How to become an ideal girl: TOP 8 best qualities that men value

I am of the opinion that the road to excellence is endless. No matter how old you are, and no matter what relationship you are in, the question of how to become a good girl will always be relevant to you. So don't shy away from anything that can help you become more attractive, desirable, and ultimately loved by your boyfriend. Who will understand how to make her man happy and how to improve her relationship with him. In this guide, we will present a list of simple but effective tips that will show you how to become a better girlfriend and help make your love life more fulfilling and interesting.

"The Hero of My Novel"

Every man, even far from the images glorified by glossy magazines and far-fetched by women’s dreams, wants to be for someone a kind of domestic version of “Superman” who will save his little and defenseless chosen one from everyone and everything. Therefore, an ideal woman will always stimulate her man to perform great deeds.
Let these not be large-scale and high-profile affairs, like the famous comic book hero, but having done something for her sake and seeing sincere gratitude and admiration, each time he himself will become confident in his capabilities and grow in his own eyes. It’s not for nothing that there is a saying that behind every successful man there is a woman who loves him. And a woman who motivates a man to grow is certainly ideal for him. After all, every representative of the stronger sex values ​​and idolizes his source of strength - a woman.

Let's talk about character and its compatibility with different types of men

Attractive appearance is not the only criterion for an ideal woman. Personal qualities - character, behavior, intelligence - are of great importance.

Attractive appearance is not the only criterion for an ideal woman

Opinions about temperament vary. Some types of men like easy-going, quiet girls, others - ambitious and emotional ones.

Important! Often, behind a beautiful face and slender body, a disgusting character is hidden. Such a girl is far from the male ideal.


The trait manifests itself in the form of kindness, the absence of rudeness, and cruelty. An important point is that the softer the beloved, the more courageous the companion feels: the woman gives her partner a chance to feel stronger. You want to protect and protect a soft, vulnerable beloved.

Such young ladies are non-conflict, support their husband, and give useful advice. A wife with a gentle character does not claim leadership in the family. Trust, caring, tenderness are what a husband needs.


Among the traits of an ideal life partner, men highlight modesty. They like quiet, well-mannered girls who will become good wives and mothers in the future.

With them, family life will be calm and harmonious. Vulgar, sexually unleashed persons evoke lust, not love.

Sense of humor

Young people appreciate a sense of humor in a companion.

Young people value a sense of humor in a companion

Her sincere, boisterous laugh makes her charming. If a girl laughs flirtatiously at a joke, the guy will pay attention to her. Lively laughter and cheerful temperament attract young people. A gloomy young lady will scare you away.

The main thing is not to overdo it. If a story or joke turns out to be unfunny, there is no need to squeeze out laughter. It's better to just smile. Laughter should not be very loud or intimidating.

"Everyone wants to love..."

Remember the famous song by Valery Leontyev? It is no secret that every man, like, in general, any person, wants not only to love, but, above all, to be loved. After all, even the most powerful, powerful, successful and serious people in this world are, at heart, subtle and vulnerable individuals who dream of having someone at home waiting for them, loving them, believing in them and never betraying them. This has been their ideal since childhood, when this “someone” for men was their mother and grandmother. And now it is not at all difficult for his beloved woman to become this ideal. Of course, provided that she strives for this ideal.

What not to do

We found out what you need to do to become the best wife. Now let's look at the main women's taboos in family life.

Don't criticize your husband again

Family is not a place for self-affirmation. If a man has failed or made a mistake, you should not attack him with reproaches. Otherwise, he will completely lose the desire to do something for you and share his experiences. And the phrase “I told you so!” in a split second she can turn her wife into enemy number one.

Be diplomatic and include empathy at least sometimes. Filter your words and emotions, think in advance about the reaction they will cause. Remember - criticism without a request causes nothing but rejection. Your eternal dissatisfaction will eventually lead your husband to think that you feel bad with him. And he will naturally go in search of someone who will appreciate him.

Don't compare him to anyone

Having gotten married, a man wants to finally take a break from eternal competition and feel like the best for his chosen one. Don't deprive him of this pleasure. Talk often about how lucky you are to have him. Let him know that your choice was conscious and you did not doubt it for a minute.

Don’t even mention your ex-men. The husband must be sure that they are all defeated by him and buried in the past. You should also not show excessive sympathy for famous actors, musicians and other media personalities. And even more so, cite them as an example. Otherwise, in response, you may also receive a comparison that is not in your favor.

Don't burden him with jealousy, resentment and whining

Learn to deal with your cockroaches yourself. Your husband is not a nanny to constantly take care of your psychological comfort. Keep all your doubts, fears, grievances out of nowhere and groundless jealousy to yourself. Every time you burden your husband with this, his love for you decreases, at least a little. And this is not an exaggeration.

Therefore, all your words and actions towards your spouse must pass through a strict filter. If you do not have enough strength to cope with accumulated experiences, it is better to share them with a psychologist.

Don't complain about him to your friends and relatives

Never wash dirty linen in public during a conflict. By complaining about what a scoundrel your husband is, you humiliate not only him, but also yourself. After all, this is the person closest to you, an integral part of your life. And since you married him, it was the best option available to you.

Therefore, at the next meeting of the women's council, when all your girlfriends scold their husbands, think carefully. The grievances against your husband will be forgotten, but your loved ones will continue to consider him a scoundrel. Not to mention the fact that your stories may one day become public knowledge. And then you will find yourself in a very sticky situation.

Tell only good things about your spouse, praise him often in front of your friends. People around you will begin to treat your family with even more respect.

I also recommend watching this short video.

Brush away a tear!

Men are not as sentimental by nature as women. This is why they have a hard time understanding whining about minor things, such as a broken nail, a lyrical song, or a touching scene from a movie. To become ideal for him and stand out from all other female representatives, you need to learn to tune in to the wave of positivity. This does not mean at all that you need to go against your sensitive and vulnerable nature, but it is quite possible to watch a heart-warming film and release your emotions with a friend.

I want to become independent and independent

With some effort, any girl can gain independence and independence:

  • It is difficult to maintain complete independence while being financially dependent on someone. Be sure to find a job you like! If you are a student, then it makes sense to take on a part-time job. Perhaps you have the opportunity to earn passive income by renting out some premises. Be that as it may, if you do not fully support yourself, then you should have at least some personal money.
  • Spend an evening making a plan for the year or month. You can even start with your weekly goals. It is important to complete each item on the list, which will bring you not only benefits, but also self-confidence.
  • Playing sports can also help in acquiring not only a beautiful figure, but also in developing self-discipline. Choose a sport that you like and start regular training.
  • Do not run away from problems, hoping that they will be solved on their own or that they may well remain unattended for some time. Determine for yourself what issue bothers you the most and find a way to solve it. Gradually deal with each problem this way, adding points to your independence and making your life much easier.
  • Free yourself from any unhealthy addictions. Bad habits, difficult and painful relationships with a lover, etc. must be erased from life or transferred to another level.

Clever beauty

Yes, men love with their eyes. But they have nothing against a woman being smart. A good conversationalist, with whom you are not bored and not ashamed in company, is a man’s pride and joy. He will definitely listen to the advice of an intelligent woman. But she will absolutely not tolerate it if she starts being clever. In this case, the man will strive to do everything contrary.

Becoming an ideal woman is not that difficult. You just need to be a real woman - cultivating her external and internal world, developing, learning new things and loving her man.

Tags: woman, psychology of relationships, rules of behavior, relationships in a couple, ideal, ideal woman

Behavior of an ideal woman on a first date

To ensure that the first meeting does not turn out to be the last, you need to show your best side. The main thing is to be natural and keep the conversation going.

No need to talk much. The main task is to listen to your companion and show interest. It is necessary to ask about hobbies, dreams, ways of relaxation. The goal is to achieve maximum favor.

You shouldn’t tell everything in a row - a mystery should remain in a woman. A man should want to see his companion again, study, unravel. Questions about previous relationships and ex-wife, salary are taboo. If he wants, he will talk about it himself at the next meetings.

There is no need to impose and call after one meeting. The main rule of the first date is to feel in moderation in everything. If he wants, he will call and write.

Tips for a girl: how to become better in 30 days

Beautiful speech and an exciting hobby will make you better

First of all, external changes will be noticeable to others. However, do not forget that you do not need any changes, but only for the better - choose what suits you. Also, friends and acquaintances may notice that you have a new hobby - playing sports, dancing, yoga, and so on.

Also, pay attention to how you speak and what you say. Eliminate “parasite words” from your speech, try to control yourself in any difficult situations. If you used to often complain to others about your problems, then get rid of this habit - let positive emotions prevail in your interlocutors after communicating with you.

To be sweet and pleasant in appearance, work on yourself

If there is something you don’t like about your appearance for a long time, and fixing it is not so difficult, then it’s time to get down to business. Don't forget about general grooming. Introduce the healthy habit of always keeping your clothes and shoes in order - no wrinkles or, worse, stains!

Also, don't forget to pay attention to your nails and hair. Your manicure should always be neat. Your hair, of course, should be clean, no matter how busy you are. Take care of the health of your hair - sign up for some useful procedure at a salon or study on the Internet the benefits of masks with various oils.

Find your style that will best highlight your best sides. You can turn to a stylist or image maker for help - he will determine your color type of appearance and recommend things that you should pay attention to. If it is not possible to use the services of a specialist, then study the relevant materials on the Internet.

Don't forget about comprehensive skin care for your face and body. If you have some kind of skin rash that does not disappear, despite the entire arsenal of lotions and creams, then the problem may be much deeper. However, it can be solved by visiting a dermatologist once.

Playing sports will have a positive effect on your physical and mental well-being

If you think you are overweight, then exercise will help solve this problem. By the way, exercise in the gym has long been relevant not only for overweight people, but also for thin ones. We are talking not only about the number on the scale, but also about the overall tone of the skin, firmness, giving the desired shape - all this can be achieved with the help of sports!

If the above-mentioned area of ​​life has passed you by and you don’t know where to start, then sign up for group fitness classes - the trainer will tell you everything and show you. You can also become athletic by taking up some kind of active dancing - look at what styles are taught in dance schools in your city, watch the videos of teachers, and go to class. It is advisable that sport in one form or another be present in your life at least 2-3 times a week (one workout lasts 1-1.5 hours).

By following all the recommendations for thirty days, you will not be able to help but notice a positive result in your transformation after this time.

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