15 thoughts that a man has during his first kiss

Your first kiss will always be a little weird. No matter how many people you've kissed along the way, you'll still get a few butterflies in your stomach.

You will always be tormented by the thought of whether your partner liked the kiss or not. Being a guy means you almost always initiate the first kiss.

It is difficult to say whether his chosen one will want to kiss him. It's always nerves and worries.

We've put together a list of what a guy might think about before, during and after a kiss.

Suitable place for kissing2

In order for the first kiss to become truly memorable, a romantic atmosphere is needed. A cinema or a cozy cafe can easily provide such an environment, but a nightclub is unlikely to be suitable, as they are always noisy. There is no need to eat a lot before a kiss, but it is better to try to get your boyfriend to eat a little. When kissing, he should think about you, not about food.

It is very important not to overdo it with alcoholic drinks, you don’t want to get a romantic standing near the toilet instead of a loving kiss, waiting for your drunk boyfriend. On the contrary, a minimal amount of alcohol will help the girl cope with her shyness, and the guy will relax.

Non-romantic kisses

Not every kiss in a girl’s life is smooth and romantic. Sometimes, after such a miserable moment, you want to give your man the book “How to Learn to Kiss?”

In order for a girl to really like you, you should avoid stupid mistakes. And the most common ones are described below.

  • Keep your teeth to yourself.

    Gently take her face with your hands - this way you can control the rotation of her head and adjust it to suit you. Lightly lick her lips so that the girl opens her mouth. And only then, when you see the entire field of work, do you use your tongue.

    Remember that you can gently bite her lips, but not bite her like a piranha. Try different ways of kissing and find your signature one.

  • No traces. You don't mark territory like a dog, so you shouldn't leave bites and hickeys on its cheeks, neck and lips. Control yourself, you are obviously stronger, but in closer communication you should be a cute tiger cub for her.
  • Nose. You tilt your head to the right and it goes to the right, tilt it to the left and it goes there too. With such coordination you will not be able to have a normal kiss. Even the smallest and neatest nose can interfere with a kiss.

    Take matters into your own hands: for the first time, use your hands to slightly tilt her head in the direction you want.

  • Hands. Where to put your hands? Maybe stuff it in her pockets or put it on her chest? Or maybe just as they were taught in the army? The girl definitely won't like this. Hands should complement the kiss with gentle hugs and strokes. The girl must understand that she has found herself with an experienced man, and not with a nerdy nerd.

To understand how to kiss with tongue, you don’t need to be the city’s main Casanova. But practice in this matter is extremely important. Just don't stop there. A kiss is not a ticket into panties, but only the beginning of the journey.

How to understand that a guy wants to kiss you

It's not difficult at all! If a young man has a desire to move to a new level of relationship, almost any girl will be able to notice this. In such cases, the chosen one tries to say as many pleasant words as possible, often looking at your eyes and lips. He also wants to be as close to you as possible - to touch you or just be in close proximity. However, a young man who is too shy may behave differently, but be that as it may, if his embarrassment becomes more obvious than usual, then this is also a clear sign that he likes you, and accordingly he wants to get closer to you.

The right time to kiss

The very first thing you need to remember is that your relationship with a guy cannot be in the dating stage. After all, you can’t just go up to a stranger you like in the park and try to kiss him. Of course, you can try, but after that you definitely won’t get the desired result.

It’s best to start thinking about the question of how to kiss a guy after several walks together. Psychologists say that the most appropriate moment for a kiss comes at the end of your date, because the very romantic atmosphere of such a date is a great start to the upcoming kiss.

How to kiss a guy so that he really likes it and falls in love

It is important that the guy realizes that you are not an easily accessible person. Even if you want the kiss to be followed by a continuation, he should not think that this is a common situation for you. That is why it would be a good idea to choose a time so that soon after the kiss you need to say goodbye before meeting again - that is, it is better to initiate the first kiss not at the very beginning of the date, but closer to its end. In this case, this incompleteness will provoke the guy’s thoughts about you until the next meeting, and will further inflame his fantasy. As you understand, under such circumstances it won’t be long before you truly fall in love.

In addition, it is important to behave as naturally as possible and not pretend to be a violent passion - you can get carried away, overact and look simply funny.

I want a man to kiss first, what should I do?

Excite and make a guy kiss you

If you want your chosen one to kiss you, choose the right time for this. A young man who is clearly attracted to you will certainly want to kiss you under almost any circumstances, but you should still be sensitive and not persuade him to take this step if he is seriously upset about something. This insistence may seem inappropriate, and subsequently the guy will simply decide that you lack any sensitivity.

In general, you could excite your lover with just your appearance. Of course, it is better to avoid vulgarity - just dress in feminine clothes that maximally emphasize your figure. Speak to the guy in a calm and gentle voice, try to avoid a raised tone, hysterical laughter or shrill notes - your voice should attract the guy, making him seem to plunge into some kind of nirvana. Let your movements be smooth, and your gaze seem to be slightly drooping. When convenient and appropriate, touch the young man - his hair, arms, back. You should exude an aura of femininity and intimacy. Some girls manage to behave this way completely naturally, but in general, this can be learned.

Induce a kiss with reciprocal actions

Some guys are hesitant to kiss a girl, simply not being sure that they like them or that such a step is appropriate at the moment. However, with your actions you could very well push the young man towards a kiss; he should see that, in general, you are ready for this. Act relaxed around him, initiate tactile contact by taking the guy by the hand, hugging him or running your hand through his hair, he should see that you are comfortable in his company and like to touch him.

You feel everything as if for the first time

As soon as the partner kissing you for the first time touches your shoulders, head or back, suddenly your whole body feels as if an electric current is piercing you. Josh Klapow explains this phenomenon by saying that during contact, peripheral nerve endings become more sensitive, reacting even to those stimuli that seem insignificant in everyday life. This is why the first kiss is so memorable.

You become a total fireworks display.

Tasha Seiter also claims that under the influence of adrenaline, you may experience profuse sweating, dilated pupils, and a feeling of “butterflies in the stomach.” These are all the machinations of the nervous system, which instantly reacts to a stressful situation.

How and where to kiss a guy to make him want you

Kiss a guy on the neck and turn him on with a kiss

As you know, intimacy between a guy and a girl begins with a kiss. Of course, you can go “straightforward” and kiss the guy on the lips right away, but you can “go further” by kissing his neck first. When you are in the most comfortable environment, in close proximity to each other, cuddle up to the young man, bury your nose in his neck, inhale the smell of his skin with pleasure, and then gently kiss the same place several times. In this case, it is advisable to stroke the other side of his neck with your palm, and then touch your lips to his lips - this will surely turn on your chosen one.

Get a guy excited with a passionate kiss on the lips

A passionate kiss on the lips will certainly excite a guy. If your goal is to evoke a strong desire in a young man, then during a kiss you can show him how pleasant it is for you to be around. Gently touch his face with your fingers, stroke his neck, shoulders, and back with your palms. You can also gently run your hand through your hair. Most likely, you will be able to “hook” one of your lover’s erogenous zones.

Seduce a guy into a kiss with your behavior and words

If you want to provoke a guy to kiss, show him with your appearance and behavior that you are as comfortable and pleasant as possible in his company. Initiate physical contact - touch your hand, hug. Act relaxed, smile and flirt, let him see that you are interested in him as a man.

Should I ask a girl's permission?

On the Internet and in the male community in general, there are two completely different opinions about whether you should be interested in a girl’s permission before kissing.

So-called pick-up artists claim that men who ask permission to kiss look like weak and insecure individuals in the eyes of young ladies. “Be the alpha male, man!” - say such advisers.

This opinion is extremely common among guys and probably has a right to exist.

Let's talk in more detail about the opposite point of view, which says that a kiss is an action that takes place by mutual consent, especially when it happens on the first date.

And if a man kisses without asking, the girl may decide that her partner is not very interested in her opinion.

The main arguments in favor of asking a girl’s permission before kissing:

  1. This is an indicator of male education. When a guy asks a young lady if he can kiss her, he shows respect for her personality.
  2. The young lady may not be ready for a kiss or simply not want to kiss right then and there.
  3. Some girls show their initial sympathy for a guy only in the form of conversation and communication; sexual attraction and desire to kiss may appear only after a month or two.
  4. There is an opinion that touching lips without the other person's permission can also be classified as sexual violence.

Which of the above opinions is more correct is up to you to decide. Most likely, in the process of communication you will be able to determine how your interlocutor will react to intimacy. Will she be against a kiss on the first date or will she say a firm “no” to any inclination on your part?

If you managed to win over the young charmer, were gentle and romantic, other meetings and dates will soon follow, and only then the first kiss. All you have to do is enjoy the process itself!

Source: adella.ru

One fine day in the life of every girl there comes a moment that she remembers for the rest of her life, this is the first kiss. There is a lot of emotional excitement and vivid feelings associated with it, although the situation is more ordinary, when two people like each other, it’s just that the first experience is always remembered better.

First date, the guy takes you home, and then it happens... the first kiss, your head immediately becomes like a flying alarm clock, and your legs feel like cotton. Although this does not happen to everyone, some people feel a feeling of disgust after the first kiss. Be that as it may, both are normal, and there is nothing shameful or terrible about it, so you shouldn’t start hiding your eyes at the “after” moment. We'll talk about how to behave after the first kiss

The whole psychological problem of the first kiss is that we have been taught since childhood that it is bad.

The ban gives rise to the fear that the person you like will judge you and a very awkward situation will arise, accompanied by oppressive silence and a burning feeling of shame.

First of all, in such a situation, you, my dear reader, need to calm down and stop being nervous, you are not committing any crime, a kiss is a natural process that sooner or later happens in the life of every person .

You'll see, after you calm your nerves, the thoughts in your head will begin to move in a more rational order than before. During the first kiss, the main thing is to perceive the situation rationally.

It’s also better to shove the feeling of shame into the back drawer of your desk, because in the natural process, as I already said, there is nothing shameful and, moreover, what’s already done is done - no one has ever been able to turn back time, although some probably wanted to when everything didn’t turn out as romantic as I wanted.

And one more thing, the main thing – don’t laugh! With laughter you can embarrass your boyfriend to death or he will think that you want to humiliate him.

Source: Website for girls

Source: site-for-girls.ru

How to kiss a guy first

Kiss for the first time

When you decide to kiss a guy first, you should prepare yourself mentally in advance if you need it, so that this kiss does not look ridiculous or forced. From the outside it should not be visible that you are nervous or are thinking too long and seriously about the next step. Let everything look easy and relaxed, kiss your chosen one and smile sweetly. There is no need to complicate anything at such a pleasant moment.

Kiss a guy on the cheek

If you don’t dare to kiss a guy right on the lips, preferring to give him the initiative in this, then you can do it a little differently - kiss him on the cheek. Of course, this can be done in passing when greeting or saying goodbye, but it is better to wait for a romantic atmosphere, then there is a chance that the young man will move on to more decisive actions. There are advantages in both situations - in the first case (kiss when meeting) you will show that you are not embarrassed by very close contact with this guy, and in the second case he will most likely understand that you are ready for the next step (kiss on the lips ).

Kiss a guy on the lips (in a hickey)

Keep in mind that almost all guys like French kisses - we are talking about those types of kisses when partners not only touch their lips, but also use their tongues. Undoubtedly, such a kiss will inflame any young man, and it is important to immediately realize this. Start with gentle touches of lips to lips, and only after that move on to tongue penetration. At the same time, you can press your body to your lover and stroke his back.

By the way, such a kiss should not be initiated if the young man has not shown any signs of sympathy for you - you simply may find yourself in an uncomfortable position and regret your determination.

If you're shy

It is important to understand that if you kiss a guy, nothing supernatural will happen; you don’t need to feel too embarrassed because of this! It is possible that after this the young man himself will be embarrassed, but your task is to show that everything is normal. You can defuse the situation with a joke or not draw attention to the situation at all.

How to behave after a kiss

The first kiss for girls, as well as for guys, is an important event, but you shouldn’t attach too much significance to it. After this, many girls expect some special reaction, an incredible attitude, and so on. It is best to perceive the first kiss as a logical development of your relationship. Of course, slight embarrassment is quite appropriate, but nothing more. Smile sweetly at the young man, look closely into his eyes - this is quite enough to show him that your relationship has moved to another level.

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