How to understand women

How to understand a woman: Freepick Do you want to understand a woman so that the relationship is harmonious, without quarrels and conflicts? This does not require magical abilities at all, like the main character of the film “What Women Want”. Experienced psychologists will explain how to build a healthy relationship, avoid misunderstandings and become happy with the woman you love.

Features of female psychology

Not every man will understand the logic of a woman’s actions and psycho-emotional reactions. Because of misunderstandings, disagreements arise, relationships deteriorate, and marriages collapse.

The stronger sex does not understand what a woman wants. This is due to different views on life and significant differences between representatives of the two sexes, which can be seen in everything - movements, facial expressions, manner of communication:

  1. For example, men do not tend to use definitions in speech. Representatives of the stronger sex present stories in the form of a monologue and prefer to express thoughts succinctly, using short phrases. First of all, a man talks about himself. He, unlike a woman, more often interrupts his interlocutors and inserts comments into the stories of others.
  2. Women prefer dialogues and construct complex sentences. Their stories are elegant and more grammatically correct. Favorite topics for discussion are relationships between men and women, the lives of friends and acquaintances.

Communication with a girl: Freepick
Girls easily cope with chatting on the phone, while doing 2-3 more things at the same time. Men, on the contrary, are not characterized by multitasking: it is difficult for them to concentrate on several things at the same time and quickly switch from one action to another.

Blogger Pavel Bagryantsev says that it is not difficult to understand women, the main thing is to take into account the peculiarities of their psychology:

  • emotionality;
  • sensuality;
  • ambiguity.

Girls' perception of the world around them occurs on an emotional level: every event has a great impact on their feelings. Even trifles can bring the fair sex to tears or bring unprecedented joy. Despite this, women are more emotionally stable than men.

The contradictory behavior of girls is often associated with internal conflicts, as noted by psychologist Oleg Satov. For example, a girl has an ideal man, but her real partner does not fully correspond to it. The discrepancy between dreams and reality provokes disagreements and claims against the partner.

At the same time, the woman does not feel happy, and the man tries to understand what is wrong. If everyone continues to act in their own way, then finding a compromise will not be easy, and conflicts will begin.

Body language that shows attraction

Gesture and facial expression experts say that when we meet someone we like, certain physiological changes begin to occur in our body.

Muscle tone increases, we stop slouching, the body straightens, and we look younger and more attractive. Men straighten their chests and try to take a dominant position, while women tilt their heads, touch their hair and show their wrists.

Body language shows how approachable, attractive, and ready, or maybe even desperate, we are for a relationship.

So, what should you pay attention to if you want to know if a girl likes you?

How to understand a woman

Male psychology is structured differently from female psychology, and therefore gentlemen have difficulty understanding what their chosen ones want. Books and the experience of psychologists can help you deal with girlish inconstancy and mystery. Wise advice from experts will lift the veil of a woman’s soul and teach her to understand the desires of women.

Ask questions

Due to the contradictory nature of women's words and moods, men often do not know how to behave. The wonderful mood of the chosen one, in which she had just been, after half an hour is replaced by whims, a showdown and a quarrel.

To understand the reasons for sudden mood changes, ask directly. Be interested in what caused the dissatisfaction and be prepared to openly discuss the problem.

Be a support

Difficulties in couples’ relationships arise due to uncertainty about the future. Women tend to worry about the future. They want confidence that the man will provide for the family and cope with the responsibilities of a father.

Relationships between a man and a woman are formed on the basis of building a joint family home. The partner must prove himself as a breadwinner, an exemplary family man, a caring husband, so that the bride or wife has no reason to worry.

Don't lock your chosen one within four walls

A modern woman does not strive to be only a housewife and limit herself to the role of a wife who prepares lunches and dinners, washes clothes and takes care of the house. The fairer sex now has opportunities for self-realization and building a successful career.

Practicing psychologist Mark Ifraimov emphasizes that love lies in the desire to develop a partner. Do not force a woman to constantly sit at home, do not limit her circle of contacts only to family members, otherwise this will cause the lady to think about a different lifestyle. In this case, the relationship will inevitably deteriorate.

Speak and learn to listen

Rules for communicating with a girl: Freepick
Psychologists Allan and Barbara Pease in the book “Why men want sex and women want love” explained that the fair half of humanity needs conversations. Conversations are an integral part of their life, an opportunity to establish contacts and understand other people. Talk to your loved one, be understanding of her need for communication.

In conversations, do not be shy about words of love and expressions of feelings, hugs, and affectionate phrases. Thanks to them, a woman will be sure that she is loved and the only one.

Be careful at home

Do not throw socks around the house or “collect” dirty cups. Crumbs on the table, things thrown on the floor - this is where conflicts often begin.

A man thinks that this is not a reason for a quarrel at all, but for women this is a serious problem. They perceive such actions as a sign of disdain for their efforts to create comfort in the house.

Praise your chosen one

Don't skimp on compliments and other signs of attention. A woman will definitely listen to your story about her day and her affairs with much more interest if you compliment her hairstyle or appearance at the very beginning.

Accept care with gratitude

Women are always happy to take care of the people around them, reminds coach Pavel Rakov. Thank you for your care and make your chosen one feel irreplaceable. Do not hesitate to ask, for example, for the preparation of your favorite dish. The woman will be happy and doubly pleased that you appreciate her efforts.

Stay patient

Sometimes, being capricious, a girl checks how strong her chosen one’s nervous system is and how lenient he is. But most often, whims arise due to lack of attention. Therefore, it is worth knowing what qualities women value in men.

Remember that mood swings among the fair sex happen spontaneously and react to them calmly. Psychotherapist Gennady Maleichuk advises accepting the nature of women in all its originality. Do not ignore sudden female tears, console your chosen one and show sympathy. Use psychological techniques that will help in difficult situations.

Understanding women is not that difficult. It is important to show love and respect. Surround your chosen one with care and tenderness, treat small weaknesses with patience and understanding, pay as much attention as possible, and no conflicts will be scary.

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What is your girlfriend hiding?

Want to get to know another person? Look at what he does, how he behaves, what he is wearing, what he says and in what words when no one is looking at him or when he communicates with other people behind the backs of those he is talking about.

If in your presence a girl behaves differently than she does in the company of other people when she talks about you. If she, when alone with herself, does not look the way she dresses when she goes out into society. If she tells you one thing to your face, and another behind your back. This already says something. A person wants to be liked for show (this is natural), but he resorts to deception. What exactly is he hiding? What does someone really think about you? How does he really treat you? All this can be understood if you watch him when he thinks that no one is looking at him, he is now alone, or in those situations when he communicates with other people about you.

On display, the girl just wants to be liked. But her true nature can be seen when she is left alone with herself or is not afraid to tell the truth, that is, there is no one whom she discusses with other people.

Want to know your favorite? You just have to watch what a girl does when she gives herself permission to be herself. And this most often happens when she is at home or in lonely places, or when she is discussing someone with other people. Why is it at such moments that you can see the true face of another person? Because from childhood, people are taught to please others, and not to be themselves. Parents punish children for behaving inappropriately. And many people get into the habit of doing what is expected of them in public, but being natural in private, taking off the mask and being themselves.

Planning or spontaneity?

By the kind of daily routine a girl has on a day off, you can understand what kind of lifestyle she is a supporter of: where everything is planned point by point or everything changes by chance. Such an analysis helps to understand a woman.

If a girl is prone to adventure, and her life is constantly changing, then for a follower of plans this will be a lot of stress, although such spontaneity will bring bright colors to life.

However, with such a woman who lives only for today, it will be difficult to plan a joint vacation trip - she would rather spend the money on some thing she likes.

Planning does not characterize a woman as an unusually boring person, it means it makes life easier for her. Clear rules will save you from many troubles, for example: she will not spend the money taken on credit on expensive nonsense, but will only buy with it what is really necessary, for which she can then repay the loan.

And yet, of course, it is ideal to look for a middle ground: after all, there are more impressions from an unplanned vacation than from a scheduled one.

Respect her plans, desires and feelings

Being a man in a relationship does not mean ignoring other people’s desires and dragging your beloved strictly along your own course. You decide, you lead, but she must be sure that you are also acting in her interests. Don't neglect her needs (“Why do you need another lipstick like that!”), pamper her, don't downplay her contribution to your family or relationship. If you earn more, then this is not a reason to consider her a failure: life may soon turn the situation against you. The female psychology of love is self-sacrifice, but at the same time she wants to know that it is appreciated.

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