Female friendship: why do quarrels happen with a friend?

Female friendship definitely exists, no matter what you say. A friend is sacred! We can entrust to a friend what we cannot tell our mother, husband, or loved one. A friend will always listen, always help and always support. And why is yesterday’s strong female friendship crumbling today? Why can friends quarrel?

And, you know, I don’t agree with those who shout at the top of their voices that there is no female friendship. They don’t have it, but we do! Yes, yes, in my world, in my soul there is a place for female friendship. After all, the main thing is what we believe in!

Just yesterday you were friends, together you were knee-deep in the sea, you were strong, together you felt good... And then something happened, the thread of friendship was broken, from good friends you turned into just good acquaintances. Why?

Reason for quarrel with friend No. 4 – parting ways

As a rule, friendship begins in youth - during school and student years. In such cases, girlfriends have something in common, and it’s not just the desire to communicate. For example, they meet and go to study together, or they are united by a common company or social circle. Of course, friends communicate even after they finish studying. But most often the paths diverge.

And again, this is a completely normal phenomenon. This is not because my friend became bad and I became good, it’s simply because we became different. What used to unite us has disappeared.

Quarrel - destroys or strengthens

Reconsider your attitude towards quarrels. Most people perceive them as negative, don't repeat their mistakes. In psychology, this is a release of negative energy that accumulates from time to time when communicating with absolutely any person. If this does not happen, the consequences can be very dire:

  • depression;
  • anger, irritation, psychosis, nervous breakdowns;
  • development of complexes;
  • termination of communication without explanation.

Therefore, it is much better to throw out all this negativity from time to time, but in portions, restraining yourself within the bounds of decency. It turns out that a quarrel is a release of accumulated tension, and after reconciliation, the relationship will become even stronger. Think along these lines and don’t treat these conflicts as something destructive and negative.

Example from practice. The two girls, college students, had been friends since elementary school and were inseparable. Upon completion of their studies, one of them was going to go to work in her specialty, the second was going to study further at the university in her field (teachers and parents insisted on this). However, a friend dissuaded her from this because she knew that she was doing this to please adults, although she herself had dreamed of a different profession all her life. They constantly had quarrels about this until the relationship broke off forever.

Everything ended well: the second girl realized that her friend discouraged her from going to university not out of envy, but because she wanted a better life for her. Thanks to her support, after college she was able to retrain for the profession in which she saw herself and become successful. This is one example of how a quarrel between best friends carried not a destructive charge, but a positive one. According to statistics, in 85% of cases this happens in women, it’s just that not everyone understands it.

How to make peace with your girlfriend if you had a big fight with her


Try to analyze the situation to understand what exactly happened. To improve your relationship, guys, be self-critical and even if you are sure that nothing is to blame, take some responsibility for what happened. In any conflict of any couple there is always the fault of both.


Whatever your level of responsibility, as a man, after a quarrel you should apologize. But one word “sorry” will not be enough.


Be sincere in your repentance, and do not just work off the offense. Girls are very sensitive, they easily recognize falsehood in words.


If your relationship has broken down to such an extent that simple conversation cannot help, then you have committed a serious offense. Before asking for forgiveness, open the way to your girlfriend's heart. To make peace with a girl with whom he had a fight, it would be good for a guy to do this with a pleasant surprise or gift. It doesn't have to be anything significant. Sometimes a bouquet of flowers or an invitation to dinner will help. Perhaps after this, she will listen to you favorably


Do not think that asking for forgiveness is the height of humiliation or something shameful for you. If you are wondering how to improve your relationship with a girl, it means you care that you are in a quarrel. You miss her and would rather return to your old relationship. Admitting your guilt and asking for forgiveness is an act worthy of a real man.


Does she accept you, but still continues to “sulk” after a quarrel? Organize an activity that will keep her distracted and entertained.


Give more compliments than usual

Start a conversation about how you value your relationship and why bringing back peace is so important to you


Try to talk about plans, at least for the near future. Girls love to plan relationships. This gives them a guarantee of stability and allows them to relax a little.


If your relationship is starting to get back on track, take a romantic weekend getaway. Somewhere and just the two of you. This will help you finally get closer.


And if everything has calmed down and no one remembers the quarrel anymore, start thinking about how you should treat each other in order to prevent such conflicts from happening again. Learn to negotiate, hear each other, respect other people's opinions.

How to maintain friendship for many years

There are no ideal people and sooner or later conflicts arise between two friends. Different points of view, emotions, understatement lead to them. But if you follow a few simple recommendations, you can maintain true friendships for life.


  • Realize and admit your guilt in time. This will help quickly resolve the situation. Your friend will understand that you respect and love her.
  • Know how to remain silent. When a conflict situation arises due to a bad mood, you should say that you do not want to talk in such a tone and your conversation will continue after she calms down.
  • Overcome stress without harming those around you. It is important to deal with aggression and anger on your own. When you are in a bad mood and want to quarrel with someone, it is better to listen to your favorite music and come to your senses.
  • Remind yourself of your feelings. Say that you love your friend and respect her opinion, that she is dear to you and is an important person in your life. Such kind words will lie deep in her soul, and when she needs to make peace, she will definitely remember them.
  • Be able to give in. Often girls quarrel when they cannot share a guy or a dress they like. In such cases, you need to talk and find compromises.
  • Learn to apologize. Most often, both sides are to blame in conflicts. The ability to ask for forgiveness and take the first step towards reconciliation strengthens friendship.

The most important thing in friendships is respect. You need to respect not only your feelings, but also the person close to you. If the person is not indifferent and the friendship is real, then you will be able to competently overcome any quarrels and avoid misunderstandings in the future.

What to do if your friend doesn't want to communicate

In this case, when a person close to you does not make contact and completely ignores requests for a meeting, then act like this:

  • Write SMS on social networks. Surely interest will prevail and she will read the message. Talk about your emotions and feelings. Then all that remains is to wait for an answer.
  • Leave everything for a while. Give her time to think and draw the right conclusions. When the storm subsides, you will definitely talk.

A strong quarrel can break a friendship forever. You need to start from the cause of the scandal and act as your heart tells you.

I have a stable relationship: why does my friend fight with me, how to improve the relationship

If we take an honest and brief approach to clarifying this issue, the answer is very, very simple - a friend unconsciously believes that she has been deprived in some sense. Most likely, before the emergence of a stable relationship, you spent a lot of free time together, and now she has lost this and by hook or by crook is trying to rehabilitate herself in the previous format of friendship. Of course, only you and no one else can fully know the scope and range of her actions. Here you, as a reasonable and wise friend, of course want to understand her, but you shouldn’t encourage some kind of not entirely social and correct behavior.

You can choose a certain time for her, depending on what level of trust has already been built before, meet and just have a heart-to-heart talk. The task is very simple - to explain that the format of your personal relationships has already stepped into the stage of building serious relationships, and that you can no longer behave as imposingly among your girlfriends as before, but with all this, it does not mean at all that communication must necessarily be reduced to No. It’s just that now you have much less free time to maintain friendships than you did before. If a friend is sane and sane, she will understand that, in theory, no more incidents should happen.

And if not, then why the hell did you like it? This is the best way; talking on the phone with a friend with whom you have been friends for several years in a row and disappeared in the heat of a new relationship will not solve the problem. Again, if a trusting and long-term relationship has already been built between you, then yes, otherwise, most likely, you simply encountered a new side of your friend, which she had not shown to you before, since she had a certain benefit by maintaining a relationship with you. This phenomenon is also very, very common in the format of building female friendships.

Truce after insult

It is the word that hurts the most. And if you and your friend have been communicating only by correspondence for a long time, since she lives in another city, then it is not always possible to understand what offended her. Even a harmless joke can hurt more than the sharpest knife. In this case, all that remains is to correct the problem and decide what to write to your friend in order to make peace.

It is important to try to have a heart-to-heart talk. To do this, you should write as sincere a letter as possible online, trying to convey to your girlfriend everything that you would like to tell her in reality.

Be sure to explain your position and try to avoid insults both to yourself and to her. If she values ​​your relationship just as much as you do, she will definitely read the message and, at a minimum, respond to it, and at maximum, forgive.

But sometimes a quarrel with a friend is so strong that she ignores you and does not intend to talk to you. In this case, you should also write to her. An email or SMS will definitely reach her, and she will still read it. Just try to apologize as sincerely as possible and try to explain your point of view on the current situation. You can also ask a mutual friend to reconcile two close friends, especially if he knows the situation well and is ready to participate in it.

It is quite possible that you simply did not understand each other. The result of such a letter should be a transition to personal communication. You can invite a friend:

  • to the cinema;
  • for a walk;
  • help with shopping;
  • choose a new dress.

If she didn’t answer, then there’s no need to escalate the situation. It is necessary to give her time for her to understand her mistake. It is quite possible that after some time she will write to you and you will make peace.

It often happens that the guy becomes the cause of the quarrel. In this case, making peace can be quite difficult. After all, being offended by the one who took the guy away means almost a lifetime. It is extremely rare that reconciliation is possible in this case. But if friendship is dear to you, you should still write a letter and try to figure everything out.

Quarrel with a classmate

In most cases, people become friends from school and this friendship lasts for many years. Therefore, the question often arises of what to do if you quarreled with your best friend and how to make friends with her again. Solving this problem quickly can be difficult, but it is possible.

This may sound trivial, but it’s worth being smarter and starting to put up with stepping over yourself

It is important to explain the situation from the side from which you see it. Just avoid accusations so as not to add fuel to the fire and make her start to hate you.

You must definitely try to resolve the conflict.

How can you apologize to your girlfriend?

Admit your wrongs and mistakes

Having realized your guilt for the conflict, you, of course, should convey this fact to your friend. Don’t expect her to take the first step if you understand that it was you who were wrong in the current situation. If we are talking about real friendship, then your friend is undoubtedly waiting for your initiative and hopes that the relationship will be restored. Choose the best time for a frank conversation. You can call her and invite her to a meeting at a time convenient for her. You can also start with a frank letter in which you admit all your mistakes, tell her what prompted you to commit them, and after that offer to discuss the current situation in a personal meeting. Having realized that you admit that you were wrong, your friend is unlikely to refuse further communication.

Tell your friend that you care about her

An apology alone may not be enough; more precisely, a sincere apology will probably still help you make peace, but it will be much better if you confess to your friend that she is a truly dear person to you. In this way, you will be able to smooth out all the misunderstandings between you, because ordinary apologies will most likely simply return everything to the way it was before, and such confessions will make you even closer.

Remember all the pleasant moments of friendship

Send your friend photos of you together that capture the pleasant moments of your life. Write to her that having come across these pictures, you realized how much you do not want to lose your friendship with her and how dear the memories of spending time together are to you. Most likely, such a message will help you establish a connection with your friend.

Arrange an unexpected surprise

Do you understand that your relationship with your friend is quite strained and you want to fix it? Try to give her an unexpected surprise that she will probably enjoy. You can order a bouquet of her favorite flowers by sending it by courier. Place a note in the bouquet: “Let’s forget about all the differences! You are very dear to me!”, do not forget to add your name at the end of the message. Of course, the text of the note may be different - whatever you consider most appropriate.

You can organize a surprise of a different kind. If you have enough money and soon there will be a musical group in your city that your friend likes, then buy tickets and invite her to the concert. Say that you want your relationship to improve, and propose to start a new page of your friendship with a grandiose event.

Surely, you are well aware of your friend’s tastes and preferences, so if you really want to, it won’t be difficult for you to pleasantly surprise and impress her.

Quarrel is natural for any couple

A quarrel is an event typical for any relationship. And for some couples this is not an event at all, but a process. If scandals and showdowns are repeated regularly over the same issue, this will sooner or later lead to a break in the relationship.

However, if partners have no complaints against each other at all, this is also an alarming sign. Most likely, indifference and indifference have reigned in the couple, and behind the peaceful, beautiful facade there is nothing but emptiness.

There can be a great many reasons that cause conflicts. We are all very different and react to the same situations differently.

Petty quarrels

A woman always wants a man’s active participation in matters of running a joint household, and friction on everyday issues arises quite often:

  • didn’t go to the store;
  • didn't take out the trash;
  • did not fix the broken thing;
  • did not put my things back.

Not all men want to share household chores with their spouses. The woman insists on her opinion, begins to put pressure, the man resists - a quarrel begins to boil.

If you fight over dishes that no one wants to wash after dinner, it will irritate, upset, and ruin your nerves, but will not lead to the collapse of your relationship.

Serious quarrels

It’s a completely different matter when the cause of conflicts is the so-called “irreconcilable contradictions” - the favorite formulation of lawyers and divorce specialists. What is not hidden behind this term:

  • failure to fulfill marital responsibilities;
  • disagreements in matters of raising children;
  • betrayal;
  • financial difficulties.

The list goes on, and each item deserves a separate discussion.

If you offended me greatly

To apologize to a girl and melt her heart if you messed up badly, you need to try very hard. The main thing is not to utter pompous words, not to promise to be “good” for the rest of your life. Speak from your heart, in your own words, honestly with your friend and yourself.

The algorithm of actions may be as follows:

  1. Admit your guilt. Explain why you made a mistake, that you are fully aware of the inadmissibility of such a thing. Don’t look for the reason for the misconduct in the girl, dig deeper: lack of upbringing, bad example of friends, and so on.
  2. Apologize in simple words. Speak sincerely and honestly, briefly.
  3. Promise your loved one that you will try not to repeat the mistakes. Surely the girl won’t believe it right away. The guy’s task is to convince her of the sincerity of the words spoken.
  4. If the girl insists on breaking up and does not forgive, tell her that you really value your relationship with her. Promise that you will make any sacrifices to save the couple, achieve trust and forgiveness.
  5. Use tactile contact. When the girl softens a little, take her hand and put your arm around her shoulders.
  6. Don’t push your loved one, don’t demand an answer right away. The girl needs time to cool down and forgive a strong offense.


If a quarrel with your best friend upset you and you want to make peace as quickly as possible, but don’t know how to do it, think about the reason for your discord. After all, further actions will depend on it.

Things you might quarrel about:

  • excessive touchiness (low self-esteem, internal complexes) of one of the friends;
  • envy (one is the head of the department, the second is a gray mouse in the office);
  • different views on life;
  • pride, conceit, narcissism, high self-esteem;
  • jealousy (and not only towards men, but also towards other women who claim to be a potential girlfriend);
  • finances (borrowed and doesn’t pay back, only one person always pays for everything, etc.).

As practice shows, these are the most common causes of quarrels between friends. Which one came between you? Were you able to determine it? Let's move on to the next step of the instructions.


Unfortunately, quarrels between friends do not always end in reconciliation. In some situations it is simply impossible. You shouldn’t go through humiliation just to get the relationship back if:

  • the friend returned the gift (this means a final break);
  • stole your boyfriend or husband;
  • told others unpleasant things about you;
  • never asked for forgiveness and never took the first step towards reconciliation;
  • lied to you often and a lot;
  • I didn’t trust you with everything, at the same time I had 5-6 more similar friends;
  • used your finances without restrictions, without investing a penny in joint events;
  • poured out her soul to you, never sincerely interested in your affairs.

These are extreme situations, indicating that the woman you thought was your friend may not be one at all. Such things cannot be forgiven.

If you have a quarrel with a friend, the best decision is to abstract yourself for a while, and then look at it from the outside in order to objectively evaluate it. Follow the instructions from psychologists, and then reconciliation will not take long to arrive.

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What to write to a friend when you quarrel: top 20 SMS with apologies

An SMS to a friend, if you have a fight, can be humorous or serious, in poetry or prose - whatever you, and most importantly, your friend, will prefer.

  1. Enough to sulk at me and be offended. I'm tired of this.
  2. There are no ideal people, and I am no exception. I'm sorry if I offended you.
  3. We all can be harsh and cruel at times. But the main thing is to realize your mistake. So, I realized it.
  4. It’s hard for me to ask for forgiveness, but my soul is even harder from our disagreement.
  5. Sometimes you can offend without malice. This is exactly what happened in our case.
  6. I'm sorry for offending you without thinking. I love you and I promise not to repeat the same mistakes.
  7. Let's forgive each other all the offenses we have caused.
  8. You and I have been together for so many years that I know that you miss me just as much as I do. Forgive me and don't be angry.
  9. Sorry for everything and don’t let a temporary misunderstanding become the reason for our separation.
  10. Your opinion is important to me. I hope it’s like mine for you. Let's exchange them again.
  11. I thought it over and decided: it’s not good for us not to be together. I promise not to let you down again.
  12. Don't be angry with me and don't frown, it will cause wrinkles on your forehead.
  13. Forgive my stupid language, sometimes it itself does not understand what it is saying.
  14. Girlfriend, don’t listen to my words, but look only into the eyes - there is love and friendship in them.
  15. Well, she said God knows what out of fatigue. But that doesn't mean I wanted to offend you.
  16. Friends need to forgive insults. Forgive me too, because we are friends.
  17. Let's forget our discord and never remember it.
  18. Our quarrel was stupid and ridiculous, and it’s time to stop. I'll stop by for some coffee in the evening.
  19. Somehow my life became gray without your presence. Please paint it with bright colors again.
  20. You don't want me to cry, do you? Then forgive me and come visit.

If friendship is valuable, you need to make peace

Methods of reconciliation

When going to reconcile with a friend, think about how best to do it. You used a cheat sheet from psychologists and you know about the creative function of a quarrel, and that there is no one to blame for what happened. And she may still be upset and offended. Therefore, it is not always advisable to run to her with open arms - you can stumble upon a wall of ignorance and silence.

How to make peace with a friend:

  • apologize in person and explain your behavior (words) during a quarrel;
  • write a letter (if she is not yet ready for a personal meeting);
  • give a gift (you know better what will make her melt);
  • sit down and talk openly, find a compromise and dot the i’s (this approach is required after serious quarrels);
  • joke kindly, treat the conflict with humor (if you are sure that she will understand it);
  • When meeting, pretend that nothing happened and continue to communicate in the usual tone.

Do not think that by taking the first step you are humiliating yourself. Instead, you are showing your maturity and demonstrating how important this relationship is to you.

How to reconcile friends?

If two girlfriends or two friends have a strong quarrel with each other, you can sympathize with their mutual friend: he will know all the details of the conflict and will probably not feel too good when he realizes that choosing a side in it will mean the loss of communication with one of the girlfriends (with one of friends).

But there is a way out: you can try to bring them to reconciliation:

  1. Talk to each of them separately. Try to convince them that they need to meet and talk. Tell your vision of the conflict, but do not take sides, and offer several compromise options. Perhaps these conversations will allow them to look at the situation differently and make peace.
  2. If none of them is ready to discuss the conflict alone with the other, you can try getting together as a group and discussing the situation together.
    Tell them that it is unpleasant for you to see them quarrel, remind them how much they valued joint communication before the conflict. Try to prevent a repeat scandal in your presence. Ask clarifying questions (“Why do you think that she…”, “What would you do in her place?”), offer compromise options (“Why don’t you try…”, “Have you thought about such an option as ..."), and perhaps you will be able to reconcile them. During the dialogue, try to remain calm.

It's hard to say - you can always write

How to make peace with your best friend if direct contact with her is excluded? For example, she doesn’t want to see you and avoids you in every possible way, or you feel so guilty that you don’t find the courage to look her in the eyes. Even in such a situation, a solution can be found. You probably have access to her social networks or at least a mobile phone. So why not take advantage of at least this thread leading to a truce? Write her an SMS or personal message on VK with words of repentance, apologize for your statements, your behavior that offended your friend. Likewise, the prose in such a personal message will be a good option for an apology. For example:

“My dear friend, I really want us to quickly resolve all the misunderstandings between us! Forgive me if I was wrong about something! We have been friends for many years, and can resentment really come between us? Let’s not remember what happened and preserve our friendship for many years to come!”;

“Today I quarreled with a friend... Out of my stupidity, I offended my loved one... Darling, please forgive me, I was wrong! I am very sad and hurt at the thought that I could lose you. I promise to value our friendship and not do such stupid things again!”;

“Girlfriend, forgive me for my words. At that moment, I didn’t even understand that I could upset you so much... I miss you very much, I miss your voice and laughter. I hope that you will forgive me, and we will walk together again, chat and laugh... Do you remember how good we are together? “I remember, and I’m very sad without you... I would really like you to forgive me.”

You can write a similar message to a friend in your own words, and she is unlikely to remain indifferent.

Video “How to apologize to a friend”:

Who is guilty

In 90% of cases, women will answer that she, the second girlfriend, is to blame for the quarrel. It is always more difficult to admit one's own wrongdoings. However, do not chop rashly. First you need to calm down:

  1. Let go of the situation for a while, stop thinking about it and stressing yourself out.
  2. Don’t write or call your friend for 5-6 hours, take a break from the heated relationship, cool down.
  3. Read, listen to your favorite music, watch a good movie, be alone or chat with your family.

And only after that answer the question, which of you is really to blame. Look at the situation from the outside. She said that your loved one is not worthy of you, that he has a lot of shortcomings and in general he is cheating on you right and left? It’s a shame to hear this from a friend when you have a great relationship with your boyfriend (husband). However, put yourself in her place and remember again everything she said. Doesn't your significant other have any downsides? They are probably visible to others more clearly than to you.

Just think that she didn’t say that out of envy or a desire to quarrel between you. This happens, but rarely. She cares about you and wants you to be happy.

When answering this question, remember one golden rule: if friends quarrel, in most cases both are to blame. And if each stops blaming the other, it will be easier to make peace.

Goal setting and focus on your interests as a way to help you live in harmony with the world and yourself

I decided to add a few more points to this topic, which in general are quite suitable in their direction with the main theme of the article, about friendship and the formation of an environment, including close ones, we can say the following - that the closer and more united the participants in the process are selected according to the criteria: similar interests, hobbies, outlook on life and hobbies with you - the more reliable and long-lasting this relationship will be in the process. There are a huge number of people whom even I, a calm and sensible woman, would want to kill in my thoughts after the first minute of communication, and this is simply because we do not agree on our views on life, and these people just really like to provoke other people into conflicts.

It’s like a kind of energy boost for them, allowing themselves to do something outside of social norms in order to observe the reactions of other people, a kind of vampirism. By the way, a separate article will also be devoted to this topic. When a woman goes through life without setting internal guidelines at all, an external imbalance will certainly accompany her everywhere. This is usually expressed as: I went for an interview but didn’t get the job. I went out into the entrance and some old guy yelled at me, it didn’t take too long and he immediately ran away, but in general it wasn’t very pleasant.

Or you start dating a guy and he's GAY. There may be many incidents in our life, but the essence is the same - there is no harmony in it. What is an internal reference point, you ask? Yes, it’s just knowing myself, who I am, what I am, what I like and what I don’t. What do I want from life and what plans for development in society do I make? Are these plans real or are they only within the framework of my imagination, the results of which have been carried away by my friends for many years? When a woman does not know what she wants from life and where she is going, then even what comes to her that is not entirely clear in its composition and content at best, at worst it is better not to even imagine.

How to get your girlfriend and old friendship back

If I'm offended

In this case, wait until your friend initiates contact. Although it is important to understand that this is only appropriate if your grievances are completely justified. Otherwise, it is possible that your friend is also offended, and, like you, is waiting for initiative from the “offender.”

If my friend gets offended

If your friend is offended by you, then it is important to react correctly. Some people need time to “cool down,” and trying to make peace right away won’t help. Other people “wind up” themselves even more if the conflict is not resolved in a timely manner. Therefore, it will be better if you try to immediately bring your friend to a conversation for reconciliation. If the attempt is unsuccessful, then it makes sense to wait a while.

If I'm to blame for our quarrel

There can only be one option - to apologize to your friend. If you realize your guilt, then there is no point in remaining silent, thinking that over time everything will be forgotten. Some girls are so afraid to admit their mistakes that they would rather be left without a friend, but will not apologize. Perhaps you also hope that everything will be resolved by itself, and by doing so you push your friend away from you even more. Put yourself in her place and think - would you like this behavior!?

If the culprit of the quarrel is a friend

In this case, wait until she realizes her guilt and gets in touch with you. However, as already mentioned, it is very difficult for some girls to admit their own mistakes. Perhaps your friend regrets what she did, but at the same time it is morally difficult for her to call you - she is afraid of your reaction. If you value your friendship, then try to take the first step. Call her and calmly ask her if she thinks you need to talk. Based on her reaction, you will understand whether she has realized her mistakes and whether she needs this friendship as much as you do.

If the guy was the reason

There are nuances here. If we are talking about a guy who is not in a relationship with either of you, then ask your friend to forget about this situation. Of course, if one of you is truly in love with him, then the other one should back off. Are they both in love? Agree to let the guy decide for himself which of you is more interesting to him. Although, this is a very sensitive topic. Girls whose quarrel is caused by a guy are unlikely to have ever been true friends.

If you publicly disgraced or slandered her (she)

It is possible that in this situation the friendship will come to an end. However, it is worth clarifying an important point: you or your friend did this on purpose or it happened by accident. Be that as it may, you should explain yourself to each other.

If your friend doesn't pay back the debt or you owe money

If your friend does not return your money, then assess the situation from the outside or ask her personally why she is doing this. If she really has no opportunity to do this, and at the same time she feels guilty, promising to return everything at the first opportunity - be more lenient with her. If you understand that she simply does not want to return the money, then it is better to forget about such a friend. Do you owe money? Then find a way to repay the debt! You understand that otherwise you can earn a bad reputation, and you are simply acting dishonestly towards the person who once helped you. Are you unable to return the entire amount at once? Invite your friend to return it at least in small parts.

If the reason was inattention or jealousy towards other friends

In this case, a sense of ownership rose up in you. Realize that your friend does not belong to you, and she may well communicate with other girls. If you really care about her, just maintain your friendship, and over time everything will fall into place. It was not you who showed jealousy, but your friend? Treat this with understanding - she is most likely just afraid of losing you. If this person is dear to you, try to give him more attention and time, and the situation will improve.


First, you need to realize that your best friend, even if he is very offended now, feels the severity of what happened. It is likely that he worries no less than you and also wants to make peace, especially if your friendship has lasted more than one year and the two of you have already experienced a lot. Secondly, you need to understand how your friend feels. If you can explain his behavior, it will be easier for you to approach him. No need to worry about how to take the first step. You should not hope that your friend will decide to be the first to reconcile

It is important to understand that the more time is lost, the more difficult it is to restore the old relationship. But you still have to wait for some period

You shouldn’t rush to make peace immediately after a quarrel. Allow your friend to cool down and deal with his emotions. Sometimes you need to wait a few days. Before you go to make peace, you should analyze the whole situation, realize what was the reason for the quarrel, who is really to blame. But you should not engage in analysis in the first hours after the scandal. You also need to calm down, look at the situation from the outside, and not only from your point of view, but also put yourself in the place of your friend. If your analysis has led you to believe that your friend is to blame for what happened, you need to determine for yourself whether it’s worth putting up with him at all. Everything could happen due to the character traits of a comrade whom you will no longer be able to change. Perhaps he betrayed you, therefore, there is no guarantee that he will not do this again in the future. Therefore, it is important to evaluate the whole situation, to understand whether you need this reconciliation at all. If you understand that the conflict occurred because of you, you need to think about whether you can change and no longer behave in such a way as not to provoke new quarrels in the future. If you decide that you can cope with your negative traits in order to preserve your friendship, proceed to the reconciliation stage. When you're ready to connect, call your friend on the phone or write a letter, but it's better if you go up and talk in person. It is possible that the comrade will be overly offended and will not want to make peace. In such a situation, do not despair. Perhaps he needs more time to be ready to improve the relationship. Of course, it all depends on what caused the conflict. If, for example, you stole a girl from your best friend, it is not surprising that you are now relegated to the category of enemies and reconciliation is impossible. Remember that the process of building relationships must be correct. It is unacceptable to humiliate yourself or slander yourself, even if you are to blame for the quarrel. If the blame lies with you, say that you regret what happened and will try everything to not repeat what happened. If the fault is on a friend, you can behave as if nothing had happened, invite your friend to the bar, sit over a glass of beer. But you should not express your dissatisfaction with his behavior and point out that he is to blame for the quarrel, otherwise a new conflict will develop.

Reconciliation is only the end of a quarrel, but not its outcome

In order to prevent the conflict situation from happening again, it is important that you and your friend draw mutual conclusions. After a serious scandal, you need to conduct an analysis and come to certain conclusions

Such heart-to-heart communication will be the final point for neutralizing your conflict.

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