How to prevent divorce and get your wife back after cheating

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When a family is created, it is unlikely that any man thinks about how he will begin to cheat on his wife. Usually everything starts idealistically: the spouses begin to enter into a new rhythm of their lives, enjoy solitude and each other, and gradually develop habitual actions day after day. Of course, sometimes quarrels happen, but after them it’s so nice to make peace in bed. However, betrayal soon occurs, after which the man wants to know how to make peace with his wife so that she forgives him. The men's site will look at when the period of infidelity begins and how both partners can cope with it.

You can’t say that a man just starts walking to the left. If a man was initially ready to cheat, then the next day after the wedding he would have already met his mistress. However, the problem of betrayal does not arise earlier than six months of married life. What happens in the relationship between spouses that makes men cheat?

There are many reasons for cheating:

  1. Monotonous days that bring no joy to a man.
  2. Busy with work and household chores, when the wife does not give time to rest and relax.
  3. The absence of that hot and passionate sex that was before.
  4. Loss of interest in the wife, who now makes no attempt to please her husband.
  5. Constant quarrels with his wife, who continues to be dissatisfied with her husband every day.

In rare cases, we can say that a man is such by nature that he cannot help but cheat. Often, the reasons for all betrayals lie in the inharmonious and difficult relationships that develop between spouses.

And so the man goes to cheat. This may happen unplanned for a man, or he will spend a long time preparing for it. After the first time, the husband will probably feel guilty. He will most likely begin to beg for forgiveness from his wife. He can give his wife an unexpected pleasant gift, he can slightly change his attitude towards her for the better, and he can start carrying her in his arms. However, when his conscience calms down, the husband may again try to cheat on his wife.

The more often a husband allows himself to cheat and the longer his wife does not find out his secret, the less guilty the man feels. His behavior towards his wife returns to what it was before (that is, gifts and carrying in his arms ends again), especially if quarrels and the monotony of life arise again.

And then the wife finds out about the betrayal. Her friends can tell about this. My husband's friends may talk about this. Sometimes the husband himself becomes so imprudent that he loses his vigilance and punctures himself. Sometimes mistresses get tired of remaining in the shadows and they declare themselves to the wives of their lovers in various ways:

  • Panties are left in pockets or in cars.
  • They leave traces of their lipstick on their clothes.
  • They call their wives.
  • Appear on the thresholds of houses.
  • They send photographs of themselves and their husbands.

As they say, sooner or later everything secret becomes clear. If the husband leads a “second life” for a long time, then the wife will soon find out about it. What will be next?

Husbands use the only tactic - performing any actions that will allow them to receive forgiveness from their wives. Of course, a man may not behave this way if he is already ready for a divorce and cheated so that his wife takes the initiative to break up with him.

What will the wife do? She will either forgive her husband or categorically break up with him. For some women, the final decision is their husband’s betrayal, so they won’t even consider other options, no matter what their husbands do. However, there are women who can change their minds, especially if their husbands try.

Women's opinions can be changed. Therefore, men who have done wrong need to try to get forgiveness and save their marriage.


As a result of betrayal, not only the wife, but also the husband feels bad. The wife feels betrayed. Her hopes were disappointed, her love was trampled. She now cannot trust her husband. As for a man, he, too, can feel bad only in two cases: if he really considers his action wrong and if he does not want to part with his wife because he loves. What can I do to make my wife forgive me? Use the following tips:

  • You need to act immediately, without waiting any time. If you wait, your wife is more likely to file for divorce. Your relatives, who will most likely support your wife, will find out about everything.
  • Tell your wife why you did what you did, what thoughts overwhelmed you, how you felt. Women are susceptible to plaintive words; if you tell a pitiful story of your experiences, which your wife was unable to discern and eliminate at one time, then she may reconsider her decision.
  • Agree that you are guilty. If your betrayal is revealed and it is obvious, then it would be stupid to deny it. It’s better to agree that you lost your head and did the wrong thing. You realize this, so you ask for forgiveness.
  • Don't blackmail or threaten. It will be ineffective to talk about what you will do to yourself if your wife leaves you. This will make her break up with you even more because you are putting pressure on her without admitting your guilt.
  • Don't remain indifferent. If you hide your emotions inside, then only you will see them. And your wife will think that you don’t care what happens to your relationship, which will further confirm her decision that she needs to break up with you.
  • Talk to your surroundings. It’s better if these people are girlfriends or even your beloved’s family. At the beginning of the conversation, they will accuse you of cheating and will not even want to listen to you. But try to pour out your experiences and thoughts to them, tell them how you suffer without your wife, how you repent and all that. You can ask them about how to make peace with your wife. Surely this conversation will become known to your wife. If you put yourself in the right light, your wife's loved ones can contribute to your reconciliation.
  • Agree to your wife's terms. She will probably talk about the conditions under which she agrees to make peace with you. If they are minor and do not require anything serious from you, then agree if you want to save the marriage.
  • Break up with your lover. Here you definitely need to put a bold point... or at least a very long comma. It is important that your mistress does not appear in your life either by calls or SMS while you are making peace with your wife and establishing a relationship with her.
  • Create pleasant moments with your wife. Have a romantic evening. Visit a place that is meaningful to you. Go on a trip. During this time, talk about how wonderful your wife is. It is only thanks to her that you have such a strong family. Talk about how thoughtlessly you acted and ask for forgiveness.

What not to do? Blame your wife for your betrayal, pointing out her shortcomings. This is the very last thing you should do. If you want a divorce, then start insulting and humiliating your wife, blaming her for all the troubles. Similar tactics are followed by men who soon become bachelors.

If you changed

You need to understand that not every woman is ready to forget about such a betrayal, regardless of how much the traitor repents and what efforts he makes for reconciliation.

But it is necessary to try, especially if feelings have not cooled down and there is at least the slightest chance of family reunification. Of course, you need to apologize to your beloved. But what to do next?

  1. Start acting immediately after a quarrel, without waiting for a divorce. Otherwise, several factors will play against you - her disappointment and even hatred, advice from friends, parents and other “well-wishers”.
  2. Be sure to admit your own guilt, but you should not hope that you will regain her trust instantly. The main thing is that the first step towards reconciliation has been taken.
  3. Don't give ultimatums; you're not in a position to give orders. Eliminate phrases such as: “Let's get a divorce if you are not able to forgive.” In a state of passion, the spouse will definitely agree with such a careless proposal.
  4. Get rid of all compromising connections, stop contacts with your mistress. To do this, you need to blacklist her phone number, block her on social networks, delete your page; if you are colleagues, consider changing your workplace.
  5. Promise to always be there for your spouse. Reduce the number of business trips as much as possible, be in her sight at various social events, do not linger with friends after work (at least at first, until suspicion decreases).

Even if the woman you love has forgiven you, prepare mentally for the fact that the fact of reprehensible behavior will be often mentioned during scandals. By your betrayal, your spouse will begin to justify his not the most worthy actions.

How does a wife feel when her husband cheats on her?

A wife who finds out about her husband's infidelity will probably change her attitude towards him. She loved him, trusted him, appreciated him. And now he showed his insulting attitude towards her. The first thing that will change in her is that she will lose trust in the man and confidence in the strength of their relationship. She will be stressed, shocked, in pain, disappointed and suffering.

When getting married, a woman believed that she was behind her husband “like behind a stone wall.” She completely trusted her husband, gave him freedom, and devoted herself to him. But he didn’t appreciate it. He destroyed the confidence his wife had placed in him. Their family has turned from a former fortress into quicksand.

Often women love their husbands very much. They dedicate themselves to them. And when they find out about the betrayal, they become depressed or become so cynical that they reject any possibility of a love relationship. It is on this basis that feminism is born - a direction against men, and not freedom from them.

Among other things, the woman begins to feel unsure of herself. Her husband devalued her by starting to date another woman. It seems to the wife that the reason lies in her unattractiveness and shortcomings, which come to the fore for her, because of which self-esteem and self-doubt fall even more.

Eliminating the consequences of the scandal

After a serious quarrel, finding common ground is extremely difficult, even for people who have lived together for many years and managed to carry their feelings through various trials.

We do not consider the reasons for the scandal, because there are many of them. But we should still talk about options for reconciliation, although they are known to every man:

  1. The most common, one might even say, classic option is a chic bouquet and thoughtful apologies. Usually a woman's heart melts after red roses, but if your spouse does not want to forgive, your words probably did not seem sincere to her. There is no need for standard phrases or, on the contrary, overly embellished expressions. Try to make the words come from the heart.
  2. A woman may not remember the reason for the quarrel, but she will remember the offensive words you said (which you have probably already forgotten) for a very long time. It is imperative to clarify that all the stupid phrases were said in a fit of anger; in fact, you don’t think so and will continue to monitor your speech in the future.

Then act according to the situation. If you cannot make peace with your wife, it means that she considered your apology insufficient. It may be necessary to use “heavy artillery” in the form of gifts, concessions and other conciliatory gestures.

How to improve relationships?

The process of establishing relationships will be very long and difficult. A man should understand this and not expect positive results in the near future. If you want to get your wife back and restore your family, then you will have to try to restore your woman's confidence in herself, in you and in your relationship. She must understand that she can trust you, which will take a lot of time and effort.

There is no need to become henpecked. However, now tell your wife where you are, when you will arrive home and who you are meeting with. Be open. At the same time, always take into account her opinion and wishes.

Do not involve children in your relationship under any circumstances. Don't speculate on them. It’s already hard for them when they see that their parents don’t get along with each other.

Let your wife do her own thing. Don't limit her to what she wants to do. Also compliment her often. Give gifts, help around the house, get closer sexually. Remind her that she is a beautiful woman.

If the “green serpent” is to blame

If the reason for the quarrel was your passion for alcohol, it is important to understand how often you touch the bottle. In isolated cases, the chances of reconciliation are much greater, but the accompanying “adventures” must be taken into account.

Most likely, the spouse was offended not by the fact of drinking alcohol, but by the subsequent fight, humiliation, drunken flirting with her friends or unfamiliar women. How to make peace with your wife after alcohol abuse?

  1. First, sober up and take on a “divine appearance.” Otherwise, it will even be unpleasant for her to sort things out with you, much less make peace.
  2. Be sure to listen to all complaints (there will be many of them), do not interrupt. A mandatory step is to apologize to your wife, hug her and promise that such behavior will not happen again.
  3. An apology alone is not enough, so after the initial reconciliation, try to give your wife maximum attention - go to the cinema, buy some kind of present.

If you are a chronic alcoholic (this is extremely difficult to admit to yourself), returning happiness to your family will be much more difficult. Trivial advice - go to extreme measures and change your own life, giving up drinking buddies and alcohol, even on holidays. Otherwise, things will definitely come to a divorce.

Between spouses

For any person, betrayal is a strong blow and a painful experience that can destroy even very long and strong relationships. What to do to make amends, because the situation is painful not only for one side, but also for the one who committed it. Especially if what happened is perceived as an unfortunate mistake and sincerely longs for forgiveness.

Despite the unpleasant events, they can also be the beginning of harmony between the couple.

Psychologists attribute this to the fact that spouses who did not value what they have overcome a difficult path together and then reunite. This crisis teaches that you need to value and take care of what you have and love, otherwise you will lose something most important. This cannot be replaced or made up for by anything, so you need to think about how to ask for forgiveness for unworthy actions.

However, for some women, cheating is a taboo. Whatever you try to do, no matter how much you ask for forgiveness from your wife, the verdict has already been passed and is not subject to discussion. But it's definitely worth a try. Especially if you love her, your family and are not ready to let her go because of a stupid mistake.

Expensive purchase

Sometimes it’s hard, but you have to remember that thing that she wanted to buy for so long, but still hasn’t bought.

Even if it is very expensive, give her such a gift, it won’t get worse, and a step forward will be taken without screams and hysterics.

If a married couple is far from romantic and all the “cutes” of the spouse seem like ridicule, then only one sure-fire way to make peace will help, this is a trip abroad.

There, no one will interfere with an explanation, and the situation will not be conducive to tension.

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