with his former passion.
  • Pisces do not like partings; they prefer to leave an ellipsis instead of a period. If a girl leaves, the guy tries to accuse the lady of all mortal sins.

How to return love

Many men regret breaking up, but does this mean an opportunity to get everything back? In some cases, yes. But provided that the girl behaves tactfully and correctly, she will be able to overcome her emotional instability and the desire to reproach her for leaving. It is worth remembering that any attempts to beg to return everything back will have the opposite effect. Nobody likes victims. You need to act more cunningly, start with friendly conversations, short meetings without sexual overtones. It is important to give the man time to think everything over and not to set a vendetta upon his return from the very first days of separation.

You should also be careful with advice on preening and changing your image. You shouldn’t dress up for a friendly date like you would for a wedding. It is better to take a guideline for your image at the time of your first meeting, to be more friendly, sociable, and smiling. Guys are attracted by openness and ease of communication, and not by evening makeup and a miniskirt. Of course, you can improve your physical shape if when you look in the mirror you feel a loss of sexuality. A subscription to a fitness club will allow you to delay the time of active attempts at contact, and will also allow you to throw out negative emotions during an intense workout.

Tips on how to get through a difficult period

Guys have a hard time breaking up with a girl. Apathy and melancholy painfully squeeze the heart of an abandoned lover, and in order to quickly get out of a difficult state, it is necessary to take some actions:

  1. Grieve to your heart's content. Have a heart-to-heart talk with someone, cry, write down your experiences in a notebook.
  2. Take care of yourself. Analyze your behavior in past relationships in order to avoid making similar mistakes in the future.
  3. Don't isolate yourself. Communicate with people, do what you love. Attend interesting events.
  4. It is useful to sign up for a swimming pool, gym, dance or sports club. Sports activities perfectly relieve stress and improve your mood.
  5. Make new acquaintances, flirt, “go out.”

Breaking up is a difficult period, which is difficult, but possible to survive. If you can’t restore your past relationship, you should discard difficult thoughts and look to the future with confidence. Meeting new love is closer than it might seem.

Advice from psychologists

In order to go through all the stages of separation as painlessly as possible, psychologists recommend:

  • enjoy every moment and rush to fill every second of your life with meaning, interesting events and new people;
  • Separation is something that every person goes through, so sometimes you just have to be strong and be patient;
  • stop looking for shortcomings in yourself and believing that someone is better and more worthy than you;
  • Do not write, call or stalk your ex-lover under any circumstances;
  • delete the data of your ex from social networks and the phone book, do not follow his/her life and do not communicate with mutual friends;
  • don’t be alone, visit as many interesting places as possible;
  • sign up for a fitness class, a swimming pool or a sports club;
  • learn something new;
  • make interesting acquaintances, do not refuse dates;
  • devote as much time as possible to interesting and important things;
  • change your look, buy new clothes, perfumes, cosmetics, accessories.

The above tips are not only very simple and practical, but also effective.

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