What to do to prevent your husband from cheating: psychological techniques and esoteric methods

What to do so that your husband never cheats

Regardless of how you feel about male infidelity, you can protect your family from this disaster. Take the test and find out what your chances are of getting your husband back

Sincerely love – 1

Many representatives of the fair sex think that a man will not go “left” if he has enough sex at home. But in practice, husbands also cheat on their reliable wives.

A fact is a fact - if partners only sleep in the marital bed, then sooner or later the beloved will be drawn to someone else's bedroom. Therefore, it is very important for a woman to enjoy intimacy with her chosen one.

As a rule, men have a much higher libido than women, and it is the stronger sex who initiates sexual pleasures. Women prioritize the pleasure of their husband so that he does not go on the side. However, men are not as selfish as most women believe. The more you want your partner, the more he only wants you.

Trust - 2

Do not hesitate, if your spouse wants to change, he will definitely change. Even if you keep it under total control. Any man will confirm that constant checks are humiliating. You want a real man with a capital M next to you, right?

Stop controlling him and tell him honestly about your concerns. Have a heart-to-heart talk with him. And if adultery has already occurred, then open access to his phone and social networks will help restore trust.

Stay true to yourself - 3

Alas, they cheat even on those who love deeply and trust endlessly. Sometimes it happens that a man gets bored with his wife. But are we always comfortable with ourselves? Are you satisfied with your own life and work?

Undoubtedly, you are raising children, trying to keep your home clean and tidy, and create comfort. Do you think you are an interesting person and conversationalist?

It is very important to devote time to self-development, set and achieve goals, and grow as a person. Then the man will truly feel like a knight who needs to win the hand and heart of his beloved.

Share responsibilities with your husband - 4

Don't put everything on yourself. If the wife is constantly busy with household chores, what can the husband do? A tortured and tired wife has no time for lovemaking. Moreover, if the wife is in control, then what is the function of the man in the house? And it’s humiliating for men if his missus copes even with men’s affairs. Don’t be shy about asking your husband for help with household chores, raising children, or choosing new wallpaper.

Talk to your loved one - 5

Even if your partner isn't a big talker, there are ways to find common ground. After all, when you made the decision to marry him, you were interested in him. Even after talking about an abstract topic, you can feel unity with your other half.

Moreover, there is no need to remain silent about your fears. One day they will turn into suspicions. As long as there is mutual understanding with your spouse, do not be afraid to tell him about your worries.

Work on your mistakes - 6

If your intuition tells you that the inevitable will happen soon, you should under no circumstances panic. Try to analyze at what point everything went wrong. Then there is every chance to prevent betrayal.

Take the test and find out what your chances are of getting your husband back

What kind of women don't want to cheat?

Representatives of the fair sex need to make efforts so that their life partner does not want to go to the left. How to behave so that a man does not cheat:

  • care and attention;
  • satisfy sexual needs and fantasies;
  • do not limit personal space;
  • understand your loved one;
  • be in good shape.

All of the above points play a big role for a man. Only the presence of all these factors will make him happy, and he will not want to look for adventures on the side.

Simple conspiracies against treason

Some women may be too lazy to work on themselves. They are thinking about how to make a conspiracy so that the husband does not cheat. Magical actions are carried out:

  • on clothes;
  • to the water;
  • on underwear.

If the solution is visible only by using this method, then preference should be given to white magic. With sincere intentions, the ritual will be effective. The words are all pronounced correctly, the text must be learned by heart and pronounced clearly. The ritual is performed in solitude and silence; it must be carried out with a clear soul and pure thoughts. At the same time, there must be mutual love, it is necessary to achieve respect and harmony in the relationship.

Spell on clothes

In order for attention to once again belong only to the wife, it is necessary to retire to the room at midnight and place nettle leaves on the husband’s clothes, which are on the table.
Slowly wrapping it in the grass, you should say the spell: “Just as the nettle burns the body of my beloved husband (name of spouse), so his soul will greatly yearn for me (own name). The heart is torn with anguish, the blood in his veins runs cold. An unbearable melancholy pushes him back to his home. Nettle always stings. Just as she cannot get rid of her leaves, so my darling cannot get rid of his sufferings far away. He will calm down as soon as he is next to me. Amen". Then the grass is burned. The clothes must be offered to the man to put on in the morning.

Water spell

For the spell, clean water from a spring is collected on clothes. At night, you should pour it into a low glass, open the window slightly and sit near it. Grab the glass securely with your hands and say the words: “Just as water gurgles in a stream, stands in a pond, and dries in the desert, so let him dry my husband, and then give him something to drink!” Let him drink fresh, cool water in sips, and remember me. Nothing living can live without water, so let my husband not be able to live without me. Let him miss me and miss me, and remember me more often! Amen!".

These words are repeated seven times. Then the glass is placed on the windowsill, and the wife goes to bed. Early in the morning the husband should be given this water to drink. You can add it to coffee or tea.

Ritual for underwear

To awaken passion in your husband, you will need his swimming trunks, his wife’s wedding ring, and 2 wax candles. During the period when the moon is waxing, the spouse’s underpants are laid out on the table, and church candles are lit on either side of them. A ring is placed on the underwear. When all preparations are completed, you need to read the “Our Father” prayer. After this, the spell is said: “You and I were married in church, our marriage was concluded in heaven. Always remember this. Be an exemplary husband to me, and I will be a good wife to you. No one will be able to separate us: neither your friends, nor other women. You will only be mine. Amen!"

When the last words of the spell are spoken, you should sit in silence for a few minutes and think about the best moments that you had in your life together. It is advisable for the spouse to wear these panties in the coming days.

Ritual against cheating husband

To prevent the husband from wanting to go to the left, after sunset the wife should say the words: “They took a young stallion (name) out into the field, and when they returned him, they turned him into a gelding. That gelding doesn’t run; the gelding’s veins aren’t worth a single mare. The slave (name) has not one young woman, neither light nor dark, neither sad nor cheerful. From now until forever. Amen!".

No matter how surprising it may seem to some women, faithful men do exist. There are many ways to prevent infidelity and keep your husband to yourself. Some women resort to conspiracies, but the best and most effective way is to work on yourself.

The main reasons for going to the left

I wrote a separate article on this topic - Why men cheat. I will briefly summarize its content below.

Women like to claim that all men are polygamous because it is their physical need. Undoubtedly, some representatives of the stronger sex find it difficult to remain faithful to one woman, but this is not an excuse. Here a lot depends on the wife's reaction. Some will swallow the insult, while others will be categorical in their desire to get a divorce.

A spouse may devote a lot of time to her work and not have time to do household chores. In this case, the man needs to help her, at least a little, and the woman should accept his help with gratitude. But the opposite happens: she doesn’t like the way her husband vacuumed the floors or peeled potatoes. The husband becomes offended, he gives up and he no longer wants to do anything around the house. There is a desire to find a new passion who will appreciate his efforts.

Another reason why the husband goes to the left is the desire to diversify his sex life. The wife refuses to experiment in bed and try something new. Then the man goes in search of someone who will agree to fulfill his desire.

Cheating also often occurs under the influence of alcoholic beverages. Alcohol has a relaxing effect, blurs boundaries and leads to a loss of self-control. When there is a woman nearby who doesn’t mind having fun, he will most likely not deny himself the pleasure. This option also has no justification. After all, there are still some men who, while intoxicated, remain faithful to their chosen ones. Take the test and find out what your chances are of getting your husband back

The myth of male polygamy

You can often hear the statement that all men are polygamous by nature. It's partly true. However, before you cut all men with the same brush, you should figure out why many people talk about natural polygamy of the strong half of humanity.

We need to plunge into history and remember how our ancestors lived. Sexual competition has previously been observed in male behavior, especially in polygamous societies. From history we know about frequent cases of polygamy in tribal communities. This social structure was the norm. In this environment, the stakes were high for men. The “winners of the competition” received the best women, and their chances of having large offspring increased. Losing men risked genetic destruction due to their failure to gain the status and resources needed to attract sexual partners.


Why men cheat on their wives but don’t leave: the main reasons

Influential men had a great sexual advantage, but those lower in the hierarchy could not have this. This is where the misconception that men still believe today came from: “The more polygamous you are, the higher your status.” This opinion should not be judged strictly, because we must not forget about human genetic memory.

Monogamy appeared relatively later in history. Men reconsidered their views on sexual relationships with women and came to the conclusion that their social status does not depend on the number of partners.

It's hard to believe, but the connection between male polygamy and general global social issues is extremely close. Modern society gravitates towards monogamy. It does not force constant reproduction for the purpose of survival of humans as a species, which cannot be said about antiquity.

Modern men themselves determine their level of polygamy. But if we think from a psychological point of view, the only thing that can affect him is genetic memory. If a guy is in a serious relationship with a girl, then he decides for himself whether to cheat or not. The responsibility for the choice falls only on his shoulders.

What to do to make your husband stop cheating

Many wives believe that mistresses who seduced someone else's husband, but not themselves, are to blame for the betrayal of their other halves. If a woman can understand why her husband started an affair, then it is necessary to immediately change the situation so that the man no longer wants to seek comfort in someone else’s bed.

Set common goals - 1

Common goals bring us closer and unite. Achieving them requires joint efforts and the same attitude. Don't let physiological processes get the best of you.

As a rule, after 40 years a man begins a new stage in life. The children have already grown up, begun to live their own lives, and parents have more time and the opportunity to live as active a life as before the birth of children.

Only at this time does a woman experience a period when she loses her reproductive ability. Then the man has an instinct to find a new, younger partner.

At this moment, the wife also needs to begin a new stage, similar to the one before marriage. By refreshing feelings in a relationship, a woman will be able to keep her husband’s instincts under control.

Stop humiliating your spouse - 2

Today, many women prefer to be self-sufficient and independent, blaming their life partners for insolvency.

Such spouses are dissatisfied with everything that their other halves do and reproach them for not paying them enough attention and not giving them gifts. The chosen one begins to get angry, because nagging from the woman he loves irritates and completely kills the desire to please her.

It is necessary to change tactics so that a man does not want to look for adventures on the side. For example, show yourself weak so that he wants to help you. Then he will feel strong, needed and significant.

Allow him to see his friends - 3

It is very important that your husband has time to meet with his friends. He, just like you, wants to share his impressions and emotions with someone. Having shared his pain with friends, he will not look for a new passion.

Become more mature - 4

Adultery can be prevented not only through physical pleasure. Close emotional and spiritual relationships also play an important role.

Don't be jealous - 5

Tracking messages and monitoring social networks, monitoring incoming and outgoing calls, demands, surveillance, complaints, have a humiliating and offensive effect on men. If the spouse maintains strict control, he has a desire to do something contrary. Trust each other, learn to build a dialogue in which you can discuss and solve all problems.

Diversify your intimate life - 6

It often happens that after several years of married life in a couple, a moment comes when everything becomes boring. Refresh your relationship, make your sex life more varied. Don't be afraid to try new positions, make love in unusual places, buy new sexy lingerie. Take the test and find out what your chances are of getting your husband back

Get a guy interested

How to protect your husband from cheating? It's simple - maintain constant interest in yourself. This is not easy to do, especially since in the process of family life people become so accustomed to each other that mutual interest gradually disappears. To keep your spouse in good shape, try the following:

  • constantly come up with something interesting, surprise your loved one. This doesn't just apply to appearance. Learn to dance, sing songs to him, cook unusual dishes. Your husband will appreciate your efforts;
  • Take a break from each other at least once a month. This doesn't mean you need to leave somewhere. Just give your loved one a little more personal space than they are used to getting. By the way, it is the lack of personal space that sometimes leads to infidelity;
  • If you notice cooling in a relationship, you should not wait for betrayal. Talk directly about this topic, ask how your husband sees your future relationship. Often, hushing up a problem develops into a real conflict, and then it’s not far from an affair;
  • Share your ideas with your loved one, spend your free time creatively.

The main thing is not to let routine get into the relationship. Take an outsider's look at your family relationships. Answer yourself, only as honestly as possible - are you satisfied with everything? Most likely you will notice the flaws yourself. Therefore, do not shift the blame for a failed marriage onto your husband. Living together means the two of you are responsible for family happiness.

Rules of conduct for a wise wife

Simple tips will help a wife prevent her husband from cheating:

  1. Cheating is not the main problem, but only a consequence . Dig deeper and you will understand why the faithful decided to take this step. A man will never cheat if he is respected and expected at home.
  2. To prevent your spouse from going looking for adventure, it is important to develop yourself and keep yourself in shape .
  3. No need to nag a man . If you need something from him, find other leverage.
  4. Respect your loved one's interests.

Renew your wedding vows every 7 years.

I heard one story that is quite similar to the truth. The man and woman had been married for 57 years when their family and friends threw them a party to celebrate their longevity of love.

After the holiday, the woman said to her husband: “It was very great. But one question has bothered me for many years: why don’t you ever say you love me?”

The man looked at his wife in surprise: “Why, I told you that I love you the day we got married. If I changed my mind, I would let you know."

Too many people take their relationships for granted once they're already married. But that's not true. My wife and I have been married for 31 years. This is the third marriage for each of us. Every 7 years we renew our vows and again promise to love and be there for each other. Besides this, we just often say to each other: “I love you.”

VIDEO CONSULTATION with a professional psychologist - new on the blog!!!

Dear readers, our blog now has a guest expert, psychologist Danil Delichev . The editors of our blog would like to thank everyone who helped us establish contact with Danila.

Sometimes, to understand why a man did this, you need to look at the situation objectively. Is it possible that infidelity was the result of moral experiences or difficulties? If the spouse wants to sincerely help her chosen one, she will be able to find the strength in herself and prevent subsequent infidelities.

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