How to keep a lover - basic rules and nuances

It's no secret that lovers are not husbands and it is almost impossible to keep them by the force of responsibility for children or simply because you have been together for a long time. Therefore, thousands of women who have them sooner or later ask questions: “How to keep a married man/lover close to you?”, “How to make a married lover jealous and afraid of losing?”, “How to tie a married lover to you?”, “How seduce a lover? etc.

Of course, there are women who, under no circumstances, will date married men for moral reasons. There are also ladies who will never hold anyone back and will not even ask such questions. They, as a rule, are absolutely self-sufficient and self-confident, therefore, if a man begins to grow cold towards them, they will easily let him go and find someone else.

But there is another category of women. They cannot imagine their life without a man, without their loved one, and, realizing that the wife, in principle, has more rights to him, they try to keep the man with all their might.

Peculiarities of behavior of a married man

A married man is often very different from a single man in many ways. He is influenced by his wife and even her relatives. A lover is a man who has some peculiarities in his behavior. Knowing these features, as well as human psychology, you can build strong and long-term relationships (even taking into account the fact that the man has marital ties). Since a married man is influenced by his wife, in some situations he may not show love and affection to you. In this case, it is important to understand that your complaints will not lead to anything good. Rather, you need to show restraint and do everything to ensure that the man is satisfied both physically and mentally.

Zodiac signs and psychological techniques of seduction

When seducing male representatives of different zodiac signs, you need to consider the following:

  • Aries. A man of this zodiac sign is by nature used to being a leader. Therefore, you should not flirt with him too obviously. If a woman shows herself to be unapproachable, a man will spend a lot of energy on conquering her;
  • Calf. The earth sign has a taste for feminine representatives of the fair sex. Many Taurus are characterized by slowness, calmness and self-confidence. In a companion, he values ​​weakness and aesthetics most of all. When communicating with a representative of this zodiac sign, you should not demonstrate aggression and pressure. A woman can be emphasized as being ready for a serious relationship. But this readiness should not scare a man away;
  • Twins. Representatives of the stronger sex belonging to this zodiac sign are characterized by unpredictability and inconstancy. Each of these men seems to have two different personalities. To attract the attention of the “hero of your novel” you need to have an excellent sense of humor and a certain amount of adventurism;
  • Cancer. Such men have a sensitive and slightly nervous nature. They sometimes show gloom and gloom. When communicating with a representative of such a zodiac sign, you need to show loyalty to all his new affairs. When building a relationship with Cancer, great patience, romance and correctness will not be superfluous;
  • A lion. Representatives of this zodiac sign are distinguished by their passion and tendency to dominate. They can become an easily accessible trophy in the hands of a woman who skillfully masters the art of flattery. Leo is used to constantly listening to compliments. This makes him feel like the best: gorgeous, strong and strong smart. Leo does not allow other men to overshadow his triumph in the “arena of life”;
  • Virgo. The main traits of a representative of this zodiac sign are practicality and sober thinking. But even a “stone” heart can give in under the pressure of female wisdom. A representative of the fair sex should abandon excessive emotionality and demonstration of her own sexuality in favor of logic and common sense;
  • Scales. A man who is nervous and lacks self-confidence dreams of a woman trying to win his affection. But such behavior requires enormous effort from the mistress herself. You should not be jealous of such a man. It would be much more logical to demonstrate advantages over possible rivals;
  • Scorpion. A jealous and insidious man of this zodiac sign is used to surrounding himself with mystery. But deep down, the dangerous Scorpio dreams of a strong and mysterious passion. He does not tolerate any sign of weakness in any aspect of the relationship. The main disadvantages of a representative of this zodiac sign are coldness in communication, taciturnity;
  • Sagittarius. The fire sign has a weakness for well-groomed and elegant ladies. In order to capture the heart of a Sagittarius, you need such character qualities as playfulness and lightness. A representative of this zodiac sign is like a “big child”. This circumstance should by no means be discounted;
  • Capricorn. The winter sign really needs tenderness, warmth, and an open demonstration of kindness. At the same time, you should not try to make Capricorn jealous. This can be dangerous;
  • Fish. Among the representatives of this zodiac sign there are many manipulators, people characterized by imbalance. Pisces are characterized by sudden outbursts of anger and short temper. When communicating with such men, you need to moderately combine affection with a demonstration of romance;
  • Aquarius. Such a man is attracted to a woman’s brightness, unusual style of thinking, and impeccable appearance. A fan will definitely never feel bored next to such a woman.

A man should feel your attention and affection

In order to understand how to keep a married lover, you need to know the basic rules. If you are always happy to have his company, show affection and care, then he will certainly return to you again and again. Here you can play the opposite. In comparison with home, he will feel comfort and coziness (both physical and mental). His wife may be irritated and even angry. You must be the complete opposite. So that the lover understands on a subconscious level with whom he feels better and more comfortable. By showing your joy and satisfaction, you thereby bring the man closer to you and distance him from his own wife.

Psychologist's advice

Every woman needs to understand that there is no universal advice. Only in a personal consultation, with live examples and analysis, will a psychologist be able to give practical advice or draw your attention to some possible problems.

Generalized solutions should be used with caution. How to keep a young lover is completely different from a relationship with an older man. Phlegmatic or choleric, introvert or extrovert - any little thing can affect the result.

Every love story has its own nuances.

You need to independently analyze your relationship, your past and the man’s character.

  1. How did your relationship begin?
  2. Who was the initiator - you or the man.
  3. How many mistresses did he have before you? For what reasons did they break up?
  4. What exactly attracts him in an affair - passion, understanding, respect, etc.
  5. How long have you been together?
  6. Did he make any comments to you, criticize you or forbid you to do something?
  7. Did he confess his love, sympathy, or give compliments? What exactly does he highlight about you and your appearance, character?
  8. Do you have common hobbies or something else that connects you besides sex?
  9. Do you see each other in everyday life or are your meetings solely for intimacy (for example, you can be colleagues, neighbors, or friends with his wife).
  10. What kind of women irritate him?
  11. What do you know about his wife, their relationship and the situation in the house.

The answers to these questions will help you understand your tactics. If he likes to pursue women, you can make changes in appearance and distance yourself a little. A conservative will be dissatisfied with sudden changes in plans and surprises. One man, if ignored, will be fired up with the excitement of the hunt, while another will lose interest in the unavailable woman.

The better you know your man, the easier it will be to please him and tie him to you.

Always be in good shape

Many girls think about the question of how to keep a married lover, and often lose sight of basic things. Such an important factor as good physical shape has not yet been canceled. A beautiful, toned body is not only sexy, but also so attractive that a man will come back to you again and again. One of the best exercises for staying in shape is squats with dumbbells or a small barbell. It allows you to emphasize the sexuality of the buttocks and keep the body in good tone. In addition, your lover should see you in beautiful clothes and, of course, sexy lingerie. Keeping a lover is quite simple if you take into account all these nuances. A beautiful and well-groomed body, sexy underwear, elegant style, all this attracts a man. Your lover will be excited and excited by you. He will be drawn to you like a magnet. He will always think about you and want you.

Where to find a young lover

Nowadays, more and more adult women look fashionable and stylish. And to stand out from the general background, an open, inviting look is important. Precisely disposable, not evaluative and frightening with far-reaching plans. Communication is easy and unobtrusive, various topics for conversation, common interests. After all, finding a young lover is not so difficult, but to compete with young girls, you have to try hard.

Where can you find your chosen one:

  • You can search on the Internet, but it’s easy to get scammed.
  • Mass events, concerts, exhibitions, discos, clubs, places where you can easily find a topic to start dating and conversation.
  • The most ideal option is on vacation. Everything here contributes to a pleasant pastime and relaxation. Moreover, there is an opportunity to leave this little hobby as a memory later with a clear conscience.

High-quality sexual relationships are the key to keeping a lover

Keeping a lover is quite simple, if you also take into account the factor of sexual relations. A lover is a man, and for a man sex is very important. Scientists and sexologists have found that most men do not receive complete satisfaction from sex with their wives. And, often, they go in search of a woman who will satisfy their fantasies and can diversify their lives. Considering the above factor, it is worth doing everything to ensure that your lover is as satisfied as possible sexually. A man should be simply happy after sex. If he likes it, then on a subconscious level he will constantly think about you.

Why do married people need outside relationships?

A married man begins to cheat on his wife for the following reasons:

  1. Lack of emotional intimacy. This is often encountered by spouses who have lived together for about ten years. There comes a period when people who are accustomed to each other’s character stop openly expressing affection. This leads to the fact that they become strangers, turning the partner into a kind of emotional garbage bin, into which only negativity and dissatisfaction are added.
  2. Lack of variety in sexual relationships. Sex with your wife ceases to bring vivid sensations, which can be found in abundance on the side.
  3. Fatigue from family life. When responsibilities, lack of free time, and constant pressure from his wife begin to oppress a man, he strives to get rid of negative experiences. To relieve stress, feel confidence, and freedom of action, he finds a woman who can understand and appreciate him.
  4. The need for self-affirmation. Many men sincerely believe that having a mistress is proof of masculinity and personal importance. By starting an affair, such men confirm to themselves the status of an alpha male. At the same time, they prefer women who are not inferior in beauty to top models.
  5. The emergence of feelings for another woman. Suddenly, a man finds “the one” for whom he has deep and sincere feelings.

How to make a married man fall in love with you: a detailed guide from an insidious seductress

Most often, a man does not seek to leave the family, since he is completely satisfied with the current state of affairs. He has a wife, children, family values ​​and a woman ready to give love.

The latter must take into account some features in relationships on the side in order to know effective ways to keep a sex partner close to her.

Do not impose your opinion on your lover and do not make claims

A lover must understand that he is welcome and feel the difference in his relationship with his mistress and his wife. Claims and demands are far from the best way to get your way. A man must be led to a solution to a certain issue carefully, as if he himself made this decision (without your participation). When thinking about how to keep your lover, do not forget about the fact that the difference between the relationship with you and with your wife can be the turning point that will play a decisive role. A situation may occur that a lover will choose you as his wife.

Psychology of a married man

When starting romantic relationships on the side, men behave differently. Some carefully hide the fact of betrayal, others are not afraid of anything and openly take risks for the sake of new experiences. Usually a married man has a permanent mistress by the age of 35-40. At this time, he is experiencing a midlife crisis and is in dire need of a person who can feed him with his energy, give him self-confidence and add variety to his usual way of life. Reasons why a married man takes a mistress:

  • he just gets bored and wants new emotions;
  • tired of the monotonous intimate life with my wife;
  • quarrels constantly break out in his family, scandals flare up;
  • the man is polygamous by nature.

A mistress is an outlet that allows you to escape from everyday troubles and family problems. With her, he gets a lot of pleasant emotions and impressions in bed, which he cannot boast of with his legal wife. But for a man, his mistress always remains in the background.

She spends weekends and holidays alone, she lacks confidence in relationships and in the future.

READ How to understand that a married man likes you: 4 main signs

Accept a man for who he is

Criticism is not the best way to keep a lover. A lover, as a rule, receives his portion of negativity and criticism at home (from his wife, mother-in-law, etc.). As stated earlier, you should be the complete opposite. The man will certainly return to where he felt good. Therefore, it is important to accept him as he is. You should not constantly monitor his actions and comment on his actions at the slightest provocation. Apart from irritation and reluctance to communicate with you, you will not achieve anything from him (in this way).

How to attract attention by correspondence if he is married

When a man is not free, but his heart cannot command him, all that remains is to start acting. The first step is to attract the attention of your chosen one; there are ways to do this by correspondence. Study the profile, does the man have a family? Find out what topics interest him, which will help you start and maintain communication. At first, unobtrusively and with short messages, ask about life: what are your plans or how was your day. Genuine interest and attention - this is the secret that will allow you to attract attention even through correspondence.

Don't force yourself on your lover

There is a wonderful expression by the great A.S. Pushkin - “The less we love a girl, the more she likes us.” But it also applies in the opposite direction. This does not mean that you should be indifferent to a married man. But excessive imposition can play a cruel joke on you. You should not ask a married man to take you to public places where there is a risk that you will be exposed (or you will be reported to his wife). A man should feel safe. If a man doesn’t want to, then you shouldn’t ask him to meet his friends. In this case, he will feel the necessary comfort zone and feel completely safe with you.

How to keep your lover close to you

Sometimes a little manipulation can be applied. Especially if there is an opportunity. We are talking about the impact on male jealousy. Having achieved a woman, he considers her his. And if he feels that he is starting to lose his prey, he will tighten his grip.

The main thing is not to overdo it, so as not to push him away with your frivolity or indifference.

  1. Change your appearance . Dramatic changes in the style and image of the woman he loves can make a man jealous. Who are you preening for? And on a psychological level, men love variety, and a new image will create the feeling that he has a new partner.
  2. Change your schedule. You cannot be predictable and submissive, especially if a man has fallen in love with your character. Cancel an appointment without a valid reason. Don’t reveal all your cards at once, at first it’s just “it won’t work today, I’ll explain later.” And don't answer messages or calls for a while. On the other hand, make sudden meetings, intercept him on the way from work or wait in the cafe where he usually has lunch.
  3. Ignore him for a while . A few hours, but don't delay. Don’t answer, don’t write, don’t get in touch in any way. Let him be nervous. It is especially effective to use after some mistake of his - a rude word, inattention, lack of a birthday gift. Then he may be seriously worried that your silence is a sign of a breakup.
  4. Flirting . Use with caution because this method can be both very effective and dangerous for the relationship. You need to flirt wisely - do it carefully and ambiguously. So that when he begins to suffer and rage with jealousy, you can play the cards and look innocent. Flowers in the apartment, gifts, a smile to the waiter, an SMS from a friend, etc.

Proceed with caution because you could make a mistake that could cost you the relationship. Look at the man’s reaction and plan further actions based on it.

Praise your married man as often as possible

Praise is pleasant for almost every person. Praise from a woman whom a man has chosen as his mistress is especially pleasant. Your wife's criticism and your praise will be in strong contrast, and the lover will certainly feel this difference. Say more positive words. Express admiration for the man. The psychological component is no less important than the sexual sphere of life. Always remember this. A man may not feel approved of his actions at home and at work. This negatively affects a person’s mood and state of mind. Therefore, it is important that he feels as comfortable as possible with you. He should hear pleasant words from you, and then your relationship will go in the right direction.

Married woman and young guy

It happens that women who have been married for a long time need to keep a young sex partner with them. This is what motivates guys to get involved with a captive woman, especially if she is significantly older:

  1. Lack of responsibility. A woman bound by marriage, in most cases, only needs intimate relationships, so she will not demand the fulfillment of any conditions or obligations. In addition, infrequent dates may be enough for her.
  2. Experience in the intimate sphere. She can attract a young man because she can teach him the secret techniques of love.
  3. Complexes. If the age difference is significant, you need to think about the reason for such a connection. Perhaps it lies in childhood complexes brought into adulthood, that is, obtaining psychological comfort.
  4. Material benefit. The lover begins to live off the funds allocated by the woman.

These circumstances must be taken into account, since most often there are specific motives behind a young man’s desire to commit himself to a relationship with a married lady.

Need to show love and respect

The very concept of lovers comes from the word love. Every person needs love. Without this, it is very difficult to find harmony and peace of mind in life. Men are not as stupid as they might seem at first glance. A man will be able to understand whether they love him or not (sooner or later). Sincerity of feelings is very important. By showing love, affection, care and respect, you can make sure that a man does not want to return to his wife at all. The relationship between a man and a woman is very complex and multifaceted. Not all people are psychologists and can understand the reasons for a particular action of a person (in particular a lover). As they say, men are from “Mars” and women are from “Venus”. But, nevertheless, the nuances indicated in the article will help you in establishing strong and long-term relationships with your lover. Who, most likely, can become your husband (if, of course, you set such a task for yourself).

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What to do if a man’s feelings have cooled

A secret relationship is a source of adrenaline for a man. Lack of variety leads to boredom and then indifference. If dates with your lover do not bring positive, emotional experiences, then your lover’s feelings may cool.

However, the man himself does not demand seriousness in the relationship from his mistress. He strives to get the feelings that he experienced in his youth, when attraction makes his head spin, pushing him to impulsive actions. Although guys want to appear masculine, they need romance and tenderness.


What to do if you fall in love with a married girl: is there a future for the relationship?

If a man sees only reproaches, dissatisfaction and anger from his wife, he becomes mentally tired, so he looks for affection, care, romance and tenderness on the side. If the affair with his mistress begins to acquire similar features to the existing situation in the family, he will not want to endure double attacks.

Femininity is a dream come true

Sometimes the weaker sex does not behave quite correctly towards men. If you want to know how to keep a man, listen to the experts. They advise you to be feminine, because the stronger sex dreams of such a companion. This refers not only to external beauty, but also to behavior.

Pay attention to your gait, which should be feminine and seductive. Men's gazes are naturally drawn to such a representative of the fair sex. The voice is an integral part of femininity. It should be soft, gentle, quiet. Such a voice evokes male admiration. The stronger sex sees a fragile and helpless woman whom they want to protect all their lives.

Today, many women follow the example of men. For them, career comes first. It shouldn't be this way. Try to create comfort and romance for your loved one, pay attention to everyday life so that there is variety. Only then will a man always want to come home to you.

A woman should not put work, colleagues or career first. After all, her future depends on it. If you don't feel feminine in yourself, develop it. Only then will you succeed.

A game of contrasts

Any man will subconsciously compare his mistress with his wife, so you need to try to be better. This is not difficult to do, since usually such relationships are easy and are not burdened with various responsibilities and “everyday life”. Therefore, it is not at all difficult to figure out how to win a married man.

The advantage of a mistress is that she is always beautiful, cheerful and carefree. She doesn’t walk around in front of a man in a robe and curlers, doesn’t put on a mask and doesn’t mutter about it or without him. We must strive to ensure that a man rests his soul and body, trusts his thoughts and experiences, and shares his plans.

What are men afraid of in such relationships?

When entering into a relationship with a mistress, men are most afraid of the following moments:

  1. What does the wife find out about the fact of the “leftist”.
  2. That the mistress will become pregnant.
  3. That the mistress will insist on leaving the family and remarriage

Most fears are in the zone that a love relationship will require some kind of excessive effort, turning from an exciting but simple game that can be interrupted at any moment into a problem that requires solutions, often complex and unpleasant.

Conspiracies: how to make a man fall in love with you and keep him

Many girls and women believe in mysticism, fortune telling and miracles. Magicians say that if you speak to a man, there is every chance of keeping him. If you truly believe in the power of words, then try it, chances are you will succeed.

How to keep a man, conspiracies, or prayers, will tell you. The words could be: “Lord, I ask that my boyfriend will love me as much as I love him. If I want a lot, then let him want to be with me, like grass with water. Lord, help me open my beloved’s eyes. I want him to see me as a beautiful, feminine, loving girl, and not just a good friend. Help me keep my loved one for life. I want us to make a good and beautiful couple.”

Remember, prayer must be read from the heart. After all, if you pronounce words without feelings, they will not help you win your loved one. Always, when you read a prayer, say the names (yours and the guy you need). Only then will the Lord know who exactly to send to you.

Prayers can be anything, not necessarily memorized. After all, if a person speaks the right words from the heart, then God will hear them and help with the problem. Now you know how to keep a man. Conspiracies are not always useful. Most likely, you need to change yourself so that your loved one will pay attention to you.

A woman is a self-sufficient person

You can't focus on a man. A woman who completely devotes her life to a guy loses herself. She stops being interested in herself, pays more attention to her beloved, and tries to always be near him. This attitude usually repels a man. He becomes uninterested in communicating with a woman who does not have her own point of view and thoughts, that is, she lives only for the sake of her beloved.

If a woman is overly intrusive and does not leave her man a single step, she will soon tire of him. In such cases, men prefer to end the relationship quickly. If a woman is independent, has her own point of view, does not impose herself on her loved one and can express her opinion, he respects her and appreciates her self-sufficiency.

Don't know how to keep a man? First of all, psychologists advise being an individual and self-sufficient person, with whom it will always be interesting. Then he will think about how to keep you for life.

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