Cheating on a wife with the consent of her husband: causes of provoked infidelity syndrome

No matter how trivial it may sound, no one is immune from betrayal in married life, and this applies not only to men, but also to women. How to determine that a beautiful wife is cheating on her husband with another man, what to do in this case and whether it is necessary to fight for love

A husband is affectionate if his wife is tender, and he is harsh if his wife is evil. Sebastian Brant

Signs of betrayal

If a beautiful wife cheats on her husband with another man, then her behavior changes radically.
First of all, coldness appears in the relationship, although sometimes it happens the other way around - a woman shows more care to her husband, but this is done in order to remove suspicions from herself as much as possible. When a wife cheats, she begins to devote a lot of time to herself - to her appearance, this is one of the most reliable and main indicators of cheating. There can be many signs of betrayal; they are individual, because each person is an individual. Remember that it is easier to prevent betrayal than to deal with the consequences of adultery.

Thoughts and feelings - to order

Before drawing conclusions about the reasons for betrayal, understand yourself:

  • If possible, change the environment. Don't interact with either man for a while;

  • you can take up a long-abandoned hobby, plunge into work;
  • maybe cheating is just a fleeting affair that you will sometimes remember later over a glass of wine with your friends;
  • answer yourself, is it worth leaving your established family for a lover?
  • Determine for yourself your goals, objectives, and, in general, your future life. How do you see her?
  • talk about this problem with a psychologist or a good friend.

Most often, when the veil of love falls, the lover appears in the worst light. You will begin to notice all his shortcomings and in comparison with him, your husband will turn out to be better. Therefore, think a hundred times before making a decision in favor of any man.

What should my husband do?

Of course, for any man it is humiliation if his wife cheated with a boy, but think, maybe you are to blame for this? Sometimes a wife’s infidelity with a young guy is a manifestation of her desire to attract attention, to prove to her husband that she is attractive to other males.

What if your wife cheated with the seller of the store closest to your home?

If this is a conscious and repeated betrayal, then in this case, of course, it is better to end the relationship and it is not at all a matter of the lover’s profession. If a woman cheats constantly and has one lover, then most likely the relationship with her husband has simply reached a dead end. Constant love relationships on the side are already a manifestation of feelings and sometimes the husband no longer has a place in them. Try to talk to the woman, listen carefully to her story, perhaps the situation can still be helped.

Why do wives cheat?

Why do wives cheat? This is a question that men living in both official and civil marriages often ask themselves. Moreover, both those whose wives cheat, and those whose other halves give absolutely no reason for jealousy. I will try to answer it briefly, but as clearly as possible. I’ll start with the fact that during the period 2010-2017, working as a family psychologist, I conducted surveys of 3,000 girls and women aged 25 to 45 who cheated on their husbands. Taking them as 100%, grouping their answers into the largest blocks, when asked - “What was the main motive - Why do wives ?”, interesting results were obtained:

cheating wives indicated reasons why they cheat :

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