Virgo men and breakups: how they leave, how they worry and whether they come back

Every man born under a certain zodiac sign has a number of typical character traits that correspond to that very sign. Representatives of the strong half of humanity, born under the constellation Virgo, turn out to be courageous, intelligent, very obliging and reliable.

However, they also have character traits that few will like - they do not at all perceive criticism that is directed against them, they are meticulous and pedantic. Not every woman in a relationship with a Virgo man is able to withstand his sometimes caustic and bile comments. However, they value family comfort and are extremely reluctant to part. The reason for this step must be very compelling.

Features of the sign

Virgos are the most critical signs of the zodiac, which means they may go through more breakups than others. Additionally, they are obsessed with perfection, regardless of their age or background.

Never satisfied with how much effort they put into what they've done, Virgo men often worry, doubt themselves, and work day and night to make their life the way they want it to be.

Many will call them neurotic and real workaholics. Typically reserved, modest, and with the best intentions, Virgo men will always go the extra mile to help others and make sure their loved ones have everything they need.

However, despite their generosity and good nature, they are also very pretentious, not to mention that they are very fond of advising others on how to live and how their loved ones could become better people.

Almost all Virgos are very demanding and cannot resist asking those around them to live up to their high standards.

This is where their characteristics during separation will flow.

Mistake #5. Get a feeling of guilt

Even if a divorced man is a person with pronounced bad habits and other shortcomings, there will always be potential brides who are ready to justify him: “The first wife didn’t understand him - but I understand, she didn’t appreciate him - but I will, she didn’t create the conditions for him , and I..." and the like. Such women are in danger of developing a strong sense of guilt on this basis, warns famous psychotherapist Nikolai Naritsyn. After all, if your divorced friend is an alcoholic, a spendthrift, a miser, a sadist and the like, do not convince yourself that it was his wife who made him like this, but I, they say, will change him... This is almost impossible.

What to do: stop trying to “remake” a man “for yourself.”

Top 5 important points

Here are the top 5 things you need to know about how Virgo men break up:

  1. He is able to not make a fuss and just let the girl go if she asks.
  2. He will try to hide his feelings from everyone else.
  3. Prepare for light stalking for a few days.
  4. Tends to promise a lot during a breakup and make big compromises.
  5. When a Virgo man breaks up with a woman, he is most often not interested in renewing the relationship, no matter how great the temptation.

When he decides that nothing more can be done, he will pack his things and leave.

Mistake #4. Dating a “just” divorced person

Even the best, decent, kind men during this period of their lives part with their best qualities and become a hybrid of a terminator and a meat grinder for grinding other people's emotions and turning them into a resource for their own growth. Psychologists say that at least two years must pass for a man to “mature” into a new serious relationship. In the meantime, he will “train”, practicing his new attitudes and principles on new women, because he parted with the old ones during the breakup of the family.

What to do: wait it out! Wait until the “post-divorce cycle” comes to an end. First, a man “rushes” to have sex, then he enters into a fairly long-term relationship with one woman, but does not marry her, then he has several mistresses at the same time and he is satisfied with everything, finally, when his mistresses get tired of this state of affairs and leave him, the man, finally ready for a new relationship. So leave him alone. Wait until he enjoys his hard-earned freedom.

However, you should not completely disappear from the horizon - remain on warm and unobtrusive friendly terms.

How to break up

Those who have been in a relationship with a man of this sign for some time have probably already noticed how reliable he can be, especially when it comes to domestic problems. He will always bring home food if there is nothing left in the refrigerator, offer foot massages and act like a gentleman who will do anything for his lady.

If the offer of help is rejected, he begins to feel depressed, and this may bring separation from the Virgo man closer. Most likely, he will be the one who first suggests breaking up.

He will not make a fuss and will calmly let his partner go, after which he will return to his lonely but very comfortable bachelor life. It is very unlikely that in a breakup, an ex-beau will want to be friends with his partner after the relationship has failed.

A girl who wants to help a Virgo man get over a breakup should become his best friend for a while, and after the guy gets better, simply disappear. That being said, it's worth changing your phone number because he can really stalk his ex if he wants to.

Mistake #2. “Work” with a vest

A man immediately after a divorce is a man with a whole bunch of problems. Statistics say that such a man has more health problems (the heart and liver suffer), and he tends to fall into post-divorce depression. At first, the “bachelor” needs only one thing - pity and consolation. He will definitely go in search of them - but there is no need to rush to provide him with a “moral” crutch. As a rule, men do not marry women they date immediately after a divorce. As soon as you fulfill your function as a “comforter,” he will leave you. Either you will gradually turn in his eyes into a “best friend in a skirt”, and he will run to you to share his problems; there will probably be further defeats on the love front on this list.

What to do: bring to his attention that it is better to complain to your mother or friends, or your ex-mother-in-law. This is completely unnecessary information for you.

To quit myself

To avoid leaving Virgo, the man can be made to do everything himself. Here are the girls this type of guy will definitely try to get rid of:

  • Maximum disorganized. Because he hates chaos and will definitely start criticizing her as soon as he sees a few unwashed dishes in the sink.
  • Not taking care of themselves. He really tries not to associate with people who do not strive to take care of their appearance - hygiene and neatness.
  • Too independent. Even when a woman can open a jar on her own, he may feel that he no longer belongs with her.

When a Virgo man does not feel useful, he may become depressed because his main goal in life is to take care of others.

Other options for leaving a Virgo man lover:

  • Spend a lot of time away. When he is in a relationship with someone, he becomes obsessed with being with his partner as much as possible. Some of these men love to work with their partner, so imagine how devastated they may feel when they see that they can no longer stay close to their significant other.
  • Use things thoughtlessly, whether it's money or food. Therefore, if he notices that his beloved does not care about what he throws away or how much he spends, he may become very upset.
  • To break up with a Virgo man, a good and simple option would be to take everything he gives you for granted. This person has very high standards for himself, so he will be devastated to hear that he is not doing anything good for his other half.
  • Command him. If you practice this behavior, then with a high degree of probability he will want to run away from such a girl as far as possible. This guy really knows what to do in life and expects a partner to be loyal and supportive rather than controlling and commanding.
  • For a Virgo man to leave, you need to start criticizing him. Even if he himself is the most critical person on earth.
  • Since representatives of this sign are perfectionists, he may not be very tolerant when he sees that his partner has several bad habits. For example, leaving toothpaste uncovered, throwing clothes around the house, etc.
  • To be untrue or to create such an impression. He really wants loyalty and believes that love can only be between two people being together.

Being positive and always supporting him is the best way to get your Virgo ex-man back after a breakup and stay close forever.

Psychology of communication with a divorced man

In order not to fall victim to unrequited love and not to mistakenly fall into the ranks of those who serve as a vest for tears for former loved ones, you should know the rules of communication with those who have recently divorced.

It happens that a man dates a new woman to express his pain. It is worth delicately but firmly suppressing any attempts by your partner to discuss your ex-wife with you and complain about your unenviable lot.

Be careful not to fall victim to someone who "collects" women after a bad experience in order to get revenge on his wife and soothe the pain.

Don't treat a divorced man like a "used product" - if you truly care about this man, avoid sarcasm, disrespect and criticism that would relate to his personality or past life. Thus, you can easily hurt a man and lose his trust. Be there as a woman he likes, but not as a judge or a good friend ready to regret.

End the relationship as soon as you realize that you are being used to heal your wounds or that your ex-spouses have not cooled off towards each other. Don’t be under the illusion that your love is enough for two – if it’s not enough, you won’t be forcefully loved, but a negative experience with psychological trauma is guaranteed.

How a Virgo man copes with a breakup

Those who broke up with them most likely did so because they could not come to terms with their habits, intense attention to detail and obsession with health, order and cleanliness.

The main thing about how a Virgo man behaves after a breakup is that they want a clear explanation every time someone tries to break up with them. They want to know the reason why their other half is cold and doesn't want to spend time together anymore. Knowing where things went wrong can help them identify the problem so they can find a solution and salvage what's left of their bond.

It's not that a Virgo man can't handle a breakup after a breakup, they just want a good reason for breaking up.

Many may not even suffer much after the separation, but they will be very curious about why they can no longer be with this person. After all, their minds are designed in such a way that they

want to see what problems they had so that their next relationship will end up being perfect.

On the other hand, some of the representatives of this zodiac sign, when really upset, tend to list all the mistakes that their partner has made in order to make the girl feel extremely guilty.

These men are not inclined to attach too much importance to their lover's feelings and intentions when she tries to break up with them.

♍ Virgo (Virgo) August 24-September 23 / Virgo guys, can you get back with your ex-girlfriend?

I'll tell you right away, I'm a twin.

We parted from my character, and one fine moment he could not stand it and left. 4 months have passed, we are still communicating, I feel that the feelings have not gone away for me or him... but then I recently found out that he has a new girlfriend... Has it ever happened to you that you are dating a girl and you realize that you love your ex? or, if you started some kind of relationship, does this mean that the past is forgotten? I ask you to help me, because I’m going crazy without him, and I don’t know what to do... or whether I should do it at all.

  • 7 June 2010, 21:37
  • Alina


Although at the beginning of the relationship, Virgo guys see their girlfriend as a perfect and talented girl, after breaking up with her, they will sincerely begin to believe that their ex will never get better.

When a Virgo man leaves a girl, after the relationship he may ask how she is doing and whether she is happy, especially if she is failing in life.

Many of the women who were with this sign will always remember how many things they learned from their ex and how strong they became after meeting him. They will all appreciate his incredible qualities, even if they could not endure life together. However, these ladies will remember with a shudder how much energy they had to spend to break down the walls surrounding his heart over and over again.

Mistake #3. Assume that you are his only one

There are no divorced men in the world, excluding those, of course, who are no longer interested in the physical side of love, who would immediately exchange one woman (ex-wife) for another. Usually this sex list is significantly longer for two reasons. Firstly, there is a need for diversity - what if somewhere there is a woman with even more temperament, with even longer legs? Secondly, the “emptiness” in the heart is “filled” in a variety of ways - meeting first one, then another, then a third - the main thing is not to be alone - one of them.

What to do: don’t create illusions, but it’s better not to rush into bed with him. In one and a half to two years, the number of mistresses in his bed will be reduced to a minimum.

Mistake #6. Hoping for perfect sex

You shouldn’t paint rosy pictures of sexual exploits with his participation. Sex is impulsive, short-term, sex with a “coming” partner is not at all like marital sex. With my wife there is an “adjustment” - psychological and biological, the second is even more important. Although there is no particular attraction to each other (after several years of marriage), the bodies of the husband and wife have “adapted” to each other at the level of biorhythms, arousal occurs quickly, without lengthy foreplay, intimacy occurs in a stereotypical manner, the level of pleasure is high, and release is achieved in 4-5 minutes, warns the famous sexologist Alexander Poleev.

What to do: be aware that erotic fantasies and life are two different things. To receive pleasure, at least minimal emotional attachment is required, and for both partners.

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