6 reasons for poor memory in schoolchildren, and what to do about it
Finding the roots of the problem The appearance of memory problems in a child is an alarming call. The reason may be
We quarrel all the time. Is it better to endure or get a divorce?
Sooner or later, conflicts between spouses inevitably arise. This is not always related to
Examinations for intercostal neuralgia
Osteochondrosis of the chest. Intercostal neuralgia
Neuralgia refers to severe shooting pain that occurs due to a damaged or irritated nerve. Neuralgia
man in the ice hole
Dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system (autonomic dystonia)
The reason may be excessive stress on the nervous system, which is simply not able to do everything
Treatment of organic damage to the central nervous system of children | Doctor Bersenev
Residual-organic borderline neuropsychiatric disorders
Organic lesions of the central nervous system are a group of various neuropsychiatric disorders that develop as a result of the effects on the brain of various
it doesn't matter
It doesn’t matter - how is that? Meaning of the word and its synonyms
In the dictionary D.N. Ushakova INDIFFERENT, indifferent, indifferent; indifferent, indifferent, indifferent. 1. Filled with indifference, deprived
Acute sinusitis: how to prevent the disease from leading to serious complications?
Acute sinusitis is an inflammatory process that occurs in the mucous membrane of the nasal appendages (sinuses), so sometimes
excite a woman
What kind of caresses does a man like: description, recommendations and reviews
Every first popular sexologist wrote an article or published a book on the topic: “How to give pleasure
Mesocarb formula
Analogue of "Sidnocarb": composition, instructions for use, analogues, review of manufacturers, reviews
A nervous system disorder can cause many unpleasant mental problems. The psychostimulant Sidnocarb (Mesocarb) has
CT scan of the brain. Extensive ischemic stroke in the temporal and parietal lobes on the right
Ischemic stroke in the territory of the right middle cerebral artery
Ischemic stroke is a pathological condition that is not a separate or independent disease, but an episode,
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