Mental or astral connection between people in love

Every day we come across a lot of people. We enter into polemics with someone, establish long-term friendly relationships with someone, and even begin to represent someone in the portrait gallery of our closest people. With each of them, we establish a different level of mutual understanding, which is classified by psychologists and mystics as a mental connection between people.

How do we communicate?

Have you ever paid attention to how dialogue is built between members of the same family? Even if it was created not so long ago, communication at the everyday level looks strange (although often no one pays attention to this): “Tea?” - “No, coffee.” That's all. This is instead of a whole dialogue: “What will you like – black tea or instant coffee?” - “Instant coffee without milk and with one spoon of sugar.”

It’s just that the connection that connects close people allows them to miss most of the information, because it is already transmitted (one might say, telepathically) from one partner to another. This is a mental connection - a state that helps you feel the thoughts and mood of another person, even when you are at a great distance with him.

In conclusion

Let's summarize the topic:

  • mental level is the level of a person’s thoughts. It is also a special dimension along with the astral plane;
  • Esotericists believe that all diseases are created by our wrong thoughts. And changing thoughts can heal illnesses;
  • mental connections are established between loved ones, lovers and relatives. They can persist for a very long time, often requiring work to break them completely (there are special practices for breaking mental connections).

Finally, I offer a thematic video:

It turns out that the mental connection can be seen

“Thoughts converge” is not only a figurative expression, but also a fairly real description of exactly how the mental connection between representatives of the human race is manifested and expressed. Researchers have found that if people are mutually attracted or have a friendly relationship, then even with the help of MRI, it is possible to detect synchronization of neural activity in the brain cells of one and the other.

The same connection exists between the storyteller and those who listen to him carefully and interestedly. By the way, it was found that with a high degree of empathy in the listener, neural activity is even slightly ahead of that in the person who is narrating.

Types of karmic connections

A mental connection can be destructive or healing. In the first case, the partners only suffer, but in the second, they live calmly and happily. Destructive

If the relationship looks perfect, it's worth waiting. Often hidden problems become apparent over time. In this case, the partners have to work off the sins of past lives. True feelings cannot only bring suffering. But breaking an unhealthy addiction can be difficult. Such relationships rarely end without the efforts of the halves. Partners will have to gain strength and break the toxic relationship.

Most of the problems associated with working out karma are typical. Examples of such situations and exit options:

  • tyrant husband: often a woman’s fear in this case is unfounded; it is worth contacting special centers and law enforcement agencies;
  • early death of the husband: means that the lovers have worked out karma, their story is completed; you should not mourn your chosen one, remain faithful to the deceased; a woman is considered free;
  • falling in love with a former partner again: karmic debt has not been worked off;
  • the chosen one is much older: the relationship can be strong and happy if the halves agree to put up with each other’s habits;
  • the lovers are representatives of different religions, but do not agree to convert to another faith: the couple must learn a karmic lesson, the essence of which is to accept other points of view and renounce fanaticism; any faith is a form of connection with the Higher Powers; having learned to respect each other, the halves will find happiness;
  • a casual whirlwind romance: partners learn about their karma when the first difficulties arise; for example, one of them finds out that the chosen one is mentally unstable or drug addicted.


Lovers have mutual respect and do not try to change their other half. They are perfectly compatible and feel comfortable with each other. They develop better as individuals together. Occasionally, misunderstandings may arise that do not develop into quarrels, but are quickly resolved.

How to establish a mental connection

By the way, a mental connection is most easily established where emotions are involved in the communication process. And depending on where they are directed, mutual understanding arises between people. Of course, the mutual desire for further relationships and a similar level of intelligence will play a significant role in this.

Sometimes psychological techniques for building relationships help in such cases:

  • copying the interlocutor's pose;
  • repetition of his last words during a conversation;
  • and if the situation allows, then light touches on the interlocutor’s hand.

All this leads to the fact that soon the talking and hitherto strangers begin to feel mutual sympathy and affection.

Experiments on transferring thoughts

As is known, the process of excitation of living tissues is accompanied by electrical phenomena. Knowing the laws of electromagnetic induction, some scientists have suggested that the brain generates electromagnetic oscillations that propagate, like radio waves, in space and can be perceived directly by some other brain tuned into “resonance,” so to speak.

In order to prove this, they began to conduct experiments on the transmission of thoughts in an ordinary room and in shielded chambers, the walls of which absorbed radio waves. Moreover, they made sliding screens and closed or opened them unnoticed by the persons in the cell transmitting thoughts. Such experiments showed that metal screens impaired or completely eliminated the possibility of transmitting thoughts.

It would seem that this spoke about the electromagnetic nature of thoughts. However, the negative side of such experiments was that they, like all experiments in the transfer of thoughts in general, could not be repeated by other researchers.

Meanwhile, the most important condition for any scientifically reliable fact is its repeatability, that is, the ability to reproduce an experiment under similar conditions. Experiments with the transfer of thoughts did not satisfy this main condition. It's hard to say yet what's going on here. Were the experimenters mistaken and, as a result of some circumstances of the experiment, received erroneous conclusions, wishful thinking.

Or was the phenomenon itself so complex that repeated experiments did not take into account any unknown circumstances, which made it impossible to reproduce it?

It is possible that both occurred. But be that as it may, the facts themselves raised doubts and continued to remain a mystery.

Who makes the strongest connections?

It has long been no secret that the strongest connection at the mental level is formed between parents and children, as well as between lovers. Often the same relationships can be observed between friends, especially if they have experienced a lot together and the friendship has been tested by time.

Please note that in the above relationships, the emotional sphere plays a leading role. After all, you love your child not for anything, but simply because you love him... This is probably why a mother always, as they say, feels in her heart if something happened to her child. And a loving son or daughter also clearly senses the state of their parents.

Why is this happening? It is obvious that dry calculation or relationships built only on mutual benefit will not allow a mental connection to develop between partners until such time as emotions - sympathy, respect, affection - wedge into their life together. They will slowly melt the ice crust that does not allow you to build sincere relationships and subtly sense your partner, and after this, a mental relationship will develop.

Stages of development

An astral connection is formed unexpectedly and quickly. The following stages are distinguished:

  • the feeling that you have known a new acquaintance for a long time;
  • unreasonable attraction in the absence of common interests (age difference is also possible);
  • rapid rapprochement;
  • quick move;
  • difficult trials (partners can get sick, betray, quarrel);
  • toxic relationships;
  • the emergence of a painful dependence on the chosen one (it is impossible to separate, the appearance of a lover in dreams, frequent chance meetings in the real world are possible).

Some points are worth examining in more detail.

Fast tying

If during an acquaintance a feeling of kinship arose, this is a key sign of an astral connection. In a previous incarnation, strong experiences were associated with this individual. A new meeting took place so that the partners could work off their debts. One of the lovers can work off their sins unilaterally (comprehend the action, ask for forgiveness, try to change). In this case, he becomes free.

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Astral relationships begin for strange reasons; there is no logic in their development. Lovers have different characters and interests. They belong to different social and age groups. At the same time, lovers cannot restrain sexual attraction. A whirlwind romance immediately ensues, which quickly drains the energy of the partners.

Age difference

Karma often pairs up representatives of different generations (the difference is 10 years). Partners are forced to work off the debts of their previous incarnations. The greater the difference, the stronger the attachment and the more difficult it is to part. And couples who were able to do this still meet in the future life.

A quick move to your loved ones

If, having entered into a relationship, a lover breaks off long-standing ties, moves, changes jobs - this is another feature of a karmic union. The partners arrive almost immediately after the meeting. No one will be able to stop them.

The fatality of relationships

Such relationships are accompanied by constant struggle. Conflicts do not stop. The lovers torment each other, but cannot separate. Short separations give way to stormy reunions. Fate itself brings lovers together. How to develop mentality

The halves tune into each other spontaneously. But this closeness can be consciously strengthened. There are esoteric techniques for this. During their implementation, you cannot cross the personal boundaries of the chosen one. These techniques should be performed systematically, together with your partner.

For the first exercise, partners are blindfolded and move close to each other, but in different directions. At the same time they say something. The signal sounds: “Stop!” The companions freeze and try to breathe quietly. You need to catch the vibrations of your loved one and indicate where he is. After this, the chosen one goes to another room. You should compare the sensations that arise with and without it.

The second technique is to visualize your lover calling. You should sit down and relax (you can read mantras to calm down). An imaginary white screen should appear before your eyes. The face of the chosen one is projected onto it. You need to mentally ask your loved one to call as soon as possible. The practitioner must concentrate on this desire, imagine the situation in detail: what the loved one looks like, how he dials the number, his emotions during the call. The clearer this picture and the stronger the faith of the performer, the more effective the exercise.

The third exercise is performing an action. The performer relaxes and closes his eyes. Mentally recreates the image of the chosen one on a white screen. He also mentally asks his loved one to perform a simple action: make coffee, turn off the light, open the window. It is important to focus on the pleasant emotions that arise after a person completes these tasks. You can't show your thoughts through your behavior. Tasks should be non-threatening and simple.

Just a little about love

The mental connection between a man and a woman is not always the kind of love that is usually spoken of as true. But what is true love - passion between sexual partners or endless devotion to the object of love? No one can clearly formulate the answer to this question. But it is interesting that sometimes in partners who are intensely experiencing their relationship, this connection is very poorly developed, while calm and trusting relationships between them allow it to become very noticeable and manifest itself literally at every step.

You haven’t even had time to think about your beloved, and she’s already calling you. You feel anxious and have a strong desire to call your lover, and when you do this, it turns out that he is in trouble. Has this ever happened? Surely more than once! And this means that your relationship has moved to a new level, and the connection established between you will help maintain it for a long time.

Appearance of thoughts

Let's try to understand some aspects of this phenomenon. First of all, let us answer the question: is it even possible for thoughts to arise that are not associated with any immediate external impression? Can thoughts appear as a result of some non-sensual impulses?

This question has been the subject of philosophical debate going on for thousands of years. Idealists and churchmen believe that thoughts arise without any visible connection with phenomena of the external world acting on the central nervous system of a person, that the cause and source of thinking is the “divine soul.”

Materialists argue that whatever thought arises in our brain, it is the result of certain influences of the human environment or nerve impulses entering the brain from internal organs during various disturbances in their activity.

The entire history of the development of science exposes the fanatical inventions of churchmen and confirms the correctness of materialism. The great Russian scientist I.M. Sechenov was the first to show that thinking is based on the mechanism of a reflex - a reaction to external irritation, and the genius of I.P. Pavlov was able to reveal the mechanism of these higher forms of reflex activity and give the world the main laws of brain function. Thus, idealism was dealt a crushing blow in its main refuge; Only obscurantists who neglected scientific facts could cling to old views.

In order not to be distracted, we will not dwell on the very complex issue of the physiological mechanisms underlying thinking. Let us only note that, although thought is a product of the work of the brain, thinking itself is also determined by the influence of the social environment in which a person lives.

Human thinking cannot develop on its own. Even the most complex creation of nature - the human brain cannot give birth to a single thought, being left to its own devices. The brain is only an instrument of thinking, while the content of thought is given by the external environment around us.

Instincts and some desires are not always conscious, but they reflect certain biological needs of the body. Children can sometimes be seen eating chalk; they greedily gnaw at it like sugar. This is an expression of the growing organism’s need for calcium salts necessary to build the skeleton. The reasons for such reactions are not always reflected in consciousness.

What mental connections look like for magicians

By the way, mental communication for people who call themselves clairvoyants takes on completely clear forms. It turns out that it is not like a silvery thread that stretches from head to head or from heart to heart (it all depends on which chakras work better for a person at the moment).

It is interesting that such threads extend from the teacher to the students if he loves his work and has sympathy for the audience. Students listen to such lessons or lectures very carefully, and what’s more, they remember the lesson material perfectly!

But again I want to repeat myself - this requires emotions. Between the “teacher,” who dryly lectured her lesson, and bored students, such connections are, of course, unthinkable.

Now imagine: you go to such classes, you have a faithful friend (or even more than one), you love and are loved - all these connections are slowly creating a web around you. And a person who knows how to make friends, love and empathize is entangled in it quite densely. Interestingly, it does not interfere, but on the contrary, it helps to easily establish new relationships and subtly feel even strangers.

Transmitting thoughts with a glance, touch

The activity of the brain is more complex and broader than our consciousness. Consciousness is the result of the work of some group of nerve cells that are most intensely active at the moment. This group is not constant: new and new cells are constantly switched on and off. However, even in cells that are switched off from intensive work, certain processes continue that are not directly reflected in consciousness. But these cells will instantly convey vital signals to our consciousness.

It is clear that the emergence of thoughts is possible under the influence of certain influences that themselves remain unnoticed. But they may ask the question: aren’t experiments with “thought transfer” something unusual that cannot yet be explained by science? After all, artists with amazing experiences perform on the stage. In a crowded room, spectators come up with problems, write them on paper and hand them over to the jury.

The artist is behind the stage at this time, then he is brought onto the stage and one of the spectators who came up with the task is invited there. The viewer takes the artist by the hand and he, concentrating, begins to perform the task. The only form of communication between the viewer and the artist is at this time the viewer’s hand tightly squeezing the artist’s hand.

Sometimes they don’t even do this - the viewer is simply next to the artist. How does the artist know what he has planned? It must be immediately emphasized that these experiments have nothing to do with the topic to which this article is devoted, because what is happening here is not the transmission, but the guessing of thoughts.

This process is reminiscent of the common children's game of “quiet music”. One of the players goes out the door, while the others hide an object. When the child starts searching, someone is playing a musical instrument. If the seeker approaches the object, the music intensifies; when he moves away from the object, the music becomes quiet or stops completely. Guided by the strength of the sound, the seeker eventually finds the object and carries out the intended order.

The artist guesses the task in approximately the same way, with the only difference that the signal for him is the reaction of the viewer who conceived the wish. Without noticing it, the person squeezes the artist’s hand with varying strength and the more strongly, the more the artist’s action resembles the condition of the task. You can use other audience reactions as well.

An artist who has trained for a long time easily picks up any reaction and navigates it. You don't need any supernatural sense to do this. After training, each of us is able to perceive impressions that previously went unnoticed. It is known how sensitively blind people feel sounds, how finely developed their sense of touch and smell is.

Mental connection: how to break off a relationship?

Between two loving people, mental connections are established quickly and most often firmly. This gives a lot of advantages: you can always feel the emotional background of your partner and catch the moment when he especially urgently needs support.

But the mental connection between lovers sometimes does not break even after parting. Especially if one of the partners is not ready to break up. And this, you see, is a completely different feeling. It's hard to build a new life if you constantly imagine your ex, if you can't help but feel like he's somewhere nearby. What should I do?

The recipe is simple and banal - let it go yourself. Even if you are convinced otherwise, try to understand why you remember your relationship. Maybe they had something that you are sorely missing now? Be sincere with yourself. After all, even if you were the initiator of the breakup, it is possible that now, after a while, regret about what you have done awakens in you. And if there is no way back to restoring the relationship, let your partner go. Talk to him mentally and ask him to leave your life and not remind him of himself. Imagine how that silvery thread that connected your hearts disappeared, broke, feel a slight pain from this break. But after it comes relief.

But I would like to repeat: all this will only work if there is a sincere (!) desire to break off the relationship.

Energy of man and woman

But the energy connection doesn't end there. There is another side of the coin, which talks about the interaction in this case between a man and a woman. Tantric teaching deals with a similar area. It is known from it that a man is charged with energy from above, and a woman from below. Accordingly, he is responsible for the ideological component, and it is occupied by the energy of force.

Esotericists believe that the more actively partners show their interest in each other, the stronger and more diverse the connection between them. Serious relationships lead to close connections across all energy centers. This is why lovers begin to feel each other at a distance, because they are tied by channels.

If a couple has a healthy relationship, then the energetic connection will only fuel the partners. Everyone will receive only bright and pulsating energy. If the relationship is unhealthy, then one becomes dependent on the other, and the connection turns dull and difficult. This is how aggression, anger, resentment, etc. arise.

A few final words

An increasing number of studies are proving that the mental connection, which until now has been commonly talked about as something mythical, is in fact an absolutely real phenomenon. And regardless of how exactly it is presented - in the form of threads connecting us with someone, or in the form of synchronously working neurons in the brain - it helps us maintain informal relationships.

As has already been said, the main thing here is to feel a person’s sincere and emotional desire for their development and strengthening. Don’t be afraid to give, then in return you will receive just as much pleasant and beautiful things, and everything in our lives is built on this.

Inhabitants of the mental

The mental plane, as well as the astral one, occupies all the space around us. In connection with this, any type of irritation, even occurring on other planes, is reflected on it. People perceive mental activity as a process of spontaneous thinking - in the form of any mental images (individual objects located in the mental plane, on which people do not have any influence).

Periodically, certain thought forms combine to form a so-called egregor. What is an egregor? It acts as an energy-informative consciousness created by a group of people, divided according to a specific criterion. So, many types of egregors are known:

  • religious (Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and others);
  • egregors of nations (are demons of empires);
  • generic egregors;
  • professional and so on.

The mental level mainly consists of thought forms and egregors.

Suggestion techniques

  1. Before starting work, relax, clear your mind of unnecessary thoughts and information . Sit comfortably, try to evoke in your head the image of the person to whom you want to convey your thoughts. Place his photograph in front of you and carefully look at the image for five minutes. All this time, revive the image, imagine how he talks, how he smiles or laughs.
  2. Give your full attention to the other person. If at some point you feel the presence of someone else in the room, it means that your actions are correct and you have established a telepathic connection with the desired object. Now begin to mentally reproduce the thoughts that you want to convey to him. Clearly imagine how the thought flows through the energy channel and penetrates his brain.
  3. Imagine that he hears this thought and is immersed in it. The person to whom you are transmitting thoughts will hear a certain voice in his head and it will seem to him that new thoughts were born in his brain on their own. Repeat the exercise every day for thirty minutes.

It is best to repeat the process about five times a day, then the expected effect will be much stronger.

Holding technique - practice:

What it is

The transmission of thoughts at a distance has a well-known name in psychology - telepathy .

Using this technique, you can exchange with another person not only thoughts, but also feelings, emotions, desires, you can even make some settings.

The exchange of information can be mutual , that is, a telepath is capable of receiving other people’s thoughts at a distance. Often this happens without the participation of the recipient's consciousness.

Telepathy is the object of close study by specialists around the world. There is already some data on how you can learn to transmit thoughts and discover telepathic abilities in yourself.

Is telepathic communication possible?

A keen interest in telepathy began in the mid-nineteenth century . Then magic salons began to open en masse, and magicians who appeared out of nowhere began their march across the country.

In the first half of the twentieth century, scientists first became interested in telepathy. The Rhine couple from America conducted an experiment that ultimately did not prove the existence of telepathy, but marked the beginning of serious research into this phenomenon.

During the last decade of the twentieth century, Edinburgh scientists concluded that the transmission or reception of thoughts at a distance is possible only during an altered mental state. A person is in such borderline states, for example, before going to bed or during a bright outburst of anger.

To date, world scientists have already conducted a large number of experiments, which have led to some conclusions.

It turned out that most often people who are in close emotional contact .

Russian academician Kobzarev Yu.B. explained the phenomenon of telepathy in his own way. He claims that during the appearance of thought, charged particles are launched into space, which are given the name “psychons.” Psychons accumulate in clumps that are captured by people with a family or emotional connection.

Technique for transmitting thoughts at a distance in this video:

Emotional connection with a person

If you agree to maintain a relationship, despite the absence in it of even a hint of an emotional connection with a person and mutual understanding, you voluntarily agree to suffering and dissatisfaction with life. Because most likely, such a relationship will not end well.

Even if your partner finds it difficult or does not want to build an emotional connection with you, he will still want your involvement in the relationship. A person wants to see that he is loved and understood, even if he is not ready to lift a finger for this. Over time, most likely very quickly, you will feel that such a relationship is not capable of satisfying you. All communication and interaction in them is superficial, uninteresting and not worth the effort. It cannot make you feel understood and loved. You seem to be spending time with a person, talking about something, interacting somehow, but it’s as if they don’t see you. Your partner doesn’t care at all whether you are there or not.

It is very dangerous to agree to continue a relationship just because no one is perfect. If in a relationship the partner is not tuned in to you, does not resonate, then a contradiction appears. You stay in a relationship, become attached to a person and fall into the trap, because he didn’t care about you, and most likely will.

Such situations are not isolated, they are quite widespread, so for psychologists there is no mystery about how your relationship will develop. Trying to accept your partner for who he is will not drown out your desires and needs, which will only lead to you feeling pain longer.

It all starts with being disappointed in your expectations. It becomes clearer that you will never receive the desired warmth and reciprocity from this person. Trying to adapt to this, accept him and continue to love him, you will not get anything good from the relationship, only more disappointments.


Relationships form very quickly - within one month after meeting, the couple begins dating. A person is not able to correctly perceive all the information and only after a year or more begins to realize what actually happened to him. Before this, he is in complete control of his emotional reactions, which he cannot explain. No matter how violent the passion may be, partners do not always want to see each other after “awakening”, not to mention maintaining friendly relations.

Energy connection between the sexes

Feeling sympathy for a partner, a person receives pleasure. Those who have extrasensory abilities can see the flows of energies that circulate between people. Similar streams come in a variety of colors.

A couple can unite using seven chakras:

  • Muladhara. The root chakra is red. Shows related contacts.
  • Svadhisthana. The sexual chakra is orange. Brings together friends, lovers or married couples for a short-term pastime.
  • Manipura. The navel chakra is yellow. Through it, contact is formed between those with whom it is necessary to compete. Most often these are colleagues or business partners.
  • Anahata. The heart chakra is green. Connects a couple for life, but it is very important that the heart channels clearly resonate with each other.
  • Vishuddha. The throat chakra is blue. Capable of uniting like-minded people.
  • Ajna. The frontal chakra is indigo color. Usually contact is formed subconsciously and is expressed through imitation of some idol or leader.
  • Sahasrara. The wedding chakra is purple. Such contact is possible only between a mother and her child, as well as among those who truly love each other.

The more intensely the partners show interest, the stronger their connection. After ten years of marriage, one can observe contact between partners through all seven channels. This is how a connection is formed between a man and a woman at a distance. This is especially pronounced in mother and child, even when a lot of time has passed since the last meeting.


Relationships in such a couple are often fatal in the most negative sense of the word. Typically this includes:

  • love triangles;
  • relationships in which either love or hatred reigns;
  • relationships that continue regardless of the wishes of the partners, due to the influence of certain external factors.

Karmic love in real life is usually filled with hardships and suffering. In fact, this connection is incompatible with normal human existence. A person simply has neither spiritual nor physical strength left for personal and professional growth. On the other hand, by doing the “right thing” in such a situation, a man or woman gets a chance to reach the highest level of his development, to rise above his shortcomings.

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