Advice on guys (phrases, expressions, quotes) and actions

As you know, women love with their ears, and pickup is the real science of seduction. Some people view pickup artists with ridicule and irony. However, their advice should be heeded. Pickup phrases help guys not only attract the attention of the desired person, but create the basis for continuing communication in any form you want.

The term “pickup” was introduced into Russia by Sergei Ogurtsov in 1995 as a study of the relationship between a man and a woman. Pickup phrases can have different contents: funny, smart, funny or serious. In each situation, you need to use a certain set of cues to hook a girl.

Nice phrases, compliments for guys

Hi, I've never stolen anything in my life. But I would take you away with pleasure.

Hey, you have such sad eyes in the photo. I think I know what you're missing. Me…

I have so many things to do. And I just can’t stop looking at your photo.

Hello, you probably have a lot of ladies in real life? Do you have your own fan club?

Now I know what to ask Santa Claus for this New Year. A sweet and charming boy like you.

I'm sure you can get any girl in the universe. But I still strongly recommend that you take a closer look at me.

Look away from the screen now. Fast! And look what's in your pockets. It seems that one of them contains my heart, which you stole.

I'm never the first to meet guys. But for your sake I’m ready to change my principles.

I like you more than ice cream and chocolate combined. Just kidding, of course. I forgot to add more nuts with condensed milk.

Such a piercing look at the photographs makes me blush even through the monitor. I’m afraid to imagine what will happen if we meet in person...

How it all began

Uninitiated people may think that we are talking about such a car with a small body. In our case, pickup is a set of techniques and methods that allow you to effectively “pick up” girls.

The doctrine originated in the USA at the end of the last century, which is why it received such a name. Around the same time, seduction masters began giving pickup lessons to guys.

The fundamentals of the doctrine are generally believed to have been developed by Gregory Madison and Eric von Markowicz, known under the pseudonym "Mystery."

In Russia, one of the gurus is Philip Bogachev, who simply used the information of foreigners, slightly adapting it to our reality.

There are a large number of people who have written books on pickup trucks. There are foreign and domestic authors. Each of them has their own view on dating and seducing women. But many similar thoughts are also presented.

Literature can be easily found on the Internet. It is possible to read online, buy and download the book. Different prices. It all depends on the online store and the specific book. You can get literature for free if you search hard enough.

Let us formulate the basic principles on which the art of seduction is based.

Hitting guys with phrases from Tik Tok (not stupid)

Hello, my name is ***. But you can just call me “Married.”

And how can such a handsome guy’s wife (girlfriend) let him go online alone?

Hello, I have one request for you. Please introduce me first, otherwise I’m so shy...

Learned how to do Thai massage. But you need to practice on someone. Can you help me? Will you do a good deed?

Doesn't your mom need a daughter-in-law?

Please dispel the stereotypes of beautiful and dumb right now. Show off your wit or at least write something adequate.

Are your parents plastic surgeons by any chance? You have such a perfect face. Will you let me touch it somehow?

You have such a mysterious look. Will you reveal at least one of your secrets?

Hello, I want to ask you something. I have an important day tomorrow. Could you call me on the phone early in the morning so I don't oversleep?

Do you play the flute? Me neither. You see how much we have in common.

And here are some more tricks from Tik Tok...

Evil and even vulgar phrases for a tackle from a girl

Did they give you heating? It's so hot in my house that I walk around naked all day. Even now I’m sitting and writing to you without panties.

Your photos are so hot. Even my underwear falls off.

Let's live together. I just warn you right away: the responsibilities are divided. I will fry the potatoes, and you will fry me. Agree?

I don't believe in horoscopes and other astrological nonsense. Because I know for sure: if I become cancer, then most likely our compatibility will be 500%.

Hello, I hope my message will cheer you up. And if not, then come visit, and I’ll give you not only that...

Hello, do you like business girls? I can do 70 things around the house: cook and 69.

Do you want me to fry you eggs every morning, and you fry me?

I'm hardly a gorgon jellyfish, but I know that when you look at me, something will still turn to stone.

You don't look like Meladze at all. But I can still gracefully enter your bachelor, sinful life.

Do you like to play cards? I don't mind if you lay me out on the table like a deck.

Will you be my personal sun? I would like you to roast me like this every day.

And here are the fat vulgarities...

Funny and even crazy tackles with phrases and quotes

You have such beautiful hands... Especially the right one. Yes, the right one is definitely better. It is clear that she is more trained.

You're like a coronavirus. You make it hard for me to breathe...

You look like the guy from the bus station. Just as juicy, hot and daring.

Hello. I agree.

You're like mayonnaise. Everything is better with you.

You're certainly not a mojito. But I would repeat it.

Hello, I'm better than all the chocolates. My tenderness is off the charts, “Alenka”, seeing me, simply curled up in foil and smoked herself, “Nesquik” put balls, and “Kinder” realized that it was no longer a surprise. I'm so dangerous. Do you want me already?

Hello, I escaped from Paradise yesterday. Can I take refuge at your home? Preferably in your bed.

Hello, is “stealer of women’s hearts” your hobby or job?

I think I'm fat. But I know a great way to burn calories. Can you help?

You are greedy. Can not be so. You sleep with your body every night and don’t share it with anyone.

My sympathy for you is like diarrhea. I can't contain her.

Here - and even funnier...

Cool and funny phrases for tackles

Do you know what you and a trampoline have in common? I'd love to jump on you two.

What kind of girls do you like? Whoa, whoa, take it easy! You're describing me exactly!

Let's enter adulthood together. How do you like my proposal?

Hey, if I were a Genie or a goldfish, think quickly, what wish would you make?

You are so similar to my first hubby... True, I have never been married before... But this is easy to fix. Can you help?

I'm sick. Bed rest is prescribed. Will you join?

If you were mine, I would quit drinking coffee. After all, you are just like him - strong, sweet and hot.

Do you like bad girls? I can get on your nerves for the rest of my life.

You have such strong hands in the photo. I immediately wanted to jump on them.

Your photos reminded me of a horror movie I recently watched. I hope, in addition to your good looks, you also have a sense of humor.

Shall we have some tea together this evening? At least virtually.

You're cool, I'm cool. Why aren't we together yet?

What does pickup mean?

Picking up means seducing and charming a member of the opposite sex. This rarely happens spontaneously; more often the pick-up artist deliberately chooses the field of his action and looks out for the “victim” in advance. The field can vary from nightclubs to social media. With live communication, picking up is much easier; there is eye contact, the ability to seduce with the help of gestures and facial expressions.

Pickup artists often pursue one ultimate goal - intimacy. Beginning pickup artists are content with a phone number. Often things don’t go further, and the man doesn’t call his “prey” back, perceiving a conversation with a representative of the opposite sex as training and honing his seduction skills.

The pickup truck has its own stages leading to the final goal


  • Defining the goal
    . The first thing a master of seduction does is look for a target. He chooses a stranger based on his intentions: to hone the knowledge gained in training, or to get closer to the girl and develop a relationship.
  • To attract attention
    . Then the man uses all his knowledge and skills. Everyone will work in the way that works best for them. This could be a special look, a phrase or a certain action towards the object of seduction.
  • Acquaintance
    . As soon as attention is focused on him, the man tries by all means to get the stranger’s phone number, using improvisation, charm or pre-prepared phrases.
  • Rapprochement
    . You need to get to know the girl better, this will be useful in building further relationships. Pick-up artists ask personal questions and try to listen carefully.
  • Relationships or intimacy
    . Often everything ends with intimacy, but some men pursue another goal and start a serious relationship.

The main thing in a pickup truck is the tools of seduction. They determine success or failure; their selection depends on the specific person and the pickup artist’s goals. Some representatives of the fairer sex love courtship; for others, a man’s appearance or the way he speaks plays a big role, so it is important for each pick-up artist to choose his own method and style with which he can seduce a girl.

Romantic and cute quotes for a guy

Hello, you must be very selective in girls. It’s interesting to look at the one that could turn the head of such a cutie.

My heartbeat quickens and my breath catches when I look at your photos. I really hope that you are a doctor and can help me.

I want to be your princess. For my sake, you don’t need to kill dragons and fight in tournaments. And you just need to kiss every day...

I'll probably file a complaint about your page here. Let them blacklist her and ban her. Like a drug that is addictive.

I want to grow old with you together. And die one day holding hands.

I have a tempting offer for you: I’ll cook you a delicious dinner this week, and you treat me to breakfast? Is it coming?

I want to brag about you to my friends. Every day.

I had an argument with my friend about you. She says that you are already busy with someone else, and I say that you will be mine. Can you help me win an argument?

Let's save our correspondence? And in old age we will read and remember how it all began for us.

It seems to me that our acquaintance is something that will turn my whole life upside down. But I'm not afraid...

You have such a cool selection of tracks. I couldn't pass by.

I will never forgive myself if I miss a guy like you...

I'm shocked. Just one look from you made my heart beat faster. This has never happened to me before.

Cons of a pickup truck

Innocent game or dangerous activity? It's up to you. We still consider it necessary to warn about the main risks:

  1. The creation of a family nest is postponed indefinitely. Why bind yourself with unnecessary obligations and hang out at the stove all day long if you’re already happy with everything? Prolonged flirting and an active search for an ideal companion are dangerous because a lady who is too interested in a relationship forgets to look at her biological clock. You need to have children, arrange a home and plant a garden on time, while you still have the strength to do so.
  2. Relationships with female friends and colleagues are hopelessly damaged. Unable to compete with an experienced predator, the surrounding ladies will begin to avoid your company. You don't give them a chance to get male attention. This cannot be forgiven.
  3. Some men prefer to keep a safe distance from you. The fear of falling into the web of flirtation at the cost of their own freedom or adultery forces them to cowardly flee. The notoriety of an accessible, “concerned” lady will relentlessly haunt those who “overdo it” with unbridled flirting.

Hitting on guys (phrases in VK are funny 21st century)

All your photos are almost flawless. “Almost” - because I’m not on them.

Or maybe we’ll forget everything and run away? Or should we stand under the lantern together?

I'm not cold as ice, but I dance and sing. Interested?

If we are together, don't think that everything will be easy. We will be judged and discussed like socks and sandals. But we won’t care: after all, we will feel good and comfortable together.

Hello, I didn't sleep all night thinking about you. I hope you too.

Even horoscopes talk about our ideal compatibility. And who are we - just mere mortals to argue with the stars.

I haven't seen such impressive biceps for a long time. Can you take a photo of your calves too? And abs. Walk like that!

Let's meet in the evening and take a walk. I understand that this is a big risk, because we don’t know each other. So take a knife with you. I'll take it too.

Am I by any chance the lost sock you've been looking for?

I have a gift. I can see the future. And I see that I am very similar to your future wife. No thanks, no need.

You are so beautiful, charming and sexy. Are we related by any chance???

Hello, let's go eat some shawarma.

Moving tackles to the right guy

It’s not enough to just say a nice phrase and interest a guy, you also need to competently move in the right direction with him so that he pays attention to the girl, especially if you’re meeting for the first time.

Tripped tackle

You notice a guy you like and want to hit up him. Just overtake him and pretend you stumbled. He will immediately begin to support you so that you do not fall. And off we go... He is your savior! Next, you can say words of gratitude mixed with compliments addressed to him.


On the street you accidentally met the guy you've dreamed of all your life. It’s time for you to get married and that means you need to follow him in order to find yourself with him in the zone of his interests. This could be, for example, a store that you entered after him. As soon as he begins to show interest in some thing, approach him and ask him to advise him on something that the store salesperson does not know, for example, about his opinion about the product and so on. Or come up with an unsuccessful story about purchasing such a product, and then everything will go like clockwork.

Hard (impudent) tackle

Did you like it? - Come up and hit him in the face with your hand and say: “You’re cruel, how could you do this?” etc. He, of course, will be taken aback, but then, when you say that you were mistaken, tell him a sad story (fiction) about how you were deceived by a similar scammer for a very tidy sum.

Blatant takeover

You have been following him or knowing him for several days now. You like everything about him: his figure, face, manner of movement, communication and the rest, you hope that your intuition will not let you down. Approach and tell him that there is information for him. Take him aside (preferably in a cafe) and begin an outright takeover - say to his face everything you need and want. This might work. (If not, you didn’t find anything, but you didn’t lose anything either!) If you think it’s shameful, you’re wrong, or maybe it’s Fate?!

Act according to the situation and in accordance with common interests!

What should a pickup artist not do?

Regardless of the circumstances in which a man hones his pickup skills, on social networks in correspondence or in real time, all this is accompanied by certain “pitfalls,” most importantly, stress and anxiety. This is a normal reaction of the body to something new in life and an attempt to overcome self-doubt and anxiety.

Do you use pickup rules?

Not really

To get rid of the negative sides of pick-up artistry, you need to:

  • Don’t be afraid of failures - they happen even to those who have mastered the skill and have been practicing pickup for decades. A man needs to act, approach girls, be proactive, gaining invaluable experience from rejections. When a woman refuses, a man loses nothing.
  • not to force yourself - to step over yourself periodically, but not on an ongoing basis. You need to meet as many girls as a man can handle, without jumping over your head. There is no need to turn the desire for dating into an obsession.
  • Do not do pickup exercises - many exercises are essentially delusional and useless, so it is not always advisable to force your nervous system, breaking your behavior pattern and standards.
  • Don’t think negatively – you don’t need to set yourself up for a negative outcome of events, but it’s important to be prepared for it. Even if the girl refused, she gave the man experience and helped him overcome his fears. Mentally you need to convince yourself that the man is great and he can be proud of himself. And even if you didn’t have the courage to approach the girl, it’s okay.
  • Don’t strain yourself – you don’t need to do something that a man doesn’t really want. In fact, the importance of dating for guys lies not in the end result, but in receiving positive emotions and joy from actions. If all pick-up artists boast about winning hearts every day, this should not push a man to do the same. Being a pick-up artist does not mean being a womanizer; perhaps, the knowledge will be used only on one girl, who will become a companion for many years.

In addition to techniques, techniques, rules, phrases and behavior patterns, in order to please the female sex, a man needs to work on himself every day. To begin with, you can get rid of bad habits, create a daily routine, be disciplined and responsible, competently planning things and managing resources. In addition to work, productive rest, healthy sleep and moral distraction from everyday affairs are required. You can play sports, find new hobbies, and generally live for your own pleasure.

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